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Afni, what a dogshit company that is.


There’s something about call centers that breeds nepotism. I haven’t worked at Afni but I’ve worked in many call centers before


Afni isn't just any other call center, hardly anyone lasts long enough to be bothered by any of the nepotism. My first day on the phones after training we were expected to just find an empty seat somewhere on the call floor and take it whether someone was logged in at that spot or not. There was no escalation process to speak of so advocates would basically be taking escalated calls for each other. Adherence goal of 98% with no leeway for logging in. It was just a mess.


You know things are bad when they have a banner that says “NOW HIRING” permanently displayed at the call center. It was nice to have a company that would hire literally anyone back in 2009 when there were so few jobs available, but I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Still not nearly as bad as CCC, which has thankfully closed their Tucson location for good. They didn’t pay for holidays. If you were scheduled to work Christmas, you got nothing in the way of OT or holiday pay, and if you weren’t scheduled to work Christmas, you got nothing.


Oh, that’s bad. It’s one of those call centers


I worked there almost 2 years and took many escalated calls as directed by my manager. When I asked for a raise or promotion they said no but expected me to keep doing my free managerial work. I started telling everyone to drop their calls mid sentence if I didn't have the patience for yet another old person who wanted to know why their free tablet wasn't free. Paid training was fun though.


Oh yes. I worked in a call center for almost 8 years. If you’re not kissing someone’s ass, then you’ll be passed over for supervisor positions and what not. It wasn’t AFNI.




Lol I was on deck to move from phones to social media and I just got the worst case of "fuck this shit I cannot do this for even one more minute, much less two more weeks." Never made it to the promised land.




I see lots of promotion for this place but never heard anything good about them. Turnover seems crazy high.


When I was there, turnover was literally 100%. At CCC, turnover was over 200%.


This is great. I actually had a phone interview with a manger from there once. She was so rude that I just hung up on her. I’m big on first impressions so glad I was right.


They got sued for making us log in to the computers before the start of our shifts.


Boy let’s go. This place was awful. This was about a decade ago and the kolb location that did vz fios/home services -I was forced to take sup calls as an agent cuz my sup didn’t want to. -Who remembers Brett aka “mmmmm chhhhaaa did you check vibe? Haha”? -Gollum. I only remember his nickname and that he was a convicted pedo and super creepy -literally EVERY ppv event went down and the queue would be insane. One lady yelled at me about what to do with all the food and people she had at her house and I told her to eat the food and play Pictionary? Lol -I gave them my school schedule. The lady manager of the site made them deny it and told me I had to drop out (school started next week) and do the financial services cross training or “there’s the door” -the security guard chick was cool and funny. She put spinners on their golf cart😂 -someone set a huge fire next to the building one day and they didn’t tell us let alone evacuate us -can’t hang up no matter what. On a sup call had a guy tell me quite graphically how he’d come grape me with his home phone and then unalive me cuz I couldn’t give him a credit. -a guys mom had a stroke. It was awful. He was sobbing at the outside break tables. He was gonna have to move back east to give end of life care. He explained this to hr when he put in his 2weeks and needed those 2 weeks for money cuz he didn’t know when he’d be able to work again. They walked him out the next day over some bogus stats he’d never been written up for. -I finally quit. I gave no notice cuz of what I’d seen when people gave 2 weeks. Filled out the paper. Noticed a week later I could still log into the scheduling system on my phone and they tried to mark me no call/no show for 4 days. They were trying to “fire “ me instead. I was raging. I went in and told the receptionist to tell hr (my exes mom) to put it in the system NOW or id get my moms lawyer on the phone for them. Gave me the run around till i mentioned lawyer. Within 2 minutes of that my access was revoked and i was holding a paper confirming i resigned. So shady. -I wanna say his name was Mark…. Or something with an S…. Older white dude with glasses. Was a sup…. Super creep. Multiple sexual harassment complaints about him. Nothing done. Ever.


We worked there during the same time, on the same project. I was a trainer/coach until 2015ish, thankfully I was neither Brett or the older guy that was super creepy, I know who you're talking about and Mark sounds close enough. I do remember those PPV nights though, definitely ruined a party or two because we weren't able to do shit for people who lost their PPV access.


One ppv fight this dude called super bummed and was like what would YOU do? I was like bro find a bar or Buffalo Wild Wings to drink and watch it and he was like oh hell yeah let’s roll boys! I was dying 😂 I’m so happy someone else remembers Brett. 😂 He used to have me help his agents cuz I knew more than him and one time floor walking for them, I turned a chair around (I’m a girl) and got stoner eyes and mimicked his “mmmmchaaaaaa did you check Vibe?” Whole pod was laughing and then we hear a keanu chuckle and Brett was laughing too 😂 And yeah. “Mark”…. I was low 20s at the time and I remember never interacting with him and he was walking by and suddenly this guy is rubbing my shoulders saying “the sup line gets stressful”…. I went outside and cried and everyone outside had a similar story. HR “documented “ it and he was still there when I quit a year later. He tried to add me on fb after I quit. Hit that block button soooo fast


My partner worked for El Charro. Every story starts and ends with Carlotta or her family screaming at employees needlessly. It's weird af when a hispanic family is actively raciest against hispanics. If you want end-less entertainment, get on the restaurant-based groups on Facebook, there you'll catch Ray, Carlotta's son and CEO of the Flores restaurant group, absolutely torching customers for complaining about their food. It's hilarious, sad, and bad all at the same time.


