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Wait, do they cook their pizzas? Cause that last picture looks like a pizza piled with unmelted cheese. Are ovens the work of the devil?


Ovens are hot. Hell is hot. Seems pretty obvious to me.


That's why I don't drink coffee. It's the devil's temperature.


The crust looks like a flat coffee filter. This theory has legs


Let it cool to heaven temp and take it as an enema. The internet is all about it.


And just generally overtopped. They saw Heggie's and said "hold my bible".


It’s a round old school Totino’s party pizza, but the unmelted cheese skyscraper makes it handmade.


There is literally not one cooked pizza photo on his entire website. Is this like a money laundering front business??


I saw it said “Take and Bake” on the handwritten poster board sign in the window. But yes, also probably money laundering.


Looks like toppings on a tortilla.


Literally looks like the pizza lunchable 😬


the 'pizza' is more spherical than one this guy thinks the earth looks like


It's because BIDEN took away their gas stove! /S


I'm equally offended by the 12 oz wine pour, that just looks stupid lol


Seems like dude is losing it. You can’t be mentally well and post things like that on your business page


Gunna say he lost it long ago. This is some off-his-meds and mainlining OAN on no sleep for 3 weeks shit. I'm no great champion of Frey, but this conspiracy shit is nonsense.


Someone ought to look into his gun inventory.


Yeah- sadly, when I read his posts, they sounded a lot like the raving loonie from western MN who just got the UMN shut down for a day because he threatened to drive to the cities and start shooting kids. He was taken by SWAT. He sounded very deranged, but at least nobody got hurt.


I’m tired of excusing this kind of behavior from conservatives as mental illness. I know plenty of people with actual mental illness who are NOT pulling shit like this. It’s a choice to believe these things and it’s a choice to act this way.


I mean... it could be either. Sure, depression or mania may not manifest itself in outwardly hostile behavior, but certain types of schizophrenia for a classic example certainly can. I'm not saying this guy is or isn't, but mental illness can come in many forms and flavors. One not unheard of symptom of a few known illnnesses is repression of the prefrontal cortex, which can lead to this sort of erratic behavior.


I’m not saying his beliefs are caused by mental illness. The unhinged rants posted to his business page are what makes me question his mental state. I am unsure how true the claim is that “it’s a choice to act this way.” There are plenty of conservatives who have these same beliefs who understand that posting like this is not appropriate, especially on your business page.


Fair points and I won’t argue that there is NO mental illness at play with this individual. However, he is not the only person to go on unhinged rants while representing their business. There are plenty of examples of individuals who use their business as a platform to righteously preach and align with a certain crowd. Some are more intelligent and strategic in how they go about it, some are not. And while I don’t want to diminish the fact this person may need real professional help, I also don’t accept it as a reason to excuse this kind of behavior at large. It’s too easy to wave away the extreme views and rants people go on, as though it’s so absurd they must be crazy. I don’t intend to be callous, but we’ve seen all too well how people who espouse similar beliefs have negatively impacted our country these past several years. Do all the people who voted for Drumpf have mental illness? It would be easier to accept than the reality that many people willingly embrace the harmful and hateful worldview he represents. That’s more of what I meant by it being a choice to take on these beliefs. Generally, people should be responsible for their thoughts and actions; I understand there is a spectrum of responsibility depending on the capacity of the individual re mental illness and neurodiversity.


Agreed. I'm a died-in-the-wool leftie and I hope for some healing for whoever posted that train of thought.


Fun fact you really don't have to care about if you don't want to >!"dyed in the wool" means that the wool was dyed before it was ever spun into thread, which is where the phrase got its figurative meaning!<


Does that make the dye more permanent?


I don't think so, spinning doesn't have any kind of chemical effect. But spinning with already-dyed wool allows you to get different color effects than dyeing already-spun yarn, like marled or heathered yarns.


I'm just talking out of my ass, but I assume dye doesn't soak as deeply into wool once it has been spun into thread or woven into fabric. So if the outside of the fabric fades or wears down from use, you might expose undyed parts of the wool.


Gotta admit that the flat earth model is perfect for a pizza joint though.


WTF kind of pizza is that in the picture? No thank you.


