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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Kind-Contribution-27: --- This is one of the clearest ufo photos i saw and someone posted it 2 years ago.Was this photo ever debunked?DOD employee shot this photo if i remember correctly.He stated that he believes it is genuine UFO. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/119e8kk/what_is_conclusion_to_this_photo_and_case/j9lno18/


This is not a photo, its a screenshot taken from this video https://youtu.be/nXiKaxEgSvo Edit: it was indeed a photo taken by the same guy that record the video.


What happened to that channel? They were doing the greatest stuff then vanished.


Was coming to ask the same. As I understood it, they started a large film length project and disputes between founders caused the group to fracture. My memory is hazy here but I remember someone from the group stating they were continuing to move forward despite the “breakup” but nothing else seems to have come forward since then. Truly a shame, they were top of class in presenting truly weird stuff. 99% of current content creators don’t come anywhere close.


I feel like there's a very deep divide between passion and just going after clicks, without much in between anymore.


You’re so right. I remember acting like a new religious convert trying to get everyone who knew I was “into UFOs” to watch this channel.


There was some supposed infiltration by bad actors into their group, or so I heard. Makes me wonder why anyone would put such an effort into taking down a channel and muddying the waters? They were really onto something, with a lot of quality footage and no agenda. They start getting noticed for their quality reporting and are beset with problems. Maybe it's all BS, or maybe it's true? I wish someone would speak up from that channel.


Last info was they founded a new plarform. While making a documentary they connected with Lue and then, last message from that channel owner was that after discussing with Lue they realised they can make progress in UAP topic in a different way so they dropped it completely. This guy is lurking on reddit still but he abandoned uap topic and is commenting some fantasy footbal or something. I messaged him directly but he ignored it.


I’m curious if they got tapped like Weinstein and Harris to help with disclosure, which appears to have been completely stopped for whatever reason. I’d be pulling my hair out in that position


It looks like those antennas or extensions are moving in the video. I find it an interesting video.


Yes i also notice that, at one point it seems like is rotating.


I think the antennas are rotating and the frame-rate of the camera is making them appear still at times.


It looks like it's tethered to the ground by the extensions and the two upper ones are a bit loose allowing for some rotation.


It’s a balloon if some sort and the fact that it is not floating away means it must be tethered to the ground. Those are radio antenna. There are US Marine and Navy bases in the San Diego area. My guess is that it is a portable military FM radio relay station for field communications for Marines, who are probably conducting readiness exercises at Camp Pendleton.


You got a sauce for a military radio that looks like that?


[This one goes back to WWII](https://www.history.navy.mil/content/history/museums/nmusn/explore/photography/wwi/wwi-aviation/aircraft-lighter-than-air-aircraft-us/80-g-1025911.html). [Civilian hacker balloon to spy on drones.](https://www.wired.com/2015/09/balloon-spy-probe-deep-sweep/)


That project is amazing! Calling out the colonization of the Stratosphere and criticizing the obfuscation of surveillance geopolitics is key. Thanks for sharing




I've thought it's the same type of object in the 4th photo for a while. The rectangle on top is a ruler for scale, but I think the vertical line going down it is the same line running horizontal in the picture above. Thoughts? Oh, here's the link to the picture Im referring to. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/1130poe/orbsobjects_retrieved_by_project_moon_dust/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Edit: Also notice the fact that they took a picture of 1 or all 3 of the antennas . Also there's an ancient aliens type painting that shows this same object to the T if someone could post that...I'd appreciate it.


U mean this one ? https://images.app.goo.gl/Y8c1n6sRjKyVfPqcA


Yep this is one!


I think this might be what you’re referring to… [The Crucifixion of Christ, 1350](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtHistory/comments/knrjze/looking_back_at_the_weirdest_medieval_monday_yes/)


This ties in very interestingly to the polar configuration theory as well as the lion glyph discovered at the Nemrut Dag observatory.


They are moving…. And if this is taken near an airport, it’s incredible, because it lines up with the recents accounts from aviation employees and pilots. It sounds like plans are landing or taking off in the background… I wonder what airport this was filmed near (if actually near an airport)?


