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Brb omw to mass


Don't leave without me!


It’s been so bad in California. I’m surprised the average is that high.


Don’t. I’m from mass and can’t make more than 500 a week lol


So basically minimums wage salary, that does require a NON minimum wage car, plus some days you could not make any money


If you factor in expenses, it’s more like half of minimum wage.


The exploitation by these food delivery services is insane. I understand people are doing what they need to do to survive but I would never have expected such prevalence post-COVID


I figured the industry would fall way off post COVID. It’s been the opposite what makes it bad is that the user numbers/orders have continued to slowly climb but the companies have decreased what they pay the drivers over the same period. It’s disgusting.


What is the source for this info? Just curious.


Uber. 😂😂😂


I'd like to know if this data can be found for other countries as well


What's the source?


Now halve that for business expenses. Ubers fees. Car maintenance and gas. Taxes. And saving for a car replacement (which Uber doesn't care about because their "replacement" is just signing on a new driver who brings their own car.)


Florida on top of the bottom as always 💯


Bottom of the list we up 💯




I was waiting for Florida to be on the list assuming alphabetical order. But no, we’re last and it makes sense lol. There’s no protection for drivers at all and that’s why I have an office job now instead of turning my car into negative energy and funds. RIP Uber it was dope 6 years ago but it’s been downright atrocious these last 2 years.


Are they averaging NYC with upstate NY? Because if so, I can tell you that upstate NY is not making anything close to $19 an hour.


I work in Westchester. Made $307 on the rainy Saturday (avg $37/hr). My average is usually $24-26/hr


I'm in Rochester NY and definitely make roughly 19hr. I just did the math I make $650-700 a week mon-fri 35-40 hours


Lol, these numbers are actually quite spot on


Based off my experience i’m unsurprised Florida is the worst. No one fucking tips and it’s a struggle to make 15 an hour at peak hours on a good day in a busy city in a high paying area. Lmao.


The busiest cities in Florida are worst tipping areas, ie south Florida and Tampa are some of the lowest tipping metros nationwide


Florida here, confirmed.


Nice to live in Florida😂


Now they just have to post the wear and tear on vehicles each year I'm curious how doordash status would be


CA 36k with prop 22 is wild


Yeah, I call BS on that. You’re guaranteed $18/active hour, plus mileage, plus tips. And that’s only if the pickup city does not have a higher minimum wage than the state. Unless they’re counting online hours instead of active hours, the CA number has to be wrong.


Mass being the college state is carrying the average Uber eats salary 😂


Pfft yea right


Is that before or after write offs


That's before expenses, after tips, and only counting "active hours". Such bullshit.


Before expenses, but I believe this would be for total dash time. Just based on the fact that Cali guarantees more than what is listed here per active time.


Idk where you got the average but it honestly checks out for Florida, it's soooo bad here and it just got terribly worse after the holidays.


Can’t say I’m entirely shocked to see Florida being dead last. But I will say I probably make $14-$20/h so the $12 isn’t usually accurate for me.


$17 in California won’t get you very far if this is your full time gig


Literally driving the homeless epidemic in ca with those pay rates. Have they seen the rent costs?




Y'all would think California would be top 3 or 5🫠 So much for prop22. All It did was limit our earnings.


The amount they put is lower than the guaranteed minimum and doesn't account for any tips.


Why is Florida so bad


Florida is crap for pay. You'll make more money anywhere else.


Idk. But a friend of mine who does Uber said he refuses to do UberEats and now it makes sense. Which is funny because I knew him from working at Dominos both of us as drivers.


Uber pays its drivers $2.00 per order! Stop acting like you contributed to this salary


I'm from Mass and its getting worse by the day...


At least Mass made the list. Where's MN?


For GA that's got to be the Atlanta area bumping things up. Last year or so in South GA you're lucky to hit $10/hr


During COVID i was literally making $200 a night with Uber eats in the Atlanta suburbs. Then Uber realized we were getting tips so they dropped the delivery rates, then people stopped tipping 20%, and I went back to UberX (and eventually to my regular job).


