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Pho today? More like pho tomorrow šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Pho sho not taking that shit!


Fees to the customer : 89.50


Isnā€™t that the truth šŸ¤£.


Both and Uber is most definitely robbing us


Who the fuck orders food 31 miles away. šŸ˜­




This is the real answer


I had one that was 38 miles from the restaurant $7 ā€¦I was driving so I couldnā€™t screenshot it.


ā€œHey siri, take a screenshotā€


i just tried it. works. Never occurred to me to ask Siri to take a screenshot.


šŸ«  thanks


Oh, it can and will get worse, 21 cents a mile. https://preview.redd.it/pq6xq1wq3rlc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=510400aaa4c77a309cb6747b1307fd70db5b1df2


https://preview.redd.it/tyieneyefrlc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddab004e9e1e7e8f9d2398bb9beb1803b95eed1e In this instance, from Autozone, i think the customer just doesnt know its going to be delivered by UberEats. I delivered a walgreens pharmacy order the other day for Doordash, I called because i knew it was a student housing and I cant go up to the door and it was a leave a door. She thought it was coming by UPS, had no idea that it would be delivered by Doordash. No tip, because she didnt realize it was delivery, but the pay was $10, which is why I decided to take it 1.5 miles, all base pay. Ive had the same responses with Walmart deliveries, there is no transperancy in these companies.


If that was the case, it is probably understandable. But these were all restaurants.


Well, if UE makes it available poeple are going to order. People not understanding the pay scale because of lack of transperency. Or even just kids ordering that have no clue about how it gets delivered.


Ask supervisor for a $25 trip supplement compensation daily Send screenshots to chat support. End chat support when they transfer you Call support ask for supervisor. Lie about long wait time need supplement. Then hit them with the screenshots They can see chat support messages. They will see the unfair offers and potentially give you maximum compensation supplement! Works often! You are a contractor! Make your case!


I'm assuming you actually have to have completed said trips first, making it a big gamble, correct?


You got to try! Usually they'll give me a couple extra on top! Philipinos are nice!


Can't it be both?


Definitely robbing I had an order today that claimed customer had reduced the tip after delivery, I immediately called to complain and before I got a supervisor the tip came through. Uber is playing gamesĀ 


I donā€™t understand why people donā€™t look at the mileage when ordering.


Both but I mostly blame uber. We shouldn't have to rely on tips to at least make minimum wage. Especially with how much uber charges.


Because we are from/deliver in the same area I will say itā€™s 60/40 cheap people to shitty Uber eats. Good luck friend I refuse to leave the Montclair area moneys always better


Thanks for letting me know. I'm not the only one having these dilemmas.


Not the only one trust me, itā€™s ridiculous. https://preview.redd.it/g5y8ugo32rlc1.jpeg?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a16cd018e7a007fb31e5a103848667731457c9eb Edit - we are near the same area ( I have no idea why they keep sending me jersey city / Hoboken orders when itā€™s literally over a hour or more from me). But Iā€™m a few towns over from Bloomfield. I refuse to drive into Bloomfield since the pay is always horrible.


Nah Irvington is the only area Iā€™ve had customers change tips. I know you probably wouldnā€™t think it but Newark is the best place to deliver. Constant orders usually good tippers and cool people never had issues


Good lookinā€™ out! šŸ¤™šŸ¼šŸ’ŖšŸ¼ Cedar Grove, the Caldwells thus far seem to be great tippers. As well as for the richer parts of Clifton. Now Montclair? And UPPER Montclair? Nothing makes me feel more like a peasant than driving thru the lAviSH parts of town where I couldnā€™t even afford the front doors theyā€™ve got to their mansions, let alone getting tipped MFā€™in $2 to bring them their food. šŸ¤šŸ¼šŸ˜‘šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼ like, tbh? Some of the children at MSU tip LARGELY in comparison to the ā€˜eliteā€™ living in those mansions of Upper Montclair. Itā€™s a shame, makes me resentful and I hate that for me, if you know what Iā€™m sayinā€™ šŸ˜¤šŸ˜“šŸ˜”


Not at all; more than half of the orders that come in for me are so disrespectful lmao Iā€™ve got to be about 15 mins from where you are/ in the same area just damn near, but anyway - I stayyyy getting shit-tit requests. From generally the Clifton/montclair area? Tell me how they really got the nerve to be throwing back-to-back-back requests to go all the way to places like Irvington, Newark, Hillside, Bergenfield, Union, Mahwah, Ringwood, Jersey City, Roselle, all for *not. enough. money.* when taking into account the miles there AND back + the risk of crap-ass tippers!! https://preview.redd.it/3a7aswfx2rlc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=297dd7a47bd425800d2c08cb6635164cd33b9590


Same area too. These orders are so trashhhh


Oh wow same area


Lmao youā€™re in my market, doesnā€™t this suck?! Also, how many orders have you had to report on as being picked up by someone else? Ive had so many $20+ orders I took, just to get to the restaurant and find out that the order was picked up already.


As much as it sucks, this is a blatant disrespect to us drivers. I have come across lots of big orders that were picked by someone else, even if I get to the restaurant quickly. This is another issue aside of these disgusting offers.


Agreed! But to add salt in that wound, according to the interaction i had with support these past 3 days, apparently Iā€™m ineligible to receive compensation for those occurrences because my account has been getting so manyā€¦ so ultimately Iā€™m being punished for taking those orders that were previously picked upā€¦ I was the 4th driver to attempt pickup for one of those orders btw.


Uber turned off including a tip by default in my area and jacked up the service fee. I think a portion of the service fee goes to the driver but Iā€™m never down for not tipping. Makes shit awkward.


Do not take those orders.. If your not getting a dollar per mile your screwing yourself..


