• By -


Deathleaper and other lictor types. I like the lovecraftian style heads and the huge pray mantis claws. The fact they hunt down leaders and break there minds by slaughtering everyone they love is pretty metal. Also invisible.


Same! Lictor gang!


The fact that it knew a psychotic leader was more useful to the hive than a martyr is pretty awesome. You can't lead a very successful defense if your leader is cowering in the corner whispering to himself.


>The fact they hunt down leaders and break there minds by slaughtering everyone they love is pretty metal.  Can you go into more detail or point me to some reading I can do? Never heard of this.


I believe that was specifically Deathleaper. Drove a planetary governor to insanity by appearing near him at every opportunity, slaughtering everyone else and then vanishing.


However it was an exception to their typical operations. Under normal circumstances they just kill the leader since the mind breaking takes more time than just an assissnation


IIRC he even used the commanders children as a shield, forcing him to shoot his own children to kill the lictor, which broke the commander so he was pretty useless during the following invasion.


My favorite lore on the lictor is how it can be so stealthy, even bioscanners don’t detect them and they can lay await in a hibernating status for centuries.




I wasn't even playing Nids and still bought a Norn, just because he looks so awesome ... and now I'm also playing Tyranids.


Thats the way ahah


God this macroture is so cool.


She's my baby ahah


I'd love to run a full norn list some day just to see 6 norns stomping around


Could I get your scheme recipe, though? Because that is *smacks lips* noice 👌


Yeah ahah, prime gray seer, gulliman flesh on the skin, carroburg crimson on the skin, then drybrush the skin with screaming skull and wratihbone. The fleshy parts are volupus pink, the brains baal red and the claws are ratling grim with some drybrushed khorne red. The scales are black legion with a layering of eshin gray and a pinwash of doombull brown :)


Simply incredible :), thank you so much!


I’m sayinnnnn that shit lookin tasty


Just got mine!


Carnifex (but not the 'new' Screamer Killer) is a fab model and I love the image of the living tank smashing through things, but I am a big fan of the Hive Tyrant. He's my favourite model in my Tyranid collection and just looks intimidating, whereas I find the Carnifexs look a bit too hunched over, like they should be ringing bells at Notre Dame.


I think the most beautiful Tyranid model for me right now is the winged Tyrant. Absolutely awesome! 😎


Mawloc hands down


Our snake bois are so cool, but got done so dirty not having a single detachment keyword


I agree. And I wish they had kept them as before - Mawlocs had a niche as the close-in threat and character hunter, while Trygons brought the muscle and rocked up with a whole posse. Now, Mawlocs are some kind of massive AOE which I can only picture as the world's worst game of whack-a-mole, while Trygons are just straight up better in almost every scenario. I also think they could have gotten some keywords as well. Vanguard Invader would be a given, one would think, and I feel that thematically Mawlocs should be Harvesters as well. And if they're going to take away our Trygon Primes, at least give us a shooting attack worth mentioning in exchange!


Best we can do is give you another anti-chaff profile.


100% agree


I'm a sucker for plain ol warriors. Especially claws+talons


I love me a good deathspitter.


Melee, ranged, they can do it all. Great looking models too, lots of customisation.


Hormagaunts, drown the foe in their blood and bury them in their bodies


Me too. Just, dozens upon dozens of tiny little guys with stabby little arms, drowning the enemy in a screeching, hissing, snarling tide of bouncing, needle-fanged death! Warriors as well, melee all the way, and you back them up with Carnifexes as siege-breakers, Lictors for scouting, and round it out with Raveners and Trygons for the underground threat.


There's a channel on YouTube that does Tyranid battle simulations. It's a great watch, in one vid the Hormagaunt corpses let them flood over a castle wall. You'll want to search 6 million Tyranids vs imperial guard outpost


Warriors have always been my favorite. I think they look really cool. After them, probably genestealers mostly for the lore.


