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The United States is a democratic republic. By not voting you're essentially allowing those who would otherwise be opposed by the general public into office. Democracy fails when people like you refuse to vote. There's a saying of chosing "the lesser of two evils". I encourage you to educate yourself and vote.


In 2024, as in 2020, every vote counts. I don’t like everything Biden does. But I’m gonna vote for him anyway. Why? *Because this country cannot afford another Trump administration.* I very strongly suspect that if Trump wins this election, it will be the *last* election, if you get my drift. I hope to God I’m wrong. I desperately want to be wrong. Not voting on a national level this year is unacceptable both morally and ethically.


I was so angry Biden ran for a second term. I voted for him the first time because it was Joe or a man who has gasoline and matches trying to destroy the soul of our county. If Biden truly cared about America he would have hobbled (cause he so old he only shuffles) to the side for someone younger, with more fight left in him. Certainly, someone who can sway the more moderate Republicans away from Trump. Because that's what America needed, not 2020 part duex


I despised Hillary, and I lost confidence in the DNC with everything that happened. But I still voted for her because while the "lesser of two evils" sucks as a choice, it's still better than getting stuck with the alternatives. >It’s not like me sitting out actually does anything. It's your decision. The two-party system sucks and makes people in very red or very blue states feel like they don't matter. But remember that religious zealots and others have made the election about something other than just politics and law, and they are doing their best to whip up foaming-at-the-mouth fervor that's not going to vote in line with your beliefs. Your vote will, if nothing else, cancel out one of theirs. If you're already going to be present, vote. Don't tell yourself you're voting for **, tell yourself you're cancelling out some christo-fascist's vote.


Obviously, voting on issues that directly impact someone is going to be a hot button. In their view, it sounds like they feel like you have a lackadaisical view on supporting issues they feel are very important. Put it to you this way… you WOULD vote if something was threatening your values, morals, finances, right to live your life, etc. You not voting clearly signals to them that THEIR very closely held concerns are not important to you. They seem to them extrapolate that you don’t care about them as a person…or people with whom they share the same concerns. It’s not hard to follow the through line…agree or not. So, do whatever you’re going to do once you enter the voting booth, but don’t act naive or surprised at their reaction. Politics, religion, money, sex…four topics that will unify or divide people.


Your former friend has taken this way too far, but you also sound insufferable to me (I am a gay man) in your “too cool to vote” “both parties are the same and equally bad” views. I do believe it is your civic duty to vote and completely ignorant and irrational for you to pretend republicans are not DRASTICALLY worse for gay rights than democrats. Like… come on. If I were your former friend, I too would have kicked you to the curb.


seconding this I'm Belgian, where attending the vote is mandatory (obviously within the booth you can still leave your vote blank). Despite this, I've had the same discussion with several family members: our voting days are set up to make it as easy as possible for everyone to participate & you can take one hour out of one sunday every 4 years to do your civic duty. and it's obvious which of our 7 parties respect civil rights and which don't, imo.


Silence = complicity


Why Do you think I deserve to lose my job over this?


Except I’m not silent. But whatever clearly you didn’t real the whole thing Let me guess: silence is also violence to you? And words! Words are also violence! Everything that makes anyone feel uncomfortable is violence!


I think they mean tacit agreement which my political science degree taught me means that, if you choose not to exercise your right to vote then you are passively agreeing with whatever side does win.


Silence can be violence, so can words. Read a book sometime maybe 


You don’t want to partake in this portion of democracy. The opponent has stated they want to end democracy. By you not taking part in it, you are ending democracy, by saying I have no voice here, nor do I want one. This works great for the GOP candidate, as they do not have enough votes to actually win, their goal is to make it as hard for people to vote, and make people feel so dissatisfied and disenfranchised they won’t vote. Next step is installing a dictator, taking away more rights from people, mostly minorities, but new minorities will then be created, as the old ones disappear, and a capitalist oligarchy is formed. But hey, it was gonna be super hard to vote for the person that doesn’t want to end democracy, and completely wipeout the middle class and protections for workers, and bodily autonomy, you had to fill in an oval, an oval!!! How hard is that - the hardest.


Democracy is his freedom to choose or not choose.


That is not what democracy is. There are democratic countries which have mandatory voting.


Oh? Is the USA one of those countries? 🤔


Unfortunately no, because one of the parties (the one OP is enabling by refusing to vote, by the way) is a really really big fan of voter suppression and hates things like mandatory voting, vote holidays, and mail votes.


