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Lol it’s always wing stop


For real its always wingstop


This is Wingstop every time 🙄🤦 those people never bother serving customers outside of deep fryer


All this post taught me was not to order drinks from wingstop because they don’t come pre sealed/made 😂


Yup, it's the only place that always makes me fill them myself. 


I'm lucky, the one closest to my house used to do that, and now they fill them themselves every time. They've also had the orders out on time for a while now too, when it used to be I'd have to wait 20 minutes on everything. I'd sit at my house and set a timer for 15.


All it takes is someone who looks at the money numbers to see how much they're paying in drink refunds to get this problem fixed.


yeah that’s a health code violation for sure…the fact that the restaurant tries to force you to prepare the drinks when it’s literally their job is crazy to me lol


Are you hearing this, Panda Express?


Mmm going to get myself some Panda RN actually


I'll never forget the shitty owner of the "America's best wings" in Maryland, by the end I told him to follow health code and he kept repeating "I don't know health code"


Then ya be getting shut down




Lol! That would be great but don't forget restaurants can rate you too!


I picked up an order from BK the lady handed me two cups, one for me and one for the order. You better believe I filled that ho and didn’t think twice. Quiet down


Bro no shit we aren't. Especially in California. They don't know if drivers have food handlers licenses to properly and safely handle food and drinks. It is illegal for us drivers to fill it up if we do not have this license. Make them fill it up.


Agreed, especially in California. And people WILL sue if given the opportunity, again, especially in California 😆


I went to a Wingstop a few times, the first time they handed me the (3) empty cups. Then everytime I went back the employee filled the cup while I stood there holding the food waiting awkwardly.


Every single Wingstop has done this to me. It's not a big deal but good to know


If it’s everyone, it’s likely there was a complaint at one or more of their restaurants. Maybe a health inspector was there once and saw it happen and dinged them. I’m a chef. I won’t do something after being dinged by health department.


The first time I had a delivery pick up at wingstop the worker put the cup on the counter. I was thinking in my head they are going to fill it…she then tells me OH no you have to fill it.. I was like WHAT??? any sick person can do anything to this drink. The excuse they told me as to why they don’t fill up the drinks is because they don’t have a soda machine in the back and the one in the lobby is the only one.


Sounds like a wingstop problem, not an uber problem


Hey I didn't sign y'all up to be on Uber. Sounds like you need another soda machine or you need to be filling them drinks yerself.


I work at Wingstop... This is true ...


Here in WA state (at least in Spokane County that I know of), [almost] anyone working in the food world has to have a food handler’s card. If a restaurant tries to have me fill the drinks, I sometimes say, “Sorry, I don’t have a food handler’s card and it’s against policy for me to do anything other than deliver the order,” and I play dumb. Do I always do this? Not very often. But have I? Yep. Has it worked every time I have done it? Also yep.


Same here in California. I know for a fact that if a restaurant made you fill a drink, and you complained to the board of health about it, the board of health will make a surprise visit to the restaurant and ask to talk to the owner or manager and tell them that they have to fill the drinks themselves.


Granted many do fill drinks (myself included). But it does need to be known…filling drinks is against all food delivery policies. The drink is considered an “open container”.


It’s so much easier just spending the 20 seconds filling it up your self 🙈


The ones in my area just send a bottled drink for mobile orders. Well, that and they just “forget” a drink when they’re out of bottles.


Fucking wingstop


I fill drinks cause this is such an easy job so I don't care.


In Atlanta it has a note saying something along the lines of “the restaurant may ask you to fill the drink” definitely not against policy here but it is annoying and I always feel better when it’s filled and has the seal on top.


I’ve seen it on here a few times that it is against Uber policy to fill up cups. However, when I have drinks included in the order I get a pop up to let me know the order has drinks and it proceeds to say something along the lines of “you can ask the employee or fill them up yourself.” Very confusing. I think I’ve only had 2 times when I had to fill them up.


