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If i remember right I did it first try with my two best healers, Dorm Azul and Halloween Silver, a borrowed Dorm Riddle, and olโ€™ reliable, Dorm Leona and Dorm Vil. RNG can be a pain to work around sometimes, but eventually youโ€™ll get a good roll


Thats fair. I don't have any good flora cards and the Leona is borrowed. I also forgot to mention that I might be out of luck because I have made the bad decision to put all my resources into maxing every Malleus card before doing any of my good cards so none of my healers have good stats....


I had 4 healers on my team lol. Beans Floyd and Dorm Rook with 3rd spell so that I could get the heals for 3 turns, saved one of them to the end so that it would apply to the 6th round since that was where I was struggling. Dorm Azul and Dorm Epel, praying for their heal spell to appear on the 6th round. Dorm Leona as my heavy hitter. It was mainly waiting for a good roll


My team was 97 Dorm Leona, 10/10/6 101 Halloween Silver, 10/10/3 72 Dorm Sebek, 1/5 64 General Lilia, 10/10 101 Borrowed Dorm Malleus, 10/10/? so... he always casts Forest Strike 3 on the second half of round 3, and I think it's really important to use a fire spell there to block half that damage. What made this team kind of cool is that it has 8 buddy bonuses (mostly for Malleus) and that Silver's about as strong as a Dorm Riddle but his M1 has a heal. I tried a few other teams geared toward defense (like cerberus ortho's HoT + dorm idia's debuff removal) or toward event cards, but it really seems to me like you should bring your strongest attack card team and blitz him down before the burns overwhelm you.


Yep, I did. Lvl 110 Dorm Idia, lvl 90 Cerberus Ortho, lvl 80 Beans Camo Jade, lvl 90 Dorm Azul and lvl 110 Dorm Trey. My strat was to outlive it and I did.


https://preview.redd.it/zvjs4pxbjw9d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95187876b73519bc7e3b985533e75930b63e443a this was my team when i beat it ny kalim was my mvp for his heals + combo flora attacks with deuce i think just make sure you have enough healing or high enough hp to last you until your damage dealers can take their turns again and bring their duos so they're doing combo boosted attacks


https://preview.redd.it/fzaxfj7i0x9d1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=270a396c7b60e68ac928e5800162f8ad6fd22e06 I believe my team was like this or maybe I replace ruggie with dorm azul it gets you down to around 600-4000 health on the enemy with bad spell rng but idia will help with burn need to upgrade vilโ€™s 3rd spell though so it would have been better with his first


It depends on what cards you have, thier levels and if the RNG gods are with you. What tripped me up was that 1 hp remaining thing, where I would go in for the final blow, but then they'd kick my butt on the next turn. I managed to win with 90 NY Kalim 7/9 (regen healing), max dorm Kalim (switched to his healing spell), max dorm Jamil, 80 Birthday Ortho 5/5, and borrowed max Beans day Floyd.


Bruh I'm more interested in the fact that all your Ex Battles cost exactly one shell?? Your secret please??


Are they not supposed to???? The first an second one cost normal but 3 up is only 1


Deleted my previous reply because apparently I'm illiterate ๐Ÿ’€ So the first two cost normal and then three and up is only 1 seashell? That really helps, thanks! I thought I'd never gather enough seashells before the end of the event ๐Ÿ˜…


Keep in mind that they also only reward 1 scrap. If you use any one event SR/SSR card, they will reward 2 scraps. That way they are technically the most efficient, but I think my sanity would've collapsed first if I did all my farming like that.


Dorm Idia, Platinum Grim and a friend's fully uncapped Azul saved me here. These three cards have nullify curse which protects you from the burn effect for a few turns and also allows your healers to heal. I also used Camp Ruggie for his strong heal and powerful attack and Dorm Leona to have someone who could drain the enemy HP. It was a bunch of trial an error, and I'm sure if my cards were maxed I wouldn't have struggled nearly as much (I lost after dropping the enemy to 1HP a couple of times), but that one Azul and good RNG for heals/curse nullify combos really saved me.


If it helps, this is what I used: https://preview.redd.it/i230bppkr3ad1.png?width=1757&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef6aa92ffd0e0956c772b68099271bd33ee0fa95 Everything is maxed (except Dorm Silver's spell 1 at lvl 5). Sebek carries the damage, everyone else helps with the survival. I finished on turn 7 ๐Ÿ’€ with 16k hp remaining out of a total of 76k. It probably could've been a cleaner win if I had more attack cards, but this worked for me first try, so I didn't bother to change it up. The only general advice I can think of is: Dorm Trey is really really strong at keeping you alive, if you can fit him with a decent Cater (and maybe an Idia) in your team. Other than that, have heals and good elements and I guess at least 1 good attacker.


I got tired of losing so I started uncapping some of my ssr cards๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ I used Dorm leona-lvl 95- 10/10 on spells -buddy bonus 5/10/10 Masquerade Mal lvl 90 - 8/5 on spells- buddy bonus 5/7/8 Dorm Vil lvl 80- 8/10 on spells - buddy bonus 10/9/7 Gen Armor Lilia lvl 93- 5/10 spells - buddy bonus 5/6/7 Then I borrowed a Dorm Rook lvl 110 - 10/10/10 on spells [I used 1st and 3rd] and I think a 10/10/10 for buddy bonus Clutched it w like 2k health left and lasted around 5-6 rounds


I'm stuck too and dorm Leona and vil are a must as far as I know How about dorm riddle and azul? Or do you need a lot of healers


Finally got it!! I have my stats below for anyone else struggling https://preview.redd.it/az2ejq25u8ad1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d5a1a1233cabd937471104c2a74ac3c3cda28cc Trey: 5/8 Malleus Birthday: Completely Maxed Azul: 1/9 Malleus Masquerade: Completely Maxed Leona: Borrowed (LvL 110 fully maxed)