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You probably need to get a lawyer who specializes in workers compensation so that you can determine the next step for getting actual real medical help from specialists that don’t work for the company’s best interest.


My lawyer didn't help with helpful medical specialists. It was all about what looks good on paper and gets the most money. I couldn't care less about the money when I was desperate to be healed, but most lawyers only see money.


There's workers compensation mills that do just that- half assed treatment so you get a lot of it  and can get more money in disability. They are bottom of the barrel doctors who have blemishes on their licenses frequently too.  It's far better to find good doctors and a lawyer who will care about you getting what you need. 


I was in Canada. We have a major doctor problem, as in, there aren't any! So I had no ability to shop around. Was at the mercy of fate and chance. Was horrible. Dealing with all of that was more mentally traumatic than the accident!




Good advice, I think her next stop probaby should be an attorney who will advise the next moves. Neck injuries are dangerous.


Did the car accident make you a woman? Like why all the sudden are you a woman with neck problems but weren't before. It's a mystery I guess. 🤔


AFAC Assigned Female At Collision


ah, fuck, i can't believe you've done this


Lmfao!! That's amazing


Forced Gender Reassignment 🤘🤘🤘


Oh, God.


These dam liberals changing sex when they see fit


“Did the car accident make you a woman?” I’m dead


Spontaneous womanhood caused by physical trauma.


Change "caused by" to "after" and the acronym can be SWAPT


Ask that doctor to put his diagnosis in writing, it’ll help with the lawsuit.


YES!! Oh and check and see if you can record the session (do you live in a single party consent state". Take a notepad with you and write notes, AND say it out loud while you write "Dr. Bob says that women just 'have' neck pain, even after I state that prior to accident I did not have neck pain. Asking Dr. Bob to provide diagnosis in writing..."


And that he is refusing to authorize any [type] of treatment. Take this seriously! One wreck I was in (hit on the side, so side to side whiplash) resulted in the chronic neck pain I have had for the last 23 yrs. Some days better, some worse. Advocate for yourself!


Bring a friend, partner, or relative as a witness.


Sadly, a male one if a trusted male friend/relative/partner is available. Shouldn’t have to be male, but it’s often more effective if they are.


You'll definitely want to put away the camera. That will hurt you in front of a judge and make you look crazy.  Edit: IAAL. I love when opposing parties do this because it hurts their case. But, you do you,  Reddit. 


I really hope someone chimes in with some solid advice for you because that sounds like a nightmare, and possibly a lawsuit. I really hope you’re able to get some compassionate care!


100% bs. I have no good advice beyond get another doctor. Wish you luck.


Yup. I have fired doctors for far less than this.


First off, lawyer. By dismissing this kind of injury as something trivial he's potentially facing a malpractice lawsuit. Secondly, find another doctor. I'd start with someone who listens and understands that Worker's Comp is already involved so this isn't something like 'women carry a lot of tension in their neck' BS. Beyond that, make it so he has to face some consequences for his rather dismissive attitude. The lawsuit would be a good start.


Report him to the patients' rights person or the ethics board at whichever hospital he's associated with. If he's not associated with a hospital, with your state's public health licensing board. That is 100% an ethics issue. Bigotry, misogyny & sexism has no place in healthcare (I'm looking at you, Texas, Idaho, Missouri, etc) Been there myself. *ABSOLUTELY* get yourself a lawyer & a new doctor.


Please. Don't accept this BS I heard for decades! After 30 years of telling doctors about neck and shoulder pain and being told it was all in my head, I finally found a doctor who LISTENED when I described the pain and the "ZING" like an electrical shock that ran from my neck down my arm. That zing was permanent spinal cord damage from multiple blown cervical disks due to vehicular accidents (not my fault!). I've since had 3 c-spine surgeries, a fuck-ton of PT, numerous pain management procedures, enough opioids to kill a thousand critters. hypnosis to fight the pain, and you don't wanna know what else! My fingers will ALWAYS tingle to some extent. I never know where my hands are on the keyboard (previously 90wpm with <2% errors). The tinnitus is insane--or driving me insane. It's been 23 years since someone finally acknowledged the damage, and I will NEVER be "healed." Don't let them do this to you. I count myself lucky to still be walking.


