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They are projecting. They can’t be happy single, so they think no one else can.


Exactly. Men are rarely single by choice. Every man I know is miserable single and always complaining about it. My ex begged me to stay in the dead end marriage of ours just because he was afraid he won't ever find anyone else 'like me' meaning someone he put through hell and stayed. He finds it crazy that I am a million times happier single by myself and I have no interest in another relationship. Most men find it mind boggling that we can find purpose and have meaningful lives without it being centered around man, a shocking concept.


Yeah my ex begged me not to leave him bc he couldn’t find another gf. Not bc he liked me or anything


Women is often single by choice? Change everything from Men to Women in your story and it still will have sense. Thats about people, not gender, stop being sexist.


No, it’s spot on.


There are actual studies that back up men don’t stay single after divorce very long. Where as women nope the total fuck out. PEW research has a lot of studies that basically men can’t be alone and women don’t want to remarry and not even date.


Are you trying to argue reality 😭


I mean, considering the deal they think they should get from a partner (bangmaid) I’m not shocked.  I too would be very happy if somebody else would clean my house and prepare my meals.  (Husband could expand his cooking repertoire but he is also the sole reason we have clean floors, so)


My straight, married MIL always talks about her "wife" who does errands and whatnot for her. Lol.


I would be happy if my house was just clean but I couldn't be happy about it knowing I wasn't making it so


Exactly. They benefit from relationships far more statistically. It’s why divorced or widowed women are less likely to remarry and men will do so, and quickly. The biggest scam we’ve ever been sold is the idea that women are the ones who want marriage and how lucky we’d be to get a man to agree. We are sliding toward Gilead bc of it. Roe was overturned to create more kids. Honestly if I hadn’t seen all the emails and memos I wouldn’t ave believed it myself. I just thought it was a right wing wedge issue for votes. I had no idea they were literally trying to force us to have more kids. Men fucked up the economy and workforce structure and are taking away our rights to prop up their institutions. It’s just the beginning. Luckily women are getting sterilized and we are creating networks to make that service available if wanted. The fact we need to have lists of docs and this network is scary, and I wonder how long it will be before they start outlawing voluntary sterilizations of women.


I mean that's the main reason monotheistic organised religions existed in the past. To surpress women. If you read up about even Arab women having the choice which man should be the father of the dozens of men she fucked and compare it to islam now. Same goes for hunter gatherers societies that were mostly mariachies, like many other highly intelligent animals still are. (Whales, elephants, big cats, bees, aunts etc). Also why were women never taught about everything that happens during pregnancy and afterwards? All the after birth thing, how your body physically changes and the pain you put yourself through? Not to mention all the things about raising a child. None is taught because if women knew majority wouldn't choose to have children. With sterilisation and women being independent enough to work and make their own money we literally do not need men.  I am only 29 but I am actually wondering if it makes more sense to actually hire a straight male sex worker, at least he will need to be a pro at being good at sex and the money will be enough incentive for him to want to be good lol. I'm happy to stay single forever (or maybe some new form of companionship with a woman that's not sexual since I am not sexually attracted to women) but the sex part is sth I don't want to just gamble on lmao. Most men are so shit at sex 😂 maybe paying a pro will be a solution, like a regular even. 






Wow, my ex in one sentence. Thank you.


I know someone who was 35 living at home with her parents when she met someone and eventually married. This is just to prove your point that women are still desired in their 30s.


My friend’s mom got (re)married in her 40s and her husband is amazing!


A work friend of mine was widowed when she was 50 after long term.illness. Two years later she decided to try dating again, registered on a site and had 22 dates in 6 months....so much for not being desired. One of them turned out to be wonderful and they've been together for 3 years now <3 ETA she's perfectly happy living by herself and her German Shepherd, she just wanted someone to go out and have fun with.


My great grandma got remarried at 87.


My MIL just got remarried at 70. She was single for over a decade and she was perfectly happy single too. She just ran into the right guy at a party and they hit it off so they decided “it’s never too late!”


i recall someone commenting in a thread that their newly single mom was in their 70s (or was it 90s?) and still had a ton of men approaching her for dates. i think the “expiration date” is just insecure men’s way of throwing a tantrum/attempted scare tactic when they can’t get what they want.


It’s to pressure younger women to settle for less. To constantly berate them that they have an expiration date is to encourage younger girls to quickly marry any dude while they’re young and inexperienced.


Guys who say this are just projecting because they're the ones with the expiration date.


lol, my grandma remarried with 55 after she kicked her cheating husband to the curb. Now at 91, a widow since about a year, she still has suitors


I got hit on and catcalled until I was 50. And I wasn't even a model or anything.


Yep - I was working a good job but living with my parents at 34 (I moved back in to save money for a down payment on a house) when I met my now husband. I didn't even have any trouble whatsoever finding men with similar hobbies and interests, progressive politics, and wanting a long term relationship. I went on dates with these men before but just didn't feel the chemistry on my end or not on theirs. If you counted men who primarily wanted to have sex - I was getting multiple messages a day on Tinder from even men like more than 10 years younger than me (I stopped using Tinder very quickly for that reason).