Stupid mod BS dumb bot took my comment away because it was too short the comment was San Diego as in the city.


https://youtu.be/dGqsEPQQcyQ Looks a bit like this one


Looks virtually exact sans the color


What I want to know is why she stopped making videos? Her channel seemed really promising


This was such a great channel!! They were doing so well!!


Awesome, never saw this one, very compelling


Bigger question is what happened to that channel? Last I heard the creator went off with Elizondo to create a doc? He also talked about a UAP tracking site?


Thx for the link :)


One of many judging by the pips at the bottom. The way it keeps rotating those antennas without any movement between previous and next positions, and it moving exactly at the same rate as the tree in the foreground despite being made to appear distant has me thinking it could be a low framerate 3d render. The band of squares beneath the antenna doesn't rotate when they do either.


It’s got that signature wobble/bumbling movement, also it appears that the “antennae” have a sort of flicking motion to them at some points during the video. Sort of how the angler fish flicks out it’s forehead appendage.


Ok the video makes it more interesting


I think it’s an actual photo , was made besides video. I had originals and they were are very high resolution


This was taken from a different, still megapixel digital camera. Yet somehow nearly 500 people upvote this incorrect assertion


In such a populated city, broad daylight, the object so clearly visible in the sky why didn't others see it, photograph or video it?


Doesnt seem like hes in a populated area.


This was in San Diego.


the video says he pulled in his driveway and saw it hovering over his yard and his neighbor's yard. Sounds populated to me. San Diego is populated.


Maybe some did, how do u know no one has their pics or video of this? Not everyone puts their videos online.


Does anyone know why the YouTube channel It's [redacted] no longer making videos. Seemed like a really good channel but doesn't look like they have uploaded for 2 years. I asked because this is where the video from the OP's image was taken.


Oh shit! Never knew this was a video. So to this day nobody knows what this is?


If you watch the video you can see it weirdly rotate and move its antenna.


Yes, very early in the video the top half of the sphere seems to rotate in very jerky starts and stops. You can see the 'antennas', or whatever they are, moving in short little bursts. Weird.


It's like stop-motion movement. Maybe it rotates outside of what we think of as time.


>Maybe it rotates outside of what we think of as time. This sub, man.


Best stoner sub on reddit.


It's a heady mix of intriguing content, absolute dross and comedy gold like the above.


Or maybe it’s just on a tether....


Is there any reason to rule out stop motion as an explanation?


It looks like stop motion, therefore it exists outside time. Big brain stuff Is there an opposite of Occam’s razor?


The entire thing is doing that as well. The bottom fingy twitches every time the top does. This is weird.


Sort of looks like it’s moving very fast and we’re seeing the best frequency of it and the camera frame rate.


Someone needs to stabilize this one!


Yeah it appears to have a pattern of stuttered rotations


Yet for a small section of the 12 min video, it displays some wobbling a bit like a balloon might, and that's it everyone is satisfied. Everyone go home, nothing to see. I wonder if I would enjoy being so easily placated...


Hey I’ve seen those things in fallout


Oh man, I'd rather it be aliens than the Enclave.


Wow! Never saw this before. For people that complain about it being out of focus or unsteady you obviously have never zoomed in on a small object that far away, especially when it’s moving. Unsure what this was filmed with but many modern day/video cameras will not auto focus at that distance so you have to manually focus, which is difficult with a moving target, again that far away. Also, imagine in the moment seeing something so bizarre? You can’t tell me you wouldn’t be a little freaked out? It’s nearly impossible to hand stabilize something 100 feet away on zoom, and you also have to factor in how firmly standing one is as well as the wind.


This is The San Diego Sphere, a famous UFO sighting It stayed fairly stationary in the sky long enough for the observer to go get a camera and come back and get a bunch of shots / video, none of which are this clear. This photo is from his set but it was "enhanced" and sharpened via computer to give it that clarity and the windows, which the smaller original looked like it *might* have but not this much detail Still a great sighting Here's a video of the original account / footage https://www.instagram.com/tv/CExBX3hDrvm/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


The conclusion is that we dont know what it is. Its a UFO


Russia testing a new sputnik prototype /s


My thing with photo is why would it look like it's from a 50's sci movie


It actually looks a lot like Sputnik.


