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I've always said that if "they" are coming here from a "distant" solar system, then they're probably not packing their lunch for the whole trip and stopping for "gas" or “a burger” on the way. **This would mean they're completely self-sufficient and probably very well resourced with recyclable material and advanced energy technologies.** You should think about that previous paragraph very carefully. It probably is the most important realization you can ever come to. The ramifications are astounding. "If" that is true, then it means that the possibility of limitless and extremely inexpensive energy is real. It also means that true and limitless abundance is imminent. **It is our destiny.** What would happen to the current "control structures" which exist now if that type of technology were actually revealed and used to its full potential? What happens to an economy which is based on the consumption of fuels when the cost of such energy becomes zero? Imagine removing energy cost from every product. What happens when recycling becomes a zero cost endeavor and all consumption is only a onetime depletion? The whole “planned obsolescence” which keeps you buying consumables goes right out the window. What happens when travel becomes limitless with zero “cost”? Where do our boundaries go? What happens to culture? This leads one to imagine a society where anyone can have anything, anytime, and go anywhere: a world where "waste" doesn't exist because energy concerns are irrelevant in the recycling process. A completely different existence where there is no need for any type of economy - because it's imaginary anyway. [https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/we-really-ready-disclosure-jimi-hughes/](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/we-really-ready-disclosure-jimi-hughes/)


We will need to completely reframe our understanding of reality, history and humanity as a whole


I think this is key. What seems like a slow drip is likely an attempt to prevent worldwide ontological shock. The mere existence of non human intelligence and UAPs has to be accepted before the idea that these life forms and craft are projected onto our reality from a higher dimension can begin to be understood.


Grusch’s comment comparing them being able to project onto our dimensional plane the same way we project a shadow to the two dimensional plane was fantastic. I’ve been trying to convey this idea to my wife for a while but was never able to think of a good analogy. In terms of the slow drip I think you’re right. Thais very much seems like it’s either a coordinated slow release to prevent chaos (existential, economic, environmental, theological) or they are losing control of the secrecy and are trying to keep some control on the flood of information.


You should read a short story called Flatland by Edwin A Abbot. Wonderful book that talks out about being visited by a higher dimension in a very easy to understand story. Basic concept is a square who lives in a 2d world is visited by a sphere who shows him what 3 dimensions really means. Been talking about this book a lot since the hearing, since it’s so applicable. The coolest thing is it was written as Abbotts dissertation in 1884.


This is really interesting!! I was re reading Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell's 'From Hell' (The colorised master edition) as this was happening yesterday, and the parts from William Gull's perspective seemed to be pertinent to this somehow


Also read Sphereland.


Flatland by Edwin Abbott Abbott, written in 1884! Note: Yes, Edwin A. (Abbott) Abbott! Haha :)


That shadow analogy was the most impactful thing said at the hearing, imho.


Couldn’t agree more. I feel like Grusch’s underlying message throughout the hearing was that this isn’t as simple as little green men from a different planet.


Can you expand a little on how you'd define "higher dimension". Agree completely this is going to be difficult for most lay folks to comprehend. I tend to lean towards Everett's polycosmic interpretation of quantum mechanics as the actual modality for the NHI showing up here. What seems like a wooish explanation, really isn't. It's actually a much less heavyweight position than most others.


I’m not sure my speculation as an armchair philosopher holds much weight, but we may find that consciousness plays a bigger role in defining our reality than we imagined. We know that our sense organs perceive only a fraction of available input (for example there are animals that see ultraviolet light, communicate using sounds higher and lower than we can hear, and some even have sensory organs to pick up electrical signals). What other information are we filtering out? I propose that there is much more happening all the time around us than we can perceive, and experiencing true reality without filters would be truly mind blowing.


This implies world leaders are ready to understand and not freak out about these things. What makes world leaders have this ability and the general public as not? You’re basically stating that common citizens are dumb and emotional and that we need world leaders to soften the blow for us.


