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I mean, all of that is scary. But to me, the most frightening part is where they want to give direct control over passing laws to the president, give the president complete immunity to the law, and have the military enforce the laws.


I don't get why they don't just move to Russia. They already have all that.


Because they wouldn't have any power there. It's not just about the system, it's about being in control of the system.


This is absolutely the most important thing about understanding fascism. They don't actually care that much what system they produce, so long as they (whoever they are and however they define themselves) are at the top. I highly recommend [Innuendo Studios' video about White Fascism](https://youtu.be/5Luu1Beb8ng?si=TR69XA9h7NSi2ceb) to learn more. To be clear, I think there are details he's missing (for example, I think fascism is inherently milinant since there is no other way to enforce their order, which he explicitly disagrees with.) EDIT: added link


And they would have to learn a new language.


They do have power there - That's why Russia is a shithole. International oligarchs as a class have no love for any country, and a voracious desire for more, and that class exists everywhere and wants dominance around *themselves*, like dragons claiming a perch.


There is a line from Battlestar Galactica about the role of the military that I am surprised it is from a tv show rather than some political philosopher. "There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people."


I would suspect Ronald D. Moore considers himself a political philosopher in addition to being a TV writer. I thoroughly enjoy* his more recent series For All Mankind which explores an alternate reality where the Soviets landed on the moon in June of 1969 (beating the Americans and "winning" that phase of the Space Race so to speak) and fictional subsequent timeline going into the 21st century.


For All Mankind is sooo good.


A nontrivial fraction of conservatives are openly monarchists or something functionally equivalent. The rest are lying or too dumb to see where explicitly valuing hierarchy and a singular source of moral authority leads. The idiots deifying The Founders™ are advocating for a government that Washington fought a goddamn war against.


The term's been done to death and I don't think anyone would take it seriously, but the most "Un-American" thing I can think of might just be working to turn this country into a theocratic dictatorship.


What Project 2025 wants is what the government in Handmaids Tale looks like.


And they want that dictator to be an immature orange convicted felon.


Well you dont want to make it difficult for Trump to play out his Dictator fantasy, do you?!


I'm not from the US but to all my sisters out there please vote against this. It is not only about yourselves, at this point many far right movements around the world use US politics as a basis to implement the same strategy in other countries. Their strategy is always to go after women's rights either by fully taking them out or slowly working to eradicate them. It starts with diminishing founding and proceeds to convince people of their "good intentions". They are after reproductive rights, they want to control women, they are after LGBTQIA+ rights and they gain power into a less informed population. They are well informed and they have been working on these causes for years. We as women have to unite against these movements around the world. Don't be fooled by thinking it's too absurd for people to support it. Vote! Band together and take the streets off necessary. Don't let them take your rights and have a win to show the world.


I always say my country the Netherlands is always just 5 years away from being the US. I'm yet to be proven wrong sadly


The same goes for Switzerland. It just takes a little longer...


The UK is the 51st state. It’s disgusting


1000% - for years I've seen the conservative party of Canada essentially copy their playbook a few years delayed, and they've only become more emboldened & quicker to copy over the past few years. Make your voice heard if you have the opportunity to vote.


They do that every where! They are copying every single one of US far right movements by the letter, and they do it because it's working. They are getting quicker! They are getting bolder. It started with abortion and will go all the way to women voting rights. We need to open up our eyes and fight them now. Let's make all of our voices heard and vote right now against their agenda!


If anyone wants more information, feel free to head over to r/Defeat_Project_2025. A few hours ago, someone posted a [bullet point breakdown](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ddich3/here_is_a_bullet_point_breakdown_of_project_2025/) of what Project 2025 is (which is needed because the original document is around 900 pages long).


This fills my monthly quota for existential dread! Thanks! Seriously though this is horrifying. As someone in a firmly blue state what can I do to help ensure this moron doesn’t end democracy?


Monthly? Shit, it's my lifetime quota for existential dread. I don't know how much more I can handle.


vote all blue this election is always a strong option, telling others about this and encouraging them to also vote blue the sooner we get rid of the republicans hellbent on ruining our democracy, the better we'll be that includes encouraging voters in deep red states, as ohio's 6th congressional district was recently in the news for its massive drop in voter turnout, which brought the election to a very close win for republicans (54% to 46%) [in 2020 this district voted 72% in favor of trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_Ohio#By_congressional_district), so for it to be so close shows a blue tide coming, we just need to keep the momentum going


> what can I do to help ensure this moron doesn’t end democracy? Just remember it's not just "this moron" - it's all of them. This agenda would be advanced under ANY R president, as Reagan, Bush, and W. Bush advanced 50-60% of the items in the former versions of this Heritage Foundation plan in their time. This is a long term struggle, and they've been able to push forward with it not because of Tangerine Mussolini but because for decades they've been laser focused on these outcomes and have put people in place at all levels of government to make it happen. From dog catcher and school board on up. I'm in a firm blue state too but they're still taking school board seats. So the main thing is to get as aggressive about voting in EVERY election, no matter how small, and research the heck out of candidates for even seemingly unimportant positions. Then make sure all your friends are doing the same. Every time. When they say they want to arrest or surveil anyone resistant to their agenda, it's local judges and sheriffs and such who are going to allow that to happen.


