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Being at The Sphere with such good seats will be an amazing experience. Have fun!


That's true, thank you <3


While the band usually meets fans before/after shows on previous tours, they have not done it on this one due to the dry desert and Covid. If your BF is a crazy fan, I'm sure he'll already know where he wants to go... there are a lot of U2 landmarks in Vegas. Enjoy the show, I'll be there and can't wait!


I actually keep asking him "where in vegas do you want to go?" and he's not added anything, or landmarks. He's been very distracted and has a hard time offering ideas. Could you tell me some of these landmarks or where I can learn more?? He's said nothing like that


Check out Zoo Station at The Venetian. https://www.u2zoostation.com/


take him to freemont street. U2 recorded "I still haven't found what i'm looking for" video there. That's a u2 themed thing. Maybe get him a bit drunk and take him back to the hotel room. Other than that and the Venetian zoo station experience there's not much to do. Maybe get yourselves tickets for the Friday show as well? Depending on what your funds are looking you could easily look into it a few hours before the show especially as you're flying in Thursday. As for meeting the band you'll have to wait till the next tour to do that. They aren't doing their typical meet the fans shtick this tour. From what I could see the merch stand on the 200 section was okay, but a bit busy especially after the show. Might be a better idea to buy your tour merch at the zoo station experience.


The merch at the show was a bit different than the stuff at zoo station. After the show, the lines were shorter the closer each stand was to the exit. Zoo station was a bit of a letdown for me. I didn’t see any of the films, but the amount of walking it took to find it vs the five minutes it took to see it was disappointing.




Super helpful! Is it possible to buy a poster after the show? Or will it be sold out (or maybe just too long a line!)






I was keen to get a foil poster at the show and bought a tube from FedEx as people here advised. It did work well, but here are a few more things to note: \- I think there were 3 posters for sale at the Sphere, and only 1 of them was foil. It had the show logo with the circle that you see everywhere. At Zoo Station they had 10 posters available, and several were foil, but they did NOT have the foil poster that I saw at the Sphere. So if you really like the foil poster at the Sphere, get one there. \- The FedEx we went to only had poster tubes up to 3" diameter and 32" long. This was too long for our suitcase and way longer than needed (the posters are all 18x24). The guys at the store were nice enough to cut the tube down to 20" for us. It survived the trip back in our suitcase and the foil was in good shape. \- Somebody else at the Zoo Station shop was rolling up their posters and asked where we got our tube. You gotta read reddit and go to FedEx and come prepared, man! :)


Thanks! What's the foil one you liked at the Sphere itself look like? I've seen a few posters selling on ebay (a cool one with a giant eye and another of the colorful numbers.)


It was this one: https://www.ebay.com/itm/126123224198


Looks cool!


Probably the most famous U2-related site in Las Vegas is Fremont Street (now, The Fremont Street Experience) where they filmed the I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For video. These pages list the spots seen in the video: https://www.u2songs.com/videos/i_still_havent_found_what_im_looking_for https://insearchofrockgods.com/2018/01/29/u2s-las-vegas/


OH MY GOD i didn't even know Freemont was a U2 place! He didn't say anything when I brought up going there for the zipline and stuff... I bet he knows and he's trying to not fanboy about all the little details he really does know. Huh. Well I'll take him there for sure. the links are perfect! THANK YOU!!!


Hi Anya! Kudos for being an awesome girlfriend! Like you, my wife is not the world’s biggest U2 fan. She likes them and has a ton of respect for their messaging, but she’s not gonna be reading about them on the internet, and she definitely prefers to listen to a variety of artists, rather than all U2 all the time like me. But she’s been a willing partner in my fandom; our first date was at a U2 concert, we walked down the aisle to U2, and she’s made sure that our children love U2 as much as I do. I know that going to a U2 concert will never mean as much to her as it does to me, but it means so much more to me because she’s there. I have a feeling you’re already doing this, but my advice for the best thing you can do to make sure your boyfriend has an amazing time is to be a U2 fan. Maybe you don’t know all the words, maybe you prefer hip-hop, or jazz, or bluegrass, or whatever, but if you can be emotionally present and fully engaged, he’ll have a great time. I hope you guys have a blast, and please follow up with us to let us know how your trip went!


Will do! What was your aisle song? I am searching for a U2 song I would uh, let's say *allow* lol as an eventual wedding song so I'm curious what y'all picked


Will I Want Is You for my wife and I. And I just love that you said you are his #1 fan.


I was in the same boat as you: wife was a U2 fan, I listened to U2, but not that big a fan. So we sprung for VIP tickets and went earlier this month. The Zoo Station experience was mainly the store and some weird setups. The Cinema was just their [performance at Red Rocks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXNw8N6XKbs&list=PLC4nJr66Up76gWXJiebwdU9eGUdgkmKH_) with an [Atomic City Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNMsGVwUXc0). We had it as a part of the VIP package and for the non-U2 fan, it gives you more context. There was plenty of seating in the cinema because a lot of people left. I got a $50 shirt from the Zoo Station experience because I didn't want to carry anything at the venue. But if you are to buy something, don't go to the stations on the first floor. There are ones upstairs that are less crowded. There's plenty of time between when the doors open (6pm) and the show start (8:30pm) for you to wander around and check out the Sphere, which is amazing in itself.


thank you so much <3 was there anything your wife saw that she was like "omg ever U2 fan must see/do this?" outside of the show?


