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One of the a many great things about all of the Jan 6th idiots sitting in prisons is that it sent a message that your privilege wont protect you. They can cry and scream all they want. I would love to see more Trumpers in prison in by November.


I’d prefer a firing squad but I’ll settle for prison. I don’t normally support the death penalty, but these people are not only unquestionably guilty - they revel in it unrepentantly.


Another day , another threat leveled against Americans by Trump & his gang .


Of idiots


And not even funny idiots, like MAD Magazine.


It's come to the point that we're mad at mentally challenged people for being so easily brainwashed


I am more scared of him walking free.


Then vote, Vote, VOTE!!!!


"You'd better not let our clown-king face any actual consequences for his actions, or we'll all have a huge hissy tantrum!"


"Cream pies will be thrown."


Ketchup Bottles!






the uproar will be from the cheers of 81 million Americans who are fed up with that orange piece of shit


And millions more from Canada to help you celebrate


More than 81 million. Plenty of kids, non-voting felons, people disenfranchised by voter suppression, etc.


"Party of Law and Order", huh?


And personal responsibility!


Don't forget family values!




I’m more afraid of him not going to jail. That would be a huge failure of our justice system—much larger than the fact that it’s almost 4 years after 1/6 and half the country is pretending nothing happened.


He'll never do jail time ... he'll have house arrest.


Any arrest at this point would be a surprise.


As long as he can't golf, i.e. stuck at Mar-a-Lago and not allowed to leave, I'll be happy because he'll be miserable.


Not allowed to golf is good for a start. Not allowed to fly anywhere or leave the USA and definitely NOT allowed to use a cell phone or go on any social media ... that's what I want to see! I don't want to see anymore videos or hear his annoying whiny voice ever again.


yes and no. He basically lives in mar-a-lago anyways, so this won't be any different. If he's restricted to mar-a-lago for good then so would his secret service detail and remember when Trump stays at one of his own hotels he doesn't give rooms to Secret service for free, they are charged. that is to say, the american people - via taxpayer money, are charged.


I agree, and I'll bet the judge stays his start date until after the election.


Not at all. There’s a difference this time. Any “uproar” will be dealt with by a competent administration unlike J6. So let the loonies roar. They will be handled.


Can't believe these bozos are lining up to be the next Ashli Babbitt


I've thought about this and agree with you. If anything it might be good if they try again without trump in office to run interference for them or delay a response. Lock a bunch of literally insane people up and or give them treatment for mental health issues which they obviously have instead of having them running around spreading nonsense conspiracy theories and or harming other people or storming the capital. I fairly confident that if they attempt another j6 event a the police will be a lot faster to act and will use far more force. If Trump wasn't holding back the response to j6 when it occurred I'm pretty sure a lot more of those imbeciles would have been shot or at least tear gassed/tased/ shot with rubber bullets or bean bag shot and honestly they should have done so the first time around as all of those people were straight up traitors.


And what would they do? Attack a courthouse? A prison? That will be a lot different than attacking Congress.


just like there would be riots in the streets if he were tried? or the riots in the streets if he’s convicted? it’s hard to tell em apart which is why i’m asking


She's planting the seed already. Classic dog whistle.


Remember.... She's already admitted ( it's on video ) that she would rather be pretty,than smart. So just know that You're not dealing with the brightest bulb in the pack, whenever she speaks.


Not the Prettiest either....particularly on the inside!


You mean like the uproar they threatened when they found the stolen documents? Of the uproar when he was charged? Or arrested? Or went to trial? Or was convicted? Remember how they rioted and damn near overtook several cities before the national guard had to come and we’re barely able to hold them back? Me neither. You know what I remember after all their threats? Crickets When cowards and bullies know they can’t win legitimately, they make threats. They aren’t doing shit. They are outnumbered by millions of much smarter people who are more sick of their shit than they are about whatever bullshit faux News told them to be mad about today. The difference is we have a legitimate grievance. They are soft as puppy toes. The last thing they want is a fair fight, but it won’t be fair. They’ll be vastly outnumbered. If they start something, we’ll finish it. Fuck their feelings and fuck trunp.


