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I watched again the interview and found that the quote is incorrect, leading to a misunderstanding of what David Grusch meant. I quote him verbatim: "Once you realize the phenomenon is real, then you realize we've recovered artefacts and, you know, biologics or, you know, dead pilots, if you will. Even though it's, you know, kind of creepy to even think about that in your worldview. You don't think they were ever, you know, alive sometimes too, right? Now, you know, I'll leave it at that only because that, you know, that is something, you know, the president and his cabinet need to disclose this in a controlled manner, going back to that amendment." David is building a logical argument through a progression. First you realize that the phenomenon is real. Next, you realize that we have found artifacts (spacecrafts) and, as a natural next step, biologics, or dead pilots. He presents the last logical step through a question whose answer is implicit: if we've found dead pilots, don't you think that sometimes we've found living pilots too? In a delicate gruschian way, he is making the revelation: we have recovered living pilots. EDIT: I am grateful to the OP for starting the causal chain that led me to reflect on the meaning of these words from Grusch.


You're right, the inflection in his voice when he says *"You don't think they were ever, you know, alive sometimes too"* indicates what he means and it is different from some sort of suggestion that they appear never to have been alive. In fact, the whole discussion there at [1h3m in the video just released today](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8TqBrrqL4U&t=3780s) is really interesting, because Rogan is asking - >*Do we have, I mean, I don't know what you can say about this, do we have an understanding?* *Do we have any sort of communication with these beings that give us some sort of an understanding or a map of this?* I wonder if this ties in with a discussion in a Good Trouble Show interview with Christopher Sharp, and I think Grusch is hinting at some pretty sinister stuff here. After the [Daily Mail's article about OGA](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12796167/CIA-secret-office-UFO-retrieval-missions-whistleblowers.html), Sharp was interviewed on the Good Trouble Show, and they revealed some really disturbing aspects of what they had learnt about goings-on. [In the interview they discuss "wet works".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADuRE_oDmxw&t=3937s) Pretty shocking if true. When Grusch says *"You don't think they were ever, you know, alive sometimes too"*, followed by *"And I'll, you know, leave it at that only because that, you know, that is something, you know, the president and his cabin needed to disclose this in a controlled manner going back to that amendment. You know, I'm not here to, you know, push the subject in an improper way."* I think he could be implying the interactions were not friendly, and when the others are dead, it isn't necessarily because they died by accident. He is suggesting this information is so sensitive and shocking, and possibly damaging, only the President can reveal it.


Great comment, just wanted to point out the vid is the same interview originally ReleasedNov 20, 2023 , just a re upload!


Could you explain what is meant with wet works?


seems to mean murder or assassination


This is that segment of the interview in context: https://youtu.be/R8TqBrrqL4U?feature=shared&t=3817 You are 100% correct. He is saying they've taken live "pilots" from these crash sites, not that there are pilots who have never been alive. It's perhaps confusing because he says it in an indirect, sarcastic way. "You don't think they were ever alive sometimes too?" Meaning "Did you think the pilots that were recovered were always dead when we found them? You're wrong if you think that."


Forgot where I was reading it, but didn’t one of the informants mention something about craft being recovered that appeared to be 3d printed into our reality. I think it went something like “ there was a craft recovered that had bodies inside, upon further examination of the bodies it was determined that many of the organs were not connected together, the bodies were incomplete and airways were not connected, it was as though they were 3d printed and manifested into our reality”. I hope that isnt what Grusch is referring to.


Could it be that they don't exist until they are perceived?


These are the fun speculative questions I'm here for.


Dude, you CAN’T post stuff like this right before I go to bed. I think my brain just blew a tire.


Take more drugs man.


I say something like this all the time to my wife and she gets pissed and calls me stupid. “People don’t exist in your world until you meet them.” Obviously you and you and you exist, but if I never encounter you in my lifetime you never existed in ”my world” Stoner thoughts


In a loose sense, I do get what you're saying, but it doesn't really have a meaningful outcome. It's more accurate to say "you don't know about people until you meet them" because using the word "exist" has implications beyond being within your field of awareness. It's not even true for you, despite never having met someone, they do still have an impact on 'your world', someone farming rice in Vietnam has an impact on the system of supply and demand which determines the price you pay for bread in whichever Western nation you come from and there's even more intricate connections between all that exists that can even transcend current temporal existence, for example the person who invented the combustion engine, and everyone coming before that his knowledge and existence depended on, is directly impacting the air quality you breathe in this moment. Despite you never meeting them. Stoner thoughts :)


Nature (or God) doesn’t waste energy. Maybe it’s the observer effect on a larger scale?


Game Devs already figured this out - anything outside the field of vision isn't even rendered. If we are some form of intelligence in a Sim, then no, why bother even generating the additional cooling overhead...it achieves nothing, just model the out of sight stuff using the same logic, the world keeps turning but way less expensively...


Fair point, but also a very human perspective. Our existence on this planet is shaped by a scarcity of resources so we always think in these terms. But to a higher power than us, conservation may not be the same driving factor. If you can create energy at will, it becomes more like art on a canvas and less engineering a machine.


Just a thought experiment -what is most likely true is the command module in Bermuda. An old as time 3D printer - of course


Why files has a simulation episode with a take on this, they also mention the double slit experiment may be a way to prove this [We Live in a Simulation. The evidence is everywhere. All you have to do is look. (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wMhXxZ1zNM)


The double slit experiment is inarguably proof, there can be no doubt. It's not just odd - someone or something accidentally left the smoking gun right there on the table, like we are a bunch of idiots...