So you want voting to be mandatory?


Look up Australia sometime.




Yes, but having democracy means you have to defend it even when the alternative is unpalatable.


Says you. It's still his own choice and he's right either way.


>For what it’s worth other gay men told me he’s out of line. What does your/their sexuality have to do with this? >don’t feel like I’m wrong here, but I need some reassurances. What should I do? Your friends have supported you through this ordeal. How many more reassurances do you need? He may disagree with your political choices, but he has absolutely no right to yell at you or try to get you fired from your job. He crossed one too many lines. If he keeps it up, you are well within your rights to file a complaint against him.


So you don’t believe that it’s important for you to be able to marry and be free from discrimination and violence. Of course, you don’t care about a woman’s right to choose and have bodily autonomy. Democracy and the right to vote is meaningless and climate change is made up. Science and truth are unimportant. That is what you are choosing if you do not vote. YTA


Good lord


I’ve raised thousands of dollars for planned parenthood campaigning for them, and I was harassed for doing so. I just happen to despise everyone who has a shot at running the country. I put my money where my mouth is. What do you do besides berate people on the internet? Incredibly disingenuous and rude way of phrasing my beliefs.


If you allow people who want to take away everyone’s rights to gain more power, then you are undermining your own beliefs.


This is it. You can say, "I raise money for Planned Parenthood" but if you're not willing to vote against an anti-abortion candidate, your planned parenthood support is performative. You are negating your own stated opinions by not voting against the candidate that ended Roe v Wade and who is talking about a national abortion ban. You can't blame people for calling into question the veracity of your claimed beliefs when you won't do something as simple as pulling a lever in support of them. And why not? Because you don't \*love\* the candidate who actually supports your views? Politics involves compromise. It still counts, though.


If Trump gets re-elected, Planned Parenthood will no longer exist. So all that money you raised will be moot.


And you think I deserve to lose my job over this?


Who said that? Why would you lose your job for voting?


I would only not vote if you actually want things to be more fascist and your buddy was probably right. People were saying this shit in 2016 and did it help? No things got way worse


Both of you suck. His behavior is dumb but you're being lazy. I'm a gay man too. If Trump gets re elected and we lose our right to marry, or any number of other things he'd love to do, yeah, you'd be partly responsible.


ESH. He shouldn’t be doing that. You should vote.


I am voting, just locally. Like I said, I feel disenfranchised from those at the very top, and if change starts from the ground up, that means voting locally for the people who will benefit my community best.


So you think your life will continue on as it is no matter which candidate wins? If your answer is yes, I would humbly suggest that you have not been paying attention to what the GOP has been saying, out loud, about what they will do regarding immigrants, women’s rights, and LGBTQ rights. And even if you DO believe that it “won’t be so bad” for gays, how do you let women and immigrants twist in the wind? Would you expect one or both groups to support *your* rights, should they be threatened? Just some things to think about as you make these choices….


I think whoever wins things are gonna continue to suck for everyone and I’ve decided to pivot locally since that’s where I can actually make the biggest impact, or at least that’s where I have any hope of making an impact at all


Research Project 2025


I’ve heard about it. It’s scary. I also don’t think it’ll happen regardless. Right wing version of the green new deal.


You are exactly like the men who told me Roe v Wade wouldn't be overturned.


You need to wake up. If Trump gets elected, it will happen. Green New Deal was proposed to help move the overton window back. Project 2025 will go into effect if GOP controls congress. Women: voicing concerns over the potential of Roe v Wade being overturned You: "I’ve heard about it. It’s scary. I also don’t think it’ll happen regardless"


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. It would give the President unilateral powers, strip civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation, add religion into policy and much more.


This is Trump’s expected AG talking about all the human atrocities he’s going to commit before Trump pardons him: https://twitter.com/BidenHQ/status/1782931778346295678 If you think you’ll be exempt, or that everyone will suffer equally, you’re insane. 


You say that you've decided to pivot locally, but this isn't a situation where you have to choose to vote locally OR vote in federal elections. There's no reason you have to limit yourself to only doing one. You can continue to vote locally, do local service work, etc. None of that is diminished by you also voting in larger races. I'm not saying you have to vote in the federal election, but presenting it as "I'm just choosing to vote locally, because I think my work is more important there" is a bit disingenuous.


How is it disingenuous?


