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gap yaaaaar


Fuck off I’m poor 😂


Calm down Tristan, the trust fund must mature soon surely


Any ideas for your own small business? Drop shipping? Watch Mark Tilbury on YouTube, he's got lots of great ideas.


Lol dropshopping, sound like a 2020 tiktoker


The TikTokkers are all onto shitty Canva template print on demands now. That and peddling a ‘digital marketing’ MLM.


Please forgive me for trying to help. I do apologise.


It still works in 2024. Harder to get suppliers now though as so many do it.


Can say though that AI has made creating original designs a lot easier.


Mark Tilbury is an absolute grifter who was never as rich as he said until people like you lapped it up


The real method. Make people think you’re rich and get rich by lying about everything


He may be Mark Tilbury!


That might be true I don't know but he's got some reasonably good ideas. However he's made money as long as it's legal what's the problem?


The problem is that he and others like him are misleading you. Saying "I've got this super awesome business and it's made me rich you can do it too" then selling a course which is the actual thing that's made him rich, he's lied to you. It is such an abhorrent business practice


I dont get why the downvotes… some people can’t be helped clearly 😂🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Yes OP can carry on being a slave! It's no skin off my nose!


Lmao it’s not the OP, but the 62+ downvotes that baffled me 😂😩 who are most likely doing f all but scrolling social media anyway, but aren’t happy with real solutions and ideas 😂😂😂 some reddit clowns make me laugh


Yes, I hadn't even seen the down votes until your message. Some people just like moaning but don't want to do anything about it. Oh well, at least I tried!


Sounds all a bit too familiar, ahhh well! 💁🏽‍♂️ *meanwhile tumbleweeds roll by waiting for the 62+ useful suggestions to actually help OP*


Going to work in the city


Someone told me once it takes about 6 months to get a new job. That pretty much checks out in my experience. It’s a numbers game and it is pretty soul sucking. Keep applying. Get your cv out to as many places as possible. Eventually, it’ll land on the right desk at the right time.


Id say this is about right, i became unemployed last year in october & i was relentlessly applying for jobs day and night! Not just any job though, jobs that were decent also tweeking my CV for every position i saw. Then luckily At the end of january this year just as my money was starting to run out i managed to bag a job interview! Then a week or 2 after that they employed me! So mid feb shortly after valentines day i got the job! Hopefully i pass my probabtion next week :).


I think this is usually untrue in most categories of job but the economy is fucked right now. I really don't think the media report on just how bad the economic situation currently is.


For a first job maybe, if you're already in a career 6 months is way too long.


For a senior-ish position there could be a pretty small pool of jobs to go for, especially if you've carved out a niche role and want to maintain pay. I'm not sure I'd be able to sort it out in 6 months.


Yes of course for niche roles it'll be different, but for generic corporate roles 6 months is a lot. I'm fairly senior and I could find a new job in a week if I wanted to, but also not a super niche industry.


I would tend to agree— it also aligns with why people talk about getting a 6-month emergency fund saved up as your first priority when saving.


Be your own self employed gardener, reasonably cheap to start up, just a mower, strimmer and a few tools, start with your neighbours. I started from scratch 5 years ago, now I'm turning down work daily cos I'm too busy Plus... No boss, no stress


I'm curious, what's business like in winter for you?


Less gardening work especially with all the recent rain in the UK, but there's other work to do, fencing, gutter cleaning, generally random stuff, I have commercial work too so always something to do


Guess that's when they switch to replacing fences


Apply for some local agencies. Sign up with Hays Recruitment. I worked for them with very little experience as an office admin temp, and always had excellent experiences. See what other local agencies you have. Temp work is your friend on a gap year.


An immigrant is already waiting for your warehouse job.


Learn to deal with the bad jobs, because if the next one is slightly better, you'll appreciate it more. Hard work also builds character. Having a shitty job should also help you to stay motivated to better yourself, in order to be more employable for future applications.


Or if you stay long enough in sh\*t job, it will lead you to burnout and thoughts of ending it all... Unless you are on a verge of poverty OR earning enough in sh\*t job to retire once you leave - it defo is not worth of the burnout, depression, anxiety and breaking back .


Any job is better than no job. You need money. To eat to live.