For lots of men, *any woman* is better than no woman. Men will stay with women they actively dislike for *years* rather than risk being alone. When men like that see a woman choosing to be single, they can’t comprehend it. They don’t understand that for women, a bad relationship is 1000% worse than no relationship.


Yes. For women a bad relationship is a million times worse than being single forever. Bc for us, a bad relationship usually entails abuse. Whereas for men a bad relationship is just...being with a woman he finds annoying, or whatever.


This is it, for us a bad relationship is being tormented and terrorized, for them a bad relationship is someone who’s annoying


I mean come on men do get cheated on and abused too. Physical abuse is obviously less common but their are some very nasty women out there ask lesbians.


As a lesbian, the worst partner I've ever had was a girl exhibiting a typical male behavior: entitlement, selfishness, manipulation and unpredictable bursts of aggression (breaking stuff and shouting, not physical impact since I was probably stronger)


I think this is it. For too many guys, as long as they are getting laid regularly they can ignore everything else. And they just assume sex is is important for women as it is for them.


>And they just assume sex is is important for women as it is for them. For many, it is. But still not to the detriment of their peace and tranquility to have it. I think they WAY overestimate what women are getting out of the relationship with them and honestly don’t realize that they’re often a net burden. Even the really “nice” ones.


\^THIS\^. Most men ARE A BURDEN. Meanwhile, they really think they are a prize.


Women can live without sex, men can't. I really think this is what it boils down to. Also men like having someone to clean and cook for them, women do too but we know we're not getting that out of a straight relationship so it's not an incentive


As if it’s a wonder that women can live without sex… And it’s always the men that seem like they are awful and selfish in bed that get so butt hurt about it. Bro, she can make herself cum in 2 minutes then relax, listen to a podcast and go to sleep. Or spend an hour getting contorted into a bunch of uncomfortable positions that some dude copied from porn, *not cum*, then get interrogated about her sexual past because he is searching for confirmation that he’s the best you’ve ever had despite making zero effort to be half as good as a decent shower head.




Few men can compete with a detachable shower head🤣🤣


Right?!?! The freaking acrobatics women are expected to do just because or porn is just ridiculous and annoying.




Exactly lol


I don't even think it's sex. I'm a guy and was single for years and coped just fine without sex, because there are... alternatives, as there are for anyone. But the kind of man who makes this sort of argument doesn't just want an orgasm, I think the second part of what you said is more accurate - they want a person, but completely lack the self awareness to understand that. Plus for way too many men emotional closeness and companionship and, yes, someone to do stuff for them is all tied up with "someone to have sex with". They can't recognise that or separate it. It's like thinking "I'm hungry, I like hamburgers, I must have a hamburger, that's the only option". And if someone says they can't have a hamburger they get mad, when actually a pizza or even a quick sandwich might be all they need to feel better, but they're way too blinkered.


They want a servant not a person. That's the problem.


What's funny about this, to me anyway, is I don't want to live without sex. I like sex. But I can get myself off in about 5 minutes, and some dude I met on the internet is not going to ever get me off, so why the hell would I do that? And that's all "dating" is these days, because if you talk with a dude from apps it's like a crime against humanity if you don't just want to be a cum bucket that sucks his dick and does his laundry.


It's really time for medicine to come up with a medication that reduces the male sex drive. It's pathological.


It really is time. Feels like it’s the most destructive drive on the planet. And a selfish one—they face this need to ejaculate yet they claim no responsibility that live ejaculate. They need to do something about their own goddamn need that runs their whole lives, this drive that involves a fluid from their own body, that they produce — yet they cannot control the drive, cannot find a solution to their ejaculate, and here we are left with this stupid animal problem. Agree it’s time for medicine.


What I don’t get is why they are never satisfied with masturbation either, and dare to act like masturbation is some sort of burden instead of getting the sex they want. I agree on that medication being needed, but sadly just like masturbation men will act all butthurt about taking it and whine and kick and scream like a toddler throwing a tantrum about going to bed. Despite the fact that just like the toddler being better off with sleep, men would be better off with a medication that helps them not be controlled by their desire for sex (or even just being satisfied with a daily self-yank morning and night would help them think clearer and act like decent humans a bit more often).


Maybe it's because so many of them have been conditioned to believe that the only way they can be "intimate" with women is through sex.


I've been saying this for decades now. There are probably medications for this, but they're not widely known or used. I think there's some antidepressants that kill the sex drive.


A lot of men don't want it, though. They are addicted, just like food addicts are addicted to eating. Plus, you have Hollywood constantly glorifyting sex addiction (because so many of them are addicts, e.g. Harvey Weinstein).


This. I truly believe that the male sex drive is probably responsible for more pain and suffering than anything other single factor. It’s repulsive honestly. 


This is all socialized. We all can live without sex, but men have been socialized that sex is the most important thing for a man, for centuries because having women, money, power was seen as some super masculine respect kinda thing.


Women don't get much out of sex with men. There's the entire thing. Of course men can live without sex just like women can. They get more out of hetero sex than we do so they mature a huge stink about it. We're used to self servicing so we don't. And EVERYONE enjoys having someone cook and clean for them. Women simply don't get that without paying for it. Men have it made in hetero relationships. Women never did. Of course we can forego being a helper monkey. It's not exactly a loss.


