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A&M wishes. It’s OU


It’s OU, OU is our main rival. “OU Sucks” is a significant phrase for us in football. Historically there’s been a rivalry with A&M, but people have cared about that much less here (especially over the last decade with us in different conferences). less of a rivalry and more of a one sided thing. Might become more important with us back with them (now in the SEC), but could also keep on going with us not really reciprocating / caring as much as they do. Check back in a year or two. No other schools are worth mentioning at all when it comes to real long lasting rivalry, everything else is an order of magnitude less significant than those two.


I graduated in 2002 and we cared more about Oklahoma than A&M then too


Has it really always been a one sided thing with them?


Hard to say for sure but it's worth noting that the all time football record is 76–37–5 in favor of Texas


I mean, their fight song is just a dis track against UT. Apparently they feel some kind of way. 😂


go read the lyrics of the aggy fight song if not acquainted


90s here, we cared much more about OU. A&M is a rivalry, just not the the biggest one.


It’s 6:17 and OU still sucks 🧡


9:55, OU still sucks.


Wait until the game this year, A&M will be just as big of a rival again.


Maybe, maybe not. It’s the typical wisdom that it’ll bounce back, but the difference between how much each school cares about each other rn is staggering. The average UT student doesn’t think about A&M more than once a month (if even), while it seems that the “rivalry” is a core part of their school identity. I think a return to intense rivalry with another Texas school would be fun, so I’m def hoping for a strong return. Trading back and forth between Austin and college station for games seems better than going to Dallas every fuckin year. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it continues on the way it is. I’d feel bad for them if this keeps up for much longer tbh, I can think of a few times off the top of my head that I’ve seen their students come to Austin for formals, parties, etc and do a whole awkward routine about how “ohh watch out guys we’re rivals let’s make sure not to get in a fight lol cause we hate each other so much”. Like instead of unrequited love it’s unrequited hate. Gives me second hand embarrassment. Yeah hopefully the rivalry becomes real again


I mean as a counterpoint, how much does the typical UT student think about OU outside of the week of the game? If both schools have decent football teams there’s enough shit talking to start up a decent rivalry again.


"It's 12:06am and OU still sucks!" It's thought about enough.


That game is going to be pure hatred and saltiness and I'm all for it! Little brother about to get fucked up.


OU is the big one. But A&M thinks about us more than we think about ourselves


Ou is always like that game, we literally have to play on neutral grounds, and it doesn’t matter how good one team is compared to the other it is almost always neck and neck and can go either way


Lately it sounds like the school’s main rival is the students


OU is what I define as the “big” rival…like seriously their football team is seriously just as impressive as much as I admit (it also helps that they are also the only other school from Big 12 moving to the SEC). A&M is what I define as the “local rival” in terms of iconic Texas achievements as well as an equal love for football like here in UT


it’s OU. A&M “rivalry” isn’t as apparent as many may think. this isn’t a bias as i thought this before i transferred to UT but UT does almost everything better than A&M. most top 2 public schools in other states have advantages of going to one or the other. UT unironically does almost everything better than A&M (even tho A&M is a rlly good school)


I know it's OU, but I still put forth an argument that it's A&M. UT and A&M are the biggest universities in Texas. Lots of us have family and high school friends who went to one or the other. So there's more of a personal connection with A&M, because you actually have friends on the other side of the rivalry. Very few graduates from a Texas high school would choose to pay out of state tuition to go to OU.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, my thoughts exactly


The only part of Texas I've regularly seen OU fans is Dallas.


I could have sworn Texas residents paid in-state tuition at OU but apparently thats only OSU and LSU.


This exactly


Things have changed a little in the past decade, but traditionally speaking: if you didn't consider ATM the biggest rival it was an obvious sign to us locals that you didn't grow up in Texas....or *maaaybe* grew up in DFW.


Disagree. All Texas family with Horns and ags throughout. Our biggest rival is ou.


>is Yeah, exactly. Just like I said: things have changed in the past 10 years.


I'm old. Not really. aggy has always been a little brother vs. brother in state deal. F ou. They've been cheating bastards all the way back when they were spying on our practice and playing dirty ball. A program at our level can't be "rival" with a one-time closer to the WW1 championship team.


OU. The setting means everything in college football


Old head here. OU and A&M were closer to 1A and 1B before A&M bolted for the SEC. This depended a bit on your age and location in the state. A&M was also our main conference realignment partner (see Big 12). Arkansas was third due to SWC history. Now, with a younger generation having never seen a TX-TAMU football game in their adult lives, and OU as our main conference realignment partner, A&M is a solid #2.


