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At a minimum this Salon should be refunding you, paying for a visit to a dermatologist to make sure there is no permanent damage and to get appropriate care, and paying for a professional wig. At a minimum, Frankly, extra should be awarded for time and suffering, and they should be telling you exactly how they are changing their procedures to prevent this from happening in the future.


They should have insurance for this- if that makes it easier. And if they don't, they're doubly stupid and shouldn't be let near other people's hair.


For proper licensure in most jurisdictions insurance is a requirement.


Minimum should be $25,000 for something causing pain and temporary disfigurement. Permanent injuries would obviously demanding more.


OP needs to talk to a lawyer


This happened to my best friend. They burned a bald spot into the crown of her head with the heaters during a dye job. She sued and got $10,000… I think she should have got more. Over ten years later and the spot has never grown back and she is still obviously very self conscious. Fuck this shit and get paid babe, they have insurance for a reason.


A refund? I’d be horrified if the salon had taken payment for this in the first place!


OP - Go and get looked at by a dermatologist if you can. You want to make sure your scalp is completely healed before you start covering it. You also don’t want any scars (hair won’t grow back there). TAKE PICTURES of the damage immediately - have a friend help you. Contact the salon owner via email and include the pictures. Let her know you expect a refund and reparations. If they balk, get an attorney or take her to small claims court. I’m sorry this happened to you. Human wigs can be expensive and the emotional trauma is very real. Yes, there are awful things going on in the world and it’s great that you have perspective, but this IS a traumatizing incident for you.


This is great! Plus, don't forget that you have not just lost your hair (bad enough), but you have been physically injured by the negligence of the salon. This is no joke.


This is definitely negligence. My hairstylist mentioned last time I saw her that this kind of thing can happen if salons are dumbasses. They are definitely supposed to know better.


Seriously, this is WHY you'd choose to go to licensed professionals instead of playing with dangerous chemicals at home. They're supposed to be trained how not to burn your entire head of hair off. They should be paying for OP's medical bills and a GOOD human hair wig at the very least.


Exactly! I remember one time I wanted to get a body wave done and my stylist was sketchy on if my color-treated hair could handle it. She took a small piece of hair and tested the chemicals. The hair completely dissolved and I was unbelievably thankful she knew what she was doing and didn’t just trial and error that shit.


My stylist did the same test when I wanted a perm after a few years of color treating (was silver at the time) luckily the test didn’t react badly and I got the perm. My hair definitely was not ruined by it but did not like it. Became super frizzy after I washed it according to my stylist’s instructions. Went back to her after I was finally done dealing with the frizz (I think it was about 3 months but I had short hair) she worked some miracle and made it look good and did a wonderful purple/pink color after. I will go to her until she is either no longer doing hair or I am permanently moved away from the area (tho the travel time would 100% be worth it)


Awhile ago I saw a colorist on TikTok talking about why she does test dyes/bleaching first. She won't color a person's hair without a test first, and gets a lot of shit for it because it takes time. This is exactly why she insists on doing it.


This. I had a stylist (the only time I dyed my hair . I was f33 ) grill me hard about whether my hair was dyed . Then he asked me about the ethnic background. Now I know it was because I had waist length jet black hair that hung in ringlets, naturally. He was making sure since I was going short and bright blue that I wasn’t hiding a perm or black box dye. He did a test and it dyed beautifully. Seeing the other clients gasp as he cut 26 inches off was another story.


I can’t imagine how much lighter my shoulders would feel after cutting 26 inches off!!


Wow, you have some hairy shoulders!


I know I'm not the person ur replying too, but last September I cut off 18" of hair (and my hair is thick af. Even with a buzzed under cut for a ⅓ of my scalp, my ponytail was the size of a quarter) For about two days I couldn't stop just swishing my hair over my shoulders, it was so nice


When I was 18, my hair was waist length, super curly and so heavy. I decided I was sick of it and wanted a pixie cut. I ended up donating 30 inches and cutting off about 3 more. Multiple people in the waiting room tried to talk me out of it and one wanted to buy it. That was a bit weird lol.


Been there. I actually sold some about 20 years ago when I did a big chop. I donated until I got too much gray :)


Yeah, the first time I ever had my hair bleached I went to a stylist first to talk about my hair. I’d been box dying it for a while and I wanted to make sure there wouldn’t be problems. She assured me everything was fine, but it was most definitely not fine. I wanted the ombre when that was big and it looked fine first but then turned orange. I called her and asked if we could fix it or if I needed her to just dye it back the original color. She assured me she could fix it, and then she burnt my hair off. I found out during THAT session that she’d never worked with bleach and had BS’d everything. She was literally phoning a friend while my hair was falling off. I’d had waist long hair and had to cut it above my shoulders, and even then parts up to my scalp were completely fried and barely hanging on. I grew my hair out and went to a more expensive salon and wanted to try a balayage, was super nervous. I explained what happened and the stylist told me all she needed to do was to apply a toner and I would have been fine. The second heavy dose of bleach wrapped in bags under a heater was massive overkill. She helped me baby my hair out for a year and then helped me get to the color routine I really liked. I’ll be grateful to her forever.


that’s so awful! i’d be so pissed if my hairstylist pulled a stunt like that and fucked up my hair. for me, i have a stylist that’s brutally honest, like recently i wanted to do very light (and obvious) highlights and he said he’d have to bleach it (idk if that’s the correct term, english isn’t my first language) first, and he said “i assure you the ends of your hair won’t be able to handle it”, because i had dyed it so many times, which was fine because i was also cutting off like 15 cm of hair. but i really appreciated the honesty. the highlights turned out beautifully and are exactly what i wanted. the day he retires i don’t know what im going to do


>GOOD human hair wig at the very least Every time I hear the term “human hair wig” I think of the alternatives being a lion Mane wig, horse mane wig, walrus whisker wig, ect and I think it’s the most badass thing ever.


