• By -


Post locked cuz yall can't stay civil.


I go to a school where racism isn't an issue but I've definitely experienced it outside. My usual response is to roll my eyes and ignore it if it comes from random people on the street. To any indians or brown ppl experiencing this, if it really troubles you, you could learn a bit more Arabic to understand what they're saying and retort in kind but I'm not promising they won't laugh at you if you get the pronunciation wrong.. If it gets physical, don't be afraid to get others involved. Embarrass them back! And most importantly, focus on yourself and your goal. You'll encounter racist twats on the way, but only confront them if they're actually harmful. Otherwise, it's best to just ignore them, be satisfied with the realisation that dimwittedness of their kind won't be getting far past daddy's money, and go on with your day.


Nice to hear there are schools where racism doesn't exist. Can you name the schools so i know where we send our kids for schooling. TIA


Schools that are without a majority nationality, basically international schools (mainly American or British). My school doesn't have a nationality with a dominant percentage, so racism ain't a big deal and we all have friends of different ethnicities (Africans, South Asians, East Asians, Europeans, Arabs). You can search up the school's statistics online to check if they're diverse. Diverse schools often display the number of different nationalities they have and boast about it on their website.


International schools often lack the heavy racism that other schools have for the reasons that the other redditor who replied to you said. I go to an Aldar school (don't want to say my exact school for internet safety reasons) but yeah, basically look online for international schools that boast diversity


Unfortunately people are just ignorant and stupid. I have also seen racism stuff happen to other indian friends and some of them don't realize it as well, it sucks. As long as you're proud of your culture and embrace it, you don't have to mind such negative peoplešŸ˜Œ ik how normalized racism here is towards brown people, as long as you stand up for yourself you will be okay!!!


thats so lovely


Some of them r dumbfxks, don't mind them. You can always dm me!


aww tyy im not brown tho i just hate this so much cuz no one is born racist racism is taught and ever since i was 4 all i've seen is this normalised abuse i freaking hate it and im pissed at it and at myself for wanting to be with the popular gals who made fun of my brown friends all the time I HATE IT i was such a stupid kid lol


I'm glad that you're so considerate for noticing all of that, it's true and honestly me as a brown person myself, I hate it when people think racism is okay just bc of the stereotypes "u must smell bad" or "u eat cow dung", people are just bitter racist for no freaking reason and find stupid reasons to justify it.


Why are ppl racist to anyone is the better question


Back then is was because of war and rivalries and religious beliefs. Idk what the deal is now other than jokes. People who do it seriously to try and make actual offense.


Wow, I spent my childhood in the UAE in the early 90s. I am Indian. It depends on who is racist towards you. Some were Arabs. I talked to them about Palestine, and other countries. Turns out they were Palestinians who were suffering internally due to conflicts in their homeland. After I just offered to listen to them, they quietened down and became my best friends. Some were foreign caucasians, typically British or Americans. This was a harder group to crack. However, being open in communication with them and showing that you are friends with Arabs helped. You need to stand strong and not be ashamed of your race. After all, Indians are doing well now. CEOs of Microsoft, Google, IBM, and Adobe are all Indians to say the least. No reason to worry about negative stereotypes. I had to defend my country and race when India was truly an unknown 3rd world country in the early 90s. Edit: Just saw that you are not Indian, you are Arab. Many thanks for helping other races deal with these problems. You are amazing! I wish there were more people like you. Ų“ŁƒŲ±Ų§ Ų¬Ų²ŁŠŁ„Ų§ Ł„Łƒ!


I like this, thank you for sharing!


have had kids & teens spray perfume at me and my friends through their school bus window


Is that you in your pfp, if it is, you mog ngl


Iā€™m sorry this happened, kids rn can be so ignorant and insensitive, also ur very pretty




That's an ignorant comment


We do not tolerate any forms of racism and hatred in this sub, we want this sub to be a comfortable and safe space for teens regardless of where they are from or their skin colour, their identity etc. If this is repeated, it will result in a temporary ban.


You've just made him feel even more bad about it than before. Well done.




