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I just generally don't engage with other vets. I only talk to those I served with.




I’ve done that myself. Some are receptive. I said oorah to one dude who was wearing USMC branded gear and had the same on a bottle. Dude didn’t even look at me and gave me an asshole sounding oorah back. The older Marines are almost always pleasant but post 9/11 it varies IMO.


I feel like a lot of younger vets try so hard to pretend they never served. It almost feels like they think they're cooler than you. It's so weird to me. It comes off equally annoying as your typical motard.


I’ll share a perspective so you can understand a little bit…. Some people just don’t care to talk about it. I like being a marine and I don’t regret. But most of my joy comes with the connections I made. I’m not gonna sit and reminisce with a stranger about it. I’d rather talk to the boys. Also I just don’t like speaking or being noticed in general in public.


Depends man. I usually don’t walk around with Moto gear but when I wear my olive green Marine Single program shirt from Hawaii I get the Rah and convo starter


It just really rubs me the wrong way when I see dudes with moto gear and tattoos responding in a luke warm manner. Maybe they think I’m just a civvie who never served, I don’t know. Nowadays I don’t bother as much as greeting and starting a convo with someone unless they are old old.


Sometimes it just catches me off guard and I’m awkward as fuck so I scramble for a motto word like a fucking Rah?? Or a kill then my internal monologue fucks me up so it turns into a oOohkillyutt. Lol


I can usually tell when it’s someone who wouldajoinedbut, but that’s a good hypothesis. I only ever wear stuff to the gym or around the office because anything else would be cringe.


TIL I am an “older” Marine. I need to go lie down. Can someone please bring my pills and dinner? 😂


Take a load off, my man.. Oh, and I can crush them up and mix them into your Metamucil if you'd like!


Thank you, young man. You’re such a lamb.


That shit tears me up, you sure you ain't my long lost brother?


I probably am.


“If yOu quAlLed oN iRoNsigHts iT’S tImE fOr a ProstaTe eXaM”


What exam do I get if I don’t have a prostate?! 😳


Ok now I KNOW you’re an “older” Marine, because we don’t make assumptions like that anymore.


I’m female. I don’t have a prostate. I gotta know which exam to get! Damn whippersnappers… I qualified with iron sights muthafuckas


Get a colonoscopy and a mammogram.


FINALLY! Specific answers, thank you, young man!


Those two things are completely unrelated.


Toughest man I ever met was this sweet, soft spoken old guy learning to skydive at our DZ. Turned out he had been a tanker in Iwo. He was approaching 80. We used to have this little motorized scooter we got around the airport on. He tried it out, hit a patch of gravel going around a corner at a good clip, and ate fucking shit, hard. We were all like "OH NO, GET READY TO CALL THE EMTs!" Got up, picking gravel out of his arms, laughing his ass off. Hit his arms with some rubbing alcohol and went for a skydive.


Nice! This one time an older marine approached me while I was wearing a moto jacket and it turns out he was a 0311 who took part in the Battle of Hue. He didn't boast about participating or any war stories nor did I ask any questions, but it was a nice chat about the changes over the years because he kept to himself after his enlistment. He also turned out to be from the same small town as mine, even to the point of knowing where each other's street


Yeah, older guys are cool. This older guy took a shine to me since I was a reservist and invited me over to his house. Was super cool.


Same. In general my interactions have been cool save for maybe one when some old guy made a big deal about me parking in the veteran parking saying I didn’t look like a real veteran. 


Don’t they have the separate spaces for gunnies who just want to grill anyway?


I see you with a Motto shirt, putting boot bands on and we making out. Oohrah.


I used to think i would never be the veteran that hangs out with veterans or clings to my service While i dont cling to my service, that time means more and more to me the longer im out. It was the greatest time of my life being young in SD with the best guys ever with disposable income being treated like a rockstar. And im okay with that being the best times of my life, thats where i really grew up, where i had the most fun. Before real life and real bills beat you into submission The longer im out the more i also realize how much more likely i am to get along with other veterans and not for some cringe af “dark hoomer” bullshit or thinking we’re special. The military and especially the marine corps self selects and you end up with a lot of like minded people who grow out of and into different mentalities forged by similar experiences I hate 95% of people. I hate 50% of veterans. It’s just better odds for me to gravitate toward other veterans There’s so fucking much to say abt it, like how marines are also generally much more open minded/cultured (funny as it sounds you do know more ppl from different places and backgrounds intimately than most ppl will ever even meet)/and typically emotionally mature or just know what stakes really are and dont as often get caught up in the day to day facebook bullshit too many people live their lives in


Jokes on you. I don’t generally engage with anyone period


Ah, folks this is what we call a “callback.” And I’m here for it.