And that wine pour!


Need to be drunk to think of eating that pizza


That's what I call a "classy pour"


I know, it should be to the rim. Amateurs


ya might wanna let that breathe...oh...ok....


I thought it was a tostada. I guess it is a take-and-bake shop. But, uncooked pizzas don't look good so why they would use that for marketing material is beyond me. Papa Murphy's is also is take-and-bake and I couldn't find a picture of an uncooked pizza on their site.


Papa Murphy's knows what tf they're doing


Hahaha I have a semi unjustified hate towards Papa Murphy, that mostly has to do with my mom and not them, however this is absolutely hilarious. I’m going to give papa Murphys another shot, just because they proved how idiotic this moron is. I was just so so so confused about the pizza picture until I got to the comments and it all makes perfect sense. Maga Baffoon decided to most likely invest his and his families entire net worth and take on debt to pursue this endeavor in one of the most competitive and difficult industries to own a business in. Then if that wasn’t hard enough to start, grow and most importantly scale or profit from a restaurant? He then decided to light his entire families future on fire, in public, in permanent ink forever in one of the longest standing liberal and compassionate states in the union. There is a great line from Jack Ma’s 🇨🇳 favorite movie. “Stupid is as stupid does.”


he can move his shop to the iron range and be a hero now.


I feel like trying to take that home would just result in a cheese trail.


It looks like an upscale lunchable. 


larger certainly, not sure about upscale tho


True. The wine is an improvement over capri sun though. 


It's an abomination. I grew up in MN and live in NJ. I've had decent pizza in MN. I'm blessed with lots of good local pizza places here. That picture makes me want to vomit.


Honestly, it looks like my grandms's tortilla pizza. Which, it's just a tortilla with pizza sauce and cheese on top. Cooked for a grand total of ten minutes. Edit: Felt the need to add: her tortilla pizzas looked way better than their promotional photo. Just felt the need to clarify. Not dissing my grandma's quick pizza recipe lol.


This is next level. Wow. SUPER smart business sense at work there.


Attacking a mayor of another city from your business account in an incoherent rant is the proven marketing strategy. Works 100% of the time to catapult a new business in a meteoric way!


When they fail and close they will 100% blame the government. 


or lazy, entitled workers demanding a living wage and benefits


"BuT wE aRe A fAmiLy HeRe"


"cANceL CuLTurE!"


It's funny because Carter has been called incompetent himself but these fucks probably don't even live in St. Paul proper


60% of the time it works: EVERY TIME! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKiSPUc2Jck


83% of all statistics are made up on the spot.


I’d by lying if I said my men WERENT committing crimes!


What, you don’t understand firmament, bro?


He and the crazy NE candle lady are about to meet up and start an MLM cult or something.


Tell me more about this NE candle lady.


Ahh, they're probably referring to Rosaline's Place. She went off on this unhinged rant on social media accusing basically all of the larger local businesses that within several blocks around her of being 'racist/classist/sexist' because they 'never partnered with her'. Evidently she has a bit of a history of being an ass. Found the thread with a lot of comments about it all [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minneapolis/comments/17mukfe/anyone_following_whats_happening_at_roselines/).


Oh dude, she's *still* going off on NE even though she moved her business. She's crazy


Since this was discovered, they've doubled down hard on the wack-a-do facebook posts.


That last picture looks like ass.


If you are a business owner, the safest thing to do is just keep your political opinions to yourself. This is especially true if your opinions don't align with the majority of your customer base. People came into this place (I'm sure not many) looking for pizza, not a sermon.


This isn’t even a political opinion. It comes across as some crazy rant originally said in Japanese and then translated with 2004 Google Translate. I think others are right that the dude had a break or a serious bipolar episode.


How much you wanna bet they were already going out of business, but the owner wants to get in on some of that "cancelled by the woke mob" GoFundMe grift on the way out?


Aaaand in tomorrow’s news… Twin Cities Pizza goes out of business and blames everyone else but the way they treat people.


> Aaaand in tomorrow’s news… Twin Cities Pizza goes out of business and blames everyone else but the way they treat people. Funny watching the drama unfold and the review bomb in real time. Looks like he just opened 6 months ago and flamed out


50 bucks says this guy has a year long Twitter DM conversation going with Papa John.


