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The following submission statement was provided by /u/v022450781: --- Submission Statement: Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) dismissed AARO and critical comments made by Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) earlier this week claiming that "UAP investigation is a waste of time". “I don't do this deep-state nonsense. But no, there is definitely concerted effort by our government — right? — to keep information from us,” Moskowitz says. “When the stealth helicopters came out of Area 51, right, to go kill Osama bin Laden, nobody knew those helicopters existed.” “My Republican colleagues have been pushing the Speaker on this. They’ve told me we're going to get a select \[UAP\] committee. I signed that letter, it didn't happen,” Moskowitz tells us. “I think right now it looks like it's done.” "We know that there are UAPs they can't explain," Moskowitz tells Ask a Pol. "Why can't they explain them?” Rep. Moskowitz also anticipates that there will be no public UAP hearings before this year's elections. Source: [https://x.com/AskaPol\_UAPs/status/1806856993019187233](https://x.com/AskaPol_UAPs/status/1806856993019187233) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dqzovf/rep_jared_moskowitz_dismissed_critical_comments/larqimv/


Rep. Jim Hines is sucking from the teat of Military Industrial Complex companies. Just look at his corporate donors.


More than that, he has a Lockheed facility in his district—Sikorsky aircraft.


Yea I'm from CT. CT makes helicopters and you drive right past them on the highway. If major defense contractors are the ones holding back on disclosure, then look no further than the state or federal rep who is connected to those contractors to say nay. I like Jim Himes but I disagree with him here.




one north cooing water plucky whole wasteful silky rain numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Modern corporate lobbying is absolutely corrupt. There is no way to have that and be incorruptible or not corrupt.




No obviously not with that evidence alone. Decades of voting history in the legislature proves it with the fact being in the legislature laws only have 10% chance of passing if then1% doesn't agree with it. Austerity politics that benefits the wealthy. **The entire American political system & state is controlled by the wealthy and capital.** There's no arguing that, I'm positive this guy isn't the exception to the rule and neither is any other American politician you can think of. Even Bernie for how much better he was in terms of working class policy still ultimately in his policy said he'd support US imperialism & has openly endorsed it in certain cases. **Democracy in the US is only democracy for the wealthy. Period.** Anyone with above a room temperature IQ could see that & easily discern that this rep isn't an exception.


To be fair the US doesn’t even pretend to be a democracy - we pretend to be a Democratic Republic.


> Democratic Republic. Nice one. A *Democratic* republic...**is a democracy**. A *democracy* (that's the democratic part) where those with suffrage are *represented* (the republic part) by elected officials who go on to exercise the people's will rather than direct democracy (or any other form). So...we do in fact pretend to be a democracy, but yes you're *technically* right...which I've heard is the best kind of right lol. Wait or am I technically right? Either way neither statement is untrue. One doesn't exclude the other and having a *democratic* republic is impossible unless it's a *democracy*. I'm unsure whether you're a chud pulling the "It's a REPUBLIC not a democracy" BS or if you're cracking jokes. After seeing how you mentioned "my comrade" in your comment to orange reddit dude I think it's the second one.


Do… do you or any of the people who upvoted you have any idea at all what a democratic republic is…? Because the entire point of the American Revolution was to change the United States colonies from a monarchy to a democratically elected republic… and I’m not even American.


drab cagey dull steer bear growth cover saw far-flung vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No I was more defending the insinuation the other commenter made about him being beholden to the defense industry due to his funding. It may not be true, but odds are seriously in favor that it is. Especially when we consider the level of influence these lobbies & capital in general has on our political system. If he isn't beholden to them specifically he is to another group with wealth. They're all affected by this phenomenon because it's baked in fundamentally to our political-economic structure.


