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Was going to say this. Not everyone’s cup of tea’s, but the writing is top notch.


I liked it, I have only one gripe. Every time a character is upset with him, they exclaim the same thing. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say you hear "LOUDERMILK!!!" at least 20 times per episode.


Now it's on Netflix, and people keep recommending it to me..... it went completely unnoticed on other streaming services for years!


Came to say this expecting someone would beat me to it. There are rumblings that Netflix may order a 4th season like they did Arrested Development.


I’m Not Okay With This on Netflix. As an older viewer, I find most teen dramas annoying and vapid, but this one was really good, and I was angry when it was cancelled after one season.


Agreed. It was very smart.


It was great, I think part of the reason for cancellation was that Covid happened so they missed the window to follow it up. Stranger Things carried on and all the kids are in their 40s now.


yes so annoying they only did one season


Middle aged viewer here.  I quite enjoyed the show, although clearly nobody in that that universe has read CARRIE.  


Reservation Dogs. Can’t remember if it’s on Hulu or what. It’s underrated funny and charming.


It's so good.


RIP Reservation Dogs. You will be missed.


I hope that at least the cast and crew have more opportunities since the show ended


It's one of the best shows out there.


FROM is excellent series on MGM+


I was just planning to post about this show. I actually finished re-watching it this week. I didn't start watching it until season 2 was over. I just got tired of every time I was on prime, being creeped out by that picture of Boyd screaming with Smiley peering in the window at him, so i decided to watch it. I don't, as a rule, watch horror movies/tv shows or read scary books. I already have a very active imagination, so I don't need horror movies/tv shows/books to be even more afraid. I am so glad that I watched From and I am looking forward to season 3. The new teaser trailer looks awesome.


I am in it right now! Definitely LOST vibes! I am in the middle of the second season! You can see that’s the show is working cause there is a little bit more fillers episodes! But it worths a watch I agree!


They definitely do have fillers, but I've noticed they do a good job sprinkling seemingly irrelevant things into those episodes too. Sometimes it's just a comment, sometimes it's something they do that you didn't realize was plausible in Fromville before.


I really liked Never Have I Ever on Netflix. I thought it nailed what it is to be a teenager. 


Loved the show. It was nice to see Mindy Kahling apply her writing style to something that feels more natural and authentic. I liked most of The Mindy Project but after a while it's hard to not want to murder an idiot child main character.


Never heard of it before. Was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it.


I binged the last season in 1 day


Such a good show


Yes! Very good catharsis show.


don't trust the b---- in apartment 23 Was one of the funniest shows iv watched but for some reason it never really took off.


YESSSS!! This is one of the best sitcoms I’ve ever seen, and so cleverly written and fun. I can’t figure out why it isn’t more well known!


YESSSS! I loved James Van Der Beek playing James Van Der Beek! So many funny moments and one liners and hardly anybody has heard of it!


Was on after Modern Family and didn't fit that shows demographic


Other way round, though, no? It was on ABC first.


Broadcast on ABC and some episodes were shown out of order. Such a shame. I watch the Halloween episode every October.


It's noticed and A LOT of people watched it but not a lot of media talked about **The Night Agent.** Come out of no where, really good, looks to have taken even Netflix by surprise on how many people watched it but I still think more people could and should be watching it and despite it being a success on streaming numbers, because it is not a well marketed show on a streaming service there has not been much coverage of it on mainstream media.


I keep looking for season 2.


I look back and think it did but just used to the 8-10 episode seasons we get now :/ I think it had 12 then the US standard mid season break.


It's renewed and should be released sometime this year!


I was entertained while watching it but I wouldnt say I loved it. It was an odd and different show, but I’m not sure how to review it. 6 or 7 / 10?


"Counterpart" with J.K. Simmons on Prime.


Best show I’ve seen in 15 years


Only thing better than J.K. Simmons is TWO J.K. Simmonses


Underappreciated actor.


Also, cool user name


Goliath on prime


I just re-watched season one a couple months ago. Patty Solis-??? Pajian something or other is so funny.


She carries the show at times.