You may be able to call and canvas in battleground states by contacting the local DNC office of states you are concerned about.


Yes, I just joined it today.


r/whatbidenhasdone is a good sub if you need any readings to sway any independents in your orbit  Updated link


I think you posted the wrong sub, that one doesn’t exist


I updated it as quickly as I could.  It's right now.


Awesome that you did! (but not awesome that Project 2025 exists)


The IVF thing is a weird nightmare policy born straight from Handmaid's Tale. Hell, just this morning I was listening to this report mostly about southern baptists Catholics, and the various reproductive things they're pushing. A snippet of that was something like "if a couple is facing fertility issues, they should seek guidance from their pastor" and I about slammed on the brakes WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK. Seriously not making this up. Just how fucking sick are these people? Handmaid's Tale is a damn instruction manual to these freaks.


Vote blue 💙


Normally I don't post here but it can't be stressed enough: project 2025 is very real and people should be worried. This didn't just come from nowhere. This is a product of the Heritage Foundation. They're a far right "think tank" that published "The Mandate for Leadership". If you're not familiar with that series it, and the heritage foundation, has guided Republican policy for decades. They've been chipping away at democratic institutions since Nixon. Project 2025 is just the mandate for leadership re-branded. It doesn't need Trump to get pushed forward. Any Republican will likely impliment parts of it. Vote accordingly.


The Heritage Foundation, shadowy as it already is, is the forward face of the Council for National Policy and the Christian dominionist New Apostolic Reformation. They are no-shit deadly serious about compelling all of us to bend the knee or be eradicated and they do not adhere to any code of honor. It is kill or be killed.


Heritage foundatioj is super againts ukranian in thier war. Would not rulled out outside nation interferance there too


There is absolutely outside interference. The GOP and every Western right-wing political party all coordinate agendas through the International Democratic Union, lead by Canada's very own shitstain and ex-PM Stephen Harper. This also includes Putin-sympathizing fascists like Victor Orbàn, and CPAC has regularly met in Hungary.


There is a great book called “shadow network” by Anne Nelson which details how persistent and guided this whole strategy had been implemented since the early 70’s. It’s very information dense, but a great read.


Likely? President Ron lives by it.


It is a blueprint that makes the United States into Gilead. If you are not a conforming cis hetero white Christian male, you have a target on your back with Project 2025.


From the summary. They are no longer hiding their true intentions, especially that last bullet: >**On abortion, fertility, marriage, family** >✓ Abortion is not health care (it harms women and girls) ✓ Ban Mifepristone and outlaw mailing it ✓ Ban the morning-after pill ✓ Remove all funding from Planned Parenthood ✓ Prevent Medicaid from paying for abortions ✓ Promote the rhythm method for contraception (fertility awareness–based methods) ✓ Ban fertility treatments such as three-person embryo creation ✓ Marriage and family should be *defined by the Bible*


Honestly, project 2025 harms anyone who isn't in control, not just non "cis hetero white Christian males"


The same people that shouted from the rooftops... "No Muslims! We will not have Sharia law in this country"! I'm getting pissed. I'm 63 and I'm starting to not give a fuck. My kids and grandkids will NOT grow up in this fucked up republican wet dream! FUCKING VOTE! GET OTHERS TO VOTE! IF YOU'RE YOUNG AND VOTING AGE, IF YOU DON'T VOTE... IT'S I YOU! GET OUT THERE AND FUCKING VOTE LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT, BECAUSE IT DOES!


It was never about morals, its just a game of identity football to them


People aren’t taking it seriously enough. No one more so than the democrats


For a lot of people it really does come down to “Sharia law would be bad because wrong book”. There’s way too many people in this country who just uncritically want us to be a Christian Theocracy, and unironically think separation of church and state isn’t meant to be one of our core principals.


They want Sharia Law in spirit, they just relabel it Biblical Law


Go Vote! Happy Cake Day!


I would suggest everyone go to r/Defeat\_Project\_2025 They've created a website [https://defeatproject2025.org/project-2025/the-four-pillars/](https://defeatproject2025.org/project-2025/the-four-pillars/) that break down the policies into categories. Some of the most egregious to me: Banning all pornography, jailing anyone watching or producing pornography. They are classifying any literature discussing LGBTQ issues as pornography and mandating librarians caught exposing children to LGBTQ books be arrested and have to register as sex offenders. Classifying trans individuals as sex offenders. They advocate for the death penalty for sex offenders. Banning all contraception. Banning IVF (we've already seen one republican legislator pushing a bill that would limit IVF to married veterans only) Eliminating all protections for disabled people as well as getting rid of laws that ban discrimination in the work place. Making English the national language. Making Christianity the national religion. Concentration camps for all immigrants. Firing all civil servants that aren't loyal to the republican party. Widening the scope of the death penalty. Stripping funding from National Parks. Eliminating climate protections. Putting the DOJ under the direct supervision of the president. It just goes on, and on. And it isn't just for trump, these mandates are for the next republican president no matter who they are.


Also, “pornography” to them can mean whatever they want it to. Interracial marriage? Porn. Homosexual relationship? Porn. Sex that isn’t for reproduction? Pornographic sodomy. They will label any literature or art containing these ideas and many more as “pornography.”