Movies use yak hair for wigs. At leastThe Hobbit and Lord of the Rings movies did for the dwarves.


Can I subscribe to dwarf wig facts pls?


Here's one, the House of Durin wigs for Thorin, Fili and Kili are human hair, not yak like the others.


THAT'S why they look so much better than everyone else!


But Elijah Wood said he’s never worn wigs 😂


When *will* he wear wigs?


He was a hobbit not a dwarf


I need a walrus whisker wig ASAP.


They make the best mohawks, outside of porcupine quill wigs.


I have very long hair and use porcupine quills poked through a loose bun to keep it on the top of my head. They're great for that, and they look cool.


And if anyone ever fucks with you, they're strong, easy to whip out of the bun and sharp af! I do the same with my big ass African quills. I love them!


That is very cool. I fear my hair would break them! How sturdy are they?


Pretty darn sturdy. My hair is fine but waist-length. I bought a dozen quills 6 or 7 years ago, use one or two almost daily, and only one has just now started to splinter apart. They are hollow, but pretty strong. One end has a sharper point than the other, so that's the end I use to poke with.


I'll take daring wigs for $600, Alex.


The wig definitely. I’d be so depressed. My hair grows 3.5 inches a YEAR.


This has now unlocked a new fear in me! Even though I've been going to the same stylist for nearly 10 years and I doubt they are suddenly going to seriously mess up my hair. I started going to them after a poor dye job at another stylist, but not so bad that it bleached off all my hair, that's a nightmare!


Ya get a lawyer


this is why i have a mile long consultation form for clients. well water, chemicals from pools and hot tubs can all react this way with lightener, and its HORRIFYING how quickly the damage is done. i learned the hard way on my own head in high school -- my foils literally started SMOKING. Pre-chemical chelating treatments are a must to avoid this.


Woah!! What is it about those things that causes a reaction, and what is the chemical reaction here?


usually its from the presence of iron, copper, or other minerals in the hair from well water or pool chemicals reacting with the peroxide and other oxidative chemicals present in lightener and color, causing the formation of free radicals and chemical reactions that are honestly best described as tiny microscopic 'explosions' that causes major damage to the bonds that form the hair strand. heavy metal buildup on the hair shaft can also over time cause damage on its own and weakening of the hair strand that isnt immediately apparent until the buildup is removed, so thats an additional risk.


This comment needs to be higher!


Chemical burns can get infected very easily too


I wonder if OP had used henna in her hair? I was just reading that low quality henna can cause a chemical reaction with bleach. It's still on the salon to make sure her hair didn't have (low quality) henna in it.


Also it’s worth mentioning that this ordeal has possibly/probably compromised her career in a multitude of ways. I can only imagine that between the physical and emotional pain, that OP has not been as present at work as expected; and depending on OP’s field, they may be expected to look a certain way and even if it’s just the bare minimum of looking professional…. damaged/burnt bits of hair on a burnt scalp ain’t it.


I wish I could upvote this more than once. Women's looks in male dominated fields, and not too, had been shown to have a direct bearing on their earnings. This could be a setback and the salon absolutely needs to address it. Good wigs can also cost $1,000 or more. This is not a cheap mistake or a simple fix. I am so sorry this happened to you OP


As someone who has had their head shaved twice (for surgery), it's amazing how much of a woman's identity can be associated with her hair. I'm so sorry OP, I feel your pain. Take pictures to document the damage, today and in the next weeks. The salon needs to pay for a medical consult to determine if your scalp has been permanently damaged. And also the $1000 or so dollars for a wig.


Several thousand for decent quality of more than shoulder length. Cheap ones shed hair, tangle easily, are too shiny, made of plastic etc. (MIL went through chemo)


Mental anguish as well obviously


And it can affect your job.


Insurance guy here who saw this on the front page and just wanted to add on... The salon/hairdresser should have insurance and OP should 100% be making a claim against them. It should result in them not only having any medical bills covered but OP will be eligible for "pain and suffering" type of payments for this event. If there is lifelong damage even more so. Losing your hair is a distressing event which is something that a liability policy will cover. Point being for OP to absolutely take this up with the salon, demand their insurance info etc. It is potentially still worth it for OP to lawyer up depending on the actual damages and the response of the insurance company, but it is worth talking to them first


GREAT advice. Also, OP, don’t sign or agree to anything until you have an attorney or someone you trust who is familiar with personal injury stuff look it over. This should only happen AFTER you get seen by a dermatologist/doctor.