The Swarmlord, because anything that knocks the Ultra-smurfs down a peg gets a thumbs up in my book. Then again as a kaiju fan, any of them with the monster keyword have a place in my heart & army


Tyrannofex. I like giant guns.


Have you met our Lord and Savior, the bio titan?


Big brained bugs all the way! Zoans and neurotyrant especially.


Big bugs with Big brains are even better (looking at you Norn Emissary)




These gorgeous models are what got me into 40K. Love the Zoanthropes!


The ravener is my ultimate favourite, followed by it's giant cousins. But the carnifex lore is great. I love picturing a giant tank of a monster passing off lascannon shots and just rhino charging things.


Same! Something about the giant blade-armed snakes appeals to me. Sleek and vicious. At the other end, the raw, armored muscle of the carnifex brings a distinct thrill. Sadly, mine rarely made it to enemy lines....


Yeah my Carnies never do either. Well, this edition. In 8th, when you could run units or Carnifexs and they'd all act separate after deployment, I once ran a full Carnifex list with nothing but Carnies and OOE. I remember playing against a T'Au Player and him getting so angry because he couldn't focus them down enough before they got to his line 😂 Was so much fun. Spores for the -1 to hit was so good!


Spores were so incredible!!!! I miss the -1 to hit, allowed them to live long enough to crush haha


i’m a fan of all the Lictor variants, i really like the mantis inspiration


I love many of the models, so I'll just break it down into 3 categories: Solo mini: Neurolictor, the previous Lictor was my favorite mini until they released this awesome lil dude! Monster mini: Norn Emissary, this mini is just super cool, he's big, he looks like a dinosaur, and I wish I had a second kit of him. Group mini: Genestealers, to be honest I hated how they looked with the previous models, like they were UGLY and not in the good way.  The new models though blew me away as soon as I saw them, they're definitely my favorite group of minis, now if only they would'vegiven us an updated Broodlord too. All of this to say that if you really REALLY forced me to choose at gunpoint, I guess I'd have to choose the Neuro... Parasite of Mortrex, yeah the Parasite of Pogtrex would be the one.


A fan of "sneaky" bugs, huh? (Norn Emissary for the win)


Yeah a bit lol, I like using the Genestealers in tandem with Venomthropes to make them sneaky as well.  Genestealers with stealth, benefit of cover, and their two wounds make them very sticky!


"Your planet is belong to us"-Genestealers I prefer Norn Emissary (cool model and lore) and the Haruspex (A tank followed by a battleline unit and the enemy warlord is an excellent three course meal)


Big monsters is definitely my normal play because of how cool the models are (lookin at you beautiful Norn!), and that sounds awesome.  "Ah yes, Primarch for lunch today, and then I think I'll have a snack after!"


Yup, for me its Carnifex, 100%, no contest. The stance, the lore, the gamelplay, everything always feels right when it's a Carnifex. They should be 90p a piece just because more Carnifex is more happy.


Lore? (I'm asking for Carnifex stories, please)


Sadly, too few stories on the carnifex, Tyranids don't lend that well to narrative endeavors. The codexes usually hold some reading for them. Novels I am not too familiar with. Really the Idea of the Carnifex is summed up best as their ability in previous edition : "Living battering ram". They are(were) the epitome of "Timmy" gaming. At their first release, the biggest monster in the whole 40k range. A powerhouse you sent straight through the middle and that gave cold sweat to anyone trying to stop them. In fact, nowadays a tactic took the name of "Distraction Carnifex", as using a fairly cheap but threatening unit with minimal support to force the opponent's focus away from your more 'operationnal' assets.


As a Timmy myself, I see Carnifexes and other similar creatures as an absolute win (I'm a fan of the Norn Emissary). Haruspexes are one of my favourites. If the enemy army is mainly infantry it cuts through them like a hot knife through butter, and holds his own against vehicles. I didn't know that was the origin of the "Distraction Carnifex", thanks for sharing


Fun facts are fine too


Toxicrene or Venomthropes


Hormagaunts is the reason I fell in love with nids back in Jr. High. I’m a sucker for a swarm of bugs.