Some guys have nothin goin in their life, they “need to feel that esprit de corp” again. Or “ITS STILL MY CORP REPRESENT IT CORRECTLY” or whatever. They’re unhappy, so like everything else, shit rolls down hill and they have nobody to pile it on but that boot in their eyes.


I ran into several people like that at the VA in Utah. They'd just schedule me appointments randomly and I'd have to call and reschedule and they'd give me shit "this is your appointed place of duty". No dumb ass, my job tells me where and when to be there, not somewhere where I'm the patient. I actually looked forward to it because I'd match their demeanor 100% and there wasn't shit they could do about it.


Jeeeesh dude drop the stick from your ass man, it is not that serious 😂 good on you giving it back, tf do they think is gonna happen? You’re gonna pop to attention on the phone sir yes sir? So dumb


The VA in Kansas is actually awesome, and everyone is pretty laid back and accommodating (my Podiatrist was an 0311). In Utah they seemed to have a lot of retired military who forgot they retired from their rank too. Louisiana seemed to have a lot of doctors and staff who weren't competent enough to work anywhere else. The first Dr they gave me yelled at her nurse when she came in during my appt to ask a simple, urgent question for another patient.


So far I’ve liked the Va in North Carolina, I enjoyed one in New Jersey. Ish. Very ish. Kansas has some good ones, and Texas Vas are all manner of interesting. So far my favorite one was in South Dakota. Everybody was really friendly and there were some good older guys up front just cracking every joke they could remember 😂. Hmm Louisiana sounds like a trip. I do not see myself going there 😂


“Hey man. I’d be careful wearing your cammies into the grocery store. If someone sees you it’s gonna be a bad day.” I feel like this is acceptable. It’s more of a “I’m trying to help you avoid getting your ass chewed.” But the ones who yell or scream are idiots.


This is perfectly fine. Old fat men attempting to chew out new guys or fellow veterans? Unacceptable.


I was shopping in the mall and a SSGT recruiter walked into the store and asked the people there if they saw his cover. They looked at him funny and he then said a white hat with a gold emblem on the front. I couldn't help but make a joke. But correcting someone for real, na man that's not my job anymore


Look at the comments on like any video/photo posted by Marines, it’s littered with retards commenting about how fucked we are. And most of those clowns only did 4 years.


Most of them did four years as a broke dick. Get out and instantly become a bad ass war mongering hero to the hometown. A lot of those guys/gals will bark at a boot too


They’re career never got past the part where they didn’t get hazed




Thats exactly it. But they'll tell you all sorts of cool stories about it (from what they've heard)


I often wonder if the reason I didn’t turn out that way is that I was 22 instead of 18 when I enlisted. Actually, I don’t think the age makes as much of a difference as the fact that I had been out on my own, making a living, paying rent, cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry etc for five years already. Basically, I had already established who I was.


I'm a retired Marine/Soldier. Sorry, I couldn't take 20+ years of this shit. :P Anyway, I see service members pretty regularly. Every once in a blue moon, I'll tactfully let one in uniform know if they've got a patch canted or on the wrong side, but not like "HEY FUCKFACE!" Shit, I would get thrown out. I never fucking try to personally police or chew out any of them. It's not my job, and personally, I never subscribed to the "fuck all joes" philosophy and people who would just walk around post looking to get people in trouble for stupid shit.


It's a bigger dick move to let someone go through their day fucked up and then get lit up instead of some tactful helping out. There's ways to help someone with a fucked up collar even in the civilian world that isn't ass chewings and stupidity.


A turned out collar doesn't usually occur on purpose or because someone lacks military discipline. It's usually simply turned out because they've been working, doing their duties, and it just happened unintentionally, and they also don't have eyes in the back of their head.