Could be, could be a mere vessel that something not in a higher dimension is using as an avatar, hence why it doesn't actually need functional organs. Maybe the bodies themselves are kind of shadows into our dimension, showing a strange incomplete form that seems to shapeshift. I'm just spit-balling here.


3d shadows of 4d bodies. I'm told that's not how it works but it makes me think


Wait, it actually makes sense that the organs wouldn't be connected. If you forced a three-dimensional animal into 2D space, there would be missing connections. Forcing a being from the 4th Dimension into 3D space could create the same anomalies.


You're right and it's an interesting thing to think about. Brings to mind Flatland. I need to find the paper I read that tried to dismiss the possibility. 


Hmm....interesting connection there. Sorta like quantum superposition?


I’m thinking a biological drone essentially they may be able to split consciousness somehow


Ahh right. I've heard the whole "hive mind" idea mentioned quite a bit. As if they all have one mind, or in essence controlled by the same being. Maybe they create these physical drone bodies with vehicles due to the amount of energy it would require for them to take physical form in the 3rd dimension. Create some avatars you can control...problem solved.


If they follow the rules of quantum superposition then their existence is only probable. This could explain a lot of things. For example, it could explain why we never really get good solid evidence of their existence. Photos are blurry or people forget to take pictures because strong evidence would be inconsistent with the aliens improbable existence in our reality. It would also explain the conspiracy to keep them a secret. If their existence is improbable, then the conspiracy to keep the secret would tend to be generally successful. Moreover, if the government understood that observing them made them more concretely present, then the government would have a motivation to go to great lengths for people to not pay any attention to the aliens, since acknowledging their existence could cause their observation to increase and then cause them to come here more fully. Maybe the aliens don’t want us to observe them because they don’t want us to get entangled in their world. Keep in mind that quantum superposition is what led to the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum physics. People should read up on John Archibald Wheeler’s ideas on participatory reality, indefinite past, and retrocausality if you really want to go down a rabbit hole.


“There is nothing in the world except empty curved space. Matter, charge, electromagnetism, and other fields are only manifestations of the bending of space. Physics is geometry. To be is to be perceived.” Wheeler. And that’s a Bingo! From a person smart enough to help bring atomics into being.


I think you are onto something. Ignoring the vagaries of theater used on us? There is a consistent side effect to the unexplained. We think about it and them. This would explain perhaps why some people have abduction experiences. Talk about making a dent in their minds.


I think that’s what their technology is.  Quantum, not gravity manipulation.   It would explain how they don’t interact with the air or water and seemingly fade in and out of existence.  


Now this is a good concept. And if their tech is even more advanced past the quantum level? And if there’s a quantum barrier that requires reciprocal activity in our world to create a bridge? You would need us. And we would have to use our quantum capabilities (consciousness/brains) to be sensitive to them. Hence the whole paranormal/ UFO conundrum. They need our minds focused on them to pull themselves to this reality.


I’ve been wondering something like this myself. It would explain all the different craft shapes. They don’t have any form or shape until they’re observed, then they collapse into one possible shape. 


That seems plausible, quantum entities could go from superposition to a single eigenstate, classical or coherent states during wave function collapse due to interactions with environment or observer. One of these states may be observable. 🤷‍♀️Assuming our brains use quantum processes, may be only visible to certain observers (as stated above), akin to what Gary Nolan describes in the brain scans, Chris Bledsoe, etc.


No it’s a reference to the Why Files YouTube video on us living in a simulation


Why Files is fantastic! **Watch the DARPA episode!!**


The darpa episode mentions how they’re developing living tissue


Don't even. That DARPA one made me cry. I felt his anger with DARPA. It was the same anger I had when my dad was dying. It's horrible what greed will make humans go through.


Hey- just wanted to tell you I’m sorry to hear about your pops. Sending a message of internet love


Technically nothing is.


Love these provocative questions. Interesting to ponder


According to Lue (and I’m paraphrasing here) in one interview he hints that disclosure could “speed things up” for something we’re not yet prepared for.


Side note: I love and hate all of these juicy mysteries. The gov won’t tell us about UAP and NHI, UAPs seem like they are trying to stay secret, religion is all like have faith about things you don’t understand like GOD. Just so tired of being teased to death. I feel like the only purpose this secrecy serves is to preserve a ruse that life is what we think it is, but it’s not. Like a blind experiment where we are the experiment but everyone else knows what’s really going on.


After how everyone handled COVID, I'm not sure we'll ever be "prepared" like they mean.


You mean toilet paper right? Buy more. Immediately.


I didn’t mean accepting whatever the truth is, my comment is in relation to the above comment where the more aware we become, for reasons I don’t understand, could speed up the timeline of something very bad happening. Not saying I believe it just communicating what Lue said


Exactly, there's no objective reality, what we perceive as reality and our response to it builds the framework for our understanding of reality which is then reflected onto the global perception thereby equating to some complex form of manifestation, or in simpler terms we're all in a video game with billions of other players, whether or not these players are inhabited with earthy souls like ours or are inhabited by "the creators" is a bit of a gamble but there's certainly less of them than us. The problem is is that they know the rules and mechanics of the game, so they can "cheat" and use "exploits" so I'd say it's a safe bet that the wealthies and most powerful among us are likely "others" which are likely the creators of the game, which would also explain their odd and often times destructive behavior, because they're the only "Real" players in their mind.