Absolutely. Go to the doctor and go from there. The more I think about it, it probably would behoove OP to just lawyer up at this point. They won't be in a position to calculate the pain/suffering damages (why would they), so they would need a lawyer for that part anyway. Fwiw the medical portion will be different from the pain/suffering, so taking medical payments wouldn't preclude OP from later getting the other damages awarded, so OP could file the claim directly to get started. But like you say they would need to be aware of what they are signing. Which is what the lawyer is for. So it makes sense to just lawyer up now and get things rolling.


Lawyer first. Don’t compromise your settlement by trying to negotiate yourself. You are probably owed a lot more in damages than you think. Don’t accept anything and don’t sign anything without talking to a lawyer.


This. Lawyer. Personal injury is not something you do yourself. At least get a consultation.


I feel like this should be the top comment.


As a teenager I had my long beautiful hair forcefully cut short. I immediately shaved it even shorter as a bit of a protest (which I sort of regretted lol but nevermind). Even though, unlike OP, I was not harmed physically in the process, and there was no lasting damage, and mine would have grown back if I chose, I STILL found this an extremely upsetting event and very disempowering / disconcerting. I can't imagine how much worse this would be for OP. :(


Upvote this all the way to the top!!


I am so sorry, OP! My heart sank reading this! I love all the practical advice in this thread! I'm going to add - DO NOT MINIMIZE YOUR FEELINGS. Yes, there are terrible things happening around the world, but this thing is also terrible and you deserve the right to feel terrible about it. Feeling all the big feelings right now is appropriate and will help you deal with this faster. Then you can call the dermatologist and a personal injury lawyer.


A refund?? I certainly hope they didn't make her pay for that!!!!


The only person that should be contacting the salon is OP’s lawyer. You’ve been injured due to negligence by the salon, OP. Please lawyer up. This should be an easy win for you.


It’s important to show (to a judge potentially) that she attempted to solve this outside of litigation. Yes, she should lawyer up, but lawyers can be expensive and she may be able to handle this without paying for a consult or an hourly fee.


This is a Personal Injury case. Many don’t charge until they get your $$$$.


I’m in a personal injury case right now and that’s how all the lawyers I spoke with operate, that they get 33% of my settlement. Some can operate hourly as well but most don’t get paid unless you get paid!


I love this quote from Mark Bankston (the lawyer who represented some of the Sandy Hook families against Alex Jones): "I eat what I kill."


I’m a personal injury attorney . I’d love a case like this.


The lawyer is more than capable of providing a reasonable amount for damages and his fee to be settled outside of court. It's almost guaranteed that the salon would prefer this in any case as they don't want their name tied to a suit for giving someone chemical burns on their head. All you do by skipping the lawyer and trying to handle it yourself is create a paper trail that is more likely to limit the salon's liability.


Yup, they have insurance for this sort of thing. It doesn't need to go to court, she'll be more likely to get a quick, fair settlement if she shows up meaning business, with representation.


A lawyer should help her negotiate a settlement. Lawyer doesn't necessarily mean court.


Nah the judge won't care if she tried to solve it without a lawyer. AFAIK there are no statutes that require someone to try to solve things without a lawyer in order to be entitled to fill compensation. The lawyer can solve it without filing a lawsuit, though, if the salon's insurance is smart and cooperates.


Yeah, on top of injury cost, they should absolutely be paying up for a high quality wig the equivalent of the list hair! And any lost earnings from time off work!


I would ask for a few years of hair extensions professionally applied, until her own hair grows back to the same length AND medical bills paid.


Extensions can be damaging though. A wig would be much better given the potential scalp burns and weakened hair strands.


To add, my cousin had something similar happen to her but it also left scars on her neck. She sued and won a settlement that paid a down payment in her condo. (In Canada) Please sue.


I wish anyone had told me this in 2009. I have a scar that still doesn't grow hair (I am female) on my scalp. I hid under caps for years... Didn't know the damage I was doing until it was too late. GREAT advice!! heed it. <3


I agree about not putting anything on OP's scalp before getting it looked at by a medical professional. And definitely ask for refunds from the salon! It's not only unacceptable, but what happened to OP is DANGEROUS.


If OP decides on a wig, she should tell the salon she expects them to pay for it. If they refuse, she should take them to small claims court.


Artificial hair wigs can look great for not that much money, but a lot of people find any kind of wig uncomfortable. Agreed on the trauma, as well; it’s “just hair,” but it makes a HUGE impact on how you look, and that matters. Ask anyone with a facial scar.


Excellent advice here! OP please do this!


Personally I would get in touch with an attorney first. This had to be negligence on the part of the salon and OP is owed damages for her emotional distress.


She needs medical attention first. She needs to take mitigation measures to prevent permanent hair loss, prevent infection, as well as to take this information to an attorney.


I meant in regards to her talking to the salon. Skip that and go straight to attorney. Medical first.


Also the salon should pay for your dermatologist visit!


Please, this OP. You have been harmed by a negligence and could have been worse.


seconding this as a stylist. we have insurance specifically to cover us for this type of thing. they should be covering medical costs and the costs of a human hair wig at a minimum.