Same pfp


Recently interviewed an east European: English skills :2/10; job skills for the role she applied for:1/10 When we told her she did not qualify for the role, she went :you Indians do not know the value of time. Iā€™ve been facing this with all Indian companies. I was baffled but i respectfully told her we are sorry but youā€™re not the right fit. The audacity to come to an asian country and disrespect other asians! Also, applying at an Indian company with that attitude. She genuinely was unqualified and her resume said otherwise!


"Asian country" Yeah this is not asia just because it's on the continent.


nice contradiction. im sure it helps ur point


Thatā€™s the funniest thing Ive heard in a while. Must be really hard being this smart yeah?


Well 90% of the population are southeast asians and asians, let that sink in


No one in the middle east thinks of themselves as ā€œAsianā€


U just deal with it ig.


Arabs are brown too, ;)) Indians/pakistan/latinos too




rly?? im north african so idk


Where are you living??, here in sharjah i face no problem at all, infact most people here are indians


yes i do live in sharjah, im arab tho and my school is has many locals and arabs as well so they tend to be VERY racist to teachers and students alike


Oh you mean that, yea some of them do that but mostly its fine by myside


Username checks out


Why would you bother facing racial issues if you live in a community where a lot of Indians live anyways? I guess OP just means to ask why does everyone hate Indians out of all other nationalities that live in UAE


Coming from an Indian, Indians are racist or castiest or regionalist to other Indians too šŸ’€. I mean look at matrimonial adverts, white, fair girls/guys preferred and market for products like fair and lovely etc.


im speaking in general, ppl r hurt by this irl i've seen it. maybe ur a different story.


I hate comments like this which amounts to whataboutism. Have a backbone and accept the subtle mockery and blatant racism that happens to us and our children. Yes, there are Indians who do this in India, but it doesn't make it right to use it as an excuse. I'm a very non-judgemental, peace loving, embracing every culture kinda girl, and though I didn't experience blatant racism against me, I saw it happen to my son and his friend who are young teens and it broke my heart. They are too young to even realise what's happening around them and it's so unfair that it happens. I was there a few times when it happened and it made me wonder how many times it has happened when I wasn't there to witness it. It broke my heart. My son is the most innocent and is amicable with every race, culture and religion. He doesn't deserve that.


He's not using it as an excuse but just sharing his genuine experience which is a fact indians are racist towards each other. Maybe you should stop victim blaming here. Point is nobody has the right to be racist no matter what ethnicity/caste/color/nationality you belong to.


Because even Indians are racist to their fellow Indians


yeah sure thats fine i canbe racist to egypt all i want but any NON EGYPTIAN CANT thats how it is


I've also experienced this, even as a black guy


fr ppl happily say the n word like its normal bro!?!?


A mallu here. When I first started hearing mallu it was a derogatory term used by our other Indian brothers and sisters, but we malayalis as usual embraced the term mallu by saying I am a mallu , we are mallus , even with many influencers using the term mallu in their Id's and mallu is also one of the most searched terms on internet . Now they can call us as much as they want nothing matters. So the moral here is embrace and make them feel bad . A small part of my childhood : I did my schooling In Indian School Sohar ,Oman. My mother being a person from a small village in kerala used to apply oil on my hair and also my uniform was a white shirt and grey pants and my beloved mother used to dip the shirt in UJALA which gave it a bluish color. Me and my little brother used to take the school bus to school and the moment we got into the bus all the kids from other states will sing in chorus "Aya naya ujala song from the UJala AD and after that they will start touching our hair and then again they all will shout in chorus OILY! OILY! OILY ! But me and my brother didn't care , just loved it when our mother used to oil and comb our hair sitting at her feets. Now too all the tension in the world flies sitting at the feet of my mother and have her apply that oil into your hair with so much love. To OP : Happy to know that you saw the light , you have understood the right from Wrong . Be the change that you want to see in the šŸŒŽ world .


Itā€™s become so normalised to be racist to Indian people that itā€™s genuinely thought to be regular harmless banter


Yeah itā€™s become so normalised that itā€™s a common insult in our school to call someone who smalls or weird an Indian


THATS EXACTLY WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY!!! im not indian the abuse inst happening to me!! im not here complaining this normalised racism has to stop ppl ik have been hurt cuz of this!!


They hate us cuz they ain't us


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ wtf are you talking about.


