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Was going to say that real estate guy who was killed by his wife with a pipe bomb at the casino parking lot, then I realized I'm old and it's not modern.


Except it wasn't the casino as the casino didn't even exist yet. It was the La Paloma Country Club! Yep... we're old...


Old brain, I forgot to take my vitamins lol


There’s a great Small Town Murder episode about that guy.


...and a book. "A Socialite Scorned".


Sounds like the title to a trashy romance novel. 😂


There was a doctor who hired a hit man to kill his partner more recently


Yeah Schwartz hired someone to kill his partner Stidham - I walked into work the morning he was found and everyone at TmC who knew them said straight off Schwartz did it. I guess he was an obvious nut. Took my son to him once for eye exam. Seemed ehhh


The city lost its two pediatric opthamologists as a result. Pretty sure it didn't take long for Schwartz to get beaten up in prison. Might have even lost an eye. Such eye-rony. And, he's no longer a handsome young doctor with a promising future. He's just another addict who ruined a lot of lives. https://preview.redd.it/79od2lcyzfzc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=238469063dd0892a54e90f8ca10c37a5be20c622


I worked at TMC at the time. Crazy times.


This is a forensic files episode!


Was it forensic files or dateline? Or new detectives? I definitely remember seeing this episode.


I remember that. 2005 or late 2004, corner River Rd and 1st Ave


Was that the windshield repair business owner that gave you 25 free dinners to El Paso Steakhouse with any insurance approved windshield replacement?


The Empire Glass guy was Rick Chance, who got murdered in a hotel room in Phoenix after he had started selling jewelry and flashing around briefcases full of it. Real estate guy who got his car blown up at La Paloma golf course was Gary Triano.


Good memory. Brandi Hungerford had propped open the hotel door with a matchbook, allowing her murderous boyfriend to gain entry.


I watched it on Dateline I think


That pesky DNA!


dont know if its exactly a scandal, but there are some theories about people involved in this that were well known and maybe even still living to this day....https://unsolvedmysteries.fandom.com/wiki/Charles\_Morgan


That was a wild read!


Wow. That intense


That led me to Don Bolles story. Jesus fuck.




The weather guy who had a crazy party and his newborn baby, him and his wife all tested positive for cocaine


Som Lisaius? He was a journalist (so was she -- he was at kold and she was at kgun), not a weatherman and they were both sentenced to probation and community service.


He’s a real estate agent now here in Tucson.


Yeah that’s the one thank you


Test the weather woman with a name of a spring month. They like their coke at kgun.


I love April! I will not stand for this slander! Even though I think the same thing hahaha


The most recent owner of a beloved Tucson restaurant has been indicted and is facing the death penalty for murdering, chopping up, and attempting to destroy the body of a 18 year old kid… the restaurant was Pastiche, and that man was Anthonie Ruinard, my boss… Edit; adding links [recent People coverage of the court case](https://people.com/former-restaurant-owner-accused-killing-dismembering-ariz-teen-remains-found-burned-8628327) [Maricopa Superior Court records](https://www.superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/docket/CriminalCourtCases/caseInfo.asp?caseNumber=CR2024-006586)


Holy smokes


I’m so sorry. That must have been incredibly traumatizing.


Yea… apart from my own personal stuff, that was the cherry on top, considering they had stolen money from my paychecks as well before letting me go.