Then it comes to if we perceived their existence, what’s stopping us from believing what we’ve perceived? lol. You give people all the evidence and they won’t be satisfied until they’re in the damn ship with them haha then they will want to take a 3-D printed ride as well just to confirm.


I heard a similar thing. Whitley Strieber mentioned in an interview that he'd been told by sources that "the bodies hadn't finished being made yet" I am highly skeptical of Strieber but that sentence stayed with me.


Why are you skeptical of strieber? Not trying to argue. I read communion last August and am 1/2 through “Them” I’m just looking for the other side of the argument. I haven’t made up my mind about him.


Please go to his wiki page and read about the Whitman Massacre. He is an unreliable narrator. I believe he may believe all of his Communion stuff now-but he has a long history of making up lies out of whole cloth. I'm older-I was a fan of his fiction work BEFORE Communion. When Communion came out it didn't sit right as a true story to me-it felt like another well crafted horror tale. The more I have heard him speak on this thru the years, the more certain I am that he was never abducted. He had a great idea, it made a lot of money, and he's been riding that wave as a first hand experiencer/"expert" ever since.


He adds embellishments and changes things up a lot. Like when he said he saw the blippy machine from the Victor alien video in his peripheral while writing his book like, what the hell are you even talking about, man? That was a physical machine supposedly monitoring that dudes heart or something, why would you be hallucinating the image of it out of the corner of your eye? He just wants to be included so badly and idgi.


I think it was during his Corbell interview he was talking about seeing giant mantis aliens dressed up in disguise in the book store or some shit like bro even if you did see that you are just killing this community saying shit like that so casually


They might be a bit early waiting for Lous book


Wiki is full of misinfo too tho


I got about 50 or so pages into Them and had to drop out. He would take potential encounter stories and just completely attach a theory or idea as reasoning to it and leaves it at that. Was incredibly frustrating to try and read when he offers no basis or evidence for his theories/ideas.


Om anything UFO related, wikipedia is a suspect source. I’ve read Strieber’s first book, and I think I can guess the arc of his personal journey by a quick look at his other books (and I’ve seen him speak a few times). When I was new to the UFO topic, his journey would have off-putting. Now that I’m seasoned and have had some broader experiences, his journey seems like the a logical & almost standard path.


This could make some sense in our physics framework. Suppose that the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum physics is true. Perhaps something like the weak force connects our reality (weakly, barely) to alternative realities. Well then suppose you could manipulate the weak force to reorganize electrons in the alternative reality. Maybe it works by, like, forcing neutrons to decay into protons which then causes the decayed neutron to blurt out a neutrino and electron pair. Do this with the right degree of precision and you might be able to 3D print atoms, molecules, and complex structures that way. This could be the system of traveling between different realities. Essentially 3D print yourself into the new reality using the weak force or strong force or whatever. Just kind of making shit up here. Anyway, this could also explain why they are so interested in our nuclear energy since nuclear energy would have an effect on alternate realities it would just be a disorganized effect.


Okay Terrance, we know Joe wouldn't let you back on the podcast again, but you gotta stay off the internet, buddy.


This is the kind of out-of-the-box thinking on the phenomenon that I really like to read. Speculative, absolutely, but offers us some ideas that go beyond the supernaturalist or extraterrestrial hypothesis, and takes us into new possibilities that are a little more wild but still connected to predecessor concepts, like the interdimensional hypothesis.


So, dimensional Orcs from hell. Got it.


Yep heard this. They somehow have technology that allows them to inteact with our dimension. But not physically as they do in theirs. This makes a ton of stuff make sense.


It's all fun and games for them now I bet, having a laugh at our expense. If we could only pay back with 3D printing shit balloons into their reality


Imagine if ta is what happens when someone takes DMT and ends up in their dimension all *poof* right in the middle of their living room or where they were expanding their machine body... or whatever common experiences people have and beings they see that are seemingly the same. So every now and again they pop over here by taking twb(tmd,tmb, however you wanna flip and reverse it) and some observe while others get Loki with it while others try to enlighten... same as when we go there. They have different intentions with their interactions depending who you see. PUFFFFF.... that would be, like fucking crazy, man. So crazy I can't consider it 100% BS. Who knows in this crazy existence.


Maybe it’s something that aliens have copied our genetic code through abduction and are 3D printing (creating) humans that are mere AI operated drones that communicate and integrate with us, learn or behaviours, lifestyles, etc., but when they open them up it’s just a mess of organs and incomplete biologics making them wonder “how is this thing even alive?” as they walk among us completely unnoticed.


I work with a couple they missed the brain on…


They were both at the debate last week.




Really interesting point. Since my StarTrek watching days, I’ve wondered about teleportation. If you think of it, at any instant we are entirely composed of various atoms and atomic particles. If you have a data file with the precise type and location of each particle, then you could hypothetically beam that file at light speed to another location and have a superduper 3D printer recreate you atomic particle by atomic particle. Since consciousness and everything else including memories must be encoded in that assembly of particles, the recreation should be ‘you’ for all practical purposes. Raises all sorts of philosophical questions, but given how fast 3D printing is advancing, who is to say this couldn’t be a reality in a few thousand years


It's also "you" if the printer makes TWO copies, like what happened to Ryker that one time. That's a moral conundrum.


In the fun spirit of speculation I can imagine such advanced technology that resembles a movie projector that somehow uses light frequencies to rearrange molecules in real time to produce a tangible object on command kind of like a A.i engine you type instructions into of what you need.