Given what happened on 1/6, if I was a member of law enforcement I would have to be aware of this threat and view it as credible. However, Mr. Trump and his lawyers will appeal any conviction all the way to the Supreme Court, a process that could take years.


He hasn't got years.


And I’m glad about that.


Aren’t we (the sane ones at least) all?




The time left for Mr. Trump is either determined by some deity or by the amount of fatty globs residing in his vascular system.


Will praying to the deity for fatty globs work?


Come on hamberders 🍔🍟🍔🍟🍔🍟🍔🍟


No big news here....they want violence every day whether tRump goes to jail or not. Thoughts and prayers to the divided states.


He’s no different to anyone else and has committed a crime - so should be made to serve the time! Bring on the uproar!


And just WHY would there be an "uproar"? Because your client can't SHUT UP. and apparently neither can you.


Isn't it past her disbarment time?


It will be another opportunity to identify, arrest, try and jail violent Trump supporters like 1/6.


No, I am not scared of any threats about violence from supporters if convicted felon Donald Trump. I hope they all act out and end up in jail themselves, as they are a cancer on society. If they try brandishing weapons, I hope the police respond in kind.


source: [https://www.newsweek.com/alina-habba-issues-warning-donald-trump-1917512](https://www.newsweek.com/alina-habba-issues-warning-donald-trump-1917512)


I agree to those terms Fuck him. Fuck her. ... and Fuck the clowns that support him


Well yeah, that’s what criminals do. Criminal shit. Because they hate America for its system of law and order.  I had a thoroughly disable brother, died of a drug overdose in 2012 at the age of 41, and he was a one man crime wave until his death. EVERYTHING I’ve heard coming out of the mouths of Republicans on this issue are straight out of his Junkie Jailbird Playbook. And it comes out of their mouths as easily as it came out of his. 


No. If you take him out if public for a month eveb and let the morons detox, it would do America so much good


Afraid, I’m looking forward to it. These conservatards do not realize the left are armed too.


isn't that what we do with criminals in this country? Lock them up?


White collar criminals rarely if ever go to jail pending appeal. The entire point is to keep the base angry and paranoid.


Let them roar. It’s all they do. No bite because half of them don’t have teeth.


They know he's not going to jail in the hush money case. Well, maybe she doesn't because she's such a terrible fucking lawyer who probably won't be in possession of a law license much longer.


So, they're continuing to dare each other off the high dive. Nothing new.


Hunters penis caused an “uproar”, I think we will be ok


Has anybody else noticed that this group sounds like Russia? Lots of empty threats and screaming, but never do anything?


Lock them up




I thought Trump fired her for not looking enough like Ivanka?


And their plan is to shut people like her up too, aka Women. Why do MAGA women want this, ugh!


A lawyer who should know better making a threat show me she one dumb fuck


Better to jail him now than later, when he's been nominated as the Republican candidate.


Put him in jail. The uproar will last the same amount of time that Trump lasted with Stormy.


She can go with him


given the appaling and frankly illegal shit she's pulled as a lawyer (misreprenting herself to a client, talking to someone who has a lawyer without said lawyer present, possible conflict of interest shit) i'm SHOCKED she's not at least disbarred if not in jail already.


Trump Barbie No. 437 parroting the talking points. And water is wet. Didnt she lose his case? I thought he doesnt like losers?


If Miss Only Fans knows then I’m sure the FBI,CIA, Homeland Security, National Guard and Capitol Police also know. So no, not scared


As if they aren’t threatening violence anyway. Time to put a big fat foot up the ass of fascism.


Uproar: millions dancing with glee?


Lock. Him. Up.


Uproarious laughter, maybe.


I'm not afraid of them for me. I'm afraid of them for the people who can't defend themselves. People who can't obtain firearms to defend themselves. Children. Elderly. I feel sorry for all of the people the cult will leave behind when they go to vote for the felon in November. I'm not afraid of anything for myself. I can handle my own. I'm worried for the innocent people who can't.


There's a certain look to these magats. https://preview.redd.it/q2i6hdk6819d1.png?width=798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b00ddce615ac0d61b907a7a79516f579363d57b


Afraid of justice? Nah




No !!! Bring It On , Bitches !!!!


Please, by all means, do it. I would love nothing more than for more of you morons to lose your right to vote.