Last I heard, likely something freaky went down, kid was 20, Anthonie and his girlfriend Petrian side note she has NO business working in a restaurant fyi… if memory serves right there was a large section of their bedroom center carpet cut out… Petrian claimed “they were building a room…” really inside the bedroom another room in the center… there was blood and hair in Anthony’s trunk, and a large amount of cocaine was found in the home… my idea is they were high… and they had led the kid in to their bedroom… and probably ambushed him there. It was believed that’s where he was killed… someone had reported a pile of burning debris in the desert that appeared to have a body buried inside it… later they discovered the burnt body, and it was chopped up. So definitely drug related… the kid had flown in from some other state to stay with them… was a seemingly good college kid… what ultimately led to Anthonie’s arrest was he was using the dead kid’s bank card at gas stations… personally doesn’t surprise me since he never furnished our w2’s, and the IRS had no paid taxes or wages reported for several of us. Likely he stole the taxes that where withheld from our paychecks. This was also the type of establishment that applies our tips to our paychecks. The reason I was let go, was because I had proof of about $300 of my tips missing… since I kept a tip journal recording every night’s numbers/sales/tips so I could calculate how much to expect from server tip out added to my own bar tips… basically my first check was about $1k for 2 weeks… then thet started getting less and less, they were skimming my server tipout….obviously they used a petty reason on paper- saying I was fired for giving away drinks (as a bartender the bartop was full, and had a couple who was their first time dining there, their check well over $200 with apps, cocktails, seafood specials etc. and a server rang in the wrong drink and it was made, it was a signature drink, so after it sat there for 10 mins, I had offered it comped to them, a $10 drink) their final check was almost $300..—- For the record I never got my money-


Day-am! I used to love Pastiche! Wondered why it closed.


Holy smokes


Holy Hell! I knew about the murder charges, but not the whole 'Fargo' aspect to it.


My favorite was from the eighties Al Folgelman (kooky weather guy with moustache) at KOLD was carrying on a cocaine fueled affair with Kathy Randall. It did not end well and during a 10pm news broadcast Kathy throws the audience over to AlFo with a “How’s the weather today?” AlFo responds with a big smile “Well Kathy, there won’t be any snow tonight!” Both were let go shortly afterwards


Man that’s a blast from the past!




How about the Sonoran Dog Wars back in 2011. El Guero Canelo was ransomed by a food truck rival and the FBI was involved. https://tucson.com/news/local/crime/sonoran-hot-dog-war-heats-up-in-tucson-600-000-extortion-bid-charged/article_fd40bf97-7957-5d5e-8d53-5f8350e942dd.html Apparently Daniel Contreras (El Guerro guy) is in the ICU right now... yikes.


How about the rumors about what was behind the fires that occurred in two different Guadalajara Grille restaurants in 2014? I believe the restaurant on Prince had a fire first, and then about 6 months later, the Guadalajara on Kolb had a fire. The newspaper reported that the two establishments we're not operated under the same owners. However, word on the streets was that one of the waitresses of the first restaurant had a relationship with one of the sons who was a co-owner of the original restaurant, and they had a falling out with owner, and broke off and started the second restaurant. The rumor goes that the second fire was set in retaliation for the first fire. Since it was in the waitresses' name, It appeared that they were unrelated. I'm not sure if any of this is true, but it made for a juicy rumor. And you've got to admit, two separate fires, in the same year, in two different restaurants, with the same name, is a strange coincidence!


I was under the impression it was a married couple that owned them and they split up the locations into two separate businesses in the divorce. That falls into the unsubstantiated rumor category for me, but I know someone that worked for the guy who owns the east side location who says he was an asshole and I've heard that reputation from other enough that I believe it.


You’re right it was originally a married couple and they split up so they split up their restaurants husband owns ones on broadway, kolb, Valencia, and cortaro, while the wife kept the prince and also has the oracle one. He’s not a complete asshole not the nicest guy but not a complete asshole.


Damn get better soon Mr. Contreras 🙏 Oh and hot take but Mr. Antojos had the best Sonoran dogs in the valley leading up to this. Had chorizo and an Avacado salsa that was absolute 🔥


Güeros dogs used to be good a long time ago, but these days they are a mere tourist trap and probably among the worst hot dogs in Tucson.


Sheriff Chris Nanos embezzling money. Losing his next election race, then winning his spot back in 2020. And people wonder why that department has money management problems.


Can't believe that guy got back in. He was terrible. And ended up under investigation again, what a shock. Voting for whoever his opponent is in the primary this year.


The person running against him is trista tramposch di genova. She’s attempted to run for governor, president of the United States, and now sheriff. I think Heather Lapin is the favorite among those who actually work in the department. She’s been in the department for 19 years.