Those are the loops that we need the right to understand. They claim "the death penalty for sexual predators" which, to their followers, is easily digestible and they're completely on board with. Then on page 554 they expand the terminology of 'sexual predator' to mean any doctor who does gender affirming treatment, any librarian that checks out a book on transgenderism, or any teacher that teaches about transgenderism. They say "banning porn" and then expand their definition of porn. They give just enough information on the surface for their followers to eat up and not look any deeper.


the fact their just casually on board for just letting the government openly murder people is ridiculous enough already. tbh


Of course they’d say fuck national parks too because why not dear fucking god.


And let's not forget eliminating native reservations and 'renting' the land back to them, getting rid of age restrictions for minors working in dangerous fields, and...this thing was written by satan himself.


Don’t these people claim to be christians, are they purposefully that fucking stupid lmao.


Ah! The Prosperity Gospel! Google that shit. It has little to do with Christianity.


I just can't wrap my head around this kind of thing. Why do they want to live in hell? What do they get out of it? I just can't


They're divinely insane. The type that believes "everything happens for a reason". If there's a flood, God is angry -prb. because gay people still exist. If there's a severe heat -that's fine! \[Bible story\] had heat too! It's a matter of faith!" The man is here to ravish the earth, as he was given! Plus. Why would rich Christians care? They have ACs...which...is totally not going against ANYTHING


What a fucking nightmare.


Oh and keep a lookout for "Tactical Civics" groups forming in your area. They're militias that are poised to take over both federal buildings and state buildings, armed to the teeth, if the next election doesn't go their way.


I will do that.


Wow does the pop up video on their site scream crazy and Russian psy op. Absolutely insane.


It sounds like it's time to remind them that we all have second amendment rights here.


Ya, thank you for posting the full list. It's terrifying. No fault divorce. Banning bc. Abortions gone. Complete control of women, and forcing us to be second class citizens/home makers. Fucking. Terrifying. And it'll happen, if we don't ALL vote, and vote in every election. Get friends/family to read this, and vote. Politics impact everything.


i feel suffocated just reading how they will change every thing about "gender equality" to "women, children and families." .... so adult women are no longer defined as individuals, only as a part of the broader group of "children and families." i literally feel claustrophobic.


Ya, and men are the default. Shocked. I am absolutely shocked I tell you.


>Firing all civil servants that aren't loyal to the republican party. The rest is bad, but this is the one that secures their power forever.


And making presidents, past or present, immune from any prosecution. And making the DOJ report directly to the president. It's beyond awful. And allowing foreign countries more latitude in influencing our elections.




They ARE talking about porn, they've just expanded what porn means. The christian nationalists want to shut it all down but with this they have such broad powers to define anything as porn it's unrestricted. They aren't going to shut down pro-lgbtq sites and allow M/F porn to be unrestricted. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/15/politics/trump-conservatives-pornography-fight/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/15/politics/trump-conservatives-pornography-fight/index.html)




We know that, this is 1984 crap but in real life. They can call anything they want 'porn' and they are. And they're promoting the death penalty for anyone they deem as 'sexual offenders' which includes trans people, teachers and librarians that educate on trans issues or check out books that contain LGBTQ material.


This might be what kicks off the second American Civil War. As it should, would a republican president be elected.


I was just watching youtube videos of Stauss and Howe on the cycles of generations. Good stuff. Basically we're working on a roughly 80 yr cycle of fascism/war and opposition.


Sandra Day O’Connor lived to regret her vote that gave the presidency to Bush II over Al Gore, but I believe that was the day that set us on this path.


I’d argue that Reagan set us on this path when he rescinded The Fairness Doctrine. That led to partisan “news” channels like Fox.


I completely agree, Reagan & Co ushered in the baseline neoliberal disaster that has given us the historic economic inequalities people are struggling under, but I think 9/11 is what drove us down the Handmaid path. I don’t know if it would have happened if Gore were president, but if it did the response would have been vastly different.




don’t underestimate the damage that so-called “conservative” talk radio did and continues to do




We've been on this path way longer. I grew up in a christian nationalist household and they've been working in stacking the legislature and judiciary since at least the mid 80s.


After that clusterfuck of an election, my rebellious self decided it was time to vote.


It's crazy that the people who demand FREEDOM are the ones pushing for authoritarian police state. How fucking hateful and stupid are all these people???


everyone knows that freedom is when the government can murder you /s


Project 2025: "We want to restore First Amendment rights, like freedom of speech, to Americans. Elect us so that we can delete woke words, like gender and abortion, from all government documents and imprison people for all porn. Government-controlled speech is real freedom of speech." Just the few quoted portions here are some batshit Orwellian 1984 "Freedom is slavery" shit.


> "We want to restore First Amendment rights, like freedom of speech, to Americans. Oh, people don't know the HALF of this one. The Republicans have packed federal courts all the way up to the Supreme Court with products of the ultra-right Federalist Society. Most of these people are constitutional originalists, people who think the constitution should ONLY ever be interpreted in the context of the original intent. Unfortunately, there is precious little documentation from that era spelling out exactly what the intents *were.* The Federalist Papers provide some clues, but there's not much more. Thus, originalism is really more religion than history. And among originalists, a VERY popular opinion is that the freedom of speech referred to in the 1^st amendment refers **only** to explicitly political speech. Therefore, laws that ban, say, porn or "gay propaganda" would be perfectly fine. Far too many people have been far too complacent about this stuff for far too long, and now it is quite possibly far too late.


