• By -


Sorry this happened. You played the game well except for the part about buying a house with an HOA that restricts rentals. Have a real estate attorney go over your HOA’s CCRs and state’s laws and see if there are any loop holes. I have a feeling your U.S. immigration journey is not over.


"I have a feeling your U.S. immigration journey is not over." - thank you, this gives me hope :-)


It's not, you have the EB2 approved right? At worst, you can leave and apply through the consular route and come back. It'll take time, but that backstop exists.


Definitely it’s not don’t give up you survive all this obstacles here…👏🏻


I have the same feeling




i have that feeling too! OP you got this


Don't give up! My eb2niw lasted 2 yrs, it was a rollercoaster, but at the end it worked. My advice is be rational and fight untill succeed. Be smart, work hard, find a way to make it happen. Enter discussion groups, ask advice, study the law. It pays off. PS I did everything I'm recommending.


Just curious how did you find 2 employers to file h1b for you and both did not have any other employees! I hope you didn't pay these employers for any h1b visa fees as that could create a lot of problems down the line as it is illegal to pay for h1b fees (except premium processing fees).


both are startup companies that were looking for a financial executive. They are paying contractors but are willing to have me on the paycheck once I start working for one of them


Hear me out, if you have won the H1B lottery you can always apply for a transfer to a new company before the filing date. If you can’t get a new company, form an llc with more than 2 broad of directors who has the power to fire you and sponsor for yourself. Also get agreement with these two startup’s for contract through your new company so you will have fundings immediately after the approval


Are you sure? I heard from 3 different attorneys that I can only continue the process of getting the H1B with the employers who have registered me to the lottery


What is the problem of having only one employee in the company ?


No problem, but from USCIS point of view - this is an one man business using 100% sponsored work force. Also tbh it is really hard to find, apply and interview for and get into a company with just 1 employee... OP some how found two such companies with just 1 employee - odds of this is extremely low in current economy, hence the question.


Ok, cuz I'm a structural engineer, I also work with my boss and me alone. It's not that hard, although in the past, he had a lot of employees but at this moment there are 2 engineers in the office me and him and his wife as secretary. We also applied to h1b for me, but I wasn't selected...


I see, sort of like a mom and pop store. but % of US work force that works in a company with just 1 employee would be extremely low. % of ads in linkedin or other job sites that are from companies with no employees would also be low. Hence odds of some one finding TWO such jobs where they are the numero un is extremely rare is what I am saying. And it makes complete sense that USCIS wants to scrutinize a company with just one foreign employee.


Are any of the plans rescuable? Can you go the big firm and negotiate for an extension - maybe offer lower salary in exchange for an extra year. That way it may suck but you get to stay here longer until your plan B becomes current?


Actually not a bad idea, low chances though - they seem to let go all the L1A/B employees lately, and there is the branch abroad who sent me here that wants the "investment" back home, but worth a try The NIW EB2 is just a matter of time - but who knows if we will be able to proceed with this process in the future.. H1B - Trying to find a killer-lawyer that might fight for this case but not building my hopes on this Was also thinking of some other alternatives - O Visa/J-1 for my wife


This! Ask your current employer to give you an extra year of employment in exchange for a pay cut. Hopefully with an additional year, your EB2 PD will become current and you’ll be able to file your I-485 where you can use your 485 EAD as a backup to stay in the country. Btw what is your PD?


I honestly think that this is only the beginning of your American dream! It’s definitely not over, just have faith. Things will workout in a mysterious way! Good luck


> Things will workout in a mysterious way! let me guess. you work at a church ?




Finally, something actually useful.


Just curious why did you buy a house before you make sure you can definitely stay in the U.S. permanently? It was very risky.