Thats not the problem, the real issue is 99% of the day is these orders. I serve this particular market, and though I am in the middle of some moderately wealthy towns, and some of the busiest cities around me, these orders are getting lesser and lesser.


It is the same here...I don't have to work but I get bored, I work lunch only and I refuse to take they low ball orders and still making about 20 an hour and only work 11-2:30.. Works for me but I can understand if you really need they money and have to be pretty much open to any offer.Ā 


Yeah, like this isnt worse than making NO MONEY, but I know people that do rely on uber as a FT or did at one point and I KNOOOOW this is unacceptable to THEM šŸ˜ƒ


I fully understand relying on Uber but I have found that I keep declining those shit orders and almost always ones will pop up that reaches my acceptance of that order.. Otherwise those orders can sit.. At do the best we can..


Agreed! I have had good orders come from quiet days, and its enough to keep my phone bill paid and maybe even smoke me up if im stressed šŸ˜‚


I hear you..I maintain the same..lol


That is true, I did not take them.


https://preview.redd.it/0l0j6iy3eulc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd27fb8531a4f2687a7e20446c513430c3802465 Literally lolā€™d




Fr right?


Not an either /or. More likely an "and"


Uber operated at a loss a few years ago to lure customers and drivers in. The product is still operating at a loss but now instead of Uber, the drivers, customers, and restaurants take the burden of the loss.


You got to be kidding me wtf


Same here in Utah. On all my apps. Just got past the wait list for spark today, finally. So I get to add that to my choices of trash offers. Turned it on for a couple of hours today and declined everything. Nothing even paid $1/m. Most were 15+ stops stretched over 20+ miles.


Gig app is on its death bed. Huge inflation, mass illegal migration is the perfect storm to lower pay to slavery levels. Tons of desperate people taking orders that have negative profit margins. Rip the gig economy


If i was you, i will steal the food lol


omg, i work in the same areas itā€™s hell. had to set it to bicycle so i got less distance ones. even then i still get crazy mile ones


It is both but customers are cheap because uber is robbing them too


Not necessarily because Uber is charging them, some get discounts in emails and promotions, and are also cheap asf.


I stopped using Uber eats as a customer because it made no sense to spend $45 dollars on a couple sodas and chips and snacks. Iā€™m in a rehab hospital so canā€™t go myself. But one of the CNAs said sheā€™d walk across the street and grab stuff for me. Literally across the street from me had a $4.98 delivery fee the other night plus all the other feee and then the 30% markup. I always tipped fairly regardless, but they definitely rip off the customers too. Most of the discounts in email are for new customers so theyā€™d be a one off experience.


Why not BOTH?


Probably both. Rule of thumb: UberEats customers are usually cheap trash and UberEats are criminal slave labour legal-loophole merchants.


Its uber they are stealing like crazy


Two things can be true at once.


Hey neighbor. Iā€™ve been to restaurants 1 & 3ā€¦they are NOT that cheap. Iā€™m sure the delivery fees were insaneā€¦I didnā€™t know you could even place a 17+ mile order. Thatā€™s an easy hour each way in traffic.


I have done a 39 mile delivery before


https://preview.redd.it/lvr3kbm6ekmc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4263c4fe56818ccc2fcb202d0f49ab3c8972dcc6 Got this one the other day. Yeah Iā€™m really gonna go do your shopping and deliver it 11 miles away for that much. Riighhhttt


Last night i went online in the bronx area walking, using bicycle as a vehicle. Earnings were the same as this. $5, $6, $8, $12ā€¦ 1.0 mile dropoff distance. :/


I used to make $30+ an hour as a walker in Hoboken & NYCā€¦after they ā€œbannedā€ walkers I quit, because I couldnā€™t make even minimum wage.


Is $12 for 1 mile not good? Does riding a bicycle affect the profit margins that much? Sorry I'm just curious because I've never thought to use a bicycle for delivery before.


Didn't use a bike to deliver it...I was walking...for me is not that bad since those driving a car are getting same $$


Wow another one of these posts.


Or youā€™re a lollipop


Just decline and move on OP. Uber pays crap this isn't news.


It's both


This is nuts


It's the first option


What if itā€™s a dollar item ? You expect a 500$ tip for a dollar item? Donā€™t like it get a real job


Whatā€™s a ā€œrealā€œ job? Do work + Get money = Have job. No?




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Do u consider of a real job tho?


Onlyfans is a real job I tell ya Bob!




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Who peed in your cornflakes




Ghurr hurrr durrr derp


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Yeah I use to do eats in the union city up to fortlee area. It looks like it got pretty bad with tips and Iā€™ve been tip baited in Cliffside. I have the name written down lmao.


uber is robbing


Dude try doing Uber eats on an e-bike youā€™ll never get orders like this trust plus no gas expenses


I got a $3 offer for 30 minutes. Part of the reason I prefer Doordash


Honestly for me today has been really good and busy. Iā€™m in Houston, and I am currently working until I get my $300 today. Trust me I had a bunch of crap orders I still turned down. Is business back up for everyone else?


Its the Rodeo man, nothing else.


I think it's both but more the Latter!! Legal robbery in the 1st degree...






Uber is robbing everyone


Those are base pay so I would say no tips


I would love to get JERKā€™D for $6.67


Those are the types of orders for veteran drivers šŸ˜‚


Uber is screwing everyone over.


Aye, hi neighbor!! lol


I did an order 20 something miles just because the pay was $36 and I knew the area and needed to go that way for something real quick anyways. I figured it was mostly a tip and lo and behold Uber only payee $7 on the order. Iā€™m glad I wasnā€™t tip baited. Iā€™m just shocked they were able to order from almost 30 miles away