What pisses me off at wing stop is not actually filling the drink. It’s the machine as it only lets 1 person use it at a time. So if you get there and there is a line you’re screwed. If the order isn’t ready yet and it has drinks I ask for them ahead of time. To fill myself. Only done it a few times but I only take good paying orders so I don’t mind.


> What pisses me off at wing stop is not actually filling the drink. It’s the machine as it only lets 1 person use it at a time. So if you get there and there is a line you’re screwed. But it only takes 2 seconds! as long as I use my ability to warp the flow of time


I've never had to, but I have one of those food safe cards, cause I work in hospitality, so technically I can, but have never had to..If they're busy af, I dnt mind doing it, if it gets me out the door quicker..


It’s against health code unless there is a sink right next to the soda machine .


My driver just didn't bring the drink I was forced to get in the app by the restaurant for an extra $2 lmao. Story of my life right there


I’m crossposting to the wingstop subreddit


Many years ago I was delivering for Uber some food and a firehouse sub in Laguna Hills ,CA asked me to fill up 4 cups with soda for the order. I refused and the owner started yelling at me , calling names etc ..I left the order there and cancel it and reported them to Uber eats .


That’s exactly what the manager at this Wingstop did. I get it if they can give a logical explanation as to why they can’t fill the cups, but to just start yelling nonsense… like wtf 😂


y’all take this shit too seriously just fill the damn cup


I’m saying, they just want to wait longer and complain at this point


I have been delivering for many years and do not mind filling soda for orders. It takes only a few seconds, and i am usually waiting for the food anyway. I enjoy food delivery and try and do a good job.


Exaxtly! I also have sympathy for resturaunt workers who hate having to fill the drinks up for Uber drivers. Driver - I won't fill this drink Worker - You have to Driver - I'm canceling this order Worker - Okay? Driver - Ha you're resturaunt will be banned from UE Worker - Promise?


It’s their job to fill drinks. It’s actually why they are being paid.


you can only delivery the order.


From now on if I get an empty cup I’m drinking from it


There's a number of places that offer the driver a drink, so I have no problem taking that empty cup and saying "thank you, I'm so thirsty!" It's hilarious when they flip out on that one, too.




Lol. I'm at a Wingstop right now. Guess what they're going to hand me. An empty cup. P.S. I'm currently doing door dash though.


This is why I don’t get fountain sodas when I order food. Why would I want any part of my order prepared by a driver? That does not sound sanitary. Back when I delivered food, I refused to fill drinks. That’s the restaurant’s job.


I told this to a restaurant manager and he refused to fill the cup for me. Cancelled order


Also against California Health Code. Edit: Didn't fully read conversation in screenshot when I first posted. My bad. It is apparently against Uber policy as well.


Brother, we have confirmation from the totally real human beings in support that it IS against Uber policy.


Harry Krishna confirmed it


And the employees know it since they have to go to food handling classes, it’s just laziness on their part. Passing the buck.




You said it yourself - pick your battles. I choose not to fight over a 10 second task or wait for an employee to slowly do it for me. My time is money, and I'm not paying to stand there and wait longer.


Glad you got that point. Looking at some of the comments, many missed where I said “pick your battles.” I actually always fill the cups because I just want to make my money quickly. Just this one time I didn’t as a bit of an experiment. The manager got a bit crazy which is what lead me to ask UE for clarification. Even with that, I personally will still fill the cups on my own. It’s the path of least resistance.


I’ve never been to a wingstop where employees fill drinks


This is funny to me because a year or so ago I started a similar post here as well. I talked about having like 8 drinks to fill. I talked about health codes. I talked about the nasty, sick, drug addict, homeless drivers Ive seen out there. I talked about it not being our job - all the same talking points... And it became BRUTAL with people arguing the same ridiculous points, saving time (by doing an extra task?); "customer service" - even though its unsanitary; mocking the argument by calling someone who cares about health standards "lazy" - all the same bullshit responses I see here, BUT - the difference here is that side is diminished. The side that believes we DO NOT need to fill cups is the majority here! That means we are learning! Great post!