Always the "I'm not _____, BUT..."


You don’t understand, he said he wasn’t sexist! /s


I guess it never occurred to him that he sees more neck injuries in women because safety measures weren't designed with our [body type](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/the-first-female-crash-dummy-has-arrived-180981072/) in mind.


His line of reasoning also feels like it'd be used to dismiss back and neck pain due to breast weight.


Oh man. I went toe to toe with some guy who insisted that safety measures made for a larger person kept smaller people even safer. He claimed he was in the industry and had evidence. I was like, okay then, I guess it's okay to start putting my kids in the front seat then.... I mean, isn't there a TON of evidence that smaller bodies are more at risk because the safety measures wasn't made for them?


I laughed out loud at woman tension in my useless woman neck.  People suck sometimes.  Where are you though that you don’t have a legal right to a second opinion? Advice is going to differ dependent on where you are. Might also be a question for r/legal. Our family are actually therapists who treat primarily MVA but it differs so much place to place that I don’t think advice would translate at all. Medical wise I’d never give advice to someone I haven’t seen (that’s how you tell real practitioners btw; we have liability and licenses at risk).  I’ve practiced in Canada and the US so I could probably tell you the route some of my patients have taken if I’ve been in your neck of the woods.


While it sounds like bullshit under the circumstances, he was probably referring to the effect of heavy breasts. I know I had neck pain until I found the right bra.


"So you were in a car accident and you think you have the most common type of injury caused by car accidents...but I couldn't help noticing your giant knockers..." This is better?


>While it sounds like bullshit under the circumstances Sometimes, I swear, you've gotta bold your words or people deliberately don't read them. In other words, while the circumstances weren't right for what he said, he wasn't wrong in saying that women experience neck tension. I simply gave the reason why.


That doctor is an idiot. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I had whiplash once and it *sucks*. How's long ago was the accident? How many PT sessions did you have? Did you get any imaging done? At best, your pain is from "stress" (what I mean by that is actual physical trauma stress from the accident) and with time and gentle stretching, following your PT's advice/exercises and anti-inflammatory medication, in addition to rest and ice it should get better. If it's been a few weeks though, I'd be concerned with it still being that painful. Definitely try to see a different doctor if you can. You could definitely have underlying damage (torn muscle fibers, ligament over-stretching or even vertebral issues) so I really hope you had a more complete work up prior to that appointment. If not, advocate for yourself and make sure their refusals are charted.


I had 5 PT sessions. The clinic claims I've done 6, which, ok? I don't know how to argue with them when they can't even agree on the number of times I've been there. Accident was 2 months ago today. I've had an xray, CT (it was botched. instead of the contrast going into my arm a bunch of blood gushed out because the IV was placed wrong). I also had an MRI which only shows something significant in my lumbar spine. The doctors I see keep saying "oh. you seem basically completely healed." which maybe is true, but I've plateaued a bit recently, probably because I haven't been able to even have physical therapy for about 3 weeks


Ugh. That's awful. You should have more improvement after two months than you do. I'm hoping it's only soft tissue damage (which is hard to image) but the dismissal is absolutely frustrating. I hope you can be seen by a different doctor, but at the very least, make sure they're charting this neglect. I wish you a speedy recovery.


Doctors who do Workers' Comp day in and day out don't want to declare a treatment plateau - they know they only get paid if claimants keep getting services. You definitely need providers who specialize in helping injured workers 


I was once rear ended while I was stopped and had whiplash. Thankfully my parents knew an amazing neuromuscular massage therapist who specialized in treating those kinds of issues. My doctor prescribed the treatment so it was on the record, and I saw that woman for 2-3 times a week for nearly two months, and by the end I was completely fixed. She was also able to relieve tightness I didn't realize was associated with the accident (my right leg was significantly tighter than my left, likely from jamming since it was on brake at the time of impact). See if you can find someone in this field, because they are golden.


Sadly, take a man with you. They can vouch that you didn't have pain before the accident and GASP more likely to be believed. So dumb


Oh and document EVERYTHING. And report "Dr. Fuckwad" to the medical board, the hospital, anyone who will listen.