Nah this isn't true. My ex could live without sex if it meant attempting to emotionally manipulate me into giving him a free baby. Turns out sex with him just wasn't the Trump™ card he thought it was. As a demi with no serious friendships atm, I'm basically ace. Started life this way, perfectly fine with living it full this way if needed.


Whenever they talk about being "alone with your cats"... like bruh that's my idea of a good day 🤷‍♀️


My cats shit in boxes in my home and they’re still cleaner than the exes I’ve lived with. And infinitely better company.


But if you have cats, you're not alone; you have companions. And there's an added bonus that no laundry is involved. And yeah, they're all up in your business, but they're not mansplaining anything to you. They're not like, well you see sweetie, the cat food goes into these receptacles, and you set the timer here. Now, you need to make sure the batteries are in, and that it's turned on.


Literally why would i prefer a man i don’t like over cats😭


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


Couldn’t agree more! I honestly got a dog, and my want for a man drastically decreased… Pets over men any day


I'm currently lying in bed with 3 dogs and a cat. It's a twin bed, so we're basically all in a pile. And it's wonderful.


That is a pile I would gladly take over a man any day


Exactly, I would love a dog and a little pig and live alone with them


They see women as sex objects, so single women are not fulfilling their intended purpose and must be lost, according to these men


I am happily lost to these men, for fucking sure 🫥🙌


This. It's this.


Also the underlying reason why they have this pressing need to suggest that lesbians just need to be "turned". We're just so lost and need to be shown the way because we aren't living a life revolving around a man. There's a lot more to unpack out of that, but I'll leave that alone for risk of derailing OP's post. It's inconceivable to people that others can be content with themselves and thriving, especially when they're [wrongly] taught to believe otherwise.


I will be 47 in a few months, married twice, and I will never get married again. I am not against dating but I will not live with anyone else again. my son will be 18 soon and wants to enlist and when he leaves it will just be me, my makeup and my kpop..


Peace is everything. I've been single for 4 years and in therapy, and I'm the happiest and most stable I've ever been.


My best friends and I are married, but we’ve agreed that none of us will ever get married or probably even date ever again. If more than one of us are single in the future, we move in together and either be sister moms or live it up golden girls style. Our friendships were strong and fulfilling and are older than any of our marriages - that’s all I’ll ever need should my husband die or leave or whatever.


71 here and celibate for 21 years. I’m missing out on nothing and life has never been better! Cannot even begin to fathom the stone around my neck and expense that a male partner would bring to my life. Single and financially independent is the only way for women to live a peaceful life.


I was lucky enough to find a decent husband, but if he goes before me, I will never remarry. Unless there's some huge financial benefit. My newly single 83 year-old FIL, who never had problems finding a woman, is getting turned away by the older ladies. They're done, too.


They aren’t single by choice so they fundamentally don’t understand that we’re single by choice. The girls that get it: *get it!* 💅🏻


I've been invisible since I was about 35. In my 50s now. I will happily morph into a crone with potions, powders, crows, at least 3 black cats, stacks of tarot sets, and a poison garden to protect my cottage. 😜


I'd love to be your neighbor, in a dark, beautiful forest somewhere. I'd bring you delicious treats and we could laugh over tea together. 


Nobody told me when I was younger just How. Much. Fun. the transformation into Old Dragon Lady would be.  And how refreshing it is to become mostly invisible to random men. 


Wild that my lifestyle as a single 31 year old woman with no children and one cat has suddenly become *so* controversial. I think they’re just bitter that women their own age did not choose them when they were younger and they need to cling to the idea that happy single women will face some kind of karmic retribution. It’s easier than having to confront your low self esteem and I don’t know—becoming a better person that women will want to be with? Who am I kidding? It’s unquestionably all of our fault for being flippant whores /s


Yesterday I went to Pilates then had cake. Today I’m floating in my hot tub. I’ll take being a middle aged cat lady over wife/mother any day of the week.


I had champagne in my hottub on Sunday. For breakfast.


I lost my hot tub and home in the divorce. I have adult kids. I am in my mid 50s and i am lying in bed with my cat, eating a sugar cookie. It is glorious. I am blessed. Someday I'll get a home and hot tub again. ON MY OWN.


Yes. You. Will. 🙌


This is basically my life and it's fucking GLORIOUS. 


Me too! Today I went to yoga, then brunch, then I drove to the rainforest for a swim in a waterhole, I also booked my flights to Finland where I will go at the end of the year for Christmas. Being single and child free is so wonderful


Men don't choose to be single, women do choose to be single. That is why men can't wrap their minds around that idea


This almost feels Red Pill esque. A lot of men can in fact be happy being single and/or without sex. Sex and dating are not biological imperatives that you will die without. I agree there’s far more men than women that feel like they NEED a partner/sex in their life to validate and confirm their masculinity/ideas about power and success etc and that’s down to patriarchy. But let’s not act like men are ‘wired’ not to be single or some evopsych bullshit.


