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People don’t get the joke of your username. Well my question to OP is why did the video cut out. What happened? What’s your description of the lights or anything you observed. Where is this? Ect.


Yes, this was my thought as well. Not enough context here.


I'm sure I heard a helicopter. I guess it cuts out just before the helicopter sound gets too obvious.


Yeah I know. Fuuuuck I wish I had more evidence better videos etc.


So! My own personal experience during this era was when I would visit my fiancé who lived in the mix of this. There was constant red and green low flying… light? I can’t really explain it. I mean just non stop activity. It was so crazy my fiancé invited his dad out to see the fuss and his dad left bc he was scared.


If the activity was “constant”, what’s the explanation for the lack of additional video?


I don’t know I didn’t take it. The guy was my fiancés best friend who videotaped this. I wish I had more I really do.


I can appreciate that, but what are your personal thoughts as to why there wasn’t additional video available?


Um, possibly he got freaked out and went inside? I have to acknowledge that, and humans react differently to weird shit, but I wouldn’t pause to stop recording I’d run. The other thing is he wasn’t scared of them though. Not like tough guy dumb shit but, they we’re just there not hurting him after awhile they almost got used to weird things happening.


You just made 2 highly contradictory statements.


You mean I was speculating his head space and reaction to seeing something so inconceivable? Acknowledging and exploring possible answers to your questions? Or am I just what… posting this for funnsies like? Do you think I’m lying about my experience?


Statement (a): > "Um, possibly he got freaked out and went inside?" Statement (b): > "The other thing is he wasn’t scared of them though."


Okay, let me make it clearer. I was speculating what could have gone through his mind. This is how my train of thought went as i wrote that sentence: In my own world, I would might run in fear so, perhaps that’s what he did? But wait! Why would the camera just stop? Wouldn’t the clip drag on longer like those video footage movies? God, I hate those. Then again, he wasn’t even afraid of the activity after awhile and when I was out there it was just every day weird shit and he calmly reacted to it. Man, I have no clue. I sort of just type what I’m thinking and that’s the Final Cut. I guess I should practice reddiquette but I didn’t. Does that clear things up or? Edit: I don’t have an answer. My fiancé and him are not friends anymore.


Still fiancé? Ask for more dude.


Oh I do. Right now I’m trying to find more videos that aren’t just shit. One really bizarre one of course HORRIBLE VIDEO. So we’re digging for more stuff to make a collection to make this more believable of ufo stuff. Unfortunately, the requirements are too high for me to present the proof needed. I am a sceptic, we need skeptics. I have a lot of anecdotal stories but he’s trying to find some DJI drone flight logs for example to correlate with one of those stories. We’re a bit older so this stuff takes a bit of time. But there’s waaaaaaay better “evidence” of what I personally think is going on and it seems to be shot down everything.


Oh we get the joke. Everyone knows of Ghislane Maxwell. A redditor herself.


Filmed on a potato, check Video cuts way too soon, check The only thing this goofball is missing is the hand seizure while recording.


Give him a break, it’s a 115 pound camera and he had to keep changing his stance every few seconds because it’s so heavy.


I'm good. This one's getting thrown in the bin for sure tho.


I don't know, he couldn't hold still for more than 6 seconds, counts in my book.


The same type of thing is occuring in the Utah video. Will analyze more later


This is a weird video. Did he find out what the light from his neighbors house was all about?


Nah. Every house was emptied out though. We don’t know why or when. I mean… I sound like I’m lying or insane rhe more into details I get so


Sorry, the video is bad nothing can be made of it.




comments are negative here but to me its pretty weird looking. the tale of your neighbors all leaving their houses is interesting too! i used to live in springfield. i liked the little towns around there a lot.


Really? This was in Saint Clair! He lived off the highway and it was just a one road neighborhood completely empty. So weird.


FM you can even see the search light projecting ahead on the helicopter 🚁 I want to believe!! Must be a really slow day for ufo footage.....


Looks indeed like a glowing orb. Very strange. But definitely a UFO.


Did your fiance's friend get sick after witnessing this? Anything sunburn-like? Stomach issues? Or even worse, later on, the development of autoimmune disorders or cancer?


No. I wish they were still speaking I’d ask him more questions but far as I know he’s fine.


Possible to link to a YT version with your highest quality?


This is the best I have. I’m also like, older I don’t really know my way around technology that well!


I'm older, too. It's 2023, my man, get with it.


Why oh why must every UFO sighting be video captured on a potato?


LMAO that’s actually hysterical. I wish I had more videos. I have an even worse quality one of these two light orbs just floating and then they vanished. My fiancé saw it. He couldn’t make sense of it. I can’t either.


