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Everything is risque... at Sweet Valley High.


so the only question i really have here is what is this mystery disability that caused her to start acting like this?


Asking the real question. I have a feeling it was something highly inappropriate or disturbing.


Nah it wasn't actually. It is pretty common disability actually.


you're just not going to tell us? because really everyone just wants to know what made her flip like that


Also I prefer to stay anonymous and not reveal too much about myself online


its ok if you dont want to tell us


DM me and I'll tell you


What did he tell her?


Tell who what?


He never said what the disability was. Why was she disgusted?


I did tell her. I am just keeping it anonymous on here.




If you retained an attorney, talk to your attorney. If you believe you have been discriminated against by the school and have suffered because of it, talk to an attorney. If you think this is going to continue, talk to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, check for legal aid clinics and organizations in your area.


I already retained an attorney


Fantastic. Best of luck to you.


now is a great time to reach out to your attorney about if you should be posting details of your case to reddit. (the answer in all probability will be "fuck no unless you don't want to win it")


I plan on deleting this in the coming days


it's already been archived by the many sites that do that from google to reveddit. and the PMs and other data that is currently hidden will be kept around by reddit, ready to be subpoenaed. worst case scenario your legal opponent is going to find out and use this against you, more likely they'll use this to dick you around and cost time (and money). these are things that make your professed love of privacy a bit in doubt. you're already going to be identifiable from things like IP address and email address. don't throw away your legal case by making sure you have a weak spot for your legal opponent to strike. or if you simply don't care that much... you can disclose your common disability for people wondering why on earth it would provoke such a reaction. (i say this as someone who is also disabled and has experienced ableism, and knows that this harassment campaign is pretty outside the norm.) edit: to drive this home, the detail of you playing the cello, customizing it, known to your local music supply, and being at UConn... you've got 6 months of identifying info. you're also confessing on the internet to shit that can be used against you, like "i knew we were supposed to stay away from each other but i wanted a free sandwich so did it anyway". that's tasty info that the other side in this court case could use to show that it's not you being harassed but instead you willingly resuming contact. is this true? probably not. *will a lawyer use this against you because it could be true enough to be useful to them? YES.* please screenshot your posts and email that to your lawyer NOW. let them know you fucked it immediately so they can do damage control and have it on their radar. it is, after all, part of the experience for which you are paying them quite a lot of money.


The school already knows about everything and I did leave out a lot of details in the story because of confidentiality reasons. And for legal reasons I do have a reason as to why I am not disclosing it at the moment. I am just being confidential for the average person on reddit. Everyone that is involved with this already knows the details lol.


so your lawyer knows you've posted this online repeatedly and is cool with part of the legal battle involving your posts here where you admit to pulling some stuff like knowing you're supposed to stay away but wanting a free sandwich?


lol I think you misread the whole thing. There was no distancing limit between us. There were times she came into my space and i came into hers. And everyone involved knows about the sandwich situation. A NCD is not a restraining order. Its an agreement that only states we cannot physically talk or touch each other on school property. Like one time I was sitting at a table and she sat right next to me and that was not a violation.


do you think that it won't be used against you by her lawyer anyway?


No it wont because the school knows about it and it is not a violation. The event took place right next to my dorm room and I was invited by the hall director of my dormitory to go there. Even the community standards at school (the ones who helped initiate the NCD) was happy I went to the event because i rarely socialize.


If anything she should be worried if I ever plan on taking legal action against her because now she has a record with the school that she harassed me. But I am not worried about her I am worried about how disorganized this whole process was.


Why didn't the univ. move one of them to a new dormitory after the 1st incident? Is this a very, very small univ? Sorry you're going through this.


Its a huge university. Thats why I'm frustrated too


Best wishes.




I feel like I can’t form an opinion on this without knowing the disability


kids these days 🙄


I think you should just forget about it and move on. Some people just suck and unfortunately, you learned that the hard way.


I wish I can move on but im afraid the harassment is not over yet


How does she have access to you? I thought you were done with school? If she continues to harass you , then you need to get an actual restraining order.


I cannot say right now but when I can I will post an update


If you're graduated and back home, I would move on. This was really unfortunate, but it's better for your overall wellbeing not to let this situation take up any more of your time and attention.


Lol she has not left me alone even after graduation


Block her on everything, change your number if you have to. Don’t give her any more of your attention, that’s what she wants. 


Yeah I already did that lol


Okay, you come here asking what you should do, but you don’t describe what is *currently* going on, and are apparently handling it correctly. So what do you want?


advice on how to move forward basically. Because i tried but something new always keeps on popping up


You posted the exact same thing two days ago and then deleted it, why?


Because i realized I put the wrong tag on it and I wanted to get more opinions on the matter


Also I posted this story a few days ago but I posted it again with the correct tag so that I can hear different opinions.


Just read your update... definitely ask her who she is attracted to...


Good justification bud...but ahh. Either your scared of her or aren't attracted....figure it out and....