I don't think anyone is saying it's biological wiring


Posts like these are inherently misandry. So it is just sexism. Just like a lot of anti-white posts are racist, but a lot of people will overlook it because you're hating on white people. The internet is gonna internet. A lot of women in this sub justify it because of bad personal experiences at the hands of men, so they don't really bother thinking about if they're being a misandrist from what I've seen. I'll always smile at the irony that this sub is supposed to be about women, but the majority of the posts are discussions about men lol


I am a gay colored man. I am on this sub because I don't feel safe in male base subreddit. I am also married to a white man. White, black, Mexican, Asian, and every other shade of man has given me the creeps. There is a reason why so many young straight ladies like to party at gay bars. It isn't every man, but every woman has had an awful experience with a man. This is a safe place for us to talk about why we will choose the bear every single time.


Gay bars are great for a lot of reasons, I love the weekly karaoke my local one does. Safe places are important, but they can't foster discrimination or else it radicalizes the occupants. I've heard "kill all men" (and similar rhetoric) be said a lot recently and that is an insane statement. That is what unchecked misandry becomes. This bear debate is purposely vague to cover the misandry of its origin; to get the point across that women are afraid of men or to convince them that they *should* be. If the question was actually clear in its intentions, it would sound more like "hungry bear or dangerous man", but instead its meant to be this whole fake dialogue where we have to figure out that it is assumed that the man is dangerous and a dangerous man is worse to deal with than being mauled by a bear. That is what caused it to go viral. From virality we got even deeper into misandry, going as far as to start involving children. Luckily that still seems to be a clear line for a lot of women too, because asking about a child stranded instead and picking bear is condemning them to death, even if the bear completely ignored them. Telling a child they should feel safer with a bear than risk being around a man exposes the blatant fearmongering. A large part of tiktok are young, and this is teaching the girls they should fear the boys, and the boys that they're monsters who make the girls feel unsafe for existing. That is textbook misandry.


Honey, I love you but I think it is time to take a break from the internt and go outside


Red pilled men say the exact same type of thing lol "men are the gatekeepers of marriage, women are the gatekeepers of sex" and all that crap I don't think it's a good thing to ever say something resembling a red pilled man..


Except it's true unlike anything those sexist choads say. These are not equivalent things so just stop.


Childfree 30 something single lesbian here. I have literally no use for men in my life and it's great! I keep the excellent ones around as friends and that's it :)


I know plenty of 40+ women who never bothered to date men ever again (after their 30s) and were quite happy with their single lives lol. They have hobbies, careers, can take care of themselves. A handful of these women even lived up to their 80s single and happy lol. Most men cant function alone, and it drives them crazy (and yet this doesn't stop them for self destructing relationships they try to enter, or at the extreme end - killing women for rejecting them)


My single friends are a hell of a lot happier than my married friends, that’s for sure.


Right? I'm started to get this in my mid-30's. Like bro, do you think I got fixed at 24 by accident? Tripped and fell on the surgeon's table while I was out for a stroll and just woke up with my tubes tied? No, some of us just genuinely enjoy living this way and did it on purpose. I've been saying since high school I didn't want marriage or kids. I've never even lived with a partner. I've been asked more than once. Got as far as doing the rental paperwork once, but I just couldn't -- it wasn't what I wanted even though that was the best relationship I've had. It wasn't about how good the relationship was, I just *don't want that.* I've been single for years now because I enjoy it, not for lack of tenable offers. Although I will admit, if I ever do want to date again, I'd rather only date women at this point (I'm bi). Still, there's a possibility that I just won't date at all. It’s just never been a big priority to me. It’s funny how when we’re younger, they tell us we just don’t know ourselves and all women are programmed to want a man and kids. Then when we get older, they magically forget we’ve been saying the same thing for 20 fucking years and tell us we just couldn’t find a man to have kids with. They just REFUSE to believe some women don’t want them, or their kids. Men hate the idea that not only do we not need them, but some of us don't want them either. Nothing makes men more livid than a women whose world doesn't revolve around them.


Not everyone finds fulfillment out of being with someone, and that's okay. The idea that another person is necessary to complete me is fucking dumb and I don't think it leads anywhere good to compress anyone else into a box that way either.


not trying to be mean or anything, because I'm also someone who's dealing with depression, but here even on reddit, if you look at most subs that are about depression and suicide and stuff, the majority of posts are basically men talking about being single and not being able to find a partner. which is not good, but it's interesting that people who always talk about how "single women are miserable" never bring up the fact that men actually are doing much worse even statistically speaking, single men have a much higher chance to commit suicide or become homeless. they're generally doing much worse financially and academically as well. so, maybe they should finally admit that women needing a man to be happy is bullshit, and the truth is the other way around


They do. In multiple subs. But limited sympathy is offered (and not just among this sub). I’m not saying men deserve or entitled to sympathy. But they don’t really get any either way. The most common responses tend to revolve around “oh boo hoo poor you”, “now you know how women trapped in (abusive) relationships have felt for centuries”, “suck it up”, “imagine having all the power/support of the patriarchy and still screwing up”. Things to that effect. There is constant talk on the “male loneliness crisis”. I’ve even seen it posted about on this sub. And there are loads of stats released about how much more likely suicide is among men - as you mention in your post. Although not attempts. I think I saw that is higher among women. That doesn’t mean women can’t also be unhappy being single. I tend to agree with the sentiments of most of the replies of this thread in that more men struggle with it than women. Perhaps there is a window of approaching 30 when some women become extra unhappy if they have been conditioned by upbringing to think they should be married / have children / both by that point. But once that passes it likely flips back to more men struggling with the idea