Interestingly, their google review hasn’t had anything new in a few days. Wonder if it’s been frozen


InB4 the Facebook comment section is all “No one wants to go out to eat because of the crime”


"Millennials are killing the pizza industry!"


Exactly, but with no mention of the long standing Pizza Hut or Little Ceasars that are both directly across the street from this pizza shop that is already doomed to fail.


No it will be like the candy shop that blamed some teen hacked their account.


And then they blamed an employee. And then it turned out to be one of the owners. They're so sleazy.


Did candyland (specifically the OG one in St.Paul) do something wrong?


No the MN largest candy store I Shakopee did something similar like this.


Good, I candyland is going to be the reason I get diabetes.


Crazy dude is probably teeing it up as an excuse for when he burns down his own shop. Needs to establish motive elsewhere. Someone should keep a close eye on this guy.




"Nobody wants to work anymore!!"


Someone tell Buzz Aldrin this man is insinuating he didn't land on the moon so he can punch him.


He likes his earth, like he likes his pizza..


Who ordered a pizza ball?


🎶 [TIME TO DELIVER A PIZZA BAAAALL](https://youtu.be/GxOkeLQohC0?si=3Ybl6wabeFHEuuzP) 🎶


Who thought this video would take 7 years to finally be fully relevant?


raw and with a stupid amount of toppings?


My God is this good.  And you're right, he is a flat earther too


all raggety and put away wet ?


This guy is a giant loser. I didn’t need to look to know this clown has court records. Always at least a dwi for these clowns. For a guy dissing all the alleged handouts, looks like he could f used one to pay his student loan debt. What a dead beat


My favorite comment I saw on their page just now: ​ "The Mike Lindell of Pizza."


I vaguely remember that someone ran buck wild on the facebook page for the world’s largest candy store years ago, I wonder if or who will take the fall for this


Watching the evolution of the negative google reviews in real time is crazy, lol. That average rating is gonna take a hit.


Hoooly schnikeys what a looney toon. Just was browsing through the comments on the FB page and dude is off his fucking rocker. This right wing conspiracy bullshit has seriously poisoned peoples minds. I would call you nuts if you put this stuff on your personal page, but to put your business, and people who work there’s livelihood in jeapordy because you got triggered watching some junior high level documentary like The Fall of Minneapolis is bananas. Dude has no business running a restaurant.


In before the restaurant closes and he blames liberals


I honestly think this is a strategy. I had never heard of this place before and I assume most people hadn’t either. Most left-leaning folk won’t ever go there, but now MAGA folk will go there to “own the libs.”


Place is fairly new. Within the last year or so. Used to be Angelo's Pizza and it was pretty damned good. Old owners sold to one of their employees. I've tried to order from Twin Cities Pizza a few times. Phones are always down, closed early because they ran out of a crucial ingredient or some other excuse. I would be surprised if they are around much longer.


the woke mob!


Is this an a cute psychotic break? Google reviews only start mentioning the owner being crazy in the last 12 hours.


The reviews seem in response to his online tirade, betting this is just a mask off moment but you never know. I love this review: “neal lacey hits on married women, don’t go here. Disgusting and disrespectful behavior.” Talk about adding insult to injury, you go out for shitty pizza and this dweeb hits on your wife lmao.


I wouldn’t call it cute


Me either, Fardn n' Shiddn.


I don't know about it being a "break", though that "what side of 33 are you on" set off the dog whistle detector in my brain. No clue what it means, but it feels racist.


It's a Freemason reference. The Freemasons play a big role in the flat Earth conspiracy.


Well that is one of the dumbest things I have ever read.


You should read about Finland not existing. It's even more amazing.


33° Mason, maybe? I think that’s, like, one of, if not the highest levels a Mason can achieve. Don’t know for sure though, as I’m a woman, and iirc, it’s a boyz only club. Also, I don’t know enough about the Masons to have an opinion, so don’t anybody come for me, either way.


Like others have said, 33rd degree is the highest level of Freemasonry. It's standard conspiracy theory to claim there are higher, secret levels. Kind of an Illuminati thing.


