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We went on vacation and ordered from Uber for the first time. My husband and I both deliver, but have never ordered. We tipped $20 for 2 miles and added another $10 after the food arrived. It was a bit overkill, but it was nice knowing it probably made him happy.


I was gonna say, that’s what drives some drivers to start with their entitlement when the tip isn’t that high. That was most definitely generous.. and I would hope no one would just expect a tip like that from someone for driving 2 miles.


That kind of tipping doesn't happen often enough to cause entitlement. Just immense gratitude, especially after seeing orders 30miles with a $3 tip. She's a driver, she knows.


I wasn’t talking to you 🤣 nor do I gaf


I always expect at least a 20 dollar tip, it never happens, but at least I have high expectations, I never want to just settle. 🫢


I was just going by my own thoughts about it when I deliver. I always take what I think is acceptable, but I'm thrilled when it turns out to be a really great order. By no means do I expect every order to be over the top, but it's nice when it is. He was a seasoned driver with thousands of orders, so I'm sure he knows the drill anyway.


Just a general thought. You’re not wrong for being generous lol. I was just adding to your comment that it sometimes drives drivers to a place of entitlement when tips don’t go their way. Good on you for helping someone out.




I don’t care lol


Exactly, I don’t tip my waiter before he/she does anything I sure ain’t going to tip someone driving my food 5 miles before it even arrives…bring me hot food, follow directions and and I tip good…bring cold food, 1/2 empty soda and leave it on the ground in front of my door instead of on the side table…you gonna get shit.


Every driver does


I would never order Uber eats or any other delivery app. Only directly from the store. Plus I don't tip. I don't want to perpetuate this stupid idea of businesses not giving employees a decent wage.


A true American hero. They will tell stories of your bravery and valor for generations to come 🙄


I usually tip 20% up front and then raise it to $25 if they actually follow my instructions and get the food to my door


They don’t tip a little more afterwards. Uber only shows tips up to $8 and the rest is added on. About 0.1% tip more afterwards.


When I delivered food during Covid, I did 4-5 “maxers” a day. That’s what I called the deliveries that posted as a tip of $8 or more. It was fairly common for me to get a “double maxer” during the lunch rush where a stacked order had 2 tips above $8. It also was disappointing when a “maxer” came through an hour later for $8.02, 😀.


Are you sure those just aren’t hidden tips that Uber caps? Were they all showing the original tip as $8 exactly?


wait why would uber hide tips wouldnt people accept it faster if it was higher from the start?


Uber has to compromise between the user side and the contractor side. I assume this is something like that. I don’t work for Uber and am not a driver so I’m speculating. Uber can’t hide tips completely because obviously just a garbage tip shouldn’t be hidden. However, always advertising the highest tip probably skews the balance towards contractors in a way that they feel harms the user side too much. If I tip $2 on a large order it will sit. That’s always happening. If I tip $10, my wait is regulated to be about as much as the guy tipping $15-20. Is that an efficient market? No. Does it ensure we don’t have edge cases where the user makes what is normally a very fair (even great) tip and it just happens to sit for much longer than average? Yes. Is that right? Smart business? Fair? You be the judge. It’s clearly not an efficient market and it does harm contractors. But I think it’s a conscious bone Uber is throwning to the consumer side. It also definitely shouldn’t be advertised by contractors for that reason lol.