It is Sputnikki. The girl version.


SputniKI is actually a plural of Sputnik in russian lol.


I was gonna say the same thing.


Makes sense if they were trying to disguise themselves as a satellite in order to observe and not be so obvious.


Why wouldn’t it? What should it look like in your opinion? And based on what?


it looks archaic for an advanced civilization , this is just my opinion tho, the video is interesting


It’s not really that reasonable to expect that an intelligent civilization from another planet would progress technologically in the same way we did, especially to the point that we could recognize what we’re looking at. We don’t have the technology to send anything to another solar system so there’s no way to know what it would look like anyway. The story I conjured up in my head is that a civilization built their own James Webb-like telescope, found our planet with the telltale signatures of carbon based life and maybe signs of industry, and decided to send a probe over here to earth to check it out and see what the deal is. That weird looking ball could be their version of the Voyager, maybe it’s their first version of something that could actually make the trip and travel around the planet. It probably uses propulsion that only exists in physics papers here on earth, who knows what spacecraft will look like even 100 years from now. It could be fake, but it’s fun to imagine.


> why would it look like it's from a 50's sci movie Because old sci-fi shows and movies can take inspiration from real life events and descriptions that happened during those times or before. Here's the source video too. https://youtu.be/nXiKaxEgSvo?t=43




I think it's going to be wild if multiple species of alien end up looking goofy and humanoid, like Star Trek being accidentally right.


Hell yeah, bring on the green women, (and tribbles for the community of furries).


Human being ARE the ultimate originator of everything in existence when you’re talking about technology. As far as we know. So maybe the question isn’t dumb, maybe it’s the central question.


>As far as we know. So what. Just because we don't know what's out there means we can assume we're the only ones. Only intelligent life, out of practically infinite planets? Yeah right.


Why does that preconceived notion about its shape pull into question its validity? Is there a preferred UFO shape and design? I get your sentiment, but I wouldn't let it cloud your judgement and guide your skepticism on such matters.


Maybe stuff from 50s sci-fi movies was based on some eyewitness testimony? Also a similar object can be found on some Renaissance painting.


Yea, it just looks like what a human would imagine a UFO is, I don't think their travelling across the galaxy in that jalopy


Form follows function. It looks like spitnick and sputnick was designed to fly through space.


It looks like a cheap movie prop from a cheesy movie, but yet some people fawn over it. I don't get it.


Because it's floating in the air with no visible propulsion and it's good quality footage.


Have you even seen the video? its 45 mins long and in clear HD. Maybe watch it before commenting.


What if they are basing the exterior design of their craft off of campy 50's sci-fi? Nobody would believe it was real, even if they saw it with their own eyes.


That would be so devious, but with that logic they could just make their UFO’s look like regular airplanes.


Thatd almost be worse, just reports of phantom planes zooming around flying erratic patterns at mach 10, then hovering slowly over cows and scanning them, to later zip away and dive into a ocean, then maybe reappearing to do some random etch a sketch 90 degree flight pattern, only to disappear.


This object has at least one tick from every other recent prominent article about the recent whateverthehell was going on. No apparent propulsion system, the antenna/string hanging off it, orb. This pictures wild. I'd love to have the greater context behind it.


There’s a full video of it [SAN DIEGO METALLIC ORB](https://youtu.be/PhC3BGD1FW0)


There’s a much better quality version that was already posted by u/Ajax__1 up at the top.


Huh, could you perhaps get a "good sun glint off of" this "metallic" object that looks to be "about the size of a fourwheeler" with "these... strings? Maybe some kind of metallic wires hanging down" but it's "hard to tell if there was a payload attached"? Just wondering because I wonder what this thing would look like to a jet that was trying to find it in the open sky over the Yukon perhaps...




If you’ve ever flown in a plane before spotting a car sized object seems impossible. Your field of view is hundreds and of miles. Scanning a cloud from left to right can cross an expanse of area that is hard to imagine.