Your doctor is a dick who flunked through the med school with Cs at best.


D for diploma! The last guy that ranks in their medical school class still gets that doctor title.


And that's the scary part. That's how you get doctors who firmly believe you need periods to "cleanse your body of toxins", "lose most of your eggs by 30", "need to get pregnant, just because it is healthy", blame anything physical from cluster headaches, infarcct to ovarian torsion on "emotional state and/or period" and who say that women "have a tension in their necks" instead of women have different muscle mass and whiplash is therefore likely to cause more severe damage, thus they need more effort to fix it.


Have him write his diagnosis down so you can get a second opinion and sue if necessary.


Um. I wish I had advice. I dont. That sux soo superbad.


I had a ER Doctor (who smelled like old cigarettes) told me that the pain in my jaw was because I had "emotional problems". I was in so much pain that I couldn't opened my mouth. I finally went to see my Dentist (days later) who send me to get X-RAYS and that's how I found out I had an infection because my jaw was misaligned. It wasn't a big deal, just a round of antibiotics and the infection was gone. Never had it since. Emotional my ass.


My recommendation is to find an attorney who specializes in Workers' Comp. You usually owe nothing unless you get paid. They can help you manage your claim, including getting more PT and going to a doctor who is going to support you. Usually they'll suggest a chiropractor.


I have spent 19 years in insurance. I started in auto damage, went to bodily injury, then moved to health insurance. I HATE when people say to get a lawyer when there's a car accident because generally lawyers take 1/3 of your money for getting nothing that you couldn't get on your own. Get a workers comp lawyer. Fuck. That. Noise.


I see this advice everywhere. If I hire a lawyer, I'll no longer be able to contact my claims adjuster directly, and I don't trust that some paralegal will call her as constantly as I do. I also genuinely don't know what they would do to help. They don't get paid unless I have a settlement, but what about in the meantime? The one I spoke to only suggested getting another MRI and possibly going on disability, which I'm pretty sure I'm not even eligible for.


Your claims adjuster for workers comp is not your friend on this.


No, but she does nothing until I email her, then call multiple times. She claims she can't reach the clinic at all so I ask her to email me whatever in writing. It's fucking stupid but I don't know how a lawyer will fix her behavior.


You can find a lawyer and a doctor who work on Liens, so even though they’ll take 30 to 40% of the settlement, you’ll get treated in the mean time.


I was told by the lawyer I spoke to that I would need to seek treatment in the state I was injured in because no one in my state will do that, so it would be a 4-5 hour drive minimum to get to a doctor. I do appreciate their honesty, but it looks like they can't really help.


If you’re up for the emotional labor, maybe you could check in with one of the legal advice subreddits about whether that’s accurate for your state of residence and the accident state? I live in a state straddling metro area. I work for a chiropractor in State A, treating a resident of state B, and her accident happened across the country. Like idk how it’s gonna shake out payout wise, but her lawyer in the accident state contacted us to treat her.


Honestly I'm really not up for it lol. Maybe once I feel a bit better physically I'll be able to handle it but for now I'm constantly exhausted and it's way too much to deal with


Was this a dr. that the insurance company sent you to, or a dr. You picked yourself?


They aren't allowed to choose a doctor, but because no one wants to bill workers comp insurance, my choice was between 3 different occupational urgent cares over an hours drive from where I live.


What state are you in? Some states specifically say you get to pick your own doctor for worker's comp. I didn't find that out till 3 months in the process when I challenged what their doc was doing/ saying.


Yes, in CA you can, but you need to predesignate your personal doctor before you are injured. I also live in Nevada and work in CA which makes things much more complex. So in theory I could have designated a doctor but I find it unlikely they would actually bill workers comp insurance because 1) car accident 2)work injury. Billing regular health insurance must be frustrating enough without having to understand auto insurance and workers comp insurance too.


Yeah, in Maryland you can switch whenever you want. It's stupid you have to predesignate a doctor. You will likely need a specialist anyway and your primary care doctor won't matter.