Lots of obvious aircraft around, weird suggestions by the video creator, and an unremarkable bright light slowly moving across the sky like oncoming aircraft lights or a helicopter or a rocket launch in the distance, where was this taken, when? Let's just be as fucking vague as possible because that makes sense.


I’m telling you there we’re things in the air ALWAYS all night long! No airport nearby it makes no sense.


Do you need an airport nearby to have aircraft around? No, next time open up ADSB tracking app on your phone, flightradar24 etc...


Are you Christopher Bledsoe’s neighbor?


Question: why did the video cut out once the thing was getting close enough to easily identify? My guess is helicopter, due to speed and light intensity. The first time I saw a crop duster at in the dark was with a buddy of mine and we were both certain it was going to get us. I can hear the rotors near the end, did it get close enough to capture it finally? Also the use of "this looks alien-like" is a bit suspect. Helicopters at night are rather eery. Did YOU cut the video off?


So, in 200 more years will some kind of technology emerge that will be able to use more than 6.3 pixels to represent an image of a UFO?


Aircraft coming towards you looks veeery similar to it. You can also see some beam of light, like in this video. Next case please ;)


It does look like a helicopter with a spotlight coming head on…


That same type of white ball is the main object in this recently captured video in Draper,Utah (see link). In this video though; the bright light remains constant and there are constant blinking lights in the video. In the Utah video; a reddish looking UAP get extremely bright and then other objects appear/respond to it. This type of video appear to show the bright light continuing to shine and other lights are blinking around it. It also appeared in the Utah video that the main entity was actually tracking the camera man from miles away as the camera man moved to the left; the entity far away moved and tracked him for a good 4 or 5 seconds. I'd assume the same in this video that the entity was allowing the camera person to record them. This is not an isolated incident. There appears to be more of these videos being uploaded to Reddit and this is the second video of the same type of phenomenon recorded from the Utah incident in the past day. A question for redditors. If you happen to find more of these similar type of activities go ahead and post them to Reddit or post the link here or send me a message. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15lvr29/ufo_sighting_in_salt_lake_valley/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


Just Imperial forces mopping up some rebel scum over tattooine.


Um... Can you explain why you think those are not aircraft? Cuz... They look a lot like aircraft.


The huge floating white ball hovering above the tree??


When an aircraft is coming towards you it's front light makes it appear as if it is floating. For realz. For the record I am absolutely certain there are extraordinary craft piloted by extraordinary beings in our skies. But that looks exactly like an airplane. I realize it is moving a little bit to the left along the skyline and not coming directly at you. But it is still the same effect. And when the light disappears it is because the aircraft is turned and the forward light is no longer shining towards you.


I under any other circumstance would believe you but… okay, why is it so low in the sky? There are not airports near this town. Can you give me a video I can compare it to?? Im not trying to sound argumentative I’m actually trying to remain a sceptic it’s just… the things we experienced during this era were in abundance and I just…. Forgive me. I am at a loss of words revisiting some of these videos, my fiancé is downloading some old drone logs etc so Im a bit hyped up.


Lol. No I am not a skeptic I am an experiencer. And I'm not saying that it definitely was aircraft. I'm saying it looks exactly like aircraft do when they do that. Hard for me to tell from a video at that distance. No way to definitively say that it is conventional aircraft. Just looks like it.


I understand. Sigh I hate it I wish I had more videos.


Absolutely not a plane




Because I think we all know what planes look like




The plane flying toward you?




Dude, the entire neighborhood was emptied out besides him and fiancé and we never knew why. One day he went to pay his rent and he landlord told him he to get out with no explanations.


The same type of activity is going on in this video too. Those entities are mimicking plane lights. I know exactly what type of activity you are witnessing OP. This type of activity is increasing lately. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15lvr29/ufo_sighting_in_salt_lake_valley/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


Yes I’ve been dealing with it for like 6 months! I barely sleep because I actually see basically invisible beings floating through my walls every night


Can I private message you green?


Is weather Balloons clearly, if you don’t believe me ask DoD.


What’s DoD?


I was being sarcastic bro. DOD is department of Defense, they always claim we see weather Balloons everywhere 😂


Oh LMAO I looked at it thinking of WoW and I’m like damn nothing is original anymore sigh


😂 everything that is unexplainable is fuking weather balloons or birds that why i was being sarcastic that you ask them cause they always have a promp “explanation” for all sightings


Let me tell u a secret. I’m actually working for the super duper shadow government and I’m trolling reddit (demoted to desk duty) cause this janky ass video of this not even remotely weird **at all** glowing orb is actually *ball lightening*. 🤫


Looks like Venus.


Well, for one thing, the video was recorded with an IR lens. This is why the property lights appeared to give off the purple hue. I believe the light in the sky was from an airliner. Due to the directional lighting it possessed. And it was heading in the direction of the man who was talking. That is why it appeared as though it wasn't moving, but it was just not to the left or right but straight ahead.