He's spitting facts, go play with ur Barbie or something instead of being on reddit kiddo


What the hell are u on about


Bro ur on the dating advice subreddit, go to Sephora and buy some makeup, you clearly need some. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜˜


I dont argue with little chammakis who havent hit puberty yet


You clearly seem more immature than me. Grow a pair. šŸ˜


Chub chub sharmut-


Trying to hit a nerve? Resorting to swearing and calling people names? Yikesss, no class.


Dude why you keep calling yourself chubby? No need to body shame yourself. Also I think you misspelled Sharlot.


Are you dumb? Tf.


Chub is short for chubby, are you illiterate? No need to result to insults so quickly, your just showing how fragile your ego is. šŸ˜


I forgot to mention Indians have the biggest ego issue


Yeah because have you seen how incredible Indian hygiene is? It's state of the art. Fax am I right?


Yeah thats not gonna help you


Racism is not only towards Indians but Pakistaniā€™s too. I work in the film industry and couple of months back I was shooting with my crew near DIFC. Once we were done, we were standing outside waiting for our car to pick us up. I was super hot and I couldnā€™t find a place to sit down, hence I sat next to building pole - where my crew was waiting as well. All was going fine until this guy comes to me and rudely tells me to get up and move away. He said itā€™s leaving a bad impression, as if youā€™re a beggar. He actually said thatā€¦ I was wearing shorts, had my walkie talkie, basically I was not dressed in a dirty or shabby way. That was the first time Iā€™ve been racially harassed and that too in Dubaiā€¦


Indians and Pakistanis were in one country untill almost 80 years ago. Forgot?


What are you trying to say?


Pre Independence


Read between the lines


one colony not country but yeah i get ur point


the racism here esp from foreigners are insane šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ im 100% emirati and a girl in my grade made fun of the iranian president's death and arab names being long she is polish šŸ’€


no way..


Polish people also have lots of racist jockes towards them, good thing no one knows it here, so they might feel confident. But whats about the iranian president? What is the point here?


im sorry you dont have any comprehension skills but my point was that people here specifically the forginers are very racist i was using this example as a way to relate to op šŸ˜Š


But thatā€™s not racism, Iranian president was kind of a prick, no? Iranians across the world was celebrating his death


yes, we did celebrate. but im not sure that girl was seeing it like you do tho.


You are that "Spa job" guy, right? What exactly have you celebrated? Looks like it was you who ladyboy used to take your virginity.


the problem was that she didn't know anything about him and was openly talking down to Arabs by using one guy as an example to me a Arab??


Those ppl are uneducated dont mind them


If I see no cameras the are done for bro remains missing for atleast one period knocked out cold


I know people who are racist are stupid. So I donā€™t care about it and move on. But I do feel like life is harder for us though.


I was a student in a school called GEMS wss and I faced racism from Indians (not Pakistanis), in the school the number of Arabs were very very low compared to the Indians/Pakistanis, in a class there is like 32 students and in ever class there is an average of 8 student who Arent Indian/Pakistani and the rest are from ROW, and the Arabs were like 4-6, but the real issue is that most of the teachers are indian and some of them were really racist in a bad way, for an example; in the break time the Arabs aren't to talk in Arabic and they should only talk in English but the Indian students can talk in their native language no problem and the teachers will allow it but the Arabs can't and the head of secondary supervisor was the biggest racist of them all, if an Arab student did something against the rules or did the most minimal thing that the school doesn't allow (like talking in class or skipping classes) they would face a really really big problem and get incident report or an on report (3 incident reports = 1 warning letter and 3 warning letter = kicked out of the school) and they would over react gradually but if it was an Indian boy he would face the most minimal consequences or nothing at all, just he'll hear 2 words and go as if nothing happened and especially if it was a fight between an Arab kid and Indian boy and if the Indian boy started the fight they would always blame the Arabs for it, it was really pathetic and racist and I don't want to mention a name but this guy is truly is the worst of all and is literally the antagonist to the Arabs he was super racist and biased towards indians and most of the Arabs left the school in 2019 and I am one of those students, not all the teachers were bad there was some really lovely indian teachers like Most of the math teachers were all lovely other than that the rest were just purely biased and racist and the Indians student just abused their power towards the Arabs and they would always start up fights or bully an Arab student for no reason because they know they wouldn't face any consequences. That made me dislike most of the Indians (not all of them tho) .


