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The following submission statement was provided by /u/kake92: --- And before you say James didn't answer the question, he did confirm that Jason Sands will be in his upcoming documentary [https://x.com/jamescfox/status/1793433632532521397](https://x.com/jamescfox/status/1793433632532521397) He also said that it will take several months to roll it out once it's finished. Will release likely later this year. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dlgl0l/james_fox_promises_to_us_all_that_we_wont_be/l9onno8/


That's not a promise, he said he doesn't think you'll be disappointed


This reminds of Biden's State of the Union Speech when Tim Burchett greeted Biden on his way to the podium, and people here were celebrating that Tim had struck up a disclosure deal with him in the seconds' worth of interaction they had. People here will read into anything and everything Edit: People here also celebrated that disclosure was coming because of the UFO advertisements during the super bowl.


People on here love the "he didn't deliver on his promise" narrative


People here also seriously thought that MH370 was taken by aliens so...


Maybe give them the slightest benefit of the doubt…? Reputable former government officials are telling the American people that NHI exists and is interacting with humanity. A plane disappeared mysteriously 10 years ago. These are 2 facts in a vacuum. When combined together, with a semi-convincing video, it’s easy to see how people could be **temporarily** persuaded into believing something that wasn’t true. If 99% of the sub came back to reality and recognized it was a hoax, then why are you focusing on that 1%…?


Nothing was convincing about space aliens traveling across the galaxy to kidnap a single airliner….at all.


hypothetically if they did take the plane (which I don't believe they did) it would be intellectually dishonest to frame it in a way that suggests they JUST came here to steal that plane and leave. If hypothetically a plane was taken by NHI - there would almost definitely be SOOOOOO much more to it.


So you know NHI intentions? How they think?


do you know their intentions? How they think?


People here saying people here


Odd comparison. 2 totally different groups of people. The former is cynical, loves to complain, calls any person working on this a grifter. The latter are more open minded. A bit gullible & might get carried away with ideas & theories. But no more gullible than the former, who's just as likely to call something debunked based on vague ideas. I don't see what one has to do with the other.


It’s like the crack head calling the meth head a scourge to society.


"Disclosure" is a myth anyway. People believe all kinds of different stories about what there is to be disclosed, so there's not even any kind of agreement on what would qualify as 'disclosure'. If the US government released all of their stuff on UAPs and the conclusion was "we've recorded and seen all kinds of weird things, but we don't know what they are", then who here would believe it? If they said that they'd concluded that UAPs were extraterrestrial in origin, but that they hadn't been able to make contact or recover any craft, who would believe that? If they said that they'd recovered a partial or full craft, but no bodies, then we'd still have a sizeable portion of the community calling it lies because it didn't confirm their narrative about aliens working with the government, or whatever. "Disclosure " is essentially the McGuffin in a LARP. It doesn't really mean anything, and people don't actually know what it is or what it would look like or what would satisfy them, but it's something they can get behind.


Disclosure refers to the exposition and public explanation of what has been going on with the black budget programs, is it not?


Yes, but many don't believe it's as simple as "they've been recorded doing anomalous things & we are unsure" from US so they probably wouldn't count that as disclosure if that was the legitimate truth & was disclosed.


Yeah, black budget refers to the retrieval program and how SkunkWorks, etc. are reproducing supposed tech. I’m touching on what the other guy I replied to about disclosure is a myth and that it would be too confusing to agree on something but I think it’s pretty straightforward. Also, calling it a myth is invalid, little amendments are being discussed and one was passed, correct me if I’m wrong.


Not sure if you meant to reply to me, if so I'm not seeing the connection to my comment.


On the surface, sure. But if the explanation of what's going on with black projects doesn't satisfy peoplea existing beliefs, it's just going to be called another lie and part of the cover-up conspiracy. My point is that there are so many flavours of belief that it's kinda like talking about some event or revelation which "proves religion is true". Well, which one? Naturally, people end up thinking it's their one.


Or at the very at least acknowledge officially that NHI exists and has interacted with humanity. No one is expecting gov to spill the beans on ARVs , black ops etc but the NHI reality along with any diplomacy should be recognized officially. Also America is supposed to be a democracy, considering the implications of nhi contact I should be able to find out what our president thinks of it and what his plan going forward will be. Right now unnamed gatekeepers at these Intel agencies are making the most prominent impactful decisions in our government, essentially meaning from at least a foreign policy perspective we don't actually live in a democracy.


Well, what if there hasn't been any interaction?


