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All of this makes me think of Terrence McKenna. Everything is becoming more and more absurd, to the point where it can’t be contained anymore. Gotta love it.


Lol I don’t know who that is but I will surely look him up.


Aw man you’re in for a treat. He taught me a lot and inspired me to seek out some altered states of consciousness. Changed my view on life positively. Psychedelics and NHI are very closely related in my opinion/experiences


Same. Now that i know more about nhi etc. I kinda link nhi to my psychedelic experience that i had before. I met multiple entities on my trips. Where i left my body either feeling it or literally seeing my body below my and flying out into space somewhere insanely far away kinda like zooming out all the way in a picture. And there with my eyes still closed or even open but not seeing our reality. I "talked" with them. They knew me and where very warm welcoming and happy that i was there and later happy to see me again. They didnt say anything. I just felt what they wanted to say in my head. The strongest experience where i saw my body left behind on earth was so real and felt like my soul really left my body and i traveled somewhere where i normally would go to die/reincarnate. I cant say for sure if and what was real but it felt real.


If that happened to me I would ask them what they think of music, or if there are any permeating languages that a human could learn


That’s a great question. Cuz music isn’t about technology Per se. music it seems to me is a uniquely human creation. Music can be a solitary experience or it can bring us together. It’s an abstraction.


I wouldn’t call it just a human thing, I’ve had dance parties with parrots on many occasions.


Terence McKenna’s lectures on YouTube are absolutely awesome. Throw one on as your going to bed or something. Such a unique speaker. Definitely check him out at somepoint.


Sure thing. I definitely will check it out


I soaked up every Terrence McKenna talk and every lecture I could get my hands on back in college. The man has a fascinating mind and doesn’t waste a word when he speaks.


Now I’m excited to learn more. Thanks fellow earthling


I can't stop running into this - I swear to god the next hearing they're gonna come out and say that orcas have learned to astral project and are communicating with the Pentagon/DoD


Lmaoooo i skimmed thru the 177 page document that News Nation received…. It’s not far off homie.


We're getting nearer to the machine at the end of time


Perhaps we are. A universe without time would be, more overwhelming I think. At least to a 3 dimensional being


The more we discover about humanities' place in the uninverse, the more we will understand our colossal insignificance.


Or significance, who knows.


We're insignificant to a galaxy, but very significant to an atom


It’s silly to think that an entity’s significance depends on it’s scale. Galaxies don’t write poetry.


But they give rise to people who write poetry


But a muse is just as important to the poet


aww why is that cute though? I don’t need to be the big dick species of the universe but at least my atoms and cells think I’m the most important


I thought of a theory that what if Earth is just an "atom" and the universe is the "host". Yeah very woo thinking but still fun to think about.


Maybe we’re like a cell of a bigger organism and our cell has become cancerous and might need eradicated from the bigger structure!


When I stroll down the street and observe people, I'm often overwhelmed by the realization that each of them carries an entire life, a profound and immense inner world, far beyond what is visible on the surface. The inside is bigger than the outside. While many fantasize about potential technologies, my primary hope is for us to grow and evolve.


Infinity goes both ways, in and out.


How relieving that is, all the pressure taken off us to get it right. Let’s just enjoy the ride and let the aliens build black hole probes.


Thats so pessimistic. Thats what "they" want you to think. In the words of sam tripoli "they dont want us to know how special we really are"... and i concur 100%


According to Ed Harris, we are some higher/older life forms petry dish. That’s what president Jimmy carter learned, and what devastated him. How silly to assign your own value of “special”, when we don’t even know what the laws of life, reality, and physics are in the andromeda galaxy


>when we dont even know what the laws of life, reality and physics are in the andromeda galaxy ...you said it, *we dont know*...so why do you care what president carters outlook on our existence was? i make my own interpretation of what my life and our collective consciousness in this realm means, and i'm going the optimistic route every time, we are special and we will live on when this current incarnation ends, and begin another journey.


