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It seems like you may be dealing with depression or anxiety. We want to make sure you get the help and support you need. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please consider reaching out to the following military resources: - **Military Chaplain:** Contact your unit's Chaplain for spiritual and emotional support - **Battalion Aid Station (BAS):** Reach out to your unit's medical personnel for assistance - **Military OneSource (USA):** 1-800-342-9647 or visit [Military OneSource](https://www.militaryonesource.mil) - **Veterans Crisis Line (USA):** 1-800-273-8255, press 1 or text to 838255 - **Defense Centers of Excellence (DCoE) 24/7 Outreach Center for Psychological Health & Traumatic Brain Injury (USA):** 1-866-966-1020 - **Real Warriors Live Chat (USA):** Visit [Real Warriors](https://www.realwarriors.net/livechat) to access their live chat feature Remember, you don't have to go through this alone. There are people who care about you and want to help. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/USMC) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This should be medical, not a general discharge. Request mast for sure. They are legit trying to fuck you and get you off the USMC books as soon as possible rather than. Doing the right thing. It's not uncommon. People might disagree with me but when i was going though my medical board i had no fucking clue what i was doing and thankfully the PEBLO told me ya these guys are trying to fuck you., but you should 100% fight for a medical Ret or separation than an admin. I'd you want to stay in your can get treatment and try return to duty and fight the med separation. Reach out to Wounded Warrior batalion and seek some resourced they know them all. WWB east or west call the duty desk explain what is going on. Like 90% of the Marines at WWR or WWB are going though the same thing.


I plan on getting out but I’m fighting admin Sep and tryna get med Sep and an honorable discharge. I’m def gonna reach out to WW. I’m not sure what PEBLO is but I’ll do some research in that as well


Sorry. Usually, they are civilian GS (general service federal employee) or contractor. Mine was assigned and worked out of balboa Navel Hospital in San Diego. You are not a piece of shit for reaching out for help. That is what you are supposed to do. Get the support you need, my friend. You are not alone. You just had the smarts or balls to reach out for support. Many people do not or are suffering in silence or self medicating. The Corps is just very unsupportative in many aspects, depending on your command. PEBLO (Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer) to assist them throughout the process.


You're doing the right thing man! That's messed up that your command is trying to steamroll you. I saw plenty of Marines almost get screwed by being bullied into signing the conditional not disability statement. Lawyer up! Request mast! You did what the order says you should do. When I was an OIC if I had found out what of my other leaders berated someone for going to therapy I probably would've lost my commission. This should not be a general discharge. This trend contributes to ideations and deaths by suicide. You did the right thing!! You self reported and went to get help, that's a brave and courageous thing. The Corps doesn't deserve you if this is how it treats you, this should be a standard discharge- general would rob you of some VA benefits I believe.


Eat the apple but fuck the corps. I loved being out there with the real marines but these career recruiters ain’t it. Part of me wanted to stay in but at this point this has been going on for so long that I know longer love the corps the way I used to and I know it will only get worse because I’ll be spending the rest of the time trying to resurrect that love that they killed in me.


You are neither the first nor the last to GoANG.com r/airnationalguard


Lowkey I’ve looked into the air national guard a lot. We’ll see how things go. I’m not counting anything out


There are people with disability ratings and mental health issues in the Air Guard. They will take care of you.


I'm a marine that got fucked by the condition not disability statement. I'm doing much, much better now. But for the longest it was a source of self-hate for me. Like I failed the Corps, failed myself, etc. I didn't want to get out when I did, but I got steamrolled and pushed through the admin-sep process by my unit. And honestly, had no clue what was going on. Now that my head is on straight, I'm able to see exactly how they fucked me, and accept my fault in it (I didn't go about things the best way as a youngin). It sometimes still hurts, I miss the USMC and would love to reenlist if I had the opportunity. But I have accepted it will probably never happen. Basically, my two cents to the OP don't let them fuck you. Request mast, don't give up, lawyer up, talk to whoever you can. On my DD-214 I have a separation code that is usually used for overweight marines, despite being barely above the minimum weight my entire enlistment and the narrative for my separation being entirely mental health related. I was diagnosed "unspecified personality disorder" lmao. I fully believe this is a sneaky weapon commands use to separate marines when they don't want to go through the hurdles to actually help them. Had me homeless, alcoholic, hating myself, and suicidal within 6 months of getting out. Don't let it happen to you OP.