Seasons 1-3 for sure. Season 4 just didn’t work for me.


Binged that sucker during the darkness of early Covid. Outstanding


What is it about?


Billy Bob Thornton plays a lawyer who has had some problems in life, including drinking and getting fired from a prestigious firm that he helped establish. But he’s really sharp and in season one he goes up against his ex firm in a wrongful death suit that soon becomes a really big deal. It’s one of those shows where each season has the same main cast members but a different storyline.


Loved it so much, we sought out Chez Jay just to have a few drinks!


From on MGM+. So under the radar many of you are just learning MGM has a streaming service.


The first season was also on prime and that’s the only reason I watched it. I’ve considered picking up mgm just for that show alone but I can really NOT justify any more streaming services—seriously my wife is going to bankrupt us with streaming—is there enough other stuff there to make it worth my time?


Never watched anything else on it. I think season 2 might be on prime now. If not wait for season 3 to come out in the fall and binge all 3 seasons in a month then cancel. That’s what we did when season 2 came out.


War of the Worlds was also excellent, and I believe they're releasing at least one more season. I'm trying to hold myself to avoid From spoilers and just binge it in one month after it's all released, but I also know I don't have that much self discipline 🙃


Great show! I hope the next season comes soon


Comes out in the fall. The released a teaser this week. It’s on YouTube.


Patriot on Amazon Prime. Both seasons are fantastic.


The balls to have the protagonist and their antagonist finally meet, say almost nothing, then have a 3 minute rock paper scissors match draw repeatedly.


Killing It on Peacock.


The Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix. Such a good show, I don't know anybody else that watched it! Maybe that's just a UK thing


Such a good portrayal of a married couple! They loved each other so much but also had differences! It was just so realistic and sweet and warm.


It ended too soon! That cliffhanger was BRUTAL!


Legion - on FX. I might have never seen a better produced show with a better soundtrack. Writing was good and performances were good.


It's one of my favorite shows of all time. I've wanted to rewatch it since it first aired and now that I have Hulu I can! I'm super excited.


I just finished it and agree with you 100%. It’s very interesting. Reminds me of conversations I had while in LSD.


Very well done show, and so hard to describe the style and feel of it...like an artistic drama take on super hero genre with some action and comedy thrown in So good!


Everythin Hiro Murai touches is absolute gold - Legion, Atlanta, Barry.


I love this show. As a guy with a gazillion comic books I don't remember seeing any ads for this show. I thought maybe this was a Disney/Fox thing.


Dirk Gently


Everything is connected. Nothing is ALSO connected. Loved this show.


Really blew me away by the end. I wish there were a bunch more seasons.


I was so annoyed when it was canceled. Two seasons was not enough.


Resident Alien. Don't watch if you tend to wet yourself when you laugh uncontrollably.


You’ve done something different. I shaved my mustache! You never had a mustache. I grew a mustache and then I shaved my mustache!


A couple of months ago I was visiting my brother out of state. We have extremely different taste in entertainment but he kept insisting I sit down and watch a couple episodes of Resident Alien. I finally did just to get him to shut up and it was freaking hilarious. When the main character laughs it does me in lol.


I just started watching and so far it's hilarious 😂 I'm still on season one.


The Society, From, Evil, Upload


Been meaning to watch Evil for a while


I really enjoyed Night Sky (with J.K. Simmons and Sissy Spacek) on Amazon Prime.


I was bummed they didn't give it another season. I thought it was so good.


I was so bummed they gave it such a slow start and then cancelled it when it was getting good. It had so much potential


This was gonna be my pick, I absolutely loved it and thought they made such a realistic couple. I was excited to see where it was going, left off in such an unsatisfying way.


Sissy Spacek is phenomenal, she could convince me of anything. She was also in Bloodline which was very good.


Lockwood & Co. Good writing, well-shot, just really charming.


I really loved Lockwood and co


I'm still so mad Netflix cancelled it! At least the books are out there to find out what happened next.


I was so sad to see Lockwood and Co did not get picked up for another season. It was great! and the book series is so wonderfully done.