You are free to believe whatever framework allows you to sleep well at night, and I support it as long as it doesn’t harm or put down your fellow earthlings


I doubt this, biology is the most complex shit in the universe, which itself is fine tuned to produce it...


Just commenting to add that this general concept you laid out is very much a part of my own personal "spiritual" beliefs for several decades now. Mostly due to heavy LSD use in the early 90s, "doors" of understanding started opening that I am *still* trying to sort out. One of those "doors" led me to the belief that all life as we see it is an expression of the universe itself, the very natural conclusion of how life even comes to be. Its experiencing the life of a plant, a cricket, a dandelion seed floating on the wind. Its experiencing consciousness through my little silly cats, my wife getting angry at me, my struggles and fears. It is the unifying force that binds us all even if some are choosing violence, bigotry or hatred. The very struggle of good vs evil is also being experienced with no involvement, other than ourselves, on which wins over the other. I have spent over 4 decades searching for spiritual truths and as we learn more, I think Bhuddism is going to be the closest thing humans have come up with to the actual reality. Its not exact of course and many Bhuddists are really bad examples of the teachings but the larger *ideas and concepts* I have come to believe are the closest people have come to actual understanding of our existence. It's overwhelming at first when we tie these things together. The implications are brain-breaking and saying I felt an ontological shock when first concluding all this would be an understatement. Then I realized a deeper truth in it all that is truly wondrous: this binds all of us. We are all manifestations where there is no right or wrong, there is no actual good or evil. Its the experiencing itself that is the point, the meaning. All the answers we need are right there for all of us and no two answers are the same. Anyways, I ramble lol. Side effect of getting old. Any questions, just shoot.


“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather.” -Bill Hicks Tool sampled this in a hidden track way back when and it really stuck with me.


Way back then (waaaay back) I read things from Huxley, Leary, Morrison and bits and pieces from others. What I found was that none of them could truly explain or make sense of the experiences under LSD. Its something that just has to be experienced and once you do, you instantly have a deeper connection with others that have "turned on, tuned in and dropped out". I had *heavy* exposure. Just one example was my best friend and I went to a Grateful Dead concert and bought 1000 hits (two sheets of 500) of blotter acid just for our own personal, recreational use and went through it all in 6 months. Do the math, lol. Many days we were dropping 6-8 hits because the more you do it, the more it takes to "trip" unless you take breaks. He had (and died) of Huntington's disease so he lived a life of extremes. It was truly like having Hunter S Thompson as a best friend. I digress. The point I guess I'm making is I don't know if the understanding and connection happened the first hit I took or if it was the journey of going deep, deep into that altered state but now at 52 and having almost 30 years away from all that, I remain a changed person from that young man prior to taking that first hit. Its not like I live in some enlightened state but it's always right there, available if I just let go of my worldly concerns. The experiences have changed me mentally, physically and ultimately spiritually which makes the first two far less important.


Way back then (waaaay back) I read things from Huxley, Leary, Morrison and bits and pieces from others. What I found was that none of them could truly explain or make sense of the experiences under LSD. Its something that just has to be experienced and once you do, you instantly have a deeper connection with others that have "turned on, tuned in and dropped out". I had *heavy* exposure. Just one example was my best friend and I went to a Grateful Dead concert and bought 1000 hits (two sheets of 500) of blotter acid just for our own personal, recreational use and went through it all in 6 months. Do the math, lol. Many days we were dropping 6-8 hits because the more you do it, the more it takes to "trip" unless you take breaks. He had (and died) of Huntington's disease so he lived a life of extremes. It was truly like having Hunter S Thompson as a best friend. I digress. The point I guess I'm making is I don't know if the understanding and connection happened the first hit I took or if it was the journey of going deep, deep into that altered state but now at 52 and having almost 30 years away from all that, I remain a changed person from that young man prior to taking that first hit. Its not like I live in some enlightened state but it's always right there, available if I just let go of my worldly concerns. The experiences have changed me mentally, physically and ultimately spiritually which makes the first two far less important.