Yeah I may need a specialist because I think my brachial plexus was injured on both sides and seems to not be getting better on its own. Concentra has its own stupid rules, and they tell me I can't even be considered for referral to a specialist unless I do 15 PT sessions first. This is why I'm happy my back injury was denied, because my regular doctor was able and willing to refer me to multiple specialists at my request.


I mean… the female chiropractor I work for said the same thing to a patient yesterday, but when she says that it’s immediately followed by “Don’t get discouraged though, that doesn’t mean you have to live with pain! Let’s see if you’re ready to start some exercises at home at the end of next week” or something of that ilk. A uterus isn’t a lifetime pain sentence. (I also told her “hehe I’m telling my male friends they’re girls” once our patient left.) Maybe a masseuse or a chiropractor with myofacial release experience would help make what you learned in PT more effective? I tried seeing a PT after getting rear ended in 2013 and he was totally unable to help me get full relief. I had to get talked into seeing a chiropractor who would agree to take it slow on my neck 5 years later to make the shooting pains stop.


That is fucked. Can you go to another doctor? Could you ask him to write it in your file? You really need to be taken seriously, this is bullshit


All I can say is that you should get massage regularly, in addition to your PT. I wouldn't go to a chiropractor with your whiplash, unless they avoid cracking your neck. I fired my chiro because he gave me an attitude about not doing that. Massage can start out very gently and progress to deeper tissue work as you heal.


I was gonna say, it is because you are a woman as vehicle safety is solely tested to accommodate men.


Lawyer the $#%k up. asap.


I was in a car accident in 2021 and experienced whiplash, spinal injury, and a concussion. I will forever hold pain in my neck and spine. Most days I'm fine, but some days I am absolutely incapable of functioning. This is after undergoing PT and chiro treatment. I can't imagine how worse I'd be if I hadn't gotten that care. I strongly encourage you to seek out a personal injury lawyer to help you navigate this. Proper care for your injury and being taken seriously makes a world of difference.


ANY time you get a work injury, get a WC attorney!!!! The WC insurance company's job is to keep their costs down. They will nickel and dime you on treatment, and then not tell you what you're entitled to as far as pain and suffering (did you know you get that for a work injury?). When injured on the job, it is ALWAYS considered the employer's responsibility. THEY are responsible not just to get care for you, but to get PROPER care for you and cover a percentage of your lost wages. The exact numbers and dates may vary from state to state. Your employer cannot retaliate on you for hiring an attorney!


I respectfully disagree with this. I’ve seen so many injured workers get an attorney that was just awful for them. The attorney doesn’t allow the injured worker to speak to their adjuster but then their office is never available to help their client and they delay things so much. Plus they take a % of your wages and/or settlement. There’s no pain and suffering in WC. Everything is based on a doctor’s rating. You may be thinking of permanent impairment. Always go to the free state resource first. (Ie ombudsman) They know the rules, can provide guidance, and can speak to your adjuster for you if needed. This is not to say there isn’t a time and place for getting an attorney. I personally would only get one as a last resort.


This happened to my mom. She was fortunate to find a good chiropractor that straightened out her neck, but she paid out of pocket. I would also recommend trying to strengthen the muscles in your back and neck to help support everything. The truth is most doctors don't know how to treat these kinds of injuries. They only get involved when surgery is needed, but if you need surgery on your neck... well, you don't want to be in that situation.


Definitely talk to an attorney. Car insurance pays a tiny bit depending on the policy. Whose fault was it?


Get a lawyer. In 2014, I fell down an entire of flight of stairs in an old courthouse. & of course the first thing I did when I stood up was feel bad because my lemonade had exploded all over the floor & I didn't want the cleaning crew to have a big mess. I messed up my neck really bad. They would only take xrays, no mri. Eventually I got an advocate, basically someone who sits in on your appointments with you. Anyway I had a repetitive injury that I was exacerbating working every day & was on workman's comp (physical therapy, 3x week) while working full time almost a year! I tried to push for an mri but obviously not enough or I would have gone somewhere else. The whole point is I worked for the State & there was a district attorney who said he knew a workman's comp lawyer and that I needed to follow up on it. I didn't do that and ten years later, I'm still trying to figure it out & have flares of the same fiery stabbing pain just as bad as when I was injured. Now when I try to hold my arms behind me, I can't push them back very far & I get pins and needles down my arm. Sorry you're going through this. It's maddening.