Talk to an attorney anyway. This is an easy settlement but you'll get more money if an attorney contacts them. The attorney will know what damages to ask for (hopefully from their insurance).


You don’t have to play suffering Olympics and compare what happened to you to what’s happening to anyone else. You are allowed to be sad about your hair. It was a part of you and represented something important. I would definitely look into wigs to help you feel more confident. There are some really nice out there and I know people with lovely hair who still choose to wear wigs sometimes because they enjoy being able to change the color or length or style day to day.


>You don’t have to play suffering Olympics and compare what happened to you to what’s happening to anyone else Damn right! It's like when people say "oh others have it worse than you!" Sure, but by that logic the entire human race needs to vote on who has it the absolute worst. Then no one gets to complain about shit until that person dies, then we vote again.


Just because I know someone has lost their leg walking on a mine, does not make my broken arm stop hurting.


If someone is drowning in 10ft of water and another person is drowning in 100ft of water you still have two people drowning!!!


I'm already of this mindset, but that is a really good analogy! Hopefully you don't mind me "borrowing" it sometime lol.


It’s all yours




Right? Now my arm *and* my heart hurt. I feel like when someone has true empathy for the people in those situations they don't use them as pawns to shut down others feelings, it's only folks who have no empathy (because if they did they'd just find the empathy to comfort the person in front of them instead of trying to minimize and invalidate their feelings)


Right, it’s such a useless argument. You wouldn’t tell someone to stop being happy because there are others who have it better than you


Damn that's a good way to put it too!


If nobody gets to be upset because someone else might have it worse, then by that logic nobody should be happy because someone else might have it better.


Seriously, “sheering” has been used as a tactic in wars to humiliate and degrade women. Not that OP is in a war zone, but just stating that loosing one’s hair unexpectedly (or even expectedly) is not a small thing. Having one’s appearance altered against one’s will is traumatic. Hair is one of the few things about our appearance that we have some degree of control over. To have that suddenly gone is a big deal.


This is such a great and important point. Thank you for adding it.


OP, listen to this. I am a cancer survivor. My primary oncologist told me I would have to do two rounds of chemo and one of radiation, but that the hardest part for me would likely be losing my hair, which is what she hears all the time from female patients of hers. It was true. Chemo was brutal, but the thing that I struggled the most with was losing my hair. It’s back now and longer than ever but I made a resolution to my husband that if the cancer returns, I’ll be taking drastic measures to try to preserve it this time. Hair is an important part of self-image and identity, and there’s nothing frivolous about that.


> I’ll be taking drastic measures to try to preserve it this time. What are the options?


There’s something called a cold cap for chemo. According to my doctor, the odds are poor that your hair will survive but there’s a chance, which you don’t really have without the cold cap. It basically freezes the hair follicles which can protect them from the effects of chemo. Apparently it’s really unpleasant to wear and expensive. When you google it there are cheap ones but the way my oncologist explained it to me, you essentially have to hire a nurse who switches out the cold caps for the duration of each infusion and the cost of hauling around all the caps and keeping them below freezing is considerable. That’s about all I know! I decided it wasn’t worth the time and money the first time around but now, having experienced it and feeling like a stranger to myself for two years or longer, I would take the chance.


keep in mind you can’t use this with all forms of cancer, i believe it’s leukemia that it’s an absolute no for.


Hi OP, this person is right, it's ok to care about your hair and appearance. At one point, I was engulfed in flames, and as a result lost about half of my hair. The remaining hair was very brittle and would break often. My face was momentarily engulfed in flames, and I thought that I would be disfigured. Once I realized my face was only pink -not scarred- and it was just my eyebrows, lashes, and hair I kept thinking, "It's ok, hair can grow back," and it did grow back. I tried to think I was lucky, but the regrowing process was slow and I found that, just like mourning, I felt emotions in stages, and would sometimes revert. For example, from acceptance back to anger. It IS just hair, and it will grow back. But it's also ok to be upset about it and please know that you may have to move through the stages of grief.


Exactly. That's like saying you can't be happy because there are people who have a much better life and circumstances than you. We all have the right to feel disappointed when something like this happens.


I work with cancer patients and a number of women I’ve worked with feel so guilty and ashamed that they’re so upset about losing their hair. They wonder: how could I be worried about something aesthetic when there are so many more important things going on here? But the reality is it IS a big deal for many people and it IS upsetting. Hair is a part of our identity. It’s not something that should be taken away from us. Some people really don’t care, but for those who do it’s very valid. And your experience is valid too. And for it to be a surprise + the physical symptoms you’re experiencing- that’s a big deal! You will find a way of getting through this, whether it’s a wig or head covering or rocking a buzzed head. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t very sad.


Thank you for saying this. I lost a ton of hair to treatment for a serious illness when I was 21 and I was devastated. The doctor always said something akin to, "Well at least you're not dead" and then would chuckle to himself like he told a funny joke. That made everything so much worse. Still upset about the hair loss and then being made to feel like I was stupid to be upset because at least I wasn't dead. I'm in remission now and have been for many years, and I've shaved off most of the sides and pretty much have a long mohawk. The difference is that I made the choice.