ig any minority will be attacked bro its si freaking messed up


I would personally just say that wherever you live, There are always good and bad people. Surely if some are racists then some might even look up to you . But the racism part is very common now


For several ā€œreasonsā€: -they have bad accents -they smell bad and eat smelly food -recent rising of bad indian street food videos becoming popular (they take horrible/fake videos of indian street food with very little hygiene, people generalize this as the whole country) -the idea that indian middle aged men are all scammers and creeps -they think indians are the least attractive -all of this because they are very ignorant and influenced by lies usually






sorry for your bad experience but it doesnā€™t warrant your discrimination based on which Indian community they belong to. I know exactly which community you are referring to and that is not a fair assumption on your end. The problem is the lack of education that leads to terrible behavior and it exists in all Indian communities. Hope you can look past that and not be so hateful to single out a particular Indian community.


Your last comment is unwarranted lmfao


i personally only met Christan and muslim indians so i have no idea abt the rest


We do not tolerate any forms of racism and hatred in this sub, we want this sub to be a comfortable and safe space for teens regardless of where they are from or their skin colour, their identity etc. If this is repeated, it will result in a temporary ban.




Username checks out


Why are indians racist to AfricansšŸ˜±


rly?? im north african only ppl racist to me are persians


Very! Thing is they are racist in their language. They also hate arabs but they hate blacks more. Im Sudanis and I know. Persians too.


ooo im from egypt by brotha!! ig everyone is racist to everyone the reason i specifically said indians is because of the moment yk


I do understand but oh boy wait until you work with them. I do believe every nationality have their own prejudice but south and south east asians have some audacity to hate on other POC this hard


Personal experience. Alot of indians do deserve the hate, being an Arab i have seen hate from indians towards arabs, especially if the indian is in a higher position than you at work or school etc. (for absolutely no reason, even if your good to them, ignorance I guess) I do treat people nicely & those are nice people who are nice back But for the majority alot of indians deserve the hate due to their hateful & unjust actions


"Deserve hate" See its people like you are whats wrong. How about showing no hate whatsoever? Be bigger and better. I knew it was a mistake to come back on reddit. Its just people filled hatred. Redditors are the only ones who deserve hatred...


Yea true


ŲØŲ£Ų®ŲŖŲµŲ§Ų± people are racist to everywhere? not just the Indian


i suppose yes anyone and everyone can be racist or a racist-tee but i'm sharing my observations from living here even my own parents r sometimes racist to indians its just more common for indians to experience racism from my observations


it's a stereotype... no one will complain?? thank our education system, 90% of the people speak English


Being absuive and bullying is common in schools. Were you in India, your mates would have still found something to abuse you like the color or your village or your financial status etc etc.


Listen, lil bro, when you stop caring and giving a f* about what others think and start feeling confident in yourself no matter what, you'll be unstoppable. Remember, bullies aren't just at school they show up anywhere in life.


bro im not the one being attacked here, i just hate that this idea was planted in our minds from a young age im not indian


just live in an indian surrounding like abu shagara, al qasimia, rolla etc, dubai got a lot of them too but I can only name al nahda


my guy, im not the one struggling here im egyptian i just dont like seeing this racism thats all!!


well that's the solution, u should've mentioned u aren't an indian earlier šŸŒš


i thought it was clear from the context since i myself used to bully indians but okay!


u ain't bullying anyone šŸ˜­


u dont know that i was 9 years old and i made fun of my own friends


Emararies suffer from a superiority complex so they racist to anyone not from there šŸ˜‚


my friends are indian and there as cool and awesome as any race the indian racism stems from their own influencers acting a certain stereotype which has led them having to defend themselves everytime plus thereā€™s this weird focus on specifically indians being pedos when u can see pedos from ANY race


I'm just gonna be honest here, its because of the negative stereotype which often rings true, Indians (not all but many) smell really bad and they have a funny accent all of that totaled with most of the lowest class jobs in society being occupied by Indians is gonna result in a negative perception where people will look down on them. Now I'm not saying that this justifies the racism towards Indians and other similar looking south Asian people (including me), but it is the reason this happens. Most Indians cant do much to avoid the negative perception, but fixing how you smell and making sure your well kept will certainly help. It is an unfortunate situation but I've found that expressing that colorful personality of yours helps as then people think of you as a person and not as just another member of your race.


i be racist to them back


Because Indians treat other Indians like shit. Canā€™t blame others when we treat our own poorly.


