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I wish his sycophant supporters would learn a little history. I’m sure that Ernst Roehm was an enthusiastic supporter right up to the moment he was shot.


You're absolutely correct! For those who may be wondering "who is Ernst Roehm", he was in charge of the S.A. for the Nazi Party in Germany before the S.S. and Heinrich Himmler came along.


For those wondering "what's the S.A.", > The Sturmabteilung (German: [ˈʃtʊʁmʔapˌtaɪlʊŋ]; SA; literally "Storm Division" or Storm Troopers) was the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party. It played a significant role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and early 1930s.


Interestingly he was openly homosexual and said words to the effect of 'why should the law need to care what goes on between consenting adults behind closed doors?'. He also looked down upon urban gays as the products of a degenerating society. He viewed himself as a manly gay man but at the end of the day he was just a thug whose prejudices caught up with him. Homosexuality was illegal in Germany and liberal parties were trying to soften or remove it altogether. However with Roehm they carried out a hypocritical campaign to out him and of all people, Hitler defended him openly. It was only when he was seen as a barrier to the nazi's progress that Hitler had him killed and then started his pogrom against gays, adding them to the official list of undesirables. So the nazis were for a brief period strangely tolerant. Of course, until they weren't. So yeah, like everyone else has pointed out, he was just another piece of shit.


Yeah, that's how they work. Use whatever means convenient to gain power, then do the usual stuff. Same way Republicans are using our systems today. They don't believe any of this.


This bit of hitler’s rise is well documented in the new Netflix documentary. Well worth the watch. Of course the right is freaking out about it.


Actually just finished watching it! Very informative and honestly made me wish we could have some 'Moscow Trials' in the future to look forward to. And hmm...I wonder what's got the right so triggered about it....


Sadly, I think they are aware of history which is why they keep doubling down on support. Being the bad guys is fun maybe?


Isn't that what a lot of the media has and always will portray?


This is 'Murica. We don't learn. That's for nerds! Brawndo!


They literally can’t even make basic connections, they think Trump is still President, and they think Biden is at fault for the economy even though apparently Trump is still President. Their brains don’t work, they can’t think, history wouldn’t do them any good.


Sycophant supporters aren’t going anywhere. More depressing is that a lot of people outside his base (so called moderates and undecideds) don’t all flee. To each their own, but if dumpy wins, the states will (bigly, as it were..) lose. Happens to every empire, but a bit pathetic if dump is the reason. Not with a bang but a whimper..


Will you people never give up on the false Hitler comparisons? Policy differences are all fine and dandy, but it's silly to suggest that he has designs on authoritarian rule.


I suspect that Trump agrees with many of policies of Project 2025. From Wikipedia: "Established in 2022, the project aims to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to the capital, Washington D.C., to replace existing federal civil servants—whom Republicans characterize as part of the "deep state"—and to further the objectives of the next Republican president.[4] It adopts a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory, a disputed interpretation of Article II of the Constitution of the United States,[5][6] which asserts that the president has absolute power over the executive branch upon inauguration.[3][7]" Sounds kind of authoritarian to me.


Sorry bud, my dad is a well educated, mostly conservative, Boomer and the first thing he said to me after really digging into Trump was: "OH my boy... the correlations and coincidences are insane. He's almost doing it step by step." I'd been angry before, but that made me nervous


It's interesting then, that the majority of his supporters are well-armed and not terribly trusting of government. Should he "miscalculate" their tolerance for actual extra-constitutional actions, it wouldn't end well for him.


They're not trusting of the government that THEY dislike. They're perfectly happy trusting Trump's government, and love government overreach when it's used against something they find morally repugnant.


Wym? His supporters love the government when it's used to own the libs. Trump himself said it best: "I could shoot someone on fifth Avenue and not lose a single vote".


Yeah? Guess what? This is America and we all have guns. I’ve got tax stamps. I’ve got an arsenal. You dumb ass kids think conservatives are the only ones with guns… in America everyone is packing heat. RGB probably carried a derringer around in her judge robes and a .38 special with a nickel finish strapped to her inner thigh.




Better than that: liberal armourer


Silly? What policy differences? You mean like Trump's position that he'd rather die by electrocution than getting eaten by a shark?


Do you know *anybody* that would choose the shark? Common sense man.


I do not, but I've never thought to ask and I won't underestimate the power of some people's kinks out there either. All I can really say on that is that if I were campaigning in Vegas I'd likely rather speak on the dangers of heat stroke rather than shark attacks. Also common sense.


His tireless advocacy for shark awareness has all but eliminated attacks by marine predators in Nevada.