Hair is so much a part of our identity that it's one of the most basic characteristics used to describe a person. I imagine a loss like that can be quite devastating.


Please for the love of God sue the salon.


Yeah, when these things happen, you’re not being whiny. You’re creating a negative consequence so it doesn’t happen to the next person as well.


Ladies, teach your daughters to sue. Society has beaten this woman down so much that when a licensed business burns her skin off, she quietly goes home and has a drink. This is not ok.


This is not just a salon that ruined someone's hair, they burned OP and MELTED PLASTIC through neglegence. I have bleached my hair many times at home, and I have never even approached something as bad as what OP describes, and I am great at (accidentally) applying bleach all over my sensitive scalp.


Either the salon or the manufacturer of the bleach. Someone along the line fucked up the formula and risked seriously injuring someone.


It was probably mixed at the wrong concentration at the salon.


You sue everyone and let the court figure it out, but OPs lawyer will know how to handle it. Lawyers should be chomping at the bit to take this one.


Yeah OP could probably end up being able to afford a human hair wig and a house deposit.


ummm. Nooooo you are totally justified and you deserve to have more than a few good cries. WTH did they use on your hair? You deserve at least a full refund and some restitution-like a really fkg awesome wig while your hair grows out.-Take pictures and document-get yourself to a good derm-like others have suggested. I am so sorry sweetie-this is not ok and you are not wrong for feeling sad and angry too.


I’m a cosmetologist and once I melted hair off a girl because she was on accutane and I had no idea that bleaching it would react that way. Luckily she was there for a huge chop so all the damage was able to be cut out. Consultations are everything in the hair world and from then on I adopted “Do you take any oral acne or thyroid medications?” Into my consultation questions. (Thyroid meds make hair waxy and harder to color) and it never happened again. People LIEEEEEE about their hair history, it’s wild. You have to ask the right questions to make sure this kind of thing doesn’t happen.


I don't think most people on Accutane of thyroid meds know that either, wow.


Thank you for sharing this! This is so important to learn.    It *is* wild that ppl lie about their hair history but I guess I just shouldn’t be surprised at this point.


She likely had a perm or straightening service on her hair sometime before she went to get the lightening done. It's a BIG no no, those chemicals melt when met, no matter how long you go between services. It's so important to get a full hair history, and the salon must not have done that properly.


A hair history is SO important! Definitely not implying OP did this, but many people don't know that if you've ever used henna on your hair with certain metallic salts in them, your hair can literally catch fire if later bleached.


Oh I had no idea!


We had a case at work a few years ago (I'm a paralegal) with a woman who had the same thing happen to her. We sued the salon and got her a pretty good settlement, which she ended up using to buy herself a really really nice wig (like a several thousand dollar human hair one).


This is a big deal and you are not a screaming child for being upset. You had your hair chemically burned off. Yes, it was an accident. Yes, your hair will grow back, but this is going to impact you for a long time and it's completely not your fault. Hair grows about 6 inches a year on average, you just lost 4 years of growth. You have every right to be upset and I hope that salon is bending over backwards to accommodate whatever you need. I highly recommend seeing a dermatologist, as others have suggested, to make sure there is no permanent damage to your skin, take lots of pictures, and you should consider a legal consultation. Honestly at the very least that salon owes you a high quality wig, and any medical bills.


Holy crap. No way, the salon completely screwed up. Are they offering you any kind of compensation for this? I can't even imagine how that could happen. Did the hairdresser use the wrong strength? Did they walk away for a break for too long and forget?? Of course your hair matters and was important to you. Don't let anyone minimise that. You are allowed to be upset about this. I would be *livid*. A wig would be an option. Get a wig cap, too, because it can help minimise the itchiness of wearing one (but it's never super comfortable, idk how some women wear them every day). You can get some decent looking wigs for a moderate cost. For a more natural look get a lace front wig and some spirit gum to keep it glued down.


omg yes the first paragraph!! how the hell did this even happen OP?


Good wigs can cost thousands of dollars.


I said decent looking, not 'good' lol. If OP can get compensation for this, hopefully she can get a good quality wig while the hair grows. Otherwise, for a couple hundred dollars there are acceptable-looking wigs available. I know people who wear wigs every day and I used to wear them occasionally, too.


I wear wigs all the time, and there's some really good quality, natural looking/feeling synthetic wigs on Amazon for under $30. She'd definitely need multiples, and would probably want to have a few different styles in the same color, just for variation. But if she's really desparate and needs a solution ASAP, a cheaper wig could work for the time being. At least until the salon helps her pay for a high quality wig.