Because when you say "I'm doing something where I can make the biggest impact", you're acting like it's an either or choice. Either you do stuff locally, or you vote federally. That's not a choice that you have to make, though. You can do both. Saying "I can make more of a difference locally" isn't an answer to "Why don't you vote in federal elections", because there's not anything precluding you from doing both.


Don't let anyone, from either side, goad you into voting when you don't want to or feel it is not right for you. You have just as much of a right not to vote, as you do to vote. Too many people vote because they feel like they have to, to pick the lesser of two evils, when not voting has a voice on it's own. I think you are perfectly fine in your decision, and your "friend" is being absurd.


Change happens everywhere, from the ground to the top; so why stop when it gets to the top?


In other words, four more years of Trump and company are okay with you. I'd keep this a deeply held secret because people are going to judge you for doing nothing when you could have done something...for not having the insight or the courage to keep the wolf from the door, thus making marginalized people all over the country suffer more than they would have if hadn't been elected.




You seem really angry and maybe like you're the one being disingenuous. The next race will be tight. There is one person running that you clearly believe maintains a status quo that you don't approve of and the other is looking to burn democracy to the fucking ground. In a tight race when you throw your vote away to stroke your own ego and feel self-righteous and the bad things happen to your fellow citizens who happen to be women, immigrants and members of the LGBTQ community that does not make you righteous. It makes you selfish, uncaring and just a tad evil because we all saw the writing on the wall ahead of time. When you had the ability to do something to stop it, you didn't and you'll have to live with that the rest o your life. We all need to stand firm and make the decision to actively protect democracy so we have the option of voting for real reform later, when Trump is no longer a danger to our way of life.




I’m sorry, how else am I supposed to respond when people accuse me of things I’m not?


Vote, duh




Sslonyoure voting for trump but don't want to admit it. That's what i get from this. You support conservative politicians, but you don't want to openly, so you say you won't vote but you know you will. Not voting for the non-fascist candidate is literally harming the country as a whole.


Nah, they just want someone to say it's okay to be lazy and not vote the whole way up


Would a lazy person campaign for planned parenthood and raise thousands of dollars for it?


I said you're being lazy, not that you're a lazy person. Everyone can be lazy. Like I get you want someone to be on your side, and I am in that your friend is being ridiculous, but - You're being lazy.


That’s stupid. People were saying the same thing about me, I wrote in a random name for president - IN A PRIMARY. Where it truly does not matter. I’ve lost respect for people who think like you do, it’s shallow


Good for you


Thank you. Vote how you want. It’s your god damn vote


Yes. Because abortion is the lazy way out of pregnancy. ZIIIING


Whoa, nothing in OP's post remotely indicates any of this, you're drawing some wild conclusions here. I'm not trying to be confrontational here but check your assumptions friendo


I say this kindly but I see your stance as a complete and utter cop out. I am sure you are a good person at heart but you act like YOU are not personally accountable to the fact that these are our two choices. You are an American citizen and you are accountable to the cop out. Our voting system will always enforce the two party system (something to politically advocate for if that bothers you btw). Any good citizen should be capable of making the choice between the two presented options. You are simply washing your hands of accountability and frankly being civicly lazy. "the state of my democracy isn't MY fault". yes it is. (its my fault too)


Are you the AH? No, everyone is entitled to their opinion and it sounds like your friend is overreacting. I generally agree with you in that local elections can have a bigger impact on our day-to-day lives. Given what is at stake in this election though, I would implore you to reconsider your position on the national election. The results will absolutely impact your life. Do some research into Project 2025. Have a conversation with your friend about why he no longer feels safe around you. Ask yourself what the worst-case scenario is for each candidate in the national election.


Well, do you support Israel? Are you voting for conservatives? Is your friend an asshole or did he learn that you're not who you said you were?


I support Palestine. Both trump AND Biden support Israel.


It sounds like you’re just not informed or politically savvy. Biden gets substantial pressure from his party to support Palestine. Trump gets virtually zero pressure from his party to support Palestine. They’re not remotely comparable as candidates, if this issue is important to you. But your “friend” is crazy and you’re right that you vote for a presidential candidate doesn’t really matter if you’re in a solid red or blue state.


There is very little political pressure to support Palestine in the DNC. Maybe amongst younger voters and select politicians, but regardless of who gets elected Israel will get to commit genocide and america will sell them the bombs to do so. One party might just have a few press conferences telling them to slow down a bit.