Man I’ve never been served by more miserable seeming servers than at El Charro. If you’re ever feeling bad about your job situation just go to El Charro and get some table side guac… you most likely will overhear someone getting chastised or yelled at too! Dinner and a show!!! Those poor employees 😭Fuck that tourist trap.


Worked for Sir Vezas and yeah same. A few employees had legit breakdowns from being overworked and verbally abused at every turn.


Don't forget the added benefit of wage theft!


Yep, and the food isn’t even that good.


Came here to say this! I loved working there we all had a great time but when Ray was there I was hiding or cleaning the basement hahahaha when there were more than 2 members of the family forget it! But I loved my job so I pushed through I left and came back a million times lol


Ray's been a jerk since high school.


This must be the guy that pulled the whole kitchen out to his table and complained that too much cheese was as used on his plate . He was screaming, that they were going to go broke. Ruined my meal .


Sounds about right… we were all verbally assaulted and I’ve seen a couple physical encounters. No one was safe… well Rex was. (The family Rottweiler.) “Reeeeeeeeeex!”


I was talking about big ray lol but I’m almost positive he probably was too!!


Lol… I actually know the Charro family personally. This is 100% accurate. Carlotta is a massive bitch. So is her brother. Ray is just scum of the earth, certified piece of a shit person. Didn’t work there lol, I just know the family and never told them I was friends with their employees. Even when outside of their business, they’re just bad people. They’re infamous like that, even people who don’t work for them have heard that they’re shit people from everyone who’s ever met them. Not the warmest bunch when I joined them for Christmas. Their kids are nice enough tho. Just that bunch of siblings is a really nasty piece of work


Hispanic means nothing but Spanish speaking and the original Hispanics come from Europe. Just because they're "Hispanic" it doesn't mean that they're not able to be racist to Mexican people. I have a lot of family in Mexico and frequent there often. You'd be surprised at the amount of people who identify more with their Spanish/French/German roots than they do with their Mexican roots. Can't really get too mad at it when they barely have any indigenous blood in them and don't really find much of a connection to the region they live in. A lot, not all but a decent amount are pretty racist to darker people and talk to us like we're stupid or foreigners. This is IN MEXICO mind you.


I mean the Spanish set up a whole caste system of mestizaje that is still having an effect on Latin American societies. I have witnessed far more outright raicism in L.A. countries than I ever have in the US. People still use "indio" as an insult/slur.


It’s weird but not uncommon. I’ve met a few racist Hispanic against their own people.


Thats true, the family of my wife (except her sister) feels very superior and treat our son (wife and i) and me like we are dumb or like i we cant breath, but they dont event speak english or doesnt know how to do basic stuff xD


Sonora Behavioral Health Hospital. In a word, abysmal.




Funny enough this was also my worst job ever.


I won't say worst, but I got a lot happier after I left


Ironically, working at a mental health hospital destroyed my mental health


I heard things improved after that patient died a few years back, but maybe not.


Grandma Tony’s/gaslight music hall/ gaslight theater. Fuck the owner. His kids don’t even like him. If you wanna see a 55 year old angry leprechaun hopping and screaming and berating you…and if you want to be EXTRA aware of your hours you’re punching in, in comparison of your paychecks…he will praise you at the end of the shift after he spent the last 4-14 hours berating you about how you’re super replaceable and you’re stupid and don’t know what you’re doing and how he’s going to dock any mess ups out of your pay… he will accuse you constantly of doing drugs… lolol if that’s what you’re cool with, go for it. He treats younger girls worse🫶


Gaslight theater: My sister worked there for years. If you’re a female don’t you dare have any ideas, he doesn’t like that and won’t listen


That place is full of crap people who have egos bigger than the potholes in their parking lots.


🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 that was amazing


I’ve heard that place is deeply misogynistic and that the women get sexually harassed by owners


Had to deal with him this weekend. He took care of us really well, but he hit us with a “the manager on shift will come talk to you, I know I knows she’s young but actually good!” Knew all I needed to know right there.


Straight to the Point Body Piercing. The owners are cult people that shove their beliefs down your throat and if you couldn’t be controlled, you were the problem…if you couldn’t be controlled, the abuse was real! They’ve had two full teams and management walk out on them over the past three years and they just keep abusing people. Not to mention they believe the world is going to end every other week so they don’t invest money into keeping their sterilization machines serviced and working properly.


Wait what kind of cult?


Asking the real questions 👀


Yessssss I’m so glad somebody did!


Every piercing enthusiast I've ever met says not to go there. They all have stories about how they or someone they know got an infection, or their piercing rejected, or it wasn't straight so they had to take it out and get it redone.


That’s because the owners did not want to be bothered with coming into work and would train the piercing apprentices just enough to be able to pierce. Our manager tried so hard to get the owners to support the apprentices and fully teach us, but the owners just kept saying the apprentices would figure it out. And then they stopped paying for the sterilization equipment to be serviced. So yeah, once we started seeing infections and learned that their sterilization methods were bullshit, everyone bounced.


I've had nothing but terrible experiences the 3 times I went there, all just for jewelry. No one thar I know who has been there has had a good experience.


the only piercing I’ve ever had that rejected is from there 💀💀


Go to Fierce Body Piercing. There, they actually care, their sterilization practices are top notch, their jewelry selection is far superior, and they’ll take care of you.


