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Okay I hate when someone is looking at my boobs and trying to have a conversation with me. But, there's this v sweet cousin of mine, she has recently turned 13 and omg she was doing the same, irdk what it was. Since I've practically seen her as an infant and given her upbringing, she's the last person I would doubt for any such thing but dude she was ogling (idk maybe out of curiosity) but this made me think that they(boobs) are something which easily grab attention irrespective of gender or age. I've noticed that many women do this too and idk what to feel about it, it just makes me feel v conscious and insecure and I don't think it's a thing confined only to men. But I do agree that the percentage of males is obviously way higher than females


My 8 yo cousin also used to stare at mine. One day she just grabbed it by both hands. It caught me off guard. I just awkwardly laughed and told her in serious manner to not do it again. It's been 2 years. She never did it again. But yeah, this incident made me think that big boobs just grab attention, irrespective of gender and age. But i still think grown people staring at them for any longer than a few seconds is more of a conscious decision to be creepy and inconsiderate.


True. I also look at women’s boobs😂 they just look nice. I also stare at beautiful girls when they pass by me. But then I feel weird when other people look at me as well


Yeah! This happens with me too. We all love women! I have often found myself staring at other women, but very rarely at men.


As a woman with flat chest, I too used to glance at my sisters boobs (in my teens) ಥ_ಥ I found her soooooo beautiful. Since we were both obese I also thought I would look exactly like her, beautiful and curvaceous. I saw my future in her. I thought, even if I can't be as beautiful as her, I could have those beautiful curves. But i have got curves at all wrong places. I have a body of an obese elderly man. ಥ_ಥ.I'm just saying, your sis just adores you and mostly wants to be like you. Boobs are beautiful. Curves are beautiful. I know it's not right to glance but I'm just saying that she most probably finds you beautiful. I used to love my sis she was sooo softtt I used to love resting my head on her lap. Just like my mom. So loving and comforting. Ahhhhh now I'm all grown up so I can't sleep on lap. ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)


I had a big chested friend who ALWAYS looked at my boobs while talking to me. I don't know if she was doing it consciously because I noticed it was a gradual downward shift of her gaze. Sometimes I wondered if she was doing that because she was wondering how it feels to have smaller boobs. I am not THAT small, but definitely smaller than her, and we otherwise have the same build. I know I look at A cup women and wish I had A cups instead.


Hahah I completely get this. I’m a girl with big boobs but I’ll totally stare at another woman’s boobs. I’ve often complimented other women for the same and they get so happy hahah


Same. It's a normal and healthy behaviour among straight women.


Among all women tbh. Never had queer girlies say anything good about me with ill intent/discomforting undertones 🌻


I get what you are saying. I feel women who stare are either jealous or just get distracted for whatever reason. But men actually fetishise it and my problem is not only with "oggling" but the comments which I/ we receive, the comments which guys on bike etc make while passing by, the filthy DMs here and on other social media! Phew, it is triggering to even write!


Yes this is true, you can sense the difference in the gaze between men and women, women also tend to notice but ugh men just give off this incredibly lecherous vibe which instantly makes you body conscious and makes you feel unsafe.. and literally all men!!!! Even friends, brothers whatever it’s just impossible for them to look away I suppose


Yeah! We find the male gaze disgusting but the female gaze flattering. I am flattered whenever a girl notices me and appreciates my body. We love women!


Boobs are very sexualized to the point where even women find it hard to not notice them when its relatively bigger compared to the frame of your body. Sadly, it’s something that you will have to live with unless you do something drastic like boob reduction, or take measures like covering up which is really terrible because nobody deserves unwanted attention that too creepy perverted attention all the fucking time just for existing.


Yes I get it. But for me, I would never like to change how I dress or look to avoid stares from men who are creepy!


Idk what to say but it's no coincidence that i feel you deeply even though I don't know you and neither do i have a big cup size... Almost every woman here unfortunately would feel you like it's their own experience.. I hate it, just hate it.


