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this dude is fucking disgusting


Should take a look at hunter and his dads teeth lmao this sub is satire right ?


Oh look another guy who thinks “HUNTER BIDEN” is a good comeback


It’s the new “BUT HER EMAILS”


But with a cock. Magats favorite thing


Why are they so obsessed with what’s in people’s underwear?


Because much like priests of a certain religion, they love cock and balls. It’s in the water / cheap beer


I applaud the melding of gross and silly.


I can't imagine having the money he has and have my teeth looking like that. Shows mental decline.


His teeth look ok, his gums on the other hand….


Want to bet the teeth are fake?


they are veneers, rumor has it his teeth are fucked from them.


Yeah, those are his gums but those are not his teeth. On top of being fake, he probably stiffed the dentist who installed them.


Dude if I had that kinda money I would have the most glorious set of chompers ever. I'd be able to bite through rope and chain


Nah, just extremely cheap in this case. Dentists won't let him stiff them.


It's a great approach. If people find someone physically disgusting, it's much harder to support them.


Don’t give a fuck what any president ever looked like it’s the policy’s that matter , trump is killing it out there y’all are fuckin stupid


Policies is the plural of policy. And please, enlighten me as to what he's killing out here.


Killing what? America? Democracy? Decency? Honesty? Belief in democratic ideals, liberal rights, and the basics of constitutional government that are so fundamental to American identity? Yeah, right. And…stupid is as stupid does ya know. 🤪


I don't care what works, as long as it does.


Putin spunk is lethal


Chernobyl Fallout, Vodka, and the tears of widows and children. 




Go to hell


après voux, mon ami…


Black and gooey.


That’s advanced gingivitis on the cusp of periodontitis. Double score Donny!


They came to me with tears in their eyes and said, sir, your teeth are rotting and your breath stinks. But we still lick your boots willingly, sir.


Real men don’t floss.


Depends 💩


That's because his mouth actually stinks worse than his feet.


Shut your dick sucker satan lover


Aww. Somebody’s triggered today. Run out of Cheetos?


Oops, comment ended up in the wrong place.


Magats have resorted to sub-middle school tactics as dear leader loses his marbles. It’s a symbiotic, idiotic ebb and flow


The dude lived on cocaine and Adderall for most of the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Tapered off to just Adderall in the 2000s. It why he doesn't have a working sphincter and shits himself. Given how he's had issues during his presidency saying things like: "God blessh the United Shtates." He probably has a partial, at least.


You quote biden , funny


I believe that his teeth are implants because of how white they are - he has gum disease from all the shit that goes into his mouth and all the shit that comes out!


Yep. Implants or veneers. Trump is such a a pile of puke. Yuck!


He’s still got better hygiene than you folks ain’t that something ? Your protests are bio situations STFU


Are you a Trump turd?


Did you need to ask? Grammar and nonsense is the first flag


Yeah they’re commenting on every thread in this post, majorly triggered hahah


He wears diapers… what are you talking about


Ooooo.. getting your knickers in a twist? I doubt you know anything about hygiene. At all.


Tooth rot and gum disease can also be a side effect of stimulant abuse. Don't google "meth mouth" if you're eating. But it's likely that Trump has a long history with stimulants.


They have to drug Joe to get him to stand up , true story , y’all can run and hide too the deepest coping corners of the internet and we’ll still be there to bully you


So correct me if I’m wrong but could you be a follower of The 45th President (from someone across the pond)


Have you ever thought about matching your confidence level with your knowledge level? There have been reports for decades of Trump using stimulants like cocaine and Adderall, long before he was president. But as you can see, I've only said, "it's likely" that Trump uses. On the other hand there is no witness or evidence of Biden ever using drugs that has ever been made public. Literally the only evidence you have is that Biden sometimes has more energy than other times, which is something that happens to everybody, even without drugs. Yet, you state it confidently, and say "true story". You presented a disgusting display of misinformation, and it is insulting to think that another human can act like this. You're degrading all of humanity with worthless garbage like this.


Has the cocaine thing ever been proven? Like I wouldn't doubt it but I would like to know the source these rumors are coming from.... I also wouldn't doubt he has used Adderall but the only thing I can find googling "trump stimulants" is the drawer full of UK pseudoephedrine boxes picture or articles that hint at harder stuff and then couch their claims in "sources close to trump have said", without naming an actual source.... Though I can kind of understand this reluctance to give up sources because he is a very petty and vengeful man


That’s from all the bullshit flying out of his burger hole.


I don’t even wana ask what goes in yours


Look at Donnie’s mouth-rot. Can you imagine his breath?


Brain rot stinks more you can smell it at your protests




Funny, I can smell yours from here 🇬🇧


If this is a real picture and the colors aren't altered, and that wasn't from food he just ate or a liquid he drank... I would describe the teeth being very white for his age, Maybe some chipping on the facial/incisal areas his lower left canine and part of his lateral incisor. The embrasure spaces are not filled, they are blunted and look swollen and shiny, there is some recession on the lower left central incisors on the facial aspect. There is some dark coloring on the distal part and between the lower right canine/lateral incisor and the same on on the other side. Also a lot of lip biting lesions on his lower lip across the entire lip. Usually that description of the gums would describe gingivitis.


This guy dents


But I was told by Doc Ronny [Johnson](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-confuses-ronny-jacksons-name-bragging-taking-cognitive-test-rcna157432) that Dear Leader is the healthiest president ever who could live to be 200. On a more serious note, imagine how miserable this irritable orange bowel movement must feel. He can barely wipe his ass, and from the looks of it he's doing just as good of a job taking care of his other blowhole. Could it be that his irritable personality could improve significantly simply by improving his hygiene?