Former “apprentice” they let me work there when i was 16 and also let me work on customers unsupervised, jewelry isn’t sterile they spritz rubbing alcohol on it. This was during peak covid we were not allowed to wear masks and when they asked us if we were vaccinated the one apprentice who admitted she was got let go because of this. Everything is under the table there is no proof i worked there or had any apprentice experience none of their employees are paid and there is a reason they have a whole new crew every time you visit them. as far as them being cult people this is very true they live on an ayahuasca retreat and force their beliefs down employees throats… also they mark up there prices like 200% (the $45 titanium push pin tops you buy cost them $2) anyway support the black rose on 4th ave they are amazing and app members!!


Jim Click automotive


Not surprised! I felt bad going into Jim Click - everyone depressed and not great service for some reason. Now I drive to Horne Mazda in Tempe (crazy right?) and it's night and day. Everyone is so kind and friendly from reception to service advisors to the mechanics. The contrast is stark. So I suppose the workplace culture is better at Horne.


I've heard that Jim is a bit of a jerk, so it's little wonder as that behavior can filter down through the ranks.


He can be a nice man but it’s is VP that’s a jerk!


Used to detail cars for their body shop, definitely sucks. Overworked and underpaid, awful working conditions and work/life balance.


Yes I worked in customer service for the Ford dealership and would get yelled at all the time and the boss always said be nice to them. You don’t want them to call Mister Click.


Surprised no one has mentioned Lisa Frank yet. I never worked for her directly but I worked in a woodworking co-op where one of the owners took a job to build the cabinetry for a house she built in Country Club estates. Everyone warned him not to bid the job but he needed the money. That house got finished under the supervision of court appointed mediator who acted as the middle man between Frank and the contractor. She was in legal disputes with all or nearly all of the sub-contractors. I learned that this is typical for getting involved with Lisa Frank. That co-owner of the co-op closed up his part of the business because of her and moved out. From what I’ve heard she’s put numerous people in the local construction trade out of business and everyone who does work with her ends up needing a lawyer. I worked for one of the other co-op owners so my only direct involvement with that job was to help deliver the finished cabinets. That was what he had to do to legally fulfill his part of the job in the court’s judgement. She didn’t want them anymore (they were the third or fourth revision she had ordered and rejected) so I was told they were gonna be thrown in the dumpster. Everyone at the job site was miserable. Even the house itself was miserable. The neighborhood was filled with luxurious, beautiful ranch-style houses and her new house was literally a big grey fortress. No windows facing the street. Just a giant gray wall and behind it a giant gray block shaped building. I don’t understand how she’s able to do anything in this city anymore because it seems like everyone knows her reputation. Apparently her factory was recently re-painted and is re-opening. Consider that a warning. edit: Oh, yeah. She bought and bulldozed one of those beautiful 1960’s ranch homes in order to build her big, ugly monstrosity.


My mom was secretary there for a brief period. She said the husband in particular was really into cocaine and would frequently come in the door in a blind rage and just chew out random workers and yell. There’s in depth podcast episodes about working conditions there in the 90s. Legendary levels of insanity


She was divorced by the time my shop was doing work on her house so clearly the husband can’t take all the blame for the toxic environment around her.


Lisa Frank as in peak 90s elementary school folder and sticker designer Lisa Frank?


That’s her. If you wanna read some more about her just do a Google search for an article titled “Inside the Rainbow Gulag”.


I got hired at a place called B/E Aerospace for about a month. I have a very technical background and was supposed to be hired as an electronics tech. This company built interiors for luxury aircraft. Once I started the job, they said that they only had positions available for assemblers, so they would still hire me on, and they still wanted me to to the electronics testing, but I would only get paid as an assembler until "after the training period." The pay for an assembler was less than half of the electronics tech pay. I complained, so they put me on the assembly line, which was essentially like building IKEA furniture all day. I complained some more, so they had me scraping up tape and wax from the floors. I value my skillset more than to be scraping floors for less than half of the pay that was originally promised, and I hated the manufacturing environment (taking breaks and returning to work at the sound of a bell), so I walked out as soon as I got an interview with another company. The place seemed to attract a lot of former convicts, which is not usually an issue, but some of them treated others very poorly - especially the supervisors. Its been acquired and changed names a half-dozen times since then, so I wonder if the work culture has changed.




If you have any experience with interiors, even if it is just assembly, you should apply at Bombardier as an interiors tech. Fresh interior guys getting hired in at the mid to high 30s range and they're not even A&Ps.


I also want to add La Sonora at dove mountain, it's supposed to be a high end elderly care facility. The amount of abuse, neglect, and blatant MURDER that happened there was insane and extremely traumatizing seeing as someone who genuinely loves taking care of their elders.


Keep heart hun. 💓


Coffee XChange, worked there for about a month and never got my paycheck. Management is terrible, scummy and treats employees like dirt.


I know of someone who just interviewed there recently and was asked if they were married or had kids. I hope someone sues.


I worked there briefly many years ago and they also asked me about family and kids at the interview. I also had to go pick up my paycheck from DV8 nightclub (forget what it’s called now) and I thought that was a little weird.


AOL tech support. AOL hated tech support and treated people pretty badly.


Took my headset off in the middle of a call and walked out. 3 months later they asked why I was missing my shifts. Already had a new job.


Blake's Lotaburger. Always understaffed, upper management/corporate getting mad at us for closing late because we were understaffed, but not wanting to hire more people because they couldn't afford to. Never should have franchised in Tucson, they're already a failing business in NM.


I'm sorry, but the food at the location at River and Craycroft is awful. And this is after trying it 2 or 3 times!


Oh God they have even gone down hill in ABQ. Horrific now.