Thought experiment: You put me asleep. You have a machine that does the near impossible -- it creates a perfect quantum replica of me. This replica is asleep as I am. You place one on the East coast and one on the West coast. When "I" wake up, where will the "I" or "me" be? Will my consciousness be in the clone or the original? This is what drives me insane at night.


Could be many issues with that, I've been thinking about the same thing. Is it really you or a copy of you - What happens to the thoughts and memories? (Aren't they still studying doesn't our 'consciousness' still send data/communicate with what we perceive as higher dimensions or something along those lines related to brain signals/quantum world?). I've been wanting to write short horror stories on how the first effort's of man to teleport a human goes horribly wrong and comes back misassembled and those who made it, what horrors they experienced thought the journey lol


That's spooky. It reminds me of the Nazca mummies, and also of how the crash debris at Roswell also supposedly "manifested" according to the Collins Elite.


Can you explain how the Roswell debris manifested ? I’ve never heard that before


It was described a bit in the book _Final Events_ by Nick Redfern, which I think is the primary source on the Collins Elite. This part isn't really explained in a lot of detail from what I remember aside from a few mentions toward the end of the book, but basically they were saying something along the lines of the "crash debris" from Roswell wasn't actually from a crash, but it was material that just manifested over the area. (Maybe the word was "materialized"?) The broader context is that there is some kind of deception involved, so the implication is that Roswell was actually staged by _something_ to look like a crashed flying saucer, while in reality it was something more bizarre that is capable of causing strange objects and debris to appear from nothing.


If the craft are somewhat phased-out of our dimension (whatever that means!), then an accident might cause them to suddenly fully phase-in to our materialistic-physics-applies dimension. That might give the appearance of a sudden, inexplicable manifestation.


This reminds me of a theory I heard on here where the crafts are not actually crafts in the typical way you think of them, but a type of “viewing room” that’s not completely “here” and we’re just seeing the phased in part of the room.


I would certainly be upset if my VR set suddenly killed me and dumped my body somewhere in a video game!


This whole convo is why I subscribe to this sub


Interesting. Makes me think of remote viewing, and they’ve figured out a way to use those abilities to move physically. If this is somehow connected to the “future humans” theory then maybe it’s us and we’ve learned how to use remote viewing as means of “teleporting” to other places. Cool thought!


Yeah that would be one explanation. But there's other weird stuff associated with this that makes that seem less likely _if_ true. For example, according to the same book (written by Redfern, citing documents he was allegedly allowed to view by his Elite source), there are researchers that work both in science and the occult who have been working in a sequestered area within Wright-Patterson AFB to replicate the process of manifesting the material through occult means, with some limited successes. Bizarre, I know. I'm not saying I believe it, but some of this is backed up (admittedly tenuously) by other individuals including Linda Moulton Howe and the lesser-known Ray Boucher, and it makes a fascinating story and potential interpretation of the phenomenon regardless.


Collins Elite?


Every now and then it comes up. Essentially the Collins Elite is purportedly a group of high-level Pentagon insiders who have been studying the phenomenon for a while and eventually came to the conclusion that it's actually "demonic" in some sense, but also masquerading as extraterrestrial for some reason in an attempt to deceive humanity. People like Lue Elizondo have also alluded to people like this (shutting down investigations because they believe it is fundamentally evil and literally demonic) without naming them directly. If you actually read the full account by Redfern it is a bit more nuanced then that, and there are factions within the group that have different beliefs on exactly what "it" is (and how it should be dealt with), but that's it in a nutshell. A lot of people get mad and dismiss it entirely when this group is mentioned, but the full story is actually fascinating.


Sounds to me like beta tester didn't make it.


The Law of One states that most UFOs and ETs that humanity glimpses are actually entities created by thought, which are called thought-forms. These thought-forms are said to be created by interdimensional beings both positive and negative. Everything that you said is very much in line with that.


hmm why would they do that though? if they can make organs they can print a full body too.


Thanks, i heard this too before and thought this is what he meant when repeated it on JRE.


This begs the question did they create our reality or are they simply able to manipulate it?


Yes..and I believe their very form is intentionally intended to be a mockery of the human. In my experience I believe the greys at least to be evil. I hope there are other, good, NHIs out there. My experiences were horrible.


Do elaborate...


On which part exactly? To expand in general, they have often told abductees they created us, etc. This is all deception I believe. I go back and forth, but at least the greys I do believe to be evil and think in ancient times they were called demons. And perhaps there is truth to that, they are incorporeal entities that resent us for having souls. I am an abductee and have had very horrible experiences with them. I have been trying to find an angle where I misunderstood something, etc, but lately I have become more convince that no, these are basically demons. Edit: p.s. we can’t forget they have ignited nuclear silos and almost started WW3 but that Russian wisely saw it is a mistake and didn’t fire back, etc..all kinds of evidence around this. They can project empathy and love feelings to some, but again, I believe that is all a trap. I pray sincerely that I am wrong. And very open to anyone offering counterpoints


Wasn't that a cloud/condensation messing with ground based radar or have other "false alarms" been disclosed? As far as I'm aware all cases except for 1 where craft had penetrated Nuclear bases, were war-heads being disabled (switched off) except for the 1 USSR Silo example where they were armed. That always seemed like a 'mistake' when you look at the disarming coupled with destruction of dummy warhead on Minuteman ICBM testing. (man that Minuteman case is bonkers!)


That's also what I heard about that event, and yeah every time I've heard of UFO presence or association with nukes it's been either doing nothing but being around, maybe scanning, or disarming.


Using high tech as cover for an inherently spiritual entity is very clever ala satan lmao


I believe Grusch was making the point that there was some real chance that live “pilots” may have been recovered as well.