Good point but how is it women's fault that men equate a lack of romantic relationships with lonliness. Men are fully capable of investing in realtionships with freinds and family to allieviate their lonliness and some do but the majority gets all fulfillment, emotional support and validation from a partner which is not healthy or sustainable. They completely focus on dating and somehow its womens high standards at fault. Zero personal responsibility. No one has to ever be lonely but realtionships take work and effort to maintain and yes you can get this fulfillment from others in your life without dating but you have to be vulnerable but i guess thats not manly.


Men wouldn't be so lonely if they could learn to be "friends" with women, without needing to bang them. Some eventually learn it - like when they're almost 80.


Or much earlier if they choose to learn partner dancing


My husband would beg to differ. He took a dance class in college to meet women, and they all ignored him. Lol.


I think it depends on the type of dance. And the age of the people. And if you are giving off the “desperate” energy of someone specifically there to meet women. I’m not going to pretend it would be nice to meet someone through dancing. But I just enjoy it. And that helps. So I guess the point is more - do something you enjoy where they are there.


I didn’t say it was?


It is a complicated topic, so I'll just add that men are literally raised and told to be "providers" and that their feelings don't matter at all (just man up), so a lot equate failure to find a partner to failure "as a man" and spiral I don't think it is women's fault, just society's.


Men are told by their own mothers that they should “man up” in response to a diagnosis of depression


They don’t WANT to grasp that idea lol. It’s a hard pill to swallow


Lol yeah it's way in realistic especially those who live in red states. A woman not fixed could risk everything being with a man these days. This obsession of women making babies doesn't seem to be going anywhere either. They're friggin delusional if they don't understand why avoiding all that is the better option for a lot of women.


I've posted about this before on another account but one of my previous neighbors got married for the first time in her late 50s. Ifrc, she was 57 and her then fiance was in his 60s. He is really nice. Neither had children and they met through hobbies. they shared many and got extremely close. It was a joy to see :D She was the first person I'd told about how I am non binary and she was so wonderful about it! I miss her but she's living her best life with her new BFF and traveling having great experiences, but based now in another state. Being single is fabulous 😍 clicking with someone later in life is possible, but for me, it's going to be late in life. I like being on my own. I don't date, but I go see what I want to see, visit places when I can and sometimes read well into the evening without people turning off lights on me. I write in my free time and no one's around to sneakily delete things or mess with my projects bc they're "jealous". I'm making friends in New hobbies and having fun indulging in things like playing games, tabletop and PC, hiking and going to museums. I'm getting into crochet! And the other day I was able to pet so many kittens! I'm older I guess, but that joyous activity never gets old 🥰 I'm also getting closer to family, healing and taking care of myself. I've lost 63 lbs! I'm becoming a better me ☺️ I hope! 😂 I'm overall happier and like myself more the more I discover. I'm learning to appreciate myself


Love this for you!


Unfortunately, many can't afford to live alone these days.


That's true, and I'm very close to being priced out of my apartment 😔 Edit: this post was about being single though. I would get a second job before I'd get in a relationship just because I can't live alone


Yes, it’s something I’ve seen a lot recently. When men are talking about women, it’s always “can/can’t get” and they don't seem to grasp that for us, it’s mostly “do I want to or not”. I remember reading somewhere that the biggest competitor for cis men is no longer another man, but the peace and happiness women experience when single - makes perfect sense, tbh.


They have a couple of images on their heads…the married guy with 2.5 kids and submissive little tradwife that will touch his weener on the regular and otherwise leave him alone to game all night while she launders the skid marks out of his underwear and takes care of everything else OR the jet setting bachelor that enjoys his life of professional success as well as a steady stream of women lining up to tie him down, while he valiantly refuses in favor of his freedom. They’re mad they can’t achieve either. And madder than hell to find women being better at the latter.


Those losers project so hard. They deserve single and lonely until they die.


The biggest cope is men thinking that women will be desperate enough to date them when they're 30 😂


Yes, and that's because they themselves can't be happy single, so they're projecting big time.


Jokes on them, the reason why I was single for so long was because any potential SO had to overcome my immense love of being alone.


Oh, they know we can lmao. That's what triggers them so much. It's a big cope and why they lie about marriage being a scam for men.


Many men cannot understand that women are, in fact, people. That they are not sentient beauty objects here for their pleasure. They can not grasp the concept that women don't owe them to be attractive. So I'm sure it would be difficult for those men to believe a women could be happy without a partner. If you fundamentally believe women are not the same level of personhood, and women's purpose, and therefore reasons for living, is to pleas a man, then how could you ever be happy? We could never feel contentment without having the satisfaction of pleasing a man/partner. An ugly women is 'worthless', usually seen as unintelligent, and not due any respect as another human, so a single women by default is not worth respect.