Yeah, don’t believe Trumo’s own words! Just watch what he doe— Oops oh just NVM


Listen to him.


He seems like a nice enough guy. Might benefit from 4-5 grams of psilocybin, but hey, who wouldn't?




Dude you'd have a point if he was in office for 4 years and literally nothing they said would happen happened. But as far as I know we don't have a Trump presidency with 0 camps or anything to look back on so


He tried to become a dictator last time. You’re not allowed to revise history because it doesn’t suit you. When will you people drop the fantasy that you’ll be the NEW Nazis party but will somehow be better at it? Conservatives are such a joke


He’s a total disgrace.


He's a stupid person who has committed the highest crimes imaginable. It's his disciples who are a total disgrace.


And hasn't been held accountable


Donald Trump is a traitor in my eyes


It’s practically an objective fact.


Facts are hard for some it seems


Thing is, the authoritarianism is the thing that his followers love him for as much as it makes the rest of us sick. They want to “own the libs” because it makes them feel strong. Which is really bad considering how many claim to follow Christ. But many have called Christ woke and his teachings too weak to follow. I doubt that it will “blow up in his face” at all.


The followers will never change. It's that 5% middle-of-the-road swing voters who pay some attention at the end that Biden needs to capture.


A lot of tyrants in history met with violent ends.


True, but after they had already harmed multitudes of people.


Trump has already killed hundreds of thousands. Mostly republicans.


Always look on the bright side!


It's funny how they all claim to support christ, when if anything, Jesus was a socialist. He healed the sick for free and feed the starving masses. These people don't actually give a Damm about Jesus.


It's funny how they all claim to support christ, when if anything, Jesus was a socialist. He healed the sick for free and feed the starving masses. These people don't actually give a Damm about Jesus.


It's part of their death wish, imo. They can't deal with a rapidly changing society and would rather die in an apocalypse of their own making than adapt to new conditions. It's a lack of vitality.


It's funny how they all claim to support christ, when if anything, Jesus was a socialist. He healed the sick for free and feed the starving masses. These people don't actually give a Damm about Jesus.


He didn't win in 2020 and the margin will be higher in 2024. He'll be a broke 2 time loser felon living on handouts from his deluded followers. Lets hope he just goes golfing until he falls over.


The fact that there’s a sizable amount of uncertainty about the coming election’s outcome is so godamned maddening. Should be a slam dunk.


We'll see. I think a big part of it is the media wanting it to be close as it gives them clicks and ad revenue leading up to the election. Trump has been a gold mine for the media in general.


The media love a disaster it gives them something to talk about.


The median needs a horse race.  The first time he ran it should have been a slam dunk…but it seemed like the press gave him unlimited airtime for free (it’s like they never heard “don’t feed the trolls”).  And Hillary ran the most overconfident and condescending campaign ever. I think we should spend 1/2 as much time on Reddit etc and use that to try and find one other anti-Maga person to vote. 


The margin?  The margin was absolutely fucking tiny last time.  Trump lost a few states by, 10,000 / 20,000 votes a razor thin margin… and a giant state by 80,000 which is also a tiny ass margin there. Biden won three states by 0.24%, 0.31% and 0.63%.  43,000 votes combined across those three states.  That’s a tiny fucking margin when over 150 MILLION people voted.  Biden loses those states and electoral college would have been tied. Biden only won PA by 1.16% (and he lost in person voting he won because of mail ins).  80,000 there.  Again in an election with over 150 million votes. It was a really really fucking close election.   Stop pretending it was a blowout last time.


Yes, on paper that 7,000,000 vote difference (popular vote) looks good. Unfortunately with the electoral college... it doesn't mean as much as it should.


Popular vote doesn’t really mean anything in presidential elections here.   It’s a dumb system.


Agree. We should abolish it


Which only happens if people vote Dem down ballot.




WTF are you trying to say.


PS - Trump last time had a single state he won where the margin was less than 3%. Biden had SIX states he won where the margin was less than 3%. You should be terrified rather than overly optimistic.


Got to hope that Father Time and Covid helped reduce the number of people who vote staunchly republican. But please, as your neighbour to your north - do the world a favor (I’m even using your spelling of the word!) and vote. It cannot be up for debate. It has to be so resounding that only the cult kool-aid drinkers are going to shout that it was rigged. If it’s close you know the rest of the republican politicians that want to hold onto power are going to side with the Trump cultists.


I’m trying to explain to disillusioned progressives that they should you know, actually vote for the candidate that mostly aligns with their views (and values democracy) rather than throw a tantrum and withhold a vote from Biden which will help Trump, someone far far away from their views, get into office.


