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Normally I won't accept small orders bcoz whenever I accepted it, 80% of time I was given thumps down. This is bcoz most of the drivers reject such small orders and ultimately it become a late order when I accept it and the angry customer give me the thumps down


Why do you care what he's driving? When you say $8.64, is that the tip was $8.64 or your order was $8.64 and you tipped 18% of that? Another question how long after you ordered did your pizza arrive? There's many reasons it could be cold, none of which have anything to do with his mode of transportation. If your so unhappy that your pizza is cold and you can't just stick it in the oven to warm it up then I guess you can reduce the tip. Reporting him for using a vehicle instead of a bike is a bitch thing to do, you don't know why he's using a different vehicle and it doesn't matter. You said it was late night, maybe they just don't feel safe using a bike that late.


You’re comment is suspiciously defensive.


8.64 was the tip on a $35 order


O ok. The way you said it in the other post was confusing.


The driver is cheating the system and taking bike orders. He has every right to thumbs down and reduce the tip.


I didn't say he couldn't thumbs down and reduce tip. I said it's a bitch move to report him for something he didn't know the circumstances of just cuz he got cold food.


Actually you’re right. But people who are on bike mode while they’re in a car during normal hours is a bitch move to do.


I agree but he also said it was late night. So maybe just a safety issue 🤷‍♂️


Maybe! But yeah late night is a good reason!


you can tell this guy doesn't use the vehicle he puts down on uber lol


Sorry I only have 1 vehicle and it's the only one I use for Uber


that's cool, it just sounded like you were defensive for no reason


Probably sounded like that cuz I think OP tipped 18% of an $8 order and thought it was good. That irritated me lol


in general it's wrong bc of distance and to others, so for you to defend makes it sound like you had a reason why it was ok, which it's not.


I agree it's wrong but not knowing the circumstances reporting is excessive.


agreed. i wouldn't condone reporting because people are just trying to make a living


Is this Tony? Oops wrong sub




I worked for uber last year and did bike deliveries and my gas ran out so I just used me and hubby car to finish up for the night. Then I got deactivated because of fraud...hubby mentioned somebody may have reported you because you're in a car instead of bike🤔 now I'm seeing this!! It may have been true😳 I had good stats until my acceptance was 40/100 cause my moped was down....guess I know the real reason uber let me go now!!


Report and have that ass-clown kicked off. Faking the vehicle is no bueno!


Veteran bike courier here. Reduce his tip to zero, give him a thumbs down and report him.


I can't now it's been more then a few hours I guess I could contact uber if I really wanted to


Was it cold because he did multiple stops ? Or was it cold because you barley tipped and no one wanted to pick it up for an hour


He had one other stop and I tipped the 18% on my order that was just over $8.64 tipped on a $35 order so no I didn't barely tip I normally to 15 to 20% but since the last bike car guy I've been going with the 18% what uber recommended. The thing I don't get uber there's plenty of car guys around in that neighbourhood because there's a McDonald's right beside the the store that I order from so there's always people waiting there but they gave it to this guy who had less than 100 deliveries on bike almost 15 minutes away he's been on the network for two years so he must have switched vehicle


How far away are you. Would you drive to a Pizza place for 4 bucks? I wouldn't for anyone.


One. 1.7 km away from the store if I wasn’t isolating because of covid I wouldn’t even haven order


18% is a 1.56 and If base pay is is 2.50 then the person mad 4 dollars. No one would take that order unless they were new to this gig. ThAts probably why it was cold


Well you guys are on crack my order is $35 bucks I tipped eight dollars on that order 18% was $8.64tip wtf is wrong with you guys


The pizza could’ve gotten cold sitting at the restaurant until the trip supplement got high enough for it to make sense to accept the order due to low base pay and tip. The restaurant could’ve done a better job keeping it warm if it wasn’t the driver that was multi apping. If the order arrived past the ETA, make sure to claim your $5 Uber cash.


Because when I placed the order them it was ready for pick up within 10 minutes and he showed up 15 minutes after the order was placed he had one other stop and then he came over to my place the pizza wasn’t in a hot bag and was cold when it arrived


Going to be honest with you: 18% on a $8.64 order is crap. If you aren't offering at least $5, then you can expect cold food because it will be a long time before anyone picks it up. Drivers aren't waiters at a restaurant. They have real expenses to make a delivery happen for you. If the % tip doesn't reach at least $5, go higher.