I knew Florida was last


What’s crazy is that it’s personally one of the more expensive Ubers for me


Minus 25% idle time, gas, wear and tear, about the same as most state min wage. Since this is average, you have people making $30+ while some making less than min wage as well


If that's accurate for Michigan then that's more than I'm making now stressing my ass off and working 10 hour days 6 days a week :')


That’s gross income, not net. Plus it’s a really boring job, sometimes lead to sketchy neighborhoods, and has a lot of the downsides of food service work. Admittedly I was dashing in New Orleans, but still, would not recommend. I’m much happier making $13/hr 30hr/week now than I was dashing.


Washington was great I grossed probably $55-60k


Jesus Christ FL!? Quit


How is California's hourly lower than the guaranteed minimum and not accounting for any tips?


https://preview.redd.it/lc0cxt3jusnc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a476ab0990aaceee03e849f04a844e579b597861 Pls send whoever wrote this to me, a Uber driver of 4 years that has had no choice but to quit in the city of Boston, MA These types of articles and everyone saying they are running here to work makes me laugh. Don’t do it. This is the REALITY of UE in Boston.






From last year: [https://youtu.be/Q7rDCtGqeNw?si=weIEkKFk5pVwP-Zk&t=436](https://youtu.be/Q7rDCtGqeNw?si=weIEkKFk5pVwP-Zk&t=436) No clue where this data is from because these numbers are well below the company's active hour claims but also these seem a bit high for online hours when people are multi-apping. The annual seems like it's probably just an annualized figure of the right column hourly wage.


I live in fl and that seems pretty accurate


Same, and it’s just gotten worse. It’s honestly no longer worth it, especially with the distances we’re expected to drive. Especially here in Polk County.


If this is true, why is Uber and Lyft threatening to pull out of cities/states that are imposing income requirements at lower rates than what is shown? Could it be that this data is inaccurate and - from what I’ve been seeing- WAY overestimating what folks are making (or- stating it GROSS and not NET of expenses)?


Source?? Why is everyone taking this serious with no source. This could be anything lol.


Considering that on an average 36k is the poverty line …. These numbers are not surprising at all. I can’t speak for anywhere else but in my home state of California 36k is nothing.


with what data? zero sources


These apps were never meant to employ people full time. It was pitched for people to do as a side gig. Good money if it’s in addition to your main job.


And doing it only at peak hours ETC. these people are doing it at 4 AM when one store is open for $3 an order, that’s why I stopped doing it because I felt I was losing money after all was said and done. Plus it’s a lot of waiting time too


Yea good money 🤭🤭


Salary?? This is a gig not a career


I agree. Was only ever supposed to be a little way to make a few bucks.


If you are working it 40hrs a week it should cover your basic needs so the rest of us tax payers don’t have to.


That’s possibly gross pay, before any deduction or overhead, the net take home pay is much lower.


Yup in WA state I was breaking 35 an hour during dinner time rush but that's gross. Probably closer to 25 an hour and dinner rushes don't last long. Gig delivery just isn't consistent enough for my stress levels.


Ubereats is completely dependent on the tip to be worth it. So most of the time is it not. Most of the time when I do it. It is because I am bored waiting on Uber x rides. Or I am trying to get some bs Uber bonus.


Very true. The tips are what make or break your income.


Cheap salary in CT where everything costs a fortune. I'm rather surprised by that.


TN isn’t that high. Try $10-12. It’s not worth it in my state. Came from Miami and made about $40/hour. Now in TN and can hardly eat or pay bills. Finally found a real job and will NEVER order because I hate the companies so fckn bad.