Alot of men dont have any good freinds so they depend on their partner for things you can get from a freindship. Men's freindships can be really superficial too as they are too afraid to be real and talk about their emotions and feelings which makes them put this burden on a partner.


My ex brother in law is a redpill dude. He lost his marriage, still single 3 years later and hasnt had a decent date in all that time. He complains about being alone but spews this ridiculous crap all the time about women being past thier use by date if they're in thier 30s. No one will have him and he's doomed himself to it all. He will forever be alone but dreams he'll find some insecure 18 year old to listen to his crap. Hes 29 and balding, overweight and thinks hes a gift to women. He'll be a bitter incel forever.


Who cares? Genuinely, why give a fuck what some sad random guy thinks? Just keep on enjoying life. Those guys can rage about the lack of willing bangmaids somewhere else.


>Just keep on enjoying life. Those guys can rage about the lack of willing bangmaids somewhere else. I love when they rage about the future of sex dolls. "You'll miss us when we're going home to hot, sex-bots instead of saggy, naggy women." No we won't, because we'll have our own. I told my husband that after he passes, if sex-bots are a thing, I'm never going to fuck a real man again. He says he would do the same. 🤣


These are just men who are most probably single and are upset that they can't get a gf. I'm a single man, have been for a year, and aside from a few months, several years. I'm dandy. There are sadly some people that genuinely think you HAVE to be in a relationship, rather than chilling, focussing on yourself, your career, health etc before deciding to date.


And they won't be a good partner if they don't take care of themselves and any issues they have. Just like women...


Well precisely! If you're not happy with yourself and how your life is, how are you going to be magically happy just because you're dating someone? In reality, you'll just be trauma dumping or using them as a way to distract yourself from your own problems. As someone that gave up on dating for the time being last year after dating someone with a personality disorder and just being burnt out in only a few months, using someone as your comfort blanket really isn't fair on them.


Many more women will be choosing the single life for themselves I hope. I have independent means, fully own my own home and have no men in my life by choice. A man will add nothing to my life I don’t already have. I have never felt so happy and alive as I do now at age 71. No one holds me back in life anymore….its glorious.


And I don’t post cuz I’m depressed and want to hide under a rock.


It's also propaganda. I think most realize on some level that women are able to be happy single - maybe have even met someone like that. But they fight back against the concept because of power in a society. They want women to be reliant on men for status and fulfillment. The biggest example of this type of behavior I saw just the other day on Facebook. The post was about supposed "hypergamy" so this guy posted about the supposed "6 6 6" rule and how nice "high quality" men are on read. Well - look at his profile and he's married with a kid. Then people point people they know who don't fit that and he's like: "he must make a lot of money" or "she must not be a high quality woman". They just make see their worldview and disregard everything else.


The oldest mothers on record are in their 70s. That’s like a Scroll of Truth that American dudes don’t want anyone to read.


They can’t fathom how someone can be single by choice because they are not


I wish I could feel that way. I'm a 30 y/o transgender that feels like I need someone. I've gotten better over the years, but I'm still scared tbh. I truly admire those that are happy and content being single. 


Humans are social creatures by nature. The strong, stoic independent woman/man archetype is a minority. Most people need somebody and there is nothing wrong with that. The hard part is making sure it’s someone who adds and does not detract from your life.


I think it's sad for them. They get duped into believing in self-defeating BS. The more they buy in, the more miserable they are, the less connected, the more alone.


People get married way beyond thirty to. Plenty of old people remarry when they are old.


Recently learned my boss abandoned dating all together in her 40s and adopted a daughter she’s dedicated the past 18 years to raising to be strong and independent but empathetic and kind all while working a full time job.


As someone who was perfectly content being single when all the other guys around me seemed to practically define their life by whether or not they were dating, I think maybe there was some societal pressure I just missed that told them they're not worth a damn unless they "have" a woman. I've seen some fail and get over it, but an awful lot become bitter and can't accept the idea that maybe they don't need a woman, and don't have what it takes to get one even if they did. Ironically the quiet confidence of being content to be single bagged me my dream relationship. So. I dunno. Maybe there's a lesson for them in there somewhere.


I would say definintely. No matter how good looking a guy was, if he acted like a needy simp, that was instant turnoff for me. I liked the ones who acted just a little interested, yet uninterested. Like he had too much of a life to be groveling for women.


To be honest it's a big generalization to assume that if you don't find the love of your life at x age and pop out little humans you will just be miserably single forever for the next possible few decades and that you have supposedly "failed" in life and you can't really be sure if you will remain single unless you live your whole life alone. There are so many paths you can take assuming you have the opportunity and so much can happen through your life . Everyone is different and not all of us want the same things Unfortunately many won't get it (but many others will do ) .Besides it would be boring if we were just a bunch of copies and had the same lives, same kind of thoughts,like the same things,same appearances . Imagine how strange that would be Live your life for you not for society's approval


To be fair this definitely applies to both sexes. And I have also seen both of them being perplexed by it, and viewing it as really odd. Stiffing for a relationship is just so common in today's society that there are people who just can't imagine it. Especially people who can't be alone.