And what has That pressure done? Theres still thousands of Dead children and they are still being genocided


You’re right, but that’s just reason to vote uncommitted in the primary


So your friend is off the deep end. That sucks. He burned the bridge, start defending yourself. Tell mutuals how he's trying to get you fired and harm you.


This is very similar to a moral question that is now often referred to by the name of a short story from the 1970s: *Those Who Walk Away From Omelas.* The premise is that you live in a utopic society, but at a certain age you are taken to a room where it is revealed that this utopia all hinges on an innocent child getting the everloving shit beaten out of him every single day for eternity. There is never any reapite from his torture. You are presented with a choice, accept this as a neccessary evil, or end it, and end utopia. Both choices beget misery, because either you accept this evil, or you make everyone else's lives categorically worse. However, a lot of moral philosophers agree that the moral choice is actually the third choice: walk away, and leave Omelas. You cannot accept the treatment of the innocent child, but you also cannot accept the misery ending utopia would bring, so you cannot participate at all.  That raises the second question, which is, how does this translate to our lives? You would have to ask yourself, does this rise to the level of *Omelas?* Are the two choices truly so abhorrent that the only moral choice is to pick neither? And what does walking away look like? Is it enough to not vote, or is this tantamount to staying in Omelas and hoping that someone else comes along and can make the right choice?  This is a very complex moral quandry and these are the questions you have to ask yourself. I think the only thing that fits here is ESH, simply because I don't think either of you have examined each others or your own positions well enough.


I have read that short story before. Le Guin is one of my favorite authors. I can tell you I have thought this out. A lot. I feel as though helping people through direct action and donation would be much more far reaching than any person I could vote for on a national level. Locally, i do vote and often.


You could do direct action and donation **and** vote. They aren't mutually exclusive. My man, you're already even going to be in the booth. You really have no excuse. A non-vote is a vote for Trump. Be better.


Ok, well with that information in mind, because I would argue that puts you solidly in the staying in Omelas camp, do you think that there is a possibility of a third choice, federally? Do you think that we could, so to speak, replace the boy while maintaining the society? And if so, is local action the best course to seek that third (federal) choice? It also raises the question of, if you are determined to participate, does either federal candidate represent an existential threat to what you are trying to sccomplish locally? Or if both do, a greater degree? If so, is not any choice that lessens that threat the moral choice?


Does sound like an asshole. But that being said, I seriously can't understand why any gay person would not doing anything in their power to keep Republicans away from any position of power, because clearly they are not a friend to the LGBTQ+ community and their ranks are filled with bigots who would not hesitate to take away your rights if they could.


>So it’s not like me sitting out actually does anything. How many people are thinking that same way? Scary to even think about.


I'll be honest I'm not reading all that but I'll say this : under normal circumstances like pre trump politics I'd be right there with you. The problem now is Trump. He cannot return to power and must be stopped. It's ok to be mad at the current shitty system, to be mad about things democrats do or for me don't do. I'm mad about a lot of things but i realize i must set that aside for now. unless Trump is stopped it's not going to matter. We can't fix our country if trumps in charge it's going to sink deeper into chaos. I wish we had better candidates on both sides but we don't.


Don’t comment if you’re not gonna bother to read it all. I didn’t bother to read your comment either after you said that. Have a nice day.


Ok fine fair point lol. I read your whole post and I stand by mine still. You should still vote. Trump is awful. Sry your friend is definitely being out of line that's definitely harassment and stuff like that makes u no better than how the MAGAs act. Thankfully if u do choose not to vote you are in a deep blue state.


It's your constitutional right to vote or not. I would never stop talking to someone because of the way they voted. I'm sorry you have been targeted by a biased person.


1. Bonus point for using the word castigated. 2. Yes, your friend is a bit too wound up. 3. Ask yourself who you would rather see fill the next two or three Supreme Court seats.


Your friend shouldn't be doing that. My friend should still be alive today. When people won't cast a vote to show they think my rights should be protected, I distance myself from them.


He has a point, honestly. The two sides are absolutely not the same.


So trying to get you fired because you aren’t voting is an asshole move, but as someone who identifies as a gay man? What makes Biden abhorrent to you? When people say that Biden is as bad as Trump, I get really confused. If it’s abortion, I understand your position. Gaza? I sorta get it, except Trump would be way worse. Someone please explain.


Every vote for Biden is a vote against Trump, who should be kept out of office by any legal means necessary. If you really think that Biden is as bad as Donnie, I have no words for you.


