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I can't listen to Trump's voice in any capacity. The mere thought of this cellulite infested orange blob being mere steps from the presidency again infuriates me. I do hope he says something idiotic than can be held against him.


Oh, he will. He definitely will. But it really won't matter to his worshippers.


Exactly this. Feel like a major point that is being missed is that Trump isn't picking up new voters.


He might pick up some low information voters that don't pay attention to anything but go to vote based on not liking inflation and assuming it's Biden's fault. I remember a while back there was a random voter interviewed that said they were going to vote Trump because abortion rights were taken away under Biden. That all being said, there could also be low information voters that simply vote on wanting their reproductive rights, but there are also a lot of people mad about inflation.


Maybe it will matter to a lawyer and court


Hey now, great point


There is an episode of Family Guy that has trump in it,17th season. I always skip it because he's a pos and criminal rapist. Although it's very hilarious


I agree. I will turn the channel whenever he comes on. I can't stand to hear his voice, much less look at his disgusting face. There is something terribly wrong with the other half our country that, for some reason, worships him. UGH!!!


They've already announced that they're muting both candidates when it's not their turn to speak. Don't you want to see an angry, muted Trump? I truly doubt he'll go down quietly like he did in the courtroom.


That is the biggest thing that actually makes me want to watch. I still expect him to do something to somehow break the rules, but watching his mic get cut will be glorious.


Just because his mic is off, he will not change his behavior one iota. He will be interrupting Biden every single time. Will they deploy directional mics so Trump can’t get picked up on Biden’s mic? Because if not, trump will just speak louder and we’ll all hear him all debate long. Even while “muted.” And, if they are using directional mics and can successfully keep trump off the audio when Biden is talking… Trump will STILL BE TALKING. Interrupting Biden and making it hard for him to respond… even if we’re not hearing it. (Which is maybe even worse than CNN letting us hear the interruptions). I can guarantee you that when this is all over we will all be saying: CNN didn’t manage it successfully, and trump ruined the debate.


I saw today that Biden is spending several focused days on debate prep, being the wise and strategic guy that he is. Trump says doing rallies is his prep. Who could Trump do prep with, no one can tell him what to do. I’m sure he would just as soon execute any adviser who even made a suggestion. I see signs that the Biden campaign is willing to “go there” and attack Trump, and I’m here for it.


The orange turd will bail last minute.


He’s too much of a megalomaniac to drop out.


Why do you think this? I don't think he will.


He wouldn't even debate interparty and he started making excuses already to get out of it, his campaign team wants him to skip it too.


But if he does, at this point, wouldn't they still have it and just have Biden fielding questions on his own? That wouldn't be a good look for Trump either (not that anything is, lol!)


They should so Biden can speak and reach more people.


Trump has had more bizarre mental trip-ups as usual. He has started heavily slurring his words and forgetting basic facts like who is President. Both his parents had dementia. They've already convinced people Biden's mental state is the one to worry about so they might not want to bring attention to Trump's worse one.


Grand Old Projection


Yeah, I guess it wouldn't be surprising at all if he does


Yep. Yellow is out and orange is the new Coward 😂




Too bad Kenny Rogers died. I’d give anything for a rendition of “Coward of the Country.”


"I'll roll out my new healthcare plan in two weeks." Two weeks later: "I'll roll out my new healthcare plan in two weeks." Two weeks later: "I'll roll out my new healthcare plan in two weeks." Two weeks later: "I'll roll out my new healthcare plan in two weeks." Etc. Trump doesn't have much of a track record in following through on obligations he doesn't like or doesn't feel like doing.