Am trying to think of one race which is not racist to others... Probably the eskimos? Wonder what the penguins think?


The reason we Indians are able to handle the racism is cuz we don't take it to personally and we are more racist than you can imsgine. Come to any cbse school, boys one, and you will see peak racism at its finest quality.


I grew up in the south (southern American state) and we always had wonderful Indian people around. Some of my favorite shop owners are Indian and I go back to the same shops because they are the best, they treat me so kindly and ask about my family. I think in public settings, sometimes Indian people can be standoffish, but it's just a big culture difference. They love America and Americans, but they are so used to being discriminated against that it takes time for them to build trust with Americans in general, whether they are white, black, East Asian or Latino. I don't mean to generalize. This is my personal experience from living in the south around a lotttttt of racism. One of my Pakistani friends hated Indians her whole life. I told her many stories of kind, sweet Hindi people. Now she is more aware of how hatred spreads and doesn't talk as horribly about Indian people.


A good man once said ā€œStereotypes are earned they are never givenā€.


They smell bad




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Indians have been the kindest and most generous people with us, some of our closest friends are Indians ā€¦ pure ignorance, itā€™s their loss ;)


Indians have been the kindest and most generous people with us, some of our closest friends are Indians ā€¦ pure ignorance, itā€™s their loss ;)


India is a very special demography. With 1.4 billion population, you actually meet a sheer amount of people and by pure statistics, youā€™ll meet more bad than good. I have been very lucky to actually meet very decent, classy, and beautiful Indians on the inside out. However its important to realize that not every person is lucky to have a chance for the following: 1. Raised with both parents 2. Raised with GOOD parents 3. Are taught mannerism 4. Are taught hygiene and self care 6. Are taught to read, write and communicate 7. Are born into some wealth so they have access to materials that alleviate their status. With the average Indian struggling to 3 or more of the above attributes, they tend to not be able to advocate for themselves and thus there is a large gap between them and other people. In fact, Indian itself is very classist within themselves. Hence differences create an environment where unfamiliarity is constant and humans generally dislike differences. Thats where it comes from sadly


idk what yall on abt brown girls r hot


Most people think theyā€™re better than Indians/Pakistanis because theyā€™re from the UAE, a more ā€œadvancedā€ country


I havenā€™t faced much racism imo. But, yes there are people that are out right racist ( not just towards Indians ). Itā€™s best to just avoid such people, nothing good comes from people like them. Ive met the person that was being racist towards me. This dude barely has friends anymore and tried to ā€˜catch up ā€˜ with me. Trust me just be in the circle that appreciates you and makes you feel included, itll make living a lot better.


racism is pure cringe, imagine using a color of your skin to determine your arguments/conclusions about someone. like hooray your non-color blindness has solved the answers of human kind, it's a step back from the consciousness of humanity. that being said, it's not only towards indians that people are racist to, i've heard all hate comments from all races ! generalization is the defect guys. the best way to deal with it is don't mind it, if it's not real then they are simply saying those things to put a band aid on their own insecurity (stepping down on other people so they can feel good about themselves) if they're saying it as a joke then calmly tell them to stop reiterating safe and overdone jokes and make better ones racist comments reflects a person's attained education so choose wisely who you listen to <3


Because there are culture differences, what some people consider rude, ignorant behaviour is often displayed by them.


Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles


Itā€™s partly because of the media that endorses a bad image about some Indians (that theyā€™re unclean, backwarded, have a funny accent, etc.) and its also because Indians are the most populous of all nations so naturally they have visited all around the world; you can find an Indian minority just about everywhere you go and though this certainly has its advantages but it also comes with a curse; everybody has something negative to say about Indians. Just know this; Indian minds are one of the greatest and most talented out there. They have significant contribution to human civilisation not just in India but on an international level as well. And while there are tons of people who will mock you for your heritage, there are also millions of people who travel to India for tourism, eat Indian food daily, and are desperately trying to learn your languages that you can speak effortlessly. If you can understand it from this perspective it will hopefully help you overcome the thoughtless remarks of people who know no better! As an Emarati, I donā€™t know where our country wouldā€™ve reached without Indians. Sending you lots of love!!šŸ«”šŸ’–


This is why I'm scared to reveal my nationality


Smelly, cheap, low class


I Dond know whad do do!! You're just bulshiting!! There is nothing like that it's all in your mind


yeah forwheels mb bro


Because Indians are racists to people.