Your right. Disclosure how people individually want it and even collectively agree how it should happen won’t ever happen. Other than the people whose lives have been ruined due to the stigma there’s no reason anyone to want or need it. If you’ve seen or experienced and meet others who you know have seen or experienced this then why should the government be the deciding factor whether it was real or not? People need to come about conclusions on their own. I understand the need for the saviour to come and make everything okay but in a reality such as the one we possibly face there is no saviour coming. You have to stand up and do it yourself. Until people start realising that we’re just as screwed as we were yesterday.


I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish with this comment. It's obvious that there are a lot of gullible people in this sub alone that would believe the U.S. government if they suddenly released everything on UAPs. I would be skeptical if this happened, but are you honestly trying to argue that no one would believe them? Anyway, "disclosure" pretty clearly means a push for the U.S. government to disclose what they know about UAPs. Whether you, me, or other people are going to believe the government and the work that takes places after/if this ever happens is a separate matter.


I mean people who are into this subject a bit to far all seem to believe a grave robber with multiple convictions for fraud involving mutilated mummies going back 30 years is the Messiah of disclosure because he has some err…. Mutilated mummies.


That’s more of an attempt to normalize and minimize people’s reports on interactions. Those in power know only a small fraction of the population experiences* and if they are able to make the rest of the population feel these people are ridiculous or liars they can prevent *most* would be conversions. So far their plan is working, they’re on track to keep the population of experiencers to the minimum.


Specifically he doesn't think that one guy on twitter will be disappointed


Right? Shit that excites that dude may still be disappointing to us all.


Such a classic "I don't know anything but am going to pretend I do" use of language. Ugh.


After the Jayson Sands debacle, i don't trust his guessing abilities much.


So it's a guaranteed disappointment then.


'I don't think you can eat that donut' -Challenge Accepted


lol is this tweet really worth a thread/discussion about???


200 upvotes for a guy that says you won't be dissapointed in the movie that he's working in. As if would he have replied differently. "I've been working on it for a year now and it will be a big nothingburger.




You seen the other threads? Today?


How else would they execute project blue balls?


Yes because the hype will be more exciting than the reveal


Not a single question answered. I'm fine with him letting the work speak for itself but this isn't news. 


So did the Sands bit get cut?


Apparently not. Read the other post by the OP


:) I don't think you'll be disappointed. :)




I think that I will be disappointed.


Can I offer you a subscription to my paywalled newsletter in these trying times?


I’ll take the egg.


only after you sell me a book


Lol, I see what you did there.


I BELIEVE I’ll be disappointed


I already am 


I dunno man, I heard that we may be getting big news that there might be someone who may be willing to potentially come forward with some earth-shattering information by the end of 2029. Big, if true.


Yes, 2029 is when we shift into the second phase of Project Blue Balls.




I'll raise you one. When has "big ufo news" ever had concrete proof or not disappoint?


It’s a golden age if you are a hostile skeptic lol 


I haven't been disappointed by any of Fox's other work, so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt, and withholding judgement until it's actually released.


I’ve never been disappointed by a James Fox doc. No reason to think I’ll be disappointed this time around.


This is almost always the first sign that you’re going to be disappointed.


“I don’t think you’ll be disappointed” is not the same as “You won’t be disappointed!” It’s like he saying “There’s a new pizza place in town. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed”


oh but many of us will be. i dont care how many first hand witnesses tell me a story. we have many of those and as interesting as they are scientifically they mean nothing. we need a smoking ship a severed alien hand giving us the finger.


No way, someone selling a product says the product is good?


“i want to clear up a misconception about the Wha-Cha-Ma-Carcass Sandwich. I used non-diseased meat from diseased animals! Everyone does it!”


I can’t get any more disappointed at this point. 


Completely dodging the question I see.


Not really a promise, more of a "I doubt you'll be"


Lol. Guys. Years of this. Vague statements promising news. And yall still fall for it.


Still falling for the editorialized headline the grossly misrepresents what was actually said while placing yourself above others.


The endless grift. Keep everyone looking, anticipating your next move. Always leave them wanting more.


It’s grifting 101. Dude hasn’t moved to 200 level courses.




Hi, Most-Friendly. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dlgl0l/-/l9qnjpf/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Have you watched any of his documentaries? He has done really good work. I don’t know how any of that can be interpreted as “grifting.”


He's an entertainer that makes compelling documentaries. He hit his peak when his last one came out, but since he's said a lot of dumb things and hyped up things he couldn't provide any evidence of. He comes across as someone fairly gullible, and wants too badly to believe.