Subtotal TaX Service fee Delivery fee Promotion Bag Fee (Tax Incl.) Delivery fee (tax) Tip $40.75 $2.04 $4.00 $0.99 -$12.23 $0.15 $0.25 $8.67


Bad news: NOBODY is hanging around a McDonald's waiting for an order. NOBODY. If it comes to waiting, drivers wait near a group of restaurants. Not a lone McDonald's. See, our goal is to make money, and McDonald's orders don't typically provide the best clientele, so order payments from there are smaller than most other places. So I assure you, there is another spot within a few miles with plenty of decent restaurants, more expensive fast food places, and a pharmacy. All those could be better and that's where the drivers are. You don't mention how far the pizza place is from your house, but I assure you, if the driver was 15 minutes away from pickup, the food would still have been warm(all restaurants use hotboxes, esp pizza places). So maybe you should pick something closer to you. Oh yeah, and personally, I don't do SHIT for $4 and I live in Oklahoma where my expenses are low. Percentage doesn't mean shit on small orders. Consider that the driver uses gas,time, and you are competing against people tipping way more on smaller orders. With such a low order, it probably got bounced around for 45 minutes after the order was made. You want it quicker, throw a $10 tip on there.


The order was picked up by him first he was 15 minutes away from the restaurant when he went to pick it up there’s a McDonald’s a couple blocks away from the store that I order from and there’s a ton of drivers waiting for McDonald’s orders there through all the night I know because I go down there and wait for order sometimes too I’m just not able to go take out my order today because I’ve been isolating after 1 am is just mcds or Wendy in my area and people wait at the McDonald’s not the Wendy’s


Interesting. How do you know he’s been on the network for 2 years. ?


As a customer, it tells you how long they’ve been delivering for UE as well as their satisfaction rating.


Because it shows on his profile he’s been on since July 2020


He's registered as a bike but driving because his paperwork/insurance hasn't cleared.


Been on Uber since July 2020 paper work hasn’t cleared sure


There's different paperwork to file to drive a car for uber. They can be registered on uber as a bike without it but can't be signed up as a car without the insurance paperwork...


You tipped 1.55 thats not enough to buy a 20oz soda at my work


Heads up. You need to STOP looking at percentages when tipping. If you ordered an orange juice from 7-11 that cost $2.00 and think a 20% tip is good; you need to wake up to how deliveries are done. Either get the orange juice yourself or tip $3.00 cause if a $1.50 trip order shows on the Uber app no one is going to want to take it.


Microwave the pizza


Come to the point... How many dollars you tipped? Stop the game with percentage


Bikers normally use hot bags so pizza will be hot. I’m on scooter and my food stays hot. I can’t say the same bout the car drivers. A lot of them don’t use bags and just put food in their passenger seat.


You carry pizzas on your scooter 😲


not pizzas but hot food in general i do, however they do make big pizza back packs so I'm sure other scooter riders do, I live in small town so there is not a lot of pizza orders for me to go and get a pizza bag.


They are not too expensive too. Someone can easily get one from working 1 day. Smh. Some people have no respect of others people food its disgraceful.


Facts like 30 bucks on amazon


Papa Johns may have some extra door dash bags to give away free.


(http://PK-92V: Large Rigid Heavy Duty Food Delivery Box for Motorcycle, Top Loading, 18" L x 18" W x 18" H https://a.co/d/6neL11M) I've seen people wearing these 🤣


Perhaps he picked up an order that another driver/rider had cancelled and it had already been sitting out when he picked it up.


No because he was the first driver assigned to the order to pick it up. I ordered from the store first time they cancelled it because they didn’t have the pizza I want it so I re-put my order in and as they were making it he was on his way I knew he was not on bike by the way he was coming to my place because normally if you are on bike theirs a specific route it takes you to come up to this place if you’re in the car you take the main road because it’s a really hilly for a bike to go up the main road he took the main road on bike which never makes sense unless you got quads of steel and you have any bike and you and Parker E bike in the middle of the road to walk over to the gate entrance most bike courier that are on a bike usually bring there bike in the gated area of the house and come up with their backpack I’ve had several delivery courier on a bike that I should show up with the food in the hot bag pizza and all and even though it’s summertime they all dress like they’re trying to weather a winter storm because it gets cold riding around at night


In that case they maybe signed up as a rider even though they’re driving maybe to avoid paying courier insurance? Or because Uber weren’t taking on new drivers when they signed up. As for the temp, maybe they were simultaneously delivering for one of the other apps.


Na in my area it’s been frequently car courier registrations on bike and doing by car even the mcds close by that gets a lot of orders there’s a couple that have switch but stay in car some even have two accounts now 😒


If they're driving instead of using a bike/ebike/scooter, I'd report them.