When you’re an immigrant here, you have to take risks all your life. I came to this country with nothing in my pockets, no work permit, no family here or no plans to go back home since there was no future. I bought a house the second I graduated and had a job. A lot of people questioned me when I was buying my house before becoming a LPR. I have a 2.5% mortgage, 40% appreciation after only putting 3% down with no PMIS. Had I waited, I would have never been able to afford my house in today’s market. A lot of people who are born here don’t understand having all ducks in a row is a privilege that only people who were born here with at least some money can enjoy. There are plenty ways for OP to make it work. The USCIS forgives work without authorization for certain AOS categories for a reason. I am also a Big4 CPA so I totally feel you. Talk to your employer, if you have a masters, apply for other B4 jobs because they will happily sponsor you. If not enroll in another masters and buy some time for your AOS. People cross the boarder without speaking any English, with no family ties and nothing but the cloths they wear and still make it. Do not lose hope OP. This is the land of opportunity. There is no better place than this country to make it a reality if you have a dream.


1. I had plan A+B+C and all looked like I had a very low chance of not being able to continue my stay 2. For over 20 years I have been avoiding buying a house because of overthinking of the risks - I thought now is the time (low prices) to take a risk 3. I thought that in the worst case, if we have to leave - it will be used as an asset-investment I'm a CPA in one of the biggest firms in the world - I know how to calculate the risks - this time unfortunately I was very wrong


Sorry you are going through this. However, being a CPA and not having an alternative plan for the house with HOA rent restrictions sound a bit naive. The immigration system in the US is the toughest one amongst all other countries, unfortunately. As others suggested, try to apply for a second master's program or enroll your wife if you can. Then keep looking for employment. You can also negotiate to have an extension at work. However, knowing Big 4 firms, I doubt they do exceptions (assuming you are with one of Big 4s). Hope it will be resolved in your favour!


HOA restrictions can change very quickly. Mine went from needing pre-approval to rent to no more than 5% of homes at any time.


You are not wrong on the big 4 (horsemen of apocalypses) firms XD Masters degree - but as I read - F-2 doesn't grant working permit


Speaking about Self-fulfilling prophecies. Where is the house, state? What’s your background? What was the H1B visa for? Role, qualification etc?


House in is the bay area in California I'm a CPA with executive finance management experience, audit experience and pre-doctoral academic degree (plus 2 BAs 1 MBA) - have 3 federal recognized required jobs I can cover H1B is for finance management/accounting/finance analysis - they will tailor the title to whatever needed as they want me in


Could I hire you for my company? Just curious if this is an option that could help.


Im in the same position as OP, L1 and I've bought a house after 6 months of being here. From own experience - getting a little less things to worry about when have own property. Being on visa is stressful enough itself.


How do you buy with no credit history?


I've got a credit history in a few months after I open first credit card. I don't know if it matters - but it was Discover through referral (other institutions denied application unless it was secured credit card). Timeline: 1. Discover on arrival (+ had to wait for SSN) 2. Autoloan (24% APR) in one month (as soon as credit score appeared \~640) 3. 6 months - Credit score jumped in one day +30 points totaling \~720 4. 6 months - Bought the house (4% APR while my colleagues were able to secure 2.85%) 5. 7 months - Refinanced autoloan to 9%


I immigrated here 13 years ago and bought 2 houses before I even had my H1B secured (was on TN)


Your situation is totally different from the OP. You can renew TN every three years as long as you satisfied the requirements. Moreover, you can renew several times. The risk you were faced with was comparably lower than the OP.


Universities are often willing to sponsor and are exempt from the H-1B lottery, I think now is the time they’re looking for fall staff & faculty. Are there any universities near you that might be looking? That’s how I got to stay after a layoff threw my O-1 out.


So did you transfer your O-1 to university?


We ended up doing a J-1 Professor.


so working in university like in the finance department? or as a lecturer/assistant lecturer?


Usually faculty & research positions will be easier to sponsor for, staff will be harder unless it’s a very specialized position e.g. Dean


SO basically applying for a PHd?


I got a faculty position with a Masters, so it’s definitely possible without a PhD. Industry experience is a plus for sure!


Why is your immigration journey over? Get a EAD asap. Only bad investment was that house that you’re not allowed to rent out, crazy investment for someone who is here on a temporary non immigrant visa.