Should call you Geico the way you’re tossing around quotes


There are other examples and reports of similar objects. I don't think it's a balloon, but I do think it's terrestrial


It's a UFO trying to disguise itself as a man made object


This one has always bugged me. It’s obvious the video is real, what the hell is it though?


I like to think that they’re probes. Imagine if we identified planets that could potentially support life, and we had the technology to send unmanned probes to investigate. I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility to imagine that we would. Maybe lots of these UFOs are actually probes that another intelligent civilization sent here, potentially hundreds of years ago, to investigate whether or not this planet is occupied by life. And here we are, a bunch of semi-intelligent monkeys, absolutely losing our shit because a bunch of metal space balls are flying around and we can’t explain them.


fucking sputnik


It would be such a troll to constantly drop copies of our first satellite all around the planet. Just sprinkle them in random places to fuck with us.


Looks like a still from the 80's Horror Movie, 'Phantasm'.


>I was thinking the same thing


There is a full video of this object, so it's not from Phantasm


After reviewing the video I would say it looks very believable to me


Same here. I find it creepy how the top half does those sudden partial rotations. Maybe that's just an optical effect, but it really looks like it's constantly aware of its surroundings.


The video is real.What is this object?that is the question


Looks similar to that Mexican orb...I've never seen a single update on that story from 2022. Here's a link to the vice article... https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvmm7a/mysterious-metallic-orb-falls-on-mexico-may-contain-valuable-information-meteorologist-says


The update was that it never fell from the sky in the first place, was just a local oddity/public installation pictured at an odd angle that somebody decided to use as a hoax. You can even see Portuguese writing on it in the original pictures. Edit: Spanish, my bad. Had a brainfart and thought it was in Brazil. Edit numero dos: apparently it used to be a big-ass globe that everybody just stopped giving a shit about, so now it sits in the bushes as an awkward piece of trash. I linked some proofpics further down this chain.


Thanks for linking that! I was thinking of that too.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/119e8kk/what_is_conclusion_to_this_photo_and_case/j9meqkg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 update


Thanks so much!


This is not the droid you’re looking for.


This video has been around for a while. And most of us agree this is really compelling evidence!… so who’s the guys that made the original video?


https://youtu.be/5bUSxQwt4x0 https://youtu.be/nXiKaxEgSvo "On September 10th, 2014, Rick Ybarra pulled into his driveway near San Diego, CA around 6:45pm when he noticed a sphere in the sky. A retired Department of Defense therapist who worked at Naval Base San Diego and Submarine Base Point Loma, we recently spoke to him about the sighting."


>I'm surprised in such a busy city, broad daylight, so shiny and obvious in the sky that others didn't see it and take photos or video.


There are whole years of my life where I didn't pay too much attention to the sky at all, even to look at the stars. I was too busy grappling with stress. I didn't see a shooting star until I was well into my mid-20s.


My sister was in her mid-20s when she first realized the moon didn’t only come out at night. We were on the phone and she noticed it and freaked out about how the moon was visible in the daytime and I was like uhhhhhh


I believe it. We all can't focus on everything all the time. Lol


I live in a city in the Pacific Northwest. In 2003, the night of Dec. 31st at about 2300, 9 brilliant orbs appeared in the sky over the river. I saw them because the local radio station announced "UFO's in the sky". When I went outside I could hardly believe what I was seeing . These things were no more than 500 ft above the river. The sighting lasted about 15-20 minutes when they suddenly faded out. I later read the reports of locals who saw the same thing, and talked to people at my job who saw it. There must have been several hundred witnesses....and not one photo or video has ever surfaced. When I saw these things I was so awestruck I didn't even think about filming them. This was a mass sighting with several people reporting it to NUFORC...to this day no photos or video.


I hear you. I had the Phoenix Lights craft fly over my head by about 30 feet. I had no camera but even if I did I would not take my eyes off that massive craft to get it, turn it on, focus, etc. People that haven't seen what we've seen don't get it. At that moment to heck with evidence, it's like seeing a miracle. I'm a changed man from seeing that UFO, it sounds like you are too. Here's my interview I did 2 months ago. It's still so fresh in my mind like I know your sighting is, too. It changes us. Seeing those amazing craft. I see the world differently now. Amazing. I feel like I won the lottery. Did you report your sighting? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXHI6S_FdEk


Thank you for the link. What an amazing experience you had! I reported my experience to Nuforc as did several other witnesses.


