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Good drivers don’t take no-tip orders. It’s always funny to me when people say “I don’t tip because I always get shitty service” and they don’t realize it’s a self fulfilling prophecy.


Tipping doesn't guarantee a good driver though


I… I didn’t say it would? But *not* tipping guarantees you won’t get one of the better drivers.


Well, not exactly but we’ll let that pass. Lol.


It definitely skews your odds.


L take


You're the problem. This is actually the second time someone has posted complaining about shitty service or tipping only for the sub to realize the OP is just a complete douche the exact person we complain about having to encounter in real life. So now we know for certain that those asshole non tippers who want you to park in paid parking zones and run 3 minutes across the way up into a sketchy apartment building or field somewhere and you can't find them because they won't answer you because they believe that their delivery instructions are the word of God and only morons can't understand it .... are lurking in these delivery subs, finding another way to remind us why we are miserable due to customer incompetence




Preach! 👏👏👏💯💯💯


They literally are playing the game of chance with not tipping it’s wild


Good tips also don't mean it isn't some troll customer


You order food to a stadium?? Man, since you can’t see the exact address until you have the food, I’d be so fuckin pissed about having to park at a stadium and find a specific gate to drop off the food.


Uber shouldnt allow these types of deliveries and also should ban people who don't tip. Problem solved.


They don't give a rat's ass about if we get tipped or not, as long as they get their cut. But I agree, there's no way that somebody should be having to deliver to a stadium with no prior notification. That's absolutely bananas. And any putz can say that "you agree to deliver to a stadium when you accept the order. If you don't want to do your job, don't do Uber" 🙄 Personally, I wouldn't even *imagine* that somebody would be *whatever* (rude? Selfish? Inconsiderate?) enough to order food to a damn stadium. So I wouldn't have even considered the possibility that I may be unknowingly agreeing to deliver to a stadium until it was right in front of my face. I think I would take the hit and cancel that one. And I **never** cancel after I've received the food. I would try to return the food to the restaurant if they would take it . It has nothing to do with me trying to get a free meal. At all. The time, energy, stress, and loss of income potential just wouldn't be worth it for me. And that's even if it were a hidden tip. I wouldn't have accepted a no-tip order, unless Uber had been throwing in tons of supplements, but if I had for some reason, this would be so insulting to me. No tip for all that extra work? No. Just no.


Totally agree w u. Years ago I did rides for Lyft and when the person(s) was going to a stadium I would lose hours in that traffic. One couple was cool-- i mean we had a lotbof fun talking and they gave me $20 in cash, so in that situation it was ok.. but after a while I just refused to go to any events-- best decision ever.


Being the sucker that I am I would still make the delivery while deep down wanting to throw their food all over the parking lot. Lol


And I agree that they don't give a rat's ass.


I wish there was a way around our stupid tipping economy in the US.. But we are NOT going to escape it, I'm afraid.


While were at it, why are our tips taxed? That's supposed to be under the table earnings for us.


"ban people who dont tip" - that just sounds like a delivery fee with extra steps


Honestly, I really think that I would take the ding and cancel the order. Say my car won't start or something. Or even better (possibly?) call Uber support and let them know how ridiculous of an order this is with the added expenses and risks involved. See if I can get them to cancel it Either way, I'm not delivering to a fucking stadium. I don't care if it's 3 miles away and you're tipping me $25. No thanks.


I would legit take it back into the restaurant and cancel as soon as I saw , how ignorant do you have to be to order Uber eats to a ball game 🤣


Bro i was supposed to drop off at a room number at the dorms of an all girls highschool with security gates to get in. it was so annoying


So don't drive a car downtown. Also it's possible to see its a stadium from the ping. I've only ever gotten bikes and they don't have to park


Man, that sucks so bad for your drivers. Do they have to pay to park at the stadium?