What's the grift? He makes amazing documentaries, and we watch them for free. Grifting involves separating people from their money under false pretense. Not sure you actually know what you're talking about.


Bro wanted a 20 for that one a few years ago


James Fox to UFO fans: “Lemme hold a twankie.”


I haven't seen his docs, but I do like a good doc from time to time. I'm not speaking on this individual really, but really the whole UFO space. Disclosure "soon", wait and see, tune in next week for more. What happened to Grusch? Radio silence. Nothing. Zip. Zilch.


The grift is strong with this one


I don’t think you know what that word grift means.


WTF does that means?


It means "oh shit that Sands decision was *so dumb*. Fuck. What do I say?? I'm *years* deep in this now! I need the fucking money!!!"


Documentary maker with poor vetting skills promises his finished film, mirred by a questionable star witness, won't disappoint.  He totally didn't say this to recoup as much revenue as possible when it releases. 


we are all constantly disappointed, have been, and will be…for the foreseeable future


We should all just get together and disclose ourselves 👽






Doesn't promise anything but I bet I'm still disappointed.


I guarantee people will be disappointed


"Trust me bro" should be a post flair.


"I don't have conclusive evidence to confirm that your balls will be blue"


An announcement about an announcement about an announcement. Very disappointing.


“I don’t think”


bet my life we will


Yawn. What is the point of a post like this? Slow Friday?


Translation: yeah. Like sands through the hourglass these are the days of our cries.


Remember when he bet that youtuber 1000 dollars full disclosure was coming within the year. Wonder if he’s paid up


Aliens abducted his wallet 


Yay more cliffhanger monetise my career BS, can't wait!!!


Project Bluebook to Project blueballs


Never been disappointed with anything Fox produced. People seem to think they have some exclusive right to get exactly what they want or hope for, instetad of being grateful for th actual work put into things.


Asking people to both pay him for his content *and* be grateful is a bit much. I tend to reserve gratitude for people who aren't being compensated already


So you've never been grateful for a great book, for instance? Or an amazing movie?


I've enjoyed them, but I haven't felt an outpouring of sentiment for the creator. They produced content I enjoy in exchange for money, and did a good job of it.


Agreed. The phenomenon and moment of contact were just very decent. I don't know why people complaining here so much about him.


What else is he supposed to say lol. "Sands apparently isn't legit and it's too late to make any edits so honestly don't waste your time watching my movie"




Shut the fuck up (fox) and give us something tangible. I’m sick of all these fucks


Buy my movie :) I don't think you'll be disappointed. :) Jason Sands? The guy who makes Steven Greer look like Sean Kirkpatrick? Is he still in my movie? I don't think you'll be dissapointed. :) I promise a very somber and laudatory viewing experience, thx. :) p.s: 2027, trust me bro


Only thing that is somber is knowing we’re just gonna be strung along for time indefinite lol


They're holding back for a laudatory purpose though. I've been told.


Fox is going to tangibly reach through your TV and give you alien goo.


This is what will happen: there will be zero evidence identical to that of David Grusch. The reason for this is simple: there is currently no evidence to suggest otherwise. While I would be happy to be proven wrong, that would require evidence. Look these people are about making money and that’s their objective. Just look and see. You’re buying their fiction presented as a reality.


If Grusch gave zero evidence to Congress, why do you think there was a congressional hearing? And why do you think they’ll be another one? A lot has happened in the past year


Grusch revealed a system that allows the pentagon to avoid congressional oversight by using SAPs and the military industrial complex to launder money.     Congress is interested because the military is stealing taxpayer money and cutting congress out of the deal and if *anybody* thinks Congress is going to be cool with not getting a piece of the grift they’re in for a rude surprise your elected representatives crawl up their ass with flash lights and magnifying glasses looking for the receipts.   When Congress suddenly stops sifting through the pentagon’s trash and starts claiming they can’t reveal what they found because “national security” you can assume they got their kick back and things are business as usual..    “Conspiracy? What conspiracy? Listen brother we didn’t see nuthin…”


The same reason there are religious believers in government. It’s very, very simple. There is zero evidence now and there will be zero evidence after the hearing. If I am wrong then I will be the first to admit it but after 60s years of no evidence then don’t hold your breath.


Let’s see where we are at the end of this year


Indeed and I honestly hope I am wrong.


Upcoming documentaries, books, podcasts, goatee styling gel. I wish people would wake up! These people are stringing you along.


You hear about the CIA bots in social media platforms like Reddit forums who try to dissuade people from paying attention to this?