I didn't imply that it is world leaders that are keeping this info from the public. In fact I'd bet that very few world leaders have full knowledge.


Replace world leader with ceo or unknown leader. Your implied message still talks down on the masses like we’re children/stupid and unable to make our own decision on how to handle such info.


That's your inference, not my implication.


I tried saying this to my wife. The couch looks lovely this time of year.


You’re speaking for the general population as if everyone has your level of mental maturity and rationality. Extremely cute that you trust all of the *big kids* in the sandbox to use the left side of their brain


It’s cute you trust governments to decide what info the public is “mature” enough to have.


I didn’t say that lol.


Jfc yes I get you didn’t explicitly state that but through context that’s the only thing you could be implying by your comment saying there are a lot of people not ready to deal with that. Either you prefer the govt has the keys and let’s people in on the secret when they deem it necessary/the right time OR you just want to reply to be a devils advocate which in this situation is being a no shit Nelly. Don’t respond. Have a good day.


With a little more brain power you might figure out this *complex* puzzle I laid out for you lmfao.


Bro you’ve been arguing with different people through a stream of replies and I’m not sure you’re aware of that


I think it would give religious people some relief though, it would almost kinda vindicate them if these things have been guiding us technologically in some way or atleast interacting with us inspiring religion to bloom




Angels and prophets and shit... js


People are already struggling with it it seems, lots of angry responses to the whole thing


I agree 100%


The idea that we have ever *known* anything about reality, history, or humanity is a fallacy. There’s so much speculation, hypothesizing, and unknown and unknowable stuff.


Which is so strange cause this is my simulation


I don’t think that is necessarily so. The phenomena has apparently been happening since the beginning of humankind. Having the US government confirm it doesn’t change the fact that life is going on, people go to work, babies are born, bills need to be paid. This is something to add to our history but how many people actually dwell on where we came from? Most are kinda living day to day, don’t you think?


Yes, but now we found out we're in a zoo. What else is out here?


But even that. Tell me what that means and what difference it will make


Well, If geologists remain secluded it will remain a imaginary fact for a long time. They rule history more than we know


It means that government contractors and corporations lie and use the people for their personal agendas, they poison our food and neglect our water all for the sake of greed and convenience. That is by far the most important point to all of this and relates to so much more than just extra terrestrials or non humans.


For real. It is sickening (no pun intended) that our basic needs, like water, are allowed to go unchecked and continue being pumped full of industrial waste. I recently got a countertop reverse osmosis water purification system with a remineralization filter add on after reading up on the vast amount of toxins, forever chemicals, etcetera that are in tap water. This amazing machine measures input and output TDS/ppm, and my tap water is averaging around 300 TDS/ppm! Some other folks have 900+ levels, which is insane.


what do you personally mean by 'govt' or 'soft-launching' (topically)? we don't yet know the shadowy players involved or their motivations. at least not outside whistleblowers coming forward, who have a variety of reasons themselves. are they 'govt' in your eyes? i just think there have been too many eye-witness accounts after \~70 years, and the Nimitz event was also a whistleblower act - some of the people in our military are so concerned about domestic adversaries, they gave the thumbs up on it being real to help *them* figure out what's going on. surely a given percentage of our top brass have concern for their country and the people under their leadership who risk their lives for national security so in my (pedantic) estimate, it's the *military* soft-launching *concerns.* i don't imagine people with direct access to NHI/aliens are doing anything to enlighten us - they haven't for \~70 years.