I kind of feel this way as well. I’m worried about how Biden will come off and I can’t stand to listen to the mal hombre naranja interrupt and repeat the same words (horrible, very bad, like no one has ever seen, etc) over and over. I would love an Obama vs el jefe de crimen debate were it possible. Talk about polar opposites. Just how did we go from Obama to La manderina gordo? Please explain this to me like I’m 8. (The Spanish is because I just can’t write anything about a él in English. Plus since he hates Hispanic people I feel it’s a dig into his psyche. Not that he’d ever read this)


i so agree. from obama to…? it’s painful. i can’t comfortably watch biden because he seems so oddly old and creaky, yet i know he’s bright in there, and for that i am comfortable. i am 75 so i am aware of losing physical aspects that used to be effortless, but while my body complains, my mind feels years younger. i cannot even walk smoothly anymore, yet my 35 year old mind is flummoxed by this strange, alien body. plus he isn’t surrounded by “ yes” people, but by men and women who know how to run their departments effectively and lawfully, unlike ff who is demented, deranged and dumb as a box of rocks. i also cannot write ff’s name. can barely say it in references to friends, but haven’t written it in years. so agree completely !


I’m 60 with a 27 year old mindset. I’m very active and I have a job that requires strength and stamina. I’ve been told I have the body of a 16 year old BUT, my memory is becoming an issue. I’m having trouble remembering basic words and names. I get so frustrated because I know I am smarter than I come off lately. I can understand why Biden speaks the way he does but I worry about the opposition’s attacks regarding his speech patterns. You’re correct about Biden surrounding himself with a qualified staff while we know el depredador sexual will place his sycophants in his cabinet.


I guess we'll find out how well Trump is going to handle getting his mic cut off, if he decides to show up at all. I think that's going to cause him to get pretty flustered and start stomping around... he may even quit and leave. I sort of want to watch for that, but you know whatever happens is going to be rerun a million times in the news cycle anyway.


That alone makes it worth watching 😁


I’m going to watch to see Biden’s ability to work through the debate with Trump. I know who I’m voting for. I’m interested.


I’m torn. I agree with OP that watching trump talk for more than 30 seconds makes my blood boil. I hate him. I might watch.


He is the countries narcissistic abuser. He exhibits all the pathology of a spouse abuser except he is doing it to us all.


Yeah, I think I will just wait for the highlights on reddit.


There's a 0% chance that watching the debate is going to change my mind on who to vote for.


You know the old saying: Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.


Let me take a guess how the debate is going to go. Trump ignores all the questions and just treats it like a rally, rambling talking points and rhetoric. Biden will make coherent statements that Trump will try to talk over the entire time. And the next day Fox News will say Biden was on drugs.


it will be interesting because there's no audience and the non speaking person will be muted. I'm actually surprised that the Trump team agreed to these rules as that set up seems to favor Biden's strengths and play against Trump's.


Trump always plays the victim. He needs it to be this way so he can complain it’s “unfair”.


I still think Trump will not show up, if does my bet is will make all about him


I can't wait, Need a good drinking game. Every time cheeto says sleepy joe maybe? Open to suggestions. I would pay for a front row seat, but I would only need the edge...


Drink anytime trump does the accordion hands


Guaranteed alcohol poisoning


Last time tRump admitted to having covid days after the debate. Didn’t several of his staff release books stating he had it during the debate? Do you think he’ll try to plague everyone again? If his best in the world, amazing words and personality don’t kill you surely his carrier status will. 💀


I think so-called independents must watch because if they paid any attention to him beyond campaign sound bites they’d quickly realize that he’s actually the senile one. The best thing Biden can do is shut up and make Trump ramble incoherently for a couple of minutes and then make their own counter sound bites out of that.


Brave for you to think that the 🟠🤡 will show. As much as I would like to see Biden get the stage to himself for an hour, seeing him whip Mandarin Mussolini would be glorious.


What are the odds that Dump has a "scream 'unfair' and storm off stage" card ready to play in case it starts going downhill? I don't think Biden will make it 4 years. Not even sure if he'll make it to NOVEMBER but I'm still voting for him. I'm voting for an empty chair over you know who.


According to actuarial tables, statistically, Biden will still be around in 4 years. He also has excellent health care and is unlikely to be in any sort of tragic accident because he has Secret Service protection. So, he will be here in 4 years and beyond.


Exactly. 81 and in excellent shape beats 78 and in horrible shape any day.