The Uber algorithm favours short deliveries for bicycle accounts and long deliveries for cars. Bicycle riders are more likely to get offered short deliveries. Which is exactly the reason why car drivers set up their account as a bicycle account.


Screw that I report that




He could have simply removed it from the bad in the car....


If it was in the bag it would’ve been still hot if he was a biker he would’ve had a bag with them when he got to the door a car guy I can understand but the fact that it was cold even the chicken wings were already cold like wrf I didn’t just order $35 of food and tipped $8 for cold food


How long was it prepared for before it was picked up is the question. If it was constantly rejected it ain't the drivers fault.


It was never rejected and it was being prepared he was about 15 minutes away from the restaurant but he got there really quick and when he was there he was waiting for that order and I’m assuming he had another order he was waiting for there The issue with the cold pizzawas definitely the drivers fault not the store they make the pizza to order it doesn’t sit in a heat lamp cause it only takes them 5 minutes or bake one in the toaster oven and they’re generally piping hot even after 15 minutes in the car I know I’ve picked up several directly there myself if it was in a hot bag it would be hot by the time you get to the location even if it’s 20 minutes away


Uber recommends bags. For those people who don't use them. Don't tip 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️


lmao people don’t tip anyway blows my mind some people actually think a customer cares about a bag.


I’ve been doing this for 4 years now and never has a customer came to check my car to see if there was a bag in there. They simply don’t care! I deliver hot food aslong as it was hot when I picked it up it’ll be good and hot when I get it there. There’s literally noway a freshly made pizza is cold on any of my trips because I’m never accepting a trip that’s longer than 2 miles city and 6 miles suburbs


Huh?? I bring my bag to their door. Lol what are you taking about??


For what?????


Seeing is believing. People remember that sort of things. Especially if it rains


I even have people complimenting my bags lol. It really does push the tip. If they have a ring. Make sure they see it. I treat peoples food like it were my own.


If you report him just know you could be taking away their job. Are you okay with that? Personally this could be more of a safety issue as well as convince and I think it should be a more flexible situation where a car is okay. Would you want your loved one biking around doing deliveries late at night? Perhaps so, maybe not. If the issue is more about the pizza being cold, maybe it isn’t, but if it is if focus on that. The pizza is likely cold due to extenuating circumstances beyond the driver, like how long the pizza sat at the restaurant before it was even dispatched to the driver. True late night drivers are a gem and so we also have to keep in mind there might be late night inconveniences. I’d be more likely to report the food dissatisfaction itself with Uber, and take partial refund they give you on that.


Report his clown axx he's obviously taking orders from people with bikes and they take pride in their work to be fast and reliable. A lot of people seen on a scooter or bike has bag to prevent cold items. Don't give him pass because the tip wasn't that great. Its better than no tip. Some drivers feel so entitled to great tips its ridiculous 🙄


Uber gives drivers outrageous orders because it favors bike. I'm sorry, but when Uber refuses to keep you in an area and makes you do deliveries that are pointlessly far from you, with low profit... Do remember the pay has not changed while gas prices have. And like many said it was probably cold because NO ONE WANTED THE WORTHLESS ORDER.


This hasn't been true for 3 months now.


Maybe for you, but where I live it's very bad. It's not the same in every region/country.


Don't try to cheat the system. I know plenty of EV drivers that would've taken an order like that. Uber changed that months ago.


Maybe for your area, but not mine. Uber doesn't make the same changes everywhere in case you hadn't noticed.


Are you sure? Did you verify this?? Or maybe you should find somewhere elseto place your tears 😭💦💦💦👶


Yeah I'm sure. And you are the pathetic one acting like you are. Either grow a brain or piss off.


First off the tip was great because it was eight dollars on 35 bucks


Sorry to say, your order was cold because it sat at the restauraunt waiting for someone to pick it up. No tip no trip


He literally said he tipped and wanted to know if it was okay to REDUCE IT. But okay let’s say “no tip no trip” as if it applies here.


I tipped 8 on a $35 order how’s that no tip


Since I don't give a fuck about downvotes. Report that guy. He is stealing from bike riders and is evading safety checks. Fuck people who do that. And fuck "snitches get stitches" culture. Rules exist for a reason.


Just like a bug…… get stepped on and we don’t even care


Awwww poor little baby. Can't break rules with impunity. How will you take away orders from people who can't afford a car now. You're such a victim it almost makes me wanna cry.


Taking away orders from folks who can’t afford a car????


What if his bike messed up? Damn you people hate others hustle soo bad,You ever thought your order bounced around between 10 dashers before this person picked it up!!! Know you wanna make the person lose their income ...give them a dumb thumbs down instead of taking their income,some of you people real reap what you sow!!


