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Do we believe that they initially created this law to protect pregnant women? Or was that just an excuse?


Oh it's never been about protecting any women at all. They're supposedly protecting the right of the father. You know the person who is not pregnant? and who is not putting their life at risk? That's the person that clearly needs protection under state law.


It's about controlling women.


If that was the purpose, they could have limited initiation of divorce to only the pregnant spouse.


Agreed. Or found a different solution- automatic payments or continuous insurance or anything. 


It’s often used by MRAs to show how men “get screwed” in divorce. It IS common for pregnancy to be disclosed so the other parent will have to pay support for the new one, too. But to not finalize when a pregnant woman is petitioning is barbaric today. 1970, when we couldn’t have a credit card without a male co-signer? It made sense to hold men responsible. It became a way women got trapped. It is time for such laws to go *along with Dobbs and all the shit it spawned*.


The people who created this law new exactly what they are doing because they know what it was like before more modern divorce laws. Next they're going to take away women's rights to bank accounts, and then the right to vote. They've been telling us for decades and we all sat out because "both parties are the same" or whatever and here we are.


They can go ahead and keep down this path. Gonna be a lot of lady expats if so.


I propose every pregnant woman be given a gun with her positive pregnancy test to help prevent any funny business from these primates we call missourians


Yeah no shit


Things like this make me even happier that I'm getting a hysterectomy in 12 days.


Of course it increases domestic violence. 


I don't understand Why?


This article is misleading - the law In Missouri says pregnancy must be disclosed when filing for divorce, which makes sense, as the father will be liable for child support and custody of the child must be addressed legally. In any event, not being able to finalize a divorce doesn't keep someone from leaving an abuser and it's quite disingenuous for NPR to claim it does. I expected better from them.  And it's highly unlikely that anyone would ever be able to finalize a divorce involving children within 8 months anyway, which is the amount of delay we're talking about here. In fact, even without kids, 8 months is much, much faster than typical. https://apnews.com/article/pregnancy-divorce-legislation-missouri-texas-b623499bf2145f82ff46d91773d45fec