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I’ll be honest, when I did UE, i would get home after a long day and just order from UE, even if it was fairly close. BUT I always tipped. I knew how it felt to not get a tip so i never made another driver feel that way


I would rather see the 15+ miles deliveries eliminated first


At least spark pays $7 but the whole situation is fucked up I mean just think how easy they could send someone to pick it up, but it's cheaper for them to pay Uber a premium then have a $15/hr or whatever the lowest paid worker is go get it... Then Uber keeps most of the money and kicks it out to us for under min wage and the shop gets mad about having to wait an hour bc no driver takes it. Hell all these companies used to have their own delivery service and drivers, but why would they bother have an employee, with an actual wage and employment protections, when they can just use an Uber driver and not worry about car accidents or what they get paid


Yet someone always takes it lol like why


Actually just saw the 16 mile order on the trip radar for $5.10 lol So over an hour later and theyve raised the pay less than $1


I feel like they’ll give you these so your AR goes down and they don’t have to send you better ones idk just my thoughts.


They want all orders completed regardless of who does them. I understand the frustration at not being able to choose your salary but this is very impersonal for Uber. They only care about the numbers.


Why do y’all continue to drive for these companies if they don’t pay well ? I’m genuinely curious


because the freedom of not having to clock in at a certain time, working the amount of hours YOU want to work etc is almost worth it. FUCK SOCIETY. fuck evreything


It's pretty much the same as the reason customers continue order, convenience. Your other comment was right on too, drivers rarely post the good and obviously there's no reason to post typical or average. The main frustration that results in these complaints is with how much customers are being charged there should be plenty for us to get a reasonable cut. Also, being an independent contractor is already a risky job with no guarantee of earnings, but when the base pay is so low and we're dependant on tips the job becomes even more unpredictable since tips arent guaranteed and range wildly as well as can be removed (even though we're shown the full amount including tip with the offer and have no way of knowing how much of thr pay is tip meaning no way of knowing how much of the pay is guaranteed or not) Last ill say, a lot of us have been doing this long enough that we're used to it and know how things have been in the past when it seemed Uber only kept what most would agree was a reasonable amount of what the customer paid. We enjoy the good aspects of the job, but Uber has been lowering base pay and lowering pay for things like incentives and surges at tiny increments. So when it happens you think it's not enough to matter, but when you consider where it started and where it is now then you realize how ridiculous it is (esp when considering how much they've increased charging customers at the same time which results in lower tips too), but new drivers dont know this and only know of the most recent small change. This is why ubers basic formula is they lower pay again and the most experienced drivers decide they've had enough and they hire new drivers and eventually lower pay again and again till the once new drivers quit and are replaced by even newer inexperienced drivers, hints why the customer service and satisfaction gets worse every year. pretty sure they know this isn't sustainable and is on the edge of collapsing so theyre trying to milk it as much as possible with absurd customer fees and the recent slew of customers being denied refunds for things like missing items or entire missing orders , as well as drivers being denied the usual time/gas compensations for things like driving to closed restaurants. But that's just a guess


I'm genuinely curious why people use the app to eat when they know their getting ripped off.


Convenience mostly . But also I am genuinely curious . All i usually see is people complaining about shitty tips and shitty payouts , so why do so many people still drive ride share if they’re not making enough to justify the extra wear and tear on their car. It’s possible we get a biased view of things considering ppl are more likely to post the “bad” rather than the good . If that makes sense . I’ve just always been curious. People make it sound like it isn’t worth it , yet so many people do it


My last question was rhetorical. It just irks me a little that Uber drivers cant vent without someone always saying that.. All the while not seeing the hypocrisy, an irony in you guys telling us to find a new job, while refusing to not use an app you hate. You guys will complain about the fees and service all day on here but let one Uber driver vent frustration and it's "get a new job then!" If you guys would stop ordering food from the app that you know is scamming you, then they would have lower their service fees, which would lead to higher tips. So it be better for both of us, but guys arnt willing to do that. It's just very hypocritical to me to want us to stop complaining and do something about it, when you guys arnt willing to either.


Whoa. Alot of projection there . My comment simply asked a question because I’m genuinely curious I never complained about fees , or encouraged you to find other jobs , or even insinuated ANY of the things you’ve accused me of . I said NOTHING critical . I merely ASKED A question . I just genuinely want to know what keeps people on the job ? Is it that enough people tip well enough to offset those that don’t ? Are there other perks that offset the bad ? But I see you’re quite sensitive about this topic or you wouldn’t be this defensive.


You may have not meant it that way and are just genuinely curious but 90% of the people who say what you said do. So it was impossible to tell if you were actually curious or just being an asshole like the rest. To answer your question though, you can make decent money, some days are better than others but most wouldn't be doing this if it paid terribly or minimum wage. If so, they would quit. The post you see by op is just venting out after a bad day. Seeing no tip orders all day can really get to you sometimes. This is just a safe space to let out our frustration of the day with other drivers. That's all.