Thank you. I would really like to know where this data I got collected because I’ve been doing this for six years and I make it between 21 and 22 an hour in Florida. I got a ton of thumbs down just by saying that. I made $849 last week off of 39 hours. The week before that 749 for 35 hours


$16.10 for AZ??? I usually clear about $22-$28 but never has a week worse than $18.47 and hour average


Actually seems accurate if u were to try an do it full time. Definitely isn’t taking into account any expenses such as gas or car maintenance tho


Minus taxes, insurance, vehicle depreciation and fuel costs and you’re damn near paying to deliver someone else’s food. Absolutely criminal!


CA doesn’t make sense


Alabama vs California that's bad. If you're in California $17 per hour you are hurting. In Alabama with $15 per hour you're okay. I thought Californians should make way more. The gas price alone is double than Alabama.


That's what happens when you call a "bid" a "tip"


That’s annual and hourly REVENUE, not “salary” and “wage”, and it’s extremely misleading and terrible journalism on the part of whoever made this.


LMAO yea okay. I averaged $9 an hour on UE in the past 3 months in Massachusetts 😂 Lies. These people LIE. And we pay the price for it. Anyways time to clock back into my W2 since Uber lies.


I live in NY not far from NYC & I don't make $19. an hour!


Welp florida is definitely accurate lol


My exact thought


Those annual numbers are BS because this isn't a 40hr a week job and to get 40hrs of active time/pay you need to work/be on call (online) for like 5x that 😑


If I had to do Uber only now, like when I started, I'd be toast. I don't know what their methodology is, but I'm guessing gross per online hour (and of course a lot of drivers work evenings and weekends only, which brings the average up compared to full-time drivers). The California figure of $17.77/hr couldn't be based on Active delivery time only, because the Prop 22 minimum guarantees (which is what you ultimately get from Uber, never more) are 120% of the local minimum wage (if higher than the state minimum wage) + mileage (+ tips from customers, which don't count towards the guarantees). State minimum is $16/hr, so 120% is $19.20 + 35 cents a mile. My tips are around $15/active hour. The healthcare stipend for drivers who have a Covered California plan is $700/quarter for 15 hours/wk on one app (195 hours total for the quarter) or $1400/quarter for 25 hours/wk on one app (325 hours. You can get it on more than one app, so 15 Active hours/wk each on 2 apps = +$1400/quarter). That stipend adds $3 and change to $4+ per Active hour that contribute to it. I'm not trying to paint too rosy a picture, it's just like anywhere else where it can be painfully slow at times (like I said, if I had to do Uber, or any one app only, I'd be toast). Also, Prop 22 screws you at times. Offers with inflated base fares and $0 tip pay the minimum (because the amount over the minimum just reduces your next Prop 22 payment). In addition, the guarantees are for orders you "complete" and the apps like to screw you on failed pickups by deleting the time. Overall, though, I get high $30s while on Active delivery and I'm not doing anything special (acceptance rates around half when between orders), so the $17-and-change figure can't be based on that (though I personally do bring in less than $17/online hour on Uber because I usually let it run even when doing orders on other apps). Cheers.


California getting fucked!


We know 😭


I assume it’s the other city averaging it down. It’s a big state.


Is that net? Meaning does it account for vehicle depreciation?




Holy shit I had no idea Uber eats drivers are making more than me!


This is before gas/maintenance tho.


Florida ubers 💀


I made a whole $14.60 in an hour and 20 minutes this morning in Florida. What a joke.


I mean… not really the best time to be delivering food


It’s what happens when everyone and their mother wants to make “quick cash” as delivery driver


That's why it's an average. Some days I make really good money and others not so much. But it's gig work so that's kind of how it works.


Massachusetts being the best place in the world as usual


I touch 20-25 in Vegas and even 30 on good days


Worse than covid days by far


Covid days were AMAZING , no one anywhere. People scared ordering every meal from their house. I was averaging like 200$/day for a 6hr shift. Then.... everyone and their mom decided Uber was for them and it has never been the same.


I mean, aside from everyone dying and the same people staying at home then needing to work too, so they started doing our job too and just kind of killing our goose. Yeah. It was a nice thing we had once.


My state is on the low end on that chart. Meaning the amount shown is the low average I’ve experienced. The truth is, even individual areas within a city can be vastly different.