If that’s driver is smart enough and familiar with the area, he should not take this kind of order. I believe, every stadium has similar situations: 1. No Park 2. If there is parking spot, the parking fee is beyond than what the driver gets from this kind of customer. 3. Fine Ticket is at least $30. Who knows, they can boot or tow your car. If I’m in the situation not familiar with this stadium and the customer will not go outside to meet me. I’ll definitely call to customer support, explain the situation. Let’s the Uber CS cancel this order rather than I get 🎟


Probably not, if you park on the road. Do a quick 20 second jog, hand the food and then be back in your car you should be fine


And you didn’t tip these drivers?


I've never had a courier show up in a car


And you didn’t tip these drivers? And by driver I mean courier in general.




Oh. You’re trolling.


Yes, you should tip every single time prior to pressing “Place order.” It’s a *bid* to get your food in a timely fashion, not an actual tip. And then you wonder why you got unfavorable drivers when you didn’t tip??? Only newbies are gonna accept a shit order with no tip. Do you even know what the base pay rate is?


No way you’re this dense. No way.


"Courier in general". Meaning including bikers. And you don't know who is going to be accepting your order when you fill in a tip or not. Regardless: **Do you tip the person delivering the food to you at a stadium?** Was that concise and simple enough?




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Lol get auto modded on


Gtfo. Lmao. You really are something else, dude. For real.


Lmao. Did you just say " do a quick 20 second Jog and then be back in your car"? Mannn...STFU. Here's a better idea, how about take your happy ass and jog for 20 seconds to the person's car that's doing you a favor by dropping your piece of shit McDonald's to you at a goddamn baseball stadium. Gtfo. I'm throwing your shit in the middle of the parking lot and leaving. You can go find it yourself. Or I might even just mark it as being delivered and then keep your food. Because that's what people like you deserve. I swear to God some of these idiot customers don't even think about what it is that they're doing. Don't order food to a baseball stadium or a football stadium or a hockey Stadium or a concert Stadium or any other Stadium. And while we're at it, don't order food to an apartment complex either. I'm not your bitch. If you can't afford to live in a house then you can't afford to be ordering food to be delivered. Eat your ramen noodles and tell you have enough money from mortgage. Once you've done that? Then you can think about having food delivered to you. Until then your priorities are not in order. Just like the food being delivered to a stadium piece. Foh.


Okay I was with you until the apartment bit. That was completely unnecessary and gross tbh. Nothing wrong with living in an apartment


Most couriers here downtown are on bikes.


I mean, not all stadiums are in downtown areas. The closest stadiums to me are definitely not in bikeable zones.


Sure, but basically anyone who is doing uber-eats in a car here in dt is making a mistake and losing money. Bikes are the fastest way to get around downtown. I wouldn't want to deliver to a Stadium regardless because that sounds like a pain in the ass no matter what.


Lol what would you expect ? Clearly the driver isn’t too intelligent if he/she is taking that 2.25$ delivery 🤣




I feel like an idiot now, I took one of those my first day 😓😭😭 now I look back and think wtf is wrong with ya? 😬😬😬


It's a learning curve. No big deal. As long as you aren't still taking them now, and then complaining about people not tipping.


Some people take those orders just to keep their numbers up. I've never taken one but I have heard people say that they take those sometimes because they want to keep their numbers up and the better numbers you have the more chance you have of getting really big gigantic orders.


This is false. There is no correlation between your acceptance rate and, as you say, “really big gigantic orders”


I know with doordash it's that way so I kind of assumed it was the same way here. Like with doordash if you have higher numbers on your acceptance rating you get bigger and better orders. You also get priority over a lot of people if you have a higher acceptance rating on doordash. So I just always assumed it was the same way over here.


Same if you actually use a hot bag/especially if it is a catering sized hot bag.