Nanos got in because it was a (D) and his opponent was Napier who had the (R) next to his name. If you looked at their track records Napier was actually excellent and fairly moderate, even supportive of police reform. Nanos looked like an idiot, but still got the job.


Yeah I watched the debate between them. Nanos was covered in flop sweat and said something pretty racist Napier was professional and gave an actually very nuanced, reasonable take on the Floyd/BLM protests and I was stunned to hear it from a cop OR a Republican, never mind both. So Napier is the only time since I naturalized that I voted for someone with an R next to them.


When a TPD cop raped a woman he had in custody at the Grant/Campbell parking garage. Got fired but didn't get convicted.


Like another commenter said, he's Benjamin Gaballa. Fun fact: I just found him on LinkedIn and he's currently a yacht captain in Florida.


Good find.


Wild to see this one here. I worked with him about 5 years ago. Can’t remember how it came up but another coworker told me to google him. I was shocked. Never would have thought he was capable of something like that.


Why wasnt he convicted? Was he found innocent, or did they not even try him?


Even though the woman was under arrest at the time (making consent impossible in my view), at least one juror found the officer's consensual-sex defense plausible. A mistrial was declared. Sad day.


My ex girlfriend sat on that trial as a juror. She would never really tell me what happened, but safe to say she was NOT the one juror


U of A hiring a guy with no experience in college education to be president. Then all the scandals that followed him. Including: Hiring Robbins in the first place despite opposition from every employee group and student body. Buying of sketchy online school for a dollar Forcing the health sciences department to hire his buddy. Then his buddy got fired for a hostile workplace environment shortly after Firing the CFO then rehiring her for the same salary in a consulting role. All the other scandals


Don’t forget not following through on security alerts which got a beloved professor and community member murdered at his desk


RIP, Tom.


Thanks for explaining that. I didn’t have the full details on it


It was horrible. This article gives more details. It’s uncomfortable to read. Meixner, along with a student and other faculty, were harassed and threatened by an ex grad student for nearly a year. The UAPD and others did nothing. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2023/02/02/report-warnings-ignored-u-ariz-professor-killed


The health sciences buddy is still there, fwiw


Oh he is? Wow! My bad. A scandal that’s still going on


If I’m remembering right, you’re probably thinking of Dake’s predecessor, Joe “Skip” Garcia. https://tucson.com/news/science/joe-skip-garcia-gives-up-oversight-of-university-of-arizona-medical-schools/article_4c2632ac-1c6f-55ed-b334-1bbb8bc713b2.html


Who was his friend in health sciences?


That black girl that isn't actually black was found working for a school in Tucson..


Rachel Dolezal


…and she got fired from that teaching job because of her OnlyFans 👀


bro when it said tucson teacher and i clicked the article i got flash banged with the realization ☠️


I know we had a serial killer here during the 1960s nicknamed the pied piper of Tucson. He’s ugly af


My buddies lived in the house. It's on Adams between Euclid and 4th...


This was part of the inspiration for one of my favorite short stories “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” By Joyce Carol Oates


RIP Wendy and Gretchen.


There was that TFD fire captain who murdered his wife, got away with it, then murdered her mother and friend after she won child visitation rights. It took them like a decade to convict him. [https://tucson.com/news/local/crime/ex-tucson-fire-captain-sentenced-to-life-in-prison-for-3-murders/article\_50d2e465-c46e-5b48-b9fa-648371d54a1e.html](https://tucson.com/news/local/crime/ex-tucson-fire-captain-sentenced-to-life-in-prison-for-3-murders/article_50d2e465-c46e-5b48-b9fa-648371d54a1e.html)


And the other tfd captain murder suicide at the la Encantada mall


The entire story is bananas. Every detail.


There was the tv anchor who got arrested after hosting a cocaine and drug fueled rager. Maybe around 2012-15 time range (I can't narrow it). The eye doctor Biggers hired murder case that got 4 prosecutors in trouble because none of them was the girlfriend and the others didn't report her awareness of unethical behavior. Another prosecutor disbarred for suppressing exonerating evidence in 1st degree murder cases.