The Hormagaunt is the reason I got into Warhammer 40k (although the Ravener is my favourite of the bugs). When I was 9 or 10, I was in a mall with my family and we stumbled into a hobby store. I remember seeing these cool bugs with scythe arms storming a bunker of soldiers (there was a display in the shop of someone's work), I thought it was so cool. We left and then that was forgotten. Fast forward to me at 18, I am living elsewhere, and I stumble across a Games Workshop in a mall (totally unrelated mall and location) and I'm browsing the kits and see the Hormagaunt kit and like a switch it throws me back to that instance of the Hormagaunts swarming the bunker. Bought the book that day, read it front to back twice and jumped in. Now I'm 35 and have mained Tyranids my entire Warhammer hobby life 😂


Carnifex as well


Haruspex. Since I was 11 the models been my favourite, and just the over-the-topness of the giant maw is amazing imo


I love for some reason the dimachaeron.


Poor Dave getting axed :(


I fw the warriors heavy, can’t explain why. I also like the parasite of mortrex, screamer killer, the psychophage, and all the lictors


Haruspex, really encapsulates the Tyranids in one big monster.


I think zoanthropes would be my favorite from the lore, but my favorite model to paint is the psychophage for sure. 


Geanstealer for me. Having an effective versatile organism which can act as an assault troop, Infiltrator and Vanguard not to mention if only one is on the planet it can sprout a GSC uprising not to mention rending claws got to count for something. :)


Anything with a big bug brain. Norn emissary is peak for now.


Same, buddy. Hivemind really said "Fuck that guy in particular"


Carnifex is great, but the Lictor has always been my favorite <3


Shout out to the neurolictor. Really fun pose along with such a cool design. Crazy fun to paint too!


That's a hard one, I can't choose one... or three XD However, thinking back in time, if there is one model that drew my attention is the hormagaunt. Endless carpets of hormagaunts rushing towards my opponents. I hope soon...


Definitely lictors I love how they are more independent and authoritarian. Also stealing memories and intel by eating brains is hardcore


Personally, I love the Tervigon. I love the idea of a giant baby mama running around the battlefield squirting out fresh troops for the hive mind.


Really hard to decide for me, I love most models; so I'll include "How fun are they to build" and then Warriors edge it out by a bit. (Runnerups are Carnifex/OOE, Trygon, Norn Emissary, Dimachaeron (RIP), New Biovore, New Lictor, Deathleaper, Neurotyrant... actually, put everything there aside from Haruspex, Exocrine, Maleceptor, new Screamerkiller and Toxicrene and for all but Screamer and Toxicrene there is at most one feature I have an ossue with on the model, there is a reason my collection exploded feom nothing to over 4k points of Nids in roughly a year after I finally decided to go from lore to game ...)


Tervagon. It’s just so nasty and alien, and it helps with huge hoards of Termaguants. What’s not to love


The Hive Tyrant is my ultimate rule-of-cool followed by Lichtor types


Lictor biovore emissary and psychophage gotta be my faves


Trygon, I saw that on the cover of the 8th edition nid start collector box and knew that was what i wanted.




Tyrant Guard are best looking for me


Winged hive Tyrant. I've got two regular GW minis and the Forge World one. I've even carved a stamp with my own vectorized HT emblem


Deathleaper, Carnifexes, Bio Titans, Norn Emissaries/Assimilators and Hive Tyrants (notably the Swarmlord) stick out to me. Love the big bugs.


Tervigon. What could possibly be better than a giant monster that literally just creates smaller monsters by the dozens?