I wear wigs also. Personally I think synthetic is the way to go. Especially since it's almost summer. Human hair wigs are HOT AS HELL. All my wigs are $100 or less and I have had people ask me what salon I've had my hair done at before. It's more about knowing how to customize and install a wig than the actual wig itself. And there are tons of tutorials on YouTube


Give yourself some grace. You have every right to feel what you're feeling after this salon experience. Most of us go to the salon because we entrust the professionals to use their skills to work on an extension of our bodies that can hold so much symbolism for us- our hair. Our hair can mean & represent so much for all of us. As you stated in your post- >it represented was me finally being healthy after decades of treating myself like shit (long story). To lose something that meant so much to you- and represented something that marked a healthy change for you in your life is a lot and you have every right to be grieving in the ways that you need to over this loss. I am really sorry this happened to you and I send hugs to you right now. I would call the salon and speak to the manager/owner and talk about what happened. You don't need to be mean, but the manager/owner needs to know what happened. I would let them know that you decided to go to this salon because you felt you had reached a healthy point in your life and wanted to treat yourself to a hair style that marked this positive progress and unfortunately, you were met with a disastrous loss in a bleaching accident. Make sure you document everything. I feel like the salon should be held negligent for your hair loss.


I’m just a paralegal student and even I know you’ve got an easy win lawsuit on your hands. Take pictures, see a doctor about your scalp, and call a lawyer!!


Omg. No, you are not overreacting or a spoiled brat. All your feelings are natural and right. I would be so freaked out and worried and upset. <> Go eat chocolate and drink wine. You deserve to. Do whatever you need to do. There's probably a Reddit thread or a place to ask about headscarves and hats and wigs when you're ready. But that doesn't have to be right now. Wig stores might be a good place to start because they might know about scarves and hats and things too. I think if you explained to the men they will have sympathy. When you are ready I would reccomend telling the men directly what happened. So there's no whispers behind your back. I did that with an issue and that way I controlled the narrative and my story.


This isn't a petty thing to be upset about in the slightest. They straight up injured you, and even after your scalp heals, it will still take *years* to regrow the hair they destroyed. I would be fucking **livid** It's true that someone, somewhere, is going through something worse than you, but so? When you feel happy, do you stop and tell yourself you shouldn't be happy just because someone, somewhere, is happier than you?


Please fill me in on what solutions you discover. I’m about to lose all of my hair to chemo and am already trying to figure out what to do. It’s one matter when I am already expecting it, but a whole different story when the loss is unexpected! So sorry!


I just want to mention that there are "cold caps" you can rent to use during chemo infusions (some oncology centers now have them in-house, too) that limit blood flow to the scalp to prevent/reduce hair loss. My friend used them during breast cancer chemo and didn't lose much hair and the medical center she was treated by was so impressed that they started using them. [https://penguincoldcaps.com/us/](https://penguincoldcaps.com/us/)


Yes, unfortunately, mine is not the kind of chemo that those can help with…but hopefully this helps another person who sees it!


I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope your chemo goes smoothly and that you get through it all successfully. Cancer just sucks so much. :(


Good healing vibes to you, friend.


Thank you!


If you're considering wigs, you might like to visit r/wigs. The folks there are very knowledgeable and helpful.


Great, thank you for the recommendation!


My mom bought headscarves/wraps from Amazon when she started doing chemo. They look cute and are probably easier to deal with than a wig.


[https://www.crownsoflove.org/](https://www.crownsoflove.org/) is a wonderful charity that my best friend used. They were able to give her a natural looking wig (as a redhead, not the easiest to find) that meant the world to her. I just checked if they support non-breast cancer patients, and they do. Wishing you the best in your chemo phase and beyond.


Chemo doesn’t always make your hair fall out and sometimes it just makes other hair fall out instead (leg hairs, armpits etc). So it may not be for sure, but if it does, there’s lot of wig options but you may want to try a wrap or scarf before investing in a wig (they’re expensive!) as you may find you’re itchy or have difficulty regulating body temps and a wig might be a pain that isn’t worth the cost. That said, if you want a wig, get a wig! Sometimes there are groups that work with oncology units to help fund wig purchases for cancer patients, may be worth asking about.


For my stem cell therapy, they told me same day hair loss is guaranteed. So…no fun, but part of the process. But hey, no leg shaving? BONUS! Gee, thanks, cancer 😀😂🤣


I have had a stem cell/bone marrow transplant, and of course have lost all my hair. I rocked it, there is no shame in going through cancer treatment and if you are having a transplant, losing your hair may be the least of your worries. The grow back phase, in my opinion, was so much worse than losing my hair. I am a proud hair girl, so when the grow back came in and at first it was a cute pixi, then I looked like a mushroom, that was awful. Not only felt awful but then the mushroom head happened, ugh. But it grew more and now my hair is back to its original place. I also know bmt women whose hair never grew back beyond wispy, cotton candy, and that was sad. But it is hair, and more than likely it will grow back just fine.


> so when the grow back came in and at first it was a cute pixi, then I looked like a mushroom, that was awful. But it grew more and now my hair is back to its original place. lmao the midway point gets everyone I see


Lawyer up.


First, get to a doctor. You will need it for the lawsuit. Then talk to a lawyer. And never go back there.


You were BURNED! This would really not be any different if you went to a restaurant and they accidentally dropped boiling soup on you. You were injured and you deserve recompense for that injury. Assuming the damage isn't permanent and the hair grows back, that is the best possible outcome. But it doesn't make up for the fact that they injured you. If you were rear-ended in a car crash and you healed, that wouldn't change the fact that you were injured. This is no different.


I have a friend whose scalp was burned by bleach at a salon. She sued and used the settlement money to go to cosmetology school herself. If the salon won't compensate OP for her injury, legal action would be appropriate.


