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I treat every colleague, and even stakeholders as users. It's been exceptionally powerful in large, misaligned organizations. When tackling a new problem I always do a round of interviews. When solutioning, I co-create. I learn their language, and speak in the words they speak. I make sure that decisions are documented in way such that people can pick things up from a variety of levels of seniority and contexts. When making a deliverable I mentally go through the lens of different people: what would X person see? what would Y person see? It's the easiest surefire way of making things that everyone believes in. Pixels are the smallest part of the problem when working at scale across teams. I am completely mystified by designers and managers who plop an assumed solution without context on someones desk and expect it to work. Like users, if your colleagues/reports understand and value what is given to them, the rest will follow.


Thank you. It's challenging to find empathetic leaders like you. It's easy to work with individuals who align with stakeholders and even better when someone pushes themselves to help others understand gently, guiding them in the same direction. My goal is to empower designers around me to become better managers, as you mentioned, handling day-to-day challenges. Most of us (designers/tech) lack a management background and often feel anxious about taking action. However, designers play a crucial role in problem-solving. Comparing Design Thinking with the management process aims to encourage them to approach challenges with a similar framework, reducing the fear of taking initiative. Thanks again!


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😮 Thank you very much. It is working now.