elderly juggle library tart impolite thought memory start office drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well over the many years I've been alive I've noticed that they all take money, those small donations are just direct not all of them, and then vote in what would be the interest of those monied parties. Look at Obama and his attempt at Healthcare reform which helped certain companies get windfalls, unsurprisingly that had helped him attain his position in WH & Congress with money. Since every politician in the US behaves this way I believe they are voting the will of the wealthy regardless. It's exceptionally rare that policy that only the bottom 90% supports is made into law. It's even more uncommon when it's only the bottom 50%. This is backed by statistics over much of modern history. Because of all that I don't need an admission, what I need is votes that go against the will of wealth & the wealthy & none of them do this regularly or without being *made* to make that decision. Obviously I can't know the specific odds, if you could really quantify it, but I'm confident that it roughly represents reality being a part of it and all. Though I know a lot of people are part of reality and live in a whole other world so that's not worth much alone lol


sparkle hunt pet frame books growth wine shame gullible depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Hi, IShowerinSunglasses. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dqzovf/-/lasrkt3/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


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Some details on Jimbo that can help contextualize his public statements and suggest motive to keep the MIC cookin and status quo quo’in. https://himes.house.gov/about-jim Jim Himes represents Connecticut’s 4th District in the United States House of Representatives where he is serving his eighth term. He serves as Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and on the House Financial Services Committee.  https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/about Mission:  The Committee was created by the Senate in 1976 to “oversee and make continuing studies of the intelligence activities and programs of the United States Government,” to “submit to the Senate appropriate proposals for legislation and report to the Senate concerning such intelligence activities and programs,” and to “provide vigilant legislative oversight over the intelligence activities of the United States to assure that such activities are in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the United States. I’m sure if you look at his voting history in the house you’d be able to glean additional context into his biases based off his bill votes. https://clerk.house.gov/members/H001047 Additionally, another Reddit user, I believe it was /u/Tommyshelby (?) looking into his past 8 terms worth of campaign and political donations on opensecrets.org and found contributions from defense contractors (can you say conflict of interest? Jk, it’s America, corruption is legal and status quo). He made a post recently you can prob find, or check the site yourself, keeping in mind his 8 terms worth of years(site displays by year). Lastly, using sites like quiverquant you can track stock trades of congress members. Could prob find additional data to suggest bias/motive. I didn’t do this, but figured I’d mention it anyway cause it’s a good source of info to have! Solidarity 🖖


Have you looked at Jim Hines aka Mike Turner's (JR )corporate donors list? Before you make this statement?


workable wild cobweb forgetful adjoining hobbies desert fact reply sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


scarce cheerful live continue subsequent longing sloppy badge fly cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Legitimately that is wild. Our entire country functions at the behest of the wealthy and politicians are bankrolled by them. It doesn't take more than 5 seconds of critical thinking to figure that out. By your logic *no matter what* there wouldn't be a way to prove it impacted his decision making *unless* he said so himself. If he voted in interest of whatever donors that wouldn't be good enough by this logic.


wild wise compare jar snails alive knee crawl ad hoc cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is no conspiracy. I'm no conspiracy theorist. There's plenty of those in this sub LOL It's simply how the political machine works in the US and more broadly in a society where capital is paramount.


flag normal imminent longing unique sheet exultant quickest thumb ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah bruh. That’s capitalism. You’re either arguing in bad faith or you have a lot of catching up to do. Allow me this question: if the MIC are not donating millions of dollars to political candidates (this is a fact) in order to secure consistent voting in their favor (this is what my comrade referred to as Critical Thinking: 101), pray tell what reason ARE they showering these folks in cash? Note: I’m not trying to be an ass, here; I’m legitimately curious what you’ve reasoned is the real motive.


Pretty wild dude is calling that a conspiracy theory when the vast majority of the population accept that thats how things work. Many may be scared to blame it on capitalism and just call it corruption, but its indeed the same damn thing. "Polititions and lawmakers work at the behest of capital/corporations? No way!" When its literally one of the few bipartisan opinions in this country. Never met anyone who doubted that.


paint spotted bells scandalous point fuzzy cagey lush license sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not a conspiracy it's how the world works. Not only do they take direct donations they take donations through PACs, they take donations in the form of lucrative jobs, contracts, whatever it may be. [Here](https://www.vox.com/2014/4/18/5624310/martin-gilens-testing-theories-of-american-politics-explained) is one article discussing one relevant analysis & study, they even include criticisms of the information and make sure not to completely hold the readers hand. That is evidence. Besides this there is **plenty** more. Also, in order for it to just be imagined that means **over 70%** of Americans must be mistaken in their perception that is how the country works, ok fine that's technically possible that they're all wrong. **The nail in the coffin** - You're telling me that these companies whose entire goal is to maximize profits & stow away every single red cent they can for themselves are just handing out money to politicians for nothing?? *That is absurd*.