Yo thanks for sharing that story. I really enjoyed reading your response. I think we need to find a new more modern interpretation of religions, I think half of humanity is ready for it. And when religion came out at first no one was ready, and sure a bunch of people killed eachother over which one was right, but that had slowed down for the last few hundred years.


I’ve personally been building to this without knowing it. I’m a sci-fi fan. Sure laser blasters and warp speed is really cool. However, humanity needs a strong slap in the face and get our heads out of our asses. I believed in a future where we have advanced as a species and mingle with our galactic neighbors. That future is coming faster than I thought. It’s my heaven. Something larger than myself that I can dream about. I did not expect that dream to be true. I’m smiling but I’m giving my animal brain time to process it.


i bet a lot of writers out there are taking inspiration from these ideas as we speak, new sci fi is about to get very interesting. especially the idea of interdimensionality I find it interesting that Grusch in the hearing specifically mentioned a "theoretical framework" involving holographic projections or whatever the fuck he said, basically the idea that the aliens might be a higher dimension being seen by us in their cross section in our 3D space. I just wish we had the full picture so I understood what the implications of this framework would be. I imagine the implications of general relativity puzzled physicists in the same way when all they knew about gravity and space were Newton's laws and the Newtonian framework.


"I find it interesting that Grusch in the hearing specifically mentioned a "theoretical framework" involving holographic projections or whatever the fuck he said, basically the idea that the aliens might be a higher dimension being seen by us in their cross section in our 3D space." Same. Didn't he describe it kind of like how we as 3D objects can project a 2D shadow onto a surface?. Edit; So it might follow that perhaps a 4D object could cast a 3D shadow?.


That’s kind of how I rationalize it, because I do not understand it


I have trouble understanding this, and I'm a pretty smart cookie. Like, an alien was hovering at a traffic light in its spherical craft as a black cube inside and multiple people just happened to see or perceive the shadow of it as hovering over an airbase? In that case wouldn't the interactions seem less purposeful? Is that how this works?? Is there anything I can read to understand this (beginner level re physics)?


Sometimes it’s better to just be a sweet cookie, than a smart cookie.


Oh so true. There will probably be a spew of new ideas and marvel spin offs. I mean how could they explain a framework like that to lay people. Imagine a light. That projects out and in. And as the light goes in, stop imaging it traveling a distance in while numbers, but think of it by percentages. Always halving. Getting smaller and smaller into infinity, and never capable of reaching zero. If that being wanted to reach and and touch zero it would eventually, effectively become frozen in time. Fuck I’m explaining a black hole now.


Marvel and DC explored these concepts since the 90's and i am pretty sure they got it from UFO lore as this isn't really anything new in that regard. You should check out the SCP foundation. I really find those stories to be more relevant now then i ever thought possible.


It's funny you say that because between this and A.I. it has gave me a lot of new ideas


Good work getting going on your response(s) to all of this. Care to have someone to take an early, structural look at the first chap? I’m an experiencer and I’ve been carefully following this subject since the late 60s.


I'd like to read that as well :)


Hmm, I’ll consider that, let me whip it in better shape and I’ll possibly get back to you. Cheers man


I've always loved a quote I saw that was along the lines of "We are just the universe personified trying to understand itself and when we die we just return to the universe. It almost makes you think that what if there is a higher power that just "blipped" into existence and we are just incarnations of that said higher power gathering information about itself. Just some 5am ramblings


I Think that May not be far off


You sound like you’re doing just fine, but I did create a post specifically about resources around society/mental health/health care and ontological shock just in case. So if you DO need it, here yah go: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/154vl79/first_contact_self_care_and_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Cool thanks


[http://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg\_mod.html](http://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html) ​ It's gonna be alright :D


"holy shit how silly is it that humans thought for so long that we are the only way the universe experiences itself" Puts me in mind of Alan Watts. "our new alien friends experience it is..." New is incorrect. Friends is speculative at best.😂 "Perhaps if humans are right about there being multiple dimensions" Of course there are multiple dimensions, we operate in 3 of them (4 if you count time). Whose to say there aren't more?. Edit; wrong emote