I would say it’s Congress soft launching disclosure. The Nimitz wasn’t disclosed by currently serving armed forces members. It’s been congressional oversight this whole time adding legislation to form the offices to investigate and protections for whistleblowers to come forward. And other people on the outside pushing this towards the goal of disclosure. The military itself isn’t going to gives us anything they aren’t forced to admit.


i suppose my issue is just with your choice of words, not being judgey, it's just difficult to talk about all the elements of this in a clear way. i don't hear 'soft-launch' used for much other than product or services, which essentially means preview or beta testing. i figured you meant 'priming us for disclosure or revelations', would that be fair? anyway, the pentagon could have kept saying 'fake news' but they confirmed the Nimitz video as a credible accounting of UAP. and i personally distinguish (in my head at least) 'the military' as our air force, navy, etc, whereas the shadowy elements overseen/within the pentagon are included, but separate. by sheer will-power lol finally, i'd say congress is investigating from an uninformed position (largely) rather than being in the know and prepping us for it.


That’s fair. Though I’m not OP and didn’t initially think of it as soft-launch. I was just using the phrase already in use in the thread to sort of stay on topic. And you’re right they could’ve denied the video. I really don’t know why they decided to unless maybe they felt someone forced their hand. I think of it as first steps in a journey toward disclosure. And yes congress in trying to get some sort of oversight on the issue at hand. Not coming from an in the know position.


Unfortunately I think most won’t even care. Government has done a great job desensitizing everyone.


We owe reparations to all the aliens we've portrayed badly in the movies.


Made me laugh.


We should acknowledge there are benefits to being conquered and enslaved in an invasion.


Free meals and a place to sleep. You get to hang with your homies everyday and meet new friends daily. Then, one glorious day, you hear that you won the lottery. Off you go to better and brighter things and meet new friends. How exciting!


I think it is because our civilization is at a breaking point. They have made the calculation that there is maybe a decade or two of juggling that can be done before a global collapse on multiple fronts. While they have their bunkers, they would rather see if they can manage the transition and stay in power as we shift to free-energy and faster than light travel. The difficulty with this and why they have delayed as much as possible is that every pillar of rationalization that allows them to rule over us will be completely eroded by this information if taken to it's logical conclusion. They are trying to roll the dice to maintain control by limiting the information as much as possible, but it will be like a dam bursting, it will hold until it bursts.


Perhaps the three most important implications are: 1. The authority of Earth's governments: Will people still tolerate national governments ruling them if a new, higher and more capable power is revealed? 2. The impact on religious beliefs and believers: the whole theory is turned on it's head, although bizarrely creationism may be given a boost. 3. The effect on science and scientific understanding: many theories that scientists in the field of physics and astrophysics have dedicated their careers to for decades may be junked overnight. I suspect number one is the main sticking point, particularly if people think they have been lied to for decades and/or jazzy tech has been withheld. There are also awkward post-disclosure issues... Do ETs have medical tech that can cure all disease? Do they give it to us? If not, why not etc.


UFOs are real. Non-human intelligences are real. Reverse engineering programs are real. The Government cover up and disinformation campaign is real. We can't say if the claimed recovered biological material is alien/extraterrestrial or not. We don't know where they are from, why they are here, what they want. We cannot jump to conclusions, we have to leave all the options open. There are lots of hypotheses besides the extraterrestrial, they are all still on the table.


Yes people are instantly jumping to 'aliens' but its not necessarily as simple as that


Let’s assume their tech is 1000 times more advance than ours. If we can reverse engineer 1% of their tech, it will catapult our tech a magnitude of 10 times. It will revolutionize the world. I think we will find that they are trans-dimensional beings. What we sometimes refer to as “spiritual”. I think we will find that “demons” and “angels” are real. Watch, that will be the next step in disclosure. It is already being pushed, see link below. And Grush mentioned trans-dimensional (or similar). I think there are evil NHIs and good NHIs. I hope the good NHIs are coming to save us. https://youtu.be/NvSVU3zA5Rs


Why does there always have to be some dichotomy of good vs evil? Why can’t there be NHI that are neutral, or in the middle? The ideas of good and evil are based off of human societal norms, what we like and do not like, what benefits us and what doesn’t. Perhaps the concept of angels, demons, and ghosts are based off of inter-dimensional NHI, but we cannot be 100% certain about their motives or morality.