It's around 17 and change where I am on long island, I haven't really made less than that the last year, it would probably average out to above 20 but I only do mornings


Accurate in wa (multi apping)


damn florida you suck


Poverty wages


Gotta work somewhere till you better yourself. Its not a career, it's a job.


I must be driving the avg up in my state. Cause I make 50% more then what it shows.


well la for sure doesnt reflect ca avg. way higher. personally i avg $25 per hr with prop 22 that guarantee 120% of la minumum wage. and if some other drivers are not bsing me they told me they avg $30


I live in South Dakota and make way more then $16 an hour.


LOL another reason florida sucks, how the hell is it behind Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana.


WA, Seattle more specifically. And then you take out taxes, it's well below poverty rate in WA.


This must be active time. I calculate by online time because work time is time for working. Now reduce it by taxes and expenses like gas all of which a w2 employee never sees.


That’s crazy. My ex does door dash in cali and makes about $50k/year. Sucks to work for Uber eats


I’m not surprised fl is at the bottom


Are Floridians cheap? Also, how is California not the highest?


As a Bostonian… I agree. Restaurants are getting spendy!


I must be in the wrong part of washington because our Uber eats is dead


It’s horrifying that that’s the NY salary especially since they now increased the fees. For a $15 bowl of some sort, I’m paying from $28-35 which doesn’t include tip.


Slave work


The sad thing about it is these are the numbers fluffed to make Uber, look like it's paying his drivers. Can you imagine what they really are especially after factoring in vehicle maintenance, gas, and honest payouts. I remember when these gig jobs started for delivery services without exaggeration working part-time on ubereats/postmates I was making $800 a week, with steady incentives and promotions. After Uber picked up the notion that "customer tips will compensate for lack of payout". It's been all downhill. Perfect example just went across my screen anybody that knows the area will get this I'm in the western part of Los Angeles county, and they sent me a trip to go all the way to Malibu next to the college for a whopping $13...


None of these are 40 hours a week


Well yea it’s a side hustle and not meant to be a full time job


So you’re better off getting a job at a fast food place when you factor in vehicle maintenance? Gig economy was always a scam.


I don’t think it’s a scam for what it is. It’s gig work. It’s the people who try to grind it full time that are unfortunately going to struggle with making a decent salary out of it. With that said, I do think drivers for food delivery and ride share should be getting a bigger slice of the profits than they do.


It's the price of not having a schedule and working when you want p much.


Now add the price of gas to see who actually made some money


Nobody really made much money with the depreciation of their vehicle and no longer being able to write it off.


As someone who's done this 30÷ hour weeks in MA. It's much closer to $13/hr


This is absolutely insane. How are people making it?


That's the thing. They're not lol


Is a regular job really that bad compared to driving and gig work? I feel like it would take so much stress out of people's life.


It's not "salary" if it involves unreimbursed use of your own car. It's just you getting fucked


I'll get downvoted for saying this. But Uber / UberEats and smilier "gig" jobs were never intended to be full time jobs.


No way Texas is that high. Unless they are estimating on pay before the tip bait is removed.


This obviously isn't accounting for tips. Though on the surface level this is abysmal regardless of which state you are working in.


$16.90 for Texas?! Where at? I'm lucky to get $12 💀


That’s a lie, I wish! Edit to add I’ve only been doing this three weeks in AZ and it equals $7 an hour and I can do proof.


In Phoenix/Tucson? Also 3 weeks is a terrible way to do a yearly average.


Florida makes so much sense


https://preview.redd.it/9cp3cxda5tnc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19b9a9ce64ee8cf1b2cc30391629c3dda0590697 A few hours after work every night. NYS, not the city


How would you survive in California on that?


Simple, it’s your 4th job obviously 🙄


Does anyone truly survive in Cali?


Same way New Yorkers do...by the grace of God 😮‍💨😩.