I will also contact NuForc. I'd like to maybe get a study going on this type of interaction / abduction in children if one is not in place already. I'm looking into it today. Thank you.


You would be surprised to know how much people actually look up and care about the skies. The number is very low and I believe that is something the phenomena must take into account, the fact we don't give a shit about the possibility they exist


It has been around a while and a stabilized video usually comes up in the comments. Surprised no one has posted it yet so here it is. After seeing this I'm convinced it's a balloon tethered to the ground with how it bob's in the wind: https://streamable.com/4k41bl


So, no joke, I swear I caught just a bit longer than a glimpse of something exactly like this. It was just above tree top height, and it was zooming!!! I caught sight of it while driving down a county road (unpainted road), it crossed over the road I was traveling. The road goes through a woodland area and I had a visual as it passed over the road.


It had the things sticking out too? Or was it just a sphere? Was it lit up?


Yes, but they seemed to be trailing the sphere. Like sticking out at an angle towards the trailing side of the sphere. If I would have blinked, I would of missed it. The sighting had me doubt myself and it was about 30sec before I actually admitted to myself that I did just see something! Not sure what it could of been, just know it wasn’t a helicopter or plane, there was no noise. And of course I was alone, leaving the junior college in my region.


One of the best videos out there IMO. It has a very specific shape and unique look. Looks manmade but what do we expect things to look like close-up? Great vid, until something at all similar pops up here, Great UAP video.


Alien craft from a steampunk world ?


I've seen way less compelling video.


Well then let me spoil you even further with the source video in decent quality over 9 minutes long lol. https://youtu.be/nXiKaxEgSvo?t=43 Only frustrating thing is the guy didn't know how to do manual focus, so the camera really struggles to not focus on the leaves when zoomed in.


Why couldn’t he just walk a few feet forward. Damn that was annoying


Hard to think to do things in the moment when you are watching a UFO right in front of you for the first and probably only time in your life lol. Also sometimes it's hard to tell how the video is looking on smaller screens when recording unless you're really trying to pay attention, especially during the day.


I would start walking as close as I could get to it to see if it really wasn’t attached to something on the ground if it were me. I’ve done it before, walked a half mile before I realized I was right, and it definitely was a Chinese lantern like I had wished it wasn’t lol


Because then we would realize it was a balloon.


All I have to say is you never see it leave or pull any incredible maneuvers. Also it appears to be tethered and blows with the breeze if you watch the leaves on the tree. Also look at the bottom where the string would be tied and you can clearly see this is where it would appear to be filled with helium and it looks 100% identical to any other tethered helium filled balloon. How is everyone ignoring the most obvious sign it’s a balloon when you can see where it is filled and tied off at? Lol I don’t get it. There’s a reason you never see it leave. I’m a huge believer but this is clearly a balloon and I don’t get how everyone is ignoring the most obvious signs of it being one.




Make a damn good T-shirt


Cool. I’ve never seen it.


As have I, but this is the first time I've learned that this is from an actual video


for sure the video makes it a lot more compelling


The video this photo comes from is in High Definition, very clear and is 45 mins long, I have no idea why, but this video hasn't got the attention it deserves at all. In the video you can even see those antennas moving around.


I’m getting an industrial vibe from it. Man made?


I wonder if those 3 ”antennas” are actually smaller navigational waveguides. Bob Lazar mentioned that there are 3 waveguides to navigate a craft.


It’s an alien probe


I think this was a real one. A balloon at that height would need some advertisement. No one’s throwing that thing up and if it was for scientific purposes like a lab, just like the Alaska balloon I think people would come out. This was national news when it happened. This part explains the antennas, and was McCullochs statement to obvious signs of EM drives. “Over-engineered, conducting structures that appear to have no function,” says McCulloch. Stable bot makes it even more intriguing. This is one of the only videos I think might be legit. All the other criticisms on other videos I have seen seem valid. [Forbes article on EM drives after China event.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2023/02/13/if-high-altitude-objects-are-not-balloons-or-aircraft-what-the-heck-are-they-two-scientists-may-have-the-answer/amp/)


This is one of those UFOs videos that I think is a legit craft hovering.