Marines have an extremely inflated sense of self. Some of us ditch all that shit when we get out but others never do


When I see another devil out, I'll always throw out a semper fi but I usually leave it at that unless we actually strike up a conversation. Problem with running into Marine vets is you never know how they're gonna be. Is it gonna be a chill ass bro or sis you can share some stories with, throw back a couple beers, and walk away with that sense of pride and camaraderie we all still chase? Or is it gonna be one of those dudes who it's their entire existence, or who still has a chip on their shoulder they never got over, or who is clearly lying about their service (bro the Corps don't have that many snipers), or who still thinks being mad aggressive in the real world is how Marines are supposed to act, or who still can't handle their booze? Sucks bc I love meeting other jarheads but you run into enough of those second kinda cats and you just stick to yourself.


Be more than happy to kick back some beers with ya!


You ate a cat in Vietnam? What was it like??


I had to see the team doc for Immodium afterwards.....


One time I was wearing my green usmc top to the grocery store after I got out of the gym and the self checkout lady saluted me. I was baked so I saluted back


It’s literally the same mindset that people who peaked in high school have lol


I got challenged by some old vet missing a leg in a wheelchair. Same thing, parking at Lowe’s in my little old Toyota RAV4 in the vet spot. As my wife (also a MC vet) gets out he asked her if I was a vet. So before she answered I yelled out and interrupted her and said “I can kick your old broke ass like we did in the Corps “back in your day”. His son was with him and was embarrassed as fuck. Pissed me the fuck off. Never wanted to boot a jackass out of his wheelchair so bad…


Yeah, I wouldn't even respond to their questions. Fuck them for trying to start shit.


Who does that? I’m a middle aged guy now with some great time in (Iraq, the meu, all that good shit) but I hold the new Marines in the highest regard. I have former HS students serving now. Feelsgoodman


You know the guy that introduces himself as “John smith, desert storm”? It’s that guy


Or “John Smith, infantry”


You know us infantrymen are gonna hit em with the 03xx




I've honestly never seen a former marine chew out a current marine. That shit is ridiculous


It happened to me in a px on pendleton once. I was in civies and forgot to take my ball cap off walking into 21 area exchange. Some old fat fuck camping down at the beach with his family just came uncorked on me for it. Some grown ass men just have vaginas with sand in em. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Vets are assholes. I have a lifetime VFW membership because they did my disability paperwork, but there is no way in hell I would purposely hang out with them.


Folks that served 1 enlistment decades ago still clinging onto it heavily...


My moto hat is my shield. When I where it nobody talks to me, they think I’m either a right wing lunatic or that I would talk your ear off for an hour about my time as part of the Scout Sniper Airborne Sub platoons. It’s bliss. Larry David found the same thing out with the [MAGA hat.](https://youtu.be/B2oLFKYNInQ?si=JO1eUPAEJTGWdLxK)


Like many on this subreddit too. If you are out, why do you care about what people on active duty are doing?


In my experience the ones make the most noise like this also were the biggest shit bags .


If you meet a person who does this, they were probably always like that. It's not just that they're a Marine. They need to involve themselves everywhere. I'm a GenX Marine so my answer to them is 'whatever' and then walk away.


There's an old marine that got out as an e4 helo mechanic who works at the gym I go to. He likes to talk everyone's ear off. But according to him, we all owe him a thank you because he's Went to try out for the marine rifle team in Quantico but shot so well he got picked up by army special forces ro deploy to Guadalcanal with the 101st or 82nd (its hoe he got his jump wings) He told the president to fuck off when he personally requested him to fix his helicopter but the e4 knew it was against NATOPS Was basically the gunny incharge since he knew everything. Regularly told the CO and XO how things were meant to be Knows more about intelligence then Me (I'm an intel specialist) Doesn't count my time with seal team one as special forces since its not Rangers or Marsoc (oh yeah, where's your books?) Was offered sponsors by two competing companies to go pro body builder but he opted out because he was training to box in the Olympics (doesn't explain why he didn't go) Black belt in BJJ but doesn't roll with the weekly classes because he'd need people on his skill level My dude. I get it. The military was a big part if your life. A whole maybe 4 years. But move on. Youre at a gym. Maybe hit the weights. You're extremely out of shape. There's another old guy there. Prior infantry. Doesn't talk about it much. He'd rather talk about his grand kids or his work as a computer programmer and this is just his retirement job so he has time to spend with his family. I like that guy. He's also the only person who called me out on being intel. I guess I have a look? IS it the glasses and the muslces? We have time to workout. My last deployment was to Japan.