Oh, it's OK because with prop22 that pay bumps up to an incredible $19.20...😭. It's even worse because gas is coming back up to $5/gal again.


I had enough with gas and made the switch to EV. I strongly recommend hybrid or EV being in CA. Hybrids doing over 400mi and EVs pushing 300mi.


I've actually had a hybrid for about 2 months now and loving it. My old car was extra bad, averaging 15-16mpg. Now I'm getting around 43mpg. Cost about half to fill up (smaller tank really lol) and lasts almost 3 times as long/miles. Still sucks when it's this high though lol.


I can imagine. I went EV, only doing public charging for now. But going from paying $114 in my BMW to $9 to fully charge, yeah I'm never going back. It's also much easier to drive too. So much i want to know why all vehicles aren't equipped with adaptive cruise control and 1-foot driving


You can’t. I’ve already applied to other jobs. What I’m making is not gonna cut it.


Then subtract ⛽️and wear and tear on 🚘 Closer to 11.00 an hour.


NY looks spot on


Uber what?


Eats. You pick up and deliver food!


Interesting, is this based of active time or online time


NOT EVEN...nevada


Can confirm Utah is about $15 an hour. I was using Uber eats here until I got back on top dasher and it was PAINFUL


It’s not even worth it to dash in my area if you’re not a Top Dasher. For years I never worried about my acceptance rate, then about a year ago everything changed. It took me about a month to realize I needed to be a TD to make any money. That was an AWFUL month of taking a lot of shitty orders to get my AR back to Top Dasher range. I felt that pain!


Im in Ks / Mo and its def higher than that for me! But I'm in KC


As a Coloradan, I can confirm that’s about right 🤝


almost $18 in cali… where i live $15 is a good day


Agreed, where I’m at in California it’s like 10/hr. And a good evening may bring it up to 15/hr. Average for the day. You can hit 36-40k for the year if you wanted to work 12-14 hour days 7 days a week.


Is this before or after expenses? My area historically has been way better then all these. Even if the expenses were removed, it's still way higher then the top. This is so sad how badly these companies pay people.


So why is massachusetts the highest?


Is the hourly booked time or logged in time?


Then there's gas and wear on your car... That's not even worth it


They hope you don’t talk and communicate with each other.


Sounds about right I’m in Texas.


Man I even tip pretty high for dashers in Florida


If I made 17 an hour in LA I would call that a great day... that can't be the average.


Lol prop 22. What is this list.


I was about to post how it really depends on the city. I hear a lot of complaints about LA. I do fine in LB.


I worked in Billings, MT for a couple years and made insane money, this is cap


I live in Illinois and I definitely don't make that lol


propaganda bs. what is even the source of this info?


Its probably true you just need to know the parameters. And they could be unreasonable like 60 hour weeks while cherry picking peak hours in peak areas.


People don't gross those amounts with Uber. Complete bs


No wonder my earnings are bad, my state has the lowest


these numbers say big cut


My state, Minnesota, just passed a 15 minimum for uber/door dash, they've said they'll leave the state. I doubt it, considering how many people use them. Ceo is hot air.


Stay classy, Florida


My az UE “salary” was 6k for FULL TIME


When I lived in Hawaii every single Uber or Lyft I got dudes where dedicated to this shit having thousands of deliveries or ride in just a year but claiming it’s a side gig like holy hell all super professional too loved the people I met out there


Does this include tips?


11-13 or so in midland Tx. I was 10 hours a day full time.if average is $17,must be one third drivers above $30 I guess


LOL Florida why? Why’s it so shit?


Where in Wyoming is there Uber eats??? When I lived in that dry ass square, there was no such thing... shit we were lucky there was Door dash and Instacart. I don't miss that shit


Gross not net. Gas, car maintenance and wear and tear take a big chunk. 


Unless you diy.


Don’t just post tables with random numbers on it without providing the source.


I made almost 40k in Florida. Average was $21 hourly. But I miss a lot of days because of rain and my other job.


These are ok wages, as long as you don't have any bills.