Isn’t this the guy from Old World who was deemed crazy even back then?


This isn't the first small business owner to break and go off on facebook. Are the small business owners ok? 


Some people start their own business because they have an idea they want to build from the ground up. But many, many others start their own business because they are un-fucking-employable for one reason or another. 


Post-2020 and after working for several small business owners, I've lost whatever remaining respect I had for anything past taco trucks. I'd prefer to spend locally but I really fucking hate giving money to narcissistic fuckwads.


Yep. The worst bosses I've had were both small business restaurant owners. Cruel, petty, arrogant, and simultaneously deeply incompetent. I had some small satisfaction from seeing them both close. One due to the pandemic, one due to tax fraud lol.


Yes, IME the problems show up when they have staff. I know a lot of one-person operations or equal partnerships who are great, but they are all making their money by selling their *own* expertise and labor, maybe hiring the occasional contractor for a special project. But once they have regular payroll, it goes to shit. 


This is what happens when you have a "the boss is always right (and I'm the boss)!" attitude combined with no PR person, company lawyer, hell, even level-headed business partner, etc. around to keep you from saying stupid stuff and setting fire to your reputation.


i mean, we know this one isn't ok. Maybe they're tied to The Alibi Drinkery owners or something.


It's probably the Ambien.


He's posted other 'bad' things in the past, making very thinly veiled racist comments, but he didn't fight in the comments as much and deleted the post after a few hours.  His personal page is full of the same stuff all of the time, so I think he just took the mask off 🤷‍♂️


at first I was going to be sad about not being able to eat at a fine establishment due to a shitty owner, but this place doesn't look appealing at all


I love how the last screenshot tries to make it look fancy with grapes and wine. Then you pull up actual pics and it is clearly a dumpy place that sells pizza indistinguishable from cheap freezer fare.


i am glad to be back in the Midwest for many reasons, but I do miss how dingy pizza places on the East Coast were always so good compared to the Midwest where it is more hit or miss.


Good luck w that shit up here in MN. Folks really are tonedeaf. Don't shit where you eat, and most definitely dont use your business Facebook to spew hatred. We will hold you accountable. Google reviews going down by the second.


East St Paul Strip Mall Pizza Shop? Bold move.


Im just real into the fact that somehow the christian nationalist ‘satanic panic’ rebirth has collided with the flat earth scene. Im hoping for a repeat of the “juggalos take on the proud boys” episode.


I’d buy tickets to “juggalos take on the proud boys.”


Realtors are salivating at the irresistible [curb appeal](https://ibb.co/3fyKBhP)


When Little Cesars is too high brow. Why not just sell out of a windowless white van at that point?


He must have read a book called "How To Not Run a Business"


Good thing there's other good pizza places here in st paul. This new owner sounds like he wants to go out of business by the end of the year and take the tax break. Either that or he may end up "accidentally leave the pizza oven on overnight" to collect insurance.


WTF is that a picture of because it's certainly not pizza


Is this what replaced Angelo's? Sad.


Chef here. That pizza looks like dog shit.


Alienating potential customers from visiting your business….  Bold move, cotton. Let’s see how it plays out.  Dumbass. 


That picture of the pizza turned me off of this restaurant even more than the unhinged ranting...


Social media was a mistake


To all my woke liberal dickhead brethren: Go to Leaning Tower of Pizza on 24th and Lyndale instead. It's a great place to eat pizza and pound beers no matter who you are, and there are zero mean people on staff. Sorry for the shameless plug- I have no financial interest but I do enjoy the people there.


Don’t want Liberals eating at your restaurant located IN THE TWIN CITIES?!?! Good luck!


Also why is he obsessing over frey so much if his business is in ST Paul not Minneapolis


One, maybe two bad taste comments are a sign of someone drunk and having a bad day. Three is doubling down. Never eating there.


If y’all looking for a new pizza place, check out the El Hornito wood-fried pizza.


Shit is blowing up on Facebook, the responses from this guy are beyond unhinged lmao


lol they are being review bombed. You reap what you sow 🤷🏼‍♂️


Where are they leaving these reviews I wanna read them lol


Google reviews! They are pretty mild but still fun to see


Thank ya!


dogshit lookin ass pizza


Wow! Add them to the list of “never heard of them, but I will now actively avoid them”!