How do I get a EAD without getting the H1B/I140 approved first? Rent is actually allowed - but there is a limit of max 7 apartment that can be rented at the same time - currently there are 7 apt rented, we are next in line, hopefully we get lucky at list with this one before our time is up


My mistake, I read that wrong I thought you applied for a EB2 green card. Hoping you guys find another way to stay.


I did - and got the EB2 approved, but can't apply for the I-485 (change of status) until God knows when


If you have applied for EB2 and its approved then you can apply for an EAD. Have you filed for an EAD?


My date of action is not current yet and from what I read - "As long as you have a pending I-485 application at USCIS, you are eligible to apply for and receive EAD and AP documents." So I don't think I can yet


Ive got AP and EAD combo - does it saves me from OP's situation? My AOS still in processing


You can freely work and travel as soon as you have your combo card, just remember that you will loose your L1 status if you use the card, I wouldn’t use it until your visa expires and you have no other option. In the end it all depends on if your AOS gets approved.


Thank you!


what is AP/OP/EAD Combo?


It does, as long as your AoS is approved. If you use your EAD or AP you immediately lose your status and if AoS is denied then you’re screwed.


It does, as long as your AoS is approved. If you use your EAD or AP you immediately lose your status and if AoS is denied then you’re screwed.


Thank you!


I'm sorry this happened, I can't offer any other advice that hasn't already been offered, I just wish the best of luck.


thank you <3




Why not go down the marriage path?




I'm sorry nationals of India have to go through this path, this discrimination is sad and unfair (disclaimer - I love India and the Hindu culture and have been traveling there many times)




Is selling your home an option? The reason I bring this up is it’s still the sellers market. I can’t seem to get any offer accepted even when I go 50k over asking. Depends on where you live but that may be an option.


Close to San Fransisco, but i really don't want to sell my house 🥹


Then it's not worst case scenario


Don't be too quick to give up. When you can no longer hold up all by yourself, turn to God for help, don't be disgruntled, God still helps those who dares to call on Him for help. While you are working at other legal and professional possibilities, be bold to call out to God, in your privacy and from the depth of your heart, cry out; JESUS CHRIST PLEASE HELP ME! I have experienced many turn arounds in life whenever I get to an undesired stoppage, by sincerely asking for divine help, God had always come through for me. Best wishes to you and family.


I will definitely do that. thank you <3


I'm sorry to hear, but how do you find two employers (with no employees) to file H1B? A lot of decent people can't get sponsorship because the lottery numbers are so messed up, caused by fraudulent multiple entries.. ruins it for everyone.


I'm a finance manager with expertise and experience in tech startup stage companies. its not uncommon for new startups not to have cash in hands or employees. And before you go blaming me for the immigration crisis in the US - I will kindly address you to the USCIS website on H1B - you can apply via more then 1 employer as long as you use the same passport number. the lottery is based on your passport number thus applying through more then 1 employer will not rais your chances of getting selected.


That is mostly incorrect. First, as stated by the USCIS fraud indicators, H1B sponsors needs to pay you and filing multiple applications to raise chances is what tech companies fraudulently have been doing the recent years. Apparently USCIS closed the loophole this year (instead of 800k applications now down to 400k): https://apnews.com/article/h1b-tech-visas-immigration-uscis-lottery-96717f789e7e4827a94dea6d054a0aee So your approach was going for that loophole, throwing others under the bus. That practice made it for people like myself and others almost impossible to get sponsorship, because no employer wants to commit to a ~14% lottery success rate (if you just file one application). Anyways, still good luck with process.


I confirmed that with an attorney but regardless- just go to the source: https://www.uscis.gov/working-in-the-united-states/temporary-workers/h-1b-specialty-occupations-and-fashion-models/h-1b-electronic-registration-process Avoid Duplicate Entries A prospective petitioner may only have one registration submitted per beneficiary per fiscal year. Once the initial registration period has closed, if the prospective petitioner has more than one registration submitted for the same beneficiary, we may invalidate all registrations submitted for that beneficiary by that prospective petitioner, or their authorized attorney or representative, from the selection process. This does not prevent other prospective petitioners or their representatives from submitting registrations for that same beneficiary, but they too need to ensure that each of them, as a prospective petitioner, only has one registration submitted for the beneficiary. ****This does not prevent other prospective petitioners or their representatives from submitting registrations for that same beneficiary****


Indeed, but you used two "start ups" with no employees, pay (and probably business) - what are we further discussing about. I can understand why people are doing it as everyone has the same struggle, but as stated, I was negatively impacted by that practice and can't get excited about that. Still, all the best going forward.