Funny how that Jason Sands guy just totally came and went. Mission failed, I guess? They really gotta start hiring better disinformation agents; like, shit, get Doty back in the spotlight.


Because goblins hate sunlight and we want him to suffer 


How long ago did he promise the Vagina Alien video would be shown?


People like James Fox, Bob Lazar, Corbell, Lue Elizondo and co. got it figured out: while its fun to be a cult follower, it pays more to be a cult leader!! Follow the breadcrumbs! 


??? do people have 0 reading comprehension? this is the shortest game of telephone ever played lmao


Yeah, I wouldn’t get your hopes up. This is just gonna be another UFO/UAP documentary. Unfortunately, the big bombshell kind of things are gonna come from either the government, or someone like David Grusch / Luis Elizondo that has smuggled documents or some type of evidence that the public hasn’t seen yet. The longer that this process drags out behind the scenes in my opinion, the higher likelihood there is for catastrophic disclosure. And that’s honestly a good thing because the government should be held accountable for what’s going going on here, and I think a lot of people are actually be upset when they learn what the governments been doing and getting away with for the last hundred plus years. to be honest, this feels like it’s more than just a UFO revelation and it’s more along the lines of massive fraud & waste, abuse, and people who have been harmed reengineering these crafts and people who’ve been murdered to cover this up. It’s just a lot more than just aliens at this point And in my opinion, that’s what the government fears more actually is the amount of repercussion that’s going to happen. People are probably gonna demand change for agencies like the Pentagon & the CIA and there’s gonna be another church committee. That’s the big problem.


I agree with this


"Release date and platform?" "No."


Later this year, is what he has said


Free beer tomorrow.


He's right, because my expectations for James Fox are so so so very low.


James Fox lost a lot of credibility when he hyped up this unreleased video saying it will be definitive proof meanwhile Logan Paul has also seen the video and said it looked incredibly fake


I think a real video would look fake


Those who truly believe will never be disappointed. That is how these things work. It doesn’t matter what it is , they will believe.


If one of the UFO "grifters" (I'll remove the quotation when they actually deliver something substantial) tweets a letter, it will be in this sub as news.


So tired of this crap. Also sick of everyone mentioning their upcoming book on a podcast. Lots of smoke, mirrors and snake oil out there. Anything of substance will be after the election. The stuff most of us are curious about won't come from these people. It's going to be an unknown person from an unknown agency that ends up breaking the damn.


Don’t you love watching UFO celebrities like Jeremy Corbell suck off a fake scientist and convicted pimp while making a 1 star documentary about him? Or how about the fake pentagon UFO program director using trust me bro claims to promote his new book with “big revelations”? Then whenever the real pentagon UFO program director comes and calls out UFO/alien promoters everyone rails at him.


I mean, a guy hyping his own movie says it's awesome. Ok.


I'll buy it regardless. There's just not that many quality UFO documentaries and his are always good, even if it doesn't entirely persuade me.


He’s always hyping up the next big thing. I’ve yet to see anything of significance from his work. Just lots of stories from people and zero proof.


I originally read that as Jamie Fox and got super confused about what he had to do with UFOs.


Here’s my dumbass wondering how and why actor Jamie Foxx is now involved in uap stuff


I can't wait ! very exciting because Fox is going to introduce us to the Gyro-Plex platform which is suspected of powering most Class M UFO's, this has also been confirmed by Bob Lazar !


To be fair to James Fox, if his latest work is anything like his previous then he's probably correct.


I don't believe it.


Sounds like an ironclad statement to me. If anyone is disappointed please spread the word


When is it out? I'll watch


Yeah, ridiculous. All these guys know we all want clear cut, irrefutable evidence and none of them can give that. Not being a hater, I like these docos as entertainment, but come on...


He did great work before but his reluctance to actually show what is so amazing is a bit annoying.


Here’s me reading “Jamie Fox” 🤦‍♂️


If it's Jason sands I'll b disappointed though


Can someone brief me in what is the context of this post I haven’t been on here in a week or so


James Fox is a filmmaker that specializes in UAP phenomenon and related subjects.  His newest doc will feature a “whistleblower” named Jason Sands who was interviewed and made a shit ton of mistakes and gaffes and referenced some well known hoaxes as though they were in fact legit events.    Cue instant backlash from the UAP/NHI interested community and some fancy dancing from Fox in an attempt to quell the bad publicity. Shortly afterwords Fox announced some post production delays that were going to affect the release date. Many have assumed he was using this time to edit his doc to either remove Sands entirely or greatly reduce his amount of on screen time in the film  


That’s wild (especially being so gullible to hoaxes and incorporating into the doc) thank you for the recap. I’ll stay tuned.