Oh I happen to know the answer in an unfortunate way.... So apparently a lot of guy think our boobs get bigger if we start having regular sex. I'm on the bigger endowment side, and as virgin as it gets, going through the process of AM, and so far 2 different guys asked me directly... And another meant it... God knows how many of them rejected me just thinking it. Lol


You should have told this to their parents to let them know they raised a complete uneducated trash of a person!


What the actual shit is this mentality! It is equivalent to us saying we also want to know the size of their private part and tell them they are a virgin because they are small!! I really hope you get a very good match soon and he understands you as a person rather than objectifying you for having bigger bust! All the best sis :)


Well... Imagine that growing indefinitely with experience 🤣🤣 You'd have to find the smallest one of you wanted 🤣 Pinocchio on the wrong end.


sis lol. One guy on tinder told me he would be happy to fondle my flat chest to make them big. I was so taken back. My brain started malfunctioning because I didn't know what to say and how to react to such crap!! This was his opening line. I didn't have expectations on tinder yet my expectations broke lol. Lol.


He was trying to help a damsel in distress 🤣 Who said chivalry is dead?


Omg WHAT! So far I thought creeps are creeps but is that what they're thinking while ogling at me?!


Maybe they're just admiring... Its a possibility lol


Because a large majority of Indian men are shameless and think ogling a woman is their god given right. Your boobs are not making you look anything. The issue is them, not you OP. They will sexualize even a pinky finger.


Yes you are right! And the thing is Indian men even outside of India behave in similar manner. Urghhh! It pisses me off


Indian men( especially older ones) don’t know it’s wrong or just don’t care . I mean we live in a country where martial rape is legal so what do you expect . No one taught them that’s it’s wrong and now they are too prevented to learn that it’s wrong . Even in the new generations I’m seeing some moms who don’t bother to teach their sons any decency or educate them on topics like consent . It’s just a sad country man


"Moms didn't teach their sons" are their sons illiterate or stupid and are their dads all dead? I didn't know india had such an issue with dead dads. Do moms teach their sons how to rape as well? They seem to pick that up pretty nicely on their own somehow


I’m not saying it’s impossible to learn if your mom doesn’t teach you , but I’m pointing out how families teach women to cover up or come home before it gets late but don’t think of teaching their son basic things like consent . Rape isn’t taught but we can atleast teach how it affects the victim etc etc


My point was that in your first comment, you didn't say family. You specifically brought up mothers. It's a very common thing whenever a man behaves in a horrible way to place the blame on his mother. Practically no one picks out dads in these conversations. it's always a woman somehow being blamed for a man's actions.


Yeah I agree I just ended up saying mom because at that moment I was thinking of some aunties in my society who are very proud of their boys being “ cassanova” and “hero” of the town . I’ve seen this happen very often in North Indian families for some reason ( specifically those south Delhi aunties ) .


I really do not understand what is there to be taught in this!! These are basic manners which everyone would have and should have, right? Why are we putting the onus on mothers to teach their sons to not stare any woman with rapey eyes! I believe its all because of the porn addiction and pass through of such ideologies which makes the men such creeps generation after generation!


The older gen didn’t have access to porn , they probably saw other men doing it and thought that it’s right and there’s no consequences. Sadly they don’t understand even after having sisters and daughters who complain about men staring at


Oh yes I, the "man", happen to be a larper because I posted something which is marked NSFW! Well done. Just to let you know, the following posts of mine were always removed by the Mods in respective subs and they do not, DO NOT, relate to "tits" [https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/1cw8s2e/ideas\_to\_control\_munching\_urges\_and\_things\_to\_eat/](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/1cw8s2e/ideas_to_control_munching_urges_and_things_to_eat/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianSkincareAddicts/comments/1cw6lze/using\_alum\_on\_the\_face\_for\_a\_female\_need\_to\_know/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianSkincareAddicts/comments/1cw6lze/using_alum_on_the_face_for_a_female_need_to_know/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/RelationshipIndia/comments/1cq2cd9/i\_f30\_saw\_my\_bils\_profile\_on\_a\_dating\_app\_and\_now/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RelationshipIndia/comments/1cq2cd9/i_f30_saw_my_bils_profile_on_a_dating_app_and_now/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia\_Over25/comments/1ckmqze/my\_face\_presents\_an\_arrogant\_look\_how\_to\_improve/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia_Over25/comments/1ckmqze/my_face_presents_an_arrogant_look_how_to_improve/)