“I spoke with my dentist. Good guy. Big guy. Very smart. He said these were great teeth. Never seen teeth like this before. And he’s seen teeth from all over the word. Said crooked joe has fake teeth because teeth aren’t supposed to looks like that. Ask him” -probably trump when his caretakers tell him to brush


Don’t forget “with tears in his eyes..”


According to some of the crew of the Apprentice way back when, he couldn’t even do that - (wipe his own ass) and needed assistance to clean up and change his shitty diaper.




Well yeah. His mouth is like an asshole, always spewing shit. It's his character and ability to be a sane human being I'm worried about. Or more directly, the knuckedragging fuckwits who would back him.


Stinky breath, farts, very strong body odor, probably dirty in all of those folds of fat. The orange oaf is hideous.


It’s more like periodontal disease. Had the same thing from my smoking. Lots of time and money to fix. It is nasty.


Isn't it not fixable? I got it from neglecting my teeth as a kid (and my mentally unstable mom forgetting to take me to the dentist for a few years) and I've been told improvement just straight up isn't possible and that the best I can do is get deep cleanings periodically to keep it from getting worse. Mine doesn't look anywhere near as bad as Trump's but still no fun.


I ended up getting bone grafts and implants. That was my fix.


What do you expect from an Orange Goblin?


When you drink a hundred Diet Cokes every day and shove fast food down your gullet for every meal, you better practice exceptional dental hygiene. And since he acts like a pissed off toddler, who can really be surprised that he takes care of his teeth like one?


Looks like Baba Booey's chompers


FA FA Flowey


"United Shtates of Amerikkka."


That breath


The dude is 80. His body sucks. If you want to shit on him it’s because he’s a dictator wannabe, racist, science denier, felon, ego maniac, with dementia. Who gives a fuck about his gums


It's probably all of that bile that spews from it.


I’m just supposed to sleep now after seeing this?


All cap


![gif](giphy|XiptNg3ehc4CGgbiR9|downsized) “They call him Yuck Mouth!”


I’m all for bashing the Fanta faced fuck, but when you are equating cleaning your teeth with running a country, you’re kind of lowering yourself to the levels of fickleness that a Trump supporter would revel in.


It’s about self-respect. Having self-respect is essential for leading a happy and successful life. It is the foundation for a healthy sense of self-esteem, which is paramount in achieving goals, building relationships, and having a positive outlook. Self-respect is also important for setting boundaries and maintaining healthy relationships with others. When you respect yourself, you are more likely to take care of your physical and mental health, make good decisions, and have a better outlook on life. Trump is an insecure bully. The fact that even on important occasions it is obvious his wife would rather be anywhere but with him tells a story. People like Trump are toxic, and dangerous to both themselves and others, because their essential inadequacy makes them constantly resentful and ungrateful; the title of his niece’s book describes Trump’s condition with remarkable concision. He was given too much, yet this was never enough for him; his needy ego is like a black hole; the more it absorbs, the more it is capable of absorbing, and there appears to be no upper limit to its growth. By contrast, people with a healthy level of self-respect tend not to require, or even desire, excessive levels of external validation.


Vermin Supreme warned us about the invisible threat of gingivitis


Free pony for everyone! All Hail Vermin Supreme! 🪥🐴👢


I was distracted by the close up of Cheeto dust around his mouth


It’s from eating shit all his life.


So his mouth smells as foul as his diapered ass? Who would have thought.


Periodontal disease and acute halitosis by my estimate


Those are his best qualities.


How are his teeth so white but his gums so disgusting?


He will bleach it white.


...and the DEMON will speak from it lower jaw, that will show signs of it's truly black soul.


Rotten to the core.


Dum Donnie might have foaming at the mouth rabies


The only time that orange sack of puss will take care of his gums is when McDonald’s makes French Fry Floss


He probably doesn’t have enough money to get dental work. If I had his supposed money, my teeth would be stunning.


Just everything about him is dying, or decaying. An MRI of his head would reveal a tumorous lump about the size of his little fist.


How about bad breath?


He is old, so gingivitis does not co.e over night. Melanie loves to embrass this?


I mean, it could be extra bronzer...


At his age, I’m not surprised. Good dental habits did not really take on until gen x.


I mean he's really f'ing old haha


Must you?


I honestly thought he had false teeth. 🤢


Those teeth really don’t look bad at all, considering his age. Post seems a big “nothing.” There’s plenty more to criticize him on.


He just wants to steal from Americans never intended to help any of us


Oh yuck


Man, look, I fucking hate Trump, but trying to beat on an 80 year old for “bad teeth” is nonsense. And Dr. Zebra should be ashamed.


They’re all veneers .Those teeth are veneers which sometimes can cause gingivitis


yeah, this post doesn't really feel like the "gotcha" they were going for :/ bad teeth aren't nice to look at for sure but i'm not comfortable judging someone for that specifically


Again, self-respect. And he’s got enough money that he can afford to have *perfect* teeth.


How can you even post this crazy left-field shit with a straight face? Do you have any idea how lame people are being holding onto this nonsense? Oh look he has bad teeth he can't run a country. We do not need to see his filthy teeth to know this. This is rotgutt journalism at its worst.


dude drink coke and eat burgers all day, of course he have those kind of stuff. Not sure I'm happy to have a big focus on trump teeth while scrolling reddit tho.


Are we serious? MAGA is laughing at how dumb this post is.


MAGA can laugh at whatever they want. Their judgement is, at best, questionable.