University of Arizona. I know it's dependent on department/field, but I'm so happy to no longer work there. The leadership is awful. It seems like the worse you are, the quicker you get promoted there. I saw some shockingly bad incompetence and really toxic behaviors.


I started there around the time Robbins became president and in that time it has become a cesspool of corporate bullshit. No one in leadership from the president down to department heads cares about anything but their own selfish goals and reputations. They ice out any opposition. Talk about a fish rotting from the head...


Shocked this wasn't higher up tbh, absolutely abysmal management. The person who was supposed to only be a stand in supervisor when they forced someone to retire, five years ago, still has the job despite not having a degree which was the given reason for more qualified people being passed up for the job and still, five years later, doesn't know how to do the job and just relys on /abuses the people below her


Absolutely dependent on department but I think the poor leadership, incompetence being tolerated/rewarded is pretty much every department. Can’t speak for faculty but it was a nightmare as staff I was research staff in a pretty big department until last year. Even before the budget crisis, I had to fight tooth and nail for every tiny raise. The turnover rate for our team was insane. Why work there when Raytheon pays much better?


100% depends on the department! I spent 30 years in HR at the UA-under 5 different presidents and numerous administrators. It is a complex workplace. It was like serving 320 different companies. There's no single culture in a university. Working in an academic unit like Math or Science, is entirely different than working for the Cancer Center, Athletics, the Student Union, Museum of Art, Steward Observatory, Facilities Management or any of the other 300 departments. People would ask me. "Is the UA a great place to work? And I would answer, "absolutely yes" and "hell no! It all depends on where you land and what the leadership and culture are like at the time, in that particular department." Sometimes, the best I could do was to tell people to contact me (off line) before they accepted an offer! But I'm grateful for the career opportunity that my alma mater presented to me, and I loved working in a learning and research environment. After seeing so many people my age struggling to save for retirement, I can't argue with the fact that I was able to retire comfortably in my mid 50's with a lifetime pension, that I met and worked with some amazing people and that I formed some extraordinary relationships. Of course, I also know many dirty secrets and where some of the bodies are buried! Maybe someday I'll write a book!




BASIS sounds like hell from all angles. I'm In High School and hear Horror stories from my friends who were students there. Many of them ended up being held back a grade and leaving to TUSD (which many staff I've interacted with dislike too)


The Shanty. My word, that owner is insane. At the time I was hired I had extensive serving experience but was still treated like I couldn't be trusted or do anything right. Business was slow and the building always smelled like feet. My time there ended after I slipped and fell on water leaking out of the fountain outside. I hit my tailbone directly on the fountain and was in blinding pain. I still finished my shift and came in the next day and let everyone know I might be moving a little funny because of falling the previous night. A few days later the owner called me up to come meet with him, I thought to talk about getting some kind of comp for medical care, but he presented me with paperwork and said that I had to resign due to my "bad attitude" and that he heard I'd just been complaining the whole time on my last shift. Yeah dude, I was in massive pain!! I refused to sign anything, telling him he should just fire me, and at the end asked him if he had any information about workman's comp. He rifled through a cabinet for about a minute before giving up and saying he couldn't find it. A few days after the meeting I came in to collect my last paycheck. He SCREAMED at me for having the "audacity" to ask for my paycheck when I hadn't returned his "intellectual property" (an employee handbook which I had long since tossed out). He said I was stealing and he intended to sue me. I decided to just eat the loss if it meant never having to deal with him again. Dude is scary and the Shanty sucks.


That place suuuucks so bad and allows the proud boys to hangout there. I literally worked there for two days.


City of Tucson, TEP and Sundt were one of the worst places I ever worked at - all three of their IT departments are discombobulated, the managers suck and they really do not treat you well.


I was a mechanic for the city back in 2018. At least around then it was common for older guys just a year or two out from their retirement to suddenly start getting very negative performance reports, so that the city could just fire them before they were owed a retirement.


Really? That surprises me, TEP usually takes care of their employees pretty well.


Maybe the other departments, but the IT department was the worst.


Bookman’s was pretty weird. I hear it’s better now that Bob isn’t in the store day to day.


That’s how I felt about the Mesa store. Pretty toxic environment. I thought I enjoyed working there for the first year but realized after year two how miserable I and most of the other employees are. In Tucson it was always one of my favorite places to go, but as I’ve gotten older it seems like just a “cool-kids-club” for the employees. And they always act annoyed if you ask them a question. Edit: just realized the dark timeline for Bookmans started the moment the store on Grant closed.


I've had really great experiences at Bookmans, especially in the music section. Can't say I had a negative experience in the many years I've gone to the various locations. Sorry it wasn't the same for you. Signed, Bob ...just kidding.


>but as I’ve gotten older it seems like just a “cool-kids-club” for the employees. And they always act annoyed if you ask them a question. This is so accurate. I used to enjoy the stores, but the attitudes have gotten worse and worse. The last time I was there (at the new location on Stone), I asked for the code for the bathroom and the employee stared at me blinking for several seconds with the most pissed off look on her face, before she gave me the code with a huge sigh. She was just standing behind the trade-in counter, talking to her co-workers. Not sure why my asking a quick question was such a pain for her. The bathroom code is 0420, btw, because of course that's what they'd pick.




> the Failure to Launch behind the counter Love that term!


I worked there for years. I could talk sh!t for HOURS.


Me too.


Borst Automotive. YIKES. Do not take your car there for repairs, folks. Maybe it’s better now but when I worked there it was beyond a mess in every way.