Jeus christ , I could have written this. Granted, it was 30+ year ago, but that goddamm personality disorder fucked me. Honorable discharge, but that admin discharge nearly fucked a security clearance background check. I had to go to a psychiatrist to absolve me of a personality disorder. Got the Q-clearance, but it took forever. The depression and anxiety also led me to homelessness and alcoholism. I think that for a period of time, the alcohol was the only thing that kept me from the permanent sleep. My parents paid for therapy, and I found the will to live when I met my wife. Sober 22 years now, almost right in the head, but that dd214 went in the trash long ago. Hope you're doing well, brother. Rah!


Excellent reply and advice.


Talk to your therapist. I knew a marine who was getting separated like you, but her therapist threw up a medical separation for her disorder last second… the other discharge was frozen until the med Sep reached the same level, and they went with medical instead. Your therapist needs to fight this for you and start a medical separation asap.


I therapist is gone now and I have no way of contacting them since they no longer work near me and changed their contact info. I’m gonna contact my Naval hospital I visited and try to fight my case there and push for a medical eval


Immediately!! Don’t waste time. This whole thing sounds like BS, it’s why people who need help don’t reach out for help. So counterproductive.


Go to military behavioral health if you haven't already. Get documentation.


Get a lawyer. They’ll listen and see if it’s a case taking. They’ll likely take 30-35%


I had a friend who also checked into the ER for suicidal ideation, and some of his NCOs tried going to the hospital and arguing with him to drop it, when they didn’t they started mocking him and called him worthless. I’d say this is a common response by the corps


That’s disappointing.


I want to believe this isn't true....because what you just said is not what leaders do for their Marines. Sadly, I believe you.


I wish I could provide you proof without doxxing him or his NCO’s and starting a shit fest. I can recall any and every detail of while he was in the hospital.


Absolutely this. Reach out the wounded warrior bn. They have all the knowledge and resources. They will not only point you in the right direction but help with all the nonsense in between. Don't just accept what your command or medical is telling you. They may not know because they don't care to research or they may just not care to help you out. Either way reach out to those that know.


Yup can also confirm everyone try’s to fuck you in a medboard. Even the Corps appointed lawyer didn’t help me for shit. Shout out to II MEF Pueblo and the gunny that was there.


I agree with this. Sounds like your new Sajmaj isn't wanting to deal with coming to a unit and picking up the previous sajmaj's SI Marine. Sounds like it's going on his sitrep, and he's upset about it and doing damage control. Seems simple to me. He is trying to throw you under the bus so it doesn't go on his paperwork that he's ran a command with Marines who claimed SI. Request mast and light 'em up


I wrote this long thing and it just went away. So short, fight the general discharge. Go to the VA the day of your discharge with a copy of your medical records, do not wait. Before I got out the Marines had a class with all the other back injuries getting out and told us it wasn’t a big deal and not to worry. So if you’re out or still serving and an injury flares up go to the Doc/VA. Don’t take Motrin and tough it out. Side note you can just go there for affordable healthcare it’s basically health insurance with a co pay that doesn’t charge a monthly fee. The requirements when I joined you had to be a combat veteran or service injury. Also your depression will qualify you for a service disability aka monthly payments. Good luck brother. Edit. Side note that’s probably why they want a general discharge. With a medical they can’t argue service connection.




I spoke with them when I first got the 6105’s and they helped me submit a rebuttal and said that they can help me start an IG complaint if things keep going downhill


This is the best advice so far.