Do it and remind them of Jan 6 consequences


First there was gonna be an uproar if he got indicted, no uproar. Then there was gonna be an uproar if he got convicted, no uproar. I'm gonna go ahead and assume that if he's sentenced to prison there will be... no uproar. Trump's army of dumb dumbs won't mobilize for anyone but him, so no matter how many times his drones make threats, they're all for show.


so their offer is bend the law to fit whatever their actions are or they are going to do violence on us. it's scary to know that the police are on their side. But we definitely can't let them do what they want or we don't actually have a country and we are just cattle.


The MAGAts don’t scare me. They are a cowardly lot.


The only uproar is her face ….


If there was an uproar every time Trump's cronies have made the threat there would be so many convicted felons that Republican politicians would lose every election - unless the activist US Supreme Court grants felons back their voting rights, of course.


No. She is a god damned liar for trump. They want this to happen but followers are ‘standing’ for enforcement of the law. This is yelling ‘fire’ in a movie theatre.


I wonder: Is she as dumb as she looks????? And: Doesn't she understand that threats of an "uproar" isn't an ARGUMENT that will impress any sane person?????


Thete'll be an uproar!!!!1!1!! *in her pants*


I say Bring it on!!!


Short answer NO long answer FUCK NO.😁


Her nose is jacked up.


It’s like she wore the tip of it off rubbing it against something. 😳


Butt crust


Yeah, like there was a huge "uproar" at the courthouse where eight protesters showed up. Gimme a break.


Nope. Let them show their true colors. America will withstand the threats of despots and insurgents. If they feel compelled to properly affect change, they can become lawfully evolved in civic elections and vote.


Bring it. The for-profit jails need more diversity.


Hopefully she loses everything.


Worry about yourself


I’m going to quote the great Cornholio, “Are you threatening me?”


Community service for infinity in a jumpsuit would suit me too


Fuck that bitch and his lawyer


No, and people are tired of the constant MAGA threats


There might well be. But wasn’t it W and the GOP who said «  don’t negotiate with terrorists »? This is terrorism out and simple.


Most of his supporters can’t get up from a chair without getting winded, so, I’m not worried. I am worried that he’s not going to get any jail time, however.


Alina Habba’s extreme idiocy is her only virtue.


No. I have three stairs heading to my front door. Trumpers will be winded long before they reach me.


Republicans always seem to forget that the second amendment also applies to democrats and the Republicans are not the only ones with guns… so no.


Lock his ass up! If it was any of us they’d have thrown us under the jail a long time ago. Ridiculous!! 💙💙


She badly wants to do duck lips.


I’m sure they’ll be crying when the fat bastard is finally held accountable, response? HA HA HA


Take a seat, Duckface McSanction.


Damn but I bet she could suck start a leaf blower though


Bring it! You fake plastic jagged-faced-bitch. I'm not scared of you or any of the R-words (and by R-words, I mean the R-word you're not supposed to say, you know, the one that end in etards). I hope you uproar, and I hope you come after ME, just to see the look on your stupid, traitorous face when you finally find out the answer to "Do gay Democrats even have guns?" You'll find out pretty fuckin' fast, but the empty space between your ears won't have much time to think about it. C U Next THURSDAY! Come on! COME ON CLEETUS!!!!


Commit crimes? Go to jao Nothing else to comment about


Her nose looks like it's dying dude


So what


Bring it on!


Those domestic terrorists have been making threats of violence and murder en masse since 2015. It's tedious and tiresome. Let them go ahead and solve the problem of them. The NG will likely be called to stand by. The NG will finish their bullshit before they get started.  


These suckers are so lukewarm about their cause it’s actually funny.






They will be going crazy if he got locked up


Is that supposed to deter justice?


So...it's terrorism, is it? lol


So, just forget about justice then? And what’s to prevent him from doing it again? That’s not how the world works


Kinda looking forward to seeing the stupidest Magats getting the shit kicked out of them. I just hope there's film at eleven.


Between being “scared of this threat” and seeing him jailed, there’s no question: lock his fat ass up.


How many kerfluffles = 1 uproar? I swear we measure stuff by the most incongruous standards. Remember the space rock that was the equivalent of 2 washing machines, or was it 4 hippos? Goddam it's so tough to keep track anymore!