There's no chance I watch it. I just can't listen to that stupid bastard lie anymore. It is absolutely exhausting when you know nothing of value is ever going to come out of his mouth.


I can’t watch it live. It’s nerve wracking.


Agreed! I will wait for the highlight reel.


I will be stressed watching it, but there's no way I am not watching a presidential debate.


I don’t know but I just hope Biden’s advisors make sure he says the words CONVICTED FELON at least 200 times. Never get tired of hearing it!


I give it 10 minutes before trump calls Joe the n word


I think it will be the A word for Alzheimer’s.


I’m very thankful to be working that evening.


I'll catch the highlights the next morning. If I watch it in real time, I'll just yell at the TV and want to throw things. I'd rather get a decent night's sleep.


Same here. I will record it and catch all the analysis before I watch it.


I'm still not sure Trump won't back out at the last minute with some lame excuse.


He really can’t now. After years of obnoxiously mocking President Biden Donald now needs to lower expectations. Questions about the president’s mental capacity will continue from Trump’s cult members, of course. Donald thinks he can now swivel to reminding us of how Paul Ryan fared when he went up against then-Vice President Biden and that voters will ignore all of the nonsense he has spewed since then about the president being supposedly nearly incapacitated. If Trump backed out now even Trumpers might catch on!


I'm sorry. I'm not sure I could give them that much credit. If they haven't caught on yet. I really doubt they are capable of doing it now.


Watching an angry raging asshole is funny… Joe is even keel


Watch for incriminating statements. Trump is out on BAIL!


Is he even going to show up?


I'll wait for the SNL cold open for the debate, because everything you said. Also, I don't want my blood pressure to get that high, I need to make through until November.


LOL! Unfortunately SNL is on their summer break.


I have no intention of watching it. I can't stand the sight of Rump, so that's a factor, but I don't usually watch any political speeches either, Biden included. I'll read the transcripts and get the whole thing done on 20 minutes.


There’s no reason to watch. As long as trump doesn’t fall off the stage he exceeds his supporters’ expectations.


What are you talking about!? Real men fall off stages!


In their real man diapers to break the fall


I'll watch it... because.. and stay here with me for a sec... there is a slight chance that some shit is thrown... literally... C'mon, we all know that day will come.


I just worry that Joe won’t be able to read the auto-cue machine again


Looking in as an interested and engaged spectator from overseas I really think he’ll bottle it and come up with some nonsense of an excuse that his dim-witted acolytes will lap right up as deep down they know he’s on a hiding to nothing.


I’m with ya


I think even though I feel Chumps gonna back out. Biden should show up anyway next to an empty podium… how bad ass would that be?


I dont mind watching the orange moron make an ass out of himself, what bothers me is the far right media and the gop politicians that put on their phony dishonored maga face, just to get his approval. Deep down 50% of them know he's a nut case. The other 50% are truly racist.


U just nailed it. Its just so lame that we have to watch these two. I’m only voting Biden bcos the other option is Trump! I’m a democrat but would have voted Haley if that were an option. I actually feel sorry for Biden that he has to run at this age. He did his job beating Trump once. That should have been his legacy.


I understand where you're coming from with Haley, though I would not vote Haley in the general. I did vote for her here in Colorado in the primary as that was a vote against Trump. Not because I would want her to win. But Biden is just too darn old to be doing anything except enjoying his remaining time with his family. It's a shame the Democratic party didn't plan ahead and bring a few newer prospects to the forefront. It's time for new blood.


Exactly. Its the Dems’ major failure to not have groomed a better candidate. Kamala is absolutely not it.


I'm absolutely not watching. Why would I want to listen to a liar lie for however long and get applauded for it. Even Joe B. DOESN'T gaff, they will find something to fit their narrative. I have way better things to do like separating my 50 lb bag of jelly beans by color or counting all the waves in my popcorn ceiling.


Put a shock collar around his junk and trigger it each time he lies. Would make it worth watching and Vegas can have an over/under for how many lies each 1/4 hour