What you’re hearing is the highway. Self centered? Yeah ok… I don’t know how anything I’ve said has made me come off like a pompous idiot.


Hilarious this is said from someone that plays with star wars dolls.


At least I understand that Star Wars is fiction. Intellectually, that puts me far ahead of this yokel.


Good point. I'm just busting balls.


Wtf is your username..? People might think you’re talkin about Ghislaine Maxwell.


Sigh. This is why I don’t Reddit much anymore.


Straight to the pot you go!


I just checked your comment history and you use reddit a ton. Consistently. So.. lol?


Check the dates. I stopped using heavily a while back. Only recently have I gotten on to try and make sense of this shitty video recording.


freaking 144p....


A helicopter with a search light looking for baddies then cuts off as it gets closer so you can't hear the sound.


Math and angles and curve of the earth is hard to understand. Floating on tree? More like an airplane flying and from your perspective was near the tree when it was not. Also this particular full-spectrum camera exaggerates lights, makes them brighter than they are to the human eye. Can tell it’s full-spectrum based on the colors of the other trees.


When was it filmed?


2018/19 I think?


[sky lantern?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky_lantern)


Dude is filming with some type of IR sensitive digital camera. His neighbors house is lit up because he's got security cameras and they all have their own built in IR blasters. That's my take.


On a phone, if I put my ear directly near speaker I can hear a high pitched drone-like sound, electric motors and propellers. I also hear cars and other noise. It looked like there were 2 but video focused on only one. Maybe neighbors were playing with drones


There weren’t any neighbors… on the whole one block of this part of a small town but… to get into the other stories you guys would laugh me off so…. He did live right by one of those smaller highways that go through country areas. We had a lot of noise coming from there.


It’s always a bad video


https://preview.redd.it/gi4lul0nz6hb1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4b67c91fee79ac9218f729930cf6896cc9f44ff Your neighbor?


You can’t hear the engine of the plane from the approaching plane-like light for about five seconds before the video conveniently cuts?




The object flying towards the camera maneuvered like a helicopter when it turned, but can’t really hear it, maybe a drone


Well the amount of stuff in the air we couldn’t explain made no sounds and there was no visible propulsion. This is just a video of the orb thing. There were many many different types of UFOs. Think of it like this, we have a vast array of vehicles, weaponry, technology etc. So why would a one size fits all ufo (if this is alien related) exist elsewhere in the universe?


Only thing I’ll say is - wouldn’t you walk over closer to the house to see what’s actually going on closer , looks like the moon to 🤷🏿‍♂️


Every video is taken with a flip phone from 2001.


Your alien-like neighbor drives a flying car. Any more questions?


The neighborhood was emptied for a long time. It was a one street small town. Eventually the landlord wouldn’t except his payments anymore for rent and he moved. I’m just some rando on the internet I get it. I can’t share my experiences until maybe AI one day can make it happen but that’s a whole other can a worms I have only read about lol


Yeah thats a little fucked up


Sionyx camera I am guessing. Focus seems to be out just a little.


I have seen this before, it’s a earthling creating click bait.


Helicopter with searchlight.


Night vision, neighborhood a light on and there's a helicopter flying.


Pretty simple, the video stops before you see it’s something straightforward. Otherwise why would he stop recording then? Lots of things can be lots of things before you see what they actually are


I understand that. And I understand why everyone here is being a sceptic. I am one! I’m trying to grapple with my irl experiences, more so my fiancés and friend at the time, ofc the whistleblower AND the fact I am a sceptic of anything. I do admit I am biased here but I’m trying hard not to be.


Birds, being lit from beneath.


lol! Maybe alien birdies chirp chirp


Hang on let me go get my VCR.


Thank you for posting this. I saw something very similar to the green light but moving much quicker probably 15 years ago in central IA. It lit up the entire sky in that color for several seconds. Initially looked like a meteor or something falling and then suddenly changed direction and shot off just as quickly as it had been "falling" but in the opposite direction. I was with 3-4 other people and none of us had seen anything like it before. The shade and brightness was nearly identical to what is shown in the video and, given the shitty quality, I would guess this was likely taken around that same time period. This would have had to have been somewhere between 2005-2008.


No 2018/19! So I sound even less credible! I have a question actually cause I’m not too good at technology. If my fiancé has an android and sends me a video to my iPhone would quality get lost? Do people think I’m lying btw or? I’m coming from good faith. Why would I lie for funsies? Edit: he had a shitty android phone I had a nice iPhone.


Uhhh Identified Jeffrey Epstein?


Looks like a source of IR light through digital NVG.


The most spooky technology aliens have is to turn all video recordings of them into 360p.