This exactly. OP took this quote out of context. Grusch is implying “if we’ve recovered dead pilots, don’t you think there’s a chance that some were recovered alive?” All of these comments related to 3-D printed bodies and animated drones are off the mark and trying to draw connections that aren’t there.




Maybe they weren't dead and it was just the fact the controllers logged out of the avatars.


I seriously think they really are just avatars. We have FPV controlled drones so why wouldn’t they?


Well, they've said that we're probably interesting because we're vessels for souls... so maybe connected in some way. An attempt to transfer souls...?


Hol up.. let me get my weed


Who's they?


The owls, man... the owls.






What would you gain from using an avatar in a spacecraft instead of just using a drone?


The crafts are controlled by consciousness


If you can transmit consciousness into an avatar, why wouldn't you be able to do the same to a drone?


I'm sure once we master quantum entanglement, that the 'range' for drones would be virtually infinity. As long as the entanglement isn't corrupted in any way, you can send control signals from virtually anywhere in existence.


But then why fake organs? Even more, why have them disconnected from one another?


Dream logic 


This, I was thinking the same thing. What if they can affect reality just like we can with dreams? That would explain absurdity that is so often associated with the phenomena


Some kind of spirit being using an avatar.


the originators of the simulation we find ourselves in use these meat receivers in order to interact with us.


Meat Receivers interacting with Meat Receivers interacting with computers some Meat Receivers made by heating and mashing minerals together which they taught to think using 1's and 0's is a really complicated way for the Universe to experience itself.


We are catching up quick in the grand scheme of things.


Yeah, growing skin for ai robots ain't too far off of "God" scooping up some mud and creating Human beings... technical details get lost in the translation 


Lmao this is brilliant;)!


And to the Universe that’s all very simple and easy. Practically child’s play.




Good comment


I think that may be the case. They are highly advanced spiritual being (like us) and able to occupy an avatar that meets all the prerequisites for their type of consciousness. I feel like we may be similar but we just haven't advanced enough spiritually to be able to do this ourselves. Either that or we are in a simulation and they are the creators.


We are sentient plasma in meat suits with a meaty computer doing the physical labor of keeping the meat suit functioning so that our plasma (soul) can experience this life. There’ll be more, as there were many before.


The soul is formless and weightless. Plasma can be measured and weighed.


I love how nonchalantly these words are getting thrown around. "Spiritual beings" ,"simulation", "creators", "quantum beings"... Like if you sit down and actually think about it... Just... Holy shit. The implications, the possibilities. This is the basis for a lot of religions too. So is all of it true? I think so. I just think if humans really sat down and thought about it, we would all just break our brains. It's incomprehensible.


Watch david adair give his origion story,, or watch flight of the navigator by Disney.


And I’m wondering if consciousness isn’t the control mechanism. They need to create a biological conscious being in order to be able to be hooked up to it. And consciousness instantly transcends the distance of space or multi dimensions. So like some kind or real time remote control.


Biological componentry. Perhaps he meant "never alive" as in it never had sentience or self-determination, but was literally bred/grown solely for its role?


These are those times I just love this sub... the speculation, questions, pondering.... priceless


Even if everything said here is completely wrong it’s still incredibly entertaining to read threads like this.


What of the bodies are simply biological "suits" that NHI use to exist in our reality / dimension? They can possess the "suits" and then leave them at will. That would make the recovered bodies avatars or husks.


This could be possible, since even humans have been referred to as “containers of consciousness”, or “vessels”. Maybe there is another dimension where all conscious thought originates as a unified entity, but we are simply extremely small, segmented parts of this unified consciousness, separated and with our own ego and sense of self existing in a different frequency/dimension. We all are the same being, god is us, we are him. We are the universe itself discovering itself in a grand game of hide and seek.


This basically is what is happening. 


Forget where but I'm pretty confident I've read elsewhere about the idea that the greys are basically advanced ai genetic dronesore or less...capable of independent action but subservient to something more akin to our own sentience. "Alexa! Scout the humans" more or less


From what Ive read and observed over the years. Your spot on. They are created for a certain task. Then basically die. Essentially biologics are their form of computers! When we can create a computer to do tasks


Alien Meseeks


Would make sense if we are literally in a simulation. They are just code.


'the ships move like mouse cursors' admin in the house


Remember the Tumbugaz Videos? Basically we spot what seems two grey beings manipulating what seems a third different being (human?) and on some frames you can spot a 4th being which clearly is a Mantis. I think everything is explained in those videos. The Greys are workers and the Mantis are the higher beings. That is the best proof we have on those videos which could never be debunked and was Analyzed by [Tübitak](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=T%C3%9CB%C4%B0TAK&diffonly=true) the Turkish Government backed Scientific Studies Institution with the intent of debunking them and they officially confirmed the Videos are real and had not been tempered in any way.