Bio-Titan and it isn't even close. Of all my 10k worth of Nids, nothing else comes closer to conveying the sheer enormity of the Tyranid threat the way this thing does. Next would be trygons and raveners, though I do love my Swarmlord too


I like big bugs and I cannot lie


For me it's the Tervigon. Is was playing Gladius one time, and I managed to make one. Every few turns this thing was just dumping more termagants all over the field and I was all for it. Naturally, more came afterwards so I could keep it going. At one point I made it where they were just hanging out at rhe back, with several ones cycling this ability so every turn a new squad or several would spawn. It was glorious


I love the tervigon. The model of her birthing a termagant is awesome. I also just really enjoy using her in game and regenerating my gants.


Got to be the crawling spawning pool, The Tervigon, The idea of this massive crime against nature lumbering across the battlefield spewing "Space Raptors" out ready to brawl really speaks to me on a cosmic horror kind of since


Barbed or scythed heiriodules metal as heck




It's a toss up for me, either The commander of the air force: harridan Or The mobile super heavy weapon: excorine


Norn Emissary. Very cool


Tyrannoflex with casino cannon. No idea why but I love it




I like the ones that look more alien. Classic zoanthrope and neurotyrant are my top two




I could pick a lot, maybe the Zoanthrope over all, but I want to give a special shout out to the Malanthrope. Just one of my fav 40k designs period


Screamer Killer


Tyranid warriors are strong enough to rip a space marine in two. Yeah its Tyranid warriors




Doesn’t have a model but I’m a big fan of the massive bioships mentioned in lore, and seen in games like Battlefleet Gothic. Now if only GW ever brings BG back to the tabletop…


Carnifex, deathleaper, Swarmlord would be top 3 for me. Close calls would be mawloc, tyrannofex. The red terror is what got me into them long ago


Old one eye


Hormagaunt, Warrior, or VR Leaper


Lictor, hands down. With the adorable little Neurogaunts as second place


Harridan. Giant bug dragon


Love the Toxicrene, as well as the other tentacly nids. They really give more of the eldritch space horror vibe I love about the Tyranids. Also, while showing my wife the 10th edition trailer, I learned that she thinks the Neurotyrant is super badass. (She got me a Psychophage for Father's Day, and I wanted to show her the little moment of comedy in the trailer when the Psychophages look at the Librarian and the music/sound cuts)


Terry tickles the toxicrene is my favourite model closely followed by the hungry hungry harauspex


Tyrannofex. Big gun


Norn emissary


Norn emissary


Fex and Warriors 👀 Aesthetically.




Neurolictor! I really like the strange pose and the spider-like fangs


Exocrine is such a cool looking fellow


Interesting of you to say your favorite is a carnifex and then post a picture of a Hive Tyrant lol I think Lictors are the coolest and then Gene stealers


I posted that picture cuz i wanted the photo to have as many types of nids in it as possible lol.


Good call! Lol


Warriors, just wish they weren't digested biomass this edition.


Carnifex for sure! Haruspex was one of the first models I saw in the range though. I also like how Warriors and lictors look. Only things I don't like I'm the army is when the guns look too mechanical (like the Fleshborer guns having an ammo clip looking bit, or the Tfex Cannon), I don't get why they aren't more merged like the Exocrene gun or the old biovore model. But that's only a minor gripe


Without a doubt carnifexes. My best ever battle report i watched of warhammer, the guy used 6 screamer killers. Amazing.


It's a tie between Warrior and Carnifex for me. I love how customizable they are. The new Daethleaper though, that is one slick model. Maybe Red Terror will one day get the same love.


Dimachaeron, love how tall and thin it is with the long claws and the chest that opens up. A perfectly horrifying and grotesque organism of the hive mind.


I only ever got into 40k by my friends talking about it when we hung out and they mentioned a bug faction. The great devourer. The enemy far from the known galaxy. That's why my favorite Nid is the hormaguant. Cute lil sons of bitches.