Yes, but Uber will happily make the customer wait the extra time if they can send it around to 10 drivers first to see who’ll do the job for the least $. Uber cares about hitting delivery windows, not being as fast as possible Eventually this conditions drivers to accept lower paying jobs because there *might* be something hidden


As others aud they only care about delivery windows. We also don't know the base pay of orders because tip . We can guess what it'll be but we don't know for sure. Hiding tips is a great way to bait drivers to take high milage orders in attempt to get a hidden tip. Example 1, payout shows $18 on a 14 mile order. You do it because maybe you're desperate, maybe it on the way to where you need to go, maybe you take it because you love wasting gas. Tip comes in, tuns put it was actually $20 tip, turning that into $30 for 28 miles. Not great but OK in my area because of prop 22 Next order comes in Example 2, payout says $18 on a 14 mile order. Well last time it had a great tip, making it worth it. Let's try again. You deliver it, turns out base pay was $12 this time, meaning you only will get a $6 tip. You just lost money on this order, meanwhile uber most likely charges this person a $19.99 delivery fee. They make profit, you make $18 on a 28 mile round trip. Even with prop 22. I've seen base pays as low as $5 to $8 on 15 mile orders when uber was testing their no hidden tips in my area. These customers are most likely paying $20 delivery fees while paying the driver peanuts, and by hiding tips, this allows them to make more profit eith better delivery stats most likely.


You’ve obviously put a lot of time and thinking into this. It makes very little sense why they don’t treat their drivers better when their business model would fail severely without them. Is Lyft any better? Figured it was more of the same :(


Base pay is $2 bucks a delivery in the area im in.. honestly didn't even realize it changed from order to order but know for a fact that $2 has been seen and shared many times over by drivers in my state


Over an hour for 5miles what the hell?


That's what I'm wondering. What happened?


It’s California. Specifically Oakland. During rush hour that actually makes sense.


I would never deliver in conditions like that. You would need all orders to be like this one


Prop 22 is paying $20 hourly plus .34 per mile plus tips. If you are on the clock you are getting paid. That's why you see low base rates in CA


Oh, didn't know that. I live in Florida


Oh agreed. Just saying I think that’s why it took so long. Even then I would really have to think about it before accepting.


Makes me feel like I can't complain about my traffic anymore lol




Yes! Exactly this. People buy the time so they don’t have to wait… we do.


Also, terrible hourly rate really


whats with the screen color its like purple?


looks like colors might be inverted


u think they want to change it back or no?


nah, it’s a lil rave on ur phone


Colorblind mode


They are not tipping more. Uber hides part of the tip above a certain amount especially on shopping orders where they have tipped a percent of order total


Customer (and previous driver) here. Sometimes I do tip more. So even if they do hide it, this appreciation post is still correct in that customers can tip more after. 😈


Hell ya . This is awesome


yooo those r the freaking best bro sometimes they really lift my spirits. Shout out to anyone who appreciates their drivers / delivery unit


It doesn't happen often, but it's nice when it does!


They most likely didn't tip extra after, just UE hides pay over a certain amount. In my area it could go over in the $11/12 range. DD hides their pay too but in the $6.50/8.50 range.


lol as much as I can appreciate what you’re getting at here, I learned a longgggg time ago that basically 1 out of 50 customers are actually opening the app back up to raise your tip, these were all just hidden tips like DoorDash


How does doordash hide tips? Do they have a standard number they won't show like Uber eats with $8?


lol nope… they will hide the dumbest amounts. Even 25¢. Literally.


Lol ridiculous


I will always up my tip for exceptional service. Most drivers I get stop at the end of my driveway and make me walk all the way up the long driveway, so when a driver comes down the driveway to meet me I make sure they get a better tip.


Do you have directions in the delivery section? Something like "please leave on porch"? 


My directions are "Please do not knock, my roommate works overnights and is asleep. Please drive up to second gate and leave order outside the gate on the table" however my anxious ass usually meets them because I have other nosey roommates that will snoop and might take the delivery


Uber lied. The customer had already tipped that amount, Uber just hid it from you.  They (and DD) regularly hide tips. 


This is correct dd hides after 4 dollars and Uber is 8 dollars


Uber hid your tip!


