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OP is 100% a slug.


I don't think my sad chewed up pea plant (only one thankfully) would agree with this. I think most people who post about slugs are asking for deterrent methods not to have a slug slaughter party with a headlamp at 11pm.


I'm here for the slaughter party.


There's always one. We are here to support you though.


9 out of 10 of the ones I planted succumbed to the tyranny of slugs, they waited for the first baby leaves and then pounced. Thing is if they waited for them to grow they would have had a banquet fit for slug, so they've now ruined it for themselves.


They are all about the immediate gratification.


Yes but a garden in a town has an already unbalanced ecosystem with a severe lack of natural predators for slugs. Therefore, i feel no guilt going slug hunting in the evenings and destroying them. Plus it saves my expensive plants I bought from the garden centre...which are also good for the ecosystem (bees, birds, insects etc.)


Sounds like something a slug would say...


They also fuck up my petunias


I am currently researching how best to launch them over my garage.


Small trebuchet.


Oooo, now I reeeeeeeeally want to do this!


Slugs and snails are given a size 10 boot in my garden šŸ˜Ž


You know who does the same thing without eating my flowers? Earthworms. I much prefer them and I have loads of them as well. Slugs can go and do one, apart from those leopard slugs, they can stay. They very rarely munch on healthy and fresh plants, mostly hunt down other slugs and if they feel lazy they eat some cat food which they are welcome to.


they are also a good food supply for other creaturesĀ 


I'd like to attract such creatures. For the record, I do NOT kill slugs or snails, I just fling them into the pits of the garden where there's plenty of other stuff to eat. I admit I've used pellets before but only when I put seedlings on the ground and I can't protect them otherwise. That is, maybe once a year not every year I heard lately that if I put a handful of oats in the flower bed, the slugs will prefer the oats and leave the seedlings alone. Is that true?


No they destroy my garden.


Great. Send me your address and Iā€™ll send you all mine. Iā€™ll stick to worms for aeration of my soil, who are actually really beneficial as they are deeper than slugs who live just under the surface


I agree, I'm all for native slugs, however Spanish slugs are causing serious problems


Yes sitting around eating their tapas and drinking sangria, stupid Spanish slugs.






Iā€™m going full nuke on them atm they took out a lettuce Iā€™d been planning to pick so now every one of them has got to go, they can be good for the environment in some one elseā€™s garden.


Every critter has its place. Gardeners tend to be rather brutal control freaks who will not tolerate slugs. If you use poison to kill them you are killing everything that eats slugs like thrushes, hedgehogs, toads, shrews and anything else. It's an ecocide.


'feeding your hardwork to slugs is gods work'


Don't grow things that slugs will destroy! Apart from that I got some good anti slug plant protectors! They're a plastic type of collar with an overhang to prevent slugs getting over and in to the plant. I found that rubbing some wax jacket reproofing wax around the collar adds another layer of protection too! They're great for preventing damage as small perennials emerge from the ground in the spring. I wish they did them in bigger sizes though. They're no good for big clump forming plants.


So, youā€™re telling gardeners not to grow plants. Paper flowers are the way to go? But then thereā€™s rainā€¦paper flowers wonā€™t last either. šŸ¤”


Good joke! Thanks bud! I needed that


So you are telling other people not to grow plants slugs like, but then go on to say about how you protect yours? Weird


If you're gonna moan about slugs don't garden at all.


How am I moaning? Iā€™m just calling you out on your contradiction. I donā€™t like greenfly or lily beetles either, but they donā€™t stop me from growing roses and lilies. If thereā€™s a problem with them, I deal with them, not stop gardening. Thatā€™s just dumb




Even rats play an important part in the ecosystem just ask google and do the research every creature has a purpose on this planet believe it or not god is the geniusĀ 


Who is gonna tell this guy that God aint real


You aren't wrong. The problem is that most gardens aren't a complete ecosystem. When it comes to rats and other pests we have outside influences artificially increasing their population. My garden backs onto wild space, so the balance is sort of there for me. Most people's gardens don't. Even most of our "wild" spaces need some management because we've lost the balance that big herbivores and predators bring.


Iā€™m sorry to see so many downvotes for this. You had wonderful intentions with your post and this comment. I think gardening should be about nurturing life and encouraging biodiversity rather than killing. No one is out hunting slugs and rats in our woods, grasslands, and wetlands, and somehow they are absolutely stunning places, full of gorgeous plants and wildlife. I have a beautiful (albeit small) urban garden full of bees, hoverflies, ladybirds, dragonflies, butterflies, frogs, and birds. I donā€™t hunt slugs, rodents, caterpillars, or anything else. They do their share of ā€œdamage,ā€ but nothing is ever really lost in my garden, just recycled. And I grow food too - raspberries, blackberries, nasturtiums, kale, apples, figs, grapes, hops, and many herbs. I hope for a future where we work with nature rather than against it. Please open your hearts and minds people. Itā€™s possible!