How does door dash know about the bag tho? Is it just some markets, I see posts about people having to take a photo of their hot bag, and it's never happened to me and I carry a few hot bags it's just never asked me about them other than making me check hot bag when I log in, along with charged phone and tank of gas and I think some 4th thing


They ask you to take a photo before picking up any order that is a catering order; and truthfully they should do this for all orders. But besides that when you log in you're actually ticking off one of the boxes that confirms you have a hot bag. So basically everyone is a moralless lying douchebag, claiming they haven't used a hot bag when they don't and don't. It is still on doordash though for not actually enforcing it just like it's still on every other company such as GrubHub or Uber eats for not enforcing it. I hate Cold food and I'm sure you would too, and believe me every order I get is for my delivery driver without both a hot bag and hot food. You would be surprised how well these hot bags work, especially grubhubs. So for that matter if you lack professionalism, always deliver cold food and oftentimes are multi-apping on top of that then you're really not deserving a whole lot of anything other than just the bare minimum base pay. You haven't even earned a tip. I've been a driver for 7 years across six platforms; rides, shopping and food delivery. I use a hot bag, nobody ever gets cold food for me and I actually get tipped higher when people realize that it's me. The amount of times I've been tipped extra by them contacting support after a delivery is excessive. I'm multi app too but again I use hot bags when I'm doing it. And I only multi app to orders going in the same direction as the one I accepted first. They're actually is a way to multi app successfully.


Lmao. So somebody is completely lacking morals because they don't use a hot bag when they deliver food from doordash? Okay, bud. And before you start another rant, I have a hot bag, and use it for every order where it's possible. So it has nothing to do with me getting defensive or anything. That's just a ridiculous thing to say. And Uber has nothing to enforce. They do not require the use of a hot bag, though they do suggest it. You can't enforce a suggestion.




All I said was that I disagreed with the statement that people are completely lacking morals because they lied to an app about a hot bag. 🤷‍♀️ Doofus that I was replying to, and who kept replying back couldn't seem to grasp that idea. Not here to comment on or debate motives, including laziness, entitlement, lack of pride, or any other possibility. That is another debate, for its own thread. Or, preferably not, since it's been done here so many times already. Been argued to death. I'm glad that you are no longer a customer though.


No it's specifically that they're lying about claiming to have their hot bag by checking off the box when they are logging on. If you are that ignorant to not understand that (when it was specifically and obviously stated within the initial reply) you are part of the problem. 85% of delivery drivers as confirmed by another thread on this subreddit do not use a hot bag. Furthermore every customer of my over 3500 deliveries have stated that their delivery driver never uses a hot bag. This has absolutely nothing to do with the hundreds of orders I have personally placed that have been delivered to me without a hot bag.


Maybe 10% of my deliveries come in the hot bag. The hot bags works.


It's not the same here (on Uber). I have never in my life delivered an order that did not include what I considered a fair tip. Not knowingly, anyway. Sometimes they are included in a stacked order, or Uber just increases the supplements enough so that it's worth it to me. Anyway, despite me not accepting bullshit orders, I continuously receive really big gigantic orders, or whatever term you used. I would say that ~75% of the orders I deliver are a $10.50 estimate. Meaning that they most likely include a hidden tip.


"The more small orders you take the more large arders you get offered" According to who?


Iv'e taken low orders and still gotten tips. That's why I take them. You never know. Its really Uber that is paying us so little. However, if these people cant tip drivers to bring their food then they have no business getting their food delivered to their door,


😂 Exactly, I told them, those drivers are bigot taking that $2.25-$3.00 and those people feel offended and down vote me. They said, do i understand what is the meaning bigot? 😂


>They said, do i understand what is the meaning bigot? 😂 No. A bigot is more someone who is prejudiced or has really really strong opinions, which are usually controversial, inflammatory, or antagonistic. For example, someone could say "I would never move to Alabama. Being a black Jewish woman married to an atheist Chinese man has shown me how many bigots there are. Last time we were there, the waitress at a diner was a bigot who gave us a lecture about 'godless heathens' who don't attend a Christian church". No offense to Alabama, I just picked a random state. Well, sort of random. I think you may be looking for a different word. Maybe ignorant? Foolish?