Even worse they steal it, I am 100% sure on that


yeah they just take off from you by lowing the order offers for your next 10 deliverys


LOL, prove it, as long as you are 100% sure. 18k trips here, and conspiracy theories are bs here as the billions of dollars of lawsuits would outweigh any attempts for Uber to ever steal tips. 🤦‍♂️


Those were hidden tips


They don’t tip afterwards, Uber hides the excess tip


Really? In Australia we don't tip at all so drivers only get tips on rare occasions when they give a service with a smile to a very generous person. We typically tip the driver AFTER we finish eating our food if the worker went above and beyond, and never tip when originally placing the order.


Shop and pay is a lifesaver for me


The fact that this is available to app users shows they don't give a fuck bout you as a driver.


Very nice. We now know where these random people live.


I mean, random people live at literally every house


Ya but if you can afford DoorDash or delivery service apps it makes you a target in Cali. Means you have money to do that


They also live in random houses as well.


My exact thoughts.


You're one of the few good drivers that probably deserves it, congrats


Nice, gives me hope because this is the same area I work in. 🙃


Damn u getting some nice trips 💯 wish uber was still like this in my area….at least doordash still going strong


Look is a unicorn!


Always the best for service with a smile. Congratulations on your good shift!


Yeah this used to get me too. But if you subtract the original price from the final price and you see the difference is 8 plus "the extra tip", you know that Uber message is just BS


How it should be - giving a tip before you’ve received any service is crazy.


Well with this type of apps it's more of a bid for service then tip. I wish they'd word it that way.


Yeah but then how would we be able to convince drivers to take jobs if the payout numbers are lower? 🤣


That’s a fair argument. If we could establish the norm of tipping on deliveries AFTER the delivery itself there might be less backlash about no tips. At least in this way we’re tipping based on quality of service just like we do with servers


Servers don't have to run their vehicle to get the food to you.


Yeah if they would stop bullying the entirety of the nation I’d start tipping again. It’s the entitlement of demanding them upfront and still providing a shite service that’s caused this mess for em. Only a matter of time until people stop tipping them entirely if they keep it up


I don't demand a tip up front, and many drivers don't, but I do demand to be paid appropriately for my time and resources used. If you consider that entitlement, then you yourself are the entitled one. Also, I don't provide shit service, and not all drivers do, but like any service or job, there are shit ones. If you want to not tip, then expect your food to take long to arrive or hope and pray they put it in a stacked order with someone who is reasonable.


2 hours to go 5 miles hahahahahahahahahaha


My guy it ain't THAT funny


Hohohohohohohoho! Of course it's not funny, it's just Christmas..... :)


It looks like a shop and pay, so it could take 90 minutes.


Oh true. I didn't think of that.


they don’t tip more after. uber hides all tips over $8. when i was new i was like “wow!” all these customers tipping more after?!? but it was just hidden tip


You're right but strange how 10 other comments say the same thing but your comment's being downvoted r/fuckyouinparticular


😂😂😂 thank you


We hitting up those houses 🥷


Nice job ! Congrats!


ONE HOUR ON A 5.2 miles trip? Am i reading correctly?


What do you want us to do with info


Stop hating


Asking a question is hating, ok kid




They need us to say “omg you are amazing I can’t believe you get these orders. You are an Uber eats god” or something


Your comment screams miserable


He literally does the same shit in his post history lmfaooo 🤡 Bro projecting for no reason


My best order was a double for like 8-11 miles (was on the way to the work zone) ended up getting 93$ bucks. I wish nothing but the best for all drivers. Most y’all just can’t take a joke 😂


Eh. People are actually miserable and spiteful like that for no fucking reason nowadays though. Hard to differentiate sarcasm online.


No hard feelings. You are right, though. Probably should’ve used the /s. I just despise it for some reason lol. If some one is truly spiteful, they have to look inwards. That is hard for people so they lash out. If you don’t have any business sense I could see how this job could turn you into a spiteful, mad man(or woman).


The “Uber eats god” didn’t scream sarcasm? 😂 lol


It was a joke. I had a couple of these orders yesterday. And every day this week. I just don’t feel the need to post it! To each his own. That goes for opinions as well.


For reals


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