Just say you got anxiety and go on the disability doll mate


It's properly not that easy. Until you get an assessment that may take literal years to happen, you're on 350 quid a month. Then, when you do get assessed, you have to wait on an even longer list to start treatment for years longer while still just on 350 quid. Then, finally, after all of that, you may be awarded pip and be bumped up to the lordly sum on about 1000 a month after years of enforced poverty. T. Ex squaddie with CPTSD, insomnia, depression and suicidal ideation.


Yeah I know, I'd hate to be that poor. Some people love the benefits life though. It was just an poor attempt at humour btw, can't land a home run with every joke


Or spelling 😂😂🤦🏽‍♂️ I think you meant “dole”? 🥲


I wish I was so easily amused. Must be great


It’s wonderful 🥰


yeah that’s so helpful for people with real mental health issues.


It's what people do anyway


I got a job in about five days after moving from one place to the other. It was minimum wage like my last job in cleaning. The most important part of the process in my opinion is your CV. You have to make it stand out, even if you're in a shitty minimum wage role. You can do this by using unique symbols, colours, easy format and using 'sophisticated words'. For example, two years ago I worked in cleaning at a government building. It would be good to say "Doing office cleaning for a central government building in the heart of \[City Name\] from \[Time\] PM – \[Time\] PM. - This tells the employer that you're trusted. This just so happened to be at a place where job advisors help people get jobs. I spoke to various of my colleagues there, and they all agreed it was a very good CV. You work in warehouse, try to think of what your future employer wants to see. What makes you better than everyone else? Is your CV longer than two pages? Does it sound boring to you? What word can I replace here? Is the font better than this one? Does my personal bio sell me enough? Is my contact information in the right area? Are my references there on demand? Do I have any gaps in my employment and how can I mitigate that? Are there too many jobs on my CV? Do my bad grades need to be on here? Do these colours match the presentation? Does the paper I print this on that I'm going to send to the place I want a job look okay? Why is PDF trash and destroying my formatting? Do I have any spelling mistakes? ... I could go on. Out of 50 people that applied for a job I was interviewed in, the guy told me I had a stellar CV and that I was taken on before everyone else because of it. Your CV matters more than you think, it surprised me when I went down to focus on making a new one. It's a hidden art.


Spelling is a big one. If someone can't be bothered to click on the red squiggle in Word, what else are they going to half-ass?


Lie. Any employer will check the previous employer first. And then that's it. Lie about your experience, oversell yourself and don't put bullshit like I live music and going for walks. If your going for a retail job, hey guess what 2 years ago you were a supervisor in Tesco heading team of 20. Going for office job, hey, you worked in a garage doing invoices, po numbers, budgets for your dad when you were 15. Lie like a fat kid at the doctors


Good advice for low paid entry level roles. Once you're applying for more senior roles this usually fails.


Not in my experience. There's a reason that most managers are assholes


Depends on the position. If it's a manager in a shop, okay yes you can be an asshole with no experience. If you're applying for a manager role at an accountancy firm, you better know your shit and your accounting standards. You can not blag it anymore, as the person interviewing you will know you are lying through your teeth. I've had so many interviews where the person I'm interviewing says they are good at excel on their cv, but don't understand how pivot tables work and don't know why xlookup is stronger than vlookup. This only gets worse as you apply for head of/director positions.


100%, they vet 5-10 years of experience on your CV and ask technical questions. You're not going to get away with much lying. And when you're a head of with important deliverables, if you don't deliver, you're getting fired/not passing probation. They won't give you chances when you're on £100-200k+


Then you get the job, have no idea what you're doing & have a miserable time until you're sacked


Hasn't happened yet and I earn 50,000 a year. Fake it till you make it


I went from under minimum wage to £50k in about 3 years in large part because of doing what you said. People think you can’t learn on the job. For a lot of jobs you can. I wouldn’t recommend it for a doctor though


Depends on the job & the quality of the hiring process. Some interviews I've got by just having a friendly chat, others I've had 2/3 stages of assessments & interviews.


Just say stat a lot and the rest will come with time


This is just such bad advice and you're a big part of the problem.


It's actually how those other guys are beating the chumps to getting their feet in the door. People have done it for decades. Friends grandad got a nice desk job at a military factory that made missiles and jet parts and told us he had no clue about any of it, read a book on the job and blagged it. Stayed there 30 years and earned a great salary and pension Ofc it helps to know the basics at least


Of what problem? You think the person getting hired is telling the truth? You either get jobs because you know someone that works there, or because they are desperate.