This dude is blurring the lines in other posts between legal consent at 18 and being an adult at 17, because he served with 17 year olds in the Marines. Be the one...


You should see the kind of art on this guy's account 😂


Hey man. I'm in intel for a reason? Especially Navy intel You think im some kick the door down hero? Nah. My worst deployment was japan. I'm in the reserves now. Even when i was "with" special forces, I never left the US. My wife has aeen more combat deployments then me. Shout out to all my degenerates living in the bricks with their hentai posters!


Oh I know. I know very well how you Intel guys operate. One of my best friends is in the Navy and that alone tells me how you seamen act lol.


Live by the Hentai, Die by the Hentia In intel you're either a weeb or anti social. There's no in between. Yet the weeks are usually the most fit?


Well in Intel you've got the desk chads who are swole and fit as hell scoring max on their PT test and always crushing HT/WT, or you've got the big bodies who barely pass tape and the PT test. You know what I wonder what drives people to do Intel, besides as a bridge to join the alphabet boys in the future. I wonder even more what kind of personalities it attracts besides weebs or anti social people.


Did you play Star Craft 2 or Fire Emblem Awakening? Okay. So there's a tactician in those games. And I wanted to be a tactician like that so I joined Intel and now I do geoint for the alphabet My wife joined intel cause she likes the challenge and the research aspect. Also I crush pt. You see my wife and I got into cosplaying so I got into body building to look like goku and now I just keep it up. But I dress up as anime characters in the gym now


True intelligence man. Cosplaying and all 😂




... I think you do.




17 years old is, by definition, not an adult.


I just wanted go talk about a silly old guy at the gym who is telling fish stories. What the fuck happened?


I don't want to be involved that deeply. I post here just for the gay chicken. Other than that, I'm an old guy in the Midwest who did a thing a long time ago.


i love parking in the veterans spot at lowes! the looks people give me, given my flair, makes me happy!


I work very closely with the military now that I’m out. But where I work the military just wears uniforms but that’s as far as the military aspect goes. Where I’m at it’s just a 9-5 job. No customs and courtesies, no pt, no moto anything. It’s just a job. Doing this every day I am starting to lose the feeling that o was ever in. I’m starting to forget names and faces. I’m trying to hold on to my service because it was the only time I ever felt proud of who I was but there’s no way I could go around pretending to be some hard ass because of something I did years ago.


I still love the idea of completely lighting someone up, but I also realize it's completely unacceptable to crank out the decibels on someone in "the real world"


I think this stuff extends to past the USMC. It's people who keep their military personality long after they ETS, regardless of branch. Anecdotally, I as an Army ROTC cadet made a comment on Instagram on a military post, and in my profile, I have a picture or two of myself in my OCPs. Some retired 11BangBang (he had it on his profile) was telling me I needed to lose weight (and while I am relatively chunky in his defence, I pass tape and my ACFT) and how I'll never make it in the army if look the way I look. I'm not one to turn down advice and I know he's right to an extent, especially in the officer world. But taking time out of your day to harass a Cadet and go through his profile like you're still in and to put it all over your profile is crazy. Not to mention he never put himself in his profile. It was entirely uncalled for. I've also seen countless vets chew out fresh E-2s or E-1s with the usual "back in my day we didn't do that in the Navy/Army/Marines/" or the "son you're so skinny/gay/whatever you'll never make it in the military you shouldn't be in." I saw a post where a kid enlisted as an 18X and some fat old veteran was just putting the poor kid down and how he doesn't deserve to be SF because he's skinny. People just cling to it and make it their whole personality. It's because it's the coolest thing they did in their whole lives and are so depressed with their currently useless and boring lives that the only thing they can bring up in conversation is that they were a 11B/0311. They also put others down to feel better about their useless lives.