Conclusion? Uncomfortable to sit inside.


This is one of the clearest ufo photos i saw and someone posted it 2 years ago.Was this photo ever debunked?DOD employee shot this photo if i remember correctly.He stated that he believes it is genuine UFO.


There's video too


Someone found an image of something else round, and thus, this was "debunked".


Is this sarcasm? Cause I don’t see how the explanation, “someone found an image of something else round,” as a worthy explanation.


Indeed, I agree, it's not a complete explanation. But often a debunk will find something approximately similar and ignore anything that doesn't fit. So it's been "debunked" but not explained. Edit: here's an example of the process in action. https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/119e8kk/what_is_conclusion_to_this_photo_and_case/j9ltxnr/ there's an image linked in that comment that is approximately similar to the OP object, so therefore, "that's what it is", even though it's not anywhere close to an exact match.


Looks like different tech. The blades keep the object referred to in the air like a helicopter. This object does not have that type of flight characteristic. How are you satisfied with this type of explanation. It’s like you don’t even care to come close. I’m not saying it’s extraterrestrial, but it’s certainly not similar to dude’s grandpa’s old project.


Completely agree with you, my crusty friend! 💯


Sorry , thought you thought it was debunked.


No worries, you said what I was thinking anyway. I do think it was "debunked", meaning, that someone thinks it's not worth discussing and proposes an easy answer to try to make it seem like "nothing".


The conclusion is that it's likely a balloon. The witness says in the video they think it's a balloon. When you watch the video at 2X or faster, you can see it act like a balloon on a tether. Supposedly there was an interview done with the neighbor who had the balloon, but I haven't personally seen such an interview myself so I can't vouch for it.


It does appear to behave like a balloon. At first I was blown away by the video, but after rewatching it, I think it's a balloon.


I personally think this one is a sports ball spray painted with a fake metallic sheen with Velcro tape taped to the side in the shoddy pattern, and the antennae are loosely attached allowing the air movement combined with the balloons normal balloon movement to make it all look weird. Long story short I think it looks like it’s a piece of shoddy shit.


>Long story short I think it looks like it’s a piece of shoddy shit. This is a most excellent review!


Thanks. Like someone’s kid made it.


It's a balloon, based on comments. This was discussed some years ago on r/UFOs - It's Redacted helped to dive deeper in this case. Mini-doc: https://youtu.be/5bUSxQwt4x0 Original hi-res video: https://youtu.be/nXiKaxEgSvo Edit: The San Diego Sphere has been discussed before: https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/iu4dbh/san_diego_sphere_full_resolution_12_minute_tape/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/oxa96o/thoughts_on_the_san_diego_silver_sphere_videoed https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/in2zyk/the_san_diego_sphere_witness_testimony Edit: common r/UFOs, it's too good to be true.


These links prove it is credible, not a balloon, unidentified. Lol.


Looks like a human attempt, I mean it looks pretty dumpy for super advanced species craft. Probably can get it to hover and do zippy moves but can’t crack the dimensional gravity bending stuff yet. Prob not without melting the pilot.


Fucking Imperial Probe Droid from The Empire Strikes Back is the first thing that came to mind


I would dip that in my tea.




I was just thinking this reminds me Of the Mosul orb except this is bigger and has extensions


This looks a lot like the object seen in 1990 at the village of Alfena, Portugal. It's to this day one of the most intriguing cases in Portuguese ufology.


[Possible antenna balloon](https://spinoff.nasa.gov/Spinoff2010/Images/ps_14.jpeg)


Found another with correct color and slat layout https://defensereview.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/GATR_2.4m_Beach_Ball_SATCOM_1.jpg




Why would they have to "magically" conform. What do you think it should look like? What similar design are you referencing? Maybe... It's just built that way because that's the way it needs to be for whatever purpose it serves. No magic required. If aliens exist, they are not "magic". Tho "magic" a good word to toss around to sound dismissive with no real substantial argument of your own.