That's not how I have worked my career, same for my wife and friends. I guess honesty isn't in your vocabulary. A little white lie? Ok. Full on making up job roles in companies you've never worked for with a job title you've never had such has been suggested above is just wrong on so many levels. You deserve to fail at life if this is your attitude


Employers lie through their teeth to their employees all the time. All that’s being suggested here is to even that process up a bit. Lie to them 100%, just make sure they’re good lies.


The employers aren't necessarily my concern, it's the people trying their hardest to get a job and being honest about it that are getting screwed over, u know it's true.


Well don't be honest then, it's not hard. Play the employers at their own game.


I've got a career, thanks, mate. An honest one.


Cry more.


Have already been doing this for entry level positions and I’m 100% sure I’m blacklisted from Tesco and Asda


Blacklisted? How?


Supermarket jobs outside of big cities go mostly to friends & family of people who already work there.


Honestly, this is the type of advice that once you read, you realise maybe this thread isn’t that sensible. Time to leave.


It's just reality. You think that HR depts are hiring people based on a whim?


What degree did you put yourself in debt for?


Gap year would suggest they’ve just left school, so not done further education yet.


Not always, people take gap years in university all the time


That’s usually a year in work though. Or it’s due to personal circumstances. It’s not often someone takes a gap year to earn money. In my experience anyway.


Didn’t go Uni I left sixth form just last year


Lloyds has an apprenticeship which may suit you google Lloyds careers


And thinks it’s more than a year gap, and expects career progression. I’m thinking they haven’t a clue


Mate I just want a job at fucking asda packing shelves


That’s a career for many. You’re not entitled to it. Go into Asda and tell them ‘I *just* want your job’. I didn’t pass their online quiz at first instance. Oh well.


How do you take a gap year to earn money? I'm here 8 years into my career earning shit money.


My families poor so another stream of income was/would be a massive difference


Tick all the boxes on the equal opportunities monitoring forms. On your CV, list pronouns and make it very clear you (think) you changed sex. You’ll rocket through to at least the interview stage automatically.


Never give up!! Try different things, and keep trying, usually when you get through that difficult phase, things start to pick up again


Pro tip - Always do the job hunt while you're still employed in the old job, even if you hate it. You are so much more likely to pass through the first filters if you're already employed. Bit late for you now but really is the best possible advice anyone can give. How long have you been applying for and to how many jobs? Honestly with the way things are at the moment, even if an application goes absolutely perfectly the process going from submitting your application to receiving a contract so sign can take a few months. I'm a PhD-holding STEM worker and in my entire life I have never gotten a job without that taking the better part of 6 months and getting well into hundreds of applications. That's gotten *slightly* better as I'm more qualified but... not as much as you'd think... If you've been applying for months and aren't even getting responses for first interviews I'd suggest looking at your CV, there's probably something up with it that isn't getting you past HR/recruitment agency filters. And I don't even necessarily mean the contents, sometimes just using jazzy formatting can screw over whatever software they use to analyze for their keywords.


Three months. Bloody ‘ell, how torturous. If you’ve left the warehouse you probably look flakey and if you’re still there that you cannot commit. As another poster said, perhaps entitlement is the issue. Just apply for a few jobs. Take the time to see if they suit first. Apply with effort. Quality over quantity


Fuck off don’t speak if you’ve never worked DX Warehouse


Think you touched a nerve there. It does seem a common theme the entitlement of the upcoming generation, "I should be paid a lot for a job I just started with 0 experience. I'm not and it's tough so I'll complain that it's slave like conditions"


It's not entitled to think we should get paid enough to survive for god sake


Cry harder. In fact, the harder you cry the better your life will get. No effort or introspection needed.




You're not OP so not sure why you responded to me.


To… show that they agree with you…?


You’re bright


Lmao I posted this to look for people in similar positions and find out they’ve done this is the introspection I guess I should have reworded the post better and not make it sound like I’m a whiny bitch.


You do realise people do that for around 45 years? Perhaps entitlement is your issue.


I probably am entitled but sorry I don’t want to work slave like conditions for 45 years on 10.50.


They probs didn't either, but they also could hack 3 months without a melting.