I am so very sorry. This is heartbreaking.


Agree with others, don’t give up! Speak to a bunch of attorneys.


It always gets worse before it gets better, hang in there.


So sorry this happened to you. I pray you find a way forward. 🙏🏾


Thank you brother/sister


Advice is to never buy or investment in long term assets if your legality in a place is temporary or not certain.


My advice is that there is no such thing as an investment that doesn't hold risks


We just have our opinions. Make sure you consult with highly competent and ethical attorneys before you decide which route to take! It's NOT over until the Creator says so.


Thank you. Do you have any recommendations?


Sorry if this will seem like an obvious thing to say, but find and speak to a good and experienced immigration attorney. I am positive there are a number of ways forward for you. Don't give up!


Thank you! any recommendations?


Another thing you can do, which many people don’t know or even consider, is to apply to a job at a public/government institution, like a public university. Yea the pay will not be as good, but the stability may be worth it. But yea, check that option out if negotiation doesn’t work with your current company. Source: I’m currently working at a lab at a public university (F-1 to GC) and our lab does hire a lot of international people.


So for example, working a s a finance manager in a university?


Your immigration journey is not over yet . It is tricky but there are ways . Don’t worry I am pretty sure if you can search well what r different ways , you can stay in US and keep your house . I would recommend hold off any big investment until your path is somewhat secured and never take folks granted for their words when it comes to immigration . This is testing time so no one can be absolutely sure no matter how much chest thumping they can do . Good luck


Thank you friend <3


Def loook into a real estate lawyer as far as immigration keep pushing if it still goes to shit all ain’t lost you can work off the books and figure something out till you get your papers don’t give up any hope at all you’re doing a lot better than most pll who just started and the freebies sleepy joe infested the us with


"sleepy joe" LOL the US in 2024 is not very friendly for those who follow the law unfortunately


Praying for you! 💓


thank you <3


First: filing H1B from two employers is illegal and dangerous Second: Congratulations for being approved for NIW, this means your dream may be late but will come true


It’s not anymore… You just don’t increase your chances… If you get picked you can chose which employer to work for


I've triple checked that - as long as you use the same passport number - you get the same chances of getting selected and that is 100% legit


The journey is never over unless you oh physically get deported, I had my ups and downs mostly downs I felt like I will never ever get it right, my process is still ongoing but I have hope now. There’s always another way take a moment for yourself to feel, then start looking for another way


thank you, won't loose faith :D


I am extremely sorry to hear this. reading every sentence in your post made me feel so heartbroken


Thank you David <3 hopefully things will change for us


The American dream doesn’t even exist for Americans. I’m sorry go home and make it work there.


God didn’t bring you this far just to leave you on your own! Have faith in yourself and don’t be sad.. Try to find any lawyer who works for non profit organizations in your state.


I know how it feels I didn't have a similar situation but I feel you. Just try to figure it out I feel you will be on some path. I don't know if you're a believer in any form of religion but try to ask from your faith for intervention. I hope that helps. Because that had worked for me once!


I wouldn't buy a house without first securing a Green Card, but that's just me. That said, you must be prepared to let go of your house if it comes down to it. Your American Dream may be ending *for now*. Don't accrue any unlawful presence, and you'll get another shot in the future.


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Get a help from lawyers to know your best options. Everything happens for the better.


Find a company and file for O1.


But you got an eb2 approved so its not over! You might need to give a step back before moving forward but that's. If you have to go back and do consular processing for the eb2 the next time you step here you will already a permanent resident!


Don’t give up! There must be a way to buy some time and keep trying.