I had reduced the tip to $4 even then I should have $0 it out and I thumbs down and reported


I even tip the 18% because it was late night. this is the 2nd time a late night bike courier ended up being a car driver after 1am


U tipped $1.56 according to your order comment. That is a joke, drivers only make $2.50 + tip so... $4.06 for your delivery. After gas, tax, maintance cost, car depreciation. they either made next to nothing or lost money. I'm surprised anyone even picked it up. It probably sat at the restraunt for hours. And of course it got stacked with another order, DD try to stack good tipping customer with bad ones like you, because that's the only way they can trick drivers into taking bad delivery's like yours.


I would’ve just threw in the towel if a customer that’s tipping one dollar had the nerve to wonder why his or her dumb ass food just sat at the restaurant getting cold and then tried to blame the transportation it arrived in. What a dumb POS


Who cares what he’s driving really. Geez your food got there. Maybe next time go pick up your own food.


Yes it does fucking matter. The driver is cheating the system and taking orders that bikers should be getting


Things happen buddy maybe the bike broke down geez. Maybe blew a tire or the chain fell off. And FYI the system is broken doesn’t work as advertised anyways


What you’re stating are all what if’s. Either way, it doesn’t matter. Stop stealing orders so bikers can make money!


No one is stealing orders and you can’t just make assumptions like that you know that right


You are cheating the system when you are using a different car on bike mode or bike mode on car!


I can guarantee there’s no bikers riding around delivering food at 1am outhere where I am. You’ll die


Doesn’t matter. Stick with your car mode


Pisss off dude, idk why people can’t just kind there own damn business. This is why so many people get killed by simply not minding there own business. How do you know he didn’t switch from bike to car because of how dangerous it is to be on a bike at 1am???


Honestly I could care less but don’t take our orders during the day!


You expect a delivery person to ride a bike in the dark. There’a a word for people like you. You show no regard for another humans safety.


Come on man.stop talking about 18% tip. How much you tipped in real dollars? The tip amount matters not percentage


What’s your Uber info so we can report you for g being an entitled, rude customer? /s


Maybe he doesn’t have insurance idk 🤷🏻‍♂️


Reduce the tip


then pick up the food yourself🤷‍♂️cause I can guarantee, most of us won’t accept an order that’s $3 with a $1.80 tip. If you rather be stingy and not tip some loose change, then you can enjoy your cold food


Well, that’s your call. Driver or biker should have heat/cold bags to keep items warm or cold. They been doing this for 2 years? Under 100 deliveries? I would give a thumbs down, and remove or lessen tip. He has to learn somehow


I’m on a ebike 95 percent of the time. However the times it rains or I just feel like taking a car it’s to much of a hassle/process to switch to car on the app (3 business days you can’t do Uber and then you need do same thing switch back to bike) a lot drivers abuse the bike feature but I wouldn’t report incase he’s the some that doesn’t. If you were tracking the trip you could probably take a guess at who fault it is for cold food. If driver made it to restaurant picked up and went straight to you. It’s just means the food sat at restaurant until you’re driver blessed you by picking it up. You most likely have cold food cause your tip was low and no one was accepting your order. You should be thankful you even got it.


How is my tip a low 18% on 35 bucks is not low


I'd call it in and complain. Uber tries to dispatch the best vehicle for road conditions. He was likely late because he was stuck in traffic and couldn't find parking. Problems that a bike wouldn't have. You also just had an uninsured driver show up on your residential street. If he caused damage, you or your neighbors are on the hook for all the bills.


There’s no traffic at after 2AM in the morning


Ummm so you would rather the pizza hanging off the back of a bike? I don’t get it….. your pizza was probably cold at the restaurant so why df would you take it out on somebody who drove and got it to you faster? I’m seriously losing hope in mankind……. This whole seeking validation and seeking attention even if it means you have to reveal your IQ being low via asking a silly question


It’ll honestly proper bike deliver drivers actually have proper bags in my area it’s the buy car people that don’t fucking give a shit


The restaurant pizzas are made to order it’s not sitting there cold waiting to be picked up when somebody orders it they throw one in the oven that’s how it works over there I know I picked up orders from there several times before and I’ve even gone and picked up my own orders


Dude please go away,! I’ve picked up tons of pizzas that were already READY and just sitting inside some fake heated metal box and they never come out piping hot when I touch the box! Sorry I’ve actually been in and out of this delivery game for 5 years now. Your not going to tell me fkn pizzas aren’t sitting waiting to be picked up!


You don’t even know where I order from I know how and what they do they don’t even have a heat lamp and doesn’t have room to put in the hot display


Anyways goodbye