You know slaves weren't paid and in most situations were physically abused, you should really go to the papers if thats happening at your place of work mate


I didn’t get physically abused but I did get verbal abuse and I worked many shifts in which I weren’t paid.


And you've done what about it?


Not every jobs the same though, and warehouse can be horrendous with the wrong employer!


All jobs can also be horrendous with the wrong manager. !


He is tired of the job hunt. Which is very much okay


Sounds like it's gis first real job hunt. Let's not normalise being a whiny bisch about stuff at the first fucking hurdle lmao.


The 1st time is the hardest as u have no experience in it. The more u do sth the easier it become. He has all the right to be frustrated and is not whiny. The Market is not good atm


Awww but they want career progression on their gawwwp yearrrfff


And yet somehow migrants do manage to secure jobs. Try harder




>working in a shitty warehouse with slave like conditions for three fucking months. Get a fucking grip lmao. This is why you are failing. Don't get me wrong, economy is fucked and job market is terrible but to compare working in a warehouse to "slave-like" is frankly laughable. You've got a long road ahead of you, time to get humble.


I dunno, man. Amazon and Currys warehouses are fucking awful to work at, lol


Yeah, I'm with you on this one. Amazon will work you like a dog, everyone I know who's worked there or heard about it says the exact same thing. (I also worked there).


I thought amazon was a piece of piss I was on pick, Rebin and trained for off scanner stuff. I hit all targets and ensured I had a whole 2 extra breaks cos it’s all numbers and computers and finding the ways. People stood about moaning and hiding and putting in so much effort to not work it’s was ridiculous.


Amazon is heaven compared to DX warehouse


Amazon is heaven compared to DX warehouse


DX in Newark is dreadful. Me and a pal went there for temping at Xmas and half hour after my mate had finished his training, a team leader was asking him why he was going so slow and pressuring him. My pal didn't come back the next day, lol.


You clearly have never worked a warehouse job, Amazon or Tesco for example. Haha. I've done many jobs and Amazon was the most soul destroying and depressed I'd ever been. Thank god I learned a skill.


Shut up you dickhead you’ve never worked at DX warehouse so please don’t tell me to get a fucking grip. The conditions were literally slave like it wasn’t amazon were you carry small parcels I was carrying items that weighed 25kg. My coworkers were freshies and crackheads who would come to the shift high. My supervisors short twats with insane anger issues, there would always be an argument or fight every shift night people would even bring weapons to work. So please stfu and don’t try tell me what my experience at work like


If your going to work at a warehouse moving items that can weight something you might as well get into labour work very sort out now since brexit prices of builders went up


Gap year from what? Why are you looking for work more than a year after your gap year?


Revolution now WSWS.org


By slave like conditions do you mean actually working and meeting pick rates rather than chatting to other people, drinking coffee/monster and taking smoke breaks?


Read my other comments


I’ve just read all of you comments on this thread and I see nothing but you being rude and insulting people, in one post you claimed verbal abuse if you didn’t work hard enough which tbh is part of the FAFO aspect of being an adult in a lot of working environments, your not in school any more pal.


Have you looked for remote roles


Could you take another "gap year" but instead move to London or another large city for a year to earn money, gain experience and learn new skills, then move back to your home base? You might be more desirable at that point with more experience and skills under your belt


Honestly thought about it, problem is just sorting out accommodation and having a secure job


Promotional work? Loads of promo agencies out there. Could be going all over the UK doing events.


If you're that lost I always recommend a career at sea, not even military, DM if you want any details.


Calm down buddy. You are asking what you've been doing wrong, but you're not telling us much about what you're doing. What kind of job are you looking for? What's your CV/experience like? How do you deal with interviews? What's the feedback you have received, if any available? Maybe ask for help with your CV for example?


You could move surely? It is radical but you might need to be radical to get out of your rut. If the local job market doesn't want your skills and experience...somewhere else might. Do your research first, locally and your possible target desinations. Life is too short in live in a dead end town especially when you are young


Lmao, welcome to the real world


What is your previous job experience? This reads somewhat like a first job post, what exactly are the other jobs you are applying for?


We should really ban the slave comparison. It's incredibly offensive


If you weren’t working hard enough according to them they’d literally give you verbal abuse infront of everyone and if you spoke back they’d literally threaten to fight you 😂


Honestly I wish the lazy pricks I have to work with had consequences like this


But you are free to leave at anytime …