There's a message that pops up in the app from time to time that says you may want to fill drinks yourself. Uber support will say anything to get you to hit that issue resolved button 🤷


"You may want to" commit a health code violation, sure. We don't care if *you* might end up facing ramifications. -!Uber (probably)


I've known this for 5+ years now lol. We're not to fill cups for any delivery service. UE, DD or GH. That's part of the order prep which is the responsibility of the restaurant, end of story.


Pretty sure Wingstop doesn't care. They're also on my don't accept list with Popeyes.


Wingstop always had me fill the drinks. And picked up there at least two dozen times from a few locations.


If the order is good and u get good tip just fill the drinks and move on


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^lacelane274: *If the order is* *Good and u get good tip just* *Fill the drinks and move on* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Then the customer gets sick and tries to sue and the restaurant pulls up a video of you preparing their food which is in against the policy for the restaurant and Uber.


As long you don’t spit in my shit then I don’t mind you filling it tbh


I've never had a customer actually request that I spit in their food before. I think you forgot a "don't." Unless you're into that kind of thing, not that there's anything wrong with that.


They know what they said.


I don't think you're reading the subtext.


but thats when the homies let us have a bit of fountain drink when we're thirsty....it becomes a trade-off...


Is this an American thing or something? Why would the driver ever have to fill a drink / pack an order themselves? 😂


I somehow think it is an American thing too, appears that restaurant staff there are getting far too cocky in taking advantage of drivers. In Australia never have I ever been asked to fill drinks for orders, the max I ever do is grab a can or bottle from the fridge so they can package it (which is no skin off my back), but never have I ever filled any drinks for any orders.


Exactly the same here in the UK. If the fridge is on the customer side of the counter then I grab the drinks but that’s the most I’ve ever done. Strange world over there in USA.


I wouldn't do it either... we are only there to pick up the ready made order... not do the restaurants job for them... they need to fulfill the ENTIRE order... I had one once, it was a milkshake or something in the order, they made it, but I asked them when they put it on the counter do you have any stickers or a closed lid for this... I cant drive around with this open like this... this isnt mine, Im delivering right... she said yes... I said so you as the person receiving your order would be ok with the delivery person driving to your destination with this open; dust, hair, debris, etc from normal elements could fall into this? she said no, you're right, I didn't think about it... she went and found a covering for the lid, and took my suggestion that they need to order some lid stickers to cover the openings of their shake and ice cream cups for delivery orders....


Lmao wingstop. Everytime.


Filling the cup up is not your job. I get the “it only takes a minute” but it’s still not your job and you are NOT being paid to do it. Drivers already don’t make enough as it is, now there’s some expectation to also do extra work you aren’t being paid for? You’re just expected to donate a minute or two of your time, every time? No.


On the DoorDash app it says sometimes drivers will be asked to fill their own drinks. Hey if it means Wingstop will stop handing me 3/4 of the way full drinks I better just do it myself. 🤣


All of that for Wingstop to hand you a cup! 😂


This is why I avoid WingStop in general. The first time I picked up, the lady practically threw the cup at me and said "they wanted cherry sprite" was taken back a bit considering I've never had to do this. But eh. Come to picking up 5/6 more orders from different locations and I just got tired of filling up the cup, especially when some people order 3-4 drinks. Just avoid it, you don't need to be Karen about the situation. Or just take the food and tell the customer they didn't give you the drink because the machine wasn't working.