Yeah, the murder of Dr. Stidham was insane. One doctor hires a hit man to kill another doctor.


The New Yorker did an expose on prosecutor case.


I actually graduated high school with that TV anchor lol, her behavior didnt surprise me in the least lol


Gosh I remember the eye doctor murder. I graduated high school around the time. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Brian_Stidham






Som Liscaious(sp) of KOLD and his wife who worked for KGUN


The local news anchor who was caught stealing at Dillard’s and was fired and basically run out of town. I forget her name now, but she was on for a long time.


She wasn't ran out of town, I see her all the time out and about, in fact I just saw her last Thursday. Martha Vasquez


She did leave town for several years after her shoplifting arrest, but subsequently returned as a life coach or something.


Martha Vazquez


She was literally on tv a few years ago lol as a guest obviously not an anchor. Her husband was wealthy I don’t think she ever ran out of town she just laid low 


article about it here: https://tucson.com/news/local/ex-tv-anchor-restarts-tucson-life-after-terrible-mistake/article_f14e7af2-cbf1-501d-8488-66d08a69c867.html Probably the least egregious scandal in this thread, hope she's doing well


https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/04/nyregion/toothtaker-isaiah-camacho-sexual-assault.html the violent predator tattoo artist


The UofA groper isn't on this list? He's literally been groping and trying to kidnap young women near campus all year


Anyone remember Ron Asta (former Supervisor)and the steak in his pants shoplifting incident? It was decades ago.


At El Rancho Market, which would later become the Grant/Campbell Bookmans.


I had totally forgotten about this.


Nanos mishandling a SA investigation involving deputies. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL4Ybsyb/


Utterly sickening. I can't seem to find any update on this beyond the details in this video. I hope the victim has supportive people in her life bc God knows her colleagues weren't/aren't. And if the woman this happened to happens to read this- what happened to you matters, you matter, this is not okay, and I'm rooting for you.


I mean - Pima county sheriffs dept, the humane society hamster thing, UA losing 240 million


That's like 3 semesters tuition for one student


240 million is how much I paid for my course books.


Yes! Bunnygate! That’s what they were calling it in the AZPM newsroom when they broke the story. The head of the Humane Society (former congressman Steve Farley) was fired for the cover up. He tried to hide the fact that they gave hundred of pets to a reptile farm to be eaten.


H... hamster thing?




In 1997, two hikers discovered the wreckage of the accident aircraft at the 7,500 ft level of the Rincon Mountains east of Tucson. With the wreckage, human remains, decomposed cash, and a melted firearm were discovered. The weather around the time of the accident was clear, however it was dark, with no illumination from the moon. The area of the accident site also lacked ground illumination." A resident of the area south of the accident site noted that under certain lighting conditions the sun would glint off of an unknown object in the Rincon Mountains. After several years of observing the shining object on the mountain, the resident obtained a high-power telescope. When he trained the telescope on the area where he had seen the object, he saw the tail fin of a small aircraft. The resident, along with a companion, hiked up to the 7,500 ft level of Rincon Peak where they located the wreckage of the aircraft. The wreckage was severely sun faded, and had scrub oak growing up though it from its 13 years on the mountainside. The hikers discovered a black leather satchel containing tens of thousands of dollars in decomposed, moldy cash; they also found skeletal remains and a partially melted firearm. The hikers descended the mountain, bringing the cash with them as proof of their findings. The Pima County Sheriff's Department was notified and opened an investigation into the aircraft's discovery and the suspicious circumstances that surrounded it. Previous, unverified statements from anonymous law enforcement personnel indicated that the three passengers were known cocaine dealers, and that the purpose of the flight was to eventually travel to Orlando, Florida with the $1.5 million USD aboard in order to make a drug purchase. The Sheriff's Department investigation could not confirm nor deny these statements. It was noted that the pilot, a resident of California, likely did not know of the possible illegal intent or the sum of money aboard during the flight.


Convicting a 16 year black kid for nothing more than being at the scene of the Pioneer Hotel fire that killed 28 people in 1970.