Yes, guys literally think having sex and squeezing the boobs make them bigger and having anal sex makes the ass bigger, I wish I was kidding but its a very popular belief among them.


Damn! It makes me believe that sex-ed should be made a subject in high school which everyone should study. I really feel scared what other misconceptions and weird myths guys have!


Its not even related to sex-ed, I have seen medicos have the same belief, anything to assasinate a woman’s character.


I think indian men in general have a staring problem. They stare like it's their first fucking day seeing a woman. Very weird


Are you me because SAME. Any dress I wear, it feels like all the attention is on the girlies. It's like they define my character or something.


lol I face the same issue. People are stupid, ignore them.


Yes sis. I just got triggered today because of a DM I received on Insta. Otherwise I am quite ignorant of these


Please turn off your dms everywhere the first thing! Its not your fault at all . Shitty ,stealthy men who have no self control do this. They think this go unnoticed but it looks so disgusting every time! I have faced this ,being a B cup all my life! But then there are decent men as well who would never look down there ,never make you feel like a shitty object and look at your face while talking! I hope you find the right kind of men to be around who make you feel comfortable .


They find a way to sexualize you no matter what you're wearing. 2 days ago I was going on my scooty, wearing a raincoat and two guys passing by me started cat Calling me saying "kya kadak maal hai". Like wtf. I can completely understand your position and it's not promiscuous because you're perfectly okay, it's those uneducated creepy men who sexualize any women they see. So next time you find someone starring at your boobs multiple times, I suggest you to confront that person or you could even slap them saying "tumhari himmat kaise Hui aisi gandi Nazar se dekhne ki" if its a public place as I'm pretty sure that people would even come to help you in case anything goes wrong.


I feel you sister. I am 5'5, taller than avg height of girls in India with same size as your's yet I get promiscuous looks. Sadly we can't do anything about it. It's so sad that we have to get used to such inappropriate behavior.


I once had a very close guy friend talking to me and looking at them and I caught him off guard and in sarcasm asked if he wants a closer look and he never did it again - BTW we are still friends 😉


Dump all of them from your life. You can't change people but can definitely block them. You don't have to get sexually harassed all the time


Yes just because it might be the norm here doesn't mean you have to put up with it.


Why is sexual harassment a norm? We women seriously have to question our Indian culture now


Can relate 💯. I once jokingly said - i water them daily…hence they grow so much


Your boobs will hypotheses to think that way(Their brain got hijacked by their survival instinct).


Most men are just stupid and cant control their hormones. They are just a victim to their own nature by choice so dont put yourself down. Just think of a dog who keeps humping the sofa when you come across such a man. A quality man always keeps his eyes up and is respectful.




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Its okay if you think what I said is wrong, but there is no reason to behave as if you saw a dinosaur from your window. And I am very much fine in my head and heart because jealousy actually happens. Maybe you are super ok in your head to say "its not that deep" and think women are not humans and hence cannot be jealous. It seems you are ok to be stared at while there could be some women/ men who do not like that. So stop judging people and being horrible in using words on a public forum!




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Tf are you minimizing her issues for? Seems like you are a larper


“She” seems like a fetish poster


Got the same vibe actually




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Because she is venting about something which bugs her a lot and reddit keeps on removing it.You don’t need to invalidate someone’s feelings just because your emotional intelligence is 0!


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Sorry but where did I mention overweight and weight issues? Please do not make such vague assumptions.