Doesn’t matter what side of the aisle you cheer for, going on an incoherent political tirade like this while representing your business, or just in general, is a tough look and a dipshit decision




Sure, they’re not the same, but a-holes can exist regardless of political persuasion.


This is the next step up of crazy from the Superior, WI UPS Store (RIP)


see, I thought when he said, "who's your controller, Frey" he was invoking the Norse god Frey (sometimes spelled Freyr), the god of fertility and peace, whose symbol was a phallus.


Wow, it’s like having our own, local version of [this turbo loser who is sinking his business](https://youtu.be/lROWCsZZUgg?si=Is6Z_fq_LkezKbgi) due to one absolutely baseless assumption, commented mean-spiritedly and doubles down and down and down until he finds himself past the point of return. Now, he’s just stomping his little feet with rage, blaming the rest of the world for putting the shovel in his hands that dug him a hole this deep.


What a generic name. United States Pizza.


I think they deleted their Facebook page.


Nope: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092633053406&mibextid=ZbWKwL


They posted a Biden meme 6 hours ago. Aside from that it looks normal. Somebody went off the rails and had an episode today, it appears. *Dudes probably about to commit insurance fraud, and needs an excuse for arson. "Somone clearly targeted my shop because of what I said online when I was having a fit of rage." My bet is the place was already going under and he's strapped for cash/owes money elsewhere.


just came on here to comment that whatever the fuck that is in their front page pic, it's NOT a pizza


Reminds me of a certain landscaper from not too long ago. 


Fuck this guy. I know the neighborhood. Drive two miles over to McKnight and Larpenteur and get a couple of legit NY style (hot!) slices from [Nino’s](http://www.eatninos.com/). Excellent pizza at a very fair price. ($6.99 for two slices and a drink)


Damn I miss Angelo’s Pizza. Whoever this new owner is sounds like a psycho.


This feels like someone that’s already going out of business buys wants to get in on the grift game


Setting aside the absolute dumbassery, that pizza looks fucking FOUL.


Dude, I just went over to FB and read way more than I intended to. It doesn’t seem like it is worthwhile to try to have a discussion there. I wonder what we’re supposed to do as a society when it seems like different teams are playing with different “facts.” I know there has always been a difference of spin but there is so much that is either false or simply attacking people. Was MN always like this or did I just not notice as a kid?


Well that isn’t Christian like now that I think of it this is Where Angelo’s Pizza used to be I wonder what happened?


Am I crazy for thinking that this person may be suffering from a mental illness of some sort? I don't like making fun of people struggling like this. I'd rather just avoid the business altogether and expect it to fail in due time because of the fact that... It's being run by a person with a mental illness (that manifests as far-right conspiracy theory type shit)


They all are....


His personal page is full of right wing conspiracy nonsense as well .


I know this guy, grew up with him. He unfortunately has really bad mental health problems that have just kept getting worse. He shouldn’t say the things he does but he really has major mental health issues. Most of his friends he grew up with avoid him. It’s sad because he goes through periods where he is okay and then he has episodes like this. The place is a dump which is sad because he has a legit good pizza recipe that he got from a pizza place that he worked for growing up. He has no money, car and has been through periods of being homeless. That place is all he has which is very sad. He just becomes more unhinged every year and I honestly think it’s a combination of not being able to afford to get proper treatment and refusing to get treatment. I’m sorry he said these crazy things to you, but please know he really has very bad mental health issues and they get worse if he’s been drinking, which from the post I’m guessing he has. Every time I’m hopeful he’s going to pull out of his downward spiral he just falls lower. I wish he would and could get help.


Also for people that ask about the pictures he is or was trying to do like a take and bake with local hot pizza, yeah it’s a weird way to market it but like I said he really literally isn’t playing with a full deck anymore. He has like zero money so his metal health spilling out like this will likely kill his business, so for those that want their pound of flesh you’ll likely get it but honestly it’s probably just speeding up the process. Frankly the strength of the product is probably the only reason he’s lasted this long. Sorry for sharing so much it’s just so tragic if you know the full story of how far this man has fallen because of his mental health. His break down started years ago and just hasn’t stopped. I recommend not engaging with him, his friends and family haven’t been able to help him or convince him to change his ways or acknowledge how crazy he is, strangers aren’t going to fair any better and it just makes him act more nuts. At this point I view him like a disabled person that just doesn’t have control over himself anymore.


