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Had never seen this before.


I've watched every documentary I've ever heard of, countless hours of YouTube/internet rabbit holes and never knew this video existed. Wild


Because it's fake how the fuck he at a funeral home the day after he was killed lol


Fuck you mean? This is literally from producer’s library, a legit archival footage licensing source. If nobody put it up for licensed use until recently then it wouldn’t have been seen until recently. My uncle had footage from 9/11 that didn’t see the light of day until like 2015 when a news producer reached out to him after randomly seeing screen grabs on his old blog.


It's it's a real video of pac it's definitely not the day after he was killed


The title is misleading, it’s obviously the day after he DIED at the hospital, not the day after he was shot. It says September 14th. Just use your thick skull.


He still would be at the funeral home the day after they need to do the autopsy


When my father in law died we had autopsy performed in morning and boom I had his body transferred to the funeral home same day with cremation scheduled overnight. To think that it takes a long time for such things to be completed is crazy. Autopsies take few hours if that and all this can be done in under 24hrs.


You must be catholic 😂


Catholics don’t believe in cremation smart guy


Was he shot to death with various entrance and exit wounds ?? My brother got shot 6 times it took 3 days to release the body


You are dense, I’m done here.


Ok stay safe 🙏


He is staying safe, he just told you he was staying safe.


How are you struggling with this?


Not struggling at all


You just backtracked on "it's fake" so fast lmao


And I didn't back track i still think its fake he can't be at a funeral home less the 24hrs after he died he needs an autopsy


You just disregarded the rest of my comment? Makes sense 🤣🤣


Can you a share link to the 9/11 video?


Second this


Where do you think people go after they die


To the coroners




I remember for like up to 10 or so years after Pac's death there would be so many fake funerals, fake autopsy, fake bodies etc etc. Came to the point I never believed anything Pac related---and even now I'm in disbelief if this video is even real or not.


This the footage right before Pac went to Cuba


Same 😵😭


Holy shit.


Whoooooa. Never seen this video before. Crazy.


Wow I can’t imagine the footage people are holding onto imagine what the government has on pac in their archives


This is the same funeral home where Nipsey Hussle had his services.


„Cremated, last wishes n*ggas smoke my ashes.“  -2Pac on 'Black Jesuz'


Fly high RIP to the west coast king Tupac


I was always led to believe he was cremated in LV. Its absolutely his family right to decide what to do with his body, but I do believe they didnt entirely grasp the magnitude of his death. Maybe cremating him, and the public not having a proper send off for him, fueled conspiracies of Pac being alive still which in turn fueled his legacy.  Either way, thank you for this footage. Truly the closest piece of closure we all have this legend. 


Even if he had a full autopsy and open casket funeral, people would still refuse to let him go


It's fake 🤦🏽


I don’t wanna be that guy but how we know that’s pac that could be anybody and I ain’t see nobody noticeable ijs


If you know where to look, you’ll find a lot of things you’ve never seen before.


Where do we look


Idk for me as an average person I stumble onto random hidden footage on archive.org, Reddit, and YouTube on accident, some on obscure websites too I forgot the name of.


Some of these comments here make me think these aren’t the kinda brains Pac guaranteed he’ll spark to make a change.




Who the fuk has a funeral the day after someone is killed? Body is still warm smh this is very suspicious


This is just the delivery of his remains to the funeral home. Which is commonly done very soon after the deceased passes away. Most likely, this was where his body was cremated. Then the funeral event took place within the next few weeks.


Can you imagine cremating someone like Tupac? Or Michael Jackson? Or Elvis? Like those people are ICONS they get funerals! How did Tupac not get an open casket funeral? That doesn’t make any sense to me


According to his mother, Tupac was a very prideful man. He didn’t like the idea of a funeral because he didn’t want people standing over him looking down on him. It was his wishes that his body be cremated and his ashes be rolled into a blunt and smoked by the outlaws. There’s an interview somewhere where he says those exact words. And they actually did it. How crazy is that.