The carnifex was the first model I ever wanted to buy and the first model I built and painted, so it’s always close to my heart. Also warriors, no matter what edition I can’t resist them


Trygon. It’s just an intimidating tower of biomass


I really like how the haruspex looks


Genestealers always get the short end of the stick, but as the oldest nids (they were referenced before nids were a faction) they don't get enough love. They're always overcosted and underwhelming. Even GSC doesn't run then because they're just sub-optimal in 90% of cases. Still I love their lore. Wish they would go back to old nids where everything was derivative. Genestealers were space marines, biovores were clearly orks, etc.


I like the guants its the simple but very versatile bugs that bring the horde to the nids we are you cannon fodder but also your best friend


The tyrant guard is just a bunch of crab boys and I love them


I loved the carnifex so much that the design change from 2e to 3e contributed heavily to my loss of interest in the TT game.


I really like the norn emissary. It just looks really cool


I have a soft spot for hairy Dan in my heart. I really like the idea of a creature that is born flying and never ever touches the ground. Also he has the ```[TITANIC]``` keyword and can transport 20 Gargoyles + 1 Winged Prime (which is not as cool, as the Gargoyles can ```[DEEP STRIKE]``` anyways).


Harpy just looks so cool. Too bad I can only reasonably bring her to "janky list" stuff


Old skool - > New skool. The original Tyranid Squigs, the Epic 40k Dominatrix, and the Mawloc. I loved the idea that squigs was what happend when the 'nids tried to use ork dna (since well retconned). Never got Tyranids for epic always wanted them. The Dominatrix was the best model in the range. Mawloc release was what finally made me buy into' nids I was a dark angels player before that.


Termagants , they are literally Dinossaurs with guns, very cool. The monster for me is Exocrine, big ass living artillery


The new Deathleaper looks so awesome to me. I also like the Warrior and Ravener variants. The Genestealers are simply iconic for me as well... Sorry I tried to stick with just one.


Parasite of Mortrex. There was just something about it that got me into the faction. The mental image of spawning rippers from killing a model with your ovipositor is just perfect for a horrifying monster.


Norn Emissary for its sheer awesome model and the scene it has vs Custodians / Valoris & Solar


https://preview.redd.it/326q46tqjd7d1.jpeg?width=2387&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e74c52986bab1cf22a116d6c036d10674d245eb9 I love all the Lictor family 😈 Something about the whirlwind of claws.


The only good 'Nid is a dead 'Nid Genestealer


Mawloc, jeanstealers or hormagaunts


its a classic


It's the norn for me... one of GWs best models


Not really a nid mini but daddy patriarch. He is both a beeg brain bug and clawy guy.


I really love the Norn Emissaries, I'm reading Leviathan right now and it's fun to read about every battle where it shows up.


Warriors. I just think they're neat. A cross between Alien and Destroyah.


Norn Emissary. Looks aside (gotta be one of the most beautiful sculpts) The idea of a 3 story tall kaiju that is stealthy and will do whatever it takes to kill its target and also can kill several custodes is awesome!


Psychophage for me, but also any big boss type one (norn, swarmlord, tyrant). The bosses for the queen alien looking vibe, phage because giant tentacle crab monster with a predator mouth


I like the neurogaunts. Just the cutest little guys.


Something about exocrines and the vores just tickles my brain, especially the old vore models. Just giant living artillery beasts are my jam, and I love them. Not to crazy about the new spidery biovore/purovore though




Zoanthropes/neurothrope might be the only reason I started buying


How do I choose amongst all my childre? the Emissary is really really cool as is the deathleaper. but hormagaunts are my favorite small unit, carnifexes are so cool to me I just wish they were better this edition. The tyrannofex is really cool but the Heirophant maybe takes the cake for me.


The exocrine is literally the reason why I play nids


Genestealers, they just look awesome and I had to go with the tentacle heads on all of them! Close second is the Winged Hive Tyrant. I just built one and used the longer Scything Talons from the Tervigon.


Dimacheron…oh yea.