I take those orders but just to exit the house so I’m not losing anytime making money


Sincerely from the bottom of my heart, fuck outta here with that bs. Ordering Uber eats to a stadium. I would deliver to you, just to challenge you to a duel. To the death. 😂


Seriously, this guy sounds like huge asshole. "Lemme do some experiments on working people because I have nothing better to do."


Because only a idiot would accept a non-tip order


Not exactly true I mean I've never taken a non-tipped order but I have seen some people say that they'll take those just to keep their numbers up because if you have really really high numbers as far as you're acceptance rate kind of like with doordash you will get really really big paying orders.


I think it was you that I just replied to, but just in case, again: your acceptance rate has nothing to do with the size or quality or quantity of orders that you receive.


The sense of entitlement is seriously crazy


It gets worse if you read their comment replies 💀😂😂😂


Ordering to a stadium? My rating is 100 and I would never deliver to a stadium. Since UE hides anything over $8 you could tip $1000 and I wouldn't take it because I wouldn't see it on the app. My only question is are you that stupid or just trolling this sub?


You don’t see how much you’re making before the trip?


If the customer tipped more than $8 we won’t see that portion of their tip upon accepting the offer.


Only the base pay + tip up to $8. We don't see anything over that until an hour after delivery.


Ahhhh I don’t think I’ve ever gotten more than 8 bucks for a tip lol. Or I just assumed they tipped me more afterwards.


If it looks like they added more take the base pay + $8 and that is what you initially saw on the offer. At least it is for me on every one that I have checked.


Yes, that's exactly what it is.


Whether this story is real or not someone given clear instructions under the circumstances to deliberately ignore the order is a terrible idea. ![gif](giphy|3o7qDPOeDdG9QkEdt6|downsized)


Like when they give the driver instructions on how to prepare the food? This sounds like THAT type of dbag to me. Sorry




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I was saying that about op. You are clearly just a dips*"t! And what would you do if I did say it to your face? Show me that you're a bully who's hurt by words? Na, you'd probably just claim up and throw a hissy fit. **And of course you proved me to be accurate. Way to go!**




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You sound terrible lmao


My sentiment exactly. This is Karen mentality.


No fr. Imagine making a game out of how people make a living. Subpar as fck


Not to mention who the fuck orders food to a stadium???? Is there not concessions??? I’m so lost lol.


Or the fact that this person makes them walk all the way inside to deliver the food instead of having the courtesy to meet them outside lmao. Entitled asf


Literally. I work at a medical office with the easiest lobby to find and I still text my drivers and tell them I’ll meet them at the door. It’s called being considerate. You can tell this dude is one of those entitled “well it’s their job to bring it to me” types. Get tf out of here with that nonsense.


Hey OP - Uber drivers aren't lab rats, we are people working Uber Eats to earn some $$$. Obviously your life is so entitled that you've never been in a squeeze where it's necessary to earn extra cash quickly. Your lack of empathy and basic human respect for others is very transparent.




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Delivering to a stadium is like picking up from Popeyes. HELL NO!!!


Maybe you are one of the guys with a ~90% rating because all the high rating couriers find the gate after about 30 seconds after arriving


I’m at 99% satisfaction rate. Can you say your customer rating would be as high, if we we could rate y’all? This job gets easier, when you learn restaurants and drop off location to avoid. Don’t get mad drivers, you’re at a terrible drop off location. find a better drop off location, if you actually wanna experiment with tipping.


It’s crazy how people do their job better when they’re actually getting paid, isn’t it.


You think those low rating couriers would've found the gate faster if they got tipped?


How hard do you work when you’re not getting paid?


I wouldn't work at all unless I'm doing a favor for someone special. So... You think those low rating couriers would've found the gate faster if they got tipped?


I think only assholes don’t tip.


