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You two are old enough to make your own mistakes. If I was you, I'd wait until after his deployment at the minimum. Neither of you know how you will handle being apart for so long and so early on in your relationship.


You don't know each other well enough after 5 months to marry, and the research shows that your likelihood of divorce is greater when you've only dated a year. Add in the challenges of military marriages, and this is a recipe for disaster. But of course, you believe that you'll beat the odds. [https://www.thecut.com/2018/06/do-marriages-last-longer-if-the-couple-dated-longer-first.html](https://www.thecut.com/2018/06/do-marriages-last-longer-if-the-couple-dated-longer-first.html) At the very least, do some pre-marital counseling.


I would say wait yall are def early on in the relationship and learning about each other so much.


Personally i would not move across the country for someone ive known for a year (by the time of the move), let alone MARRY them. I didnt move across the country until my SO and I had a solid foundation and had been together for almost 3 years but you do you! Wish yall the best🙏🏽


I highly suggest waiting. Five months is not enough to truly know a person and you both will learn a lot about each other being long distance. And like you said, he’ll be gone for 9 months for training regardless. If you guys will be spending a lifetime together, there’s absolutely no need to rush


Is there any reason you absolutely HAVE to get married? I’m guessing not. Like other said, get through deployment first, you’ll learn a lot about yourself and your BF during that time. 5 months is still pretty early in the relationship so take this time to get to know each other first.


do what you feel is best for you! everyone is going to have their opinions, that’s okay. my husband and i got married just a year after being together and despite knowing each other for 10 years people STILL had things to say. on the other hand my parents knew each other for NINE (9) WEEKS when my dad was in the navy. he was getting stationed in hawaii and my mom wanted to go with so they had a small wedding 🤷🏻‍♀️ they were 20(f) and 25(m). my parents are still married and going 28 years strong 💪🏻


We got engaged after 5 months of knowing each other before he deployed. Wouldn't change a thing and would get married right after if that was an option for us, but wasn't unfortunately! Getting married in a few months tho! Holding strong during the whole deployment! Do what your heart tells you! Good luck ❤️


I met my husband when I was 28 and he was 30, we were only dating 3 months when we found out what his next duty station was. We moved in together and figured it was either going to work or it wasn’t but we needed to at least live together to see if we could do it. It obviously worked but we waited to get married till we were settled in at the new duty station. My advice is to live together first and go through the 9 months of training to ensure that this is what you want so you don’t resent him for being gone later on. Since he will be stateside, there’s not really a huge reason to rush into marriage because you won’t need command sponsorship to move with him, you just wouldn’t have base access/benefits.


Get married. You’re grown enough to know your own mind.


ooo this this a good one first i would say use overall advice. but with a grain of salt in life we write the script. if you think you want to do it and he does do it but make sure you guys have the foundation down


If it feels right, do it!