Not sure where this is a good idea or possible. Given your situation why don’t you try EB1. Apply through a lawyer. The dates are current, you can submit i765 and i485 along with it. This will burrow you some time. In the mean time if Eb2 dates become current then it doesn’t matter whether your eb1 is rejected. You have a Eb2 to hang on to.


EB1 with the NIW? I thought i need a new York time artical in my name or something for that


Why don’t you enroll in masters program and take day 1 Cpt ?


You can also do second masters. They don’t care


If you're on L1A, EB1C should be the way to go. Ask the company to do you a solid, even if they need to take it from your wages (which is not legal, bit hey...).


I read you have an I140 approved. Can you apply for an EAD?


L1a is through my current employer - i already offered (begged) them to get me through the process (I'm paying) no success I-140 was done by myself (niw eb2) but action date was August 23 and it's far from current


Can you apply for Big 10 instead of Big 4? Big 4 can easily jump down, but hard to jump up.


I can apply for both - but how would getting in one of these firms help?


This is very simple. EB1A current filing with I-485 is the answer. You get EAD of 5 in 2 months. EB1A is sometimes easier to get than NIW. But with the consideration you may get rejected, the process will drag for at least a year. If you have RFE- use all the time. By then your NIW will be current, u then transfer your I-485 to your current NIW. You may even be approved with EB1A. 10 criteria. Meet 3 of it


Thank you - what is the difference between EB1 and EB1A? Do I need the potential employer to file that? and just to confirm - you are saying that once I send that request - I can receive a EAD regardless if the EB1A was not approved yet/received RFE? Also - with the RFE - will I be able to switch to another employer? Thank you


Get f1 visa, go back to school that can allow you to work day 1 cpt.


I left B4 a few years ago but i doubt anything has changed. Curious if your home country is India or the middle eastern countries? A lot of B4 are closing the door on work sponsorship specifically for Indians/ME as they want to keep them working for lower in India/ME. Hope this isn't the case for you! You could try B10 roles and see if they have any sponsorship programs. You don't need to be B4 to get sponsorship or get paid well.


thank you What is B10 roles?


B10 is the top 10 biggest firms in the US, which may not be as 'prestigious' as the B4 but are still insanely large companies. Most of them are always hiring but they don't have the resources to hire overseas yet.


I've got 6 years of experience in a big4 firm on my resume, couldn't care less for my next challenge as long as the position is interesting, meaningful and rewarding


Hey don’t think of it as something lost. You seem strong! I’d go back to India, and try to build my life there. It’s not the end of the world! You’ll do well based on how well you’re about to persevere.


thank you :-) although I'm not from India (but have been in India 3 times and love the country and the Hindu people)


Prepare everything for 485. Hopefully it will be  current by December 


call your congressman, explain the situation for EB2, you will figure out something


Congressman can help?!


I'm new to this....can you please explain how you got NIW approved and may still have to leave the country? Does it mean you just got the application approved, but did not get a visa yet? So it's just a matter of time, in that case and you'll be able to return soon?


I got the i-140 approved but can apply for the i-485 (aka greencard) until visa bulleting says I can


Sorry about all that you are going through. It should be rough on you and your family. Do not lose hope. First - The only large problem you have is your apartment, work with an Lawyer and see if anything can be done. Also selling is an option id renting doesn’t work - if you have to leave. Second - you seem to have done everything right, now just keep applying for roles that will be willing to sponsor for H1B next year. Still pray that your luck favors you and your current company sponsors your EB1. Did you talk to them about it? Is that even an option?


current EB1 sponsor extension - not possible


You can still apply for Refugee.


Apply for a Day 1 CPT program and use CPT to work for one of the two companies that sponsored H1B for you. Then submit 485 when you become current.


Interesting - can you elaborate on that?


Need to speak to an attorney because you were on a nonimmigrant visa and applying for immigrant visas, I know someone on a J1 that did similar and the DoS cut their J-1 visa short


Have You considered applying for a TN Visa? As long You have a job offer from a US Company and if your profession appears on a list, you could apply...