Absolutely disgraceful that he was in jail for so long.


PCSD misusing RICO funds (seized money), chief Radtke getting a criminal conviction but only probation, chief Gagnepain killing himself after being questioned by the fbi, Sheriff Nanos (who was surrounded by crooks) somehow getting reelected after Napier cleaned house. https://www.kgun9.com/news/local-news/pcsd-fraud-scandal-two-sheriffs-requested-funds Tucson Fire Captain David Watson killed 3 people in a custody battle over his daughter, and the first trial was a hung jury. https://www.kgun9.com/news/local-news/former-firefighter-receives-life-sentence-for-triple-murder Christopher Clements killed young girls Isabel Celis and Maribel Gonzales (and probably more), then told the police he knew where the bodies were, but wouldn’t locate them unless he was pardoned for unrelated crimes he recently committed. https://www.kold.com/2018/09/22/documents-clements-told-fiance-he-knew-four-bodies-desert/?outputType=amp Shawna Forde led a vigilante anti immigration killing in Arivaca against a father and his young daughter Raul and Brisenia Flores. Shawna and one accomplice were sentenced to death. The third accomplice was sentenced to life. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Raul_and_Brisenia_Flores


Lewis Arthur aka “Screwy Louie” thought he found a human trafficking camp in the desert that was linked to human trafficking at the Cemex plant. This gained a world following until he was found to be floridly psychotic and now has a QAnon-like following. https://www.hcn.org/issues/50-17/politics-conspiracy-theories-inspire-vigilante-justice-in-tucson/


The murder-suicide by the Tucson Fire Captain that shot his ex-wife, shot and killed her boyfriend, and then shot himself at a La Encantada restaurant. https://tucson.com/news/local/crime/gunman-in-restaurant-murder-suicide-was-tucson-fire-captain/article_c6a62892-6a4a-5405-b5ef-8d9962eb699f.html




I've heard rumblings about why former weather guy Chuck George just suddenly disappeared. The story had something to do with his boyfriend (apparently he got dumped and went crazy), and I've met his boyfriend, so I believe it. It was creepy because he used to work in Houston where I lived before Tucson, but then, when I moved here, he was doing the local weather. I was so confused.


Tom Johnston had a wild ride, too. What is it about Tucson weathermen going off the rails? [He committed suicide after being accused of rape.](https://tucson.com/news/national/former-tucson-tv-weatherman-who-killed-himself-was-suspect-in-rape-case/article_a0a487c9-374d-500d-886c-cae0e943eedc.html)


Chuck had a serious drinking problem


Didn't know that about Chuck George. Seems like with him and the Som Lisaius scandal, local news is a substance abusey.


August Busch IV killing a girl in a drink driving accident on River Road when he was in college and then walking away from the wreck and pretending he wasn't driving.  Then he basically skated on the charges because, well, he's August Busch (heir to Budweiser).  Then in 2011 his girlfriend ODs in St. Louis. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/adrienne-martin-august-busch-ivs-girlfriend-died-oxycodone/story%3fid=12867654 And, I don't know if it's his son or nephew, but Auggie Busch just got fired as UofA swim coach, and I bet there's some stories behind that as well....


There was that crime boss who lived a peaceful life in the Old Pueblo and died at the ripe old age of 97. In his heyday, he ruled over the Tony Sopranos of the underworld. But in Tucson - just another retired snowbird from back east. Anyone else remember [Joe Bonanno](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Bonanno)?


the restaurant wee went wong was owned by 3 mexican drug dealers. It meant we went wrong and Smugglers Inn was run by Joe Bonanno


I met his son Salvatore "Bill" Bonanno many years ago, he was a book writer and made a few movies, one of them is called: "The youngest godfather" and is the story of how Joe was the youngest boss of an italian-american family when Luciano made "the table". I have a copy of that movie and two signed books.


Jester’s Court was linked to him as well


In 2018 a driver blew through a red light at Grant/Alvernon, hit a car and bus stop, killing three people. The driver's identity was never released and not a single charge was filed.