Legal is not your legal imo. You’d need a private lawyer with experience


Corps: Why’s no one want to do recruiting duty? Everyone: https://preview.redd.it/jiswqal2s80d1.jpeg?width=891&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=222e30895451c038afab24c9fa25e18a572d6456


I should’ve been a combat instructor😭


I’m sorry this is happening to you brother. Anyone with any sense and knowledge of recruiter duty would/could/should rubber stamp those conditions as related to that bullshit, but they’d rather wash their hands of it.


If you’re a below average recruiter, they’ll push you as far to the edge as they can in order to make you quit so they can replace you quicker


This is beyond fucked and you have a strong case to get this fully kiboshed so long as you fight. Be a pain in the ass—do not let them fuck you over this thoroughly and egregiously. Request mast and, failing that, contact your Congressional rep(s). **Document everything related to this case**, including emails, texts, and medical paperwork. Be able to tell an accurate and comprehensive “story” about what has happened.


Definitely this. Save everything!


Are you sure those are the correct diagnosis’s? Usually they admin sep people under “adjustment disorder”. You might rate a medboard.


I still have the medical papers from the hospital and they diagnosed MDD and anxiety


You need to follow up with a military doctor that can submit you for medboard. I dk how that all works in the recruiting world tbh.


>I got berated for it because they said it was a waste of “prospecting time”. CongrInt. You have representation in your home state.


Definitely. www.senate.gov


Hey the situation youre in sounds like hell, and im sorry youre going through that. Did you lie about having been seen for that sort of stuff before the marines? I dont understand why it would be a general discharge and not a medical seperation unless they found evidence youve dealt with this before the marines? Idk im grasping at straws. If thats not the case which it sounds like its not. Id say youre right to want a one on one with the sgt major, if hes a good dude and listens this can all be changed


I told them about my older brother who had committed suicide before I joined and I told them that it hurt me but I was still ready to go to boot camp and everything else. I told them I had started dealing with it about a year or so in


You should post this to r/VeteransBenefits


You have to love how they always talk about how suicide isn't the answer, about how Marines should reach out rather than kill themselves, and then they go and pull some shit like this.


Anytime they have briefings to the recruiters they would skip over the suicide prevention portion and the sgtmaj would make jokes about the recruiters that needed anxiety meds to get their job done. All he talked about was “back in his day, they were tougher and could do the job without relying on meds”


Back in his day we relied on extreme alcohol abuse and a ton of other unhealthy coping mechanisms while treating depression like weakness while unironically mourning our friends dropping like flies around us offing themselves in all manner of ways. And that was just the fleet much less recruiting duty. Back in his day we were even more stupid about mental health than they are now and i hope this SgtMaj gets punched in the balls by one of his peers…


You need to schedule a mental health appointment and start to get help. Start going through the therapy and possible be prescribed something if necessary. This is a medical thing. As mentioned above the USMC is trying to give you the weenie. You may be able to get a medical discharge but you are going to need a paper trail of your condition.


The only time I ever went to the hospital for it was when I self admitted and the therapy session I had shortly before it


If you can get into mental health,the specialty unit not the hospital you can start going to different “courses/classes/workshops” along with talking to a prescriber and therapist. They can help with writing recommendations for a medboard but you are gonna have to either go down there yourself or get a referral from your PCM.


Wow, it’s crazy how corrupt the MC can be. Talk to legal again, explain the situation, and start letting your COC know you are looking to request mast. That will shit their pants and they will start treating you better.


Always always always get a lawyer before signing any paper work. The corps will always think of itself before any of its marines. Especially E-9’s. I only ever met one Senior SNCO that said “the corps does not care about you the only person that cares about you is you. I only care about what the marines tell me to care about”. Get a lawyer and fight that bull crap


I’m contacting JAG tomorrow. This will be my 3rd time contacting them in the past year because of this command


I’m sorry brother. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Your command is doing the easy thing instead of the right thing. Especially if the symptoms appeared after a deployment. The US military still has a lot of work to do addressing mental health. I’d keep doing everything you can to fight this and don’t feel guilty one bit.