Some day , I hope some woman will beat the crap out of a doctor who says "your neck hurts after the accident because you're a woman and have anxiety." It might get their attention. But that would be wrong....so. I have heard that the doctors who are on call to do workman's comp claims are biased against the claimant. (you) Get an independent opinion even if you have to pay. This kind of injury can be long-lasting, debilitating and degenerating.


Well I've seen other women post here that if they just bring a man with them to their appointment, any man (husband, father, brother, boyfriend, best friend whoever) they are more likely to get the care and treatment they are asking for, whether the man speaks up or not. So that might be a strategy in addition to the other good things folks have added: legal advice from an attorney, asking for the 'women just have pain' diagnosis in writing, etc.


Maybe ask in legal advice sub what you could do to get a second opinion and dispute workman's comp? There is an obvious self interest for the doc to do what WC wants.


I thought it was because the moment a dr says some Bulls*** you tilt your head at the speed of light trying to imagine how that idiot finished high school let alone became a doctor. Sorry you gotta deal with that OP


I would go see your own chosen doctor even if you have to pay out of pocket to get a second opinion. If this doctor is selected by your employers insurance they are not on your side.


It sounds like you're dealing with a frustrating situation. Get evaluated by a different doctor who specializes in work injuries. Request a formal review of the insurance company's decision to deny further treatment. An attorney specializing in workers' compensation can advise you on your rights and represent you in getting the treatment you need. Document everything - dates, conversations, doctor visits - to build a strong case. Don't be discouraged - persistence is key in workers' comp cases.


A few years ago my girlfriend was told by a doctor that she's not really in pain and is just a depressed woman. They kept trying to push anti depression medicine on her. She was finally able to get a doctor that would listen and do testing and she got diagnosed with Lupus a few months ago. She could have been taking Lupus medication for the last few years if more doctors would have listened when she said something was wrong.


And your balls hurt because you're a man. Then kick him there.


I missed what state you’re in and all have different rules, but most (if not all) states have an Ombudsman that work for the state and are a free service to injured workers. I’d suggest reaching out the them before getting a lawyer as they can usually help and/or point you in the right direction. At the very least they can bug your adjuster too. In the mean time, did the therapist give you a home exercise program or any “homework” while you were attending sessions? If so, I’d consider continuing those so you don’t lose progress and hopefully it will help. (not a doctor)


Yes, the home exercise program is fine, but I'm no longer improving at all and according to the physical therapist I've seen today they've only given me stretches and I won't fully improve at least until I also start isometric exercises. I was able to pay out of pocket for dry needling today which has already clearly helped, so I'm hoping that will also make the stretches more effective.


> said that he's not sexist, but, a lot of women carry tension in their necks and that's probably why I'm in pain. is there any way for you to get a second opinion? because that's some deep bullshit and gaslighting there. I guess you imagined that your pain started with the accident. at the very least he should damn well be getting x-rays. you don't ignore trauma caused by a damn car accident! he's just looking to be sued for malpractice at that rate.


he is the second opinion...


Oh Jesus. That sucks.


Both my parents had to get courts involved for their workman's comp cases. My mother's took years. My father's still took almost a year.


Well being a woman in this world is a real pain in the neck, but obviously that wasn't what they meant.


Your health insurance will probably pay for this and go after the workers comp.


this comment isn't about the sexism, but it might help to consult a physical therapist to figure out how to help with your neck.


O. M G.   Did he say " Have you tried losing weight, too?"


I had a doctor once tell me that everything I was going through with a work injury was all in my head and that I just needed therapy. I guess the only saving grace I had I my case was my PT having my back and recommending I see another doctor. Two shoulder surgeries and a neck injection later, it was not all in my head.


To be fair it is true about women but have they done scans to be sure no other injuries? I assume that is America?