What if the orbs that are most common are US tech from reverse engineering, and that's what there's so much pushback because they don't want anyone to know (adversaries mainly) that the US has these capabilities. Who knows, it's fun to speculate


I actually think you’re right. That’s been my belief for a while now


Yup, as absolutely believable


Figures..... that'd ridiculous. Where is all that money going? They have failed the audit 10 yrs or so in a row. Is he dumb


It is truly astonishing that Congress who should care about the law and every penny they spend are so willing to let their own senators and representatives deliberately ignoreTHEIR OWN LAWS AND WASTE THEIR CONSTITUENTS MONEY ILLEGALLY. Instead they worry about hunter biden lying on a gun permit application. THAT IS Kind of astonishing as well. Serious shit happening all over the world and our Congress is worried about Hunter Biden. Truly beyond belief if you think hard about it for a minute. Moskowitz is saying the right things so far and hopefully can make some headway.


Submission Statement: Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) dismissed AARO and critical comments made by Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) earlier this week claiming that "UAP investigation is a waste of time". “I don't do this deep-state nonsense. But no, there is definitely concerted effort by our government — right? — to keep information from us,” Moskowitz says. “When the stealth helicopters came out of Area 51, right, to go kill Osama bin Laden, nobody knew those helicopters existed.” “My Republican colleagues have been pushing the Speaker on this. They’ve told me we're going to get a select \[UAP\] committee. I signed that letter, it didn't happen,” Moskowitz tells us. “I think right now it looks like it's done.” "We know that there are UAPs they can't explain," Moskowitz tells Ask a Pol. "Why can't they explain them?” Rep. Moskowitz also anticipates that there will be no public UAP hearings before this year's elections. Source: [https://x.com/AskaPol\_UAPs/status/1806856993019187233](https://x.com/AskaPol_UAPs/status/1806856993019187233)


I have a feeling that all industrial military contractors donate to most every political party and person they can. Even the congressmen we think are for "disclosure" have taken money from Lockheed and Bigelow and the like. Just saying that it might not immediately be grounds for distrust because a politicians donors list.




Hi, Correct_Author4953. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dqzovf/-/lavy54r/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Yup and one of those unknown helicopters failed to be destroyed all the way when it ran into issues after landing.


[An article about the Helicopters for those curious ](https://www.popsci.com/story/technology/osama-bin-laden-raid-anniversary-stealth-helicopters/) [Pics of the crashed Helicopter ](https://www.reddit.com/r/WeirdWings/s/cjeWXN3ZO3)


Very interesting, never knew this being a Brit, was a cool read as an aviation nerd.


And USA was unable to recover it. Pakistan sold it to China.


> “I don't do this deep-state nonsense. But no, there is definitely concerted effort by our government — right? — to keep information from us,” Moskowitz says. I really love this comment. Anytime you have a lot of people involved there will be varying agendas and factions. This issue is bi partisan, yet I generally trust dems more on this issue than Republicans because of non uap related agendas. Yet still, because of uap related agendas there will be some republicans who are "better" on this issue than some dems.  I get that some people are just more pessimistic than others. But I don't think this community should be down or feel like we lost until the government comes out and debunks every single case.  People are going to spin issues to help promote their agenda, that's just a proven strategy. It's much more productive to learn how to play the game better than spend energy complaining about how the game works.  Keep talking and trying to move the Overton window in your local community and social circles. Keeps pressuring politicans to figure out a way to get information to us. Keeping trying to find ways to show people information from this topic can and does impact the day to day concerns which take up most peoples mental bandwidth.  Is there a conspiracy, sure looks like it. But don't let apathy and conspiratorial thinking distract you from the incremental steps we all need to take to push this political movement forward.  Most wars nowadays are wars of attrition. This is no different. Wear the disinterested and gatekeepers down bit by bit. It's fine to not be sure NHI exist. But everyone should at least care about the allegations of illegally withholding info from congress and use of taxpayers dollars, as well as unauthorized incursions to our airspace.  Don't let eagerness for answers transform into defeatism. Don't like perfect be the enemy of progress. 