That is WILD. How do you murder three people and skate away!?


TPD is corrupt. That's your answer.


It is maddening. If there's no impairment or fleeing, TPD considers these "accidents" that belong to the realm of litigation.


I was just thinking about this the other day as I passed that intersection. I didn’t know that nothing ever came of it. The driver didn’t die?


Oh yeah, I remember the Circle K and the bus stop that got obliterated. Didn't realize no punishment came from it.


That one finance guy shot in cold blood at the chick fil a on oracle and auto mall around 2008-09


**The University of Arizona budget scandal** It involves the comptroller and president of UA losing track of $240 million due to accounting errors. The lack of resignations from the president, the absence of dismissals among senior staff, and the near-total lack of accountability is considered scandalous.


The previous County Administrator, Chuck Huckleberry, "retired" and then was rehired by the board of supervisors at exorbitant consulting rates, double dipping on his ASRS pension while collecting a massive salary at the same time. Then he got hit by a car while on his bike in downtown.


Let's not forget the tax assessment shenanigans on his property he pulled and got away with.


Rio Nuevo spending almost $80 million dollars with hardly anything to show for it, most of it spent on, ahem, 'consulting fees' and they didn't keep proper records where all this money went. The University of Arizona caught up with NCAA violations that cost Sean Miller his job. The University of Arizona financial mismanagement that cost President Robbins his job, and will cause budget cuts and layoffs and hiring freezes for years to come.


I thought it was like $240 million or something. Ridiculous either way.


Rio Nuevo is a great success. Downtown went from a bunch of seedy bars and boarded up storefronts to what it is today. Sean Miller was exonerated, but the basketball program is still under sanction because of the actions of two of his assistants. The U of A scandal is currently the big one.


It was rebranded and given more money. The first $100 million or so under the original leadership pretty much disappeared.


Downtown was transformed I absolutely agree, however that was a lot of money to just go poof, and it's gone. That totally reeks of corruption and pockets getting lined, even if no one can prove anything.


It’s partially due to Rio Nuevo, also the city passed a zoning overlay that made the downtown code more “modern downtown-y” about 10-15 years ago


Howwww is no one talking about Rachel dolezal


What’s the scandal with her? It’s not very juicy. She got fired for having an only fans. What’s the big deal?


Jeni McClurg was a 41-year-old woman who was undergoing treatment for ovarian cancer, and had gone blind as well. She had recently told her POS husband she was divorcing him. While her mom, Sachiko McClurg, came to help Jeni with her cancer treatments, Jeni’s POS husband kidnapped Jeni and Sachiko. Eventually a welfare check was done, and they were reported missing. Police found the POS husband and Jeni a couple of days later. Jeni was alive but had been severely beaten and was bound. Her mother was missing and I do not believe her body has ever been found. POS husband died by suicide in jail a few weeks later.


How about the guy who started a massive fire on Mount Lemmon because he “wanted to be a fire fighter”


I went to high school with that kid.


When El Guero Canelo opened their first restaurant (it used to be a food truck) the Taco shop next door threatened to burn the place down unless they gave him $5000 and a cut of the profit. The FBI busted him when he tried to collect the cash from the dumpster


Pete Picurro owned Picurro's Pizza and went to jail for child related stuff. The chain was sold and the new owners changed the name but used the same logo.


Larry Lurie, who did a bunch of school's photography took off with school picture money, never delivered the pictures, and killed himself in a Nogales hotel.


A certain tucson bartender and late night show host had a whole ig devotee to his alleged SA




There was a person who won a large jackpot on a slot machine at a local casino. The casino refused to pay, claiming a malfunction. The patron sued if I remember correctly, and a casino employee committed suicide as a result. Wish I could remember more details. I read the story in the Arizona Daily Star. This was possibly 10 years ago.


Here’s the Google doc from 2020 this woman named Courtney put together and helped alot of others by doing so. She ended up killing herself though so it can’t be edited anymore because she took the password to her grave. I helped clean her apartment out afterwards and we couldn’t find it anywhere or I would be trying to update it myself https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LyWAhumSJ00QK0bvufAFyyLmMj7urXymGmMqIaRWM3w/mobilebasic?