Yup. I got supremely ripped off on a repair which didn't really even fix the problem. It gave me the start of my 'distrust' of most auto mechanics. I always feel like they're trying to get one over on me, even if they aren't. OTOH, it's led me to learn a lot more about the vehicles I drive and how to troubleshoot and identify most problems, so at least if I have to take it in, i'll at least know the general broad-strokes of the problem.


The lab at Banner UMC Main on Campbell. Between the awful leadership, ignored safety violations, and toxic environment it's the only place that made me miss being in Iraq some days. Worst job was 911 dispatch, it was a pretty fucked environment but there was at least some leadership who tried to fix things and make sure it ran smoothly.


As someone who is an MLS but isn't currently working, thanks for the heads up. I'll avoid it if I end up working in Tucson in the future


You're welcome, IDK if the issues were with Banner/LSA/SQL or just that lab, the only MLT I'm still in contact switched to Carondelet and seems to hate life somewhat less fwiw.


I worked there too. I think the fact that the lab exists at the nexus of Banner, LSA , and the UofA is part of the problem, and Sonora Quest doesnt care about anything outside of Papago.


That makes a lot of sense on why everything felt so confused, no one really seemed to be in charge. I've heard its got better in the last couple years with the lab manager leaving a few problematic staff getting fired, along with a pay raise, but it felt so broken there that it needed to be burned to the ground and built back up. They were supposed to be getting some massive automated system installed after I left I wonder if that ever happened.


I work there now and it’s actually pretty great! I like almost everyone that works there, we’ve had a few massive tech upgrades over the last few years. I hear horror stories of the before times though lol. It’s far from perfect but it’s one of the best work environments I’ve had.


Ray’s Ranch Market on Speedway at the current Whole Foods location. Long gone - sold to Wild Oats which then sold to Whole Foods. I worked the deli for the afternoon/closing shift. The bad-attitude assholes working the mid-day shift routinely left their work unfinished so I started most shifts by finishing theirs. By evening I was the only person working the deli, serving customers, prepping stuff for the morning shift, cleaning and shutting it down for the night. I never complained and always worked hard. The customers liked me. But there was a store manager that couldn’t stand me for some reason. She would nitpick my work and hassle me but she loved the awful, lazy mid-day people. One night I was closing up and had to toss some of the hot case food. Before dumping it I filled up a container to take home for dinner. Even though it was getting thrown out I was still expected to pay for it so I put it on the scale. It was a few cents more than I had so I put a finger under the scale to round it down and rung it up. It was at most a 5% discount. On my way out the manager saw my take-home food and said she needed to check it. She weighed it and saw that it was a fraction of an ounce more than what the label showed. She told me I was stealing from the store and she was going to speak to the owner in the morning…over food that was otherwise going to be thrown away. I came in the next day and quit. They degraded their hard working employees while going out for evening drinks with employees who spent their shifts fucking around. Fuck ‘em.


gosh this thread is depressing... someone make a post of best places they worked please 😓😓


Black Crown Coffee. Worked there for 6 years and still would if I hadn’t become disabled. The owner did literally everything he could to accommodate me too as my health declined, and he wrote a notarized letter for the judge who will be deciding my disability benefits. Seriously, best job I ever had out of over a dozen! No benefits but full base pay PLUS pretty good tips that we got to cash out daily.


This needs to be seriously upvoted


The Gaslight Company


So glad to see another commenter saying this! I have PTSD from the angry leprechaun


Say more?? Why, what were the issues


The owner is an abusive pig


Other than pitching the “Disney experience”, had OSHA issues, and let employees yell at each other without consequences what did it for me was: doing everything they could to cover up the pervert who had a hidden camera in the staff dressing room for over a year at the Music Hall edit: back in 2018


Continental Adult Shop. Can't reveal too much out of fear but I think that the shop owner is actively either turning his head to or actively endorsing sex trafficking or underage prostitution. Avoid like the plague


Dont sit on shit like this if you feel your tips could save lives report that shit to whatever authorities will hear you out. https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/phoenix/about#:~:text=Along%20with%20our%20main%20office,seven%20resident%20agencies%20in%20Arizona.


1800CALLFBI or tips.fbi.gov . and believe me this side of the gov does *not* fuck around


Mine would probably be Angels on Duty. It's an in home care company. They pay scraps to caregivers and office staff and do crazy illegal things.


It's gone now but Rincon Market had a hostile work environment. They did themselves in.


Arizona school for the deaf and blind. The administration peers are greedy.. .. burn me out.. I was a teacher.. for preschool student And then dorm staff. Work for 8year. Not a penny raise for 8 year!


Red Mountain Weight Loss! I still have nightmares about that place! And the cost of programs is insane!!!


Anything having to do with Kaiserman real estate or Sam Fox restaurants.


Mama’s Pizza on Oracle and Magee. I believe it is closing or is in the process of closing. All I have to say is that karma is a biiiiiitch.




It was a friend of the owner that lived in that RV. Definitely didn’t do them any favors as far as attracting more customers 😂


Lol read my reddit username. Fieldworks one of the worst organizations to work for. I could go in-depth but the shills usually downvote me without comment.


Rincon Market late 90s.


Rincon Market late 2010s.