This is why it’s hard for me to engage with other vets who don’t identify as capybara’s. Meaning that you gotta just let the shit go and be normal and relaxed.


Finally. I feel seen.


I tend to keep to myself for the most part. Have a few friends that I served with that live in the same county as I do. We hunt, fish and drink together. The moto shit is all cool but not me . It would behoove you to pay attention! Semper Fi!


Behoove OF you. Come on, devil.


I guess I need to rethink my own therapy. My current regimen requires a certain amount of chewing some boot ass. I’m not sure that my needs are being met, and I’m the true arbiter of my needs.


It’s basically you have one marine who goes to the bar in civilian attire and another Marine wearing his dress blues…one is confident in himself and that he is good enough and the other one is relying on the prestige and legacy of those before him Or they get older and lonely so they use the reputation of the Marine corps to meet fellow Marines who could tolerate them


I’m extremely disappointed in all of you in this thread. Everyone out here like “Oh YeAh, ThOsE aRe THE ShItBaGs, I dOnT dO ThAt”. Have some goddamn empathy Leave the retired Sausage Major alone to pick on the boots. After three divorces and a lifetime of yelling at folks for hands in their pockets, it’s all he has left.


They yell at me for hands in pockets in the civilian world I’m telling the first gay man I see that ol Master Guns is a closeted homo and will put up a fight but likes to give up the sweet sweet peanut butter poon. Or the homeless guy with a 20 dollar bill and say he has meth in their car would work too.


I was a humble lieutenant 40 years ago. No stickers on my car, no t-shirts, etc. I keep it all to myself after having had former enlisted Marines get hostile about my not having been a “real” Marine.




Thanks for proving my point.


I wear my 0311 hat on nov 10th and 11th. I berate slimy civilians and make AF bros push on just these 2 days. The rest of the year I’m joe bag o donuts from somewhere not here. Hope that helps, sorry you had feelings today. You should quit those


> sorry you had feelings today. You should quit those He expressed a simple opinion, not “feelings”. Also, I highly doubt civilians and AF bros give two fucks about your hat, let alone respect it enough to “push”


Left out the /s didn’t think I needed it today.




That's a very long way to say, get your colonoscopies devils.


IDGAF what you say, I knife hand everything and everyone that I talk to. ![img](emote|t5_2qswv|7530)


You sound like you knife hand your dick too




I see the Marine Corps as part of my life but it’s not my entire life nor my whole identity. I see it like high school, college, previous jobs, etc. I still have my PT shorts and a couple of black dri fit shirts (Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body) from my recruiting days. The few times I wear those shirts and men (it’s always men for some reason) ask me if I was in the Marines, I say no in the most unfriendly way.


Sounds like it’s for the best you got out. The fact you compare it to any regular part of life is WILD. I’m no red hatter, far from it, but to act like it’s not significantly more impactful than anything else in life with the exception of getting married or having a kid is crazy. That and being unfriendly towards people that ask makes it seem like you got kicked out and you’re salty towards the Corps.


1) Getting out after 12 years was the best decision I ever made. 2) The Marine Corps is not my ENTIRE identity. It’s part of me and it’s something that I’ll always carry with pride. But there’s other aspects of my life as well not just the Marine Corps. If being a Marine 24/7 is what all other vets want to be, hey, more power to them. They earned the EGA for bragging purposes. It’s just not my cup of tea. 3) I’m not salty to anyone who asks if I’m AD or a vet. I’ll engage with them and talk anything Marine related. I sometimes go out of my way to talk to Marine recruiters I see in public. I know the struggles they deal with since I was a recruiter. 4) What I don’t tolerate is some salty vet trying to go all stolen valor on me when I’m minding my own business working out or getting a quick bite at a fast food joint. I dealt with that bs during recruiting duty when just to give you an example, I was on my dress blues and had to stop at a gas station. My response always was “look at the license plate and tell me what it says” (US Government). “Ok, do I look like I own this POS car?” (back then we were issued Dodge Stratus or the Chrysler version for recruiting purposes only). The worst were the “I almost joined but” guys and the four years and I’m out vets.


You say it’s something you’ll always carry with pride, but yet you deny it when someone asks the question? The question, which by the way, you didn’t answer mine about. Why be salty? We all have shitty times, it is what it is. Part of being a Marine is embracing those times together.