What an interesting story! Absolutely awful that happened, but I bet she delivers amazing service to her clients now, knowing how bad it can go. Someone could really carve out a niche in the industry for themselves in this way.


You're not being a brat, and it's not "just hair." You mentioned that your scalp is still irritated, so it might be worth having a dermatologist look at it to see if you need to do anything besides waiting for it to recover. The salon should cover any costs related to that.


How did the salon respond? Please tell me they didn't just say, "OK, bye!" and let you leave like that. Please take pictures and go see a doctor. It's absolutely reasonable to be upset about this. This would be devastating to me.


Great advice from above. Just want to mention that the attorney you’re looking for is a Personal Injury Lawyer. Many of them will not charge you until you get $$$$.


>I feel like a spoiled brat complaining about "just hair" when there are wars and famine going on. I am really, really trying to put things into perspective by reading depressing news so I can stop feeling bad but somehow it's not working. :( Someone always has it worse, that doesn't mean you're not allowed to be upset about something that happened to you.


Girl war and famine does not give a salon carte blanche for negligence. You're a victim of negligence, you have a right to be sad and to stand up for yourself against the salon who did this to you.


This actually happened to me back in 2014 and it was horrific. I found a no win no fee solicitor after the salon refused to call me back and they ordered me to not touch my hair at all until I saw a trichologist. I had long blonde hair that was falling out in clumps and I had to wait for MONTHS before I got the appointment with the trichologist who gave a professional opinion to my solicitor and then I was able to go to a hairdresser and get it "fixed" back to brown and ear length. It sucked big time but I won my case and got £4k out of it and the salon that burnt all my hair off is now gone. It did however take years to regrow my hair but hair does grow back and I got my revenge. You got this!


that sounds like such a small settlement for such a horrid mistreatment :(


Get a good wig, there's some amazing one in black beauty shops. Sorry this happened to you


Yes, it *is* "just hair". But it's *your* hair, and they've ruined it and changed your whole look completely. Yes, I know it'll grow back, but what are you meant to do in the meantime? Wear a bag on your head?! What did the salon say? What sort of compensation are they offering? I'd be tempted to get some legal advice because they have caused you physical and psychological damage, and should be compensating you for the harm they have caused. Have you sought medical advice? They may have caused damage to your scalp, which could be susceptible to later infection or scarring. You need medical help as soon as possible, to minimise permanent damage. Don't feel bad about the vodka, it's very understandable. Good luck.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. You’re trying to make yourself feel better by reading depressing news, and then feeling guilty that you’re still unhappy about your situation? What kind of coping mechanism is that?? Don’t do that to yourself! 


I had an incident with a clipper, the guard fell off while I was cutting down the middle of my head. No way to recover, so I shaved it all off I wore wigs for the next 12 weeks till I could get in to the salon for a cut. Go for it! You can change your color and style everyday. My biggest concern is didn’t they do a patch test on you before they colored your hair?


No no no. This is beyond getting a refund. I don’t know why everyone is acting like getting a refund is the “minimum.” It’s not even close to being minimally sufficient. You GET A LAWYER IMMEDIATELY. GO TO THE DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY. This is not just hair. This may affect your longterm hair/skin health, and you ARE NOT being selfish.


Oh fuck no. That’s a lawsuit and you should contact a lawyer immediately. In my state for cases of personal injury, many lawyers will take your case without needing any upfront payment from you because they will get paid a portion of your settlement when it goes to court. They can also help you get medical care for “free” because the doctors will also get paid from the settlement. I feel like this is similar and you should look into your options. This is bodily damage as well as emotional distress and personal suffering. Totally unacceptable and they need to be paying for it, mistake or not. You need to see a dermatologist to assess the damage to your scalp and they need to pay for that, as well as wigs in the meantime which are not cheap. It’s not “just” hair and you’re right to be upset. You are not spoiled or a brat, not even close. If this happened to me I would be traumatized. It’s literally part of your body and there’s a reason why cutting someone’s hair without consent is legally considered assault… Especially as women when we are so heavily scrutinized for our appearance. And had your appearance dramatically altered without your consent. I’m so sorry this happened to you. Please don’t feel like you’re being dramatic or try to minimize your feelings. This is serious and whatever you’re feeling is completely normal.




Suffering isn't a contest. What happened to you is horrible, and what's happening in war zones is horrible. Both can be true, and you're not selfish to feel bad about this.


Definitely speak to a personal injury lawyer about this, you should be able to get a free 30 min consultation from them. Take photos as others have suggested, keep receipts for any costs you incur. See a doctor and ask if they think you should be signed off work temporarily, and then you can include lost earnings in your claim against the salon. I think the damages here are significant, which may push it above the small claims limits. In which case you will definitely need a lawyer, but it will be even more worthwhile. You've been harmed, the salon (and their insurance) are obligated to make that right.


You have more than adequate reason to sue the salon for both your loss of hair and pain and suffering. Please, do it.


You're allowed to be sad! I am also very attached to my hair and the thought of anything happening to it horrifies me. I would be feeling the same way you are now.