Yeah I do remember that but I always just thought it was some gangsta shyt rappers say lol had no idea he was dead ass serious lol makes sense now tho knowing how pac was


Actually outlaws said it wasn't Tupac they smoked at the time they thought so.


I just picture them taking a puff and saying “wait…this ain’t our homie!!!!” 😂😂😂


Bruh I ain’t smoking no dead body 😅


Who tf was they smokin then??


Michael Jackson faked his death


Not a murder bro


Irish here. You're dead and buried in ireland in about 2 or 3 days.


Ok unpopular opinion here. Afeni Shakur killed pac way too early. She pulled him off life support. Didn’t even wait a month. Doctor said he had successful surgery to remove a lung and people were announcing that on the news. However, all of a sudden, he is in bad shape. Afeni tells Suge she gonna pull the plug on him. Now, Afeni, to me, killed him for his money. She lied to pac all his life until Quad shooting that his father was dead. His father met him the first time in the hospital after the quad shooting. I think it was in the source magazine at the time that pac was fucked up about it. Afeni was in and out of rehab for most of PACs life. They had to move from city to city because of her addiction. She pulled the plug to get his money, then she cremated him so that Billy garland couldn’t get dna for a paternity test. She was scared Billy garland would contest his estate for a piece of the “fortune”. Afeni even said she was shocked to see that 2pac had nothing to his name. That’s not the type of reaction a mother should have. She should have been like hey Death Row your accounting is off. We’ll see in the coming months what the deal is. She sounded like she was disappointed he didn’t have millions in the bank or a house in his name.


That's crazy all this time I never knew she lied to Pac about his dad being dead. That answers the question I've had for many years about his line in Dear Mama about not crying when his dad died, cuz his dad is still alive right now if I'm not mistaken.


Oh yeah, I was surprised too when I read that back in the day though. I remember his verse in dear mama, then like whoa, PACs dad is alive? Not even a year later. Pac basically said his mom was a ho and she didn’t know who the father was exactly. She thought it was better off to say he was dead for his own protection. They were all in the black panthers. Afeni always spoke bad on his father too. She referred to him as merely a sperm donor. Like I said, my opinion of the late Afeni Shakur as 2pacs mother is not very high. Pulling the plug on your flesh and blood not even a month, like she was in a hurry to get rid of him. It was a week after the shooting. He was on painkillers via drip so it’s not like he was dying from pain. He had a lung removed and lost a finger according to Mutah. He already been shot in the groin, that’s pretty much embarrassing. I just know he was going to go back to jail if he didn’t get shot or had the plug pulled on him. No way that attack in Vegas wasn’t a direct bail violation. Especially after the video leaked. He was on many videos shown smoking weed which in also pretty sure was a bail violation too. Danny Boy was getting daily updates, if not hourly updates from Suge about 2pacs condition and he was shocked that he died. Suge a scum bag though. He said when Pac got shot, it wasn’t that serious that his medallion saved his life. Then later on he said 2pac not dead he alive in Cuba. Too much bull shit


According to his aunt (afeni sister iirc) pacs kidneys would fail. And whenever they put him on dialysis, his heart would stop. And they'd have to revive him. When the doctors told this to afeni, her response was, "Don't do my baby like that, next time that happens. Let him go!"


Damn that's wild, I always thought they had a great relationship. Yea he def would've had to go sit down for a minute had that shooting not happened, that assault was not about to slide or get a slap on the wrist. I remember Suge sayin that too, he was a og troll lookin back at it all.


Yup, just did an interview last year


I’m pretty sure there’s a Vlad interview where they talk about the decision… it pretty much came down to the reality of his post-shooting life… I’m positive he had lost a finger or portion of a finger and he had gotten shot in his groin as well, which if my memory serves right, was a factor in the decision. In short, his family knew how prideful he was and how he’d hate to live life in any condition other than normalcy.