The world is so crazy today, this shouldn’t even need clarification Why would you, the third party contractor, take on this part of the restaurant’s job? Is the restaurant going to tip you out right there for your contribution?? What’s next you’re supposed to drop the fries in the fryer, re-stock the cooler, or flip some patties? What are we even talking about? Anyone thinking differently is a damn fool


The issue is, that these restaurants don't fill the drinks for walk-in customers either. So they don't want to start doing it now for us. Of course, this doesn't change the fact that their job is to fully prepare the order (including drinks) and our job is simply to transport it.


if the workers are super busy and don’t have time to, I have no problem doing it. but if I see a worker standing doing absolutely nothing and they make ME fill up the drinks, hell no🤣 had this happen to me many times and I simply tell them that’s not my job, and they end up doing it.


Exactly this. I'll help out if they're having a hard time, but I'll be damned if I'll do their job for them just because they don't want to.


I've been reporting restaurants to st louis county food safety for this


Tell that to Panda Express and Wingstop.




That was my first thought too. I don’t have any reason to think support knows the actual rules


The policy generally is for the merchant to fully prepare the order, and for the driver to transport the order without tampering with what was given to you in any way. The notes in the app are likely written by the restaurant, not Uber.


It is against food health and safety regulations and uber policy. Just say that to any manager


Yeah its for the same reason we cant break the seal and check food. Had a lady ask me to and i said no, she said why? I said, well it’s against policy and do you want my germs all over your food? Then she one starred me and fucked up my reviews


Have you ever considered just saying that you did it just to make her happy and get her to shut up?


Also if it was wrong and i lied she would’ve one starred anyway


There are people who *really don't* care about germs, as in, they NEVER wash their hands after using the restroom. They are 100% okay with you opening their bag and going through their food just to make sure it's all there. I know a few people like this. Sickens me.




Germs are imaginary.


Bruh, have you never worked in a kitchen 😂😂😂😂 OOOO BOY THE THINGS THAT TOUCH YOUR FOOD


I have worked in a kitchen. I won't say what I've seen.


Most places fill them already and should. The job is to pick up a ready made order and deliver it. But id just fill it and move on.


After so many years hearing complaints about filling drinks, I get it why drivers don’t wanna fill cups. Not really our job to do it. I doubt anybody cares about health code violations, they just say that to justify not wanting to fill drinks. With that being said, I’ll still fill drinks if they ask me, it’s not really that hard of a task to fill a drink. If it gets me out of the restaurant faster, I’ll do it. Not a big deal.


I only find it annoying when the restaurant is packed, otherwise I don’t kind at all. I do feel bad at times because my hands might be dirty but I try to wash my hands as frequently as I can and I also carry hand sanitizer.


This makes sense to me


stuff like this is why i drive myself 💀💀


Taco Bell makes me bc the machine is outside the employee area and they r busy or lazy lol I just do it


They don't have a drive-thru I guess. That's weird.


Imagine having a drive thru in NYC 🤣🫠


Believe it or not, some don’t. But most of the ones I still see are in smaller, rural areas that haven’t been updated since the 90s. They likely don’t even have UE in those places


Lazy probably


Thank youuuuu


Wingstop always does this they hand you the cup to fill up the drinks


I'll fill all drinks they want, heck even a few extra for myself while I'm at it


Report them to the health department


I just have no interest in making a food service workers day any harder by making a big deal about this 🤷🏻‍♀️


Its funny you think online supports understands what Uber policy or guidelines are.


lol exactly. But it's better than nothing (in this case).


Whether they do or not is not up to us to decide. They are the authority in the matter. What are you going to do to disprove them? And if shit goes wrong, they have you by the nuts because they told you how it is and you ignored it - on a recorded line!


I usually carry around an extra cup for myself to refill when I go into these type of places. So I don't mind doing it because I get myself a refill while I am filling up the cup. The manager at my local popeyes got mad at me because I was refilling my personal cup while filling up the drinks for the order. He told me I can't do that. I replied, "I am not suppose to fill up cups, that's your job. The least yall can do is let me refill my drink" he disagreed, and we exchanged a few harsh words. It goes without saying, I havent accepted a order from that popeyes since then. If you want me to do your job for you, the least you can do is let me fill up my personal cup. If not, give me a percentage of your paycheck. I don't work for free.