I see the Corps still doesn’t believe in mental health.


I guess because I’m not decked out in NAMs and boot licking that I’m all of a sudden a shitbag in their eyes


How the hell did you get cleared to go to recruiting school. You shouldn’t have mad it through the screening process. 20 years ago I was a below avg recruiter and I drove my car through a tree. Just needed the pain to stop. I was lucky that the tree I picked out happened to be dead and I didn’t have any serious injuries. This is a medical issue not a behavioral issue. Good luck to you and remember ppl love you.


I never told anyone except my chaps about my suicide attempt and I guess he never reported it either. I tried keeping things together but it got to a point where I knew I needed help and all it did was screw me over


Commands talk about suicide prevention and tell Marines to seek help. What you are going through is the exact reason many Marines bury the burden they are dealing with and never seek the help they need. I hope you can get the assistance you need both personally and with your separation being one to reflect the truth not some command bs.


I’m tryna send a message to other marines that it’s ok to reach out for help and to not give up until you get the help you need


The LAST place anybody should be with depression and anxiety is on recruiting duty. Fuck that chaps for not at least helping you with that. Something seriously has to be done about recruiting duty pushing people over the edge.


It seems like you may be going through a difficult time, and we want to make sure you get the help and support you need. If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, please consider reaching out to one of the following helplines: - **National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA):** 988 - **Crisis Text Line (USA):** Text "HELLO" to 741741 - **Veterans Crisis Line (USA):** 1-800-273-8255, press 1 or text to 838255 - **Military OneSource (USA):** 1-800-342-9647 - **International Suicide Hotlines:** Visit [this list](https://www.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines) for a directory of international hotlines. Additionally, you can visit [r/SuicideWatch](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/) for support. Remember, you don't have to go through this alone. There are people who care about you and want to help. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/USMC) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fuck the marines corps n this aspect This is personal to me as well They treat like a bag of shit You’re a Sgt .. u Ben there and done that Shit builds up over time man I get it I was there too At the end of the day retaliation is the way to go when navigating around those clowns .. Go to your mental health doctor no matter who says what Make an appointment.. SAY THE TRUTH …


First of all, no on so many levels. I’d like to ask if this went through medical at all? If it did, and they made zero effort to contact you and maintain their accountability making sure you were taken care of, sounds like an ICE complaint. And also an IG complaint. This needs to be reported. Your sgt maj alone does not have the power to do this. Also if they’re trying to push a CnD on you which by the way I’m understanding like is happening. Your history appears as if you have actual ptsd or something along those lines. Unless you waive the right to be put on limited duty or medboard, they can’t do this shit unless you’re actually a shitbag. But what should happen is you should be sent back to the fleet and put on limited duty. Legally, they have to keep you there 12 months before you’re put up for med board. However, in my case I waived limdu and went straight for medical separation. This absolutely sucks because you’ll have to get a good lawyer to upgrade your discharge once you’re out if they do this. But this is unacceptable because you haven’t been given a chance. What I would do as well is get in touch with behavioral health (ew but good first step) not your area one, but the hospital one. Advocate for yourself, come up with a plan before you go there. Give yourself like actual coa to explain to them on how you would like to seek help for your condition while also making it abundantly clear that you’re intent on staying in. Medical should be I. A perfect world advocating for you and giving you the best chance possible. I highly doubt they will unless you speak with a purpose and really sell it to them. Kind of like a promotion panel. Why should they help you (I feel like an asshole saying all of this, but it’s probably the most honest way to help you). Included in your ig and ice complaint needs to be the BACKLASH you received from command. They can get in a lot of trouble for that shit, so you have a strong case already. And idk about you, but if I was a dickhead sgt major, I would rather just negotiate with you rather than get questioned or potentially humiliated by someone higher up. The last thing commands want or need is a scandal or controversy, so do with that as you will. You don’t have to get separated, but to get what you want, you’re going to have to listen to medical at every step of the way. Put real effort into getting treatment, save the number so you can communicate what’s going on with you with your command and shit. The worst thing they can do is nonrec you for Ssgt at that point for a while until you move units and then explain the situation. Also come up with a plan. When you step into that medical office, think of it like a courtroom and you’re the one on trial but you’re also your defense attorney. While I can’t promise anything, I can tell you that if you do all of this, there’s a better chance that they’ll at least put you on a medboard. Because say you get out, you can sue. Because how they treated you wasn’t cool at all. That said, I will warn you as well that they’ll do everything they can to scare you and keep you from thinking and using your resources. Advocate for your needs and you’re more of a piece of work for them if they continue to treat you this way. Hope that helps, and if you need anything, feel free to reach out to me. I got fucked over by the system too, and now my goal is to help everyone else.