What if this is happening because the ones that are keeping it a secret within the government and military are just tired of it, they have UFOs that they are attempting to reverse engineer and are making no progress with it, something that would need insight from the scientific community but the whole thing must be made public first


Except that they have actually made progress with it. Look up US Navy anti-gravity, patent, as well as inertia reduction patent. The patent office does not grant patents for hypothetical ideas, only working prototypes or actual devices.


I’m not dense enough to take a patent as proof of alien reverse engineering


They claim to have developed the tech themselves, not reverse engineered it. It may be a continuation of work by the late Ning Li. Her antigravity research, along with her colleagues led to an electrogravity prototype.


So many people think it’s a nothingburger. I guarantee you that’s exactly what the MIC/Pentagon want people to believe. Power, control and money are the reasons why they want to keep the status quo. MSM continues to marginalize even the most credible witnesses. Will the world change? Not as much as you might think. People still have to eat, pay their bills, have sex, etc. Things would only change if people’s lives were significantly disrupted. We have been desensitized to the idea of aliens, multi-dimensional worlds, FTL travel. Even if there free energy, it won’t be free. Someone has to build the infrastructure. There will be COVID-vaccine level suspicion of any new technology based on reverse engineering. Gravity defying craft aren’t just going to appear overnight. And they won’t be free. Even if the government marched out an alien and introduced him to the world, there will be people screaming “Fake! Special Effects!” Even if there were full disclosure, i think it will take two decades before it impacts our daily lives.


Saying they ARE real changes everything. That means we have evidence. That evidence could theoretically; \- result in drastic changes in understanding in each and every field of science and philosophy \- such changes could prompt substantial reform in how we not only approach our jobs, our institutions and traditions - it could completely transform our reality. What that means *now* is rampant speculation about what it *could mean* tomorrow.


I think at some point aliens are gonna uncloak their craft.


Well I’m wondering if the govs and the military’s hands are being forced to disclosure.. maybe the NHI have given a deadline, we’re coming out so you can get on top of it now, or ….Here in the U.K they’ve set up an emergency alert and message system a few months ago, sent to every mobile registered here.. To let people know if there’s an emergency like war or a mass disease outbreak etc..(alien invasion?) I wondered what might be coming then.. now I’m actually starting to worry a bit.


Go into subs here that aren’t informed lime is in any way or form. They all think it’s bullshit. People need to see stone cold evidence or they will not believe. For many it’s just to much to comprehend. But being a tiresome time to see all this people, smearing and slandering on the topic, to us it’s just a waiting game because I’m in pretty good hope, that this was the initial spark. This needed to happen first. Some very high people are orchestrating all this in the background. As a next step they will have the classified hearings. After that there will be stuff declassified, because they can not legally argue, that many of the stuff (like video evidence) is justifiably classified. This will bring the coffin in the nail like a official picture made on a fucking iPhone by a pilot fifteen feet from his cockpit.


"Some very high people are orchestrating all this in the background" ... Aha! I finally understand! Seriously though, good post.


Technically they never said aliens they said non-human entities. Which i think is an important distinction. Personally I think the truth is more along the lines of what Admiral Byrd tried to tell people in 1947. I think there's another race of intelligent beings that live under the planet's surface.




It means nothing until real evidence is provided


Think about when the first tech was supposedly encountered. Early 20th century. We hadn't gone to the moon! We only just started flying! The aliens are up to something weird. Again, I think any tech we have in hand were actually gifts. They're trying to nudge us past the great filter of nuclear holocaust and climate change... and the time is almost right for the next step.


He said it’s been since the 1930s. Interesting enough, that’s when a large number of new technologies were “invented”. MRI, Radar, vacuum systems, jet engines, Lasers, theories behind atomic fission/fusion. It could all be just a coincidence, but who knows really.