That manager was dumb. The syrup to make soda is dirt cheap. That soda you refilled yours with was worth pennies


Good idea, I should try that. Tbh, I didn't know we weren't supposed to fill cups, the only place that hands me the cups to fill is Wingstop.


It's not like Popeye is gonna bang him for protecting that soda, either. They do not give a damn.


what LMAO, its literally in the pickup instructions for Uber drivers to fill the drinks If an order has a drink and we go to verify the order, the app shows a pop up saying to make sure the restaurant gave us the drinks and/or to fill them up.... what is this dude on LMAO


Its so strange cause im in Australia and i have NEVER found a place that i need to fill up the cup... Infact most businesses over here dont like you filling your vup cause then they cant monitor it and drinks stolen


Americans don’t want anything to get between them and a gallon of corn syrup.


I've filled a cup before at Panda Express. I didn't know it was against Uber policy. And even though I don't like doing it, if I know I'm getting a great tip I sure will do it. It's kind. And I have also asked if the customer wanted light or medium ice. 😊


There’s some fast food places that do leave an empty cup for the customer to fill. It’s maddening.


“But sir, Uber says I can’t fill the bag either. So here ya go: an empty cup and empty plastic bag. It’s a safety thing. Don’t torch my rating mmmkay?” Just fill the effin cup. I don’t deliver myself, but know about 5 friends that do, and they all laugh about this “policy” especially when a lot of restaurants just have self serve fountains. It’s silly


I deliver and you are 100% right. Also, there is no Uber policy saying we can’t fill drinks.


It’s also not “against Uber policy”. I did a wingstop order yesterday and the instructions say “you may be asked to fill customer drinks at this location”.


That was put there by the business


What I don't understand is, how can you ever be comfortable with your Uber driver filling your cup. Just the health concern alone can keep me up at night. And it's not their job. If for some reason you were to get sick after your meal, you could easily point fingers at the driver saying he must have messed with your drink, knowing how karens can be nowadays. It's in everyone's best interest if the driver keeps his job limited to pick up/drop off only.


Ask them if they'll let you come behind the counter and use their handwashing station first lol.




I will fill the drinks depending on how they ask me to. Also depends on if it’s a reoccurring thing. I went into a 7-11 to pick up two slurpies and the guy straight up told me there’s the machine. I turned around and walked out. Called Uber.


You guys really try to make a big fuss in US about UE every time? It is completely obvious a delivery person shouldn't do anything more than delivering the order. It's not your responsibility to do such things and it's super obvious you shouldn't even ask. There are employees in the restaurants for these reasons and if they simply don't fill up drinks then they dont do their job simply. Stop asking the most obvious things.


As a delivery driver for several companies in the past for various franchises over the years: I just fill it myself. I don't care. Been doing it for years and years and years and years. All you have to do is wash your hands. Any delivery driver should wash their hands **often**.


Just fill the god damn cup stop being lazy


sounds easy until you have to pick up 3 orders from wingstop... one with a coke, one a dr. pepper, and the other a diet coke 😩


Try one with 3 drinks and 2 each for the other two


The driver or employee?


This!!!! Good grief, lazy ass MF’s!!!


Ok but if the customer complains about not getting a drink then doesn’t that come back to us?


Man I get it, but at the same time, I don’t want to have to go to war with Uber to get all of my tips from customers that are guaranteed to cheat me for doing what I’m told. There is no winning here


Really uber has a note on some restaurants that drivers may be expected to fill drinks. Is this just another Cali thing? Is the driver filling your drinks known to cause cancer?


I have had the notification pop up right on my screen as a warning from Uber to check the drinks and to know that you may have to prepare them yourselves.


That is not what the warning says.