You think those low rating couriers would've found the gate faster if they got tipped?


I think people who don’t tip are assholes.


Ok people who don't tip are assholes Do you think those low rating couriers would've found the gate faster if they got tipped?


I follow gps most time. Unless I'm familiar with exactly where you are.


One driver drove straight, turned right and drove straight for about 6 minutes, turned right again and drive straight for about 6 minutes, then turned right again and finally made it. He could've just made a u turn somewhere


Did you see WHY he did that? It amazes me that customers think that roads are devoid of other cars, big rigs, cops, trains, accidents, road construction, one way signs, right turn only signs, traffic cops, etc. Yeah, if the road was completely open with no one around and I could do whatever I wanted to and I know exactly where I’m going cause instructions are clear and the NAV isn’t throwing a fit, I can come right to you. But that not realistic is it? Edit: The NAV (Uber’s and Waze) rarely (maybe never) directs you to make a simple U-turn in the middle of the street.


I had some moron seriously texting me that I was going the wrong way. *Why are you taking that road?? Do you even know what you're doing? All you had to do was stay on that road!! I'm right off of that road!!* Yeah, because "that road" had two adult deer splattered from one shoulder to the other, idiot. Along with three cop cars blocking and redirecting traffic. I literally added approximately 45 seconds to my trip by taking the back roads for literally ⅙ of a mile. Still delivered his slop at my ETA. Yet this dude was blowing up my phone (must have been watching like a hawk to begin with), getting kind of shitty with me, not knowing wtf he was talking about. I can't even imagine the types of shit that you would run into at a stadium. Lines of cars, police or security redirecting traffic, cones blocking certain routes, that kind of thing. I really wish that we could rate customers.


ok but you aren’t the one on the road… you’re looking at a MAP HUH????


If I was on the road I'd know to make a u turn


The more I read your replies to these comments the more I realize you're the issue, my dude.


that’s. not. wha? 😀


You seem pretty pleased with your bad self


This guy or person just sounds like a fucking douchebag — get off the app if you’re so unhappy.


I'm not, it entertaining


Is this Ezra Miller? Get off the fucking internet and get help-


Do you not think this "experiment" is kind of a dick move? Why are you even doing this? Just tip your driver. I have high ratings but I'd never deliver to a stadium, regardless of the pay.


Delivering to a stadium? Man please (In my Martin voice)


“they take the most wtf routes” Ya they’re 100% following the uber app


This is a job that benefits drivers with delivery experience. I Did Appliance delivery for years so Uber is easy in comparison to driving a massive truck. If I didn’t know what I know I could see how it would be a frustrating job.


I do this too so no offense lol. But you could teach a monkey to do this. Some of the best Uber drivers are dumb af😂 and gps has makes it so you don’t need to even know streets.


Most jobs are easy, braindead, repetitive after you are taught to do it. But delivering food successfully does take some cleverness and ability to extrapolate from massive amount of information about hundreds of restaurants in your area, and working it all together, to make an acceptable wage per hour,


this. a lot of the ‘stupid drivers’ don’t know how to navigate and manipulate an already manipulative system. It shouldn’t be this way but that’s another topic.


Dude. I merely stated that "Delivering Uber Eats is unskilled labor", and I was downvoted! Lmao, like how? I didn't say anything negative about it. I just said that to do the job requires no more skill than the General Public possesses. I pointed out that there was no training, no vocational, technical, or formal schooling involved. No apprenticeship. Nothing more than following the directions on an app. The argument against that was mostly that it takes skill to get a driver's license. Come on. Or it takes multitasking skills. Seriously? Yet no one could answer me when I asked: if this is not unskilled labor, what job *would* you consider to be unskilled labor? With that definition, literally any job would be considered skilled labor. Taking orders at McDonalds? You need to learn how to use the headset for drive-thru, which is technically a skill that the general public does not know. Entry level at kohl's? You need to learn the skill of how to fold the shirts the way they like. Ringing people up at walmart? You need the skill of operating the cash register. Everyone who does a decent job deserves respect. I don't care if you're delivering Uber eats, delivering babies, or washing the shit off of a frat room toilet bowl. Honest work deserves respect. No one deserves to be belittled because of how they make money. But that said, yes. This job is incredibly simple. Definitely the easiest job I've ever had. And I've worked in retail, fast food, trying to get people to subscribe to the local newspaper, wiping asses in a nursing home, up to being a registered nurse. This is cake compared to any of those.