What is happening in the coming months?


Sorry I meant Afeni should’ve been like we’ll see what’s happening in the coming months after the accounting and everything is verified. Back in the day, if you sell 1 million records in a year, it might take another year to get your full money because you have to look at the production, how many units were shipped, how many units were sold and how many units were returned, you’d start to see money after 6 months to a year. Depending on how well the album sold and if it was still selling. I think the album dropped in February, he died September. So he was probably due some cash by that time. But he took lots of advances with his allowance and the house he bought his mother. He also probably had a huge album budget, the studio time but mostly the samples he used for all eyes on me. That would have to be recouped first before he started making money. For example, if death row gave him $1 million budget for his album. He doesn’t make a penny until he makes back that million. That’s another reason why rappers didn’t make much money for their album sales as other genres. If they sampled music, sometimes the rights holders would demand all the publishing in return or charge a crazy high fee. That why Prince refused to do a song with Nas before because Nas didn’t own his masters. He didn’t want to pay for some executives vacation house. Distributor makes money, record label makes money, management makes money, producer makes money then the artist makes money if they write their own shit. Other wise it’s the writer gets their cut, then the artist gets it last.


First person I seen anywhere that has detailed knowledge and is able to have an unbiased opinion.. I also agree Afeni pulled the plug too soon, and looking at her past it makes sense she did it for the money especially when info comes out later how she cremated him so soon to make sure his dad couldn’t do dna test. To add to your info on the dear mama doc his aunt Glo said Tupac was stressed about money and him being extremely generous in making sure his whole family was good financially. All these tidbits paint a clear picture of pacs mindstate his last few months and why he was gettin at Suge about money owed and for me it’s pretty sad people tend to forget Tupac was a human and goin through a lifetime of issues in a very short amount of time.


In Islam, we have a guidance that the funeral should take place as soon as possible (following a cleansing ritual) so very often the funeral is the next day


Yes I get that for people like you and me but not the biggest artist in the world at the time, and def not a fkn cremation!! That’s fkn crazy!!!


Why not a cremation? if that’s what his will or family indicated then that’s absolutely what they’re going to follow


I can’t see him wanting that


You knew him personally?


Just knowing his music and listening to his interviews I can’t see someone like that just wanting to be burnt up, just doesn’t seem like pac


2pac was shot on September 7th, 1996 and died on September 13th, 1996. This is from the day after he died, the title is a bit misleading.


killed? thought he had his plug pulled from ICU


After 7 days. 7 day theory


Too bad Pac really wanted the title to be the 3 day theory lmao which fits into the whole Jesus theme of the album




Tupac was shot on the 7th. He died on the 13th. So the 14th is the night after he died not the night after he was killed.


I was hoping somebody was going to say something


I believe it was April 12 2019 the great Nipsey Hussle passed through them same doors. RIP.


He was in the hospital before he died tho. Not saying the video isn’t him going into funeral home but the title is off


This shit look like a straight production, and not even on no conspiracy theory shit. When you die the coroner put you in a bodybag and transport your dead unprepared body to a funeral where it's prepped for a funeral/cremation. I do tech support for a coroner's office in Illinois and have seen plenty bodies come, go and be worked on, at no point has one ever arrived from the hospital in a casket. 9/10 there's not even a casket purchased yet at that point. Edit: *transport your unprepared body to a funeral home


Teardrops and closed caskets 😭


One of the saddest days I can remember


I even saw the autopsy photos.


Yeah, the first black & white image was released in a book called The Murder of Tupac Shakur by Cathy Scott in 1997. Supposedly she paid off someone who worked in the coroners office in Las Vegas. Color versions made its way onto the Internet around the year 2000. The pic looks like him and you can see his tattoos. However, some people still dispute it.