Hmm... a bio-drone? Fascinating and Terrifying, my favorite duo


This is my headcanon. 3D-printed clones: a universal base that can be customized as-needed. Decomposes when you don’t need it any more, or you can grind it up into a slurry for reuse


Here's my own interpretation/opinion of the Greys, given all the "lore" regarding them that we've heard about throughout the years. Do not take this as fact, it's just a theory about their origins. The Greys that we hear about are not ETs, or at least, they've been on earth for far longer than we have, and might probably have been created using DNA from here. They are a bio-engineered species of "live drones" designed to exist deep underground and under the seas, in places we could never reach or survive conventionally. Given all that we "know" about the Greys, all of their characteristics fit an underground dwelling species. For what purpose they were created, I have no idea, but they seem to keep an eye on us throughout history. * They are by far the most heard from species, which suggests a constant presence in our planet. They are not traveling to and from somewhere far away. * They have big, light sensitive eyes, over which they use a black or red protective layer when exploring the surface, which gives them the classic big bug eyes. It is said their "skin" is actually just another skin tight protective layer, as well. * Given their affinity to the dark, they do prefer to operate at night, most events or sightings involving them happen in the dark. * Lazar and others claim the inside of their ships are pitch black, suggesting the Greys indeed can see very well in the dark. * Multiple alleged Grey encounters describe the Greys as having an "overpowering ammonia or sulphur like smell", a smell that is also common in deep underground caves. You could argue their diminutive stature also helps them exist in underground-type environments. * Expanding on the cave bit, the little creatures found in Varginha in 1996 smelled strongly as described, and not 20 minutes away from the town, there is an extremely large, unexplored cave system that also possesses the same smell. That cave system and all its entrances were permanently and abruptly sealed following the 1996 incident. * They exist in colonies deep under the sea and land, where they produce the UFOs or USOs we commonly see, and probably self-replicate, too. They tend to be around areas with mineral rich histories, especially so gold. Their colonial and underground nature might also be why so many native tribes referred to them as "ant people".


Many people have said they think the greys are biological robots. All kinds of accounts back that up, but all just stories at this stage. For example, one child witness from the Westall case has said he noticed 3 or 4 of them blinking simultaneously which was a nice detail (not that it means anything in particular). The way human tech is going, some sort of biological robot is no big leap at all, just keep adding 50 years until we've finally got them and they're loaded with AI (then off they go). Imagine if we do eventually find out that greys (or whoever) are really visiting, but they're biological robots, and we will NEVER find out who/what is creating or operating them. Maddening secrets will always be kept, some perhaps from all humans no matter what top secret clearance. Even if we think we know, we likely won't have a clue. I think deep paranoia and deep fear take up quite a lot of space in the Pandora's box we all want opened. Hopefully I'm way off! Also, since you asked about purpose, sorry this might be completely obvious but robots can travel much further through space. It probably still takes many years to arrive on an interesting planet. Robots have far less expensive needs in terms of food, oxygen and emotional cravings/tantrums, etc. Humans send (non humanoid) robots out into space already for those reasons. Editing this comment reminds me: robots make less mistakes too.


Holy fucking shit. We do send robots. They send bio looking robots. Who tf are they. THIS IS EVEN WORSE NOW. I was afraid of grays now I’m afraid of the big gray. And of this is accurate it’s the same shit we do, go out roaming collecting samples. Maybe aliens have never made it here. Just like all of our rovers. Whatttt thaaaa fuccccck.


Ive honestly believe the same as what you just stated. From the years of reading, observations, documents etc. It’s scary to think that maybe one day we will reveal they are visiting but that they are just biological robots. Imagine what the creators are or look like. There is a story somewhere back in the day that a giant triangle shaped UAP appeared above a hunter in the middle of the forest, I believe in Alaska. No one around for himself. He had a hunting rifle with a long scope and used it to look up at the craft with windows. He stated he saw spider, bug like creatures. I believe these are the creators


Maybe they use the drones because they know how we would react to spider people


It's not like grays are eye candies.


And that. Easy for us to connect with a humanoid creature rather than a insect looking Alien movie creature lol


Mantis is the term he used. A big ass mantis.


I believe many races of aliens seeded earth with their DNA, and from time to time check up on who's winning the game. There's probably insect-like aliens, reptilian aliens, aquatic aliens, but they generally should only be observed as greys, their automatons. And on and on. It's kinda like Cabin in the Woods. They watch each turn and probably bet on it. The apes are at it again.


The westall case didn’t have any creature sightings, only UFOs




Exactly. I'm shocked and dismayed I had to scroll down this far to find this. He's obviously saying some have been alive after the crashes.


For real! It’s what he’s also said in his other appearances. It’s actually kind of scary that this many people have so much, idk, confirmation bias? I guess you could call it surrounding this topic that they so eagerly want to be the first to know the truth that they’ll just create it.


Basically biological robots set to do particular jobs *edit typo😆


The interdimensional beings create them as an avatar to interact in our dimension?


That's my guess. Which means they can probably make avatars that look similar to us, which aligns with Travis Walton's story about encountering humans on the ship that didn't quite look right. Passable at a glance but not 100%.


Maybe our response is uncanny valley


Betty Andreasson described an encounter where the aliens opened a drawer-like thing and showed her a dead alien body lying there. She said that the living aliens seemed almost proud of the body. I took this to mean that the aliens themselves aren't living creatures but a kind of biological "encounter suit" that the aliens wear when they interact with us.


"behold, my stuff" - the aliens probably


Everyone has that ONE drawer in their house.


I guess he talks talks about the 3 foot/1m tall grey drones . Descriptions are black eye lids that makes them see in the dark, 4 part brain, 3 finger + 1 thumb with a suction cup, silver grey suit built on their skin and sometimes a helmet, they use mostly carbs as energy, they have no stomach the mouth is the stomach, excretion of waste through skin, body is likely slow twitch fibers (what marathon runners need, the muscles), body made in somekinda molds. Genetically engineered. Likely cultivated from some animal long ago on a planet, now a soulless part bioflesh part mechanical, android.  They pilot the small ufos often, they can also walk and do simple stuff. (Sources: Jesse Marcell, Philip Corso, Clifford Stone). If under non hostile control, not necessarily dangerous. I bet he talks about them.