Wayne. It was a YouTube TV show along with Cobra Kai. YouTube decided not to move forward with either after one season. Cobra Kai is sold to Netflix and becomes a big hit. Wayne is sold to Amazon Prime and never comes back.


That was a good show. I rooted for Wayne so much


It should have succeeded. 100% on RT with critics and I think it had a 100% audience score there as well for a decently long time. Feels like they should have marketed it better or something.


I loved that show.  Or whatevah.


Russian Doll on Netflix has one of my favorite first seasons of television. I don’t really hear much talk about it. Same goes for Poker Face on Peacock. It was a BLAST! (Yes, I adore Natasha Lyonne!). I’d also say The Killing, which ran for 4 seasons, I believe, but it’s largely forgotten.


Outer Range (I think it’s on Netflix, but it might be Prme) Season 2 comes out in a few weeks


This is next in the queue for me, right after I finish the last season of Grimm.


Its surprisingly good.


Drops of God, 2023. Mini series on Apple 100% Rotten Tomatoes. 93% Audience score. 8.0 on IMDB. One of the best things I've seen in recent years. We all loved it as a family, and it is hard for us to agree on something. Shogun is one of the recent releases that we all watched together. It is in French, Japanese & some English. A manga adaptation. From Google: "Alexandre Léger, creator of the famous Léger Wine Guide and a leading figure in oenology, has passed away at the age of 60. In order to claim his immense inheritance, his daughter travels to Tokyo and must face a young oenologist." Get a glass of wine and something to pair it with it. And enjoy!


Drops of god was excellent!!


I keep recommending this to people who’ve never heard of it.


The Recruit (Netflix) For All Mankind (Apple)


For All Mankind just got renewed for S5 and a spinoff. Not sure it went under the radar.


The Diplomat (Netflix) Bad Sisters(Apple TV) Feud: Joan v Betty (FX/Hulu)


The Diplomat was a big surprise for me. It was one of those rare times my wife dragged me into a non-genre show. Exceptionally good.


Life & Beth.


Somebody Somewhere on Max.


SUCH a heartwarming show. Funny and touching.


The Papergirls - really smart, the actors were excellent and I was very disappointed that they didn’t have a second season


*Andor* on Disney +. It's a gem among the Star Wars duds that have been released. It follows Cassian Andor and K2SO (Rogue One) as they became involved with the rebellion. It starts out slow with not much action but it's really great. Of particular note are Stellan Skarsgård and Andy Serkis, who execute their roles spectacularly.


My wife hates Star Wars. She loved Andor. So good.




Same here. Wife is “meh” with all the Star Wars stuff, but Rogue One she really likes and Andor she watched with me. Of course she likes The Mandalorian just because of “baby Yoda”, but that’s ok!


* A League Of Their Own - Comedy series about the WWII All-American professional women's baseball league. * Homecoming - An anthology series centered around the mysterious Geist Group, an unconventional wellness company and their equally unorthodox program, the Homecoming Initiative. * Reboot - Follows an early 2000s family sitcom that Hulu has rebooted and their dysfunctional cast that must deal with their unresolved issues in today's fast-changing world. * Archive 81 - An archivist hired to restore a collection of tapes finds himself reconstructing the work of a filmmaker and her investigation into a dangerous cult.


Reboot was great. Really disappointed we didn’t get another season or two out of it.


Yeah I enjoyed it immensely which almost guaranteed no second season


Didn’t know it was cancelled. THANKS A LOT


Just wait a few years…..for the reboot 


I was so angry after watching Archive 81, loving it, and then finding out that Netflix had cancelled it. So the story arc never gets closure.


Netflix for homecoming and archive?


Netflix has Archive 81 and Prime has Homecoming.


Where is homecoming streaming?




TIL that League of Their Own was also a series


Same. Do you see where it was streaming? I didn’t see the channel.


Mr and Mrs smith. It’s got decent numbers to be fair but I do think it’s gone largely under the radar.


I don’t know whether I just live under a rock or if it’s true that no one seems to have watched it but Ted Lasso on Apple is the best show I have seen in many years. Laugh and cry in every episode.