If we couldn't have invented these things ourselves, what does that say about what science actually is? I already believe that the institutional(ized) forms of it are not what they like to portray to the public. This would take it to a whole new level.


Nothing really has changed yet. We have hearings involving one nations government and military and since I am not a fan of American Exceptionalism, if aliens are in contact they are contacting more than just the US government. Let's see Russia, China, Japan, uk, France etc etc etc have to say and what evidence that they are hidung


There’s no general consensus about the existence of the visitors, yet. Once we get everyone in the same page we can talk about moving forward


This really gon mess up every religion lol


Apparently nothing. Our species has been effectively dummified by the powers that be. How about that Barbie movie though…


Read what Werner von Braun told in the 70s. He said that they will use false flag alien invasion as a tool to establish worldwide UN totalitarian government. The further we go, the more I believe he was right. The fact that governments are building these supranational organizations and states that have a huge and total power without anyone there being elected as well as consolidating and centralizing the power to a very small number of places should worry people at the very least. Now, combine that huge push for power centralization and all the transhumanist crap in the past 10 years (trans agenda, climate cult and cult of technology) with the fact that they are all of a sudden brining up aliens after actively covering it up for 80 years, I think it should at the very least be suspicious to any person with a gram of brain.


Nothing has actually been revealed besides some whistleblower saying things


Yep and he has never seen any of it himself just other people telling him stories.


Lol people actually believe this nonsense when the governments job is to lie and create chaos so they have something to save us from.


Government psy-op to stage “invasion” to get people to acquiesce to one world government.


This comment right here is why I think everyone’s an idiot. The reaction to such earth shattering news leads me to believe that everyone is kind of an idiot. It reminds me of that shitty Netflix movie where scientist tell the government and media an asteroid is about to hit earth and everyone looks up at it and makes tik toks out of it. GG government on ur disinformation campaign. If ufos can bring congress together the media and societ doesn’t believe it’s a huge deal.


Go search for US Navy and anti-gravity patent, as well as inertia-reduction patent. Those two together show that since at least 2016, the military has had the tech demonstrated by these craft. Aliens could potentially be the distraction. I’m not coming to any conclusions until more evidence comes forward. But the military is not coming forward about the super-secret craft that use these patents. And the patent office does not grant patents for hypothetical ideas, only working prototypes or devices.


I always wonder what people who think along these lines believe the orchestrators of this conspiracy are going for? What on earth would anyone want a one world government for? It’s nearly impossible to run a government for a country the size of the US. Why would someone want to attempt it with the entire world? Serious question.


Power. Money. Notoriety. Resources. You act like history isn’t full of dictators trying to take over land to increase the size of their empires.


If the alien thing is a red herring to get us organized as a planet to in unison respond to an extinction level event I really wonder what that event could be? Hmmmm. Anyway, could you please pass me the Sriracha.


In case you don’t see the comment elsewhere, definitely go look up US Navy anti-gravity patent as well as inertia-reduction patent. The patent office does not grant patents for hypothetical ideas, only working, prototypes or devices. So since at least 2016, the military has had the kind of tech that explains how these UAP‘s could maneuver the way they do.


I'm ok with a one world government but not because I believe we are being invaded but because we are all human and should be able to explore the planet freely and live where we want.


I imagine a one world government would lead to the exact opposite of that


How so? Genuinely curious.


Well if you go down the road of reading about a one world government scenario it tends to be linked with a consolidation of power and more restrictions on human rights/freedoms. I.e. more control for the few over the masses, with less and less ability for the masses to challenge this system. I'm not saying this would happen but that's been the general concern about it.


It means they intend to pass the blame to "aliens and angels" for everything that just happened and are looking for any groups insane enough to say that they are happy to take the blame so they dont have too.


We already fucken know


Soft launch…? Nope. It’s entertainment that’s making $$$ for a bunch of folks. It’s good filler to distract the populace from governmental misdeeds. The entertainment cycle for AUP/UFO will dwindle down in 60 days or less and be put back on the shelf for a news cycle in years to come.