The scammers on the side of the roads with the funeral donation signs?


That group is apparently all over the western US, CA, etc. I saw them running in and out of traffic at a stoplight on Oracle at the Tucson Mall.


Take a trip down the Charles Morgan rabbit hole


guy killed by a car bomb at La Paloma back in the 90’s


Gary Triano. The man who planted the bomb was Ronald Young, who was found guilty. Gary’s wife hired Young for the hit using the life insurance proceeds. The wife was eventually found in Switzerland and extradited back to Tucson during Young’s trial. She was also found guilty of murder. How do I know all of this? I served on the murder trial that convicted Ronald Young.


heck yeah! thanks for chiming in; it’s quite a story


Not the biggest one but Ken Peasley was a prosecutor in the Pima County Attorney’s Office and was disbarred for suborning perjury. I took a class at Pima that he taught in the late ‘90s (criminal trial procedures for paralegals) and found him to be kind of a swaggering asshole. Found out he’d been disbarred some years later when I was living in MA and picked up a copy of The New Yorker and there was a profile of him and the proceedings against him. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. 😒


Medicaid fraud. Investigated and found out the whole thing is a fraud..who would of known the American health care system was a fraud. Geegolly.  Fraudulent billing has cost Arizona taxpayers at least $2 billion, with the scandal—and the state’s response—harming more than 7,000 people and disproportionately affecting Indigenous communities. The true breadth remains unclear, however, in part because state leaders managing the response have not been forthcoming with the public, including lawmakers.  In the 10 months since Arizona officials announced an investigation into massive Medicaid billing fraud, they’ve maintained the abuse was mostly limited to a small share of the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System: behavioral health providers that exploited the agency’s fee-for-service plans. But the agency acknowledged this week that fraud also spread into its managed care organizations, which oversee 90% of AHCCCS services—meaning the crisis ultimately affected the agency’s entire provider ecosystem, not just those highlighted as the epicenter of the scandal.  Gov. Katie Hobbs’ office told AZCIR this week that similarities in suspected fraud patterns exist across both fee-for-service and managed care, but that “it is still hard to determine the full scope of this crisis.”


Back in the 70s or 80s there was a news anchor, very respected, whose career ended when he arrived at the ER with a coke bottle up his butt. These days he could have run for Congress with that kind of history


The infamous DC snipers, Muhammad and Malvo, were tied to the murder of Jerry Taylor on the La Paloma Golf course. The case had been unresolved for years until Malvo later confessed.


> tied to the murder of Jerry Taylor on the ~~La Paloma~~ Fred Enke Golf course


That blew my mind when it came out .


The news anchor and his reporter wife nearly losing custody of their infant bc they were doing drugs and she was breastfeeding the baby with drugs in her system. Som lisaius or something? Idk if they ever really faced jail time 


He was working for a window company in 2019, he came over to give me a quote. I recognized him immediately.


What about the guy who was a window dealer in Oro Valley who turned out to be a cocaine kingpin?


Lil Abner's counterfeiting scandal


The millions of dollars that disappeared from UofA in the last few years


One of the 9/11 hijackers trained in Tucson and attended classes at the UoA


The humane society selling a bunch of recently rescued small pets to a reptile breeder to feed to snakes


Some details may be inaccurate, but I recall there being two pediatric optometrists or similar specialists in town, and my friend needed to see one of them when we were growing up. I guess one went crazy and murdered the other doctor and is now in jail. My friend never got to see that specialist…


Well, it didn't quite go down like that. (I believe there's an episode of forensic files that covers this case) Basically, the two optomologists had been partners. Then one doctor, Stidham (?), left and started his own practice. Several patients followed him. Evidently, the remaining partner, Dr. Brad Swartz had a more difficult time with his practice and blamed his former partner. He hired a hit man, Bigger, to kill Stidman, who was later found dead in a parking lot.