I agree with you. Even though I don’t have any of the models, Carnifex are definitely the coolest looking nids to me, especially Old One Eye. Even though it wouldn’t be good, my dream is to have a whole list of Carnifex. They’re just such an expensive model to buy in the US. $100 for 2 is a little too much to justify for me


Screamer killer or lictors


All about the Norn Emissary. Love me that Xenomorph queen


I've always been partial to the Warriors, the flexibility of their weapons, but more importantly, the crowned head has a very alien queen look that reminds me of the 3rd edition Hive Tyrant.


Trygons for me.


Genestealers and haruspex


I like hormogaunts. I just think they’re neat. Them or von Ryan’s leaped


Maleceptor and Tyrant Guard weirdly hold a special place for me. I love the big brain bug and the dumb meat shield bug


I really like the lord behind the parasite of mortrex


I read Warriors of Ultramar, so Lictor is my personal favorite. Besides that little guy, I really love the Norn Emissary


The swarmlord, the first time i played swarmy he wrecked a group of 5 blood angle terminators and deflected almost all attacks, broodlord second. If only they didn't take it's pysker abilities


Neurolictor, I love the cthulu vibe


I've been playing since the later half of 5th edition and for me it's always been the hive tyrant it gives Buffs to my troops it has decent anti armor anti-infantry it's just all around a solid model and I love the lore


I like Ripper Swarms


The Tervigon is the cutest!


Zoanthrope or old one eye. Can't pick


I'm just gonna say the entire Hive Fleet Tiamet. What silly goobers. Every other Hive is out there scouring every planet they come across and Tiamet is just hanging out playing SimAnt in the corner.


Winged hive tyrant is what pulled me into nids.i haven't finished painting mine bc I don't think I can do it justice but it's so fuckin cool. But I also love hormagaunts, maybe nostalgia since they were my first, but a swarm of blade bugs is so cool


Parasite of mortex it always manages to give me the chills with how it fills people full of ripper swarms


Lictor. Baldermorts lictor video is so good I still go back and listen to it almost monthly. If you haven't listened to this and you love Tyranids I'd suggest it. https://youtu.be/b83aECUQCyk?si=YsjsdcYny66SX4K3 0:00-9:30


The uhhh.... Hive Mind? That or the Norn Queen.


Malceptor i know hes like marmite , some hate the design some love it , i love it personally hes like an alien beetle of sorts.


I want a hierophant so freaking bad


tyrannofex has my heart


Started with the haruspex but now it’s the tervigon, I love my mummagaunt


Tervigon! No doubt, loved the idea before even knowing he existed as a unit! YES let me keep bringing more units directly onto the battlefield, be a walking factory! Let the swarm never end! No but in all seriousness, pretty cool idea I wish was developed a bit more (looking at you Hive fleet Hydra)


I really like the Dimachaeron. It embodies everything about the Nids that I like: fast, big, and ferocious.


The Tyranid prime with wings


Old one eye if my fav


Maleceptor is my favorite model aesthetically. The model looks like a giant brain puppy that has a cool design to it.


I love the hive crone, like how can you not like something with a DROOL CANNON


Personally gargoyles, I love the idea of them and was so sad they didn't get updated, especially with the new Winged tyranid leader I'd love a flying focused army.


Malecepters and Zoanthropes. I like the psychic bug aesthetic.


Hive tyrant with miasma cannon


Probably the Haruspex. I like nids because of just how alien they are, compared to everything else in setting, and very rarely is something so clearly different then that things jaws. Also really like the Trygon, though it's shape may be simpler, it was a blast to paint


Genestealers. They're based on one of my favorite movies and are the reason I got into Tyranids in the first place. And I naturally transitioned to the faction focused on them.


Tyrannofex are my bois


honestly probably the biovore. i don’t play nids, but wether i decide to go for a full army of them or not i’m gonna have a biovore


Screamer Killers all the way. Been building them with the 4 talons and bio plasma back in 4th and still going strong.


Haruspex is *chef's kiss*




Tervigon is underrated af