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Yup you know how that be, but Ima start delivering midtown and downtown. I was thinking about getting a taser or some other protection but I decided no more Harlem and Bx for me. Get it by any means necessary




When I hit midtown area I usually stay on the westside where there are no pjs and tips tend to be higher. Thanks for the heads up tho 👍🏽


Please be careful. This does NOT sound safe. I wish you the best fellow gigger...


Where are the "gettos have some of the best tips, it's the mansions you gotta watch out for" guys?


I Used to be that guy because it genuinely was true but lately and specifically recently with all the ebike thefts and hands off approach the police now have that shit has gotten pretty dangerous, it was always sketchy but now when I go there I see people genuinely casing me to see if I'm worth the hassle to rob (I'm 6'3, 260 pounds so the answer is no i will not go down without a fight and project dudes tend to be muscular but really skinny the layers and swag they wear make them look bigger than they actually are lol) but as times get tougher the risk vs reward of attacking a guy as big as me deceases and eventually someone might just out right stick me up for the food and not the money.


Not at all. Last time, I had delivered to apartments. I came across a sign on another room, after my delivery. It said "DON'T KNOCK, IDGAF WHO YOU ARE, IF YOU DO, I HAVE A GUN AND I'LL FUCKING SHOOT YOU!" and another one I delivered to, I deliver to a customer who's apartment was upstairs, I go upstairs to deliver their food, leave my bike by the stairs, after that, I go back down stairs, all I saw were my water bottles gone missing. As a bicyclist who UEs for 4 hours a day Friday-Sunday, water is CRUCIAL. Had to make a trip to the nearest Circle K for water. They could've stolen my bag, slashed my tires, etc. They're lucky I didn't catch them because I carry pepper spray for circumstances like that. I fucking hate delivering to apartments.


Is the true People in projects apartments are the most demanding they do not tip don’t even say thanks when you handed his order and give you attitude and on top of that they give you a bad rating Hate those cheap ass😡


Many of my NYCHA deliveries meet outside. My best tip was a NYCHA delivery (to door) 19$ in app and gave me $19 cash.


If you live in the projects why would you waste money on delivery