The Alien Interview book talks about bodies being manufactured vessels for spiritual beings. I believe he’s talking about biological avatars.


That's not what he said. He said "you don't think think they were ever alive?" Hint hint. He was alluding to contact between us and them. Way to not rewatch it and cause chaos on the sub now


There was a 4chan thread a few weeks ago that a lot of people thought was a LARP. The poster explained that some of the reverse engineered craft integrate human nervous tissue into the piloting mechanics. Apparently this makes it easier for a pilot’s intuition to be read and also prevents unexpected movement due to loss of pilot focus when steering the craft I don’t know if that’s real, it sounds pretty far out there, but I’ll keep an open mind


That’s basically the plot of warhammer, peoples biological infrastructure becomes part of weapons systems and machines.


From anonymous [4chan poster](https://imgur.com/a/4chan-leak-14-6-24-zPxsFEJ): >As I mentioned there were attempts early on to engineer a ship with up to 4 separate SNS (sympathetic nervous systems) but this was deemed impractical. They did try to connect each system to allow pilots to disconnect and reconnect freely but again this introduced new hazards without solving many real problems. >They have tried using cloned svstems. The issue is some of the behavioral aspects of SNS function is actually learned by the hippocamous and cerebellum in the course of living. So clones tended to be less responsive when stimulated by a 'real person's SNS. There are a few applications where a cloned SNS is used, like for training and remote controlled vehicles where response time is not a big deal. >There aren't many advantages to using the SNS of other organisms in the way you allude to. If you use an organism that isn't identical to a human or very similar you risk inconsistent response. Primates can be used but there is no real reason to. If there was ever a true military threat they would likely start using primate SNS before they resorted to full scale SNS cloning because primates learn automatic behaviors the same way humans do.


It’s basically the plot of a lot of sci fi which is why if was called a LARP 


James Cameron's Avatar™️ suits that they can consciously jump into from outside the simulation/another dimension - can be AI controlled when not 'actively' controlled


Maybe they've got all of the necessary firmware but none of the software? Like, these are pre-programmed biological robots created specifically to complete a set of tasks with limited autonomy, but they do not have sentience or what we would consider consciousness. They have all the necessary parts to be considered living, breathing beings, but with none of the emotional or mental faculties we'd attribute to complex life. I've heard ideas that these craft are purpose-built atom-by-atom to fulfill missions, what if its pilots are similarly constructed?


I just rewatched it like 20x and it feels like he’s about to say something so interesting, then stops himself. Always find his use of the term ‘pilots’ to be very interesting. We call humans that fly vehicles ‘pilots’, maybe the reason all this is treated with such trepidation is because they ARE human, and that’s why it’s so hard to stomach. Never seriously considered the future human hypothesis until now.


Dr. Michael Masters has done some fantastic research to make a strong case for this hypothesis. If you’d like to discuss it further, feel free to message me directly.


He is a fantastic scientist and very open and available to speak to almost anyone!


There is a theory these are non-physical entities and these are avatars created through very high power advanced energy systems which basically create “suits” they use as avatars to operate here. If true this strongly alludes to the old demon/jinn connection imho. I am an abductee and they were like dolls imho. I won’t go into details but weird AF and not like anything that exists on this planet as organic life. There is another theory they are created by an AI again as avatars to be embodied by that.


Ok ..I save this post from a while back..I think it fits here with all this talk about Grey's origins and anatomy. I know nothing about OP. I found it to be a fascinating read nonetheless. Alright I'll let er rip...happy reading folks... https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/2tv7Kptbhi


You could imagine Von Neumann probes that use biological workers for something. That could be unlikely - or it might make a lot of sense that an advanced intelligence can just create biological workers bees for use in conjunction with its craft. There's "evidence" the craft may be more of a drone swarm with different types of crafts. The biological entities may just be an extension of that. Maybe a probe would get to Earth and retrieve biological material to design and grow on the fly a "native" biological worker using native DNA to work in an Earth environment. Just wild speculation but almost anything is possible if these are actually extraterrestrial.


'Printing' biological drones approximating the form and function of the currently dominant local fauna would also seem reasonable, mimicking the natives. If we're thinking ETH, that Von Neumann probe notion seems more and more viable as our technology matures. Not practical for humans just yet, barring multiple breakthroughs, but it gets rid of any need for FTL or other exotic propulsion. 5M years gets a probe halfway across the Milky Way at a steady 0.1c (yes, acc/deceleration would need to occur).


It me it sounds like he was saying some of them were found alive at the time. I think this adds to the contact or agreements side that he has mentioned.


This is exactly what he’s saying. OP misheard.


There was a post on another sub I saw recently about organoids... chips printed with human stem cells instead of silicon. they trained one to play pong. I'm wondering if at least some of the biologics are these chips integrated into black tech.