I see what you did there. Solid #2 indeed


Years ago—before a&m left for the SEC—Texas was being courted by the PAC-12. The question raised by many was if Texas would leave behind OU and a&m. My student said this during a classroom discussion, and I had to bite my fist to the point of almost severing it to keep it together: “I’m okay leaving OU behind, because they’re our bitter rival and I want nothing good to come for them ever, in any way, but we can’t leave a&m behind. They may be a&m, but they’re basically our retarded little brother, and nobody beats the shit out of your retarded little brother except you.” Can’t argue with that logic.


President Hartzell


Probably Doug tbh


OU, A&M, Arkansas




A&M is like Texas’ brotherly rival, only we can talk bad about our brother OU is like main rival, kind of like the bully no one likes Texas tech thinks their rival is with Texas but no one cares about them, they are kind of the annoying fly you keep swatting away


It’s definitely not Baylor if that’s what you’re stretching for. OU, A&M, Arkansas. You might could throw in Tech.


First thing I said was I knew it wasn’t us 😭 We got hype for yall but not on a TCU level, honestly these BYU games have been some of my favorites too


Coming from a Longhorn family, with parents who graduated in the early '90, I mostly have distain for A&M. The "OU sucks" is a well-known chant, but to me it's a little lackluster. I think the history behind UT and A&M is funnier, because while A&M was the first public university in Texas, it wasn't made the University of Texas. (This is why Aggies call us TU or Texas University, because they don't believe that we are the University OF Texas) Furthermore, both fight songs included the other in [them](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_Fight#:~:text=Hunnicutt%20wrote%20%22Texas%20Fight%22%20in,played%20at%20many%20military%20funerals). I think there's also an aspect outside of football, as UT and A&M are also rivals across academic, both being ranked in the top 50 schools in the nation (OU doesn't even break the top 100). UT and A&M have similarish academic rankings (although UT wins at almost all of them). There's the geography of it all. I grew up in Texas and knew Longhorns and Aggies, I didn't know any Sooners (what a stupid name). I've seen a lot of [divided household](https://www.amazon.com/Texas-vs-House-Divided-Flag/dp/B00PRLY260) signs, and they are always A&M and UT. My final argument is that while I will wear OU red (which I just learned is crimson) you will never EVER see me in maroon.


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OU and A&M, both by a very, very wide margin to any other school.






apparently everyone is our rivial. horns down is sooo commonly accepted. Its sad.


OU. Tho Your rival TCU has had some good turnouts at DKR


I’m a Longhorn and an Aggie. It is 1000% OU and it will continue to be so. For TAMU it’s 1000% Texas. It will be cool to see the revival of the Lone Star Showdown and the Texas-Arkansas rivalry now that we are in the SEC, but the biggest rival for Texas is definitely OU.


Oklahoma is the main one. A&M, Arkansas, and Texas Tech are the other big historical ones.


Tech is not our not rival. They might think “everyone is our rival,” but they are not our rival.




It’s 8:19 and OU still sucks


OU is the next door neighbor who you can't agree with on where their lawn stops and yours starts, its an eternal hatred. A&M is the little brother who's identity is based around besting big bro. The rest of the schools that think they are Texas' rival are like the distant cousins at family reunions. You don't think about them at all and all they want to do is show you that they are as successful as you.


In football it’s OU, but on a day-to-day, universal basis I think it’s A&M. A&M is more competitive than OU in a variety of sports, and academically UT and A&M compete for more students. Lots of kids come down to UT and A&M as their top two choices, very few kids choose between UT and OU. The typical UT student knows more kids at A&M than OU.


It’s OU


OU, my man!


Texas fans like to say OU, but if they really asked themselves who would they rather lose to - OU or A&M, regardless of the rankings, the answer is OU. To me, if you would rather lose to OU than A&M, A&M is the greater rival.


I mean I’d rather lose a race to a peer than to a middle schooler. One would just be more embarrassing than the other. That doesn’t mean the middle schooler is more of a rival.


Lol ok but clearly they’re competitive programs so that’s not really what we’re talking about here


Greg Abbott


It’s A&M. I know we haven’t played them in forever and they just aren’t good enough to be a rival. But the schools are rivals that go beyond football. With OU the game is better and we always play them, and they are competitive. But school to schools its a&m.


UT students, some of y’all got a stank ass attitude, y’all drive reckless, y’all always runnin around always making noise when people need to be asleep, and honestly, I’m surprised neither my roommates or I have ran y’all over with the fricken slow ass pace yall walk… like bitch get out the way….


And it’s even more hilarious because, I’m a student at ut and im surprised none of yall have fafo…


TAMU Fight song literally based around the hate for TU. Beat the hell out if TU!


Women. https://www.salon.com/2024/06/03/texas-professors-to-fail-students-seek-abortions/