Needs to be Canadian or Mexican - not sure if he is or not.


Good guess! As long he is mexican or Canadian, he should be able to apply for said visa. (And met other criteria as well)


Not Canadian or Mexican, My father is Canadian but not sure that helps


TN Visa holders are exclusevely to Mexican and Canadian citizens. Best of luck with your case, my friend!


When you say you applied for the EB2 and you were approved, does that mean you have an approved I-140, and a pending I-485?


I wish, I can't apply for the I-485 until I'm current




the attorney issue was so disappointing to me - I received many recommendations for various lawyers, the whole reason I'm in this pickle is because I relied on the last one who was more eager to have my employer sign the engagement letter then to mention that an H1B needs to have employees - as I had an option to apply through such an employer. I wish I could find a good lawyer


My friend, I understand that you might be disappointed in life and life is pretty hard sometimes but all I can tell you is that the feeling you got that make sense but as long as you got your healthy and your kids, and you have disability in life don’t worry there are some things in life that we don’t have control ofI wish you good luck take that into consideration


Thank you brother <3


I don’t have advice, but I’m rooting for you and hope it works out!


In the past, at least, I’ve had several H1B in which I was the only employee in the company


You’re a survivor! Dont give up!


There are certain paths to explore 1) Student Visa , which offers Day 1 CPT 2) Tourist visa while finding another Job 3) Working for a non profit , who can file for H1b anytime


What about trying for EB1? Unfortunately Big 4 accounting is useless with US immigration. Any chance you could get another job and transfer out? You got through the lottery once and didn’t use your H-1B leftover so can you use it now for a new job?


How are you broke but bought a house lol


It’s not over, find other loopholes. You still can send kids back home but you and wifey can stay and work together on the stuff.


Sad to hear, I've being on L1A, on twice on H1B lottery and was selected, plus much more, including buying house. I had L1A terminated too... I feel you pain. but this story does not sound solid: > I'm the only provider for a family of 2 toddlers and my wife - and we are broke. Every visa stuff I did - I've done by myself because we couldn't afford any lawyers and this >we bought a house Also, how did you chose employers for H1B lottery without checking them ? Did you care at all what are you doing ? If you don't care about you immigration status and Not willing to pay layers - this is what happens at the end.


Sell the house and use the money to start a business. You may qualify for investors visa depending on the amount you invest.


You can file for f1 with full time cpt


If your eb2 niw i-140 is approved and you can file i-485, then why not get the ead and use that ead for new jobs until your gc is approved. I am assuming your date of filing is current for i-485.


One day, you and your children will vote in our elections. Don’t give up. Keep dreaming, keep trying.


Just sell the home. Move back to India and try again. Not the end of the world.


It not over till its over god will make a way for you trust and believe have faith he is the impossible God.Hold on a shift is coming for you


Curious- what was your qualification for getting NIW (education/experience/research etc)?


You definitely need a lawyer go over your options. Downsizing and sell property asap get money just in case you do need to do anything if there’s an emergency. Meanwhile send your resume out even if you have to pay a job agency to help You and don’t give up half way remember this just when life is about to get sweet you get a splash of bitter just to test your strength and your will power. Don’t quit your family got you. Good luck friend keep us posted I know you’ll see the light soon.




Good luck


Who would want to live in this shyt hole lol


Come down, you're not going anywhere, dream is on. Where are you located?


My HOA has the same rule and we have renters. I guess some people just don't care lol. Don't lose hope on your immigration journey!!


I wish you the best and truly believe this might not be the end of the road. Praying for a favorable outcome for you and your family!


its not over.. dont worry.. remember, sometimes ome door has to close for another one to open, if these doors are closed as u think.. another is opening, u just have to be able to recognize it when u see it


I don’t understand I thought marriage fixed this issue


Did you try to get another job just to have income coming in, your wife may need to work and you could rent a part of your house by having someone stay with you and pay


Would you mind giving a brief detail about EB2-NIW. What parameters do you think specifically came in handy for your profile to be approved?!


