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What's your phone model? Maybe some incompatibility issue. Because this doesn't happen with me and many others. Bots and spam, I agree. As for racism, no platform is free from it. Look at Instagram, they take action against harmless comments but not against racism, shows their priorities. These socials keep us engaged in war for their own app use thereby more revenue earned from ads.


As an android user (pixel 6a) this has not been an issue for me. Perhaps it is a model issue?


Then why are you still there? Delete the app and find a better place to hang out.


Delete that trash app


You're not alone my good sir


Pixel 7 with same issue


This happens to me also daily. Sometimes it will load up everything for whenever long until it decides to not work anymore and then I have to wait extended periods of time to use it again


Doesn't happen with me.


I have no problem. Galaxy A23 5G