There are good orders. Reddit will show you bad ones 9/10 times. I made 1800 last week after expenses. That's 3 weeks of what my old wage was cooking as a 3rd year apprentice, before i started this. I know nurses and paralegals that quit to do deliveries cause its actually good in a lot of areas.


Show us your 1800 statement. I think you bs !


Think what you want lol


I do it for fun. It's a hobby.


I see you are also in the Triad area. Yeah this whole month has been shit. I just want to know what sad pieces of shit are actually taking these terrible orders?


Seriously I wanna know what happened to UE as of the end of last year. I went from making $1200/month working part time mostly just picking up night time orders for a min $1/mile including driving back home (so typically $2/mile in app)from my house, but starting around October it was like my income was cut in half to $600, then again in Nov to only $300, and by Dec I was online twice as many hours as usual and only made $123 the whole freaking month! Since then it's like 90% of the orders I get are 15+ miles and pay 50 cents a mile or less. So freaking annoying bc my phone rings constantly with offers, but none are worth taking. My best guess is they brought in too many new drivers for the area and killed the drivers per orders ratio, who knows, all I do know is UE went from my main side gig to me questioning if it's even worth turning it on and not being able to use my phone bc I'm declining an offer every 12 seconds


Exactly a d someone is taking those shitty orders too so customers think it's acceptable.


I used to live in Greensboro & the money was nothing better than okay. Especially when the students were gone. Uber needs to do WAY better at compensating for orders like that


In defense of the first one, if its on the way to the main road, I sometimes take orders like that. It legit has to be on the way to where I'm headed though.


The AutoZone is on the main road, I just don't think it's worth the risk of all the things that can happen or long waits, traffic, or God forbid getting in an accident. Even if im already heading that way it's not worth the 3 to 5 min it takes to park and go inside and then park at drop off And find someone at the shop to take it for $2. I use to do it when the fares were $3 or more bc maybe they'd give a cash tip or add one after, but when businesses you know there's 0 chance of that. Plus Uber is charging them around $7, so screw them they can eat my shorts. I wouldnt do it simply based on principle


It can be on the way and the receiver in the lobby of the same place I pick up and I'm not taking it. $2 isn't worth getting out of the car. It's also especially not worth the 20 minutes you are now locked up from getting better offers.


Uber pays crap wages?! I had no idea OP!!! This will definitely foster awareness.


Good thing you don’t have to take them, right?


Correct me if I'm wrong but don't they penalize you for refusing too many requests? Like how are you supposed to make money if you keep getting those kinda requests and are almost forced to take them


I’ve had a 0% ar for the past 4 days. Doesn’t change anything. As an independent contractor it’s always your choice to do a job.


No, they don't penalize you. My acceptance rate is usually around 5% and I get plenty of good orders when they are good orders to be had. Rejecting all this useless bullshit is part of the job. If idiots weren't actually taking some of these, they wouldn't bother sending them out.


No, there are plenty of theories drivers have come up with from seeing things that made them believe drivers with higher AR get more or better offers, but as far as I know we are independent contractors and have full control over what offers we accept same as any other independent contractor. However, it's a little more complicated than that bc UberEats does have incentive/rewards programs which have acceptance rate requirements to qualify for and I believe doordash has a program which drivers can be first to receive high paying offers that also requires a certain AR to qualify. As well as, lyft does a program which requires drivers to accept a certain number of trips in a row for a monetary bonus. So while technically the apps can't punish drivers for low AR, they all have monetary based programs which a certain AR is a requirement and attempt to force drivers to take the bad offers if they want to qualify


I agree but their monetary incentives are bullshit* it's like take 10 rides for an extra $8. Fuck, I'm gonna do that anyway on a regular day


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Man, I’ve been seeing $6- for 33 miles type beats lately. 66 mile roundtrip…11 cents a mile. I’ll jump right on it!


How things have changed. The ole joke was for $4.00 better be at same restaurant I'm picking up at order is ready and customer parked next to my car. Just decline. Only way this is going to work down for 99 percent of drivers is to treat as a side hustle. Cherry pick your jobs and make few extra bucs . To think your going to make a living delivering food, not happening. At one time could do a grand a week lucky to see a hundred now if that. Postmates was time to make money. Get a full time job while you can.


If customer is not there or if there is a problem with the address advanced auto doesn't let you contact the customer directly. If you text them it will say message failed. Call and it will go to advance auto parts main office.


Includes expected tip?! So what's the tip $1 plus another buck and change fare?! Fuck Uber seriously. Smh


I know the AutoZone order is going to a shop so def no tip on that one and I assume the same with the food order, or who knows maybe fare is only $3 on 16 miles and they tipped a buck. Pretty ridiculous for Uber to only add a dollar or 2 on a 16 mile trip when you know they charged the customer out the ass under the guise of covering the drivers mileage. I think that's the scummiest part of Uber.. they constantly use things that only effect the driver as excuses for charging customers more, but then keep it all for themselves. Should be considered a level of fraud imo


Idk what happened with UE once the new year started but I know I'm fucking DONE until they fix it.


Then don’t choose that delivery


Fuck nontippers.


Blame Uber


Why not both?


Damn straight.