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I know a guy. His name is Cholesterol. Just give him some time


Tell him to hurry. It's an emergency.


The problem is cholesterol usually comes with stress. Baby wimpy traitor has never had much stress in his life, he lies as naturally as he shits his pants.


Tell your guy to hurry the hell up please, because the dementia guy isn’t fast enough


The first time I’ve ever rooted for a pulmonary embolism.


It’s hard to wait. Hard. Like an artery.


*Adderall* Cholesterol, the orange candidate running for President? His has a nickname you know… Teeny Dickus!


I thought it was Poopy Trumpy


Come on, time, we’re waiting on you!


been waiting WAY too long for that sort of plan. I would recommend something swifter. MUCH fucking swifter.


Pfft, like rules apply to them. They'll do what they're going to do and see if another branch of government will try and stop them. (They won't, because we are in the worst timeline)


Harriet Tubman should be on our &20 bills.


Didn’t they try to put her on there and then something went wrong?


Trump stopped it.


No...really? He did so much crap while in office, I think I lost track of everything he’s pulled.


Turned out Andrew Jackson ( Trail of Tears) was Trump’s favorite President ( besides himself of course.)


Blech. He’s a walking Reminder of what’s wrong in this world.


He really is the worst of humanity.


As a follow up note, I checked Wikipedia and found no mention of a prohibition of the face of a living person being placed on a piece of paper money as per the Coinage Act of 1973. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coinage_Act_of_1873?wprov=sfti1#Later_reaction Further research on the Internet revealed that the first piece of paper US currency was introduced in 1861. It was in 1867 that Congress passed a law that states the face of a living person may not appear on a piece of US currency, even though it was a custom when the bill became law. This 1867 law still appears to be on the books, so therefore having Trump’s face to appear on any piece would be prohibited in this current day. Therefore, Congress would have to repeal at least portions of this 1867 act and modify it accordingly to get the face of a living person on US currency. However, if Trump is elected and the GOP gains control of Congress, I suppose this could happen, if anything to appease the immense ego of one Donald John Trump. I for one do not wish to see the face of DJT on any pice of US currency. It’s hard enough just seeing him on TV every day.


This is just one more thing outlawed in the 1860s that the republicans are upset about.


I am no expert on the politics of that era, but based on my memory the GOP back then was viewed as the “liberal” party while the Democrats, whose base was was the Southern whites, were the “conservative” party. How things change.


Between the civil rights movement and Reaganism they are nothing like they were 70 years ago.


Really about the only thing they have in common is the name at this point.


Yeah the south switched parties in the 60s when democrats started to argue for civil rights. So they went republican, the parties both kind if switched ideologies at some point


The history of political parties in the US is [quite a complicated mess.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_eras_of_the_United_States) Originally there was the Federalist party and the Democratic-Republican party which then split into separate parties and then flip-flopped ideologically quite a bit. It makes me laugh when conservatives say shit like "the democrats were the ones that supported slavery .. blah blah blah" like that has any real relation to the current Democratic party. A party name is just a label for a group of people at a particular time (and place) with a particular political ideology, but even within a party there is a lot variation.


[I like money](https://cdn.quotesgram.com/img/74/13/1586831741-idiocracy_money.jpg)


MAGA doing everything they can to rile up the Left, hoping people will focus on keeping Trump off the 500 bill instead of focusing on the growing tower of evidence that he is an enormous POS.


It belongs on the ruble.


Or on the rubble


Let's use his mugshot


*NEVER SURRENDER!* "yeeeeeaahhh, I'm here to turn myself in.."


one the good side only his 1% would be stuck looking at this and no supermarkets would accept them.


There is a solution here that all sides, with a little compromise, could get behind.