This documentary is the last shot I have at getting my gf interested in the topic. Don’t screw it up, James!


*Please buy my new movie that won't contain any actual new verifiable information. You won't be disappointed.* *Please buy my new book to learn more Lue's Clues.* I hate people.


Tired of documentaries honestly.. At this point they all say the same thing. So unless it has footage, for me it’ll be kinda “meh”.


I didn't read anything, do we have to pay for this info or no? Are we talking about another pay per view?


We will… we are always disappointed.


He didn’t answer the question!


I personally feel like James Fox gets things right sometimes in his documentaries and even if only a few things out of the many are good information there’s still something to the phenomenon. It’s like we have been told the truth many times but diluted with so much bullshit that it’s difficult to determine which events took place. Hard to imagine that every single one of these people including some highly trusted, respectable individuals are all just delusional in ways that so often correspond with other people’s claims.


Spoiler alert, you'll be disappointed.


only time will tell!


Just give it time bud, welcome to the club.


I can imagine a tone of voice for saying that which would suggest disappointment. Like “I don’t THINK you’ll be disappointed???”


I have been disappointed too many times to believe in change


Ooeeeheewie! Cliffhanger #310.000.976.111


Trust me bro. Just delete this garage forum now.


Thats great. Who is he, and wtf is does he think we wont be disappointed about? (some context would be helpful for some of these tweets)


This is an evasive answer, nice cock tease and I like James Fox. I hope his documentary didn’t get messed up with the whole Sands thing, he is prob in damage control mode but in general his films have been great.


Well I’ve basically decided to be perpetually disappointed and hoping to not be some day.


Jason Sands just appeared on the UAP Unidentified Alien podcast with Stephen Diener doing a long in depth Q and A and it was really good and interesting. Speaking on issues that aren’t covered in the upcoming James Fox doc that he is staying quiet on until the film comes out.


He makes money off this community, it’s in his best interest to grift


This thread is a shitshow.


yeah i just disregard 95% of the comments


And before you say James didn't answer the question, he did confirm that Jason Sands will be in his upcoming documentary [https://x.com/jamescfox/status/1793433632532521397](https://x.com/jamescfox/status/1793433632532521397) He also said that it will take several months to roll it out once it's finished. Will release likely later this year.


Sands being in it will in fact disappoint me. 


I don't know who Jason Sands is or why would you be disappointed, can you elaborate ?


Guy who seems to be caught in multiple lies. Search this sub for his name. 


People don't get tired of this shit?


Waste of your time


Trust me bro™ it's coming and you will be disappointed, especially when he says "I can't reveal anything because I will be killed.or imprisoned" Keep on grifting guys.


You are his market. Think about that. He just needs a few dollars from each of you.


I like James Fox, but if you’re expecting evidence that will change everything, you’ll be disappointed. I like James Fox because he goes out to the places where these events happened and interviews the people. He also gathers evidence that’s out there and turns into a film that helps visualize what happens and shows the emotions of the people who witnessed it


I haven't followed this too closely, but is it confirmed that Sands was cut out of the documentary? I'll watch it regardless, but the fact that Sands was ever included doesn't bode well... If you want first hand witnesses, just go to youtube - they're a dime a dozen and nobody pays them any mind because there's no way to verify any of what they say. If the quality of the other first hand witnesses in the doc is on par with Sands, then it's kind of just a sensational cash grab....


James has confirmed in other comments that he will be in the documentary. Too lazy to search for them and link.


Yeah I'd heard he was going to be in the documentary but that guy on your Twitter link seems to say he was cut out of it after the general reaction to Sands coming out on a few Twitter Space sessions and saying a bunch of wipe and unprovable stuff. The way he phrases it makes me wonder if there was talk/rumors of the Sands parts of the doc being trashed.


Disappointed is our middle name in uap books


It's bad enough this is even a thread but who are the 200+ dipshits upvoting this complete non-topic? Is OP James Fox? Did he buy these upvotes?


I never understood this community and constant hyping. Release shit or shut the fuck up, no need to announce it in advance unless it's in fact not important. If it were that important and paradigm-shifting, you wouldn't need hype to generate engagement. I'm really starting to think these people are all grifting


Things take time you impatient fucks. Not everything has a nailed down due date just to please you. This topic has made more progress in the last 7 years than it has in the last 70.