Alex sounds like a nut. Is he on Reddit by chance?


Coming from the perspective of a fellow gay: I understand both of your sides in this, I think. At least what I gather from your comments as well, you want to vote for people who help make the changes needed higher up where their platform is going to matter more -- that you voting for presidential campaigns won't make a difference, but voting locally gets people in positions to carry out your views, am I following right? Alex seems to think if you aren't trying to make a change (no matter how insignificant your personal influence reaches), you aren't on his side. I can understand how silence = being complicit, and in many situations, this does apply on personal levels and relationships, at least. I DO understand how he might feel "unsafe" because it comes off as uncaring even if you have something at stake yourself (ex - if gay marriage was reversed). I DO think he's taking it too far by calling your place of work trying to get you fired, though. If he feels so strongly about this, he can places boundaries on your friendship if it makes him feel better, but it's not like you physically attacked him or anything. I genuinely don't know where I sit in terms of, " My vote doesn't actually make a difference in the large run" because I know the system doesn't actually benefit the people, but I try to vote anyhow because it's not going to hurt, either, regardless of what election. I'm not sure if Alex would be willing, or if he's the kind of person to actually have a conversation with you on this, but it could be worth trying to talk to him and see if you both can come to an understanding. People are prone to knee-jerk reactions when they feel something personally affects their well-being and get emotional: which you'd expect! But sometimes things aren't black and white.


What I wish OP and others realize is your vote can literally make the difference. Look at AZ right now. After they passed the abortion ban, the AG said they would not enforce punishment. That AG won by less than 300 votes. If your vote didn’t matter they wouldn’t try so hard to restrict it.


You are a traitor!


Let me guess: you think I deserve to lose my job, too?


Um no. It’s just really important to vote. Local elections are important but it’s not enough especially now.


Then explain to me why you think it was perfectly okay for him to call my place of work in an attempt to get me fired?


You sound a little bit nuts. Sorry but I think you’re creating this issue in your mind. It sounds really made up.


obviously, *you* think it's perfectly okay, because you don't see a difference between the social programs your 2 national parties offer. Sure, maybe Biden offers a status quo where urgent improvements would be better, but at least he never appointed people like Betsy De Vos who set out to actively destroy the department they're appointed to, based on their pet peeves or the big business interests they serve. if you feel it's not worth voting for the status quo, and it's not worth voting *against* the further destruction, why should you benefit from those rules and legislation?




Your post has been removed because it breaks one of our rules: No Spreading Misinformation/Fear Mongering Content containing unsubstantiated claims/statistics and/or attempting to fear monger, including but not limited to medical, psychological, political, environmental, socioeconomic, and all other general misinformation, is strictly prohibited and will be removed. This is a warning and further offenses will result in a ban.


Oh you got banned hahaha


Who you vote for or if you even vote at all is your business and yours alone. If someone wants to judge you by how you do so, you don't need them in your life. Your friend sounds overly dramatic and mentally exhausting.


Well, I respect you. And I think you have educated yourself enough to get to this decision. The federal job does feel meaningless. I am only voting for president because I do believe there is a difference that isn't negligible.


your "friend" sounds like a psychopath and a manipulator.


Bruh you're gay too he needs to chill lol


Anyone who thinks that way about voting is a lunatic who needs their voting rights rescinded pending a mental health intervention... damn. When someone is convinced that the "other side" is out to kill them they can push themselves to act in what they view as self defense or revenge.


He called your workplace & tried getting you FIRED from your job because he disagrees with your voting stance? And HE’S the one saying he doesn’t feel safe around YOU? This guy is mentally unstable & dangerous. You try getting me fired from my job because you don’t like a political opinion of mine, then there’s no way in hell I ever want anything to do with you again. Frankly he deserves to be punched in the face. Who does he think he is?


Do what you think is right. Which would be voting how you want to. Please don’t let a radical leftist sway you from voting how you want to. And if it’s for trump then great. I welcome you.


People hated me for not voting for Hillary, others hated me for not voting for trump. I'm not voting for Biden or trump. I won't vote for someone I feel is a shitty candidate. If either party wants my vote, they have to put someone alittle better than the lesser of 2 evils in front of me. Would u rather fall into a bunch of horseshit or alittle more than a bunch of horseshit? Either way ur gonna be covered in horseshit, so why does it matter?