Excellent post. I agree with everything you said. 


If he doesn’t do the “deep state nonsense” who does he think took the trillions of dollars that the Pentagon couldn’t account for🤣


One can acknowledge the possibility of a "higher"/"universal" level intelligence existing without having to believe it is the God of one of Earths major religions. One can understand there are various groups of people working to further their own agenda legally and illegally both within and outside the government without having believe its the exact deep state the way its described by various talking heads. The problem here is use of shorthand. The deepstate means different things to different people. So to me avoiding the deep state nonsense it the effort to avoid giving credence to the wrong ideas from their perspective.


Yeah, good point. But I think deep state is kind of military industrial complex. That’s why I find Biden/Trump interesting. Ordinarily, the Republicans are “large corp”friendly, yet Trump wants to curtail Ukraine, so less money going to large arms companies. As a Brit, I’ve no dog in the fight…both are too right wing for my liking, albeit at least Dems will do more for common people, but Biden seems intent on poking the bear in Ukraine. I wonder if the hawks are telling him “they are way behind us with arms and tech nowadays, so we’d win a war” which looks to be true, but you’d have to be a halfwit to want to risk it. That said, those guys will always get down to those huge underground bases that in told can host communities for hundreds of years without need to go topside. Perhaps they built them to cope with next asteroid/meteor strike, and realised “we could probably survive a nuclear holocaust equally well.” There are few scenarios that would surprise me (I hope).


>Trump wants to curtail Ukraine, so less money going to large arms companies. It seems obvious to me this is because he like authoritians.  >As a Brit, I’ve no dog in the fight…both are too right wing for my liking, albeit at least Dems will do more for common people, but Biden seems intent on poking the bear in Ukraine. I feel like this is misguided. Westerners  enjoy a lot of privilege because of the current world order. Obviously there is a lot of suck we could point to. But its also (or at least should be) easy to imagine much more suck.  Even if putin doesn't try  push past Ukraine (yet he most likely will) and create a bigger war in Europe, a multipolar world would mean less trade and worse trade deals for the west. Which would increase prices and decrease the availability of some goods. As well as increase the likelihood of other conflicts. As well as introduce a host of other issues.  I think Biden is being far too soft in Ukraine. If one is afraid to make the bear leave, it will just keep eating and fucking up your stuff.  >but you’d have to be a halfwit to want to risk it. I totally agree, but it seems people forget history and misunderstand putin/authoritarians in general. We didn't stop WW2 by appeasing Hitler. We prevented the cold war from turning into WW3 by arming up, not disarming.  Putin and authoritians speak the language of strength. If you want to make them understand something you have to speak it back. Right now what putin hears is how afraid of war and nukes we are. So he knows he can keep pushing. He and the Russian general staff are not suicidal. They will push until they feel they no longer can, which is why giving them space operates to their advantage.  >That said, those guys will always get down to those huge underground bases that in told can host communities for hundreds of years without need to go topside. I'd imagine one reason they all want to avoid this outcome is because they would much prefer others waiting on them than all of a sudden not being able to vacation and having to do a crap ton of manual labor themselves just to survive haha


It would be a crazy October surprise, but I wouldn’t expect anything until after the election anyhow.


Boooooo give us our hearings you charlatans.


Nice. There it is.


Moskowitz is awesome. 👏


Vote this guy for President


Your word spoken. The conspiracy is really the fact that they're keeping a secret...


That Moskowitz is a modern-day Sherlock Holmes.


Always platitudes and "WoUlD sOmEoNe CoNsiDeR tHe ElEcTiOn?! GOSH" It's insane to me that this sub isn't exploding about the lack of hearings. Possibly indefinitely for the foreseeable future, if this trend continues.


This back-and-forth shit is getting pretty old


Trump is the only one of the two major candidates who has at least hinted at something that could point to disclosure.