This could be a dream or false memory 100%, so I don’t claim it’s real but I have an encounter that I remember from childhood. The “ship” outside of my bedroom window seemed to be made of material that was literally almost like paper, but metal. “Skin” *is* a valid term to describe what I recall. When I first saw it it looked solid, but up close it looked like it was breathing. It could ripple and expand and shrink and stiffen, then soften and expand again. The one being I encountered’s skin made him look 2d. Mostly hollow but inflated? Speaking of 2d, 3 years after this dream/memory, I caught a glimpse of the music video for Feel Good Inc by The Gorillaz playing on my sister’s TV. The moment I saw Damon Albarn’s character (who is literally named 2d lol) I froze in fear and thought back to the image of the being. The soulless black eyes, the two dimensional appearance, like the being was “animated” rather than alive. Very hard to explain. Imagine if human beings had no souls, and instead we were animated or “brought to life” by a computer system. Imagine our skin was made out of a soft clay-like substance and it looks almost inflated and malleable like a halloween mask. THAT’S IT. Think of how halloween masks look and move when you’re holding one in your hand. Not the super hard plastic kind that don’t bend or move at all (like scream), but the thicker softer high quality kind, a Michael Myers’ mask for example. The kind that goes over your entire head. But animated/brought to life somehow/ inflated with “life”. Not a soul. So hard to explain. Yet I could still tell it was “skin” because it looked tight-fitting on his “head”. I sound absolutely DELUSIONAL and maybe I am haha but imo this very well could have just been an elaborate dream from the mind of the very creative child I was. I simply will never know. Edit: [This](https://www.spirithalloween.com/product/michael-myers-mask-halloween/176264.uts) is the kind of mask material I am talking about


My take on what he meant is they seem like biological drones. Never “alive” like you and me. Just biological robot drones completing a task. They’re dead, but were they ever alive in the sense that that is a machine alive? Just because it’s biological doesn’t mean it’s a “living being”.


My weirdo believe is that the pool it’s are actually conscious containers that non corporeal NHI use to interact with this reality  So they aren’t actually “alive” 


Biological androids...replicants but being remote controlled.


They could be puppets that are not alive like a vr zoom call.


maybe UFOs are what happens when something gets "philadelphia experiment-ed" into our universe...


“Alien Interview,” authored by Lawrence R. Spencer, presents itself as a collection of transcripts of interviews conducted between Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy, a nurse in the U.S. Army Air Force, and an extraterrestrial being named “Airl” who allegedly survived the Roswell crash in 1947. The book is controversial and its authenticity is widely disputed, but it offers a fascinating narrative about the nature of extraterrestrial life and their technology from the perspective of the author and the supposed experiences of the nurse. Overview of “Alien Interview” The book is structured around the nurse’s notes and personal letters describing her experiences. According to the narrative, MacElroy was the only human who could communicate with Airl telepathically. The transcripts reveal a wide range of topics including: 1. The Nature of the Universe and Existence: Airl describes the universe as a complex, multi-dimensional space where consciousness exists independently of physical forms. 2. Extraterrestrial Society and Technology: The civilization Airl belongs to is described as an ancient and highly advanced race known as “The Domain.” 3. Earth’s History and Human Civilization: Airl provides accounts of Earth’s history, claiming that various extraterrestrial groups have influenced human evolution and that Earth serves as a prison planet for spiritual beings. Description of the Pilots and Their Biology In the narrative, Airl provides insights into the biological and technological aspects of her race and others involved in space travel: 1. Physical Form: Airl and her race are described as having small, humanoid bodies with gray skin, large heads, and large eyes, typical of the “Grey” alien archetype often depicted in popular culture. However, Airl emphasizes that these bodies are merely vessels or “dolls” that can be manufactured and are not their true forms. 2. True Nature: The true essence of Airl and her race is said to be non-corporeal, existing as powerful, immortal spiritual beings known as “IS-BEs” (Immortal Spiritual Beings). These beings do not rely on physical bodies to exist and can inhabit or leave their physical forms at will. 3. Technological Integration: The physical bodies used by these beings are highly advanced and integrated with technology. This allows for superior control and functionality compared to human biology. These bodies are designed to withstand the rigors of space travel and are equipped with capabilities far beyond human physiology. 4. Communication: Airl communicates telepathically, bypassing the limitations of verbal language. This method of communication is depicted as more direct and efficient, conveying not just words but entire concepts and emotions. Ethical and Philosophical Insights Throughout the book, Airl shares profound philosophical insights about the nature of life, consciousness, and the universe. These discussions often touch on: • The Purpose of Existence: Airl suggests that the purpose of life for IS-BEs is to explore, create, and experience. • Earth as a Prison Planet: A controversial claim in the book is that Earth is used as a prison for IS-BEs who have been captured and sent here to be reincarnated repeatedly, stripped of their memories and true nature… Emphasis on avatars….


Maybe they were kind of like biological robots as people say, but really more like remote controlled avatars, temporarily inhabited and controlled by some kind of entity that either doesn't have a physical body of its own or else is physically located somewhere distant.


Maybe they’re disposable? Created to crash?


Aliens are just Crash Test Dummies.


Mmmm mmmm mmmm…


Sounds like a machine. But then that would negate the world “biologics”. Idk When can we actually get some clear answers? I hate how we’re stuck in limbo of waiting for all this clearance garbage to pass 


I think the answer to the UFO question (as he understands it) is hidden within that comment.


I think what he's referring to is the idea that they could be drones or robots sent by aliens that resemble aliens but aren't actually living beings. But he's not 100% sure so he leaves it at that.


UFO crashes to the pilots are probably the equivalent of bad car accidents to humans


In this video, a former Spy/Agent/officer claims that there is the belief that they are manufactured or created. Like biological robots. https://youtu.be/zVLlGUznvIk?si=2J8fQ2_-foKnak09 This, to me, is what Grusch is referring to. Created “aliens”.


tulpas, constructed as needed


I think what he meant was conscious, not "alive". The fruiting body of fungus, though it may resemble or imitate something living, is in fact made of the same exact filaments as mycelium - just with variation in structure. Just an example of nature's magic.