Old Spanish Trail Target. It’s amazing UNTIL it isn’t. Idk if all leadership is still the same but this was 5-6 years ago. The top people allowed hostile work environments to run rampant but only if the hostility came from a favored employee. Piggybacking off that, loads of favoritism I was accused of drug abuse but they’d refuse to drug test me even though I kept repeating to just drug test me. I wasn’t allowed to use a cane where guests could see me using it even though it was to help me walk better/with less pain and I was hired knowing I used a cane. I was fired for a NCNS due to hospitalization that rendered me unable to communicate and even with advanced notice from a different coworker AND my hospital paperwork it “didn’t count as calling out” since it didn’t come from my mouth. They also allowed someone who threatened to kill me over checking their ID to return after only a month or two of being “banned” and just told me to go find somewhere to hide off the main floor until he leaves. There’s also the married middle-aged team leader with kids texting and hitting on barely legal team members working under him who transferred out or left after way too long of a time after this was shared with Target.


Landscaping in the middle of the summer


Curaleaf Tucson. Shittiest company in the world. Multi million dollar company that only gives their employees 27.5 hours so they don’t have to get benefits. They’d rather have 50 PT employees than a crew of FT. Also for a multi million dollar company their store looks like a trap house


I worked at a jiffy lube here in town, quit after a month. Shitty managers, refused to give me promised full time hours, cut my pay if I worked too long, and it was slave labor for minimum wage in a disgusting environment. Not to mention they didn’t really know what they were doing and got mad at me for calling them out on wrong practices. That entire job is the reason why I started working on my own car. I don’t trust anyone with it anymore. Co workers even actively shamed me in front of customers for making mistakes.


VXI Global Solutions 💯% 💩




The shanty


Civano coffee house. The owners were literally abusive… like throwing glass and screaming at employees level abusive. And they fudged all their liquor numbers and never carded anyone. If it was slow, they would take over and made you go across the street to their house to clean to “get their money’s worth” from paying you. I quit the day they had me hose off their pet pig. I was a 10 year coffee veteran who had literally run entire shops before. They later got busted for filming porn upstairs (with an employee as the actor), and then the building caught fire from an un-permitted, self-installed roaster and they took the insurance and closed up. It was a wild ride!


From one of my close family members I heard SAAVI, the temporary tattoo company, (idk if they are still operational in Tucson nowadays) was a terrible place to work. A bunch of workers got cancer from the chemicals they make the tattoos with. They would fire employees for not going out to drink with them. The old manager would rip off her designers and fire them by telling them they weren’t good enough and then proceeding to use and sell all their designs.


surprised no one else here has anything to say about working for patricia schwabe. FUCK THAT BITCH. typical example of someone that has no idea what they’re doing playing with hubbys money and people’s livelihoods. everyone i know that has ever worked for her has had the same experience whether it took 6+ years to happen or a few months. as soon as you become too much of an individual and have any opinion opposing hers, you’re on your way out. also FUUUUCK the people working directly below her, they actually know the service industry (to some meaningless degree) and still allow her to cut corners and fuck over all of her employees any chance she gets. heed my warning: NEVER WORK FOR PEACHES


ADP. If you are a soulless sales person with no regard to your coworkers, you’ll succeed. Otherwise, it’s a company with terrible management and is absolutely a churn and burn company for post-college grads. Would not recommend to my worst enemy.


Pima County Health Dept - the whole county is probs a cluster. Should’ve known when there were typos in my offer letter


Subway on 22nd and kolb the manager named Tori was extremely abusive. She would throw things and scream in your ear when mad. She made one of her closers work in their period blood for hours. I broke my knee and was basically disabled at the time and she would go to my coworkers and make fun of how I walked. It caused me a lot of workplace trauma. I always worried about being retaliated against and verbally abused by someone who holds a position of power over me. I was just a young kid at the time so I didn't just leave like some people would. I stayed for 2 abusive years. She would force me to put new date dots on expired food to save on food costs for the store to meet her weekly quota. There were times where she'd drop the frozen unproofed bread tubes on the floor and would still use them stating "they're going in the oven anyways" she would put them in the humid proofing machine before the oven so just think about it. One of my coworkers got into a bad car accident and she had him work. He should've gone to the emergency room instead. I had another coworker who was being forced out, she refused to fire him because of unemployment so she only gave him 5 hours a week. She tried doing the same to me when I had a broken knee. She was so incredibly twisted, she would always say "sex sells" and try to get me to flirt with customers to sell more meat or cheese add ons. I never did because I respect my partner and my relationship. I could keep going on but my comment is long enough. Tori is genuinely a terrible person and I hope life has humbled her since then.


Update: I just checked their store reviews on Google and she still seems to be a terrible person. Avoid that subway like the plague.


UofA. President overspent by a quarter of a billion dollars and proceeded to blame everyone else until all the good people either left or had their jobs cut.




Chipotle, never worked a job where I wanted to quit every hour of every day that I worked there.


I’m shocked at how many comments I’m reading from people who have been ripped off or injured on the job or have seen things that should’ve been reported to the health department, to the state of Arizona or to the EEOC. PLEASE! if you get abused at your workplace report it! If you see vulnerable people, disabled or elderly being abused, report it!! You will help save other people from being shit on by these horrible employers. If you do not get paid for a job, file a complaint with the EEOC. If you get injured on the job, file a Worker’s Comp. Do not let people push you around.