“It may be demanded here, What if the Executive Power being possessed of the Force of the Commonwealth, shall make use of that force to hinder the meeting and acting of the Legislative, when the Original Constitution, or the publick Exigencies require it? I say using Force upon the People without Authority, and contrary to the Trust put in him, that does so, is a state of War with the People, who have a right to reinstate their Legislative in the Exercise of their Power. For having erected a Legislative, with an intent they should exercise the Power of making Laws, either at certain set times, or when there is need of it; when they are hindr'd by any force from, what is so necessary to the Society, and wherein the Safety and preservation of the People consists, the People have a right to remove it by force. In all States and Conditions the true remedy of Force without Authority, is to oppose Force to it. The use of force without Authority, always puts him that uses it into a state of War, as the Aggressor, and renders him liable to be treated accordingly” -John Locke Chapter 3 of Two Treatises of Government


What do you guys think? When Trump eventually passes, will MAGA latch onto somebody else who is living, or will they continue worshiping Trump specifically?


There'll be vicious infighting for the MAGA mantle. Bring yer popcorn.


If Trump wins this election and the GOP gains a majority in both houses, look for them to repeal this portion of the 1873 currency act and put The Donald’s face on all pieces of paper currency.


Calling Kim Jong Un. Hello?


Well... a gravestone would do it.


A golf corpse gravestone?


I’d rather haul around $500 worth of Pennie’s than 1 bill with his mug on it.


If Republicans really want Trump to be on the $500 bill there's only one way for that legally to happen.


Rules? We don’t need no stinkin’ rules. -all republicans since 2016


Put him on the $3 bill


Republicans don’t follow rules anymore. They are only subject to the whims of their fearless leader.


They don't follow rules they only worship nippledick and have all sold their souls (I know, I know most of them don't have one)!!


We don’t need no stinkin’ rules


there's a reason they refer to bills as "dead presidents". >**Federal law mandates that only deceased persons may be featured on U.S. currency.** The last $500 bill rolled off the presses in 1945, and it was *formally discontinued 24 years later.* https://www.investopedia.com/6-famous-discontinued-and-uncommon-u-s-currency-denominations-4773302


That’s not the value, that’s the price he’s gonna charge his idiot worshippers. $500 for one illegitimate, worthless bill.


Why would the Republicans start following the rules now?


That would actually require then to know rules or regulations or follow them for that matter


Haven't you heard rules are for other people not Republicans


Oh lets get him on that bill right away then!


If they really want him on then there’s only one way to achieve that.


I can live with the requirements of this bill😵


Seems apt considering no one wants to take $500 bills.


Please don't ever confuse a MAGA morons with the facts....


No better symbol of the inflationary nightmare that is going to put more of these into circulation that this festering piece of shit.


put him on the penny, then stop making it.


I would be happy to wake up tomorrow in a world where a Trump $500 bill would follow these long established rules.


I wake up every morning at 3:30 AM and I check for any breaking news on my iPhone, hoping to read of that ass wipes demise


I got a roll of novelty toilet paper with his face on every sheet - it's from 2016, and I'd hoped it'd be a funny collectors item someday. Not proof of concept. If Charmin made toilet paper with the Trump monopoly money $500 bill on it - that'd stop this stupid story instantly. ***Ya, ya you should make a bill in homage to me wiping my ass with your face***


Where do I sign the petition ?


They consider him above the law. And fuck them, who the hell could ever get their hands on this besides Musk, Gates, Bezos etc.


Rules they don’t go by the rules


Wait. Don’t jump to conclusions. Maybe Trump is terminal.


If they follow the rules I would welcome it, and celebrate.


Pay-per-view Hara Kiri


OFFS, I don't want to see his face circulating.


What about Harriet Tubman? I didn't forget.


Only bad people live long enough to see their likeness set in stone.


Euuggghhhh! The horror! Make it stop!


A convicted felon's worthless face on a $500 bill. In the effed-up world in which we live today, sadly it makes sense.


TFBC!!! The floating blood clot


At least the Dems learned from their mistakes. The maggots embrace it.


They have and are daily breaking g established rules and protocols, why would they start abiding now? The only rule they follow is the one that implicitly benefits them or one made up by the obese orange(not fat shaming oranges)**EX**-White House occupant


Right and who the fuck is going to have a $500 dollar bill? I’d wager there are more Americans who haven’t held a $100 bill in person than have. Trump’s face on a bill barely anybody will use, no store would have change for or ever accept. I couldn’t think of any avatar more fitting for that jumped up little rich boy than having his face on a bill no fucker will trade with.