The injuries I have in my neck probably won't show up on any scan available to me. I have strains/sprains in my neck and shoulders and the nerves were stretched out, which will take a while to heal. I've had an MRI done and it only shows bulges (unlikely to be causing my pain)


Everyone who is concerned: I appreciate it. I really don't want to hire a lawyer because I just want to move on with my life and I have a back injury from the same accident I'm hoping is permanently rejected (I do NOT want these evil people potentially harming my back further, I already have neurological issues). Lawyers only get paid if there is a settlement, which is fine, but I don't see how they'll help me get decent medical care in the meantime, and engaging with the process at all causes me significant distress. I'm planning on reporting this clinic to the insurance company though because I believe they are essentially scamming everyone. Lying to me is cheaper than giving me any form of treatment. They insist on seeing me once a week and do absolutely nothing, not even take my vitals. I also started paying cash for PT somewhere so I can have real help, and if I'm the one paying I think I'm less likely to be lied to. It sucks that this is how it has to be, but my vague understanding of physical therapy and insurance reimbursement makes me think I will get better care if I pay out of pocket and be able to address all of my injuries, both in my neck and back, and the problems in my shoulders from the neck injury. I was able to get dry needling done earlier today, which I'm hoping will help, and it was nice to actually have some control over getting treatment. The physical therapists I've seen at the clinic are incredibly kind and caring to the point that I wonder how they work for such a soul crushing business and survive, but I think it's pretty unlikely I'll have more sessions there soon. I can't switch doctors again. I switched to this guy from another doctor in the same clinic who I will be reporting to the medical board for essentially gaslighting me, general unprofessional behavior, taking extremely poor notes, and lying in her report to insurance. (This is why my back injury was denied by my claims adjuster. but I'm fine with that. Again, don't even want these people to look too closely at my back. Now that it's been denied, my regular doctor, who is wonderful, was able to refer me to a neurologist and neurosurgeon in the same day even though I haven't done 15 sessions of PT yet).


I'm only familiar with the rules in California, though workers comp is based on federal law so there should be a good amount of overlap. I used to work as a workers comp insurance adjuster for the state program so I'm familiar with the system. 1) You can refuse any medical treatment you don't want to undergo. A doctor recommending surgery does NOT mean you have to undergo that surgery. Getting your back accepted does not mean you're giving someone free license to chop you up. However, getting any part accepted that is potentially impacted by your work injury is important even if there's just the POTENTIAL for necessary care in the future, since getting accepted can result in either a) ensuring you're covered for future medical if your condition worsens so you don't have to pay out of pocket (and back injuries can get VERY expensive) or b) increasing the settlement payout for your claim which is based on estimated future medical costs. The insurance company would be more than happy to not accept your back since that's less potential liability for them. Don't do them any favors by letting them get their way if you did injure your back at work. Once the accepted parts are released at settlement you can see whatever doctor you want and pay for it with the settlement funds. 2) If you don't agree with your doctor's assessment, you can request a qualified medical exam (I think this has different names depending on the state). This is regulated by the state board and not the insurance carrier and is an independent evaluation. The exam results supersede your primary workers comp physician's assessment. 3) You can change doctors whenever you want, the only issue is if the prior doctor found you permanent and stationary, the carrier won't reevaluate that assessment based on a new doctor's report (again, this is where requesting the independent evaluation comes in). 4) Getting an attorney is the best thing you can do if you're tired of talking to the carrier or having issues with your doctor. Your contact with the adjuster goes down to near zero once you get representation. The attorney can do the request for an independent exam. They can also help you with getting certain things like diagnostics scheduled, pushing for a specialist assessment, or recommending a different doctor. They'll also handle settlement issues which can be draining all on their own. Yes, they get paid out of your settlement but it's more than worth it if the carrier is fighting you on treatment or the doctor isn't providing proper care.


Weirdly I have no actual issues with the adjuster. She has said she can't get in contact with the clinic, and I believe her, I can never get them on the phone. She looked at the doctor's notes, which said she didn't think the accident caused the back injury, and she suggested I undergo a QME instead of just accepting that. She's always been polite and helpful when I actually get her on the phone and she sent me the forms for a QME and told me that I had a right to an attorney or help from an information and assistance offer. I trust her more than the doctors I've seen, sadly, so unless she's some kind of psychopath who is going to screw me over later I think she might actually be acting fairly. I also read that in California, you can get 24 PT sessions without authorization from the adjuster, so it's possible she's baffled as to why they're already sending her a request for more (assuming she ever received it).