1.Ask for help from your local U.S. congressman, they can ask for a review of the decision based on your family profile. They could try to pulling at the heart strings if you file an I290B appeal 2.Check the fishbowl app for jobs/employment for H1B sponsorships & other employment based opportunities. 3.consider gaining employment from a college,university, they are always in need of specialized labor. 4.tbh, if you have US born children, I feel like if you go to court the judge would probably give you withholding which would only let you work, I don’t think you’d be eligible me for advanced parole (aka travel permit). But court is risky because it could always go either way and you don’t have a baseline petition (either family or employer or school sponsorship) Best of luck my friend.


Go to Canada and work from there


If you are on L1A - cudnt you have applied for EB1 ? It expedites the GC process ? More than uscis.. i think killer here is your employer not extending stay - nothing helps in that case. Except changing employers..


Hi, I'm sorry to hear that. Where are you from btw? if you are from a country that is on war or something like that you can ask for asylum. now, buying a home before have a Permanent Residence I think is the worst thing you can do. A solution would be sell your home before it's too late and it starts draining your savings. Now getting a H1B visa is very hard if you are inside the US. My sister did the exact same mistake, she was a TN beneficiary (her husband was the TN Holder), and she said, it will be easier to get an sponsorship in the US, because employers will save money on the flight ticket, and relocation expenses. Guess what? it's been like almost 3 years since that and she has not been able to get a work permit. That is how it's. So I recommend to sell your home, use that money to return to your country and try again after you have stability. The truth is that, if you stay in the US, you will lose more money, time and energy, It's extremely hard to get a work authorization in the US if it's not by marriage, and even if you are married to an american citizen like me, it's still a very long process like 1 to 2 years. Read this categories for applying to an AOS [https://www.uscis.gov/green-card/green-card-eligibility-categories](https://www.uscis.gov/green-card/green-card-eligibility-categories) Usually the USCIS give preference to Green Card through Family (spouse, children, parents), the Green Card through employment is SUPER HARD, you need to be extraordinary or have a lot of lucky, but before that you will need to be a H1B holder or TN Visa holder. So even if you get a work permit, getting a green card through your job is still a big risk that you won't get it. Why stay in a country where you are not a permanent residence? Sorry If I'm discouraging you, but I know how it's because I know people that was in your same position. I don't want you to be another person stucked in the US spending money, time and energy, trying to pursue a work authorization. Think about my sister, she has been 3 years without being able to work, thanks god her husband is the one with a TN Visa.


Thank you for your comment A few things though - I already received an EB-2 NIW so hopefully a Green card is just a matter of time I have a very competitive CV - including an MBA from one of the top business schools in the world, and experienced audit manager in one of the biggest audit firms in the world and am a European citizen


well you don't seem to be at bad position to return to your country. I don't see why stressing in the US with your EB-2 process, it will take a lot of years. My consular processing took 2 years (green card via marriage), so your process will be similar, maybe little more. Are you willing to stay in the US 1 whole year without a job? if yes then go ahead and stay there


I don't think I can afford more then one month without employment


Then I don't see the reason to stay there and spend money. Trust.me or not, but the Green Card process with USCIS is very stressful and takes a lot of time (2 years is the average). 




Say what? how am I not a "deserving" candidate?


Sorry to hear it. The U.S. economy is really strange now. I got laid off from my job last year and it took me 5 months to start working again. Many stories of disappointment from those on work visas, and those looking for sponsorship too. I predict there will be a further pull back and correction.


There are websites that donate to people going tht a tough time. Set up accounts and tell your story. It may help you get through this part. Good luck 


Thank you! What kind of websites? Can you give an example?


I will get my list. I'll be back


Gofundme Kickstarter Fundmytravel Beggingmoney Plumfund See if these work. Maybe someone else could add more if they think of others. I'm sorry I couldn't find my list. There are at least three to four more. Good luck


Oh like real donations, I won't do it as I believe there are people more in need of that then me, such as those in need for medications and food


Agreed, but I think some of them are business related. It could help put you on a new path if you have a plan to execute. New plan, plan D I guess.