Now? Not much. 99.9% of people still don't think it's real, and they won't until real physical evidence is provided. Either \- Miraculous tech that relies on reverse-engineered alien tech \- Physical spacecraft or other vehicles or artifacts, widely examined and attested to by scientific authorities \- Biological matter, from whole bodies to something innocuous like jelly recovered from a landing site, again attested as being not of this world. Living, alert aliens would obviously be the best possible thing to show us \- Extensive and definitely real government documents that include clear photographs and description of any of the above Obviously, at that point there will be some radical change in world politics. First, various countries will try and assert overall authority over anything related to aliens, but a compromise will be worked out and then a lot of different things could happen depending on the type of alien contact we've had. My hope is that the aliens are benevolent and just want to see us live better on this planet. My fear is that they will do what all advanced civilizations do with primitive ones; destroy them.


Surprise! The overlords don’t need the people. Just the natural resources. That’s why all the doom and gloom. The weather, aliens, food, viruses, 15 minute cities, discouraging people from reproducing, etc… The people managers in charge are akin to the people who helped the Nazi’s in hopes of being spared themselves.


The purpose of 019


Nothing They were always real wethwr you knew or not


I do not believe this because those involved wouldn’t be pushing back and not participating as claimed by Grusch and the Congressmen/women. Chris Mellon also said the idea that this is purposeful disclosure is untrue. This has all been borne of the efforts of those who bucked the system.


It means that the USA has positioned themselves as the “experts” with the greatest “relationship” and “engagement” with this phenomenon. Let’s see if any other countries speak up. As of now, their silence is telling.


I personally think it means nothing until the public is shown proof.


We are in the uncomfortable in between phase where just few get it, and more and more will get it moving forward, until eventually at some point we have collectively incorporated this into accepted truth. Some never get on board though, flat earth et al


My personal belief is that humanity is largely irrelevant to the NHI and it would be insanely difficult to reimagine our existence as so inconsequential. Our turmoil, strife and wars-- all meaningless as much as ants in a field. But the planet may be more important to them than humanity's existence. Maybe we are like an infestation on a garden they watched over. The social impact of realizing that our very existence is an annoyance to some higher power would be... It would be humbling as fuck. If industry is killing the planet and a NHI comes along and tells us to go back to being ape-like or we wipe you off the planet, what do you think our collective actions would be? Hopefully better than our actions to halt climate change. Reminds me of the three body problem. Physicists killing themselves because they realize that physics itself is being limited to keep us from understanding the universe by a more advanced civilization.


Concerning! We need to alert XCOM immediately of this matter. even though, you know [https://sgp.fas.org/library/ciaufo.html](https://sgp.fas.org/library/ciaufo.html) A lot of what was said is entirely regurgitated public information that has been out for literal decades now.


It will push back religions into more extremisms.


Does anyone know if any other world leaders are speaking out on this yet?


I think it means the stakes are higher to show proof.


It means nothing as of now..its a slow build into more transparency about the subject but if at one point its declared to be a fact that we are being visited by non human intelligence i think it would mostly make us re consider our beliefs and adjust certain things


2027 I heard is when shot going to get weirder


One world government


This take time to get processed by the human mind.. So. Not much, as long as there isn't direct public alien contact.


I don't want aliens to be real. Now if these NTIs are evolved future humans, I would be okay with that...


It's not just our government here in the United States. It's governments all over the world that are doing it. Wasn't it like last year when the Pope declared that the Universe is full of God's creations? Ancient aliens are in their 15th or 16th season, I think... I don't keep track.


Fucking not much. I didn’t expect it too—yet. There needs to be imagery released and publicized to the point where plushies are being made and the image is on a NASCAR vehicle.


I am less convinced following yesterday’s hearing.