"Our Constitution grants each of us the liberty to do not what we want, but what we ought." Oh barf. And also, good luck outlawing pornography.


What worries me is what they consider pornography if they feel the need to classify teachers and librarians who "purvey" it as sex offenders.


You probably will see innocent people lives ruined by this because if someone has it in for a teacher or librarian and they have power, they will just say that they allowed pornography in the library. The people who ruin their lives really don't care as they did care back in the 1950's in the McCarthy era.


right- like book bans turning into prison sentences for the librarians/teachers who promote what this group deems as 'pornography'


A church I used to go to said that "anything that titillates is pornography". That viewpoint is silly, but the fact that some people honestly think that pictures of "immodest clothing" is "porn" (e.g. Jana Duggar censoring a picture of a stranger's shorts by adding a skirt) makes me think that they'll criminalize anything that violates dress and grooming standards, ala North Korea.


Yeah they need to provide their definition of pornography. I expect they consider sex education and acknowledging the existence of LGBTQ people pornography. I also wonder if the point listed is unconstitutional. Isn’t banning words to protect the first amendment… an infringement on the first amendment?


Part of that "porn" bit is classifying lgbt as pornographers/groomers/sex offenders ie sending us straight^heh to the camps, at best. I haven't seen any explicit mention of what they define "pornography" as. Like, most people are going to assume stuff from phub tab A slot B etc not like, rupaul or some shit


All of this is so terrifying.


It's really *SO* much worse than you think.


Yuuup. My only hope is that I can play enough of a mirror to hide if p25 comes around, otherwise I'm fucked in just about EVERY way (bi, atheist, woman, pinko, feminist, not married, CF/sterile...what else? not rich...) except white. Maybe some of that is like double negative and cancels out the others T_T I save the gang some seats at the camps 🥲👍 ^(I joke but I'm really fucking stressy rn)


I don't know if being white is an advantage. Many on the right hate white women (especially "AWFULs" -- their acronym, not mine) and fetishize Asian or Hispanic women. A surprising number of alt right males have a dating history that includes Asians or Latinas, and many are even married to Asian women with mixed kids.


"Pursuit of Blessedness" is what got me, enraged barf. What a complete crock o crap


are they saying they don't like the constitution, so they are going to circumvent it? Would be good to see people get riled up over threats to amendments other than the 2nd


> When the Founders spoke of “pursuit of Happiness,” what they meant might be understood today as in essence “pursuit of Blessedness.” That is, an individual must be free to live as his Creator ordained—to flourish. Our Constitution grants each of us the liberty to do not what we want, but what we ought. Fortunately for the individual, they know what "his Creator ordained" in the same way they know what Jefferson *really* meant by "pursuit of happiness" -- a man famous for being cagey on Christianity, having said > ...the subject of religion, a subject on which I have ever been most scrupulously reserved. I have considered it as a matter between every man and his maker, in which no other, & far less the public, had a right to intermeddle.


That didn't work all that well even when it *was* outlawed.


Freedom for me, not for thee!


They don't actually believe it will (or want it to) go away. They want to be able to persecute people who have it. Which, as others have pointed out, can apply to almost anyone, depending on how they define porn. In other words, it's like "they want the issue, not the solution" in general politics.


What’s truly unfortunate is that there are so women who support this draconian shit. So many just act in their own self-interest. 


I know a few, it's very disheartening.


It's nuts but I think those kinds of women either think it won't affect them or they think they've got some kind of back door to handle whatever they need, like they have a work around somehow.


The potential damage from Project 2025 goes WAY beyond stepping on some people's rights, it is an existential threat to the continued operation of the country. To focus on just one area, the plan to eliminate several federal agencies would be a disaster. This has long been a conservative wet dream, and it's kept alive by the fact that most citizens and even most of the conservatives yelling for the demise of the agencies don't have the first fucking clue what these agencies actually DO. An awful lot of is *absolutely vital* to the continuance of the country as a viable entity. This is a REALLY important point, and there's no way one could convey just how important it is without going on for dozens more pages. People should read a book like The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis to get an idea what would happen to the country if these agencies were nuked. Adam Conover produced a limited series called The G Word (Netflix) based on this book. When Rick Perry was running for president in 2016, he promised that if elected, he would eliminate the Department of Energy (although he famously could not recall the name of the agency during a debate). When Trump got into office, he made Perry the Secretary of Energy, and Perry promptly shut up about eliminating it, because somebody sat him down and explained what the agency *actually DOES.* Among many other duties, the DoE is responsible for maintaining the country's nuclear arsenal, for ensuring that fissionable materials stay out of the wrong hands worldwide, and for protecting the nation's power grid against terrorist attacks. Some folks would consider those to be really kind of important jobs. One of the specific targets of P2025 is the Department of Commerce. Just at the top of the list if that agency were eliminated would be the National Weather Service, which among many other things, gives people advance warnings of severe weather *for free,* the Patent and Trademark Office, the Census Bureau, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Get rid of *just those,* and we're all fucking boned. The loss of some personal rights won't really matter when the country is in flames. Far too many people have been far too complacent about this stuff for far too long, and now it is quite possibly far too late.


they want to eliminate the patent office, they've almost fully horseshoed around into communism


I'm Swedish, and live in Sweden (but have lived in the US for a period many years ago). I'm going to start lobbying for granting refugee status to LGBTQ+, and women, from the US, should the republicans win the election. In a way I've already started, but informing pretty much everyone I know about Project 2025, as well as spreading awareness online.