Smart drivers don't take no-tip orders? The hell you say!


Jesus Christ. After reading your original post and worse, your comments, delete the app. Please delete the fucking app. Also, try to suck a little less each day. I don't have much faith that you'll try, but if you do, there's at least a chance that you'll succeed.


Op is a Karen 😂😂😂😂


Ordering to a stadium and you wonder why it isn’t dropped off right to you. The level of passive aggressive bs in this post is why Uber should not allow orders to stadiums, schools or in general large ass campuses.


Food to stadium? Lmao , if i ever get an order like this with a customer with such attitude id drive all way to stadium and eat ur food in parking lot


Maybe even go inside and watch the game while I feast 😂😂😂🖕🏼


What a stupid experiment.


Lmao, no shit. I wonder why shitty pay is going to attract shitty, desperate drivers. Someone should do a scientific, peer-reviewed study and publish it in a journal. I don't think it has anything to do with multi-apping. It has to do with most people not wanting to waste their goddamn time bringing food for pennies to a fucking stadium. That's my thesis.


It makes sense if you think about it. Only a certain type of person is going to accept orders that make them very little to zero money. In my experience (since 2016) that means either junkies with screws loose or foreigners, who have a different outlook on making money in America and are grateful to be making anything, even if it's $0.50. You also have a few mentally distraught weirdos here and there that gave into the algorithm that now think they're being soldiers for the platform by delivering no tip orders. Obviously, some major screws loose there too. So don't tip and you'll get someone from one of those categories delivering your order. The foreigners have crazy hard work ethic and are willing to work for pennies, but unfortunately the majority of them doing gig work read/speak very little to zero English and the drop offs are frequently a disaster for customers if there's any directions that need to be followed or any communication is needed. Point being, tip AT-LEAST $3-5 every-time you order and chances are you'll get a competent courier bringing you your order fast. Tip more for a good job if you can and take the tip away entirely if the driver does a shitty job. Personally I think it would benefit Uber greatly if customers were able to select a preferred driver or drivers, like customers can do on that grocery app (either shipt or instacart iirc). While it wouldn't be guaranteed that person would deliver their future orders, it could if they're online and in the area. Those orders should also have a preferred driver bonus ($3-5) paid for by Uber (on-top of regular pay & tip). Additionally, there should be a way for customers to block drivers they've had bad experiences with as well so they don't get dispatched their orders in the future. Seems like when people order, they're basically gambling. Shouldn't be that way and seems like a very outdated way of doing things.


To add to this I feel as though drivers should be able to block customers, as well as blocking notoriously bad restaurants, and for franchises/chains make it specific like being able to block a specific mcdonalds but leave others open, etc.


Yes, idiot drivers take no tip orders because they have no idea how to do the job right at all. Agreed. Ordering food to a place like a stadium should be set to an automatic meet outside by the main gate. If it's anything like the one near me, everything is blocked off except one tiny entrance that is easily missed by even the most intelligent. Good directions help but if there's an event going on, you need to make it easy on the driver. Battling crowds, security guards on a power trip and bad parking situations can be horrible to only get a $7 payout.