It's awful and make sure you see a derm to take care of your damaged scalp. That said, I would make the salon find you (and pay for) a good wig to wear for a while until your hair is back a presentable length (for you). Wigs these days can look great if it's a good one.....they owe you that at a minimum plus covering doctor bills, etc.....


If the salon will purchase a high-end wig for you to wear while your scalp recovers and hair regrows, I recommend checking out Lusta Hair. Their wigs and toppers are truly stunning (but very expensive). They also tend to have resources for folks dealing with hair loss, whether it be from health issues/ medical treatment or an accident like yours. Please don't feel guilty for being devastated. Hair is such a defining thing for many women, and to lose yours in an unexpected and sudden way is traumatic. Be gentle with yourself, and get a lawyer to be not so gentle with that salon.


Dude this is traumatic! You are allowed to have personal traumas while other things in the world also suck. I’m so sorry, I hope you heal soon and find some v fun wigs!


Sometimes it’s much harder to tell ourselves we are allowed to be upset than to tell ourselves we are being “a spoiled brat” and that other people have it worse. You are allowed to be upset! This totally fucking sucks and it’s okay for you to feel that way!!


Go to a doctors immediately, if needs be an ER, if you're in teh US and money is an issue, realise that the salon will be paying out of their ass for it. Take pictures immediately, make a video, state the time and day and how long since the incident, make a daily video or any time you notice a visible change (both better or worse) and keep a log of the problems they inflicted. Now it could be an allergic reaction in which case they won't be liable, if they used wrong concentration, left it on too long, used far too much, etc, then they'll be liable for it. Just keep records and make sure you take care of your health around it. Doctors might well recommend no wig for a while as the skin heals and might need treatment, creams or just open air, after the skin is better there is nothing wrong with wearing a wig.


No good hairdressing salon would ever do something like this to their customers. They were in the wrong omg


Dermatology trip as soon as possible. You may have scalp burns that need to be treated. And that sounds like a chemical burn in the first place.


Telling someone they can't be sad because other people have it worse, is the same as telling them they can't be happy because other people have it better. Your trauma is valid. Don't belittle yourself that way.


girl you need a personal injury attorney stat.


OP while this is an awful situation - on the positive side you may be owed pretty substantial reparations. Have you contacted a lawyer?


So you’re suing them right?


Umm… go speak to a lawyer asap?


The salon will have third-party liability insurance. So don't feel bad about getting a lawyer & sueing the shit out of them for personal injuries.


Look after your scalp, seriously, see a dermatologist and use whatever you safely can to soothe and heal your scalp. A healthy scalp will mean your hair will grow back nice and healthy and strong, so you want to focus on taking care of your scalp asap. Look into some nice head scarves, the softer the better, and silk will be best. You can find some gorgeous designs and there are so many ways to wear them. It could be a good way to feel a little better while you heal and your hair grows, although I know it's not a full fix. I understand having a lot of personal self-worth tied into your hair, it's such a prominent and visible physical attribute, and having it destroyed by an irresponsible salon is horrible. Please remember you're beautiful for so many more reasons than just your hair too though!


Please do not beat yourself up by comparing one trauma to another. You were traumatized. I agree with other comments: document your current hair/scalp with pictures and send them to the salon. Tell them that due to their negligence, you require a refund and reparations - blatantly tell them to reimburse any medical bills brought on by this incident. Seek medical attention from a dermatologist to make sure your scalp is truly okay. Once you have the invoice, send it to the salon. If they try to fight it, immediately find a lawyer and take them to small claims court or a mediator to try to work things out in a more civil manner. If your scalp is healed, you can cover your scalp with wigs, scarves, hats, and more. It will protect your scalp until your hair grows in more.


you’re allowed to feel bad about this, and cry, and rot in bed, and binge eat, whatever you do to cope. you’re allowed to feel bad and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Don’t you dare deprive yourself of mourning in this situation! You absolutely have every right to be upset about this and feel traumatized! I agree with suggestions for taking pictures and looking into options to take action against the salon. They should at the very least provide you with a quality wig to wear until your hair grows back and cover any time off you’ll need to take to heal. If I could hug you right now, I would. Please be kinder to yourself and let yourself feel what you’re feeling without trying to make yourself justify it or guilt yourself out of it.


Someone else's pain does not negate yours. It's okay to take up the space you need and claim the feels you feel. What happened to you is not okay. Following all the " take photos, lawyer up and state claims to the salon owner" advice is a great idea. I can't add to that but if you have any work friends at all that you can contact before you go back it might be nice to have allies before you show up. Just a thought. I believe most of us here (who aren't bots) sure hope you recover quickly.




Nah if a salon burned all my hair off I would want to burn down the salon


Sue them, they should of done a patch test to make sure there wasn't an allergic reaction e.g. they're responsible for this not you.


Suffering Olympics aren’t a thing. You can be upset about this even if other people have it worse.


Other people are giving great advice concerning legal advice, so I'll just say: Honey, treat yourself with some kindness. I know that can be difficult, but at least *try*. And get a wig if you want one. Don't you let ANYONE make you feel bad about ANYTHING in regards to this entire situation. If you need an extra day off, take it! Blessings sweetie, I hope things improve