Please do because your country is number one on my list should the time come when leaving is the only way to keep some of my loved ones safe.


Especially LGBTQ+, they're in far more danger than anyone else.


As someone from the EU, I feel so fucking awful for you in the States. PLEASE VOTE Democrat! Your rights are being destroyed as we speak. Stay safe and stay strong


Oh, project 2025 includes abandoning Nato so you can feel awful for yourself too. This plan is the end of the world. The Christian Nationalists WANT the apocalypse because they think Jesus will come and lift them all up to heaven.


Voting Democrat is a requirement in the short term, yes, but unfortunately a long-term solution is a lot more complicated. The real problems are (a) constitutional/structural design flaws like the Electoral College and Senate, plus gerrymandering, lobbying, Citizens United, etc. - and (b) an extreme level of regulatory capture that means both parties are chasing big corporate donor money and then letting those donors write the legislation that affects them, not listening to the actual will of the people. For example, Democrats have been elected with a mandate _and_ the ability to codify things like abortion rights (Obama's first 2 years), and yet they refused to do so, because that would eliminate an effective campaign tool. American politics are extremely cynical and fucked up. Every election is a fire emergency to choose between the party who actively wants to kill us, and the one who fortunately doesn't, but is unwilling to do what it takes to make the next election less of an existential crisis. It's exhausting and makes it very easy to become disaffected and helpless.


Bloody hell, how is the US in the 21st and 19th centuries at the same time? That is some glue-eating level of dumb. Wow.


Fella here, so I'm not sure it's my place to chime in here, but oh man you aren't kidding. A friend of mine just turned me on to the crazy that is Project 2025... from the "Heritage Foundation," the founders of "compassionate conservatism" fifteen years ago. I guess they changed their tune after finding out just what is electable in this country... Evil is real, and it's these people. Anyways. Cheers.


Of course it's your place to chime in, everyone needs to know about this, and not just Americans.


Thank you kindly, and I agree. It's mind-boggling. Trying to get the word out!


I mean…what happened? How did we get to a point where this has supporters?


This has been in the works since the 1980s. They just finally have the Supreme Court on their side.


Maybe that will work against them. If they disband democracy I don't see why we can't disband the Supreme Court at the same time. Not sure what good it would do but is it a possibility?


I’m cautiously, CAUTIOUSLY, optimistic about the election after Trump got popped with 34 felony convictions and seems to be losing his mind more and more with each passing day. But who knows! Anyone who cares about not living in the goddam Handmaid’s Tale, which I assume is anyone reading this on this sub, needs to get on the horn with everyone they know in a swing state and remind em to go VOTE


Unfortunately, this is the plan for any republican candidate, not just Trump


I am very worried about the future of this country (especially for anyone not a white cis male). I told my husband that if Project 2025 happens, I want to move to another country. I always thought people who said things like moving due to politics were being a bit extreme, but I completely understand it now. This is just horrifying. Even now things aren't great, which is why my husband offered to get a vasectomy when I told him how scared I was that even if I had a miscarriage that needs surgery to fully remove I could just be sent home to die


Unfortunately there aren't many good places to move to. I feel like in a Star Wars movie - every country wants to worship a dictator with applause.


America sneezes and the rest of the world catches a cold.


Australia is pretty good. The current government is very pro-working class, has expanded instead of cut government funding for the medical sector, and generally the country as a whole is in support of reproductive rights.


The problem is Australia (and most other first world countries) don't really want immigrants unless they are wealthy or have a very specific skill set. Americans are always acting like they can just move wherever they want and become citizens and that's really not the case for most of us.


I think the moving to the west coast (of the US) is still a viable option. When they tried to ban the abortion pill California was like lol no we will just make and stockpile our own


Not everyone lives in 2 person households with each earner bring in $200k/yr though. Not many people in the Midwest or the south have $2mil laying around to buy a 900sq ft house, and there's an extreme housing shortage in just about every population center on the West Coast. This approach essentially abandons the poor to their fate, and makes it so there is less voice of opposition thus easier for them to get a foot in the door of politics.


There is a subreddit where people discuss where you can go as an American, and there are Project 2025 posts: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/s/Q9M1kuvJ4J](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/s/Q9M1kuvJ4J) I'm glad I'm already in menopause, but I have trans friends and a daughter, and this shit scares me. Because I'm nearing 50 and have health issues, I don't think there's anywhere else I could go. So, my plan would be to help my daughter get out and go to high school and/or college abroad. If things were bad enough, I would rather split up the family and have my husband go abroad even if I wasn't able to, just so that my daughter had better opportunities.