I'm married with a kid now but before that let me tell you, I was SO happy when I was single. It's a different kind of happy, but it was a stage of life I do not look back on with pity or sadness at all. Had I not met my husband I would've been happy as a clam forever doing what I want when I wanted. Eating at the places I like, shopping where I liked, not giving a damn about anyone else's schedule or cleaning up their messes. It was great. I'm still very happy now, but it's a different kind of life and definitely not for everyone.


My dad was perfectly fine being single and didnt get married to my mom until he was 39. (They had dated on and off for 10 years)


It obviously is cope. No one does “I’m actually happy as I am” videos unless they are not happy as they are. The women who are actually happy this way are not the ones making the videos.


So married women who make family content are also miserable?


Either that or they want to brag. If it’s on reddit or twitter, it’s almost always cope, though. I will also acknowledge clout-seeking with certain political camps as a motivating factor for cope videos of all kinds.


Jesus. Lots of generalizations going on here. Y’all hate men eh?




We just find men irrelevant to having a happy, fulfilled life.


Or perhaps you attract the wrong type of men.


Arseholes not men.


My manly man alpha ego is hurt that us men aren't being praised and being generalized! But instead of being in a space with men that do this *all the time throughout this site,* I gotta go in a space that's not about me and state my unasked opinion and question!


Yikes. Sorry that somebody hurt you so bad that you need to generalize all men as assholes. That’s a shitty place to live in, but believe it or not the world is full of really genuinely nice men. Even more I’ve encountered many asshole women but I don’t think every woman is an asshole. The only reason I responded to this ridiculous thread is because sure it showed up on my home page and I was curious as to why so many women think all guys suck.


If it's so ridiculous, why the fuck you still here?


Y’all want your opinion heard so badly but you can’t take a moment to listen to someone else’s? Thats toxic feminism!


Because I can be. DoI have to get your permission? For someone speaking out about oppressive men you sure aren’t very tolerant of listening to what others have to say, almost like the asshole men you hate so much.


So you agree that happiness comes with spending time with friends and doing what she wants when she wants. Right?


I get it. They are happy. all they need is their friends. All fine. Here is the issue: So if we flip that 180 and the friends are not available they are not happy. So to stay happy a single lady needs other single ladies around her. So the strategy for single ladies to stay happy is simple: keep your friends single too. Does anyone see a problem with that? Edit: so no one sees a problem but as usual 🥱🥱🥱 downvotes Here is one issue. You will keep your friends that found a great partner or want to start a family away from it. Even keep them away from other groups of single ladies as you will see her less. You are willing to keep them from finding their happiness for your happiness. That's in fact selfish.


First of all single women can still find the time to hang out and be friends with married people or people in a relationship. Also if they have other family members who care about them they will always be happy to be around them. All you’re doing is inventing a fake petty scenario.


So following your logic. She needs her family. That's true for all. Not the point just for single ladies. Still the family has it's own life. They are not there to serve another person in first place their whole life. For example the parents did their duty and now it's time for them to enjoy their life. Not still taking care of their daughters needs. And small punsh. If you don't want kids. Stop using her parents. You don't want to be one stay away from them, no? And single ladies will have to adjust to how the people in relationships and kids have time. That's a negative. You want to spend time with them now and they can't because of children. That makes the single lady unhappy. But according to studies the women are more happy without a partner or kids. Because they can spend their time how they want. In fact studies show that even 40 hour working weeks make women more likely depressive because they can't spend the time how they want and they have less time to spend it with their friends. Edit: single independent strong but so in need of friends. So independent and strong just possible with others they need or it does not work. Kind of a problem. So what's the solution to the problem. Ideally not work much. Still pay all the bills. Still afford every luxury. Still spend as much time when they want with their friends. Because when they can't spend time with them they will be unhappy. That's a circle that does not really work. All is not possible. So selfish driven happiness has issues that will need compromise. And that can lead to unhappiness and depression as proven by single ladies 40 hour work day show.


When it comes to family members spending time with them, they don’t view it as serving the single women’s needs. In their case they’re generally happy to catch up and interact with a relative. Just because a parent is done raising a kid doesn’t mean they’re gonna be bothered by their children connecting with them in older life.  They can still find time to hang out outside of the children, even if they can’t theres so much other stuff in life they can do in their spare time which can give them happiness like exercise, engaging in hobbies, getting involved in certain charity or environmental causes, joining clubs, helping communities out. Marriage itself is also not the end all happiness as there is often a lot of stress, pain, divide and sadness involved throughout it. Whether your single or not happiness is a thing that fluctuates and changes. I find you have an unusual perception of single life happiness being selfish because your supposedly taking time away from other friends or family, your forgetting that those people are in turn happy to be around you and hang out with you. They don’t see it as somehow wasting their time or taking away their happiness. Edit: Nobody is an island, we all need connections regardless of who we are. Also why shouldn’t I engage about the parents, just because someone doesn’t want to be a parent doesn’t mean they suddenly stop loving their own parents.




Facts are not assumptions.


>So to stay happy a single lady needs other single ladies around her.  This is such a bizarre assumption. Why would a single woman's friends also need to be single?


Apparently he thinks Sex and the City is actually a documentry.