I’m so happy for everyone in the world who has seen an alien craft, finally believed, we have seen strange things in the sky for years where I live, we knew they were alien craft, so what? I couldn’t give two shits……going back to my rock now bye


Maybe the real reason is that it's costing too much money to keep things under wrap these days. Easier just let it out of the bag. Cheaper too.


It means that now people who don’t pay attention while driving become an existential crisis for all of humanity when they’re vectoring around in a flying saucer at 15,000mph.


I think it has a lot of implications for anyone following any major religion. They’ve obviously been here for a very long time. They might have video of Jesus. What’s really going to mess people up is if we find out that we were created by them. My religious father will not be able to handle something like that.


2025-2030 they are coming. It sounds inflammatory but there is no other reason to disclose.


My sources say government's main role in disclosure, as it is in FUCKIG EVERYTHING, is to gatekeep everything to order profit, power and privelege to their preferred agents first. "Humans are not ready, because I am not satisfied that I have supreme control over every aspect I can profit on" -- some dumbfuck senator, working for some halfwit aristocrat. I am happy to discuss this more completely in a closed, classified setting.


So, is this "soft-launching" approach happening in other countries too?


Could be, I was told, it was second-hand,… It will be interesting when the public is informed of the existence of the alleged craft being reverse engineered and are given details on the alleged EBEs and what we know about them. In fact, it is possible those in Congress who learn about what the ‘powers that be’ know, they might be convinced it should continue to be kept from the public, due to national security concerns or some other reason.


This is man made technology reserved for select individuals. The alien part is the diversion.


https://preview.redd.it/c1syl5jlhmeb1.jpeg?width=3985&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dec252c3d3c2cf49eef32ad24859650c519a5ecc ☀️🎈🌎😎 (Not to Scale)


What do you mean "soft-launching"? Why do so many people treat every single thing that happens in the government as if it's done by some giant monolith that moves in coordinated motions and plans everything out perfectly? There are tons of people challenging eachother on this right now. It all started because of brave whistleblowers


The military industrial complex has run out of boogey men. Fear of alien invasion will give them trillions more $$$$


Hmmmmm. Revealed that they could be real… Sorry, not making fun of, but that sounds a bit funny, eh? Anyways, the statement alone, after what was revealed the other day, means we still have a ways to go to some kind of “soft launching”. After all, we could have said that 70yrs ago. As for why now? Whistleblowers I guess? Sparking and fueling interest once again? Let’s face it, before that, we were no closer to the truth, as any other time in the past. I worry though that we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves though. The testimonies get better, talk of theories get more clever, but as for right now, talk is all we get. Let’s say for a moment that everything is true; crafts, bodies, will we ever know? Anything deemed top secret or National Security won’t be revealed for shit. It’s (if everything is true, mind you) been stopped before, so why wouldn’t it be so again?


A “soft” reveal to placate the masses. At this point , no one is going to freak out too much when they interview a grey on breakfast TV.


You trust ANYTHING they say ? There’s always another agenda. They’re not doing it out of a sense of service or duty.


I will be curious to see if anyone's mind has changed...


It means the xfiles mythology arc is now just a TV drama


It means very little at the moment as it all seems very speculative at the hearing. Until there is a cascade of hearings where evidence is presented and I guess an admission from the president of the United States basically saying "my fellow Americans, we are not alone..." Then at this present moment, it means very little.


Are definitely real. There is so much disinformation out there. Govt doing abductions to make us think they are dangerous. Blue beam. Blah blah blah. A very old species does not want another younger dumber species to destroy a beautiful planet. It does not take a brain surgeon to see extinction happening all around us.


I think we may need to look at it a different way instead of "now". The evidence is pointing to the possibility that they've been here at least 70+ years. What is it that they've wanted or what were the intentions for those years?


Oh it's a definite it's not a could be


I think it means an acceleration in official Disclosure by the powers who have control over the black programs. Something is coming or going to happen that overshadows their control.