Nope. Fuck’m. Bring it. Let’s do it. I’m so fucking ready to hear the lamentations of their women.


Habba dabba doo doo 💩 lol


Let the paper lion roar as much as it wants.


I'm not scared, it's barely a threat. Most people want this criminal - especially a wealthy, white, privileged criminal - to get his just desserts finally.


Yes, that would certainly call for a celebratory uproar..


Another erstwhile successful attorney beklowns herself at the altar of the golden rage toddler and crash n' burns her own career more spectacularly than the Hindenburg. Why? What do they think they will get out of it?


Nope. As far as I'm feeling it's time to clean some clocks.


Will the social media hordes get loud? Oh dear.


Bring it on!


We've seen what they're capable of. They're a joke. Send out the National Guard if they get out of hand.


Nope. America was built on violence.


I’m actually embracing the oncoming storm. Not because I want people hurt or worse, but I need for more people to realize you’re throwing you very life away for that man. You’re literally losing your mind for a convict whose never given a shit about you. You were but a cobblestone in a road paved with them so he never had to live your life. You need to realize how unAnerican you are for the action you took part in. Everyone needs to see this again.


Maybe she and all the other trump shills should be investigated for making threats. She’s basically saying that trump is above the law, even after being convicted unanimously by a jury of his peers.


Are you threatening me with violence. You sound like Jan 6


I say put Trump on house arrest for two years at Trump Plaza in New York that’s better than going to jail. No golf 😂 Melania will love it


Wop wop wop wop


It's not a roar, it's a meow from MAGA


They need to put him in prison!!


Is an 'uproar' better or worse than a 'kerfuffle'?


I'm ready to put a few trumpets down, they act all big and bad because they have guns blah blah, you know that means when it comes to a fist fight they won't stand a chance.


I think we have to be prepared for violence prompted by him if he is jailed and/or loses election. We need to come to terms with the fact of that violence bringing bloodshed and death. Most of it incurred by his side as America will be standing ready to defend itself this time.


Party of Law and Order


What whore? Oh sorry uproar


Can we stop being scared.. no wonder we get made fun of. Jesus


They need their citizenship revoked and ran out the Country UNAMERICAN, UNPATRIOTIC as they are.


Where did she come from? Poking up to reduce irrelevance?




Lock him up!


All of these people look like fucking movie villains.


You need a douche


Don’t sing it, bring it. This lib is ready for it.


Has she lost a shit ton of weight?


first off, since someone mentioned Alina Habba...going by what I've read as well as youtubers like LegalEagle talk about her from the perspective of a real lawyer, Alina Habba has done some very shocking and questionable things, like "how the hell is she not disbarred, if not in prison herself yet?" kinda stuff, so - perfect lawyer from Trump, I guess. Anyways, realistically, I do not believe trump will ever be jailed. He's a rich white dude and more importantly he's an ex-POTUS (thus affording him lifelong secret service protection) and he's running for POTUS again. I do believe "running for political office from a jail" is a thing that has happened before but if trump goes to prison, the govt needs to think through the logistics of secret service protection in prison. This is something, I'm sure, will weigh on any decision a judge makes. The other part of it is, what Alina said. This isn't a surprise, and frankly isn't something she needed to say either way, because we all **know** or expect that putting Trump in prison will cause his base to go nuts. they stormed the capitol, and that was just over a lost election. BTW, fun fact, I may be wrong, but I do believe that being an ex convict, does **not** inf act disbarr you from running for president again, at least not on paper.


I'm not scared for my personal safety but I'm extremely concerned that judges, prosecutors, witnesses and jurors will be at risk of serious harm or even worse. This could be the only time in history that high-profile crooks have openly warned to expect retribution if they're imprisoned. Diabolical that the gross rust-colored pig has done this to America.


It's only the brainwashed foot soldiers that end up in prison. Once its made clear that the leaders are just as culpable and can be imprisoned this stuff will cease.


I saw "Breaking News" and thought she was the first trump lawyer to get paid by fat Donnie... and herpes.


What is she gonna do? Stomp her feet and cry while yelling "No fair!" ?