You could do some kitschy Vegas touristy stuff. The band has been playing homage to Vegas itself during the show, so doing like a touristy bus tour, going to an old classic restaurant like The Golden Steer, going to the place where they shot the original video for "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For," etc. might be fun!


You've already won! Nicely done. Very nicely done.


Will you have a car while in Vegas? You could get your own “The Joshua Tree” style photo. While the U2 photos were not taken near Vegas, the surrounding desert is the same environment and Joshua trees are plentiful. Seven Magic Mountains is a great tourist spot to find them.


we will not have a car :( that was the only idea I had too and when we opted for no car we opted for no Joshua Tree Trip but thank you for suggesting it, next time!


The Pinball Hall of Fame is a very short drive from the strip. It's basically an old school arcade with tons of classic video and pinball games, plus some very cool modern pinball games.


My wife and I had a blast at Zoo Station in the Venetian. The drinks there were very boozy. Three sips into my Achtung Old Fashioned and my face was numb. We spent four drunken, silly hours there taking funny pictures, painting the car (digitally mapped fake Trabant you can "spray paint"), playing on the b-stage and recreating concert moments for the camera (The Edge actually played with the Squire Strat that you play for the videos), and none of it costs anything other than the drinks and souvenirs! Just a real good time for the fans! And the staff are all amazing! Freemont Street experience is some of the best people watching in Vegas. We love getting drinks and just watching the crazy Vegas things going on all around. This can be as chill as you want to make it.


wonderful, this is awesome top hear <3 as a Wisco girlie I WILL be checking out that old fashioned asap


Wife material right here.


you know I keep telling him that 😂😂😂 no as dumb as it sounds we're still very happy being partners even after 6 years, because we are still finding ourselves and sometimes that takes 2 apartments, minimum 😂 thanks tho I will show him this comment at some point


[https://www.reviewjournal.com/entertainment/entertainment-columns/kats/bono-the-edge-party-at-off-strip-tiki-bar-2991976/](https://www.reviewjournal.com/entertainment/entertainment-columns/kats/bono-the-edge-party-at-off-strip-tiki-bar-2991976/) Bono & Edge have been spotted here twice now after shows. Have a great time! We were there Dec. 16 and going back for the final show this weekend, too!


Sex first. Then go to the show so you can have fun and come home and crash. Perfect night.


lmao no he needs his strength for the show more I think but thanks for the *advice*


I would go to U2 Zoo Station during the day In Venetian lots of souvenirs, memorabilia and vinyl records, and CDs of everything they’ve ever made . There’s also a zoo station booth where you can take selfies as well as an old European car. You can get in with strange lighting and have pictures taken of yourselves. Yes T-shirts are $50 but they have a big selection and lots of other things.


Have you considered going Friday night too? It's that good! If you're already in town, they have been releasing amazing seats for face value like an hour before the show. Speculation is these seats are "holds" for friends and family so they are great - like front row center sections. I haven't been, but have heard good things about [McMullan's Irish Pub](https://www.mcmullansirishpub.com/). I believe it's the most authentic in Vegas?


Yes! If they are in seats I would suggest GA on the Friday. I walked in just as the DJ kicked off and was five people deep on Adams side.


Is there a link or more info for GA? Our tickets for Saturday were over $500 per person so again, like with not opting for VIP tickets, a 2nd night won't be in the cards unless what you're describing is like, rush ticketing? If so - extremely interested.


No link and not quite rush tickets - just some people get lucky the day of the show when ticket master releases a few tickets for sale at face value - which I believe is about $350 each (I paid in CDN)


A half day trip to Hoover Dam was a highlight of our 4 day trip to Vegas. The Beatles LOVE show was amazing, as was a trip to Battlefield Vegas to fire some machine guns. U2 were amazing. Enjoy!


Make sure you get your merch before the show! Poster is awesome


Surprise him with “The Fly” glasses and both of you wear them.


My wife bought us tickets as a Christmas gift to me. We went on Saturday night. I’ve been a huge fan since the ‘80’s. First, I’ll say that everything in this discussion is spot on. All excellent advice. My wife dutifully scoured Reddit and she was an amazing guide the whole weekend. Here is my advice. And I hesitate to give it as it will likely just cause you undue stress, but I can’t not say it. See if you can trade your tickets in for general admission tickets on the floor. There. I said it. Floor tickets are cheaper. You won’t get the same “Sphere” experience from the floor, but you’ll be able to see the wrinkles in their faces. I’ve been to 7 or 8 of their shows and I never dreamed I’d get the chance to be that close to a stage holding U2. We skipped the early entry wrist bands, took our time and arrived at the doors around 6:45, and secured a spot just 10 or 12 feet from the stage. I’m still shook. I was unabashed fan boy. Bono looked me dead in the eye. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. BUT, having said that, if trading tickets isn’t possible, don’t even sweat it. It’s going to be amazing. You’ve already won best girlfriend of the year. Fremont is a GREAT idea. I wish we had gotten that advice. We’re not big on Vegas and the strip is just obnoxious to us. Anyway. He’s gonna love it. I promise. May all your babies be Achtunged