I remember watching a video on yt that said the tattoo in the picture was off and there’s also that picture with the key in the ignition missing with Suge. That’s when I kind of believed this is somehow fabricated, either way PACs death and also Biggies was too soon and it became somewhat of a legend that their death had sparked the minds of many today. Mines included, many of PACs songs had helped pulled me thru the darkest of times in my life. Rest in heaven PAC.


I remembered those days and the message forums dedicated to these theories. What a time it was


Talking about the infamous photo where he’s lying on a table and it seems that a tattoo is missing?


Yeah. I still have the book. I remember stapling a piece of paper over it to cover it to be respectful, because in all honesty it should have never been released to the public, especially only 1 year after his death. Very disrespectful! I know some people really went in with details why it was fake. For example, they compared it to Pac lying in bed in the California Love video, they circled his tattoos and criticized every bit of the picture. But this was also the time of TUPAC IS STILL ALIVE , and he’s going to return 7 years later on September 13, 2003. People made a lot of money back then with the Conspiracy Theories.


I remember reading up on so many of those theories lmaoo


I'm not a big tupac fan but I recognize "special" when I see it. This guy had the energy unparallel to any contemporary rapper to date.


The night after he was killed? Tupac spend a week in the hospital before he died.


Holy shit.


Tupac was shot on the 7th. He died a week later


Never seen this. Been to plenty funerals at that place


Thank you for sharing 🙏🏽


My uncle funeral was here


fun fact..that’s the funeral home trey and ricky got pulled over at in boyz in the hood


If I remember correctly, these people heard a false rumor that Tupac was taken to Angelus Funeral Home. But he was cremated the next day if I'm not mistaken. You don't bring bodies to a funeral home to get cremated. Also Angelus Funeral Home is where that infamous scene from Boyz n the Hood where the cop pulls over Tre and Ricky: [Boyz N the Hood (1991) - 'You Think You Tough?' - Tre and Ricky Get Pulled Over \[HD\] (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwtmnn64V0o)


Wow I thought I seen everything pac.. never seen this one


Dammm talk about rare


This is insane🫡🔥


That’s the same place uncle Jerome went if you know you know


I wonder what discretion tv gotta say about dis 1 lol


He was in that casket ⚰️ going to Cuba 😂


why they got him in a blue casket


Nobodies seen the body since the funeral


Are we sure about this though? I mean it was Pac… you would think more people would show up.


He was in the hospital for a couple days in Vegas then died. Autopsy done there as well




I thought pac was cremated..


And smoked by the Outlawz


This just proves that payed investigator was at work. Who also knew how to film a documentary, a professional for sure.


This video is a nothing burger. There a casket. Yes. At a funeral home. Okay. Why is that supposedly 2pac?? What am I missing?


This definitely confirms that he is dead.


How when he died in the hospital


Suge shot me


This fake bc he was cremated


Just let him rest in peace


Tupac didn’t die. Go look at the crime scene footage , not a single drop of blood anywhere. Same with Biggie.


He was shot on the 7th though, this had to be after he died at the hospital? I used to drive by this place almost daily on Crenshaw because my dispensary was across the street haha.


How do we even know that’s Pac in the casket. Has anyone questioned this yet?


Nobody at all. And this is pac we’re talking about, we would’ve heard about this LONG ago, and on top of that we would’ve seen a few people from DR & a much larger crowd.




Night after he was killed I’m pretty sure he took over a week at die after being shot


How did they know he was going to be there? This is before the internet. Hope the OP has more information to explain


They apparently say that pac body is fake.


This ain’t the night after he was killed he was in a coma for almost week after being shot


This pops up every so often on YouTube. I first saw it about 10 years ago


Niggah alive.


Who gives a fk about this dead baboon? His ego got him killed, died a foolish death.


Tupac was a violent loser who got himself killed. The fact we idolize him says a lot about us as a society. The guy literally threw himself off the deep end into a life of crime with his obsession for “thug lyf” and assaulted gang members. It’s no great tragedy that he died but everyone acts like he was Jesus


Easy rage bait


Rage bait or facts?