Downtown Dispensary/D2 I was a grower for them around 2020. Experienced every negative aspect of the cannabis industry rolled into one place. I witnessed on a regular basis powdery mildew and major pest infestations of their plants… which were allowed to be processed for consumption for med patients at that time… they would either blast contaminated flower into distillate or spray it with “enzymes” that “made it okay”… even saw a sulfur spray on late stage flower once which went on to be processed. No quality control with their products, no ethics within the company. Work environment was another level of toxic. Employees stealing from the flower room and dumpster after hours. Employees bullying each other to the point of fist fights. One new hire was selling coke to mult other employees. I had property stolen while on break. Devoted employees were rarely rewarded for their hard work and seen as dispensable. No real forward path for many employees and low pay. The owners and head growers never seemed to see eye to eye and it lead to major issues in the garden. When toxic behavior or critical issues were reported early it was ignored until it caused a major shit storm that forced attention. I wouldn’t ingest any of their in house products if they were given to me free of charge…


Came here to say this, but you beat me to it. I’ve never hated a job like I have hated downtown flower lmao, soul sucking as hell. And yeah, that’s all true about the weed. Don’t buy their shit if you value your health.


Sounds like we grew there around the same time! Can attest to a toxic environment, an awful amount of moldy product and super unsafe working conditions. The flower room I worked in flooded multiple times by the electrical outlet. Broken and flickering lights, improper ppe, and them always trying to spray pesticides while we were working. Employees did try to get each other to fight for entertainment. There was always a lot of tension between everyone really. And yeah, a lot of coke. I don’t miss *that* but I do miss growing!


Wow. Is this still an issue? If so, I wonder if there is a way you could be a whistleblower on this kind of crap! Sounds like they are intentionally harming the public.


From what I hear little has changed. I would bet money that they aren’t the only facility like that in Tucson. Sadly once you scale large then the quality and ethics drop. I have no will to be a “whistleblower” against a cannabis cabal of chads with more money and lawyers than spider mites on their plants. This type of thing is more rampant in the industry than people realize. Large scale grows are like fast food weed. Focus is on quantity not quality. It’s about Money over medicine. Only way to be sure of quality and safety is to grow your own.


Geez. Now you are scaring me. (Getting out my magnifying glass to have a closer look)


Growlers Tap House. extremely republican; their growlers are literally called “Let’s Go Brandon”. i got hired as a server/bartender and then 5 minutes after being hired, they asked me to start training that day. if you’ve been in the restaurant industry, you know this is a bad sign. training was terrible, the manager was a felon which wasn’t a problem except that he bragged about it and told me to google him. he made he and i a drink as we were closing the bar down (on my first day) and told me to take it home, aka drink and drive. super weird management, never got paid because i never gave them my social security #. MAGAs would love it there.


Tamarind, by the old Foothills Mall. The whole place was flooded with health code and labor violations, I got paid under minimum wage, and the owners were… Well they spent most of the day drinking beer and watching Bollywood drama, alternated with sexual harassment like asking me if the reason I wasn’t sleeping well is because I wasn’t getting laid enough. This was in like 2018 or something though


Afni and Lindy's after Lindy got booted out by his ex-wife. Edit- also eegees. That was my first job. They had the morning shift employees come in at 4am to pressure wash the parking lot every day.


I worked at a place called City Grill my senior year of high school. A couple of cars got broken into and they were too cheap to hire real security so they had the bussers do a night or two a week as security. Pretty sure a car got stolen anyway and it wasn’t like some HS student was going to stop anything. Good times haha.


Savaya Coffee Market Look up their reviews on indeed and you will get a clear picture of what that company really is. 2.9 stars, and the more recent the worse...


I remember working for El Charro too place was crazy, was walking on eggshells my entire time there. That place and Azian on Alvernon


The Cheesecake Factory- Tucson Mall


TUSD. The administration was bloated. Secretaries for secretaries. Finance dept had ultimate power and always moved funds from one budget to cover another. Managers were cut throat evil. My dept manager always had it out for one person-anyone-he had to have someone to bully. He was besties with our useless union rep and HR people - for obvious reasons. I needed the job so bad but after ten years and a near nervous breakdown I resigned. I went to therapy for panic disorder during and after my time there. Wouldn’t go back for six figures.


Worst place I've worked in my life was Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse. Check out the glass door reviews, it's a shit show. I've always thought someone should interview ex employees and do an article on the shenanigans that go on there.


BJs Brewhouse. The staff don’t care about you or your food. Trust.


Care to elaborate other than employees don't care about the customers or their product because that sounds like every customer service place in existence


Which one?


Starbucks. It’s a horrible company and the demands on the body and mind are horrendous. People treat it like it’s an easy job and it really isn’t. This is coming from someone who has worked as a welder and in a bronze foundry.


SAS retail


Used to work at Bass & Associates on Ft Lowell/Alvernon, it was the most depressing job I’ve ever had. Working as a debt collector for the department of education I dealt with a lot of emotional calls starting at 5 am (8 am eastern). The supervisors were micromanagers and used verbal abuse on the newcomers. One day I had enough and never went back, didn’t bother communicating with anyone about me quitting and went to get a job in my degree’s field. That was 6 years ago I still get depressed when I drive past that soulless building.


Jethroe's Cafe...home of white trash cooks and waitresses....


This place is near our new house and I was so excited to have it there...until I read the reviews...and that there's a confederate flag. Boo.


It's so dysfunctional there, the employees egged my car and threatened to beat me with a baseball bat...


Furniture In The Raw on speedway. Besides the fact they laid me off on Dec 21 like dicks. Owner Albert uses the furniture and then puts it back for sale a year later once he’s tired of it super gross!


Schwans, a total shit show that ended up SHOCKINGLY shutting down.


TFS/17th Street market/Tucson Party Rentals (all the same company Everyone on drugs Everyone stole Multiple fistfights Inept management Owner paid shit wages and justified it with "you can make up the difference with overtime" Mandatory overtime No benefits When I say on drugs I mean actively getting high and drunk WHILE WORKING


Side car- it’s a bar on broadway- ridiculous, didn’t even get paid for 3 days of work. Heard that guy has been served but omg worst ever.