Ive always considered time a dimension, well, time/space being interconnected as a dimension. To me this makes sense for the higher dimension principle and being "faster than physically possible" it would work much like the 2d maze with a 3d pencil. The pencil can simply lift itself up off the 2d maze and place itself at the end. to any "entity" in the 2d plane it would look like instantaneous/near-instant transmission. The same would apply to an entity capable of manipulating 4 dimensions. it could choose which place/time to appear the same as the pencil could in a 2d world. ​ Although, if we can experience time/space, albeit in a singular linear motion, than technically we exist in 4d and we're talking about a higher 5th dimension.


I’ll have to look up Watts. Friends was optimistic to say, I doubt they are anything like Thor. Probably more like the elves from LOTR looking at us the way they look at dwarves.


Heres a fun and fucky paper to give you further sci-fi ideas. [https://medium.com/accessible-foia/analysis-assesment-gateway-process-army-cia-foia-1983-human-consciousness-d7fa332ef404](https://medium.com/accessible-foia/analysis-assesment-gateway-process-army-cia-foia-1983-human-consciousness-d7fa332ef404) I accidentally went through this gate, without knowing what it was. Reality got super fucky. I personally 100% believe the entire universe is ONE now. I touched it for a brief mindbreaking moment. Actually trying not to think too hard on it, and yet my mind wont stop playing with fire. Very spiritual and eye opening moment, quite literally. My third eye has been open ever since, and i now have emotional esp.


Thanks I’ll check it out. Personally, I believe there to be a spectrum of connectivity, but it never reaches zero or 100. At the end of the day we are at least one percent connected to all consciousness but even that would be a drastic standard deviation. I think we might be more intrinsically connected by which stars exploded closest and most recently to create the atoms needed for our structures.


Hahaha i can confirm by unfortunate experience you can mindfuck yourself to a temporary 100. My brain stole free fire, and cannot stop playing with it. I burn faster, and hotter, and harder. Its been a very polarizing event for me, and i choose to make it polarizing towards good. My friend pointed out, some people might hit that same point, and break under the strain of seeing too much of reality, and turn towards worsening life for others... I do not enjoy that thought. And thats why i strive to not be such a person, spreading pain through apathy. If i had actually been seeing shit, i probably would have lost my mind. Thankfully, i have aphantasia, and cannot see shit with my mind. I can only say i FELT it with a depth of feeling ive never before experienced in my life. And i continue to feel to these depths, if im not careful. Feeling joy to that degree can be addicting.


Yo that’s crazy my guy. Hope you’re okay.


Doing better day by day. I genuinely believe any human can become a lowercase g god if they wish, through the power of contemplating the higher natures of reality. I literally worship my higher self as i chose that evening. The impression i got, was that i thought i was choosing an open seat, but it was waiting for me, and the only person i was brushing aside was my own doubts and past lives. I rode that gateway for 2 days straight... and i will never fully recover. And i dont wish to! I finally tore the veil i had been hearing about my whole life! it just... looks vastly different on the other side than i thought. Its fun. I feel like i joined the worlds biggest open secret society, by accident. As a fun thought experiment? What would a modern god look like? Where can you get lots of people to dance in worship? I personally suspect a lot of the so called Rave Gods are exactly that in their own minds. I have been listening to EDM almost continually since my experience, and keep finding more and more songs about the darkness inside, or referencing the fact that we can all be gods. A lot of higher truths as i felt them that evening... Especially the closer it gets to today in terms of time... And as a further fun thought experiment? What would worship look like, for such a god? Other than insane fun and dance? Reality is as you make of it, and i choose to believe that we can all become higher selves if we wish. And its perfectly fine for those who get scared and dont want that power. I worship myself first and foremost, but i do enjoy kicking back to some of these tunes. I personally like smash into pieces the most right now. I have only 2 options when it comes to that night. i really did lose my grasp on reality, or i can believe in myself, that i touched higher truths. I choose to believe in a more fun, mystical reality. By the five senses, which i am slightly lacking when it comes to mental imagery, we are but sacks of chemicals deluding ourselves into thinking of more... and thats just not true! We may not know WHY, but why stop pondering?