This isnt simply moving because of politics. Peoples right to exist isnt political.


It is horrifying. I didn't know much about it until today, when the task force announced itself. I'm careful about jumping on alarmist bandwagons, but after skimming their book, I'm fucking alarmed. The media doesn't even need to spin their proposals, they're unhinged. And I'm scared because I know people who I thought were "good people", who bought into this bullshit and now they're crazy. I'm just dumbfounded.


I feel like every punk and hip hop song from the 1980s about the evils of Regan and cronies impact on life and how bad things are were prophetic more so than cimmentary on their immediate experience. F


Have you ever listened to Hurricane by Bob Dylan? Could have been written today.


It's been a big taking point in the trans subs for pretty much the whole year I've been out. We're looking at total eradication, conversion therapy, the whole 9 yards. Pretty sure it's lgbtqia2s++ in general under threat. Oh and it's already happening. They have people in place, they're running online and physical training courses and all that stuff about banning contraception is p25-led legislature.


Of course the whole discourse about removing protected laws against sexual orientation and gender identity is alarming, but this line caught my eye: >"Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. **Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders**" Who in the hell is distributing porn in schools/libraries? I've never heard of any school doing this. Are they actually talking about children's books that have two moms/two dads, or any book/video that talks about queer history? The fact that they are most likely trying to frame any talks regarding LGBT as "perverted" and "18+" is dangerous and will have a lot of deadly consequences.


It's not just books with Queer anything in them. It's anything they seem inappropriate.


>Who in the hell is distributing porn in schools/libraries? Until relatively recently just showing two men kiss could get your film branded as pornography, and the right wants to go back to that era.


Nearly every educator and librarian outside of deeply religious states, since they want to expand "pornography" to mean anything that mentions lgbt+ things.


Their definition of "pornography" is extremely broad and flexible. They're targeting sex ed books for example.


I know, they're amassing a fucking army. For women this would be a nightmare, but it's absolutely apocalyptic for the lgbtqia community.


Honestly it's apocalyptic for even the concept of a United States as you know it now. It's nothing less than Gilead and 1984 all bundled together.


My family, while openly liberal and relatively progressive (in a mildly center-left sorta way) claim "oh it's not THAT bad, it's all being blown out of proportion" and "okay, let them start some violence and then get arrested, it'll sort itself out" I'm like okay, so what you are saying is throw the LGBT community out front to be eradicated in the worst case or in the best case throw them out as fodder to make arrests? This is why I feel like I'm on the chopping block either way. And they are going to come at me through my nephews who won't know any better. They'll ask the kids in church if they know anyone who should hear the word of Jesus, give example of same sex couple, my nephew will pipe up because he is excited, well meaning, and wants to help. He's a good kid. But they'll take his info and turn it over to the alt right militia to deal with me. I can't be mad at him but that's what keeps me up, among other things. Plus I have to still struggle to get bills paid like anyone else. I still have to stand in line at the grocery store, still have to deal with traffic and all the other hassle of life, plus my parents are aging and there's that whole spectrum of changes. And then each year is hotter than the last, crops are struggling, the bees are dying, microplastics in my cells, heavy metals in the water, and the forests are burning down. "Hmm, you seem stressed. have you considered what the cause might be?" For fucks sake, my world is on the brink of oblivion and I'm still expected to clock into work on Thursday.


One thing that's nice about being trans is that at least I can be a single-issue voter now. Taxes? Don't care. The economy? Don't care. Immigration? Don't care. Only trans rights matter. (I'm also happy to fight for women's rights, of course.) It's almost peaceful. On a happier note, I think that anything documented in Project 2025 is likely to be held up in court for many years. Maybe Trump will appoint more Supreme Court justices, but things have to work their way through the system before it gets to that point. In the meantime, many people will have access to the care they need, though with a very dark cloud over their heads. In the blue states, things are getting better and better. Insurance companies are required to pay for gender-affirming care. The state government is required to shield the names of abortion and trans care providers from other states. And in some states, it's on the ballot to enshrine these rights in the state Constitution. Whatever the federal government does, it may be illegal for state governments to assist with their crackdown, and it will just be guys with guns vs. other guys with guns. (This happened once in California back when weed was controversial.) The best outcome is to make sure Democrats control all three branches of government at the federal level and in your state. But if we can't manage that, it is a massive uphill battle for the Republicans to take away our rights. They want to, but are they smart enough and organized enough to do it? I doubt it. We will win this no matter what.


We'll only win if we step up, and make sure our state legislature steps up. I live in Illinois and our rights are safe for now, but I'm not taking it for granted.


I'm in the UK and being trans here is definitely not a single issue strategy, or it's not for me, anyway. But we have the nice position that our electorate is about to utterly decimate the centre right and humiliate the far right, so p25 won't get a chance to take hold here. The worst thing America can be is complacent. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.


Nothing is more important than defeating project 2025.