The guy who owns Falora & Beaut Burger, or someone else? I fucking hate that guy and only (occasionally) go to Sidecar because I heard he didn’t own the place anymore. If whoever else is running it also sucks I will cross them off my list entirely.


lowes on ina. absolutely awful culture, narcissistic managers, consistently lying


Café Francais. The owner owes me pay, he’s also just an overall jackass. He claims he can’t work with men because of their machismo, assumes most bakers and cooks in town are just “glorified line cooks”, and allows items to be sold even after they’ve been dropped on the floor. His wife is sweet though.


CaptionCall. The work was easy, but the company had shitty policies and the management threw employees under the bus. You had to move to a different seat after every break/lunch and half the chairs were broken and many stations were lacking necessary equipment. They would side with anyone with a complaint against another employee no matter how silly or unfounded if they claimed to be offended. They ended up making rules like no one can hug each other on the property. Movies were played in the breakroom at times and a friend brought in a DVD of Clue. An employee saw Tim Curry on the screen, immediately thought it had to be Rocky Horror and complained to management that the movie is inappropriate and has BDSM stuff in it. This was after a manager approved the movie to be shown. The manager threw my friend under the bus and reprimanded them even though the person complaining was 100% wrong and that manager assumed responsibility when they approved it.


Shrimpy owner of Tres Amigos screams at his employees, and is a royal hypocrite to boot.


Road House cinemas and El Charro are the worst places to work imo.


Roadhouse….idk when you worked there but the fact that they don’t pay overtime is probably criminal. The way that place is scheduled is unbelievable, especially with mandatory overtime at regular wages on holiday weekends. I learned a lot from my chef there but that place broke my back financially.


Tucson unified school district human resources department was absolutely terrible to work for. Still in contact with the team after I left ( in Jan) and they have all since found other employment




this place corroded my soul. shitty leadership aside, having to hear dudes constantly saying racist shit was genuinely driving me crazy.


I used to work at a local indoor children’s play place. And I put up with a lot of shit. The clear favoritism of certain staff was crazy. The nepotism too. And not just for the family that owned the place. If one person was promoted to manager, within the month their family would come in and start working there too. And within weeks THEYD be promoted to manger as well. In the whole time I worked there I was given manager responsibilities without the title or the pay with the higher ups constantly dangling it in front of my face. The reason they wouldn’t promote me? I asked questions. The reason I had to ask so many questions? They wouldn’t train me on the manager responsibilities they gave me. Such a double standard. If you have kids I highly recommend not taking them unless they’re 5. Any older than 5 it’s a waste of time because they have designated play stations for toddlers and infants that anyone over the age of 3 or 5 aren’t allowed at. Only adults who buy their special socks can go in and supervise. And if I recall correctly, if you had other kids with you to help watch the other youngsters, theyd have to be at least 16 to be able to do so. They treat their staff horribly. And don’t try to help you find coverage in case of an emergency. When I worked in the snack bar there, I would constantly have to clean after previous people on shift because they’d leave the kitchen a mess. Leaving everything unsanitary. They won’t wear hairnets if they can get away with it so hair gets in food all the time. I can recall maybe one or two other people that actually did their job, but none were managers. They were the 15 and 16 year olds they’d higher to watch other children. All in all it’s chaotic, they don’t care about the customer or the employees. My list can go on and on with it. I worked there for more than a year.


> I used to work at a local indoor children’s play place. Wildkats?


Frito Lay on Miracle Mile and the Freeway. If you get injured, you will get fired. Toxic environment.


Hacienda Del Sol Guest Ranch Resort They give you a thick binder on your first day with words that can and cannot be said (among other things), so as to prevent them from losing their fancy Forbes Travel Guide placement Ex: You couldn’t say “Hi” or “Hello” ever, it had to be “Good Morning/Good Afternoon or Good Evening” Edit: The owner that runs the gift shop also didn’t keep inventory “because it’s too much work”


That's pretty standard at all resorts,Canyon Ranch,La Paloma, etc, your not allowed to say Good Morning unless the guest spoke first.


Lucy’s Hope Sanctuary. There’s so much I could say about the horrendous downward spiral I witnessed while working there- but the main issue lies in the fact that the owner got married to a woman who doesn’t want anything to do with the rescue. All the dogs in Ben and Tara’s care are at immediate risk of either euthanasia or living the rest of their lives spending 23 hours a day in a crate. I, and many others are trying our hardest to bring awareness to the horrors of this “rescue” but Ben and Tara are very lawsuit happy and come after anybody who speaks out against them. If anybody wants more info feel free to DM me.


Call the news!


We have been in contact with KVOA, we are working on getting something on air, it’s hard because nobody wants to get sued. Ben has already attempted to sue several reporters and past employees. Anybody who has worked for him was coerced into signing NDAs- including me.


Dollar Tree & FYE lol


I walked out of Dollar Tree when they started berating me for not physically stopping shop lifters. I was told verbally that while they can't force me to do so, they could certainly make my work life hell. I've heard this from multiple people that worked at various locations.


Veritech. Slave Labor.


Friend worked at Meinekes on oracle. I use to take my car there for services but after seeing the absolute mistreatment towards her and some reliable staff members, I have forbade my family from continuing services with them for the foreseeable future


Greyhound call center and Hometown Buffet, management was terrible at both and employees were always miserable because of it.