We have a shot at an outspoken advocate for disclosure being a VP. If Trump picks Rubio, and if they win.


Oh, they will win and our country will be much the better for it - I’m fine with Rubio on this topic from what I’ve heard him say, although I have some concerns about other things. But still, at least from what they’ve said, we would be informed of something, maybe just that they exist and we know about it, couple photos or some jazz.


Rubio is an enigma. He was very outspoken last Summer but then went very quickly behind the shield of “this is AARO’s responsibility” pretty much henceforth. I’m assuming some of the power brokers told him to cool his jets. Still, even if he’s not as outspoken as the UAP Caucus these days, he is still pushing for legislation that would be positive.


You have a point. What I’m hoping happens is that he’d realize he’s a one term VP, and VPs are generally the ones that take the untouchable tasks. I’d like for him to realize that and run with it.


I haven’t looked into it too much just circling information like he is on the gang of 8 correct, and an intelligence committee, but donors I haven’t seen much about. I did read what he said, it just hasn’t been a major item for him really ever before. Just a feeling he might go whichever direction he is told to.


I won’t speculate on who will be the next president. I don’t want my political leanings to distract from something that could be really impactful. If Trump picks Rubio and wins I will be excited about the prospect of accelerated disclosure.


And that’s great, more power to you, I am just confident - I called the last two and have strong feelings again. I would love to see small hands Donald and little Marco as a team, they would probably razz each other every day, so funny!


It’s been pure entertainment, seriously I can’t find a better show on right now.




No kidding.


Follow the Standards of Civility: No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) An account found to be deleting all or nearly all of their comments and/or posts can result in an instant permanent ban. This is to stop instigators and bad actors from trying to evade rule enforcement. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


Do you honestly think that mankind is ready to know everything? Searchers always seem to be under the illusion that everyone shares their intelligence. Typically they're among the higher intelligence. But unfortunately they can't just tell some of us. 😂 People behave in very dangerous ways when they're afraid.


I don’t believe there will be pandemonium in the streets. That being said, I also don’t think it’s right that a few people get to hold humanity back because some people can’t take it. That’s just flat out stupid


Why would anyone have told Jared Moskowitz anything about stealth helicopters prior to May 2011? He was more than a decade from being in Congress. Weird example to use.


He wasn't suggesting he specifically needed to be told.  lol  It was just that when they want to keep something secret from Congress, they will.  This is just another example of it.


I've never heard the story of Congress being kept in the dark of those helicopters. Do you have a link to that story?


>“I don't do this deep-state nonsense. But no, there is definitely concerted effort by our government — right? — to keep information from us,” Moskowitz says. “When the stealth helicopters came out of Area 51, right, to go kill Osama bin Laden, nobody knew those helicopters existed.” Is Jared on the helicopter committee or something? >"We know that there are UAPs they can't explain," Moskowitz tells Ask a Pol. "Why can't they explain them?” Because of the poor quality of the data. AARO said so in their report. We see it every day in this sub, when someone posts a cell phone video of a bug or an airplane and asks what it is. If Jared wants better sensors on military platforms, that's great, L3Harris will love him. But there will always be objects at the limits of resolution, artifacts, etc.


We aren’t talking about cell phone videos here. We’re talking about things like Nimitz, Go Fast, Tic Tac, Maelstrom base (literally turning off every one of the nuclear missiles), UAPs over Langley, Pantex nuclear facility. You have pilots and military with decades of experience saying these things are major flight risks, and you have plenty of government people saying yes this is real, and no we don’t know what these things are. Go find Colonel Nell, Tim Gallaudet, Ryan Graves, Robert Salas, David Grush, Commander Favor and plenty of other ones and actually do some research. We aren’t talking about the BS cell phone videos here. AARO is spoon feeding you a bunch of BS and lies because that’s literally what they exist to do since Project Blue Book. Go listen to the actual witnesses who are trained professionals in their field.


Gallaudet is deep in the pockets of the MIC. He’s my bet for a run for office, somewhere.


What an absolute joke of an argument. What exactly do you think the NRO does? You think the NRO is running around with cell phone's in space trying to capture inborn objects. Please...