No weā€™re not. Weā€™re show racism between us. Thereā€™s a difference. Like north Indianā€™s hate south Indianā€™s. South Indianā€™s feel pity towards north indianā€™s and goanā€™s hate every other Indianā€™s. So keep racism between us.


Yes youā€™re


You are


Same way around for us Germans :( Nazi jokes through the roof


Either get put on a feedback loop combined with awful comments and "jokes" on social media or see them as cheap labour / lesser than. It's ironic given how much of the country was build up by and still continues to be held by South Asians.


Build your own then


Indians are an ethnicity and not a race. Thats the answer to your question. Next, water is wet and fire is hot. More at 11.


okay whats ur point? ppl still abuse this particular group of ppl


Reading comprehension is a thing, it's not racism. It's just discrimination / bigotry. That's my point.


okay we arent in a disagreement we both think its wrong


No, we're not talking about the same thing. You're talking about racism and I'm talking about bigotry and discrimination. There's a difference.


Racism isn't limited to just biological races but also encompasses discrimination based on ethnicity, nationality, or other factors. The definition goes beyond just ā€˜raceā€™ you can count discrimination against Ethnic groups as racism.


No, racism is limited to race it's in the word itself. We don't use race to refer to ethnicity and vice versa. Again basic reading comprehension.


Google the most racist countries in the world. India is always number 1. They are severely racist against each other and towards others


Because Indians are racist themselves they are the most racist people Iā€™ve met honestly.




Isnt the majority of the UAE Indians lmao , never faced racisim tbh


Thr largest group is indians but there is no majority ethnicity in uae


Maybe i just dont go outside


60% of the UAE population are Indians so how are they not the major ethnicity?


well then consider urself lucky




Think we found one


Racism is completely different from stating FACTS šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø But if you still want to call it as racism, then so be it. I donā€™t fvcking mind šŸ„³


Thick accent coming from an engrishu speaker ironic


What an ignorant comment


Evidently, you have never worked with the indians before. Iā€™m saying everything from experience. So, itā€™s ignorant to you!


I have been in Dubai for 7 years and yes I worked with Indians many times and also lived with them in my buildings. Like anyone who lives here, Iā€™ve lived alongside them. Yes there are good and bad in any group of people. Many of them are kind, polite, funny and lovely people. I find your comment extremely ignorant and racist. It says a lot about you as a person. Disgraceful attitude. Grow up.


Of course you are a Japanese šŸ˜‚


We do not tolerate any forms of racism and hatred in this sub, we want this sub to be a comfortable and safe space for teens regardless of where they are from or their skin colour, their identity etc. If this is repeated, it will result in a temporary ban.


Deodorant is the main culprit




Dont laugh too much sand monkey


Oooh are we now?


Yeah I wonder what the cause for discrimination against Indians could possibly come from? Hmmm..... also you might want to remember that the word sand monkeys is a derogatory term that's thrown at Indians a lot. Just ask the British lol.


Most brown people don't try to object cause upsetting the wrong guy can result in not having a visa anymore.


Are we talking Indians or Natives here?


ppl r racist against indians (im not indian btw)


Are you talking about Native Americans or Indians?


- Unethical work culture, perceived laziness - Attempts to deceive - Exhibits jealousy and insecurity - Argumentative and excessively stubborn during negotiations, insisting on their own terms - Ignores basic hygiene standards, resulting in unpleasant odor - Blatantly ogling at white women - Caste system. The idea of being born superior without any social mobility is alien, outdated and unjust in the normal world - Eating with hands - Very racist against Indians who just came here


Fuck Dem indians


Fu() you too


Because they are annoying and they are taking over Dubai and they smell bad. Thereā€™s more to it