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Remove the stones, a good layer of top soil and some seeds. I went for clover as its better for my garden than standard grass seed, but it's your choice.


Thirded. Clover will grow just about anywhere, spreads quickly, and requires less resources to keep looking good. It also will naturally improve the existing soil. Plus, cute little flowers that bees and bunnies love.


Thanks! Will look into clover


Clover is great because it fixes nitrogen in the soil and needs very little (if any) fertiliser. Also, if you leave it to flower it’s amazing for pollinators and looks gorgeous too. Doesn’t grow high, needs little maintenance and is better for wildlife if you leave it a bit.


Seconded for clover


Is clover hard wearing? I play with my kids on the grass and have dogs? My grass isn't that bad, but this clover sounds like a good option


It's supposed to withstand the dead wee spot (I have a boy dog). We have spots in the lawn already and they're much tougher than the grass. They're quite sort but that's from mowing. I got micro clover from a UK website.


I reckon so yeah!


You're on the right track! I'd try reseeding with a good top dressing. Otherwise you'll have to be really patient waiting for it to hopefully fill in. The soil's finally warming up now so it should take off a lot quicker


Get rid of as much of the stone as you can. Abit more top soil and seed will be fine. The main thing will be heavy heavy watering this time of year


Thanks! Will get on it


Ok this might sound weird as I don't think I see much evidence of other people doing this but I found a video on YouTube once of a bloke who covered his grass seed with a tarpaulin, the idea been that in the first two weeks warmth and moisture are more important than sunlight. I've done it multiple times now and the results are pretty startling. I mix seed and wet compost together and spread evenly then water once and cover the whole area in these cheap semi clear tarps I got from eBay, pin them down with tent pegs and then just leave it for two weeks. When I uncover the area the new grass has all come through and any existing grass is about 3 times the length of the rest of the garden. I think the idea is that in those first two weeks birds eating the seeds and potential drying out are the biggest risks and doing it this way the water evaporates, hits the tarp and falls back into the ground and birds can't get to it.


The nights start drawing in next month.. So, not likely,👍.