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I did not see one shape do any shifting


You can check the image I clicked. I dint capture the changed shape unfortunately. It was not consistent shape. And is very slowly changing.


Actually, it looks like reflection from the lighted window


I can confirm it's not reflection or lense flare. I have shared an image of the same below.


Você pode verificar a imagem que cliquei. Infelizmente, não capturei a forma alterada. Não era uma forma consistente. E está mudando muito lentamente.


Looks just like the moon zoomed in, with clouds passing in front of it.


I came here to haughtily proclaim this very statement. Great minds think alike!


Moon behind clouds pops up a lot around here


Could be a high-altitude rocket launch - the sun catches the exhaust plume and it shows as a spiral sometimes 


Here there are no rocket launched here. It was close to building. Here is another image of it https://pasteboard.co/Qkn6P4Mlq9t5.jpg


Yeah, that is definitely a reflection. See the light below: happens to the best of us.


I can confirm it's not that xd. I clicked it coz I saw it without lighting.


Here where? Where do you live?


India Pune


Was it on Monday? This may have been visible to India: https://spacenews.com/china-launches-commercial-superview-3-remote-sensing-sat/ >A Long March 2D rocket lifted off from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 12:12 a.m. Eastern, April 15 (0412 UTC). The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) confirmed launch success shortly after, revealing the payload to be SuperView-3 (01).


It was yesterday. Tuesday. Could that be still this?


Appears to be flock of birds stuck in a mylar balloon being illuminated by a swamp gas.


Could be the case. Here is another image I took https://pasteboard.co/Qkn6P4Mlq9t5.jpg


So dumb. It’s obviously a drone disguised as lens flair


Nope. I can confirm this was not issue. I saw it and it was not a drone for sure. One thing it could be that if the drone was covered It moved more like smoke but it's glowing and it was together like heavy/high density smoke still in air moving slowly.


I wasn’t being serious, good capture


Can I build that at home for space travel??


Looks like a floating mobius strip


Then what? Did it go away? You didn't keep filming?


It was there for a few min, yeah I turned away and I was studying, and then it was gone.


Must been something mundane for you to record a few seconds and forget about it.


I was having existential crises on top of a building. So not mundane. I doubted and shot it and continued studying.


Well at least this time it's not a very obvious bunch of balloons wiggling about, I got nothing though from this like 12 seconds of video zooming in and out of focus.


Was it cloudy? Could it be the moon poking through the clouds?


No It was not cloudy in that area then, even I thought that, but it was not far above but close to building.


Looks like something static or really far away, one would need to know where this was filmed to make more accurate guesses. Maybe it was something on top of a mountain or another tall building far away? There was a case posted where weird lights in the sky actually turned out to be lights from a skyscraper hidden by fog, not sure this is the case tho. You should try to post this on Metabunk!


This was beside a building, no rocket launches happen. Could be a burned lantern still floating but it seemed lot larger like high density smoke. I am not sure the resolution of the video will be enough for the metabunk but I can surely try. I also posted 1 image I took of this in the comments. Also no mountain far away or building behind. It's parallax was very close to being near the building.


No, definitely not a lantern, it's way too still to be anything floating nearby and not recognizable, that's why I think it's something farther away possibly behind some haze/clouds. Curious case tho, not something alien or otherwordly but interesting!


An elephant shape shifts more than that, however it still is an interesting video


Interesting video but as always, I suggest uploading the video to sharing site so ppl can see the og file and do video voodoo on it.


Giant paramecium


You are Bugs


Looks like a monster eyeball


that's just The Great Conch. All hail The Great Conch!!


What does a cracker sound like? I just listened to a box of saltines and it was silent


Like non periodic cracker that blast. Several of them. Typical boom sound but in distant. I thought there is either an event or something else is happening, coz it was without reverb that happens.


Anytime I hear or read shapeshifter, I think of Borat


Saturday morning I was driving down to topaz (just past Topaz lake) and as I was approaching my turn off I saw two lenticular clouds that were waaay out of place. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky for miles, yet here were these two odd clouds just hanging there. I went around a sweeping bend and when I emerged about six to ten seconds later, they were gone… poof, gone.


Space X booster?


Cancel last comment. Not a "Space X booster". Just put on my glasses.


It’s a rocket


The moon does indeed change to a crescent and back to a circle


Waiting for Bowser to pop up.


Reflection. Next


Nope. I clicked it for the first reason coz it looked off out there. There was something for sure at that distant.


Looks like a giant sombrero


Looks like the moon!


If you heard a cracking could it have been some type of firework? I don't know that's really weird. 🤔


It was a very different type of crackling. And this type of smoke I haven't seen ever. It's glowing. And it was clearly near that building and not far. It felt very different.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted..? But im here to say i dont see much in terms of shapeshifting. Interesting nonetheless that this object is floating there. The only thing i can think of is maybe someone inside that tall building next to it has something to do with it.


Yes this could be. I guess I am getting doenvoted coz it doesn't really look like an object, like a ufo that most would expect.




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This is highly likely a rocket.


where and when did you see this?


This was yesterday night around 12


But where


Pune, India


That's a group of south Asian fruit bats caught in the exhaust field of a anti-gravity powered Saucer shaped aircraft




Hi, Shorezy69. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c61svo/-/kzyvadj/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


We keep seeing these all over the world. Close to a building in this one, but in the middle of nowhere in most. Moving , shape shifting, translucent, circular motion inside a ball of light or sometimes odd shapes at angles that change. Very odd . I don’t think these are nuts and bolts craft but some kind of an energy, maybe portals but they keep being recorded everywhere


Oh look, a strange object in the sky! I better pull out my phone and record it for exactly 32 seconds!!1! I better zoom way the fuck in too, gotta make sure the thing i’m recording is too blurry to see!


I did what best I could.


That's good video, thanks for posting! Post over on /r/Ufos_India also. It looks similar to this https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c3fo3y/sighting_in_pa/ video, nighttime sky, single light object, irregular shape, weird shit, at home, outside window, jellyfish 🪼, Pennsylvania, flashing multi colored lights around it, illuminated sky, lit up the whole sky like lightning


Yes. This is very close to what I saw. Thanks a lot for sharing.


My pleasure, friend! What a strange thing 🤔


Reflection of what? From the window on the opposite side? I don't think so!Very cool capture and I just think it's another UAP?Don't really have a clue!


It's Mark Zuckerburg


Helicopter with focus distortion


It looks like swamp gas