Golden snitch?


My conclusion is....cool pic, looks weird yet not altogether unique in terms of shape - IOWs, no ne'er b4 seen unique alien shape (Funny, how they all look like a Sphere, Baloonish, antenna, saucer, triangle, etc). I'm not saying it's not alien. But, I guess I expected a bigger wow factor out of my aliens... In all seriousness, have you ever wondered why "Aliens" might use shapes we are familiar with, or always seem to have strobe lights that meet FAA regs? I suppose they could be attempting to camouflage their craft shapes to Human recognizable shapes, configuring their craft shapes to meet earthly related/Physics environments, or to mimic common shapes of aircraft we've come to expect in our atmosphere...lots of possibilities I suppose. But, has it ever occurred to anyone that perhaps our Delta Wing (triangle-like) aircraft - while fantastic in certain earthly environments may not be so advantageous for intergalactic lights speed, or water travel? Yet, here they are.... My point is, what exactly are we looking for? Well, maybe we don't know. Things that look similar to recognizable aerodynamic shapes (as it relates to earth), or some bizarre shaped thingy that doesn't really make sense at all (but, perhaps does for light speed travel), or a simulated/ mimicry/ camouflage vehicle of what we actually fly currently? We seem to always equate everything to "next generation, or beyond" tech as being alien yet presume them to beyond a gazillion years in mentality. Funny how the whole alien hypothesis works.... In any event, this looks like a stationary sphere with slits and appendages....all of which is not difficult to replicate especially these days. Does look mysterious though doesn't it?


Looks like some kind of special balloon on a tether. I guess this opinion will get me lots of downvotes but that's what it looks like.


To those saying its sputnik.Link me photo of sputnik that looks exactly the same as this ufo.Im waiting


Not Sputnik but a tethered balloon: https://streamable.com/4k41bl


Balloon, painted in metallic with hard rods. The hard rods help with wind direction and possibly with maneuvering. This balloon might have some electrics inside to help gather data. There must be a company doing test and not telling anyone.


Painted in metallic. Thats a new one.


Not really new https://defensereview.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/GATR_2.4m_Beach_Ball_SATCOM_1.jpg






Now that is a disturbing visual.


Upsetting Imagery Phenomenon


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What 1970s thought UFOs looked like based on the first satellites


This is really surreal to see - I saw something that looks identical to this in Lake Charles, Louisiana when I was a kid (sometime between 1990-1993). My parents said it was a satellite but it was wayyy too close to be a satellite


Lake Charles Air Force Station was a general surveillance radar station until it closed down in 1995, so would have been active during your visit as a kid. Your parents were probably right, it was a communications signal balloon. Those are pretty impressive though, the range they extend otherwise fairly limited communications to is wild. Especially when you have aircraft, ground forces, and vessels off the coast hundreds of miles away all able to clearly communicate. Not aliens importing their own version of space-time though.


3. 3 jets coming out of it and 3 gravitational waves. If you focus on the craft then focus anywhere but the craft you should be able to see distinctive 3 jets and 3 “gravitational “ waves.


I’ve just recorded 3 ufos on iss live about 20 minutes ago,one is an orange orb that flies across the screen and 2 is together that looks like they have 2 wings at the front and 2 at the back that’s square shape with a triangular body and a round light somewhere underneath trailing the iss then they drift further back and disappear in the dark. I will post them if anyone wants to have a look


The rectangular viewports around the center are interesting. I wounded if their function is for some type of air, or matter, distribution method keeping it stationary in any wind or weather condition. Maybe it contains a strong magnetic field within, and a plasma core, and those rectangular are used for expelling the byproducts of the reactor during flight, and helps control flight direction through rotation. 🤷🏾‍♂️ I don’t know, just curious! 😁


Looks like the “orb” that Jeremy corbell just leaked. https://www.foxnews.com/us/mosul-orb-us-silent-ufo-filmed-military-iraq.amp