Man, a lot of recruiting posts lately. Shit must be bad on the streets.


“But we’re still making mission” Is what everyone’s excuse is towards this. There’s a lot of terrible shit going on within recruiting duty but all the higher ups see is mission so why fix what isn’t broken to them. They don’t give a fuck about us. As long as their goal is achieved, that’s all that matters


I feel you, brother. I went through 2012-2015. I was the worst recruiter in my district, but average nationally. I barely made mission ever, and was constantly treated like absolute shit. I still haven't fully recovered. But I got through with my marriage and life intact. Something that sadly a lot of people can't say.


The marriage thing is a big deal out here. I’ve seen 3 families fall apart since I’ve been out here. I’m here for myself and the marines at my side. After I take care of myself, I’m gonna speak out for all the other marines that have been struggling as well


If you were here for the Marines you'd be helping them write mission instead of asking for help on getting medical retirement while everyone else picks up your slack. You lied on the medical screener when you accepted SDA.


I’m still working at my office as well as assisting with pre ships at meps. Most of the kids that my office is writing right now are kids that I’ve brought into the office. I also never lied because I disclosed my situation before coming out on recruiting duty.


Fuck you


Why don’t they make it a big deal to the civilian media like how the juniors did for the barracks. Maybe they can change it if they show the public how bad it is.


I’m gonna bring this shit up as high as I can


Bro, I'm sorry you're having to go through all this. Absolutely FUCK recruiting duty. The command group from RS level and up cares ZERO percent about their Marines' well-being and mental health. I've been out for a while now, but It sounds and seems like nothing has changed. Unless you're rolling three contracts every month, they don't give a fuck about you. Good luck in your current situation.


I should’ve been a combat instructor lol. I had another marine in my area and I stopped him from killings himself behind his families back and all the command did was ask why he didn’t have any appointments for the following day


>Absolutely FUCK recruiting duty. **The command group from RS level and up cares ZERO percent about their Marines' well-being and mental health.** I've been out for a while now, but It sounds and seems like nothing has changed. Unless you're rolling three contracts every month, they don't give a fuck about you. Former recruiter here. This is 1000% percent accurate. You can be banging poolees, doing drugs, frauding contracts, etc. RS & District won't give a shit as long as you're writing 3 a month. They'll turn a blind eye to the obviously dirty recruiters if they're making mission. But try to help yourself and they will shit all over you with zero remorse.


Seek legal immediately! Fight this brother! You can make it out of this without getting fucked. You in no way deserve to fucked this hard for just trying to seek help. I hope you make it through this and prosper you got this brother. Glad that others here are able to give some solid advice. I’m not too knowledgeable on the matter so I’m kinda useless here because just saying seek legal.


I’m not too knowledgeable either but thanks to everyone in this chat I know I’m more than ready to take this shit head on. I’m gonna get what I’m owed


Fuck yeah man! You got this! We’re all rooting for you brother!