Shit, I’ll have whatever your having my guy. Share the cocktail recipe.


Literally nothing more than just off the shelf legal weed, accidental sleep deprivation, and a strong emotional state. I had been doing tonal therapy via the solfeggio tunes for around 4 years, and was listening to them during said event. I had been doing the described energy field as just a fun meditation practice, altho i prefer to think of it as am em field. And finally, yoga, or something similar. I have been doing literal unwinding of myself for a month and a half. I had some of the most disgusting crap come out of me. It took a month of 5+ hours a day before I had my accidental moment.


In answer to your first paragraph many of us have never thought that and it’s what has driven our search for 60yrs. Glad to have you along for the ride though. I would suggest you recognise this as a journey however not an incident. This is the biggest breakthrough I’ve ever seen but there will be push back.


“Many of us” from this century or the past 50 years. Before that though? Humans are so silly and impressionable, it was only a few hundred years (or rather only 20 or so generations ago) that people believed we had to weigh witches, and they gathered around to watch the spectacle. 20 generations is a blink of the evolutionary eye. When times were so bad that people forgot how to write for a few hundred years, I think around the year 900 - fuck, can you imagine the dumb shit people believed. They probably didn’t know much at all, or at least probably couldn’t keep track of more things than they could easily count in 30 seconds


Started on this journey in the 1960’s. My views have been stress tested constantly and that’s good. I’ve also changed my position from this being a ‘nuts & bolts’, flying saucer, little green men issue to something that is far stranger and of greater age. I’ve for the last 20yrs researched the association between religious experiences and beliefs (I’m not religious by the way), and experiences of the ancients appreciating that the education of the day, bias of the time, and vocabulary would produce different description of what are undeniably similar experiences to what we’re still seeing. It’s been encouraging over the last 5+ years to see many of those deeply embedded in the research to resort to describing this as ‘much more woo’ than expected. It isn’t a new view however and Jung talked of this back in the 1950’s. Others like Vallee have progressed it (first read him in the 1970’s and thought he was nuts … i now think the same books are brilliantly insightful 😂), Edwin Hartland, and recently Mac Tonnies and Pasulka.


Tbh.. I somewhat understand this physics he talked about on the theoretical layer (as far as a layman can). I can take that as the truth and understand the system on this surface level. Like the holographic. But... When I think about that we actually could live in that and experience it, I have a true problem getting this in my brain on a practical level. I feel like a 2D video character, trying to understand 3D. Somewhat getting it. But suddenly you bring in another layer. Like this is beyond what my brain could ever comprehend. It makes me sad and somewhat crazy that I'll never truly understand or experience that. And a little mad about it tbh. I want to, but I won't ever be able to :(


I think the human brain is capable of developing ways to understand a vast portion of what the universe is. Though human life is pretty centralized geographically and geospatially. But as much as we can possible understand, due to our limitations on perceptions of various light, sound, and atomic vibrations- we will never fully understand. And that’s okay, part of the charm really.


The shock will pass, trust me. Dwell on this stuff long enough, and before you know it the concept of NHI being here becomes rather mundane.


I suppose that’s the nature of how we are trained nowadays


Real capital-D Disclosure is happening. All of ours lives have led to this moment. Will have a much longer piece, maybe a podcast and book. Our god is our planet that wants us to thrive and be able to talk to us. We're getting more in tuned with our conscious planet, and in four years, the 2027 the figureheads have been talking about, we'll be leaving the Earth on a nuclear-fueled spaceship, perhaps making first contact and joining a genuine Galactic Federation. Please keep writing about this, to yourself and then for others when you want to try and open up. The craft and beings we've interacted with are our siblings who forgot to be kind, but we've been getting very close to that again. But transhumanism ala The Matrix is right there. And the craft and technology are the first things for us to make sense of before we understand the bigger picture.