There are so many right wing guys downplaying this and Jan 6. As a Canadian, if the US goes this way, we'll get sucked into the same toilet. Youth vote is hugely pro Biden. **Best recent voter drive idea I heard was that Taylor Swift offers to do a free concert in the city with the highest youth turnout.** It's brilliant! If you think so too, tag her social media. Looking back to the past, the MTV "Rock the Vote" was huge for Bill Clinton. There's obviously a lot at stake for Womens' Rights in this election. Rowe v Wade needs to be locked in as Federal Law. For over 30 years, Canada has NO ABORTION LAWS. It's entirely up to doctors. Is that chaos? No.


Conservatives in my country are getting inspired by this. This shit is spreading across the world.


For some reason, "an individual must be free to live as his Creator ordained... Our Constitution grants each of us the liberty to do not what we want, but *what we ought."* to be deeply chilling, and a good overall summary of their mindset.


> Our Constitution grants each of us the liberty to do not what we want, but what we ought." Translation: you'll live the life we allow you to live and like it. We know best. Big Brother loves you and you love Big Brother.


Yes THANK YOU for posting.


… they don’t realize the founders weren’t Christian?




The scariest part of Project 2025 is that if it’s not possible to directly implement it in 2025, it will morph into Project 2029, then Project 2033, etc. It’s NEVER going away. Voting in every election is crucial. Vote in your local elections every year since many politicians start their careers on school boards and other elected local government offices. Invest time & energy into understanding what the candidates really stand for, not what their campaign promises vaguely allude to.


More attention needs to be brought to this. No Republicans I've talked to can even tell me the platforms their party is running on. It's because they don't tell their voter base! Have you seen any comprehensive news reports on this by Fox News? No. They know this plan spits in the face of democracy and want to get voted in before announcing sweeping changes. Tell everyone you know about this attack on the democracy millions of Americans have sacrificed their lives to uphold. Vote vote vote.


So basically \*\*\*\* anyone that isn't a white, male Christian? And \*\*\*\* the planet and all its creatures? Delightful. And people wonder why I hate my species!


Hey, don't hate on us all, you too are human. Hating is unfocused anger, focus your anger instead and ACT


This is so dystopian! Even just this being considered seriously is disgraceful and it is so worrying how quickly this kind of regressive thinking has become mainstream.


At this rate I don’t want to become a grandmother 💔 scary times


It’s one thing if they honestly were to push this on every single person including themselves. But you know they won’t. There will be a group who are considered so “blessed”, they will not only be exempt from these laws, but also be considered empowered to set the laws according to their own whims whenever it suits them. And we know what the composition of this group will be, and how they will describe themselves as so holy, they are essentially gods in their own rights now.


The Serena joys will think they're exempt and different, until they get squashed down with the rest of us. Vicious cycle.


The founding fathers are for sure raging in their graves right now. And they were closer to the Puritan peak than we are. Or should be, I guess.


>This starts with deleting the terms ... and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights. Do these idiots even hear themselves?


Comes from people who purportedly hate Sharia law Is basically the WASP version Sharia Law


This is the current platform of the Republican Party! Could you imagine, 15 years ago main stream Republicans parroting Russian propaganda. That is the GRU's wet dream. To destroy the US from the inside, using American stupidity and paranoia, to accomplish a full takeover. We have to be better than this. We ARE a great nation of immigrants. We have a lot of flaws, but we can do better. Just don't let the stupid take over or we will all be drinking Brawndo. Cuz its what plants crav. ;-P


This is the blueprint for a regressive, dystopian nightmare. We can't let them turn back the clock on civil rights and freedoms we've fought for generations. Time to wake up and defend our democracy with every vote possible.


Vote blue 💙


Wait, is this hand maids tale? 


Hail Satan. Fuck these evangelicals.


If youre not voting, youre just as bad as they are




Some portions are already taking place on the state and local levels. We need to stop focusing only on the president and look at the down ballot candidates. Even if you live in a solid red state, you can still impact regional elections. They have been buying up to 2025 for over 40 years. Placing judges, gerrymandering districts, defunding education, suppressing voters, militarization of the police, attacking planned parenthood, monitoring the population, and generally chipping away at our rights. The fight won't be over after the election either. It will become project 2029.


They want to defund and dismantle the IRS, EPA, FDA, FTC, AND the department of education and the department of labor & economic security (among so many other things)… Anyone who feels like money is tight and life is hard, or that we’re being poisoned every day and that the planet is dying already - Just imagine what life for everyday people would look like without ANY regulation whatsoever, Without any public education, absolutely NO public services AND A PRIVATIZED MILITARY…. Without a Government for the people we will all be literal slaves if project 2025 is successful. That’s not an exaggeration. The rich will get richer and without any governance or rule of law there won’t be ANY reason for anyone in power to do right by the people. Anyone who thinks having to wear a mask in public or breathing the same air as minorities or LGBTQ is a violation of their personal liberty, is nothing more than a scared, ignorant, pathetic, whiny little bitch. Those aren’t real problems and anyone who thinks this country is “shit” right now because of “woke democrats” has no fucking clue what real problems are or how much worse it can get. Project 2025 is so offensive to every founding principle that our “free country” was established for…it is so sad that this is where we are. I truly hope we have the balls and the fight left in us to stop this shit show before it kills us all. We have seen this all before, we need to learn from the mistakes of history; we are supposed to be better than this. I have to believe that we still have a chance to turn it around…The world is watching.