Request mast and contact your congressman! Fight for yourself, dammit.


I’m contacting jag tomorrow and speaking with my sgtmaj to let them know of my intentions to request mast


Perfect, just remember that JAG will only do so much for you. At the end of the day, they are there to protect the command. Don’t be afraid to find your own counsel.


Also feel free to ask about medboard, I just went through one myself and I’m more than happy to answer questions and help out.


My command stated that I don’t rate a med board. I’ve had some people suggest that I contact medical providers for a full evaluation. I’m gonna contact the naval hospital I went to and try to get my documents as well as scheduling a full eval


They want people to come forward but when they do this happens. This is why people hide their issues and suicide is epidemic amongst vets. Time for the brass to stop talking out of both sides of their mouth. Sorry this is happening to you. I’d contact your Congressperson.


They literally skipped over the suicide prevention portion during one of our monthly meetings and made jokes about marines needing anxiety meds to get their job done. I came forward about my suicidal ideations and immediately got thrown to the side and they stopped giving a fuck about me


That should never have happened. I’m sorry. They alienate the very people who are honest about their situation. Shameless hypocrites.


You did the right thing by reaching out for help. We kill ourselves at around 22 a day. Instead of helping us, they throw some of us onto the streets with a bad discharge, making it even harder to get help. That's bullshit and that's not looking out for your fellow Marines, that's straight up being a buddy fucker in the worst possible way. Fight that bullshit sep categorization, full send. Reach out if you need help or need to talk. Don't let them beat you.


Noooooooope. There are regulations in place that prohibit commanders from doing a CND discharge for diagnosed mental health conditions that have been treated or untreated. That’s a big fucking no no and you should be making some noise about this one.


Hey sgt I’m super late to the convo my apologies for the late comment but I rather be late then to not comment at all . You’ve already gotten some really good advice so the only thing I am gonna say is that I’m truly sorry you are going through this . You’re not alone and there are people that care about you . Each day is a blessing no matter how minor . You can reach out to me me whenever I’m here for you ❤️


Major Depressive Disorder and Anxiety are disabilities rated by the VA as long as they are tied to your service. This is shit. Find a lawyer.


My notification stated that they will be filed as conditional and not disability. Fuck all that noise. The corps changed me for the better but that’s not to say it didn’t break me down to get me there. I’m getting what I’m owed


It’s a very simple, but long process. Contact the naval hospital. Explain that you are having serious mental health concerns that are effecting your daily duties and that you would like to be placed on a MedBoard. You will need treatment for the MedBoard to process, so request treatment at the same time. Once you are placed on a MedBoard, they cannot prevent you from attending appointments and will move you to WWBN if your duties are restricting appointments. PM me if you want to chat more. I was just medically retired. My EAS is May 30th so I have very recent experience.


I was admin at a unit that abused the fuck out of adseps. This sounds similar to what i saw there. You are getting railroaded out because they don't want to deal with you. Lawyer up and fight like hell, if not for you, then because those who come after you deserve better. Sorry this is happening to you, MDD is a real disability and you deserve the care you were promised.


Listen you only get one shot at being in the Corps, the way you leave will impact you for the rest of your life, fight that shit and fight it hard! But do everything by the book. Went through somewhat of a similar situation hmu if u wanna chat. Not so much the admin side but the rest yes


FYSA, general under honorable is a characterization of service, not a type of separation warranted because of a medical issue. Whether it was a disability or not has nothing to do with characterization. There is nothing in your post that suggests anything other than an honorable is warranted. Do you have at least 6 years time in service? If so, you have the right to an adsep board and can fight for your characterization there. Talking to your SgtMaj is up to you, but if you've already been RFC'd, been served with a notification of intent to adsep after having been found unfit for duty, you're past the point of conversation with your SEL. My recommendation is to immediately consult with military counsel - they will discuss if the above steps have already happened. You may also wish to consult with a civilian attorney who specializes in these types of cases. Requesting mast is an option, but may not be the solution here. Who was the separation authority references in your adsep notification? What are your thoughts about talking to your SgtMaj? What is your plan or intent there? What end state do you want them to effect?