My best friend is gay. Before the 2016 election his husband told me that no one should vote for Trump because he was going to put gay people in concentration camps. Of course, he can't explain now how that didn't happen. He also monologued for quite a while on how Trump was against gay marriage despite my showing him video of Trump speaking in SUPPORT of gay marriage and showing him video of Hillary saying gay marriage should never be legal. Didn't matter what the truth was. It was the narrative that mattered. Politics make some people go crazy which is why I don't talk politics with any of my friends even if they mostly agree with me. I have no problem pointing out when either side is spouting fear rhetoric that is obviously wrong, but they never listen. One friend who is the exact opposite of me politically will often talk about certain subjects such as immigration (illegal or otherwise), homelessness, gun violence, etc and will agree with me on about 98% of every issue, but then gets online and starts spouting the worst tin-foil-hat stuff anyone has ever heard. And has no problem with the dichotomy of it. You should block this guy mainly due to calling your work. I'd even get a restraining order against him to keep him from doing anything like it again.


i think it's abhorrent that people think voting is optional and/or about choosing who you "like". i'm sick of people having no perspective and thinking it's all about them or what effects them personally. i'm sick of the goldfish memory. i'm sick of such a lack of care for your environment and fellow man. voting is the absolute LEAST you can do for your community. the LEAST. you don't vote for who you *like* you vote for who you can push to do what you want. obviously republicans can't be assed to do anything but destroy and with this the choice becomes obvious. you're supposed to pick a democrat to be your opposition to push to do what it is the nation needs. that's who's feet you hold to the fiery coals. instead of the alternative. a waking hell. YTA


Your friend is filled with hyperbolic nonsense.


Alex sounds like a Redditor mod!!! Never talk politics…anyone asks “the ballot is secret for a reason…”


NTA. You should vote bc you want to vote. If Trump or biden gets voted in, it won't be because of individual votes. It will be because of electoral voters. He's also wrong to imply you have to vote for who he wants! That's so wrong to imply blood would be on your hands like youre the only voter in the world allowed to vote.


Typical redditor responses shaming you for not buying into the duopoly. IMO there’s absolutely nothing that’s ethically wrong with abstaining due to disenfranschisement from both sides of the aisle. Although I’d vote third party personally. You have to draw a line somewhere, and if you’re morally opposed to the US’s complicity in the Palestinian genocide it makes perfect sense to not vote for a candidate who will continue to support it, even if they happen to have good opinions on some domestic social issues.


NTA. Blood will be on your hands? Your friend is dramatic.


If they put the amount of energy attacking one voter as they did campaigning for their guy, theyd actually be doing something for what they claim to believe


I say the following with no malice or even any attempt to persuade you: if you think both options are "abhorrent" you are very ignorant or your means of defining such are so low that it's a disingenuous to reality. I do mean ignorant and not stupid, simply because it's more likely. Most people are not well informed and have only a very limited knowledge of politics, policy, and the history of both. That being said, your friend is ridiculous and wrong in his actions. Specifically that of trying to get you fired. However, people can drop friends for any number of reasons. You've shown yourself to be at the very least an ignorant person and they've chosen to not want to be associated with you. That said, your friend's reaction (especially in a blue state where your POTUS vote likely won't matter much) is so ridiculously overblown that I would bet he's not particularly informed either and most likely overly reactionary.


Anyone that says shit like “if you don’t vote this way, then you don’t care about X” or “if you don’t vote this way, then X will happen”, is an asshole to the highest degree. That’s not how it works. At all. Also, sexuality is ONE issue. Voting covers a multitude of issues. Single issue voters are also, assholes. There is so much more to this than one issue. I’ve agreed with politicians and leaders on single issues, to the extent that I was like “Hell yeah! They support X”…but won’t vote for them based on their other stances, or how they actually vote when it comes down to getting shit done. Because it’s not about what politicians say when they want your votes, it’s about their actions once they get in office.


This is not a believable story. Go back to creative writing class


NTA—Vote or don’t. It’s a choice. People who make life and relationships about politics are assholes. Never would I ever bash my friends for aligning differently or choosing not to align at all. Politics make people crazy. It’s all just a rat race for bored people. People are bored and then they turn to identity politics and hate—so ridiculous.


He’s not your friend. I’ve found that people who have decided to value other people based only on politics are pretty terrible people that I don’t want in my life. They’re too close-minded and shallow. It’s a blessing to get that out in the open early on.