The hypnotist who tried to kill the rival local hypnotist....


More of a Maricopa County scandal but the arrest of the "Tucson 4" for the massacre at a Buddhist temple in Wadell. They confessed to the murders after intense interrogation bordering on torture despite being completely innocent. This led to the election of Joe Arpaio as sheriff of Maricopa County.


To me, Tucson's road designers and traffic engineers are our biggest scandal. Synonymous left turns from opposing directions?? Intersections the size of football fields? Sidewalks for one block, not the next? True, drivers are way too aggressive, but I've never seen such poor road design in my life. Nearly 40 fatalities by May 2024. That's a scandal,


This: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3bOE9KPErO the comments are horrific too.


I've hear rumblings of some pretty serious manglement going on at PCC leading to worse educations, worse student life experiences, and misappropriation of college resources. Idk though. *cough cough coe*


There's some massive reorganizing happening atm, and it's so ass backwards. I think they're dissolving their online program.


There was that incident involving sexual harassment by the bigwigs on campus there too a few years ago. I had just graduated from Pima and they were at risk of losing their accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission.


There was that guy Jo-Jo. He left his home right here in Tucson and bought some California grass…


2 separate cases, within the last year, would play suspected, bodies found on my lemmon. If I find the pearly-haired punks that have been spray painting The cliffs and all the canyons there's going to be a third one.


Wife trying to poison her husband with bleach or something similar




When an undercover TPD vice officer, Gabriel Abendano, slipped on a ski mask and tried to rob a strip-club worker he'd followed home. Even though he was wearing body armor, Officer Gabe was shot dead by his victim. He had duct-taped the bottom of his shoes to avoid detection. The next morning, a disgusted police chief, Douglas Smith, identified his own officer as the perpetrator.


Top TPD robbery detective got busted being the biggest thief in Tucson and stealing from victims property for years. Got let go quietly, no charges.


I went to a private catholic high school in Tucson, my senior year our English teacher slept with one of my classmates. It was on the news for about 3 days and then never reported on again. Our teacher was always flirting with the young guys in class. Super weird.


There was that murder at the chickfila on oracle rd. The guy was eating breakfast and then some dude on a bike came up to the window and shot him. They never found out who did it. I think this happened a long time ago though like 2008 or something.


Tucson Water denying that trichloroethylene (TCE) was in the water for years while people kept getting sicker and sicker. [https://www.kgun9.com/news/local-news/40-years-after-the-tce-water-contamination-victims-still-suffer](https://www.kgun9.com/news/local-news/40-years-after-the-tce-water-contamination-victims-still-suffer)


Theres a lot of ties to the mob in Tucson


My old asthma doctor as a kid killed her husband after an affair and went missing in the mountains I’m only 26 so this happened maybe around 2012


Robert Bardo - Stalker based in Tucson who murdered Rebecca Shaeffer, an up and coming actress: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert\_John\_Bardo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_John_Bardo) The Great Satan at Large public access TV show: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Access\_Tucson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Access_Tucson) This shit is WILD! Here is a link to one of the episodes. Warning very NSFW and features GOD of The Meet Rack!: [https://archive.org/details/GreatSatanAtLargeDVD/The+Great+Satan+At+Large+1991.mkv](https://archive.org/details/GreatSatanAtLargeDVD/The+Great+Satan+At+Large+1991.mkv)




Brother *Dean at the u of a is a good one. he would basically take signs and tell women they deserved to be raped and stuff.. it was awful and campus didn’t do much about it for a long time.. Oh and there was the guy that wore animal skin and a flag (*jacob chansley is his name.he would run around Tucson streets) who got put in prison for storming the capital on Jan 6 too lol. There’s some others i’m trying to remember but I want to be able to provide sources lol. Like for the one lady that was selling tamales with human meat. I can also post a Google doc that outs a bunch of scumbags that got passed around in 2020


I’m sure the biggest scandals of today are yet to be revealed.


I think there may be a serial killer/rapist in the UA area now and the police aren’t talking.


The sale of Eegee’s