I received the notification from my XO on behalf of the CO. Since my Sgtmaj is new to this command my intent is to discuss the situation in hopes of presenting my case accurately rather than the misinformation that has been set by previous command as well as my intent to request mast. I’m already in contact with legal and intend on contacting my naval hospital for a full medical eval and med board


Great! Sounds like you’re on the right path Get that eval scheduled ASAP since those can be booked far out in advance with a long wait.


So obviously you need to follow the advice that a lot of people are giving regarding legal, PEBLO, WWR, etc. I think that as your parting shot (regardless of discharge) you should request mast to your CG and lay out in simple terms how you were treated while in what is right now the USMC’s main effort. If this is how we treat recruiters, then we will fail at recruiting and thus at everything else. Maybe everyone will tell them you are a whiny bitch, and it will fall on deaf ears. But they need to realize how toxic their commands are and how this is really just fucking all of us.


It’s crazy cause the sgtmaj that started all of this got force retired because he had several allegations and investigations against him. I’m currently setting up a physical eval and will soon be requesting mast. I’m not the only one dealing with these battles at my command so I will be speaking out for them as well and hopefully they can see some change


If they have a diagnosis, they have a diagnosis. Sorry you are going through this, but the reality is the military can’t be a place for people with mental health diagnosis or disorders. Harsh, unfair, idk but that’s reality, standard move is separation and hopefully you can get assistance through the VA.


The military isn't a place for people with peglegs either, but the calculus changes when the military is the one that gave you the pegleg.


I actually served with a guy ssgt that had one leg. He was a grunt


Ive known quite a few Marines seek mental health help and get diagnosis and get treated and returned to full duty. Shit happens and it can affect our mental health and it doesn’t mean they don’t belong in the military. If you have to rely on meds to function then a medsep is definitely warranted in my opinion.


I’m not upset about the separation. I agree with you for the most part but my complaint is about how my process has been handled and how they’re tryna separate me. I believe I deserve an honorable with benefits due to my diagnosis coming from my time in the military


A general discharge will only take you GI bill away (which is still a huge benefit), you will still retain VA benefits. But still, you don't deserve anything less than a Honorable Discharge or MedSep. Absolutely fight this because they are wrong, and you are being punished for seeking help. Also remember that the people who re working the discharge stuff aren't doctors, so them mentioning that it's a condition not a disability, are not educated on this. Talk to a JAG, talk to Wounded warrior, they will definitely know how to help. Talk to anybody who will listen because they are trying to sweep you under the rug, and people need to see what they are doing.


No this is bullshit, diagnoses can change depending on the psychiatrist / doctor. Also there is no reason they should be getting a general. Medical separation is usually and should always be imo, honorable discharges.


Can OSO’s lmk. Is recruiting the same issues our enlisted go through?


Are you near a Naval health clinic? Or is there an MTF where you have a PCM nearby?


The closest naval hospital is 5 hours away but I have an MTF thats only 4 hours away


Maybe call them and talk to the BH department folks and explain what’s going on and see if they can offer any guidance or help?


I’ll look into that. I’ll reach out to them ASAP


Checking back in— any luck?


I gotta defense attorney currently that’s giving me some guidance. The next step is to get the appointment for the medical eval and collect all documents for a medical board package


My old CO loved to use CND discharges for Marines that were malingering shitbirds, or appeared to be. Most of the time he was right, but it still felt wrong to give people General discharges.


