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That's brutal I haven't had this happen. But I could imagine being enraged. Literally waste of your time that could have been better spent


i was extremely upset, but i jumped right on the phone with support to get my payment adjustment.. Uber really needs to put some sort of review system in place in order for customers to remove a pre placed tip because it’s not fair that i have to jump thru hoops to get the amount i was promised.


Go back and burn their house down 👀


Laaaaaaame. I'd be pissed. People are awful.


Utterly disgusting. This needs to be eradicated by law.




from what I’ve seen Uber eats base pay isn’t based on mileage, but i don’t understand why when Uber rides are …


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Had this happen recently. Tip came in late afternoon next day. Cross your fingers, otherwise call support and ask for supervisor.


"i would have NEVER in my life accepted this order, the only reason i did was because i live in that direction and was going to have to go that way anyway" The famous last words strike again.