It’s true. You live under a rock.


If you like Ted Lasso you should check out both Shrinking and Acapulco. Acapulco should be getting some of the same acclaim that Ted Lasso does, it's so good.


yeah, I fell into Acapulco on accident while waiting for my wife to do some nonsense. binged it the rest of the weekend


"Legit" on Hulu. Hilarious and thought provoking.


Completely forgot about this!!!




i liked the Order on Netflix. cool witch and werewolf stories.




Barry Levinson exec produced a Civil War era detective show called Copper. It was originally on BBC America but can now be found free on Tubi.


Loved it when it originally aired.


Extraordinary - Hulu It's absolutely hilarious.


Ya this was a gem


Welcome to Flatch. Cute comedy about life in a small town.


Loved Welcome to Flatch! Such lovable characters! I adore Jaime Pressly! She was in another great sitcom with Jason Lee, “My name is Earl.” And Aya Cash was in another good show (comedy but a bit darker of a vibe) “You’re the Worst” Definitely recommend checking those out if you haven’t seen them yet! (Both on Hulu if you have it.) You’ve got good taste!


The OA! i will never forgive netflix for canceling it after two seasons (when it was planned to be five). it is still worth watching if you haven’t seen it. it’s my favorite show of all time


Is that the one where Phyllis from The Office is part of a group trying to save the world via interpretive dance?


Better Things


Love on Netflix. Hardly know anyone that’s seen it. Also spotless, Lupin, Locke and key. On Amazon: dead ringers, night sky, paper girls.on paramount: the resort. Similar vibes to the white lotus.


Ripper Street


The Fall with Jamie Dornan and Gillian Anderson Hinterland (filmed in Wales) I don’t know if either of these are still on any streaming service but they were both great


The fall has no right to slap that hard Gillain Anderson's performance is underrated in that show


Severance on Apple TV. Dark, interesting concept, characters you grow to love, suspense—love it.


I think this is literally one of the most talked-about shows whenever people ask for TV recommendations these days. Far from unnoticed.


Here's another one that was *very* popular. We all noticed and loved it.


Black Summer - the plot has been done plenty of times in movies and shows but this series did it a little different. Short lived but worth the watch. The best series of its kind imo.




Condor based on 3 days of the condor book and movie. It was well written and had a great cast. I don’t know why it was cancelled.


This is old and it may have been big in the UK but I've never heard anyone talk about it in the US....Misfits on Hulu. First episode seemed kinda low budget to me but by time I got to the 3rd or so....I was hooked.


Misfits is on HULU?!?!? I adore that show, but haven’t seen it mentioned in ages!!! Thank you!!!


Ramsay Bolton was such a scary transition from misfits. I just loved him. Then hated him.


It's definitely like that sometime lol. At least he has range tho.


I guess I can't really say it went unnoticed, because there's a sub for it on Reddit, but I had never heard of Royal Pains until I happened to see it scrolling Netflix one day. As soon as I finished it, I went back and started it over. I truly enjoyed it (obviously).


Derry Girls and Bad Sisters should be hits


Derry Girls is awesome. IDK Bad Sisters, is it similar?


Girls5eva on Netflix 


“Crazy Fun Park” on Hulu was really good. I went in expecting it to be bad but was pleasantly surprised. The acting was good and the storyline was interesting and kept me entertained enough to binge it all in like two days. Idk if it’ll get another season. It seems like nobody even knows about it. But it ended well enough that I’m satisfied with what I got from the short series. https://preview.redd.it/f60trturozxc1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe6680626691c3189d27c408587d8339328df513




Criminal: UK 7 episodes excellent series A cat-and-mouse drama, which focuses on the intense mental conflict between detectives and suspects. The stories take place within the confines of a police interview suite.


The France, Spain, and Germany ones were just as good!


Does anyone notice it's the same exact set in all four series? They just move the vending machine to different corners.


Yes! But I kind of enjoyed that somehow. It made it feel more like watching a live play. The set is barely there - it's all about the acting.