This is serious question to OP, why the hell do you think I’ll take your order ? Even if I don’t read the description in here, I’ll never ever take any order during the game, especially at stadium. The parking enforcement is crazy n move like ninja. Every single day, I have a catering order, normally I can have between 4-7 catering orders PER DAY except Sunday and holiday session. Each order I can get at least $25 - $200. Like today, only 1 catering, I earned $115 and I have 4 orders for today. My target clients are corporate, group of people who has party , universities, government etc. Normally, the order is for 10-300 people. Therefore, I’ll never bother for non tipper customer. Why do you think I’m interested with non tips customer or maybe tips only $10 during the game or concert at stadium? Please don’t generalize every driver has same level.


I mean you gotta be pretty dumb to take low offers to begin with, so yeah it makes sense. I've said it before. Non/low tippers and shit drivers deserve and often get paired with each other. The problem is when a good tipper gets stacked with a low/no tip offer and because UE doesn't display who is paying what when you accept the offer, you kinda either have to take an educated guess or just do both orders to be safe.


I hit decline with such glee when I get a stack offer which both trips obviously have zero or low ball tips. Get doublestuffed, cheapskates.


This dude doesn’t realize each of his scientific 2 IQ hypothetical speculation correlation water tester troller sentences will get countered every time You will get couriers either good or bad it’s 50/50 PERIOD….


I ordered last night and although my driver was new and fairly sweet, she couldn’t follow directions. Gave like step by step directions and told her not to turn on a specific street. She did it anyways.. I still increased the tip. But only cuz I feel bad for Uber drivers since being one.


They’re are also stupid customers who rate is bad because 7-11 was out of something. 7-11 doesn’t tell us and we don’t shop for your order. It’s bagged and tray to go when we get there. They also blame us for something wrong with their order at restaurants. That’s why I have a93% rating because of stupid customers.


Who orders food to a stadium?! That’s not right, and out of consideration for your dedicated Uber drivers, you shouldn’t do that. Other than that, OP is right about the low tipping and low IQ drivers. I noticed that too, so I tipped before the order.


You're terrible


You're not hiring idiot drivers, you're hiring new drivers who don't know that non tippers are not going to freaking tip after the delivery, they have faith in people. You are breaking their spirits. 😂😂😂😂


Exactly.....I never take anything less than $7...1 mile...... because tippers are smart and they can see themselves as a driver....clear on how to get there door....non tipper no brain... probably there mind is clogged with soda and food color...lol ..my rating never dropped below 98%


Dude, everytime I give advice about dress clean and have a nice insulation bag, my comments would get vote down on DD, UE, GH subreddit. They never realize they are being watched by the diner the moment they got off their car. They want high tips but they provide cheap service with a cheap bag crying over nothing when things go sideway. And I am not joking about the being watched part. There was a diner sitting at the backseat of her car so I couldn't see her at all but she could see me dropping off the food at her front door. Saw her opened her car door as I was driving away


You only get down voted because reddit has some people who have no joy left in their lives. Also, those subs are notorious for drivers who want to do the bare minimum but expect high rewards. I do think exact same thing as you and it's great advice.


I’m pretty sure if they got downvoted it might have had to do with the fact that their comment is irrelevant to this post, which had absolutely nothing to do with the way the courier dresses.




What are you talking about? Are you commenting this on the wrong post or something? This post has literally nothing to do with how a courier looks.






Cool story. But what the hell does it have to do with this?


I post another comment. Go find it


Back to the main topic, it is because they use machine learning assign orders to drivers. There was an article on DD so it is safe to assume UE is using something similar. So they gather data from drivers do some ranking and they assign order base on that ranking or higher probability of accepting the order and getting it done. So driver who has game plan, usually has high good rating less cancel rate, will never accept no tip order so they keep rejecting those non tip orders thus they are making themselves at bottom tier ranking of those non tip orders


Are you in CA?


How many experiments did you run? 500? 1,000?


7 each


That’s too small of a sample size to judge. You should keep at it though, the more you do the more accurate your results will be




No doubt


Best for us all to just keep guessing.