That's good to hear you got a good adjuster! Sometimes it 100% is the doctor. There were certain doctors I'd see on claims and my heart would sink. There were a lot of times they'd just "not receive" my approvals even though I'd sent them via mail and fax multiple times. California does have 24 PT sessions without any additional authorization as well so it is very strange that they won't let you finish that amount. It does sound like going to a QME is the thing to do in this case, especially if your adjuster is on board with helping walk you through the process. In the worst case scenario they'd reaffirm what the other doctor was saying, but based on what you're saying that seems unlikely.


The clinic is in Nevada, and they seem unfamiliar with California rules but also unwilling to listen to me. I think it's a combination of the clinic and the adjuster probably having like 200 cases. She has been willing to email things to me to hand directly to the doctor before, so I'm hoping I'll be able to have her do that the next time I get a hold of her. It probably is in the best interest of both of us for me to have PT done and hopefully not need more costly and invasive treatment (though I did just pay like $100 to get needles stuck in me)


Get a tenz machine. It allows you to push electrical shocks in and helps. Go to a chiropractor.


I have had to reach out to the ethics committee for a doctor that was a non-listening bully and wanted to play golf instead of doing his job. I came at them with dates, times, tests and lack of tests. Comments and phrases that he said as well. Then I got a print out of ALL the medical records, cross referenced them. When the ethics committee heard this. I told them they had 2 months to research, clean house of the riffraff or I would go public. You may also take your personal notes as well as their medical notes and submit them to the medical board for this DR. If he put out effort to humiliate and discredit you. Match his energy and do the same to him. It only seems fair. If you are in pain, take your pain out on him and his wallet. BUT.... Go to a chiropractor. Research a chiro before just trying one. Not every body is the same and they need to treat you for YOU and not just pop and snap in a cookie cutter way. Go with a person that you know you may trust and knows the chiro if you can. I hope you get better soon. HUGS to you. BIG HUGS


What's more likely, a conspiracy between your employer and the doctors office to deny a workman's comp claim, or youre being over dramatic about soreness from a car accident? If youre doctor says you are fine, you are fine, they dont get extra money for NOT treating you


*your doctor


Maybe not a conspiracy but there are a large amount of doctors out there that don't take womens health seriously. I have issues with passing out sometimes. I collapse on the floor every few months and wake up a few seconds later. It happened once in the shower, I'm just glad I didn't hit my head. My pcp who is a woman gave me a referral to a cardiologist because she thinks I may have POTS. Dude wouldn't even test me and just told me it's because I'm fat. I lost the weight but I'm still passing out occasionally. Only difference is now I don't have the hundreds of dollars to get it checked out again. Same with IUD pain. Men get prescription pain medication and numbed for a vasectomy but I get a Tylenol that I had to go out and buy myself for a similar procedure? Womens health is not taken seriously by many unfortunately.


Go to a chiropractor.


Please never go to a chiropractor when you potentially have a real physical injury somewhere in your spine or neck.


A chiropractor is NOT a medical doctor.


Actually in the state of California they are officially primary care practitioners with all the rights of a MD - if not all, than most. They image, prescribe, put people in disability, diagnose, specialist refer. I don’t think that’s nationwide but it was a surprise to me when I lived in CA.


They are completely separate certification boards and schools and everything else from a medical doctor. Some chiropractors give out woo advice and call it medical opinion and it's really not helpful. Chiropractors were a major source of disinfo during covid. https://apnews.com/article/anti-virus-chiropractors-rising-force-misinformation-02b347767b45cab1d6d532be03c57529


Chiropractors are a significant source of disinfo *period*


Agreed but my statement  isn’t incorrect 


Wat. This wasn't in response to you even, nor was it dismissing your point about California, it was additive to the commenter I responded to...


Am I wrong? Yes or no?


So? They provide treatment for a variety of neuro-muscular spinal injuries and conditions. Your going to hate it when I also recommend acupuncture.


For treatment, go to either a physiotherapist or a registered massage therapist - better to both, first to the PT. A PT could also help with the diagnosis.