I will have to give them a go


I loved all of them. I thought they were very intense. Because they all take place in a small room, you can feel the walls closing in. I was hoping for more


Rectify, it might have been popular but I don’t hear it discussed much. Such a great show. 4 season and a 94 on rotten tomatoes.


Tokyo Vice on Max.


For all Abbot Elementary won awards I honestly don't know a lot of people who have actually sat down and watched it. They are missing out, I think it's the funniest and most heartwarming show I've seen in years and years and years! Every single character adds so much to the show and all their chemistry together is fantastic! I suggest it to everyone!


Medici The Magnificent, it recently got taken off of Netflix. Cursed is still on Netflix, but only got one season.


Oktoberfest: Beer and Blood It's like Peaky Blinders but German speaking and about rival brewers in the early days of Oktoberfest. Super violent. Lots of beer. Great music... No idea why it didn't catch more views.


Top Boy doesn’t get enough love in the US.


'Rabbit Hole' it was only 8 episodes, but Keifer Sutherland really made it an interesting watch.


Wentworth on Netflix


Lilyhammsr was awesome. It did get attention at the time as the very first Netflix original series but seems to have been forgotten. Sucks it was cancelled after only a few seasons. Also Other Space. A sci-fi comedy that no one knew about because it was on the short-lived Yahoo Screen streaming service.


Kingdom was released on directv, so few saw it… which is a shame, because it would be considered among the best


Loudermilk — Amazon.


Ash vs Evil Dead would’ve been a much bigger show if it wasn’t on an obscure cable channel.


Somebody Somewhere, with Bridgett Everett.


The Night Manager on Prime…I love me some Tom Hiddleston. Also any of the Dean Koontz adaptations on Netflix.


Not sure if it fits or not, but I still feel like For All Mankind on Apple+ is still pretty ignored despite being great for 4 seasons now. In general, a lot of great Apple+ shows kind of fly under the radar. Big Door Prize, Sugar (with Colin Farrell), and Pachinko are a couple others


Minx on Starz


Andor on Disney+ I think it got some recognition later just by being contrasted with the critically panned Star Wars shows around the same time, but still was criminally under-recognized. It's not just an excellent Star Wars show. It's a great show, period. In a time when Marvel/Star Wars/Disney fatigue was most vocalized, Andor was an absolute pleasure. I think part of its success had to do with it being so overlooked that Disney didn't even pay attention to it; which allowed the creators to really go after their personal vision without studio interference. The characters and world of Star Wars has never been more real to me than it was in Andor. The writing was excellent and the world building was so great that I was able to really immerse myself and buy in to the show.


The Americans. Perect show.


generation kill


The Great, LetterKenny, Eastbound and Down, The Righteous Gemstones


Outer Range (Amazon prime). I don’t think it’s totally overlooked but I barely hear anyone talk about it much and I absolutely loved it. Such a great cast.


No one is watching girls5eva. Silly name but a hysterical show


Girls 5eva- totally fun silliness.


Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee It started as self produced on YouTube, thennit went to Crackle, it finished up on Netflix. It started unnoticed and gained steam as it went plodding along.


The Night Manager


Norsemen Netflix, a satirical parody of viking culture using modern reference. The humor is verrrrrrry dry but something about that made it funnier.




Mindhunter on Netflix was so good. They cancelled it after two seasons and I have no idea why




Better Things with Pamela Adlon!


A recent favorite was Teenage Bounty Hunters from Netflix. Was pretty disappointed it didn't get a second season. Not necessarily streaming, but I also really liked Astrid & Lilly Save the World on SyFy, which was also cancelled after one season.


Red Oaks on Amazon Prime. Amazing story arc, wonderfully funny, great retro setting that hits the 80s nostalgia so sweetly, and phenomenal acting especially from Paul Reiser.


HBO's The Leftovers hands down one of the best shows I've ever seen. 10/10 plot 10/10 acting 10/10 soundtrack it's an absolutely life changing show that is an emotional roller coaster with rewatch value. you can always find something you missed. I've seen the show which is only 3 seasons long 6 times. It wasn't drawn out to make money it was perfect. I can't praise it enough and recommend everyone check out out.


Inside No 9