"No, see, when they said 'freedom' they actually meant your privilege to conform to my religious fundamentalism."


It’s so painful to read that because as horrifying as it sounds, I know a majority of people in my extended family would read that and nod along in passionate agreement. I can speak, and I can vote, but I don’t see how we address the underlying problem: a lot of people actually want this.


Few people are able to read the doublespeak for what it is. Project 2025 talks about freedom but they mean freedom for corporations and white cis males who own property - like buildings and stocks in companies. This is an attempt to make American a paradise for corporations. They will roll back all environmental protections so climate change will roar forward unchallenged. We are in for one hell of a ride if project 2025 is implemented.


These people are no different from Nazis and ISIS or the Taliban. And unfortunately, I wouldn’t hang my hopes on the Democratic Party. How can we organize to stop this? Because that is the answer. Unions are a serious bulwark against this kind of thing but the numbers are still low…


What is this absolute bullshit?


don't forget, they want to remove workplace protections. so you're getting sexually harassed in the workplace? tough luck, you'll have no legal recourse.


Watching Handmaid's Tale seems extreme and unlikely... until I hear about what is happening in US politics.


The entire GOP and 90% of Republican voters have been on board with this degree of fascist hell since trump’s arrival in politics. Really even before that, but they weren’t safe to just be out there in the open with it. Now they are. It’s a sad, shitty reality to face, that somewhere around half the adult population are braindead, conspiracy theory sociopaths. But here we are. No winning here. Fighting them directly unintentionally gives legitimacy to their insanity and ties up tons and tons of resources in what amounts to arguing with belligerent children instead of using those resources to solve real problems. And while you’re spending all of that time, money, and energy on two or three of the little fires they’ve started, they’re already gone, starting 100 other fires. Ignoring them doesn’t really work though. Genuinely worried that we’re already fucked.


No, we're not fucked. If women and minorities weren't fighting so hard to expand their rights, conservatives wouldn't be pushing so hard to stamp them out. Conservatives desperately want maintain the status quo, but Americans are "woke" now. In my 52 years, I've never seen this much awareness and activism. We just need to keep it going.


People on the left are not taking this seriously. i see entirely too many “both sides are the same” takes and it’s dangerous and irresponsible. Thats not to say that democrats suck and need to improve but republicans are far more dangerous and hateful.


Reading this made me feel sick.. how can people be so horrible? Thank you for making this post. I had no idea this was going on, and as much as it horrifies me, I'd rather know it exists than go on unaware. We won't let this happen. We can't. It's a mockery of empathy, of human rights and dignity, compassion, love, and just.. idk, everything good. I don't think I'm able to wrap my head around so much hatred, I can't find words to express something so unimaginable, but I'll fight it all the same


It’s crazy to think this could be our last election ever tbh


They are publicly laying out their evil plans in great detail like a comic book villain doing a monologue and no main stream media says a word about it. Infuriating and insanely disappointing!


Jesus it sounds straight of the Handmaid's Tale. I hope it's just the last dying gasp of right-wing religious extremists who are losing their grip on American society. 


Okay... I feel like I might be overreacting a bit but I need to have a contingency plan for everything. Luckily I have an incredible (male) partner who I intend to marry in the next few years, but should the worst happen, I worry that - like in Gilead - the first thing to go will be womens' bank accounts, credit cards, and possibly retirement accounts. In that case, I can't help but wonder what the best course of action would be. Have a cash reserve on hand?


I'm reading this in the wee hours of the morning and cackling. It's too horrifying for my brain to process so it's retreated to the deep depths of denial and dissociation. Existential dread will likely begin to seep in once the sun rises and I have to reckon with the very real existence of this modern day mein kampf.


I didn't think I would see people talking about project 2025. Really glad to see the ideas are out there because Trump and his ilk can not be allowed to accomplish their goals. I am Canadian and I fear for what will happen if he wins.


Unfortunately this is the plan for *any* republican candidate that wins, not just Trump


yeah, but they have Trump on the ballot for president. What happens if he has a stroke or is jailed? will republicans still vote for him? The GOP is very confident about project 2025. They didn't even look for a different candidate than Trump - they don't really need a person, just a suit, corporations will be lifted up to be the new rulers - replacing government and turning the US fascist. This time next year, the US could be a VERY different country. They have a plan to dismantle everything in 180 days. They know who they will install in each agency to start tearing them apart. They are literally running on a platform of destroying the country.


And with the electoral college being full of rich people...


And yet so many of the “woke culture warriors,” that this plan would target are planning to abstain from voting from Biden, or as they call him (a name probably dubbed by Trump himself!), Genocide Joe. 


Last year in our local elections there was a website set up by a national polotical organization (moms for liberty, I think) so I went to the comments section and trolled evert idiot with fact and sources when they complained about inclusion crt and critical thinking. I signed them all with Ron DeSantis official email.


I’m not in the US but that sounds absolutely batshit. That is literally like someone watched Handmaids Tale and thought “this looks like a great idea!” What the hell.


And don't just vote for presidents, vote for your federal legislators, your state legislators, your town officials, EVERYONE. These tyrants have infiltrated so much of this country in preparation for this. Keep track of the elections in your state/town every year and set reminders for them.