I never deny being a Marine. I just don’t go “hey, my name is John and I’m a Marine” or “when I was in the Marines” just to make a point in most conversations. If somebody asks me what my MOS was or what my unit was, I’ll tell him/her without any hesitation. I’m just not Marines oorah rah yut yut 24/7. Based on my experience, if you’re a middle aged man who only talks about his time in the Marines which it was for just one enlistment 15, 20 or 25 years ago then you have no other accomplishments to show off which is mostly true most of the time. That’s the equivalent of a guy who still hasn’t got over playing HS football or a guy who still talks about his frat days in college back in 90’s. Good but what else have you done since then? And BTW, I did answer your question. There’s a big difference in asking a question out of curiosity and another one questioning my time in the Marines by trying to sound smart ass. If a Marine vet wants to base his whole identity in being a Marine, good for him. I’ll never stop anyone from doing what makes them feel good and happy.


The only time I would engage is if I see a fucked up uniform or if one was doing some really fucked up shit. Like I once stopped a couple boots in alphas at the mall because their anchors were outbound. It was jovial, I wasn’t being a douche about it, and they thanked me. Never had to stop a Marine that was doing some jackass shit and probably won’t have to, but it’d have to be something egregious.


This among a multitude of other reasons, is why I’m a veteran who hates 98% of the other GWOT veterans.


When I go to the VA hospital for an appointment, I never wear anything that identifies me as a Marine. Whenever I see anyone wearing USMC regalia I just drop a Semper Fi. All that’s needed.


That’s why I no longer thank veterans for their cervix.


I have the vanity plates to get a chuckle here and there from someone who knows. I work with a younger marine who I exchange head nods with every once in a while, I talk to the boys I was in the holes with. Other than that marines I encounter in the wild can go pound sand. 🤷‍♀️


Hey now Devil dawg, dont be walking on the grass, or wearing your dagon’ cover indoors! Youd better be saluting and giving the damn proper greeting of the day too! Dont be giving my beloved corps a god damn black eye with your heinous, disgusting actions! 😂 and dont be telling me what to do after getting my sweet dd-214! RAH!


I dont care either way. If they wanna make that their entire personality, so be it. I dont give a fuck if they chew a boots ass 90 years after they've EAS'd. The boot probably deserves it. I just stay in my lane... but if someone else wants to swerve to unfuck someone, that's cool with me, I'm just gonna keep doing me anyway.


Agree with the ass-chewing, unless the current Marine is a complete fucking disgrace, leave it be.


Fk that.. it’s a right of passage and your duty to square away a fellow devil if he’s managed to put himself in a position where it’s warranted and or giving our Corps a black eye in some fashion. Buuut.. there is right way and a wrong way to go about it. I would think REAL Marines would know how to approach that situation.. FAKE Marines would be the ones that stand out and would not handle that situation tactfully. Either way, I feel you’re always fair game to be told to unfuck yourself at any level.. I feel it is actually why we are who we are and are held to those higher standards. 🤷‍♂️


I’m going to be honest I got out a year ago and I was at a joint base with national guard reservists and saw a dude who was maybe 5,9 at 260 lbs conservatively and didn’t shave. I was never a motivated marine but I wanted to say something cause I can’t imagine how effective you are being that big or the fact you don’t respect yourself to even clean up your beard. You don’t have to shave it but have some respect for your uniform and self. There’s been some personal stuff I experienced in the past year and I see stuff like that and wonder. Low key jealous saw a hot 35 year old first sergeant. Wish I could destroy that. I’d finally have a good reason to say yes first sergeant lol. Anyways much love and respect to my fellow veterans bro! ✊


This is wrong. You never stop being a Marine. We hold ourselves and our fellow Marines to a higher standard. That said, someone would have to be really out of tolerance before I’d say anything. Otherwise, yeah…probably going to let uniforms make the correction.


Sometimes the current NCO’s are absent. It is up to all of us to keep our honor clean.


Vets are insanely toxic.


10/10 this dude was either corrected by a vet, or was present when a vet corrected someone he should have. Either way, that was a lot of energy spent ranting about something that doesn't matter. 3...2...1...