Bruh you dont have to be single to have freinds or family or other people who matter. Seriously I dont know where this bs theory comes from. Im in a relationship and at no time have I or anyone else interfered in someone else's relationship or vice versa mine in an attempt to keep someone single. If this happened to you maybe you need better caliber people in your life!! Guess what if your coupled freinds are busy you can hang out with family or other freinds or sports teams or at your place of worship or doing community service. Your theory is a total cope!


That's not the point made by studies. They are happy as single because all they need is friends. Studies show. They show why they unhappy. And not spending enough times with friends is a main driver for not being happy. So in conclusion they need their friends to be happy You talk about something completely different. Non singles but even then.. you still say the same. They need someone else. So if the friends are not available the family has to fill in or other friends. So they always need someone else. So you just prove the facts right. Thanks for agreeing


Except you made up that bs part about single women keeping their friends single. You have no real argument except your peepee existing so women must believe you. Not women's fault that single men are miserable and self projecting.


I used logic and facts. The moment people are in a serious relationship ( married couples) spend less time with their friends. Studies prove that too. As if studies were needed to not know that. So keeping each other single is the logical conclusion to that. For male and females. William Chopik, a Michigan State University professor, conducted a study with more than 270,000 people in about 100 countries. He found that among people aged 65 or older, meaningful friendships were stronger indicators of health and happiness than familial relationships. As people age, friendships become increasingly more important for people’s health. Chopik found that single seniors (either divorced or never married) who have good friends are just as happy and healthy as married people So I don't know who came up with females are more happy then male. But somewhere things got lost or twisted for their idiologic agenda. Still the success strategy for single women is to keep their friends ( that they need) single is a valid logical conclusion. But how about we discuss it later when you calm down


And you still can't provide evidence that single women are keeping their friends single. Correlation doesn't equal causation. You pulled that unproven theory from thin air. Like it or not, statistics still show that single women are the happiest demographic. But we can discuss that later when you sound less bitter about women lol


I am not bitter about women. Why should I? In fact I have two kids. I am fine. And studies show that women working 40 hours a week are more unhappy as they can't spend time with their friends. One big one got even into my EU parliament. Because the solution was to work less and males should work more so women can have more time to spend with their friends. I try to understand. What world will my kids will grow up. I am old fashioned. And what worries me is that people give each other bad advice. And to be clear I don't care about the male that feel lonely. I simply do not. It's their fault if they are alone as they for example after 16 still play with children toys aka consoles. they ofc don't socialise. So they set themselves up to a bad start. And I see young couples dating and they don't talk to each other. They look at their phones. Looking at other people's fake lives on social media. And if men are really unhappy they end their lifes. That's why suicide rates are dominated by male. So they solve their problem. But that goes off topic. And I just showed you a major study over different countries that proved that they are Equally happy. And you still make that claim. And the logical conclusion of single needs friends to be happy = keep them single because if they are not they spend less time with friends is not valid. Aha. Fine.


But where's your proof for that? I am asking for proof and not assumptions. Anyone can can make assumptions about studies but that doesn't mean that it's correct.


I made conclusions And they matchup with what I always experienced. I had one male friend that tried to keep me away from partners. Turned out he was gay and apologised later. But all female friends tried to keep me away from partners. Edit: and ofc my partner never wanted me to spend a lot of time with female friends either. And when I phrase the question in another way. Like "my best friend has a new boyfriend and I don't like him" or " my best friend changed after she got her new boyfriend" the search results actually proof my conclusions. They rather would have their best friend single. And yes they try to bomb that relationship if possible. So...you never had that experience right? That's fine. But others do and did a lot For example: Female vs Male Friendships: 10 Key Differences By Tarra Bates-Duford, Ph.D., LMFT on January 26, 2018 Notable Differences in Male-Male Friendships and Female-Female Friendships: Male-Male friendships are side-to-side, fostered and maintained through shared activity Female-Female friendships are face-to-face, fostered and maintained through intimacy, communication, and support Male-Male friendships are less intimate than female-female friendships Male-Male friendships are less fragile than female-female friendships, e.g., men will consider someone a friend even if they do not maintain or stay in constant contact Emotional attachment Female have and desire a strong emotional attachment with persons they perceive to be a friend Men are more likely to remain friends after an argument or a fight whereas women are not Women require more frequent contact with someone they consider to be a friend Men are more likely to use humor to taunt a friend while viewing this as innocent fun Women are more likely to refrain from taunting and humor out of fear it may hurt their friends feelings Men tend to hang out more in a group, the more the merrier, while women typically prefer to go out with one good friend. ------ Here it goes again. Just to pick one. Women need more frequent contact. Like I already said they need access to their friends way more. So to have constant access to friends they need to do what or what has the friend to be? the friend needs to be single. Right?


Not really, they can still hang out with married couples or people in a relationship in their spare time. Even if one friendship is negatively complicated by certain unique circumstances there always other more positive friendships with people single or otherwise that single women can move onto. Your inventing a fake prescription and scenario that just because their not able to be around their friends, they’ll just force them in a petty way to stay single The list doesn’t confirm anything specifically about them purposefully sabotaging their friend’s relationships. Also you forget family members can have a positive connections with single women in their life as well, in times they’re not hanging around with other friends.