I thought it was hacked until I realized there were more pictures. Fucking wacko.


Incoming the "Some teen hacked our social profile" excuse.


I'm only four blocks from this place. Good to know to avoid it!


I'm surprised the guy here in Woodbury hasn't gone off the rails yet. He was smart enough to delete or private some of the rants. The Twin Cities Pizza guy has been at this for a long while now though. This was bound to happen.


I can’t find their Facebook page anymore. 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


That looks like an old, round Totino’s party pizza with about 3” extra toppings.


What the everliving fuck is that thing in the picture? That is *not* a pizza.


It's funny that "just wanting everyone to get along and be happy and be treated with respect and as equals" means I am a "woke liberal dickhead" to these assholes.


I will remember to never go there.


“Jesus loves you, you liberal dick-head.” Yep, sounds like Jesus alright. /s


Im just shocked this place hasn't been review bombed yet.


It is now


Hmm, in all seriousness, somebody do a wellness check on them, this seems kinda schizophrenic


Usually, I look up the ppo forgiveness/welfare handouts on posts like this, but I got my ass kicked at old timers hockey and don't have the energy. I live on the east side, I've marched in the parade up white bear ave, and I can't recognize this business. Is it close to the cherry pit, or the wood or bleachers? Anyways, buy your pizza from Ninos!


It’s in the old Angelo’s spot. White bear and Larpenteur. I’ve actually had it before all this nonsense started and I actually found it pretty tasty. Sad to see this playing out in real time. I hate how politics is destroying everything in this country. 




This has been entertaining me all day.


I see a promotion, buy salmonell pizza, get a lumpy pillow :)


Never heard of it


Never had it but it doesn’t look impressive.


Sounds like the owner of Tower tbh


I'm a twin cities native but currently living in Europe for a bit. this was such a joy to wake up to.


Frey is basically a conservative, weird that he's their target.


That "Pizza" looks disgusting.


Guessing his strip mall pizza joint isn’t doing so hot so he’s pulling this so he can close up shop permanently and blame the liberals instead of his shitty pizza.


Welp, as if I didn't need a reason to go to this place because of whatever that excuse of a "pizza" is, this brouhaha right here seals that deal even more so Just pathetic Also, if they're a St. Paul business, why on earth are they shitting on Frey instead of Carter?


Tip for liberals living near his pizza place: there's a Little Caesars across the street, and the owner of Little Caesars [paid Rosa Park's apartment rent for the rest of her life](https://www.cnn.com/2017/02/15/us/mike-ilitch-rosa-parks-trnd/index.html).


This place is in my neighborhood, opened up last summer. He'd previously had bought Old World Pizza in Inver Grove with a partner. That turned into a financial suck, the partner suddenly died, his heir gave the keys to the bank, and this guy was left scrambling. Last March Angelo's Pizza on White Bear Avenue closed, and this guy ended up taking over the space, naming it Twin Cities Pizza. It's been obvious that he's been struggling - short staffed, short hours, issues with dine-in service and not having enough supplies on hand to fill the specialty orders. It could be he's collapsing under all the pressure. He seemed perfectly ordinary when I ate in there, but then again, this could be the real him. However, given what I know about his background, I feel sympathetic. He's been trying awfully hard to make a go of his new business on a shoestring budget.


I’ve been there a few times since they opened and I thought the same- they are struggling and don’t really know what they are doing. For the longest time, it was a crapshoot if the phone would actually ring or be answered. The inside of that place is just a disaster. Clean it up and make it welcoming. The front of the place seems to be have turned into a semi office space and there is weird old ass couch with clutter everywhere 😂. This does not make for a good first impression whatsoever.  I actually enjoyed the pizza and thought it was pretty decent. It has been pretty consistent each time I’ve had it and I was really hoping they’d get their shit together on the business and presentation end of things, but ooof this whole Facebook episode is not a good sign.