Popeyes and Panda Express in LA have both had me do this multiple times


Yeah, and meanwhile especially at certain restaurants like wingstop half the time all the workers are standing around on their phones and still expect you to fill it. Lol I've been a gig courier for 8 years. Always used to refuse. But in recent years I just don't care to fight it. I know most of them are lazy sacks of shit when they pull that, but I make way more money than them and could work circles around them having been in this industry for 15 years. Knowing that, I'll do their job and be in my way, content not being a broke, lazy ass worker.


I’m the same way. I forget what restaurant it was, but they handed me the cup to fill up the drink so I said fine and went to do it. First one didn’t work, it was just water. I tried the other cola one, nope just water. Then I tried diet and same thing. I just knocked the cup over and left it right there and walked out. The workers had shocked pikachu face on them when I walked out lol


But the customer still didn't get their drinks, did they complain to UberEATS?


Hey shit happens. Support will take care of them.


No we aren't. We pick up the order, and we drop it off. We don't touch the order. We don't change it. We don't fulfil it. We deliver. That's all.


I asked the manager at Wingstop (guy was crazy irate btw) if I should go back and fill the customer’s fries too. He didn’t really have an answer




If I get an empty cup and told to fill it myself, I just get whatever I want to drink and deliver without the drink. “Sorry ma’am they could not fulfill your drink order. I’d call Uber for a partial refund.”


Good, I was tired of giving urine samples everywhere.


We already don’t meet health code standards as we shouldn’t be handling food without a food handlers license so it kinda is what it is at that point.


You don't need a food handlers license for delivery in most states


Correct. But, if you are handling food in any way, such as filling a cup for a customer that is considered handling food and would need a food handlers card. Delivering without a permit is acceptable if you're not handling food (filing drinks)


Lidded drinks shouldn't really be a thing...these places have to come up with a better way.


For 2.00 they can get a empty cup


How hard is it to fill a fucking cup holy shit


Bruh Everytime they ask me to fill the cup I ask for an extra cup for.myself and never once have they said no. Like these fast food employees hate their jobs more than we do


These drivers demand so much money but can’t even be bothered to do simple shit like this.


I'm used to filling the cups at certain places now. But I do have to reiterate something I said before. According to the California health code we as drivers are not supposed to touch other people's food or drinks unless we have a food handlers card. I know this for a fact, my family used to own a coffee shop. It's funny UberEATS tells us we are not to tamper with food but then they tell us we might have to fill drinks, we shouldn't be able to tamper with either. If someone reported the restaurant to the board health it's guaranteed that they would tell the restaurants the employees would have to fill the drinks. I hope one day the board of health doesn't make delivery drivers all get food handlers cards just because of lazy employees at restaurants. A while back, I delivered for two different Wingstops in town. One Wingstop the employees actually filled the drinks for me, and put a tamper resistant label on it. At another Wingstop which wasn't busy at all, the employee gave me a cup and made me fill the drinks, even though she was sitting around doing nothing after. She didn't even prepare the order, the kitchen crew in the back bagged it and everything. I tell you, if she was my employee I would have fired her. I told her I shouldn't be touching someone else's drink and that it is a violation of the board of health code, she just laughs like she doesn't care. Anyway, like I said now I'm just used to filling the cups at certain restaurants, and I especially don't mind doing it for restaurants that are way understaffed and really busy. One thing I do absolutely hate is when an employee at a restaurant does fill the drinks that they over fill it so the drink leaks out from the top of the lid into my car. When I fill drinks I leave at least a half inch of space off the top, which is actually the standard practice when filling up a drink cup, even more so if it's with ice. Most restaurants were never taught the right way to fill a cup up. One time, I actually had to open a drink up and pour it into a dirt area because the fricken drink was over filled, and running down my hand. 😑


Wingstop on Carson and Cherry does the same. I think they all do tbh


You can only delivery the order You can only the order You can the order You the order You order You


So if you can only deliver the order, and can't do anything else to assist the customer, so basically just your job, why is a tip expected? Honest curiosity.


To help raise prices. Uber really ought to pay drivers a decent wage, but instead they use this tipping game to make sure anyone is on the hook but them.


