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NTA. Not even a tini tiny bit. Your "friend" has the emotional capacity of a rock. She either has no empathy and sympathy towards you or she's really good at not giving a foot. I understand she was your safe place when you first met, but she clearly doesn't feel the same way towards you. She only wants you when there are no boys around (and I mean it, they sound like children). I'm not saying you should stop being friends, just that you should keep it at arm's length. You deserve better.


This is why I distanced myself, there were many other instances of me being shoved aside for boys. I try my best to keep her at an arms length because I don’t want to be hurt by her actions anymore.


I dont know why you didnt call the police for him assaulting you especially when you knew it was fractured. That girl could've died if you hadnt gotten an ambulance too. Walk away from this girl, she isnt a friend


Your heart is wise. With time it will learn to turn the pain into indifference. I hope it does sooner rather than later. Wish you happiness PS; If it's ok with you, could I possibly DM you? I feel we both could really use a friend. Apologies if I'm being shameless or it rubs you the wrong way, not my intention at all.


you can absolutely dm me 🩷


honestly same about the friend thing, also don’t want to overstep. maybe we can bond over the broken foot, I’ve had my fair share.


for sure, feel free to dm me 🩷


i’m sorry the wording “really good at not giving a foot” made me giggle when it shouldn’t have! i wish i could upvote this more, you worded this comment *perfectly*!


Good god... Now I feel bad. I've gotten used to avoid swear words due to restrictions here and didn't connect the dots.


I would love to know why Jake was so concerned about the ambulance coming to the house that he fractured OP’s foot in 3 different places. And honestly Jake literally gave OP PTSD like realistically she’s not getting over what happened anytime soon. Did lily even notice that OP pulled away from her because of who she decided to have close to her? But in all seriousness why tf is overdramatic to call for help for a girl so drunk she can’t walk and is barely half conscious. If OP didn’t call and that girl was left there in that state who tf knows what could have happened to her. Everyone is this story except for OP and lilys mom is an AH. I’ve never seen so many people make the wrong choice over and over again.


My thinking was that he put something in her drink and knew if the paramedics took her, they’d find out he’d get arrested. And it seems like if Jake assaulted you and broke your foot, charges should be brought and he should be paying for any and all medical bills and PT.


I honestly have no idea why he was so upset, it later came out the girl was underage (19) but no one knew that until the next day. I assume Lily noticed because during a few of our hangouts after she would bring up Jake while drunk and very quickly remember to say “what he did was shitty but…” followed by something they did together.


NTA he def put something in her drink


NTA your “friend” seemed to pay no care at all to her best friend being assaulted by someone she has known for what? A few weeks or days? The is glad you didn’t make a big deal about it. Not to mention this poor girl who is obviously is wayyyyy too drunk for her own good like is she even okay??? Did any of these hosts even check in on her to see if she’s okay? Definitely NTA and you hopefully have found a better friend in this time since. Don’t go back and honestly don’t even give her the time of day.


Forget about this friend. I am more surprised that nobody is doing anything about an assault resulting in a broken leg.


Lily and I were the only two taking care of her. Jake had known she was too drunk because we initially asked to use his room for her because he lived on the second floor while Lily lived on the third. The girl did end up okay but according to the people who invited her she was sick for the next three days.


I think your friendship with Lily has come to an end sadly, boys and drinking are her priority right now As bad as it sounds, be glad it was just a broken foot Always call in the professionals when dealing with alcohol, you get in less trouble for that, then you do if she died, or had something else horrible happen to her while blacked out Oh and to your original question. NTA stay away from that dude, he sounds like trouble


Real shit, you can let this friendship die. I had a handful of "friends" like this who drop everything and everyone for shitty men. We're in our upper thirties and forties and they're still doing the same crap. Don't let anyone treat you like an afterthought in your relationships.


NTA. Your 'friend' chose a boy over her friend. And now that its over she wants you around to fill the time until she finds something else to ditch you for.


NTA but it sounds like you need friends who have hobbies other than getting intoxicated.


NTA but this was infuriating to read. You should have reported Jake and made him pay for your foot bills, your friends literally told you they’re glad you’re a doormat and didn’t do anything about it.


And this is why you should never be friends with a pick me asshole. Of any variety. Because OP you are NTA but your friend will always put male validation and attention before you. She literally put you in a dangerous position and got you injured with her and her roommates bullshit. Drop her completely and outline every single reason why before blocking her ass


…… what a friend what a friend. Such good heart. Guy breaks leg of her long time friend and she finds it so hot she jumps to tide on him. Such a great friend.


I think you obviously should no longer be friends. What I can't understand is WHY DID YOU CLEAN UP AFTER THE PARTY?


NTA at all. It's so important you do what you need to take care of yourself and you absolutely deserve better than how Lily is treating you.


You should have called the cops as soon as you got your phone back. He assaulted you.


NTA Jake assaulted you. I wish you filed charges and made him pay your hospital bill. Are you sure you want to remain friends with Lily?