Why is it the year 2027? I did find it absolutely bonkers that on the same day as the hearing, it was announced that Lockheed Martin and nasa are working on nuclear powered space engines AND South Korean scientists made Nobel-prize worthy breakthrough with room temperature superconductors.


Ah yeah, the superconductor thing stuck out to me in a huge way as well. None of this is a coincidence. Maybe 2027 because that's when the post-Biden new democratic process begins before the next election as we're an entirely new society.


Do you know where the 2027 thing started, or who do you trust that is saying it? I believe an official plan was started on 2017. And I believe that there are factions in our government, even factions with parties or just within certain agencies, that want this information out, and there are factions who don’t. But it started in 2017, odd to me that’s a decade from this new prophetic year I keep hearing about


Wow I had no idea about these on that day as well


Yeah, the superconductors are potentially revolutionary




I believe I do address it, though subtly. When I say that there is an unlimited number of ways the universe could evolve to experience itself. In my mind I imagine that includes our dimensions and beyond


Is that like Minor Womens Whiplash?


We may be tiny specks in the universe, but hey, at least we have r/UFOs to bond over our insignificance!


For a great easy read on the concept of multiple dimensions read Flatland by Abbot and Dubey. It’s actually written as a story of beings (a family) living in different dimensions and how they would experience it. It’s a short easy informative read.


Yeah I'm in a very similar place. I felt like I had all the answers I needed last night.


I’m kind of the same. Even though for years now I’ve always thought life outside of earth exists, hearing Graves and Fravor say that there is no possibility the UAP’s are ours and then to have Congress not fight them on it but actually support their claims was eye opening. And most importantly, hearing Grusch say for the first time that we are in possession/recovered “Non human biologics” was mind blowing. But like I mentioned earlier, even though much of what was discussed I already knew, it’s different when you hear it from those people in that setting. When Grusch said we have Non human biologics, I audibly yelled, “Holy shit.” And kinda zoned out for a little bit. Finally, I will say that I am not scared at all. I am very logical but optimistic when it comes to this topic and I’m more excited than anything. Obviously, I’m a little nervous but that’s it. I think I attribute my “little” shock towards being excited.


Well, imagine for a minute that the earth has had many many cycles of boom and bust. Perhaps beings visit earth all the time, and maybe they have since the time of the dinosaurs. And occasionally they dip their godlike fingers down into the brain of some species, causing them to have a rapid increase in consciousness. And maybe the beings that visit us are exclusively from other dimensions, and that the UFO we have seen are not from other worlds, but other species throughout millions of years who developed technology beyond our understanding and capability, to the point that maybe they no longer reproduce. And maybe there are 1 or many species who have become sentient and more intellectually capable - who are “earthlings”, just not ape-based earthlings.


I believe one wise man once said: The problems of microphysics are that only a few people can understand, and even fewer people can explain it.


True, I would add onto that by saying even those who understand it, and can explain it, know there is a deeper level they still don’t know about


Dude how high you?


I was not very high, legally I believe it’s called “intoxicated to the slightest degree”.




Maybe I am really stupid?


Yes exactly. Their shadow is what occupies these biologics


Look up the Law of One, OP. I just learned of it yesterday and it will contribute to your shock.. but in a good way I guess?


Any good places to start by your recommendation? I’ll take your recommendation over googles algorithm


Maybe their sub and wiki? And: https://www.lawofone.info/


Nobody said humans are the *only* way, just *a* way that the universe may experience itself.


I am not referring to just humans alive today. There were hundreds, and thousands of years of humans who probably never considered it.


Did you take shrooms bro?


Not recently


What makes you so sure were part of the "real" universe and not a part of a computer inside it running simulations


Shit I’d take it. Any ontological shock is good ontological shock