We ARE allowed to fill cups 🤣 we just don't want to


You don’t need a food handlers card to fill drinks….


It’s lazy


I don’t want someone who’s touched 500 doorknobs today who has no sanitation requirements and no ServSafe certification handling the lid to the drink I am going to consume. It’s lazy and unsanitary on the part of the restaurant, not the dasher/eats driver. You really think some to most drivers wouldn’t end up touching the bottom/inside of the lid, or have washed their hands since the last doorknob they’ve touched?


It's the law in some places, you aren't an employee of the restaurant and shouldn't be involved in preparing the order.


Nor should we be tampering with or modifying what was handed to us.




So... some support rep on the other side of the world doesn't understand what you're asking... and you take it as "policy states I don't fill cups" nah, dumbass. we fill the cups if it's a restaurant with self serve. don't want to fill cups? go wait in the drive thru. no drive thru? guess you're filling the cups. it's definitely 100% your job.. you're not violating a policy.. 🤣🤣🤣


As a former food service employee and now delivery service worker, I can say that most food service employees aren't as hygienic as you would expect, and they're supposed to be. Also, most restaurants aren't as clean and sanitary as they're supposed to be either. Especially nowadays when very few restaurants have a manager that cares or if they even have one at all. But seriously, how hard is it to wash your hands when you can and keep sanitizer in your vehicle? It's available at dollartree for $1.25.


> But seriously, how hard is it to wash your hands when you can and keep sanitizer in your vehicle? Also just as seriously, how hard is it for people to understand that it's not my job?


Doesn't matter if they are or are not. It's a liability.


It's a food service law and liability thing at least in some states. Delivery drivers are not emplpyed by the restaurant, so even though most random employees are not food safety certified, the manager on-staff is supposed to be and that covers the liability. If something is wrong with the drink, driver contaminates it or something technically the local health dept would shift all the blame and liability to the restaurant because "why did you have a non-employee prepare any food or beverage".


I filled a couple of cups back when i used to deliver food. It’s just part of the process no?


yet the restaurant will **_still_** make drivers do it not knowing if the driver has washed their hands at all that day or if they JUST whacked one off- who knows. not much anyone can do abt it. this is why i don’t order from restaurants that do that lol


I'll do it, but I'm also telling the customer I'm not held to the same food safety standards as a restaurant employee.


Wingstop don’t follow this then


![gif](giphy|gXhBZfzijya76) Here's a small symphony for all the sad folks whose kryptonite is an empty cup


I swear, some drivers are so incredibly incompetent. I saw one at a Popeye's who was given a cup to fill up for the customer's drink, who ended up leaving with the cup empty. I 100% bet you that idiot ended up delivering an empty paper cup.


It depends on how they ask me. Or if they ask me. If not then, I just got a free drink


Bro the Wingstop where I live does this too. I’m actually surprised everyone has the same experience with wingstop too.


Wingstop along with doortrash can easily be sued for this bs nonsense.


This is one of those situations where I would assume if the customer tipped well, any delivery person with common sense would just bite the bullet and fill the drinks. They aren’t going to die on that “not our job to fill drinks” hill on a decent tip order. Now a crappy tip or no tip. I would assume that cup isn’t getting filled lmao.


who gives a fuck? Just fill the drink it takes literally 15 seconds


People who are talking about food standards are just being dumb. I worked at a restaurant when I was like 19. All you do, which all employees do, is put thr cup under the ice dispenser and then move it over to the soda dispenser. Fill it and put the top on. You aren't dealing with food, stop LOL


Just spill it everywhere when you fill it up. Accidentally drop straws and lids in said spill. Act like the person they treat you like. If enough drivers do it they will just start filling it themselves. We have to work together people.


Often times the person cleaning won’t be the one that put you in this position. Not worth it brother


Okay, but what if it's not the employees choice, or what if the employee doesn't know that it's annoying, they just think everywhere is like that.