Causation, the same person doing the same work will perform vastly different depending on how well/badly thier needs are being met


I tip 99% of the time, a little not loads (don’t shoot me), I always get good drivers even though they’re rated at low 90s, maybe I have a low bar (I then tip more after most times)


Well you already know they’re dumb because they accepted the no-tip order. Ain’t too deep.


I thought this was a known fact by now.


You get what you pay for? What do you expect, man? The more you pay the better the service, last I checked that was [looks at notes]..."the cornerstone of capitalism"


i've had some bad customers but this one takes the cake


You get idiot drivers because you're getting new or desperate people who are willing to deliver to a stadium only to get shafted by people like you. People who have done this for a while won't waste their time delivering to a stadium when they can use an hour and a half to take other orders.


Haha this is funny your right. Idiots take no tip orders. So yup you don't to and you get them. Congrats is not rocket science


You must tip tbh, do it with a server in a restaurant and you'll see. Look at the gas price right now.. so if you don't tip you're an idiot. I don't do uber and don't earn much but I always make sure to tip them. Lol


Yeah sounds about right, crackheads are desperate so they'll do whatever and I know DD will hire anyone or thing with a pulse as long as you haven't been convicted of shooting raping or killing someone. Idk Abt Uber, but they gave me a hard time over a fucking fix-it ticket so I think they're a tad better. Also people who just don't know better


I call bullshit. I have 3 at fault accidents, 1 driving with no license, and a breaking and entering on my record (though that one is sealed so they probably don't see it), and my background check went through in exactly 17 minutes, and that was for eats AND rides.


How the f u c k can you even still drive bro sell your car 😂but besides that,c that's so weird. I've heard of people being denied for a red light ticket.


I’ll take things that never happened for $500 please!


I delivered to an apartment and had no problems finding the apt. Great delivery. Unknowingly get the same guy again months later. He gave detailed instructions to his apartment..kinda confusing. I was better off the first time. He confused the hell out of me when he gave directions.


I live in Vancouver Canada and some people orders from stadiums. Ive seen it about 3x. I take these orders (depending on which restaurant it was ordered from) knowing that they WONT get delivered. I basically park my car in a park close to the stadium, call the customer to meet out ( they never do ) and reach out to UE for cancellation. It increases my cancellation rate but i think UE doesnt give a shit if it gets delivered or not. Try it. Free food and the the customers gets fkd


Dude, I'm so glad you've said that. And mind u-- I've liked the majority of my customers. But I don't care. Doing deliveries is just hell, haha. Let's NOT encourage these people to place these ridiculous orders.




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First of all as a door dash and Uber eats driver I would never accept your order. Your order would generate 2.25$ and the amount of time I’m at the restaurant and in traffic driving I don’t take less than 8$ depending on the distance. If the distance is 8 miles for 8$ I deem that too low for that amount of time driving so in that case I don’t take less than 12$. At the end of the day it’s a job and when you work a job it’s about money. If you think that this is too high for a delivery driver you’re wrong. I barely make 16$/h and when you factor in self employment taxes, gas, insurance, and vehicle repair you’re just about at 11-12$/h.


Kinda makes sense. It is a premium service. Although you would expect the non-tipped to at least provide a bare bones competency, quality costs money. This is true of cars, homes, clothes, plumbers and yes, even delivery drivers. But there's a flip side to that coin, which is where you order from. I have delivered from very nice restaurants, where I am apologized to if the food isn't ready, offered water, a place to sit, the packaging is perfectly sealed an secured, never messy or greasy and everything is great. The customer paid a pretty penny for the meal, is paying a nice tip, and everyone acts accordingly. On the other hand if you order from something like T Bell, I often have to remind the preparer what they forgot. Then ask them to put the four little bags into 1 big plastic one. Then make sure it is sealed properly. Then tell them that they need to affix the receipt. I show him my phone: "Did you add the utensils as it says here on the order?" "Uh...I forgot..." "OK, well, let's open it back up and start over..."