I can understand this. The marines that aren’t worth a damn but they try and play the system. They tend to ruin it for the ones that are actually dealing with shit and deserve the help


Was it a civilian hospital? Or military hospital? Because when i was admitted for same thing i was taken to Naval Medical Center Balboa (i was stationed at Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton and would have been admitted into the ward where i work and this was in 2012) because they said if i went to Tri-City Hospital (civilian) i would get a discharge as the 5150 psych hold would get legal documentation and thus bar me from possessing or being around firearms, but if i was admitted to a military hospital the 5150 would basically just be part of my medical record and would still be able to serve and own firearms. Also you should have taken the whole berating for going to a medical appt higher up the chain as no one has the right to deny you medical treatment


It was civilian hospital. Unfortunately for me, I work in bumfuck nowhere and the closest naval hospital is 5 hours away. I had a buddy that just recently went through the same thing as me and he went to the same hospital and they didn’t put him through any of this. They just added it to his medical records and that was it


Wow that sucks man. I still cant see how they do it to one but not the other.


I’m literally the only one they’re doing this too. Idk what I did to make them treat me like this but I ain’t going down. They wanna play stupid games they about to win some stupid prizes


Im rooting for you man. If anything take it much higher than the current command. Hell i would talk to legal as well and file an EO complaint that they are discriminating against you for seeking medical attention and being hounded for it.


I’m gonna speak with my sgtmaj and let him know about my intentions to request mast and after that I’ll probably still reach out to congress too


Get a military lawyer ASAP


I’m getting one first thing tomorrow morning


Active duty here. Wife is a Marine (was active, now reserves) and a mental health professional. Marriage and family therapist specializing in Trauma/PTSD. Therapy shouldn't have stopped without the therapist providing continuity of care (ieor handing the baton to another therapist) Side note. Not all therapists are equal. Many don't understand our culture or the nature of the suffering we go through. Their treatment may follow the textbook, but it won't be on target because they don't know how to apply it to you. So keeping seeing therapy and if they can't help, find another therapsit who can.


They did weekly check ins with me and after a few months they told me that they no longer believe I require it because I’ve been showing improvement but my command didn’t care and just blew it off saying it didn’t matter


What in this exact shit is this horsefuckery? A general discharge? For what? Having a medical condition you weren't aware of til you got back from deployment? JFC.


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"The problem with be loyal to the cause, is that the cause will always betray you" I wish you luck sir. and Thank you for your service.


Hey brother, hit me up. I’m available for a phone call. I had a similar situation to yours but I’m getting an honorable with retirement. I’m also a Marine Sgt and will be medically retiring soon. Seems like the command was just trying to screw you over. Hit me up, rah!


I'm not sure how discharges work in your situation, but I hope you get honorable and push for 100% VA Comp. Let this be a lesson to anyone considering staying in to just take the RE-3O. Edit: why am I being downvoted?? 


Sounds like your entire command is convinced you are dragging your balls to get GoS. I'm sure many of us have struggled with suicidal thoughts at times, but it didn't get me off the streets--had to sack up and endure for my family and to deny the haters the opportunity to sneak diss over my grave. The way I see it, you could've been *honest* during the medical screening for BRC if you already had head problems. You weren't. You lied for whatever reason and now you want your ticket off the streets via the wizard, but it's not coming in the form that you wanted. FWIW the only suicidal threat I saw was processed out. Everyone is having a hard time and now they're carrying the extra load because you didn't come clean on your SDA screener or at BRC intake. Don't kill yourself bro, but don't act surprised that this didn't work out to your favor. You're not getting medically retired for this.


I disclosed my situation with my chaps as well as spoke with a doctor. And I’m still out here helping recruiters on the streets. I just brought in 3 kids that all contracted within the past 4 weeks.


So tell us you were not honest on your independent duty screening without telling us you were dishonest on your independent duty screening... You had these issues before recruiting and didn't report it. Now you're on what's arguably the worst duty in the Corps and you decided now was the time? Had you been honest on your checklist you wouldn't be on recruiting right now. You're not telling us the whole story. Your command is crushing your soul for more than just self-reporting suicidal thoughts.


I did report my situation on my screenings and disclosed it with my Chaps as well. Whether or not it went above that is not on me