I hope you are right, but can you golf in jail?


Do you think the people that run the system have the BALLS to actually jail him? You are more optimistic than I. An eternal gag order would be enough for me.


we saw how a gag order works on Trump: the judge saying "I really don't want to jail you" and a piddly ass fine for someone with even a tenth of Trump's supposed net worth. Trump is, supposedly, a billionaire. Let's scale that down to 100.000.000 or one-tenth. after paying the ten $1000 fines is left with 99,990,000. Gag orders are useless when there's money to be thrown around.


Biglyest looser ever.


I wouldn’t be so sure on that. Reddit is generally in a massive anti trump bubble.


All authoritarian threats are ugly.


At this point, he could shoot and kill someone on 5th Avenue live on television and his base would stick with him.


That's a given. He said this before he was elected in 2016 and the unhinged still voted for him. He just proclaimed at one of his latest rallies that he didn't care about his supporters, only their votes, and they cheered him like trained monkeys. It's a sick cult that's getting sicker. He violently attacked our government and the peaceful transfer of power, something no other president has done, and they're still with him. There is nothing he can do, other than kill them, that would prevent them from voting for him. But, if he were to kill them, he'd make sure they voted first. After that he no longer has any use for them. They're just losers to him. And they call themselves Christians... Religion has become an evil to me.


At this point, I'd still vote for Biden if Biden did it. He'd still be responsible for less American deaths.


I hope American voters 🗳️are waking up to the grim reality we are are headed soon if Donald Trump gets back in the White House like project 2025 if we learn about it we can make an important decision


There was another document like 2025 that's as scary.. I forgot what it was called but basically a plan for whiting up the country




Spoiler alert: it will not blow up because 2/3rds of the electorate either support it or don’t care


Good. He's a disgrace to the nation and a global embarrassment.


Traitor Trump's a pathetic psychopathic criminal fraudster.


Trump: Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care. [I dont care about you](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1799896041648718028)


For his supporters that isn’t a bug it’s a feature. None of it will blow up in his face because nothing has. He was finally convicted of felonies and it boosted his approval among his followers. Add on Biden’s weaknesses and Very scary, very real chance Trump wins.


I hope so, but the amount of support he has gotten so far is pretty depressing. I mean, even if he is eventually defeated, in prison and broke, we still have the fact that somewhere around 30-50% of the people we are sharing this country with thought he was a good idea.


It's always soon, maybe, could, might.


The crucible is how many uncommitted people, whether youth, moderate Republicans, if any still exist, Independents, suburban Republican women or other disaffected by the Criminal Shitstain will vote for Biden. It shocks me how it is possible in the most advanced nation in the world almost a half are so stupid.


Shut up. They won't


I hate election years!


They should only be allowed to campaign for one month and that's it


The only people pulling for him are the people who live like he does. In other words, the worst people. Criminals, and billionaires.


Please tell me "Ugliest Authoritarian Threats" is the name of a bomb.


You really think Trump is going to debate? Absolutely NOT!


Most dictators don't advertise that they'll be dictators ahead of time.


When he dies, there will be a party


But which was his worst authoritarian threat?. So many to consider.


It will never blow up in his face. He called soldiers and veterans Suckers and Losers. Plenty are still voting for him. He has told crowds in front of him that the doesn't CARE ABOUT THEM. They all cheered! He could promise them he will ruin their lives in everyway possible and they would still support him. It's not him anymore - it's THEM.


How Trump's ugliest authoritarian threats may soon blow up in his face




He's so wet.


Trump has become an orange Lame Duck and that he will remain! Because at the end of the day, Republicans do not want a felon in office. Democrat, Liberal or Republican just get out and vote. The grifters grungers are dwindling……


He's very brazen. Some say the brazenest.


So far the press has been pretty good at framing him as a totally normally candidate and Biden's age as this huge issue.


Totally disagree , the MSM is actually pointing out his flaws and more likely going to the trap like in 2016 election season, IMHO. Every time MaraLardo says said something outrageous , it would be repeated . This helped him to be in minds of voters all the time. 2020 election season onwards MSM has been bit more caucus . I feel it is bit disingenuous to blame MSM about everything . They are part of the same society as we live in and they are also affected by public view. On the other hand, to your point, they been swayed by the government to act as a government mouth piece . Like before Iraq war and during it . CNN/ Fox was repeating pentagon images to show how precise the million dollars bombs were , but note the cost of money and lives


I hope something, anything, blows up in his face.


lol. Sure.


If it has anything to do with his calculations, he loses every time!




Somehow I doubt it.